I ran the code below that adds a column to an SQL table.
I refreshed Data Sources, but, the new column does not appear.
I refreshed Server Explorer and the new column does not appear.
I tried running the code again and I got:
"Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'CaseNbr' in table 'Patient' is specified more than once."
so the column did actually get added, but, I can't see it.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sqlConnection As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Patient.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
Dim str As String = "ALTER TABLE Patient ADD CaseNbr Varchar(50)"
Dim command As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(str, sqlConnection)
I store files in db in sql server 2008 by filestream. But when a column would be added to table which have filestream, properties of table would be changed. by every things change on table, retrieve files will faced to error. but store process work probably.
and filestream filegroup at following address will be empty. why?
Right click on table --> properties --> storage --> filestream filegroup
We're replicating columns in a table from 7.0 server to SQL2k server. Once we've got the data on SQL2k, we were able to take advantage of DTS that was not available in version 7.0.
I recenlty added a column to the article and changed the DTS accordingly (transformation columns). However, I'm getting this error ever though I added the new column in the DTS.
------- The number of columns in the bcp file does not match what is defined in the DTS package. Regenerate the package.
I've recreated the package with no luck. This is becoming urgent as it's supposed to go into production soon.
Dear All, i dont know the exact reson why, but i'm guessing the reason for each table had a new guid column is because of transactional replication with update subscribers. actually i dont need this. can i change this to transactional replication? or i need to drop the column in each table? please guide me
Arnav Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.
I have a web form that is an interface for a database. The code was working fine until a field needed to be added. So I added the new field, updated the data adapter and data set, and when i enter the data into the field, all of the old fields are getting updated, but the new ones aren't. I am at wits end as to why. Can someone please help!!! I am using VS Studio 2000 ASP.NET and C#. The code is below. The bold items are the new fields.using System;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Web;using System.Web.SessionState;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;namespace TrafficDept{/// <summary>/// Summary description for AddOwner./// </summary>public class AddOwner : System.Web.UI.Page{protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator RequiredFieldValidator3;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection sqlConnection1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox TextBox1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox TextBox2;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter daAddOwner;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOtherOwnerLName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel namePanel;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOtherOwnerMI;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOtherOwnerFName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbSecondOwnerLName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbSecondOwnerMI;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbSecondOwnerFName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button4;protected SiteCubed.EditWorksProfessional tbNote;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel notePanel;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList ddlStatus;protected PeterBlum.PetersDatePackage.DateTextBox tbRegDate;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator RequiredFieldValidator2;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOwner;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator RequiredFieldValidator1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOwnerMI;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOwnerLName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator RequiredFieldValidator4;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbBusinessName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbAddress;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbRegNo;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbPreviousOwner;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbPOwnerAddress;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbPORegNo;protected PeterBlum.PetersDatePackage.DateTextBox tbTransferDate;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList ddlMeans;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button3;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button2;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlSelectCommand1;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlInsertCommand1;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlUpdateCommand1;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlDeleteCommand1;protected TrafficDept.dsAddOwner dsAddOwner1; private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e){// Put user code to initialize the page here}#region Web Form Designer generated codeprivate void Button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){Response.Redirect("AddOthers.aspx");}private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){daAddOwner.Fill(dsAddOwner1);dsAddOwner.OwnershipRow drOwner = dsAddOwner1.Ownership.NewOwnershipRow();drOwner.Plates_ID = int.Parse(Session["PlatesID"].ToString());drOwner.Status = ddlStatus.SelectedItem.Text;drOwner.Current_Legal_Owner = tbOwner.Text;drOwner.Owner_CurrentLegalOwnerMI = tbOwnerMI.Text.ToString();drOwner.Owner_CurrentLegalOwnerLName = tbOwnerLName.Text;drOwner.Owner_CurrentBusinessName = tbBusinessName.Text;if (!tbRegDate.xIsEmpty)drOwner.Date_of_Registration = DateTime.Parse(tbRegDate.Text.ToString());drOwner.Address_of_Current_Owner = tbAddress.Text;drOwner.Reg_No_for_Current_Owner = tbRegNo.Text;drOwner.Previous_Owner = tbPreviousOwner.Text;drOwner.Previous_Owner_Address = tbPOwnerAddress.Text;drOwner.Reg_No_for_Previous_Owner = tbPORegNo.Text;if (!tbTransferDate.xIsEmpty)drOwner.Date_of_Transfer = DateTime.Parse(tbTransferDate.Text.ToString());drOwner.By_Means_of = ddlMeans.SelectedItem.Text;drOwner.Owner_SecondaryLegalOwnerFName = tbSecondOwnerFName.Text;drOwner.Owner_SecondaryLegalOwnerMI = tbSecondOwnerMI.Text;drOwner.Owner_SecondaryLegalOwnerLName = tbSecondOwnerLName.Text;drOwner.Owner_OtherLegalOwnerFName = tbOtherOwnerFName.Text;drOwner.Owner_OtherLegalOwnerMI = tbOtherOwnerMI.Text;drOwner.Owner_OtherLegalOwnerLName = tbOtherOwnerLName.Text;drOwner.Owner_Notes = tbNote.Text;dsAddOwner1.Ownership.Rows.Add(drOwner);daAddOwner.Update(dsAddOwner1);Response.Redirect("AddOthersTP.aspx");}private void Button3_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){//daAddOwner.Fill(dsAddOwner1);//dsAddOwner.OwnershipRow drAddOwner = dsAddOwner1.Ownership.NewOwnershipRow();namePanel.Visible = true; }private void Button4_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){notePanel.Visible = true;}}}
In SQL Server 2000, I have a parent table with a cascade update to a child table. I want to add a record to the child table whenever I add a table to the parent table. Thanks
About 500 images, each about 20KB, are transferred at a time. Here is the problem - when this script is run manually, all the images are inserted completely. When the script is run as part of a job (that has several other steps), the job step completes successfully and all the images are inserted, but every single one is truncated to the first 1024 bytes of the image. What this ends up looking like on the website is a a narrow strip of image instead of a complete image. Here are some other observations:
- When I changed the "Eur_RMISWebInterface_GetProductImagesForWeb" SP to only return 1 product image instead of 500 it still failed - The owner of the job is the same Windows user as the user I have been running the script manually as - I have tried changing the datatype of image_data from image to varbinary(max) but it made no difference
i recorded a script for a change i need to make. actually 15 so far, i am getting ready to bring an access db with no pk or fk and only 1 relation over to ss05
my scripts are used to add the need pk fk to the tables and then move the data from the temptbl to the new one
1 thing i have been noticing is code like below will rename the table dbo.aMgmt.Employee and with that all the remaing lines of the script will fail.
DROP TABLE aMgmt.Employee GO EXECUTE sp_rename N'dbo.Tmp_Employee', N'aMgmt.Employee', 'OBJECT' GO
We are new to replication and are testing it in our development environment. We have a peer-to-peer transactional publication on our three servers. The single table in the original publication replicated fine to the two subscribing servers. We next added a new table (article) to the publication. Adding it to the original publication worked fine but the table did not replicate to the other servers. (We previously had changed the schema of the original table and the schema changes replicated properly.) We attempted to recreate the snapsnot using the "View Snapshot Agent Status" option. Clicking the Start button resulted in the display of this message: "[0%] A snapshot was not generated because no subscriptions needed initialization."
This seems odd because a new table was added to the publication and Microsoft help states that the snapshot must be rebuilt. I have read other topics that refer to a @immediate_sync property that must be set to zero. I'm not sure if this is our problem or even how to set this value. Meanwhile, the other servers, as viewed through the Replication Monitor, are complaining that their snapshots do not match the publication snapshot.
Every night we connect to a remote server using Linked Server and copy details from that database to a loading table, then load it into the 'real' table in our own environment. The remove database we load it from has indexes/primary keys that match the 'real', however the 'loading' table itself does not have any indexes or primary keys, both are SQL Server 2005 machines.
In the loading table we first of all truncate it then do a select insert statement from the remote server, then we then truncate the 'real' table and load iit from the 'loading' table.
The issue is when we attempted to load it into our 'real' table from our loading table there was a duplicate row, and our process failed with a Primary Key violation.
I checked the source with does have the same primary key's in, it did not contain a duplicate row and I checked the loading table and that did contain a duplicate row.
My question this is in what circumstances this could happen ?
I have a situation where a tab limited text file is used to populate a sql server table.
The tab limited text file comes from a third party vendor. There are fixed number of columns we need to export to the sql server table. However the third party may add colums in the text file. Whenenver the text file has an added column (which we dont need to import) the build fails since the flat file connection manager does not create the metadata for it again. The problem goes away where I press the button "Reset Columns" since it builds the metadata then. Since we need to build the tables everyday we cannot automate it using SSIS because the metadata does not change automatically. Is there a way out in SSIS?
For example,I have a table "authors" with a column "author_name",and it has three value "Anne Ringer,Ann Dull,Johnson White".Here I want to create a new table by using a select sentence,its columns come from the values of the column "author_name".
can you tell me how can I complete this with the SQL?
Hi all, I am not over familiar with SQL, I am a VB programmer, simply I need to achieve the following within Enterprise Manager.
I have 2 tables, different designs, different number of rows, I simply need to check whether the contents of a column in the first table is in a column in the second table, just simply a table/column to table/column data check for the same data content.
Easy Peasy for you guys, any help would be appreciated.
I want to use time series algorithm to mine data from my case table and nested table. Case table is Date table, while nested table is the fact table. E.g, I want to predict the monthly sales amount for different region (I have region table related to the fact table), how can I achieve this?
Thanks a lot and I hope it is clear for your help and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
I am confused on key column of case table and key time column of nested table by using Time Series algorithm.
In my case, the case table structure is as below:
Territory key text (the ID is actually dimrisk_key, in this case, I use the name column binding to combine the Territory column of case table Dimrisks),
While the nested table structure is as below:
Cal_month key time (in this case, actually the ID is dimdate_key, again, I used name column bining property to bind the Cal_month to the ID)
So my question is, as the key column of case table has been set to be Territory, as a result, does the model training still cover all the cases (rows) based on the ID of the table?
Also, in the nested table, as the key time column has been set to Cal_month rather than Dimdate_key of the nested table, as a result, would the single series based on the cal_month?
Hope it is clear for your advices and help.
And I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
Hi guys, If I have a temporary table called #CTE With the columns [Account] [Name] [RowID Table Level] [RowID Data Level] and I need to change the column type for the columns: [RowID Table Level] [RowID Data Level] to integer, and set the column [RowID Table Level] as Identity (index) starting from 1, incrementing 1 each time. What will be the right syntax using SQL SERVER 2000?
I am trying to solve the question in the link below: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2093921&SiteID=1
Thanks in advance, Aldo.
I have tried the code below, but getting syntax error...
I have also tried:
ALTER TABLE #CTE MODIFY [RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1), [RowID Data Level] INT;
Hi I’m trying to alter a table and delete a column I get the following error. The object 'DF__Morningst__LastU__19EB91BA' is dependent on column 'LastUpdated'. ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN LastUpdated failed because one or more objects access this column. I tried deleting the concerned constraint. But the next time I get the same error with a different constraint name. I want to find out if I can dynamically check the constraint name and delete it and then drop the column. Can anyone help.IF EXISTS(SELECT 1FROM sysobjects,syscolumnsWHERE sysobjects.id = syscolumns.idAND sysobjects.name = TablenameAND syscolumns.name = column name)BEGIN EXECUTE ('ALTER TABLE tablename DROP CONSTRAINT DF__SecurityM__DsegL__08C105B8')EXECUTE ('ALTER TABLE tablenameDrop column columnname)ENDGO
I am trying to exclude records from a table where the ID column is the same but the Mail code Column is multi-valued.For Example: (the table looks like....)
I got a sales cost and cost amount table for my budget. the sales cost table is getting updated with FOBB items which makes the total incorrect . the FOBB values needs to be moved from the sales cost column to the cost amount column. how can i do it with an SQL script.
I receive this message when I try to run any report. The reportserver and reportservertempdb databases were upgraded using backup/restore from SQL2000 to SQL2005 on a separate server which is running RS2005 . Please help. Thanks
I want a query to join all this tables based on EmployeeID, PeriodID and LeaveTypeID sum of LeaveEntitlement.LeaveEntitlementDaysNumber based on LeaveTypeID AS EntitleAnnaul and AS EntitleSick and sum AssignedLeave.AssignedLeaveDaysNumber based on LeaveTypeID AS AssignedAnnaul and AS AssignedSick and subtract EntitleAnnaul from AssignedAnnual based on LeaveTypeID AS AnnualBalance and subtract EntitleSick from AssignedSick based on LeaveTypeID AS SickBalance
and the table should be shown as below after executing the query
I want to have an other employee table named employee_modified
Empno empname salary commission derived_column1(salary+commission) derived_column2(derived_column1 + xxxx) and so on derive other columns based on the earlier derived columns)
Is that possible to do it.. or am I doing something wrong.
Is there a way we can get Table and Column name in separate column using PIVOT or something?Right now what i have is:
Text QueryPlan Plan_handle Name Value
select id,name,Address from person <showPlznXML... 010101 Table Person select id,name,Address from person <showPlznXML... 010101 column id select id,name,Address from person <showPlznXML... 010101 Table Person