I Am Not Getting Calender In Front Of The Date Textbox.Pls Help!!!

Apr 12, 2007

I created a reoport using wizard.In my quesry i took two date parameters.But when i run my report i get two texboxes StartDate and EndDate.How do i get calender button in front of the text boxes.Below is my query.

SELECT dbo.tblReferralTransferStatus.RefId
FROM dbo.tblReferralTransferStatus INNER JOIN
dbo.tblDownloadTracking ON dbo.tblReferralTransferStatus.VendorId = dbo.tblDownloadTracking.VendorId AND
dbo.tblReferralTransferStatus.DateModified < dbo.tblDownloadTracking.DateModified INNER JOIN
dbo.tblVENDOR ON dbo.tblReferralTransferStatus.VendorId = dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorId
WHERE (dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorName = @vendorname)AND (dbo.tblReferralTransferStatus.DateModified >= CAST(@StartDate AS varchar)) AND (dbo.tblReferralTransferStatus.DateModified < CAST(@EndDate AS varchar))

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How To Enable Range Date In Calender?

Feb 13, 2007


I am using Asp.net Calender in my application and i have two date (i.e StartDate and EndDate). I need to enable dates between these two date in calender.

So the user can choose date with in this set of date.

Can any one give me idea to solve this problem


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Transact SQL :: Convert Today Date To MMDDCCYY To A Decimal And Retain 0 In Front Of Month

Aug 24, 2015

This seems to get the job done...


However, when I try to create it and CONVERT it to a DECIMAL, it then loses the "0"


Is it impossible to convert it to a decimal and retain the leading "0" on the month?

My vendor's spec states..."Business Date Numeric For 8 positions MMDDYYYY"

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Feb 7, 2008

I have successfully created a calender in VS2005 and it is attached to a access database in app_data called db1.mdb, when you click on a date which has an entry, the value is seen under the calender using grid view.
Does any one know what vb code I need to get the calender to highlight dates which has entries?I it impossible as it is now to tell if there is an entry on a date with out clicking on the date.

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Use TextBox Values In WHERE Clause To Perform Date Search?

Mar 17, 2008

 I want to have a FromDateTextBox and a ToDateTextBox where the user can enter in dates (most likely in mm/dd/yy format, although intelligently handing other formats might be a plus).  Then I want to use these dates as the basis for a WHERE clause like:<some sql...> WHERE start_date BETWEEN  'FromDateTextBox.Text' AND 'ToDateTextBox.Text' (Note this WHERE clause will be used as the basis for an SqlDataSource FilterExpression).  1. I believe the date strings need to be in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd' to search SQL server is this correct?2. What's a decent way to convert the strings from the textboxes to the required format?3. How can I avoid an SQL injection attack? 

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Build A Calender

Jun 25, 2002

Whats the quickest way of building a calender split by day,month,year,day name of week. l want populate the table with that information.

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How To Activate Only The Selected Year In The Calender

Apr 25, 2008

I have calenders activated in our reports.So, I want only those date values to be enabled for the year I am selecting . Is there any option for that?????

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Calculating And Storing Alternative Calender/dates

Jul 20, 2007

Hi Engine room.

I want to automatically populate an alternative date column with hijri (Arabic) dates. So I will have two date columns in my datawarehouse table, one is for gregorian dates, the other for the equivalent in Hijri - a bilingual date system if you like. Now I guess I could do it in the SSI ETL tool and use Julian Dates, but the problem is storing the resulting value. - what data type should I use for hijri dates?

The dates can be input by the user in either format, which means the alternate date has to be populated.

Eventually I hope to make a bilingual system, I don't understand the user-defined types or how to define them, but I suspect they could be used in someway to help. Why am I doing this? - well eventually I hope to populate a cube for analysis and deliver a dual-language-dashboard using the new CTP3 stuff.

Any suggestions on how I can make this dual-date system? - with a view to making a bilingual system eventually.


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How To Refer To Report Textbox Values In Another Textbox

May 24, 2007

I want to add up the values in a couple of text boxes in another textbox. How do I refer to the textboxes?

fields!textbox1.value doesn't work..what does?

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Reference Textbox In Other Textbox

Sep 12, 2007

I dont know if i will explain this correctly, but my problem is with reporting service.
I'm supposed to Sum value in one textbox and than that sum use it in sum in other textbox.

Something like this:
I get error msg 'The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox49' contains an aggregate function (or RunningValue or RowNumber functions) in the argument to another aggregate function (or RunningValue). Aggregate functions cannot be nested inside other aggregate functions.'

Something like this wont work either Sum(Fields!abc.Value/ReportItems("textbox56").Value)*100
Error The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox55' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers.

So, pls help if you know how to reference textbox in other in body of report.

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Front End

Apr 17, 2008

Sorry for the lengthy question, but here goes:
I currently have an access database with a FE and BE that resides on each users laptop. Weekly they connect to the network and synch the BE the master on a network drive. There are numerous propblems with this as it has grown quite extensive.

We would like to have this be a server based database with the remote users either having access through the web or something else?

A few of the capabilities of the current database:
1. generate and print reports 2. update project forms. 3. enter time logs 4. enter notes

My question is:
What are my options for a remote FE? I am well versed in VB6 and Access. Would be willing to learn other languages (VB.net, my SQL, etc.) Would I be able to have the same functionality or would I have to have separate software for certain functions?

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Front End

Jan 2, 2008

I have a stored procedure that can take up to 2 hours to run, has anyone any ideas on what front end would be best used to call it

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Front End

Mar 7, 2008

If I don't have any visual studio design tools etc.
Is there any way I can build a simple form that will allow users to view, insert, update and delete single rows from a SQL 2005 database?
Or is there any free downloads that might help. the table is really simple and has only 4 fields


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Best Front End

Sep 4, 2007


I am new to SQL Server. I currently have an Access 2007 database and next year my client would like to migrate to SQL Server. Which Front End is the best...Access, VB.net or some other platform altogether?

M. Wilson

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Question On A Front End

Jun 26, 2001

I'm doing a database for employee info and thier payroll.. im using SQL Serevr 2000 and IIS but i'm not too sure what to use as the frontend, a VB would kinda be overkill because each employee just needs to be able to update his own info and addresses, maybe a XML or some other page that uses windows logins for authentication? any ideas, this is my first project like this on on a college Coop

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Access Front End

Jan 31, 2005

i am almost finished building the front end for an application to manage restaurants. i am developing the front end with access vba, and intend to use sql server as a back end for the service. i just came across a group of people bashing access developers on a different site. i have several restaurants interested in using the service, and believe that the service should be very successfull (i have a very specific customer base that is currently not being targeted). the access component would not be a multiuser application. before i distribute the app i would appreciate any input. am i getting myself into trouble using access vba? should i run scared and switch to a vb.net web service?
thanks in advance for any thoughts.

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SQL Server Front End - VB/MDB/ADP?

Sep 19, 2006

Below is a post by blindman from my other "mentoring" thread (http://www.dbforums.com/showthread.php?t=1608569). I wanted to respond to it but not in that thread:

Yeah, but if he's going to go unbound he might as well develop in .Net rather than Access. You lose half the convenience of MSAccess as a front end if you use unbound forms and controls.

Besides, he's trying to learn SQL Server, not front-end development. Learning both at the same time may be a bit much. I'd suggest he stick with his idea of converting the Access database to SQL Server back-end.

But, you should definitely convert the Access front-end to a Microsoft Access Data Project, rather than a classic mdb file.

Going unbound would increase your application performance, but probably not noticably unless you have scores of uses, and since you are currently using straight MS Access I'd guess you have no more than five or six simultaneous users, right?


To start I have decided that ADO is the way to go even though I don't necessarily need the performance boost for my current situation. Keep in mind I am planning for future and more demanding opportunities, hopefully :) And I'd like to learn the "right" way to do things.

I actually use ADO quite a bit in my current DB app and bound controls as well so it really wasn't a new concept. However using strictly ADO produces alot more work and code. And like blindman says it pretty much takes all the ease of Access away and VB.NET for that matter too. I mean all the wizards are useless. So I have two questions:

1. When going to all ADO you are pretty much recreating what Access already does for you right? Coding in ADO is more work right? I mean you have to setup connections and fill fields and listboxes manually in code right? I don't mind the extra work I just want to make sure if I'm going to be doing all this extra coding that it is the right thing to be doing.

2. MDB vs. ADP - From what little I've read Access Data Projects are made for use with SQL Server. It is even more useful if you don't/can't actually work in SQL Server. But again if I'm using ADO it strips all the usefulness of the ADP's doesn't? I don't need ADP's to create views or sprocs. I can do all of that through the management studio. So does it really matter if I use an ADP or MDB as my front end if that is all it is going to be is a front end?

Lastly I wanted to use VB 2005 as the front end but we utilize a ton of reports. As far as I know Crystal Reports or something like it has to be used with VB 2005. Or does VB 2005 have some built in reporting capabilities? I thought I saw some report designer for VB6. Anyway I decided to stick with Access because I am familiar with its reporting capabilities.

I should note that I have VB 2005 Express and SQL Server Express. Right now my company is not putting any money into a higher version.

Let me know what you all think.

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SQL Server With Front End..

Apr 9, 2006


Can anybody tell us what frount end sould i learn for
better result from sql server.

Can also tell us what is price of sql server developer &
enterprise edition



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Front End Application

Aug 25, 2006


I'd like to get some help on this. I'm new to SQL Server but am keen to learn it. I have SQL Server 2000 SP4 running and wonder what kind of front end application is best suited for SQL Server 2000.

Thank you in advance

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N In Front Of A String

Nov 9, 2007

sometimes a capital N is added in front of a string, for example,
What does it mean?

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Mssql Ide (front Ide)

Oct 23, 2005

Is there any front IDE for MS SQL as there is MySQL Front for MySQL. Iam looking for it so that it is easy to quickly add/edit/delete thedata from the existing table. Please prode the Download URL is there isany.Regards.

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Browser As Front-End

Jan 9, 2006

Hi!I'm trying to build an app. for my parents' office. They have a smalloffice (5 PCs), and they currently work with a very old program that'sbased on DOS. The program doesn't work well under XP, so they still useWin 98. They had their network upgraded about a year ago. They hadMicrosoft SBS 2000 installed, it includes SQL Server. I've written afew DB's in Access before, and now I'm just learning how to use SQL.Before I start work on their app., I have a question:I know it's possible to create an interface that can be put on theirnetwork and accessed via a browser. How is this done exactly?It would be very beneficial for me, because it would mean that the newapp. would be platform independent, so that they can upgrade to XPeasily. It would also save us the cost of licensing front-end software(e.g. Access) for each machine.Any comments would be appreciated.Noam Nelke, Israel.

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Add Digits To The Front

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I have a number like so 778625 and want to make this a more meaningfuldate (UK) so how difficult is it to add two digits in this case 19 tothe front of this number?Many thanksSam*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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SQL - Front Page

Jul 20, 2005

I have created a Database Editor with FrontPage using the Wizzard. I have adatabase in SQL 2000 called Equipment with one table named Equipment.When I bring up the editor, it displays a list of all records with a link tothe edit page. When I click on the link for the first record on the page,The edit page come up correctly. I can edit the page and then submit it.When I click on the link for the second record ( and all the rest of therecords) in the list I get the following message:Database Results ErrorDescription: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Syntax errorconverting the nvarchar value 'BF176' to a column of data type int.Number: -2147217913 (0x80040E07)Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC DriversWhen I click on the link for record BF176, which is about 20 records downthe page, I get the following message:Database Results ErrorDescription: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid columnname 'BF176'.Number: -2147217900 (0x80040E14)Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC DriversI have gone in the SQL database and messed arounf with changing the columntype from nvchar to nchar and changing the length, but can not figure thisout. I cannot tell whether this is a Frontpage problem or a SQL problem.Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!DarrenMCP

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Manipulation In The Front End

Sep 18, 2007


I have a scenario while creating a report where I need to maintain the same number of rows for a column, even if the data grows or shrinks for that column


Each Scenario is grouped by ID

Scenario 1


Row1 X X
Row2 X
Row3 X
Row4 XYZ

Scenario 2


Row1 XA
Row2 XYZ

In both scenario's I need to control from front end

the number of row should remain 4

I am grouping by row field say Type

This field Type varies for each ID group

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Yes, Another SQL Database Front-end Question

Feb 26, 2004

Hello all. Yes, this is another question relating to how to make a front-end to a SQL database using ASP.NET. I performed a search in this forum and did not find the exact answer to my questions (one responder to the other threads about this topic even said this is the incorrect sub-forum for this question, but I found no other appropriate place; considering this sub-forum is for asking beginner questions).

Besides the "quickstart" tutorials linked off this site, can you point me to other web resources (tutorials, walk-throughs, etc) or books that would provide the necessary information to develop a SQL front-end? Specifically I need help creating the Update Record and Delete Record pages.

I was hoping a "rapid development" tool could be used. At my disposal I have Visual Studio .NET 2003, Dreamweaver MX 2004, and FrontPage 2003.

Thank you for your time.

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SQL 7 Security And Access 97 Front End

Jan 26, 2001

I am using Access 97 as a front end to access SQL 7 server on NT 4.0 server.
I've set up security model based on NT authentication only. Users have login right to login to SQL and they have public & dataread & denydatawrite access. They also have SELECT permission on a table object and have no permission to INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE.
When I use Access 97 to access a database, users are still capable of inserting and deleteing records in tables.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks, Michael.

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VB Vs Access As A Front End To SQL, Oracle, Etc

Jan 18, 1999

Maybe because I have worked mainly with VB as a front end to SQL Server so I am biased, but I now need definite reasons (I am on a committee for potential future directions) for using VB as opposed to Access for front ending SQL/Oracle, etc. I would also like to use ADO as oppose to DAO. Right now we are using Access with DAO.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

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Sp_password From Front-end Application

Sep 15, 1998

Hi All,
From front end application, I execute a SQL
`exec sp_password oldpassword,newpassword
and I got error message :
"Error code# 15002 :[Visigenics] [ODBC MS
SQL Server 6 Driver] [MS SQL Server]
The procedure `sp_password` cannot be
executed from within a transaction.".
If I logged in directly to SQL 6.5 without going
thru the front-end application then I could
change password successfully.
Has anyone tried to change password FROM
a front-end application? Our shop uses
Omnis 7.3.6 as front end and SQL 6.5 as back
end. TIA.
David Nguyen

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Access Front End Crawls

Oct 10, 2001


We have just moved a largish Access database (180mb, 78 tables, largest
tables have about 250k records) to SQL 2k. The original app had an Access
back end (now loaded to SQL), and an Access front end (on each client) which is using some
local temporary tables, about 600 queries, and several thousand lines of
code using ADO and DAO). The Front end was relinked to SQL back end. When
testing everything seemed to run OK, but under load (15-20 users) the new
app just crawls. Routines that used to take seconds now take 10s of minutes.
ODBC timeouts or blocks are common.

Any idea why should the SQL back end be so much slower than Access. both the
Access back end and SQL2k are on the same server (Win 2k Adv. with RAID 5,
dual 600mhz Pent III, 512Mb RAM).
I realize that Access is not the best front end but that is what we have to work with.

Any help would be appreciated, as I am ready to swith back to Access.


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Front End Options (access)

Oct 27, 2006

My company uses MS SQL Server for the back end and a Retail specific CRM as the front end. I wish to develop some internal peices of software for our use. I was planning on doing this with access.

my options are:

*Use access as front end and backend
*Use access as front end and SQL server as backend (create new DB)
*Use other front end and SQL Server as backend.

My question is, what are some good front ends that are availble for reletively small demands? How does Visual Studio come into play?

*Also, I would prefer to be able to create a .exe. I dont think access alows that. I would not want users to be able to go in (or even see) the tables and queries. They should only be able to see the one main menu form at the very least.


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Access Front-end - Concurrency

Oct 4, 2006

When I build an MS Access front-end for an SQL Server backend, how does it take care of data integrity and concurrency , if it is only a front-end ?
Is Access smart enough to do the job ?


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How To Identify SP Used By Front End Application

Sep 24, 2012

there is a Crystal Report run from the Front end Application. The DB used here is SQL Server 2008. I need to know the Stored Procedure used by the report that is been run from the front end. . How shall I do it?

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