I Can't Understand The Meaning Of A Prediction Query

Jul 27, 2006

Dear friends,
I'm reading Wiley's Data mining with SQL Server 2005... There are MANY things I can't understand about MovieClick example (Chapter 3).
I hope someone is going to help me with this troubles...

WARNING (1): I'm a dummy both with sql server and data mining.
WARNING (2): My English is not good at all.

Just two questions for now:

1) When I create the model to predict the number of bedrooms for homeowners, the book says to check BEDROOMS as Predictable... question: is it also an INPUT for the model, or PREDICTABLE only?

2) I'd like to keep this model (number of bedrooms.......) and make a prediction query.

- Query builder
- select case table -> Homeowners
- Drag the Customer ID column from the Homeowners table and drop it on the grid
- Drag the BEDROOMS column from the mining model and drop it on the grid.
- On the last row: Source=PredictionFunction,  Field=PredictProbability
- Drag the BEDROOMS column from the mining model and drop it into Criteria/Argument
- Add (i.e.) 'Two or Three' to the field Criteria/Argument

I execute the query and I obtain many rows in a table with the following colums: CustomerID, BEDROOMS and Expression: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

Thanx a lot in advance, please help me!

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What Is The Meaning Of Using Curly Braces In A SQL Query

Dec 14, 2007

When you write a sql query, some times there is curly braces within a query in a asp.net application.  What is the meaning of that?
select column1, column2, column3
from table1
where column1 = 'somethin'
order by column3
So what is being used in here {LIMITDATE} and can some one explain this to me?  I use C#.

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Historic Prediction And Prediction Steps

Feb 22, 2008

After building a model in BI, I want to view the chart of model in mining model viewer, in the chart tab I can just see one prediction value that means for my model do prediction for some time slice and in prediction steps I can specify how many steps, I want to show this chart
In mining model viewer tab we can see the chart of prediction also decision tree and the chart is for showing all of value prediction, and with choosing prediction steps we can specify that show just one value prediction or two or several values. But sometime I can see just one value in chart and sometime I can see several values in chart,
This difference is for my data or no?
And also for viewing historic prediction I should choice €śshow historic prediction€? and before that I should set
Two parameters: Historic_ model _count and historic _model _count,
But I can€™t see historic prediction (sometime this happens)
Please help me.

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Error In Prediction Query

Aug 19, 2006


I have the following
association model Structure

Where I am trying to find out
the associations between various service activities so that when a customer
buys a service activity we can recommend him/her others


CustomerId Ă Key


Nested Table

ServiceId Ă Key

ServiceName Ă Input, Predict

IncidentId Ă Link to the case table

Firstly is the above
structure correct??


I have the following prediction








Works Cycle MSCRM],

FROM Service ORDER BY ServiceId]')



( {OPENQUERY([Adventure Works Cycle MSCRM],

FROM Service ORDER BY ServiceId]')


[ServiceId] To [ServiceId]



AS t


[ServicerossSell].[ ServiceCross-SellRecommend].[ServiceId]
= t.[Service].[ServiceId]

It throws the following error

€śThe DMX column was not found in the context€?

I am not able to figure out why, any help would be most

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Simple Query Which I Am Not Able To Understand

Jun 13, 2008

 Hi,I have a float column in the database. When ever, I enter a value into the table, the values are rounded. Suppose I execute the following script: create table tblamount(    flttotal_amount    float)insert into tblamount values (0.00)insert into tblamount values (0.00)insert into tblamount values (0.00)insert into tblamount values (0.00)select * from #tblamount returns the following values:0000 but I want the ouput with the values 0.00 that I entered in the DB. Can u pls help me out with this? 

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TSQL Query - I Don't Understand

Apr 17, 2008

I hope that someone can help me understand why my query is not returning what I expect. When I run this query:

FROM Transactions_Fact
WHERE DateKey = 14550
AND TransactionKey BETWEEN 1 AND 90000000
AND TransactionKey NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(TransactionKey)
FROM tmpTransactions
WHERE TranDate = 14550
AND TransactionKey BETWEEN 1 AND 90000000)

I get 150 rows back, which is what I expect. However, if I leave out the 'AND TransactionKey BETWEEN 1 AND 90000000', then I don't get back anything?!?

FROM Transactions_Fact
WHERE DateKey = 14550
AND TransactionKey NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(TransactionKey)
FROM tmpTransactions
WHERE TranDate = 14550)

Any ideas as to what I'm missing here? It seems like it should at least return the same 150 rows. Thanks for any help.

Gary Hines

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Prediction Query In MS Association Rules

May 22, 2006


I'm building a mining model wiht MS Association Rules. After processing this model, the result includes some rules(example):

E = Existing, C = Existing -> B = Existing
F = Existing -> E = Existing
C = Existing, B = Existing -> E = Existing
F = Existing -> B = Existing
B = Existing, A = Existing -> C = Existing
F = Existing, B = Existing -> E = Existing
F = Existing, E = Existing -> B = Existing
D = Existing -> A = Existing
C = Existing -> A = Existing
E = Existing, A = Existing -> B = Existing

I want to buid a query that has two or more items on the left of the rules, example: E = Existing, C = Existing -> B = Existing
->I want to buid a query to predict that: when a customer buy 'E' and 'C' then he likely buys 'B'

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How To Write Prediction Query For Two Algorithms?

Dec 14, 2006


Is it possible to use two algorithms together?I need to write prediction Query so that its should both models having clustereing algorithm and timeseries algorithm.

for example

I am having student information.I ve to predict performance of students for certain period.The students should be classified by their types like rich kids,poorkids..like that.I need to predict the performance of the rich kids??

can anyone help?

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Is There A Way To Get The Node Descrption In The Same Query Where You Get The Prediction?

Feb 8, 2008

I am doing this right now this way:
1) I do the DMX prediction query where I get the PredictNodeId(predict_var), my query is like this:

SELECT PredictNodeId(predict_var), model_1.predict_var, t.var_1, t.var_2 FROM model_1 PREDICTION JOIN OPENQUERY([DATA_SOURCE_1], 'SELECT var_1, var_2 FROM table_1') AS t ON model_1.var_1 = t.var_1 AND model_1.var_2 = t.var_2
2)I do the DMX query to get the node_description from the model.content iterating each row from the result of my prediction query, this query is like this:

SELECT node_description FROM model_1.content WHERE node_name = 'node_name_var'

In this query node_name_var = PredictNodeId(predict_var) from my prediction query.
What I want to know if there is a way to merge Query 1 and Query 2 so I can get the node_description in the same query qhere I get the PredictNodeId.


Juan José Jara

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Using CASE Statement In A Prediction Query

Aug 5, 2006


Can i use a CASE statement in a prediction query.
the following query is throwing me an error

CASE [Sales Forecast Time Series].[City Code]
when 'LA' then 'Los Angeles'
WHEN 'CA' THEN 'California'
PredictTimeSeries([Sales Forecast Time Series].[Sales Value],5)
[Sales Forecast Time Series]

Parser: The statement dialect could not be resolved due to ambiguity.


Is it possible to discretize the
Sales Value column using a the CASE statement, the output column of
PredictTimeSeries function.

Is there a link that can give me a
comprehensive info on what can be achieved and what cant be using DMX queries

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How To Write Prediction Query For TimeSeries Algorithm

Dec 1, 2006

hi,I am a novice SSAS Programmer.I need a prediction Query in time series algorithm, so that it should predict for a particular date.I dont know how to use where condition in a prediction Query.



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How To Write Prediction Query Using Clustering Algorithm?

Mar 2, 2007


I am having data like this

Studid Date Perf

001 01/01/2008 90

001 02/01/2008 89 Cluster 1

001 03/02/2008 91

002 01/01/2008 75

002 02/01/2008 79 Cluster 2

002 03/02/2008 69

I wants to create two clusters cluster1 for studid 001. cluster2 for studid 002.

How to write Prediction Query using clustering algorithm?

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Save Prediction Query Results To A SQL Table

Feb 7, 2007

Can anyone show me how to run a prediction query and save the results to a sql table without using the T-SQL OPENQUERY tip here http://www.sqlserverdatamining.com/DMCommunity/TipsNTricks/3914.aspx? I am looking for an example in vb.net that I can use in a SSIS script task.


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Nested Case Prediction Query Question

Jul 19, 2007

I have a question about what is possible with a prediction query
against a nested table. Say I have a basic customer-product case and nested table mining model like so:

Mining Model DT_CustProd
[Id] ,
[Gender] ,
[Products] Predict
[ProductName] ,
Using Microsoft_Decision_Trees

I can write a query to find the probability of product (and quantity) A like so:

SELECT (select * from Predict(Products,INCLUDE_STATISTICS)
where ProductName = 'A' )

FROM DT_CustProd


(SELECT 'M' AS [Gender],
27 AS [AGE] ) AS t

What if I know that the query customer (M,27) in question has purchased product B, how can I use that in the prediction join to predict product A? The fact that product B was purchased might influence the prediction, right?

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Prediction Query For A Weighted Clustering Model

Dec 12, 2006

I have a question about writing a prediction query against a clustering model that has the same column added more than once.

Per Jamie, I can accomplish some crude weighting by adding a column to my model multiple times. See this post for an explnation... Now that I have that worked out, I was wondering how my DM query would look? If I have Input_A1, Input_A2 , & Input_A3 all being source from the same column in my structure do I have to reference all three when writing my prediction query?

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Query To Understand The Names Of All Available Tables In Database

Aug 31, 2014

SQL query to understand the names of all the available tables in the database , number of records in these tables and size of these tables ?

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Howto: Save Prediction Query Results To Relational Table

May 29, 2006

I believe saving prediction query results to relational tables is possible (the BI studio does it!). I am not clear on how to do this w/o the BI studio, which means if I write a DMX query and want to store its output to a relational table, how do I do it?

Tips, anyone?


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SQL 2012 :: Query To Understand Names Of All Available Tables / Number Of Records

Aug 31, 2014

SQL query to understand the names of all the available tables , number of records in these tables and size of these tables?

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Can’t Understand The Query Execution Interval, For Every One Criteria It Takes Extra 60 Seconds. Help Please?,

Aug 17, 2006

Can€™t understand the Query execution interval, for every one criteria it takes extra 60 seconds. Help please?,  

Query A



AND T2.sd='20060817') AND sd='20060817'



The above query take 2 seconds to return result

Query B



AND T2.sd='20060817') AND sd='20060817' AND STOCKNAME like 'A%' ORDER BY D_CUM desc

This query same as above but " AND STOCKNAME like 'A%'" Criteria only added but it takes 01 minute 43 seconds to return result. why it is like that where i need to adjust the query i have no idea. please help

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Datamining Veiwer Client And Chang Ing Taht And Savning The Result Of Prediction Query In Adventure Works Dw Without Wizard

Jan 24, 2008

I have three questions about several topics.
In this code:
public string ConnectionString
return "Provider=MSOLAP.3;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW";

What is data source and initial catalog and what does this code do? And if I want to use other database how can change this code? (This code is for data mining viewer client project)
And in this code:
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Integrated Security=True");
SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand("Select AddressID,AddressLine1 from Person.Address", cn);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
da.SelectCommand = cm;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
this.comboBox1.DisplayMember = "AddressLine1";
this.comboBox1.ValueMember = "AddressID";
this.comboBox1.DataSource = dt;

what is comboBox1.DisplayMember and comboBox1.ValueMember ,and what is difference between those ?
and other question:
in adventure works dw project for data mining predicting ,in forecasting model ,if I want to show the result of this query in the combobox in c# how can I show that?
And again in this code ,it has a result which has two culomns ,on of them is for amount and other column is for time ,in sql I can save this result in exsiting table or neew table with wizard,but I want to
Do this work in c#,that€™s mean with a adomdconnection I connect to forecasting model and write this query then in a datagridviwe ,Iwant to see the values of prediction in adventure works dw database.
Other question:
In €śdataminingviwerclient€? project I change this code and you can see it,for this code I have a form that give servername and catlogname in that and then with clcking on a button I want to show the chart of model in a child form ,but I can€™t.

public Form1 form1 = new Form1();
public string m_ServerName;
public string m_CatalogName;
public Form3()
m_ServerName = "";
m_CatalogName = "";

public string ConnectionString
return "Provider=MSOLAP.3;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW";

public void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
AdomdConnection conn = new AdomdConnection();
this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
conn.ConnectionString = this.ConnectionString;
catch (System.Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Connection Failed");
this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
ShowModel(panel1, form1.comboBox1.Text);

public void connectingtoserver()

private void LoadCatalog()
AdomdConnection conn = null;
conn = new AdomdConnection(this.ConnectionString);
this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
DataSet ds = conn.GetSchemaDataSet(AdomdSchemaGuid.Catalogs, null);
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
catch (System.Exception)
this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
if (conn != null)

private void ShowModel(Panel panel, string modelName)
AdomdConnection conn = new AdomdConnection();
MiningModelViewerControl viewer = null;
MiningModel model = null;
MiningService service = null;

// Clear any existing controls from the panel
if (panel.HasChildren)

// Connect to server
conn.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;

// Determine the viewer type based on the model service and
// instantiate the correct viewer
model = conn.MiningModels[modelName];
service = conn.MiningServices[model.Algorithm];
if (service.ViewerType == "Microsoft_TimeSeries_Viewer")
viewer = new TimeSeriesViewer();
else throw new System.Exception("Custom Viewers not supported");

// Set up and load the viewer
viewer.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;
viewer.MiningModelName = modelName;
viewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
catch (System.Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Model Load");
when I run this code ,I have one error that say: the €ś object not found parametr name:index
Please see this code and answer my question.
If you just can answer one of my qestions ,please say.
Thanks a lot for your answers.With best wishes for you

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Do You Know The Its Meaning??

Feb 13, 2007

In ado.net (using C#). have a statement  such as "sqlCommand cmd=new sqlCommand(sqlStatement,stringConnection,sqlTransaction)". do you know the meaning of this bold parameter ? is it its tasks ? thank very much

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What Is The Meaning Of This?

Nov 5, 2004

I was looking at a Miscrosoft example of a SQL "INSERT INTO".
One example they give isINSERT INTO Northwind.dbo.Shippers (CompanyName, Phone)
VALUES (N'Snowflake Shipping',N'(503)555-7233') What does the "N" stand for (or do) in N'Snowflake Shipping'? Is this really needed? I've looked around some and can't find any discussion about it.

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What Is The Meaning Of & ~

Apr 8, 2008


I cant understand what is the meaning of & ~. I have seen the same in following query. Could any one explain me please.

select p.action & ~convert(int, 0x10000000), N'column' = col_name(p.id, p.colid), p.uid, N'username' = user_name(p.uid),
p.protecttype, o.name, N'owner' = user_name(o.uid), p.id, N'grantor' = user_name(p.grantor)
from #output p, dbo.sysobjects o
where o.id = p.id
order by p.uid, p.id, p.protecttype, p.action

-- Krishna

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What Is Meaning Of 23,59,59

May 8, 2008

set @pDate2= dbo.AsString(@pYear,@pMonth,@pDay2,23,59,59)

explain the above query

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Jun 12, 2008

hey, can anybody help me to understad that code:
SELECT companies.Contact_Company AS am_label1,
ISNULL(Incident_CNT,0) AS NumberOfIncidents
SELECT DISTINCT Contact_Company FROM HPD_Help_Desk
) companies LEFT OUTER JOIN (
SELECT COUNT(*) AS Incident_CNT, Contact_Company AS am_label1
FROM HPD_Help_Desk
WHERE Status< 5
AND DATEADD ("s", submit_date, '1/1/1970') >= CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime)
GROUP BY Contact_Company
) IncidentsByCompany
ON companies.Contact_Company = IncidentsByCompany.Contact_Company

Thank you.

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Meaning Of ~xxx~

May 14, 2008

Code Snippet<Query>UPDATE OPTIONS SET OptionText = '~DrawerPort~' WHERE...

What is meant by "~" here?


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Meaning Of !=

Dec 2, 2007

In the following example the line of code

IF RIGHT(@StringArray,1) != @Delimiter

includes " != ". What does it mean?

Thanks, Bill

Full Example:-- Creates a UDF that returns a string array as a table result set
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_ParseArray
( @StringArray varchar(max),
@Delimiter char(1) )
RETURNS @StringArrayTable TABLE (Val varchar(50))
DECLARE @Delimiter_position int

IF RIGHT(@StringArray,1) != @Delimiter
SET @StringArray = @StringArray + @Delimiter

WHILE CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @StringArray) <> 0
SELECT @Delimiter_position =
CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @StringArray)

INSERT @StringArrayTable
VALUES (left(@StringArray, @Delimiter_position - 1))

SELECT @StringArray = STUFF(@StringArray, 1,
@Delimiter_position, '')


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Meaning Of N

Nov 25, 2007

An example for finding the length of a string is:

SELECT LEN (N'She sells seashells by the sea shore')

This returns 37. Without the N, it still returns the same 37. Why is N used?



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The Meaning Of Set NoCount On And Off?

Jul 12, 2006

Any one help me out ?
Thank you very much .!

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Meaning Of Identity

Dec 29, 2007

Hello All,

Does anyone knows what is the meaning of IDENTITY in following 2 rows.

[UserId] [bigint] IDENTITY (0, 1) NOT NULL ,
[ProductId] [bigint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

Thanks in advance


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What Is The Meaning Of LTRIM(N' ') ?

Sep 7, 2006

Actually, I don't know what is the meaning and difference of "N" in thefunction.Thanks.

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Looking For The Meaning Of Some Labels

Jun 27, 2006

Dear fellows,


Labels as the ones are easy recognizable when you explore LDFS by mean DBCC or whatever but on the contrary the following ones are tricky to reach the meaning:


Does anyone have any link related with this? I tried hard to search by Goog or something like that but unsuccessfully at all.

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FTS Q - Proximate Meaning Of Phrases

Sep 20, 2005


Is it possible to find records that contain the string "cyber-shot" when the value for search is "cybershot"?? (This is an example and I need a dynamic solution)



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