I Cannot View Table Content In MS SQL Server Express
Mar 19, 2007
I was able to view table content easily before, but after I
reinstalled everything, I cannot find the option to view table content
in MS SQL Server Express. I can define table with no problem. Check
out the screen snapshot below, from which you'll see that the popup
menu frrom right-clicking on the table name does not have the "Open
table" option. What is going on?
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Apr 3, 2008
I want to export data in a table from one database to another database. And I would like it bo be clone of the source table, if it's possible. Is there any tools out there that can help me with this or do I have to write my own code?Is it possible to query the database to get all columns and datatypes for å requested table? If possible, can you give me an example?If I have to write a tool myself I guess I would do something like this: Export - Query the database for columns and datatype for the requested table. Dynamically generate a query to retrieve all rows from the table and save it to an xml file. Import - Turn off the Identity Increment, loop through the xml file and generate insert queries to insert a clone of each row, turn off the Identity Increment. Viola! If programming only could be that simple :-) Regards, Sigurd
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Sep 1, 2005
Hi,I use view to join difference table together for some function. However,when the "real" table fields changed (e.g. add/delete/change field). Theview table still use the "old fields".Therefore everytimes when I change the real table, I also needed open theview table and save it by SQL enterprise manager manually for update theview table field.Can we use a SQL command or other method to update it directly?Regards,Silas
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Dec 14, 2005
We€™re in the process of assessing the content that exists to help people learn and use SQL Server Express. This includes demos, tutorials, whitepapers, Webcasts, Starter Kits, and any other type of content you could imagine. So this is a great chance to TELL US WHAT YOU WANT! We€™ll integrate your feedback and make sure that we try and address the most requested areas of content. Please be as specific as you can.
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Feb 17, 2006
I have this view in SQL server:
CREATE VIEW dbo.vwFeat
SELECT dbo.Lk_Feat.Descr, dbo.Lk_Feat.Price, dbo.Lk_Feat.Code, dbo.SubFeat.SubNmbr
dbo.SubFeat ON dbo.Lk_Feat.Idf = dbo.SubFeat.Idt
When ever I open using SQL Entreprise manager to edit it by adding or removing a field i inserts Expr1,2.. and I don t want that. The result I get is:
SELECT dbo.Lk_Feat.Descr AS Expr1, dbo.Lk_Feat.Price AS Expr2, dbo.Lk_Feat.Code AS Expr3, dbo.SubFeat.SubNmbr AS Expr4
dbo.SubFeat ON dbo.Lk_Feat.Idf = dbo.SubFeat.Idt
I don t want Entreprise manager to generate the Expr fields since I use the real fields in my application.
Thanks for help
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May 6, 2015
One of my employes deleted a MSSQL Database instead of detach. Now i tried to recover the .mdf and .ldf file but when i trie to attach it it says. "File is not a primary database file"
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Nov 21, 2007
Hi all,
I just found that the content of my Database "ssmsExpressDB" is gone, but the name "ssmsExpressDB" remains in the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express. If I delected the name "ssmsExpressDB" and executed the following .sql:
exec sp_attach_db @dbname = N'ssmsExpressDB',
@filename1 = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatassmsExpressDB.mdf',
@filename2 = N'C:Program filesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatassmsExpressDB_log.LDF'
I got the following error message:
Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 1
Unable to open the physical file "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatassmsExpressDB.mdf". Operating system error 32: "32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)".
And I have closed all my projects and I do not know what " The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" is all about!? Please help and tell me how I can re-attach the content of my "ssmsExpressDB" in the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
I found the "ssmsExpressDB" is being used by my VB 2005 Express project "Hello-SQLCLR-1": in the Database Explorer, Data Connections place. How can I put it back to the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express? Please help and advise.
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Dec 14, 2005
I'm the project lead for SQL Server Express in Microsoft (as well as owning the Storage Engine). I'm going to make sure that threads on this forum get answered - I see a bunch with no answer so far.
Now to the point - we’re in the process of assessing the content that exists to help people learn and use SQL Server Express. This includes demos, tutorials, whitepapers, Webcasts, Starter Kits, and any other type of content you could imagine. So this is a great chance to TELL US WHAT YOU WANT! We’ll integrate your feedback and make sure that we try and address the most requested areas of content. Please be as specific as you can.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Paul Randal
Lead Program Manager, Microsoft SQL Server Storage Engine
(Legalese: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.)
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Sep 6, 2007
I was able to link SQL Server Express to Oracle views using Linked Manager. However, when I run the query, the performance is very slow.
Is there a way to improve performance in querying?
Previously I was using Access to link to Oracle view. But the performance is not good. Takes about 8 hours for approx 6000 records.
Thanks a lot,
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Nov 12, 2001
hi everybody,
The problem is, I have a table with one column of varchar(8000) datatype. It has got 1000's of records. Through Query Analyzer, I am not able to view my records after 257 columns in my table, even I increased my textsize by using 'set textsize' command.
Any other setting is available to correct this. Any help is appreciated.
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Sep 10, 2001
I have a particular production database that on a few recent occasions has suddenly had one of it's tables empty of content. Now there are no jobs or triggers in place neither is any stored procedures that could perform a delete or alter table operation in place. The permissions have been set not to allow this either. The datatype is text only. What is intriguing is the QA server has an exact mirror and this dosen't happen. Has anyone come across this sort of phenomenon?
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Mar 20, 2002
I know oracle uses UTL_FILE procedures lik putline, but microsoft?
Thank you for trying to help.
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Nov 30, 2004
Hi.. anyone know wat the syntax to output the table content to a textfile? and copy back the content on the textfile back to the table?
Must use SQL command for MS SQL Server 2000 cannot use manual.. tks!
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Apr 8, 2008
I have a table having XML column. I want to read a XML document and insert content of the XML file into this xml column.
[DataAsXML] [xml] NULL,
[CreatedDate] [datetime] NULL
I have tried the following query
declare @filepath varchar(100)
declare @filename varchar(100)
set @filename = 'Referred'
set @filepath = 'D:ReportOutput'+ @FileName +'.xml'
print @filepath
insert into XMLTest
SELECT xCol,getdate()
(BULK @filepath,SINGLE_BLOB) AS xCol) AS R(xCol)
Problem is that When I give complete file path for BULK instead of variable name i.e. BULK 'C:Test.xml', query runs fine. But when I try to use @filepath, I get error "Incorrect syntax near '@filepath'." What am I doing incorrect? Also,If some one can suggest a better approach to load content of XML document to table?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi all,need advice on the following task:copy the content of a big table from DB_A to DB_B in the same serverthe size of table:~ 7 million rows, ~ 9G in size, 1 clustered pk index, 13 nonclusteredindexcurrent practice:use DTS to copy the data, takes over 20 hours as-- first had to delete existing data of the table in DB_B-- then copy-- all these happen while all indexes are in place.I am trying to check what is the best or most efficient way to copythis kind of data and what wouldbe the expected time for such load.my machine: SQL 2000 Enterprise, 8-way P4, 12G RAM on a EMC Clarrion600 SAN.
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May 7, 2007
In a project with SQL Servcer 2005 the customer is interested to save (archive) content of a table frequently. They want to have possibility to restore the table content as before. I have suggested to export the table every day to a text file and save the file in Visual source safe. If they need there will be possibility to import the text file later. Now I wonder, is there any other way to do archiving of the table content in SQL Server 2005?
Best regards
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Aug 14, 2006
Is it possible in SQL express and SQL server mangement studio express to export table content to sql script, like form table
column1 column2
1 2 2
2 3 34
3 4 234
we get script
INSERT INTO [database].[dbo].[table] ([column1] ,[column2]) VALUES (2,2)
INSERT INTO [database].[dbo].[table] ([column1] ,[column2]) VALUES (3,34)
INSERT INTO [database].[dbo].[table] ([column1] ,[column2]) VALUES (4,234)
If it is not possible in express editions, is it at least available in developer editions?
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Jan 5, 2007
I keep product name, id in Table1.
I keep Category name, id in Table2.
I keep relation between product and category (product_id, category_id) in Table3.
I have added some products to the table with proper category.
Work fine
But for some products I did not specified any category
(ie their id is not present in Table3)
But now I want all such products
(ie all products whose category is nothing)
To be associated with category_id 10
Can I do this simply with SQL queries?
Hope u can help me
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Nov 6, 2006
Hi Guys,
What approach should I use to copy content of a text file.
Example of the text file's content:
Date, "20060101"
ST_Code, "101"
A_Code, P_Code, T_Code, amount, price
"0001", "1111", "0101", 550, 230
"0002", "1111", "0102", 345, 122
"2001", 0212", 0930", 410, 90
In the example above, I just want to copy the rows Date, "20060101" and ST_Code, "101" into a table.
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Oct 1, 2015
I have
Customer table, tblCust: ID; Name
1 Peter2 Mary
Product table, tblProduct: ID; Name
1 Banana2 Orange3 Apple
Order tblOrder, tblOrder: CustID; ProductID; Amount
1 ;2 ;$20 – means Peter ordered $20 oranges
How do I write the SQL query so that the values in tblProduct become column, currently I have 20 items in that table. So, it will return something like this according to the information that I provide above?
Name Banana Orange AppleÂ
Peter 0 20 0
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Jun 24, 2007
I am new to this type of programming and and have read all articles on adding an image to the database and it seems they all use sql queries to add an image but I want to add an image at design time. I am using Visual Basic 2005. I am also using Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition to try the same thing. I am trying to build a Translator program for english to Brazilian Portuguese and the reason I want to add the images is so that when I translate the word cat from english to Portuguese, I can also show an image of a cat. Can anyone please help me
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Oct 30, 2015
How to creating a Table Of Content with page number in ( SSRS )SQL Server Reporting Services or when exported to pdf report.
FYI, Page number should be there in TOC.
Third party component is not accepted.
Dynamic Document Map will not work, as it cant get the page number.
I understand that there is no buildin feature which support this, but there should be some work around in SSRS or when export to PDF.
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Sep 26, 2007
Code Snippet
Hi there,
I'm struggeling for more than a week now with this problem, without a finding the solution.
I have two databases, MS Access and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Using a procedure in Visual Studio i would like to copy all the records from one table in MS Access into an existing table in SQL Server (the tables have the same name and the same layout)
I tried to prepare one Dataset to copy from Access into SQL Server but when i run the command 'DaSQL.Update(DsSQL, "Tabella") nothing happens (not even an exeption has been raised), looking during debug, the DataSet seems filled though...
Please could anyone explain what's wrong and / or is there a more quicker way to copy data from a table to another?
Note i woul have as a final goal to get data from an AS400 database by ODBC, manage it, and put it on SQL Server for a 'data mining' scope (eliminating the use of MS Access, not suited for FE-BE).
the procedure goes like this;
' Create a connection to the MS Access Database
Dim connectionToAccess As New OleDbConnection(DBConnectionAccString)
strsql = "SELECT * FROM [TABELLA]"
Dim DaAccess As New OleDbDataAdapter(strsql, connectionToAccess)
Dim DsAccess As New DataSet("ACCESS")
DaAccess.FillSchema(DsAccess, SchemaType.Source, "Tabella")
DaAccess.Fill(DsAccess, "Tabella")
' Create a connection to the SQL Database
Dim connectionToSQL As New SqlConnection(DBConnectionSQLString)
Dim DaSQL As New SqlDataAdapter(strsql, connectionToSQL)
Dim DsSQL As New DataSet("SQL")
DaSQL.FillSchema(DsSQL, SchemaType.Source, "Tabella")
DaSQL.Fill(DsAccess, "Tabella")
DaSQL.Update(DsSQL, "Tabella")
Note I tried also the following, withou a result;
DsSQL = DsAccess.Copy
DaSQL.Update(DsSQL, "Tabella")
Please is there someone who could respond !!???
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Aug 9, 2000
Any idea on how I do this?
Any advice welcome.........
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Aug 15, 2006
Hi All,
I have created a table using VIEWS in SQL server 2005, now i want to be ablle to edit it in a datagrid but i cannot do so as i there is no primary key!
now does anybody know how to set a primary key constraint so i can set one of the fields as a primary key to identify the row?
many thanks
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Jul 23, 2012
Here's the scenario. We tried to create a full text indexing on a view, unfortunately the view was created based on Left outer join. Hence we were pushed to do the following.
We planned to create a table based on the data that is rendered in this view(this view is formed by combining 14 tables.) . Finally we were able to create a full text indexing on this new table. For simplicity let us called this new table as tableA.
Now the problem is how can we update (if any data is changed on one of the concrete tables of the view) or insert (when new data is inserted in one of the underlying tables of the view) the respective data into this new table - tableA which was created based on this view.
In other words, there should be a sync between the view and tableA. Is it possible to achieve this ???
View is formed based on different tables (not based on tableA)?
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Jun 18, 2014
I have a view which select some few columns from multiple tables with where clause and have 5 unions of different category of data.
For the best performance i need to change this to physical table or any other options which can increase my performance.
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May 8, 2015
I have a performance issue with one of the views when I join the view with a temp table
I have 2 Views - View1 and View2.
There is a third view - view_UNION where the
view_UNION =
If I have a query like -
Select view_UNION.* FROM
the execution is too slow.
But if I execute the views separately, I get good performance.
How to improve the performance of the view_Union
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May 27, 2015
We have two databases with same schema and tables (same table names, basically main DB and a copy of the main DB). following is example of table names from 2 DBs.
CREATE TABLE #SourceDatabase (SourceColumn1 VARCHAR(50))
INSERT INTO #SourceDatabase VALUES('TABLE1') , ('TABLE2'),('TABLE3') , ('TABLE4'),('TABLE5') , ('TABLE6')
SELECT * FROM #SourceDatabase
DROP TABLE #SourceDatabase
CREATE TABLE #ArchiveDatabase (SourceColumn2 VARCHAR(50))
INSERT INTO #ArchiveDatabase VALUES('TABLE1') , ('TABLE2'),('TABLE3') , ('TABLE4'),('TABLE5') , ('TABLE6')
SELECT * FROM #ArchiveDatabase
DROP TABLE #ArchiveDatabase
We need a T_SQL statement that can create one view for each table from both the databases(assuming both databases have same number of tables and same table names). so that we can run the T_SQL on a thrid database and the third DB has all the views (one view for each table from the 2 DBs). and the name of the view should be same as the tables name. and all 3 DBs are on the same server.
the 2 temp tables are just examples, DBs have around 1700 tables each. so we ned something like following for each table.
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE1 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE1] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE1]
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE2 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE2] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE2]
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE3 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE3] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE3]
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE4 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE4] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE4]
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE5 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE5] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE5]
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE6 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE6] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE6]
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May 31, 2015
I have a scenario to bold the total row coming from view.
SalesDate BrandName LeadTypeLeadsSalesCR%
01-Jun-2015XYZ ABC 81 1012.35 %
01-Jun-2015DEF ZXXYY 412 61.46 %
[code]<b>01-Jun-2015 XYZDEF Total 49316 3.25 %</b>
I have a SQL and I want to bold the Total row. I have been unable to do so. I have written a Stored proc to get the HTML table emailed.
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Feb 16, 2007
Hi all,
Hopefully I am posting this question in the correct forum. I am still learning about SQL 2005. Here is my issue. I have an access db that I archive weekly into and SQL server table. I have used the dst wizard to create an import job and initally that worked fine. field I have as the primary key in the access db cannot be the primary key in the sql table since I archive weekly and that primary key field will be imported several time over. I overcame this initally by not having a primary key in the sql table. This table is strictly for reference. However, now I need to setup a unique field for each of the records in the sql table. What I have done so far is create a recordID field in the sql table that is an int and set as yes to Identify (auotnumber). That worked great and created unique id for all existing records. The problem now is on the import. When I try to import the access table i am getting an error because of the extra field in the sql table, and the error is saying cannot import null value into this field. So... my final question is how can I import the access table into the sql table with one extra field which is the autonumber unique field? Thanks a bunch for any asistance.
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Aug 11, 2014
I am trying to replicate data from a view in the publisher to a table in the subscriber (transaction replication). I do not need the view's base table, or the view itself, replicated to the subscriber. I only want to data from the view to feed a table in the subscriber.
Is this possible?
Running SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise.
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Sep 1, 2015
I have a multi-tenant database where each row and each table has a 'TenantId' column. I have created a view which has joins on a CTE. The issue I'm having is that entity framework will do a SELECT * FROM MyView WHERE TenantId = 50 to limit the result set to the correct tenant. However it does not limit the CTE to the same TenantId so that result set is massive and makes my view extremely slow. In the included example you can see with the commented line what I need to filter on in the CTE but I am not sure how to get the sql plan executor to understand this or weather it's even possible.I have included a simplified view definition to demonstrate the issue...
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