I Broke My MDAC 8.2 RTM On SBS 2003. Have File Mismatches That I Can Not Fix. Help!

Aug 10, 2005

While working to try and install and evaluate 3rd party versions of the SQL Enterprise Manager on our SBS 2003, I managed to break our MDAC installation and the results are non-functional Veritas BackupExec (needs the SQL MSDE instance to work), I seem to have broken RAS in the process and our Web access for Outlook 2003 broke too.

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Broke Sql Server...please Help

Nov 14, 2003

so i installed sql server and i was using it within enterprise manager. Then it broke when i started trying to make my web application connect to my database. So my connection string was:

server=(local);database=capacity;User ID=dbo;trusted_connection=False

i got this error: Login failed for user 'dbo'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

so i tried messing around with the string and found something online that said i should right click the server (local) and go to the security settings and change it to mixed mode, sql server authentication AND windows authentication. Before it was just windows authentication. So i did that...and now i get this error when i try to open up my server in enterprise manager:

A connection could not be established to (local)
Reason: Login failed for user 'samr'. Reason Not associated with a trusted SQL Server Connection..

Please verify SQL Server is running (which it is) and check your SQL server registration properties by right clicking on the local node and try again.

i can right click on it, but whenever i do anything (go to properties, click the '+' icon) i get this message:

Connection failed. Check sql server registration properties.

please help...

should i delete the registration and just start over...?

why couldnt i connect into sql server...?

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Connections Broke On Cluster

Mar 28, 2002

Hi all,

On one my cluster box, all the previous connections got broke when the cluster service move/roll over to secondary server.The previous connections were on primary server and when the roll over occurs, all these connections didn't roll over but only new connections does.
I want to know that the significance of cluster is only for new connections ?

Any ideas are highly appreciate.


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Windows Update Broke My IIS!

Apr 14, 2007

I had IIS (7 beta I believe) working perfectly on Vista Home Premier. My web site is Access database driven with a mix of VBscrip and JScript in asp pages.

After a recent Windows update it is now broken! I am getting ODBC errors although I the code I used was working fine before;

strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=C:Inetpubwwwrootdatabasesadm1n.mdb"

Is the driver wrong now? The file has not changed location and was working fine before the update.

Has anyone else had this problem and solved it?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Lost in Wonderland!

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Service Broker Broke With ASP.NET 2.0 SqlDependency?

Jul 20, 2007

When starting an ASP.NET 2.0 I get the following error:

The SQL Server Service Broker for the current database is not enabled, and as a result query notifications are not supported. Please enable the Service Broker for this database if you wish to use notifications.

Which happens on this line in my Global.asax [the penultimate line in Application_Start()]


Relevant web.config entries are:

<add name="MyDBConnString_localdev" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=MyDB_40;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=5;Max Pool Size=80;Connection Lifetime=300;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

<sqlCacheDependency enabled="true" pollTime="10000">
<add name="MyDB_40" connectionStringName="MyDBConnString_localdev" pollTime="2000" />

The database is running on my local machine and was created from a backup copy of the production database.

q1: How can I troubleshoot this?

I tried each of the following, but had to cancel them as nothing much had happened after 3+ minutes (apart from the activity indicator 'Executing query' showing a green rotation in SQL Server Management Studio Express.)
ALTER database MyDB set NEW_BROKER

q2: Why does it take so long to run either of the above commands - without actually getting an error?

q3: What Service Broker configuration do I need for my database?

q4: How can I test that it's properly installed?

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Help, Expression Failed And Broke Package

Jul 20, 2007


I have a derived column task that evaluates a datefield from a file. This is the syntax I've been using, and it's been working like a champ for several days in a row now. However, this morning it broke.

Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure how it works (bad, I know), so I'm not sure what's causing the problem.

Any ideas?


ISNULL(TRIM(SettlementDate)) || TRIM(SettlementDate) == "" || LEN(TRIM(SettlementDate)) < 8 ? NULL(DT_DBTIMESTAMP) : (DT_DBTIMESTAMP)(SUBSTRING(SettlementDate,5,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING(SettlementDate,7,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING(SettlementDate,1,4))


[Set date to NULL or format [111]] Error: The conditional operation failed.

[Set date to NULL or format [111]] Error: The "component "Set date to NULL or format" (111)" failed because error code 0xC0049063 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "SettlementDate - derived" (544)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

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We Need Small Sample In Service Broke Here

Jan 23, 2007


Pleses some one help me , I need  small sample in service broker showing how service broker working.


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4 Websites Broke, When Attaching Database In SQL Man Studio.

Dec 27, 2007

If I create a website in VWD express and create a database in the APP_DATA folder it works great.  Then if I attach it in SQL Management Studio,  when I go back to opening the website I get MyMachineaspnet can not log into database.  Even if I copy the database.mdf file of a working site  to a different folder,  rename it,  attach it.  The original website fails to open the original database.  With out changing anything. If it's a DNN website it returns Website currently unavalable.  After this happens I can in VWD open and see the tables in the database.  I think databases created in the APP_DATA folder in VWD are "User Instances" I don't normally see them in SQL management Studio.  Something about the Studio breaks them.
This is getting old real quick so PLEASE tell me what am missing here.  Thanks

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7/11 Windows Update Broke My Stored Procedure

Jul 11, 2007

I have a managed code DLL that is used as a CLR assembly in my database. A stored procedure in the database references this CLR assembly.
My CLR assembly has a dependency on Microsoft's System.Management.dll.
In order to get my assembly to work, I added System.Management.dll as an assembly to the database using:

CREATE ASSEMBLY SystemManagement
FROM 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727System.Management.dll'

For months this stored procedure has worked fine... up until today.

Today (7/11/07) I noticed a new Microsoft update was available.
I applied the patch to an XP machine that has my database and now my CLR assembly stored procedure no longer works.
I checked a 2003 Server machine that did not have the latest patch and see that the stored procedure is working fine.
I then apply Microsoft update to the 2003 server machine.
Now the stored procedure no longer works on the 2003 machine.

I deleted my stored procedure and CLR assembly and then added them back with no success.
I then deleted and added back the System.Management.dll assembly again and suddenly now my stored procedure works again.

This is BAD. I can't have Windows updates blowing up my app.
What am I doing wrong here?
I must use the System.Management.dll in my CLR stored procedure but I can't have changes to Microsoft's files causing me to be unable to reference them as assemblies.

How can my CLR stored procedure assembly reference a Microsoft assembly such that changes to the Microsoft assembly does not cause version mismatches?

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Saving Bitmap File To MS Access 2003 Problem

Mar 17, 2008


I'm using C# 2005. The data type of the bitmap file saved to database is "long binary data". It should be "OLE Object".

Source Code:
Code Snippet
Bitmap myBitmap = new Bitmap(@"c:Picture1.bmp");
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection("<<My Connection String>>");
string sql = "UPDATE Table1 SET fldOLE = @fldOLE WHERE fldID = 5";
OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sql, conn);
command.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@fldOLE", myBitmap));
int rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

How can I save Bitmap to database with data type "OLE Object"?

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SQL 2012 :: Renamed Failover Nodes For Cluster And Broke It

Apr 17, 2014

I had a cluster running on 3 nodes (windows failover cluster) with server 2012 and SQL server 2012 running in the cluster. Well, I thought I'd just go ahead and rename all 3 of the hosts with new hostnames and it apparently broke the cluster pretty bad. Now when I open failover cluster manager I cannot see anything nor can I connect to the cluster object in AD. I re-named all of the hosts back to their original names but that didn't work.

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BCP Call To Stored Procedure - Broke During Upgrade From SQL 7.0 To 2000

Jul 20, 2005

I have this stored procedure that takes a few parameters like date andmerchant ID, and basically goes through a set of if-then statements to builda SQL SELECT string.When we upgraded from SQL Server 7.0 to 2000, the stored procedure stillworked from Query Analyzer, but not in BCP. It used to work in BCP justfine with 7.0. The error I get now is:SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]BCP host-files must containat least one columnWhat's really strange is, if I instruct the stored procedure to simply printthe SELECT string, then cut-and-paste it into the end of stored procedurecode (assigning it to the variable that already contains the SELECT string),then it works from BCP.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Aston

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Merge Replication Broke After SQL 2005 Evaluation Upgrade To Enterprise

May 15, 2006

I'm try to upgrade SQL Server 2005 Evaluation with tuned up and worked merge replication.

- I'm insert disk with licensed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise, start installation - in process, indicate instance for installing, in list of options appears I see option "ugrade"
- All passes fine and go on:

After upgarde I'm get completely broken merge replication!

Moreover, such feeling that certain strange troubles with SQL Agent:
all points context menu in Replication Monotor - disabled and if I try to start replication manually through jobs - too failed - with some error "agent shutdown" !

I'm try to build "clear" situation: install in Virtual PC Windows 2003 Ent SP1, SQL 2005 Eval and setup my test replication and upgrade SQL Server to Enterprise version - and get same trouble too!!!

What the best way to uprade my evaluations sql servers with replication to licensed version SQL Ent?

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SP2 Broke My Reports In Report Viewer Print Layout Mode

Feb 26, 2007

Since SP2 was installed on our SSRS server a couple of days ago, reports viewed in the client Report Viewer control (with or without VS SP1) show a black background when in Print Layout Mode. All other rendering options work fine. Anyone else seen this? Any clues how to fix?



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Connecting To SQL Express 2005 Via Web.Config File In Visual Studio 2003

Oct 30, 2007

 I am following a project to build a small E-Commerce site from a book I have purchased and I have having problems connecting to the SQL Database with the code supplied.
The book is Apress Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 E-Commerce
 The code added to the Web.Config file is :
<add key="ConnectionString" value="Server=(local)NetSDK;Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog=JokePoint" />
The connection details are in a class file called Catalog.vb and is as follows
Imports System.Data.SqlClientPublic Class Catalog
Public Shared Function GetDepartments() As SqlDataReader
'Create the connection objectDim connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
'Create and initialize the command objectDim command As New SqlCommand("GetDepartments", connection)
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
'Open the connection
'Return a SqlDataReader to the calling functionReturn command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
End Function
Private Shared ReadOnly Property connectionString() As String
GetReturn ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")
End GetEnd Property
End Class
 The error is.....
Cannot open database "JokePoint" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'MachineNameASPNET'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database "JokePoint" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'MachineNameASPNET'.Source Error:

Line 15: 'Open the connection
Line 16:
Line 17: connection.Open()
Line 18:
Line 19: 'Return a SqlDataReader to the calling function
Source File: C:MyCommerceSiteJokePointBusinessObjectsCatalog.vb    Line: 17 Stack Trace:

[SqlException: Cannot open database "JokePoint" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'MachineNameASPNET'.]
System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction)
JokePoint.Catalog.GetDepartments() in C:MyCommerceSiteJokePointBusinessObjectsCatalog.vb:17
JokePoint.DepartmentsList.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:MyCommerceSiteJokePointUserControlsDepartmentsList.ascx.vb:44
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)

The connection tests ok in Visual Studio 2003. All permissions are set using SQL Management Studio Express 2005.
The book is using SQL 2000, I have been trying different connection syntax's in the Web.Config file all day and now I have a big headache. I know its something simple, can anyone please advise ?
Thanks in advance.

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Error Message Given Using Access 2003 Adp File To Change A Stored Procedure

Sep 17, 2007

Client/Server machine: Windows Xp Pro (SP2) (latest patches)
Office Software: Access 2003 (latest patches)
Database S/W: SQL Server 2005 (latest patches)

The following error message is displayed when trying to modify a stored procedure.

This version of Microsoft Access doesn't support design changes to the
version of Microsoft SQL Server your project is connected to. See the
Microsoft Office Update Web site for the latest information and downloads
(on the Help menu, click Office on the Web). Your design changes will not be

However, if you save, close and re-open the stored procedure having made the required changes, the changes have been saved.

Is there any way to suppress the error message / hotfix available from microsoft since the error message appears to be completely erroneous ?

Have I provided enough detail as this is my first post ?


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Installing Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express Broke My Asp.net Databases

Jul 14, 2006


I installed the managerment stuid on my machine and now none of my database connections seem to work any more. I keep getting the attached error. Before I installed the studio the system worked fine, I could connect to the database and everything was fine. Does the studio change any permission stuff? I cannot seem to get it to work again at all now, I added in aspnet as a login inside the studio and it still won't let me connect to the database. I cannot find *any* logs anywhere that might be helpful in what it is doing or see any way to debug the connection to find out what the problem is. When I look at the permissions inside of the studio it shows me that the connections should all be fine.

I checked and remote and local connections are setup, although it is only doing local connections anyway since this is a asp.net web server page.

Any idea what the problem is here? This is very frustrating and annoying :( Since I didn't change anything and now nothing I will do gets it to work. I even tried to uninstall the management tool and it still doesn't work.
Cannot open user default database. Login failed.
Login failed for user 'GREENANDFLUFFYASPNET'.

Description: An
unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the
error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open user default database. Login failed.
Login failed for user 'GREENANDFLUFFYASPNET'.

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MDAC 2.6

Feb 25, 2002

We are in the process to upgrading from SQL 7.0 SP1 on a NT 4 EE sp6a active/passive cluster to a SQL 2K SP2 on the same NT 4 EE sp6a active/passive (single instance I think it is called now) cluster.

My question now is about MDAC.

Do I need to upgrade all my clients (W98 SE) that actually have MDAC 2.5 installed to the 2.6 version of the product?

Is there any MS articles that clearly explain this argument?

Thank you in advance.
Best Regards.

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Apr 6, 2001

Ive got a question on MDAC and SQL 2000.

We have a SQL Server 7.0 running on NT 4.0 with MDAC 2.1 installed.

We also have a SQL Server 2000 running on Windows 2000 with MDAC 2.6 installed, as well as other instances of 7.0 and 2000.

I am trying to setup Push replication from the box with SQL 7.0 and MDAC 2.1 installed to a 2000 server with MDAC 2.6.

A SQL 7 to 2000 push works if an instance of 7 and 2000 are installed on the same machine. I can push to any remote machine, except for the one server with MDAC 2.1 installed.

Could MDAC be my problem?


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Old MDAC Changes, 2.1 - 2.5

Jun 8, 2007

We have a large project that is importing msado21.tlb. We want to import least msado25.tlb to access the ADODB::_Stream object, but are unsure what exactly this entails. I've noticed no problems testing that change, but I cannot find any changelog for the MDAC upgrade. Is anyone aware of, or can point me to, a list of changes (fixes, modifications, caveats, etc) between MDAC 2.1 and MDAC 2.5? The binary msado file is always much newer, of course, but we want to link with the older type libraries to maintain maximum compatibility.

Any help is appreciated, I'm at a dead end!

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MDAC Version

Aug 14, 2002

How to find out what version of MDAC is running on the server?

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MDAC (urgent)

Apr 3, 2001

Hello guys,
What is the use of MDAC and how to check the version of MDAC.
on any server.
Thank you.


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Sep 17, 2000

Hi folks. Got a real doozy going. One of the network techs reinstalled NT4 SP5 on a server. This reverted the SQL driver back to 2.something. Now sqlserveragent jobs will not run.
I have tried to instal MDAC 2.5, but it doesn't change the driver up to the new 3.xxx driver. I searched around on here and folks said that you have to move the MDAC executable to a new directory. for the new MDAC I don't see MDAC.EXE. I did find MDAC.COM and renamed that. Tried to rerun MDAC 2.5 but still got the old SQLSRV32.Dll.
Uninstalled SQLServer and reinstalled. still got the old SQLSRV32.Dll.
Tried to apply SQLServer SP1. It died.
Found that I am to shutdown some services. Did that. SP1 still dies.
Tried to apply SQLSERVER SP2. It tries to pick up where it died and it dies again.
SO, I'm currently uninstalling SQLServer, reboot, installing SQLServer, reboot, Trying SP2 again.
Didn't think that it was brain surgery just to install a new flippin version of the ODBC driver.. SHEEZ!!!!

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MDAC Version For SQL 7 Sp2

Dec 18, 2000

I'm in a mild-debate with some colleagues of mine.
Can someone shed some light on this for me.

(This is related to a problem we are having with empty recordsets being returned where we know there should be rows returned. I think it could be caused by incorrect/outdated MDAC components.)

We use SQL 7 sp2, and ado DSN'less connection strings.

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Slooowww After MDAC 2.6

Dec 10, 2001

MSSQL .7.0 SP2
ATI 32mb video
1.3gh AMD
1g Ram

No other apps are affected....my once fast system is slowed to a crawl. 5+gb
free on C 37gb on E and NO apps loaded in systray. NO background processes,

I installed MDAC 2.6 on a system to try to correct an OLE error when using
sp_OACreate that causes an ODBC connection broken and shuts down SQL every
other execution.

***** Now, the system is running slow, I tried reinstalling, moving the data
to a single local drive. (No other apps appear to be slowed)

Uninstalled MDAC 2.6 and reverted to 2.5 still slow.

Reinstalling MSSQL 7 and SP2, and MDAC 2.5 still slow...

As an example, when a simple xp_cmdShell 'dir c:mssql7data*data.mdf' the
resulting 10 lines are slowing typed accross the screen. On most systems
the text is refreshed so fast we only see a flicker.

Cleaning the registry still slow... Profiler shows DML and GHost lines that
appear to suck the life out my system, but its only pegged at 2%, like it's
doing something, but what(?)

Tonight I may have to reformat and reload, however I've seen this before and
would really like a clue.


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Mdac 2.8 And Clients

Mar 11, 2004

We use mdac 2.7 on all servers and clients

We want to update servers to 2.8
Do we MUST update clints to 2.8 or they
can continue to run with 2.7

Thank you

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MDAC Vesrion

Aug 17, 2004

Can anyone please help?

How do I find out which MDAC version my pc is running on and how do I update to the latest version??

Thanks in advance!!!

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MDAC Version

Apr 3, 2002

Hi everbody,

How can i found out which version of MDAC version running of my production box.

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MDAC On SQL 2000

Nov 2, 2001

What version of MDAC comes with SQL 2000?

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Urgent Mdac

Oct 19, 2004

I install MDAC 2.8 the installation is ok, i reboot and when i look in add/remove programs box there isn't mdac.
And my entreprise manager tools don't work properly.

It's very urgent please help me.

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How Can I Uninstall MDAC

Mar 22, 2004

i need to uninstall MDAC from my system. my operating system is windows2000 proffessional.

pls help me.... its very urgent.....

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Link Between SQL And MDAC

Jan 2, 2008

Hi All
may be my post sounds stupid but i have on idea about it.

can some one there please clear what is relationship between MDAC and SQL Server. id MDAC part of SQL Server or it is optional tool for some thing else. what it is excatly and links to useful tutorial etc.

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How To Check MDAC Version.

Jan 22, 2002

How to check MDAC version.
What are the version supported for sql 7.0 cluster witn w2k sp1.

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