I Don't Understand Licencing

Apr 19, 2007

Hello, i just bought sql server 2005 with 5 cals (previously i was using a shared sql server with my previous host)... I probably should have asked this question before i bought it... i don't understand how the cal licencing works... the sql server is for running our ecommerce site, i just got a dedicated server to put this on... but from reading the licencing does this mean that only 5 internet users can access my website(or the information in the database) at a time???

any help with this would be appreciated

~ Moe

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SQL && Licencing

Sep 29, 2006

I know this is supposed to be a help forum, but the company I work for are looking to produce a DB using Microsoft SQL server, the DB will be accessed by approx 20 / 25 people and we will need one developer licence...and will be held on a dedicated server...

Can some one please help me work out what version of the sortware we need to purchase and what we require in the way of licences....???

Many Thanks

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SQL Server Licencing

Jul 4, 2001

I want to to purchase SQL Server 7.0 standard Edition. But I am having difficulty sourcing it.

If I purchase SQL Server 2000 standard Edition, am I covered.

Is there an article which covers this topic

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Licencing Issues

Oct 26, 2000

I have installed SQL Server 7, but in error I set the licencing protocol to 'concurrent users' rather that 'number of seats'. Is there an easy way to change this over? The only option I am aware of is to back-up the DB,re-install SQL Server and then restore the DB.
Is there a better option?


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Instance Licencing

Nov 11, 2006

Hi,We are have a 5 user licenced microsoft sql server 2000 cd. We need toset this up to run two instances of the server, as we need differentsetups on both databases. Does anyone know if with one cd you can dothis, so that the user licences installed are shared between the twoinstances? Also do you need a aeperate server licence per instance orif using the user license model we can install both instances from thesame cd.Thanks for your help & timeDavid

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SQL Licencing Problems

Jan 4, 2007

It seems as though our last administrator has installed Enterprise Licenses (SQL 2005) We need these to be Standard, can I down grade some how with minimal to no disruption to our databases?

If so How, if not (which i almost positive that you are going to say NO) then i assume I am going to have to reinstall the SQL server. What is the best way going about this with out having to restore all of the databases? Can i copy all of the MDF and LDF files else where and then once the new installation has completed create the users, then databases and then replace the MDF and LDF?

Is there a better way then this if so it would be a huge help.



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SQL Server Personal Ed - Licencing?

Feb 27, 2004

I just found that one of the SQL Servers I support shows it is 'SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition'. I've checked and there is a spare SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition' licence in the organisation.

Do I need to re-install SQL Server 2000 with the correct media so that it shows 'Standard Edition' in the SQL Server properties? Or is it ok just to leave Personal Edition on there?


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Question Regarding Licencing And Pricing

Jun 1, 2004

Can someone please explain me how much does it cost for Per CPU license and how much /Server for an enterprise edition


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SQL Licencing For Application Software

Jan 30, 2008

Just looking for some clarification. I have written an application that uses SQL Server 2005 to host all the data. The system uses MVC so a data connection is open, data requests are made and then the data connection is closed. All users connect to the database using the same database credentials. If I then want to sell this application and the client has 10 users, do I need a Server licenes + 10 Cals, even though there is in effect only 1 database user? There are only ever likely to be 3 users on the system working at the same time.



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Licencing In Sqlserver Mobile Edition

May 28, 2007

I am working on a Mobile Area project.

The employees go to markets and collect information about the goods.(Collect the datas using pocketpc's) and synchronise the data with SQLSERVER.

At this point how many CAL I need?

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Installation And Licencing About MSSQL 2005 Standard Edition And Clustering Mode

Feb 8, 2007


I have a question about using MSSQL server 2005 standard edition in Clustering mode.
I would like to build a msql cluster with only 2 servers (2 nodes).

I read here -> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=818234dc-a17b-4f09-b282-c6830fead499&DisplayLang=en
page 5 that you can use MSSQL server 2005 standard edition in Clustering mode with 2 nodes.

But my question is :
Can I use windows 2003 standard edition (Clustering mode managed ????) or I only can use windows 2003 enterprise edition ?


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Hm...can`t Understand, Please Help

Dec 27, 2004

i have this situations:

the aspx file with source code work good.
when i try run project which created from VS i take
"SQL Server does not exist or access denied."
connection strings same:

"Data Source=**.**.**.**,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=slider;User ID=username;Password=password;"

i think may be it`s web.config in project wrong?

Edited by SomeNewKid
Removed username and password from connection string.

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Don't Understand

Aug 27, 2006

I am having a problem reinstall SQL Express 2005.  I had it installed, but then I unistalled it.  I have tried installing it again, but everytime I do it says that the product is already installed.  There is no instance of it in my Add/Remove Programs.  I have read the threads that relate to this topic, but they haven't helped.  I have looked at my logs of the installs, but they don't make sense neither.  I just want the program installed again, or a way to get it so that I can use it. 

When I try to manually uninstall using msiexec.exe /x <processid> I get an error saying that the package could not be opened.  This happens with all the process ids I use that I get from the log files (I have 11 logs).

 am using Visual Basic 2005 and trying to create a database, and it will not let me.  That is how I know that it is not installed, plus I can't find any instance of it one my computer.  Please help.  Thanks.

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I Need To Understand

Nov 19, 2006

How di I understand what SQL Server Integration Services mean? Can some one help me?

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Isn't Working... I Don't Understand?

Feb 23, 2008

I'm trying to put together a very simple page where you can click the up and down button to move the item up or down in the list and save the new list into the database. I've run the stored procedure... and it works so Its not a procedure problem. Here is the list in my databaseOrder_Id        Item         Position1                  Sebring     12                  GrandPrix  23                  Accord      44                  Miati         3 When I go to click the button I get a object reference not set to an instance of an object... This error haunts me many times. Heres the code to my project:BLL  /// <summary>
/// Gets Items from the Item table.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A list of items.</returns>
[System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, true)]
public OrderItemDataSet.OrderItemDataTable GetItemDataByPosition()
return OrderItemAdapter.GetItemDataByPosition();

/// <summary>
/// Gets the order id based on the position specified.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The order id.</returns>
[System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, true)]
public int SelectOrderIdByPos(int pos)
return SelectOrderIdByPos(pos);

/// <summary>
/// Update Order list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newPos">Position to change to.</param>
/// <param name="originalPos">Original position.</param>
/// <param name="orderId">Original id.</param>
/// <param name="otherOrderId">Position to change id.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
[System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Update, true)]
public void ReorderItemByIdAndPosition(int newPos, int originalPos, int orderId, int otherOrderId)
OrderItemAdapter.ReorderItemByIdAndPosition(newPos, originalPos, orderId, otherOrderId);
}   Codebehind  1 using ReorderListWebApplication.BLL;
2 using System;
3 using System.Collections;
4 using System.Configuration;
5 using System.Data;
6 using System.Linq;
7 using System.Web;
8 using System.Web.Security;
9 using System.Web.UI;
10 using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
11 using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
12 using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
13 using System.Xml.Linq;
15 namespace ReorderListWebApplication
16 {
17 public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
18 {
19 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
20 {
22 }
24 protected void UpButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
25 {
26 Label posLabel = (Label)ReorderItemDataList.FindControl("PosLabel");
27 Label idLabel = (Label)ReorderItemDataList.FindControl("IdLabel");
29 using (ReorderListWebApplication.BLL.OrderItem item = new ReorderListWebApplication.BLL.OrderItem())
30 {
31 int pos = 0;
33 pos = item.SelectOrderIdByPos(Convert.ToInt32(idLabel.Text) - 1);
35 // Grab other orderId!!
36 item.ReorderItemByIdAndPosition((Convert.ToInt32(posLabel.Text) - 1), Convert.ToInt32(posLabel.Text), 3, pos);
37 }
38 }
40 protected void DownButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
41 {
42 using (ReorderListWebApplication.BLL.OrderItem item = new ReorderListWebApplication.BLL.OrderItem())
43 {
45 }
46 }
47 }
48 }

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I Don't Understand The Following Error....

May 2, 2008

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: You have specified that your update command compares all values on SqlDataSource 'SqlDataSource5', but the dictionary passed in for oldValues is empty.  Pass in a valid dictionary for update or change your mode to OverwriteChanges.
can somebody tell me what this is?

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Don't Understand This Error

Oct 18, 2005

Hello, I could use some help with this error message:
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
This if statement is the problem
IF (select bill_freq from #header1) = '1'   update #header1 Set     [Monthend] =  aa.pername    from sv00564 zz inner join sv00532 aa on zz.wennsoft_period_id = aa.wennsoft_period_id   Where zz.rmdnumwk like #header1.Invoice_Number

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Don't Understand Error...

May 4, 2006

This is failing:// Trying to update DynamicPageContent.Html where DynamicPageContent.PageID='121'//With// Select Html from DynamicPageHistory where HistoryID='831'//Update DynamicPageContentSET Html=(SELECT Html FROM DynamicPageHistory WHERE HistoryID='831')WHERE PageID='121'With the following error:Server: Msg 279, Level 16, State 3, Line 1The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression.DynamicPageContent.Html is Ntext size 16 and DynamicPageHistory.Html is Ntext size 16. PageID is and int and HistoryID is an int. It fails with single quotes around 831 and 121 and it fails without single quotes. The error message is the same both ways.Ideas?Thanks,Rex

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Starting To Understand

Jun 29, 2004

I feel extremly happy today and let me share with this wonderful forum why.

SQL is awesome and I'm really learning that theres alot of resources out there and coding is not that hard once you understand what your doing. Just took awhile for things to sink in. I still have a long ways to go but I'm really enjoying using sql. I practically live in our SQL Server 2000 at work and I'm learning more and more about it everyday.

Thank YOu so much guys I really appreciate all the help you've given me
Now I'm gonna study for the sql cert


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Don't Understand GROUP BY...

Mar 8, 2005

I have a table Test_GUID, with fields id as int PK IDENTITY, GUID as varchar(50), and Version as tinyint. I put data in it such as

id GUID Version
1 abc 1
2 abc 2
3 def 1

Then I tried to get the following result:

id GUID Version
1 abc 2
3 def 1

By using a query:

SELECT GUID, MAX(Version) AS MaxVersion, id
FROM dbo.Test_GUID

But then I get an error because id is not being aggregated.

This works

SELECT GUID, MAX(Version) AS MaxVersion
FROM dbo.Test_GUID

but then how do I get the id of each record?

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Help Me To Understand This SQL Sentence

Jul 18, 2006

Set @mSQL = 'SELECT Max([AccountID] + [ItemID] + [StorehouseID] + [BINID] + [LotItemID] + Convert(varchar(10),[BalDate],111)) AS [KEY],
AccountID, ItemID, StorehouseID, BINID, LotItemID INTO [xIV_tblStockSumLastDate' + ']
FROM IV_tblIVMaster
WHERE (BalDate<= 'Exec(@mSQL + '''' + @mtxtDate + '''' + ')
GROUP BY ItemID, AccountID, StorehouseID, BINID, LotItemID')

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Don't Understand The Error.

Oct 18, 2006

I'm doing code with VB.Net.

The error was:
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

The line this is happening on is:
Response.Write("<TD><p>" + rdData("ClientRepID") + "</p></td>")

I don't understand, it is giving that error particularly when I want to get ClientRepID

Some more lines from the code:
Response.Write("<TD><p>" + rdData("Username") + "</p></TD>")
Response.Write("<TD><p>" + rdData("ClientRepID") + "</p></td>")

The first line the compiler had no problem but when it gets to the second line with ClientRepID it gives me this error. (ClientRepID exists in the database)

Can someone please help me? Thanks

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I Don't Understand Quoted_identifier

Mar 24, 2008

OK, so I know that following works if I want update/insert the value "joe's bar" into the table.

update #temp set id=4 where name ='joe''s bar'

The thing is, I do not conceptually understand what is happening and it is driving me nuts. I have read and re-read the description of quoted_identifier in books online and I still don't get it. How does the extra ' after joe make it work? Is there any hope for me? :)

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Trying To Understand Triggers

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,Newbie here. I have a mailing list program that I really like. I also have anew membership program. The membership program has mailing list signupsbuilt-in, but it isn't nearly as robust as the stand-alone mail program.If someone signs up for a newsletter when they register (membershipprogram), can a "trigger" in SQL Server put the same information into thestand-alone program's tables? And when they remove or update theirlists/info? And vice-versa?Is this what a "trigger" would do? And is it efficient?Thanks,JA

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SQL Backup - Dun Understand

Nov 23, 2005

Hi ,I am running SQL server 2000 sp3a and i have set up my database to be in"Full Recovery" mode.I am not able to understand if i have set anything wrong here :1. Full database Backup - every weekend2. Differential Backup - twice a day3. Txn log backup - 4 times a day (4hrs apart)Situation :my Txn Log file is now 18GB ,i can see it's only taking up around 1.5 GB ofactual space usedQues :i thought after every full database backup on each weekend, the txn logbackup will clear up the txn log , if so i see no reason why the txn log cangrow to 18 GB unless between the txn log backup , there's alot of data comingin that caused the txn log to grow but this is not the casekindly advise if my setup is wrong or what could have happened somwhere tocause the log to grow so muchtks & rdgs--Message posted via SQLMonster.comhttp://www.sqlmonster.com/Uwe/Forum...eneral/200511/1

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Primary Key: I Am Trying To Understand--please Help If You Can.

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,So I've been reading the newsgroups, and reading a few books trying to learnSQL and SQL Server 2000. The books tell me I need a Primary Key, and thatevery table should have one. I know (I think) that a Primary Key is aspecial field that uniquely identifies each record or row within a table.My question is this: If I have a field or column whose values are all (andwill be) different in every row, is that what a Primary Key is, or is it nota primary key until I designate it as such with either a statement or byright-clicking a little key on the table diagram.If so, then what is the reason _behind_ why I have to do that, and have aprimary key?I've been playing with a few tables, and I can select information just fine,relate tables together with joins, and everything works fine (so far) allwithout my designating any Primary Keys--so why, exactly, do I need one, andexactly what is it?I would appreciate any help and clarification.Thanks.

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I Don´t Understand

Jun 23, 2006

i´m sorry my bad english

i have a dts in sql server 2005

for example in sql server 2000 i can do that :

over DTS right-clik choose option "Scheduled pachage" and this create a scheduled what i mean is that this produces a "JOB"

what i mean is that i need to know how can to create a scheduled to DTS´s in sql 2005

Please anyone of you provide some solution for this.

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Help With An Error I Don't Understand

Aug 31, 2007

Hey everyone,

I'm trying to make an image appear differently depending on the values of certain data. The statement that I am using is:

= IIF(DATEDIFF("dd",Fields!LastBackupDate.Value,Now)>15,"redball",IIF(DATEDIFF("dd",Fields!LastBackupDate.Value,Now)<8,"greenball","yellowball"))

And the error that I get is:

[rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the image €˜image4€™ contains an error: Argument 'Interval' is not a valid value.

Preview complete -- 0 errors, 1 warnings

When I preview the report I just get the typical white box with a red x where the image should be. I don't understand.

Thanks in advance,

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Get Last Record, Of Many... Read To Understand

Mar 13, 2008

I have a table with the following fields:
ID, Type, Name, Date, Description
ID is the PK. Names all have different values, but are predefined... a visual:
ID, Type, Name, Date, Description
1, monday, mon1234,3-3-08, some text
2, monday, mon1234,3-4-08, some text
3, monday, mon2345, 3-5-08, some text
4, monday, mon2345, 3-6-08, some text
 Now What i need to do is get the last report for each unique "Name". How would I do that?
When I try to do a Select Distinct, of course, it only gives me those names that only appear once.

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Simple Query Which I Am Not Able To Understand

Jun 13, 2008

 Hi,I have a float column in the database. When ever, I enter a value into the table, the values are rounded. Suppose I execute the following script: create table tblamount(    flttotal_amount    float)insert into tblamount values (0.00)insert into tblamount values (0.00)insert into tblamount values (0.00)insert into tblamount values (0.00)select * from #tblamount returns the following values:0000 but I want the ouput with the values 0.00 that I entered in the DB. Can u pls help me out with this? 

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Unable To Understand The YTD MDX Function

Dec 5, 2004


Me and my thick skull :)

Couldn't get much help from books on-line and therefore can someone please helpme understand

the YTD function withan example maybe?

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Unable To Understand The Script ???

Apr 4, 2008

i have a stored procedure as :
CREATE PROCEDURE Insert_tblAccount
@Name varchar(50),
@Password varchar(20),
@StatusID int,
@AccountType int,
@DOI datetime,
@ROI varchar(500)

Declare @NewID Numeric(18)



INSERT INTO [tblAccount](Name, [Password], StatusID,AccountType, DOI, ROI )
VALUES(@Name, @Password, @StatusID, @AccountType, @DOI, @ROI)

Select @NewID As NewID

i could not understand the line
Select @NewID As NewID
bcoz i have learned that NewId() function returns unique identifier
but above code returns same value as SCOPE_IDENTITY.

So can anybody make me clear what's going on ?????

thanx in advance


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Don't Understand The Following Locking Behavior

Jul 23, 2005

can't figure out why the following locking scenario works the way itdoes:spid 1:start transactionselect a row from table T1 with updlockresult: see an Update lock for the row and index keyspid 2:query for the same row as in session 1result: the query succeedsspid 3:do same as spid 1result: blocks trying to get Update lock on the index key for rowNow I do the query again in spid 2 and it blocks trying to get a Sharedlock on the index key, and it's waiting for spid3. why was it able toget a shared lock on a index key that had an Update lock at first butthen can't get the same shared lock when somebody else is also tryingto get an update lock?

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