I Asked This In Sql Express But Hoping To Get A Different Answer Here.

Apr 24, 2007

Here is my goal please let me know if it is possible.

I have installed sql express on clients machines. I don't want them to be able to view the sp's or the functions. I would like to go as far as not allowing them to see the tables. I tried with encrption but this is still breakable by the user using the DAC.

Does CE

Support transactionscope?

What would I use to create tables and sp's for my sdf database? Server Managment Studio or something else?


View 17 Replies


Question Never Asked About SQL ExPress.

Nov 10, 2005


I understand that SQL Express is a free tool and its placed between Access and SQL 2000 / 2005.
I also understand that it supports Database upto 4 GB, which is quiet sufficient for any small or medium sized

My question is a bit confusing... let me explain. We get Access database free by the hosting comany. We just have to
pay extra if we need SQL 2000 or SQL 2005 support, depending on size.

Will we get SQL Express Free support as its a lready free for all. In Access case, we just have to upload .mdb file along
with rest of our code, what is the procedure for uploading SQL EXPRESS data. I believe since its a light weight
tool,all the procedures must be same like Access.

Pl. guide with more details.

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Looking For The Definitive Answer: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition X86 Install Failed

Nov 18, 2005

I installed, uninstalled, deleted, editted my registry etc and I finally goto to this error while trying to install VS2005 (released) on a Windows 2000 PC (that had Beta2 and RC1 installed & uninstalled):

View 12 Replies View Related

Will This Do What I Am Hoping It Will?

Jun 12, 2008

Will this work???

Update [table1]
Set [table1].[field1] = [table2].[field3]
Where [table1].[field1] = [table2].[field2]

I have a temp table [table2] with the corrected value [field3] in it
I need to update every row in [table1] where [field1] matches the incorrect [field2] in [table2]

If not, please point me in the right direction


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Nested Select Statements Not Working The Way I Was Hoping...

Apr 18, 2008

So I have another query I can't seem to function the way I was hoping. I've learned a lot in this past month or so but I've hit another challenge. Anyways what I'm trying to do is when a user/student wants to add a new major I want to show a list of majors that are NOT already in his/her profile. So basically if I had a full list of majors:
Computer Science

and the user already had Mathematics in his/her profile I'd like it to display only:


Below is the layout of the tables, my attempt at the query, and then below that some example data.

Code Snippet

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[Majors] Script Date: 04/17/2008 22:38:06 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Majors](
[MajorID] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[MajorID] ASC


/****** Object: Table [dbo].[MajorDisciplines] Script Date: 04/17/2008 22:38:16 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MajorDisciplines](
[MajorDisciplineID] [int] IDENTITY(0,1) NOT NULL,
[DegreeID] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[MajorID] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[DisciplineName] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Description] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Criteria] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[MajorDisciplineID] ASC

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MajorDisciplines] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_MajorDiscipline_DegreeID] FOREIGN KEY([DegreeID])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Degree] ([DegreeID])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MajorDisciplines] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_MajorDiscipline_DegreeID]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MajorDisciplines] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_MajorDiscipline_MajorID] FOREIGN KEY([MajorID])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Majors] ([MajorID])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MajorDisciplines] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_MajorDiscipline_MajorID]

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[MajorDisciplines] Script Date: 04/17/2008 22:38:16 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MajorDisciplines](
[MajorDisciplineID] [int] IDENTITY(0,1) NOT NULL,
[DegreeID] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[MajorID] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[DisciplineName] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Description] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Criteria] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[MajorDisciplineID] ASC

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MajorDisciplines] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_MajorDiscipline_DegreeID] FOREIGN KEY([DegreeID])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Degree] ([DegreeID])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MajorDisciplines] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_MajorDiscipline_DegreeID]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MajorDisciplines] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_MajorDiscipline_MajorID] FOREIGN KEY([MajorID])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Majors] ([MajorID])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MajorDisciplines] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_MajorDiscipline_MajorID]

FROM Majors majs
WHERE majs.MajorID NOT IN (SELECT majDis.MajorID FROM MajorDisciplines majDis WHERE majDis.MajorDisciplineID NOT IN (SELECT sMajors.MajorDisciplineID FROM Student_Majors sMajors WHERE sMajors.StudentID = 0))
Computer Science

MajorDisciplinesID ... MajorID ...
1 Computer Science
2 Accounting
3 Accounting
4 Mathematics

MajorDisciplineID StudentID
1 0

Oh also for the MajorIDs I don't want it to return duplicates such as the Accounting in MajorDisciplines...which I was hoping my query wouldn't do but it returns absolutely random data...

Hope someone can help!

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Asked A While Back - Think I'll Try Again!

Jul 20, 2005

This pertains to SQL Server 2000Do others have the problems that we have in our company, where we havea field from a table, and need to know all the SQL Server processesthat may change that value? I'm still hoping somebody can tell me of atool, or set of queries or something that will document the fields inthe tables and the processes that affect them, along with the valuesthat it sets. For example:TableA.FieldA:sp_InsertNewRec: sets field to Null when new record createdsp_ChangeStatus: sets field to the value of the parameter passed intr_LogChanges: sets field to be the current datetimeMaybe we're just too sloppy at my company, but it seems to be fairlyobvious need to have some sort of automated process that can providethat documentation. With thousands of fields, hundreds of storedprocedures, triggers, DTS's etc..., documenting this information is aVERY daunting task. Any help at all would be appreciated.Gary

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A Probably Over And Over Again Asked Question Of Syntax - Help Please

Oct 15, 2007

Dear GroupI'd be grateful if you can provide me with a hint for the following:Fields Table ContactContactIDFirstnameLastnameFields Table ContactMethodContactMethodIDContactMethodTxtContactMethodTypeIDLinked by Tables:Fields Table LkTbl_Contact_ContactMethodLkTblIDContactIDContactMethodTypeIDFields Table ContactMethodTypeContactMethodTypeIDContactMethodThe purpose of this construct is that I keep all contactmethods suchas Email, Mobile, Home Work, Web in table ContactMethods. Whether it'se.g. an Email or Mobile is identified through the ContactMethodType.That enables me that a Contact can have 3 Mobile Numbers, 2 Emailaddresses.For the sake of simplicity, lets say I want to return the Contact Nameand Home, Work and Mobile numbers. Not all of them but the firstmatching record of each from the ContactMethod table.I must note that the contents of table ContactMethodType for columnContactmethod looks like this:EmailMobileHomeWorkWebI do:Select Firstname, Lastname, Home, Work, Mobile FROM ContactJOIN LkTbl_Contact_ContactMethod ON(LkTbl_Contact_ContactMethod.ContactID = Contact.ContactID)JOIN ContactMethod ON (ContactMethod.ContactMethodID =LkTbl_Contact_ContactMethodID)JOIN ContactMethodType ON (ContactMethodType.ContactMethodTypeID =ContactMethod.ContactMethodTypeID)The question is, how do I map the result from table ContactmethodTypeto my fields Home, Work and Mobile in the resultset? The Type isidentified in ContactMethodType but I can't figure out how to do thisbest.Your help and suggestions or any other better solution is veryappreciated.Thanks in advance for your help and efforts,Martin

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SQL Server Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Sep 14, 2005

If you have followed a link to this page (i.e. the URL contains "SearchTerms=xxx") please scroll down to see items of interested highlighted

This list of SQL Server Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) was originally compiled in August 2005 based on the most frequently "read" posts on SQL Team. Since then new links have been added as topics become popular - so it might be better referred to as FGA - Frequently Given Answers!

NC=Indicates that the Article has NOT been checked for relevance. As time goes on these are getting fewer and fewer
The latest change is in Red
Recent changes are in Teal

URL to link to this post: 17Nov2005
Followed by either "Keyword1,Keyword2" or "PhraseWord1+PhraseWord2"

The icon allows you to RightClick-CopyShortcut to provide a link to this topic with appropriate keywords - I got bored of having to make them manually! 07Mar2006 Stats

I put this one at the top, in case you don't read any further. To find out if your homework will be answered on this forum you should see if it qualifies:
Requirements for homework questions 07Mar2006
Example of Failure to meet the minimum requirements 07Mar2006
Learning SQL www.sql-tutorial.net 07May2007
www.firstsql.com/tutor.htm 07May2007
www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp 07May2007

Why is my LDF Log File so big / getting bigger / bigger than my MDF 14Oct2005

How to

How to ask a question on SQL Team and get a quick answer - i.e. the information you need to provide 06Nov2006
How to format your question or a reply (in particular see the [code] option 18Sep2007
how to encrypt and decrypt my password 07May2007
Rounding up/down to nearest multiple (e.g. order in dozens, buy at least 30) 28Sep2006
Replace multiple spaces, or other character, with single space 28Sep2006
Generate a Random String 13Sep2006
String comparison 24Jul2006
Article: Images and SQL Server
How to get Images or blobs into SQL table (NC)
Inserting Images as BLOB in SQL server table (NC)
How to use DeBUG window in QUERY Analyzer (NC)
Use a Parameter in the Top clause
Dynamic SQL or How do I SELECT TOP @var records?
Can't insert NULL into table with unique key (NC)
Efficient paging of recordsets with T-SQL
Article: Paging in SQL 2005 07May2007
Execute dynamic SQL that is longer than varchar(8000) 05Oct2005
Convert multiple spaces to single spaces 14Oct2005
Making Upper/Lower Case Sensitive comparison 27Oct2005
Convert to Proper Case (each word starts with capital) 19Feb2006
Deleting a massive number of rows 04Mar2006
Combine values from rows into a column 05Oct2005
FOO 1,2

CSV / Splitting delimited lists
Article: Passing a CSV or Array to a Stored Procedure (NC)
Best split functions
and Concatenating data from rows with same GroupBy column
Triggers to audit changes
trigger to keep tables matching
Set Update/Modified date column using a trigger 02Nov2005
Deactivating a trigger 07Feb2006

SQL Team Articles
Article: Identity and Primary Keys - and Surogate Keys See also
Article: Sending SMTP Mail using a Stored Procedure (NC)
Article: Dynamic ORDER BY (NC)
Article: More Trees & Hierarchies in SQL (NC)
Article: Using SELECT to INSERT records (NC)
Article: Deleting Duplicate Records
Article: Returning a Row Number in a Query (NC)
Article: Calculating Running Totals (NC)

Datatypes / Collation

IsGUID check GUID is valid 01Aug2007
DATALENGTH() and LEN() 21Sep2005
Compare BIT columns and a BitMask column 05Jan2006
Collation conflict in Assignment or WHERE clause 05Feb2006
(See "Developer / Techie stuff" below for some other Collation links)

Datatypes - Dates

Time Only Function: F_TIME_FROM_DATETIME 29Apr2006
Date/Time Info and Script Links (including UNIX time) 16Apr2006
Date formatting (
Format Date/Time (NC)
last date of the month (NC)
Getting the date portion of a datetime value or
Round a date to Year, Quarter, Month, Day, Hour or Minute
How to get date in t-sql (NC)
compare date with current date (NC)
convert varchar to datetime (NC)
Compare dates regardless of time? (NC)
Convert varchar to date (NC)
Time in Analog (NC)
Start of Week Function (NC)
Earlier date than 1/1/1753


Prevent Administrators accessing a database 14Sep2006
SELECT vs SET 26Sep2005
What is a cursor, Why is it bad? 23Sep2006
Cursor or Not (NC)
TSQL/ SP Best Practices (NC)
case-sensitive (NC)
User-Defined string Functions Transact-SQL (NC)
Passing an array into a stored procedure (NC)
Comparing two tables or views easily (NC)
All Tables in All Databases (NC)
Better Phonetic Matching Algorithm (A better Soundex)
Levenshtein Edit Distance Algorithm (A better Soundex)
Fuzzy matching 01Aug2007
Find tables with no PK (NC)
Function: HTMLDecode (NC)
How to protect errorlogs to tables from rollbacks (NC)
Distance of Zip/Postcodes
Great Circle Formula 07May2007
Haversine Formula 07May2007
Accuracy v. Speed 07May2007 See also here, here, here, here and here and here
Upsert - combined Update/Insert Procedure 01Aug2007 and here
Display all columns but only for rows with the most recent date 01Aug2007

Developer / Techie stuff

Changing column names on referencing objects 07May2007
When was DB object last updated 07May2007
How to clear the whole database 07May2007
Move / Script Development Database Changes to Production Database / Ship Application updates 04Nov2006
Script to analyze table space usage 11Oct2006
What version, and Service Pack, of SQL Server am I using? 23May2006
SQL Beautifier 13Apr2006
Performance / System Monitor / PerfMon - preferred values for counters 04Apr2006
SQL Server 2000 Knowledge Base Articles - updated every 3 days 21Jan2006
Concerns about SQL 2000 SP4 08Jan2006
Support stops for SP3a AND installing sp4 on cluster 26May2006

How to read Mssql transaction log file
Compare data in two tables / two databases 31Oct2005
Recommended books 07Oct2005
Good tools for DBAs 06Oct2005
Best SQL Security Method (NC)
Some query optimalisation (NC)
Requirements for Horizontal Partitions
Multiple SQL Server 2000 Instances (NC)
Primary Key v. Unique Index (NC)
HOWTO Run SQL Profiler without sysadmin rights (NC)
upgrade from SQL7 to SQL2000 (NC)
xp_cmdshell execute right (NC)
Monitor object usage over time (NC)
size of user tables in a database (NC)
Changing Column Length (NC)
Add, Sub, Mul, Div With Really! Big Numbers (NC)
So you're a DBA eh?!
Why I'm not a DBA (NC)
Do you S-Q-L or Sequel (NC)
Interview questions (NC)
More Interview questions 11Sep2006
Best steps to becoming a DBA (NC)

Developer / Techie stuff - Collation

Bulk Delete of Records 07May2007 and locking issues 01Aug2007
Deleting lots of Records from a large table 01Aug2007
Synchronising data using staging tables 07May2007
Version Control 07May2007
how to change Collate on the server 20Sep2005
How to change default collate in SQL 20Sep2005
Cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to OP 20Sep2005
different Collation Settings between Databases 20Sep2005

Database Design and Structures

Codes - Common Lookup Tables CLT 04Jun2006
Good table naming convention 09May2006
Naming Store Procedures 09May2006
Recursion / Hierarchy 29Apr2006
Hierarchies (NC)
Normalisation (NC)
NULL opinion? (NC)
Finding evidence of sql injection attack
Security Testing: SQL Injection 09May2006


Using the NOLOCK hint 07Jun2006
how does row locking work (NC)


sp sending mail (NC)
CDOSYS Send Email (NC)


SQL Server 2000 XML (NC)
Adding an XML Root Tag
Handling tricky namespaces in OpenXML

Backup / Restore / Replication / Jobs / Houskeeping

How Backup works
What type of backup should I use? - Full, Differential, Transaction? Should I shrink the log? 22Jan2006
Automating Backups - Scripting v. Maintenance Plan / Wizard 08Mar2006
Backup to Disk, or direct to Tape? 05Dec2006

Disaster Procedure Checklist I think I have a database corruption, how do I mitigate any further damage and get upright again? 07May2007
How I Rescue Data from Corrupted Databases 07May2007
Disaster Recovery Plan 07May2007
Quiesce the SQL Service to enable low-level copy 01Aug2007

RESTORE syntax / example
Restore SQL 2005 to SQL 2000 via Downgrade 07May2007
Restore Full and all TLogs backups based on files in disk folder 07Dec2006
Move database to a new server (with minimal downtime) 16Feb2006
Moving to a new sql server 25Jun2006
Fix Orphaned Users (after a Restore or moving DB to a different server)
Script User Logins after a Restore 01Aug2007
Scripting users & logins from one server to another (e.g. after moving DB to a different server) 25Jul2006
how long will take to restore a 10 gb?
All I have is the .bak file
Restoring .BAK file to a different server?
Unable to restore/attach a MDF file (single file attach / sp_attach_single_file_db)
See also: This and this and this

Shrink Database / Files

Shrinking TEMPDB 19Apr2006
Database Shrinking 09Jan2006
Log Shipping -Shrinking Log and Data files (NC)
MSDB Massive msdbdata.mdf

Housekeeping / Maintenance

Tara Blog Houskeeping Routines 06Oct2006
Index Tuning Wizard 07May2007
User Rights for SQL Service 07May2007
When was SQL Server last restarted? 07May2007
Optimising your indexes with DBCC INDEXDEFRAG 06Oct2006
Detach Move Db & Log File Reattach 17Mar2006
Rebuilding Indexes
Suspect Databases after Power Cut?
Jobs failing (NC)
Reindex All Tables in All Databases (old)
deleting replication (NC)

Export / Import / DTS

Copying/backing up DTS Packages (NC)
Export to Excel (NC)
Generate INSERT statements for N rows of data
Tool to script database records? (i.e. generate INSERT statement script)
How to convert DATE Format from DD/MM/YY to MM/DD/YY in DTS (NC)
Importing an Excel File with DTS (NC)
Is DTS Secure for credit card backup to Access? (NC)
Winzip in scheduled DTS Package (NC)
Article: Using BULK INSERT to Load a Text File (NC)

Output / Reporting / Formatting

Pivot table (NC)
Article: Dynamic Cross-Tabs/Pivot Tables (NC)
which led to:
More Dynamic CrossTabs using T-SQL 04Aug2006 (Jeffs Blog)

Error Messages

SQL Server does not exist or access denied (NC)


Linked Server Newbie Question (NC)

Configuration / Hardware

/3GB in boot.ini on Win2003 standard 19Oct2005
SQL memory /3gb /PAE AWE 19Sep2005
SQL Server Standard & 4GB memory
Using AWE option in SQL
Increasing SQL Server Memory


MSDE Setup fails (NC)
MSDE Install Issue (NC)
Installing MSDE on XP Pro (NC)
Backing up MSDE database (NC)

SQL 2005 / Yukon

Migrating to SQL 2005 Hints and Tips 01Aug2007
SELECT not allowed in Yukon/SQL2005? (NC)
Download Yukon/SQL2005 (NC)
SQL Server Management Studio (NC)

MySQL, Oracle, and the others

MySQL not as good as MS SQL?
Migrating from Oracle to SQL Server


SQL Reporting Service SP2? (NC)

Got an hour .. or ten ... to spare?

Would you work at Elwoo's office?
Simple Quiz
What is a Yak? 07May2007

View 20 Replies View Related

I Have SQL Authentication But Can Connect To SQL DBs Without Being Asked To Log In. I Need To Change This.

Mar 13, 2008

Hello, I have several SQL 2000 logins on our servers. I removed the builtin/ groups and only have SQL authentication users, although the server is operating in "Mixed Mode". How can I secure this? I don't understand how we can just connect to any DB without ever being asked to log in. Let me know if you can help. Thanks.

View 4 Replies View Related

Tis Has More Than Likely Been Asked Before But, How Do I IIS Without Opening External Ports On My Pc?

Apr 26, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I am new to the forum and would like to have a question answered. I want to to install Sql Server Express with advanced services but also want to have IIS installed as well. My question is, how do I install IIS without it opening Port 45? When I installed it, it would not let me finish installation without letting it act as a server. Is there any work around to solve this problem that any of you have managed to use?

View 1 Replies View Related

Urgent: A Simple Question About The Most Asked Topic - DATE

May 7, 2004


The subject say it all :)

I have a field which stores date which the datetime datatype... The problem is that I am also getting time information in this stored field.

I just want to extract the date part in dd-Mmm-yy format (e.g. 07-May-04). I tried convert (char (8), MyDateField, 112) but it gives me date in yyyymmdd format. How do I get the results in dd-Mmm-yy format instead?


View 7 Replies View Related

How Do You Handle This Control Flow Issue, Asked Mr. Newbie

May 29, 2007


I have a question about the best method to ensure the proper flow of control within a package. I have three related SQL tasks €“ A, B, and C €“ that must execute in sequence. If any one of the tasks fails then the remaining tasks should not execute because each is dependent on the previous step. (A €œsuccess€? precendence constraint.)

Likewise, I have a second set of SQL tasks €“ 1, 2, and 3 €“ that must execute in sequence. Task 3 should never execute unless tasks 1 and 2 have been successful.

I consider these to be two independent logic paths in the same package and, indeed, when I run the package both task A and task 1 begin running at the same time.

What I€™m not sure of is how to add a new task €“ Z €“ that will execute only after both the A-B-C and 1-2-3 task paths have completed. Diagramatically, this would be like having a €œcompletion€? constraint linking task C to task Z and another €œcompletion €œ constraint linking task 3 to task Z. In other words, the two independent paths merge at task Z. Task Z is an audit step that must always run €“ it emails summaries of the database activities performed by the other tasks.

What has me puzzled is how I get to Z when there is a failure in either the A-B-C path or the 1-2-3 path. As things stand now, the package will never reach task Z if there is a failure in an earlier task because they are joined by a €œsuccess€? constraint.

I thought I could get around this by using a €œsequence container€? but I discovered when I added A, B, and C to a container that I couldn€™t use the €œsuccess€? constraint I needed. I was just guessing that this might be the way to do it.

Can anyone help me with a best practice approach to the control flow issue I face? I€™m new if that isn€™t apparent by my question, so don€™t be afraid to make your answer simple and plain.

Thanks for any help,

View 7 Replies View Related

Still No Answer

Mar 27, 2006

I can not seem to find any source for questions database related that don't include using 2.0 controls just as the come out of the box!
Simple issue (or so it seems) but I can't get an anwer:
TextBox.Text has information that I want placed in a table in a sql database.  So I build a SQLDataSource control, and the triggers to fire the insert method.  I modify the InsertCommand of the SQLDataSource so that it will write my record to the table.  Something like...
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO MyTable(Description, Status) VALUES ('TextBox.Text', 'Default New Record Status)"
Now... the problem is with 'TextBox.Text' . When formated as is. the text string TextBox.Text is inserted into a record in the target table.  My problem, the simple one remember, is refering to the text string stored inside of TextBox.Text and have that value stored in the new row under the Description column.
I can't believe that no one can help with this simple problem.  Once resolved then my page is done... this is ALL that holds it up and I can't find a reference to how to go about it.

View 2 Replies View Related


Mar 25, 2004

I can help you but tommorow because i am very busy know I'd like to answer you .

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Please Please Answer My Question!!!

Jun 10, 2007

I'm working on both VWDEE and VBEE and, in each, when I try to add a database diagram I get the following error message 'Invalid Class String' (after the 'Do you want to create required objects' prompt).
Can someone postulate a reason? If I don't get an answer i'll be pretty much dead in the water
Thanks in advance of your help.

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To Use Cursor Or Not To Use, What Is The Answer ??

Mar 18, 2004

"Falling back on cursors because they remind you of datasets will result in poor performance "

Hi, The above quote was from an article which advice to use store procedure and avoid T-sql in the body of a webpage.
Anyway, To me, I always use cursor when I want to process one row at a time. Is there an alternative to cursor in MS sql server to have similar results.?


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Suggest Answer

Mar 3, 2003

Please suggest correct answer (A,B,C,D) for the following Question

You are developing an application for a worldwide furniture wholesaler. You need to create an inventory table on each of the databases located in New York, Chicago, Paris, London, San Francisco, and Tokyo. In order to accommodate a distributed environment, you must ensure that each row entered into the inventory table is unique across all location. How can you create the inventory table?

A.Use the identity function. At first location use IDENTITY(1,4), at second location use IDENTITY(2,4), and so on.
B.Use the identity function. At first location use IDENTITY(1,1), at second location use IDENTITY(100000,1), and so on.
C.CREATE TABLE inventory ( Id Uniqueidentifier NOT NULL DEFAULT NEWID(), ItemName Varchar(100) NOT NULL, ItemDescription Varchar(255) NULL, Quantity Int NOT NULL, EntryDate Datetime NOT NULL).
D.Use TIMESTAMP data type.

View 3 Replies View Related

Please Suggest Answer

Apr 9, 2003

Give the suitable answer for the below question and explain the answer.

1.You have designed the database for a Web site (or online ticketing agency) that is used to purchase concert tickets. During a ticket purchase, a buyer view a list of available tickets, decides whether to buy the tickets, and then attempts to purchase the tickets. This list of available tickets is retrieved in a cursor.
For popular concerts, thousands of buyers might attempt to purchase tickets at the same time. Because of the potentially high number of buyers at any one time, you must allow the highest possible level of concurrent access to the data. How should you design the cursor?

(A). Create a cursor within an explicit transaction, and set the transaction isolation level to REPEATABLE READ.
(B). Create a cursor that uses optimistic concurrency and positioned updates. In the cursor, place the positioned UPDATE statements within an explicit transaction.
(C). Create a cursor that uses optimistic concurrency. In the cursor, use UPDATE statements that specify the key value of the row to be updated in the WHERE clause, and place the UPDATE statements within an implicit transaction.
(D). Create a cursor that uses positioned updates. Include the SCROLL_LOCKS argument in the cursor definition to enforce pessimistic concurrency. In the cursor, place the positioned UPDATE statements within an implicit transaction.

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Need Quick Answer

Jun 17, 2004

do not have time to go through BOL .. but whats the command beside dbcc freeproccache to clear the cache .

View 1 Replies View Related

Please Give Me Answer

May 20, 2008

batch processing means

View 3 Replies View Related

Answer To Few Questions...

Nov 10, 2005

Hows does SQL server works internally:

What are his steps in the execution of a query?
Where/how does he storage the information while executing a query?
What type of Index he uses?
and so on ...

If anyone knows a website that contains this type of information about the SQL Server SGBD and could share it i would be most appreciated!

View 9 Replies View Related

Seeking Answer

Oct 17, 2007

1)Which statement shows the maximum salary paid in each job category of each department?_______
A. select dept_id, job_cat,max(salary) from employees where salary > max(salary);
B. select dept_id, job_cat,max(salary) from employees group by dept_id,job_cat;
C. select dept_id, job_cat,max(salary) from employees;
D. select dept_id, job_cat,max(salary) from employees group by dept_id;
E. select dept_id, job_cat,max(salary) from employees group by dept_id,job_cat,salary;

2)description of the students table:
sid_id number
start_date date
end_date date
which two function are valid on the start_date column?_________¡£
A. sum(start_date)
B. avg(start_date)
C. count(start_date)
D. avg(start_date,end_date)
E. min(start_date)
F. maximum(start_date)

View 3 Replies View Related

I'm Sure There's A Very Simple Answer For This....

Nov 12, 2007


I'm trying to write a "GetQuote" procedure with a single @Quantity parameter. The purpose of the query is to sum the total cost (price * quantity) of a given (quantity) given the available "Sale" items. The sale table has the following structure:

[SellOrderID] [uniqueidentifier] DEFAULT (newid()),
[OrderDate] [datetime] DEFAULT (getdate()),
[UserID] [nvarchar](50) ,
[SellPrice] [float] ,
[SellQuantity] [int] ,
[QuantRemaining] [nchar](10) NULL,
**QuantRemaining is the sell quantity remaining after existing partial trades on the Sell Order - intentionally denormalised.

A given quantity may be satisfied by multiple 'Sell Orders' and these should be processed from the lowest price first.

e.g. give the following:
SellOrderID QuantRemaining Price
A 100 $2.00
B 300 $3.00
C 200 $1.75
D 350 $2.50

GetQuote 400 should return:

I am relatively new to the DB game and am having problems creating a SQL statement to do this. If anyone has a solution for this it would be greatly appreciated.



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Need Answer To SQL Question

Jul 20, 2005

I would really appreciate it if someone could give me the answers or directme to a place that would have the answers to the following 5 questions.1. I need an example of SQL select statement. (table tblSource, fields A,B,Cwhere C<100).. "is this an example that I have in ( )?2. I need to list 3 table joins or is "inner, outer, left" etc actual tablejoins? what are the others for my own knowledge.3. Can you join a table to itself? (how? Alias.)4. What is the diff, between distince and distinct row?5. How would you check a value agains a lookup tableA? (IN) or is "IN" theanswer?I am very sorry for my stupidy but I am trying to learn and my boss for onereason or another gave me a ton of questions I cant answer.Someone please help!

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Need A Quick Answer

Nov 22, 2006

Has anyone encountered this error message [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Managr] Driver does not support this function? This occurs when importing data. The company I work for upgraded to Server 2005 and now what once worked fine now has an error. Any suggestions?

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Question And Answer

Apr 1, 2008

hi all,
i want to create such a page contains Questions , Answer(this is text feild entered by user) and Correct answer(that can be seen only by admin).
Both questions and correct answers already exist in database.
When user click the save button ,the answer will be saved into the database and when user click the submit button ,the email notification will be sent to admin.
Which control can i use and any advice for my requirements is appreciated.
i'm using visual studio 2003 and sql2000.

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Have An Idea But Not The Answer.... :( Needed Help

May 31, 2007

I have a table that has the ff:
LastName   varchar(50)
FirstName  varchar(50)
PhotoPath  varchar(50)
Now I want to create a form that can accept the LastName,Firstname and also can upload a picture which in turn the filename of the image will be the value for the PhotoPath field, and eventually displays it using the repeater control.
Your Help/Info. is highly appreciated... 

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Answer To Aruna&#39;s Q:DTS Problem

Mar 20, 2001

For some reason I can't reply from within your message.

Make sure you have the same version of SQLserver and service pack on the SQL Server and the workstation you are trying to set up the package from, this is error due to different versions.

Your comand should look like: dtsrun /~S.... /~U ..... /~P ....


Date: DTS problem
aruna (aruram@hotmail.com)
3/20/01 2:19:38 PM


I have created a very simple DTS package to transfer data from one database to another on the same server. I am able to successfully execute the package from DTS. But if i try to schedule the package and run it from SQL agent it fails. The job that is created by the SQL agent appears as follows -

'DTSRun /~Z0x2939C85E61C391613034D42DC85BA5E18B1E12D06DC31F 242542405E07594E436B58219AC124F29B80EDEB464ACB52BA 977BF7A0E59BE9C183507AF7CDA9EB1033C1E04009EC5D4467 E1955FB83FA31BC185F4D4398F51F008BDE6677D23F9C5571A 4C3010B0ED1943C234'

and the error message i get is invalid switch .... DTS command invalid options

I have tried working with the /N and /!Y options and they dont work either. Can someone please tell me why is this problem occurring in the first place.


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Is There Anybody Here Who Will Find The Answer Of My Problem ?

Mar 6, 2001

Hi all,

Nobody helped me on other SQL forums, I hope here people are better. Here is my problem : I'm trying to uninstall replication before to re-install it (2 servers working on Windows NT and SQL 6.5 SP5). On the publisher server, I chose Server/Replication Configuration/Uninstall Publishing, but then, I'm not able to re-install publication, as the 'Install Publishing' option is disabled. I've found somewhere on the web that I had to remove the distribution option from the system, which disables replication, with the sp_ServerOption stored procedure :

sp_ServerOption "myserver", "dist", false

then I've deleted the distribution database, but all this didn't change anything, the 'Install Publishing' option is still disabled. How can I get the option enabled ?

Thanks in advance if you can help me. Sorry for the English, it's not my native language.

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A Logical Puzzle Answer Me, Is It Possible To Get

Nov 30, 2005

I have a view based on few tables okay
I have a query that gives me document details of various revisions
Now i also get the latest rev of those if i use a MAX() in my Query

Now a case where i have say

Docu Numb - Revi - Received Date

Document1 - rev0 - 10/2004
Document1 - rev1 - 11/2004
Document1 - rev2 - 12/2004
Document1 - rev3 - 01/2005
Document1 - rev4 - 02/2005
Document1 - rev5 - 03/2005
Document1 - rev6 - 04/2005
Document1 - rev7 - 05/2005

If i query for latest it gives Document1 - rev7

And if i filter for a month of 12/2004
If i query for latest it should give Document1 - rev2

Now i need to get a filter with latest as rev2,
plus i also need as a indication of actual latest as rev 7
using a query

How do i do that ...

Coz when i use filter for a month and Max then it
does not consider rev7 for that filter and skip the record
and if i try to filter only as per month .. i get a wrong info
as latest rev2 which is not a true info as per database records.

May i possibly get both ... filtered info as per specific month and
also a rev info as what is the latest for a spec document.

Just i need to know is that possible .. in SQl using a query

Any more info needed please mail me on

Life is beautiful ... When you smile ...

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Question In My Graduation Project Plz Answer

Jun 26, 2006

hi all
iam a pregraduated student at computers and information college
i have a problem that need u to be solved
i want to connect from asp.net 2005 in a computer to sql server 2000 in another computer at the same network
let the sql server pc is called crazy
and the work group called mshome
would u plz write me th connection string of this connection
note :
the error is not in my code as it runs correctly but the exception is
login failled to user  crazyguest
can any programmer here answer me ?????

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Mar 15, 2004

Hunting high and low for the definitive answer to this query.

I need a system to enable the import of a csv file (trypically contacts exported from Outlook) into a SQL Server table unique to that user through a .aspx page.

At the first and most basic level I need to simply get the data into a table.

The ultimate goal though is to have a fully functioning system whereby the user can sync between the csv file and the database enabling them to upload the data for the first time then only update changes subsequently (new records/changes to existing records) etc.

1. Does anyone have code that does such a thing?
2. Does anyone know of a component/utility that can be purchased off the shelf.
3. Is there someone with the capacity to write such a module?

regards in anticipation

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Easy SQL Question....first To Answer Correctly Gets....

Aug 31, 2000

Hi Folks,

Easy SQL question....first to answer correctly gets...the satisfaction of knowing he helped a fellow developer in need.

Runnning SQL 7.0 on an NT 4.0 platform in a client server network environment. Authentication is done on the NT level. Each user has his/her own name and password. Most users use the same shared software app.

QUESTION: Can the same user login to multiple machines concurrently and run applications without fear of locking or hanging or causing other mischief?



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