I Need A Tutorial On How To Use DataTypes In T-SQL
Oct 10, 2007
Hi all,
i'm looking for an article on how to use DataTypes of SQLServer in T-Sql script writing !!!?
As you know the Books-Online has limited example and i have trouble undertanding for example how to use Binary,varbinary Decimal,Float,real...in T-sql script
Could anyone showm me an instructive article on the net?
Thanks in advance.
HI there... i'm really new to this, and i want to know if there is a tutorial of how to connect to sql database, display the data online, and run some queries....
Hey guys, while going thru the sql tutorial #5 on this website, I have run into an error. Am using, sql server management studio where it is required I attach a database, on adding the selected db, here is the error that I get, and i have no clue whatsoever on how I must proceed: TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio------------------------------ Attach database failed for Server 'parijat'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.3042.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Attach+database+Server&LinkId=20476 ------------------------------ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) ------------------------------ Could not find row in sysindexes for database ID 7, object ID 1, index ID 1. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on sysindexes.Could not open new database 'MyCompany'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 602) For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=602&LinkId=20476 ------------------------------BUTTONS: OK------------------------------
hi there! im new to MSSQL and i want to know if anyone of you knows a reliable website which teaches a detailed and in depth info on how to use mssql...
I'm using VB to access MDBs, and now I want to expand my work to a SQL server. Does anyone know where someone of my needs can find a suitable tutorial?
There's a tutorial (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/ms345296.aspx) on how you create a login in SQL Server. But when I type a new user name I get the error message that the name allready exists. But if I type a existing user name I get the error message that the user name or group couldn't be found.
I'm a coldfusion programmer that works with SQL Server databases. We have the opportunity to move our database from a shared sql server to a semi-private virtual machine with our own copy of sql server 2005. We'll all of a sudden be able to use more features of sql server including replication. We want to be able to keep several databases on the same server in sync so that we can have a production database and a development database that are identical.
I'm not a professional dba but I am willing to learn. Is there a good, straightforward tutorial about setting up and using replication out there that someone can recommend?
I was doing the Step by step tutorial "Developing a SQL Mobile Application with Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005". Link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnppcgen/html/med302_msdn_sql_mobile.asp
Doing it on Windows XP (as required by the tutorial) worked fine for me, doing it on a Windows Server 2003 installation failed, as the client could not connect to the SQL Server database.
Does anyone have experience stepping through the tutorial on a Windows Server 2003 machine?
I am designing my first SQL database and need some insight on datatypes. What datatype is equivalent to autonumber like in MS Access. When I convert an auto number field to to SQL it comes as int with a length of 4, Does this mean it will only auto increment to 9999? I need the field to increment forever. Also what datatypes should be used for phone number with area code and zip code. Thanks
Hi i'm using the FileSystemObject to loop through a file and read out all the data within it (it's an html page, so loads of tags and free text) and then put it in a field in a table. I am using the nText datatype but i don't think i use Full-Text Searching with this, is there any other i can use that produces the same result?
I'm 17 years old and I'm from Belgium, and I have to make a school project. I have to make a program in Visual Basic and my database is SQL Server 2000. I've already made my tables but I dont know excactly what all the datatypes in SQL Server are. They are a little bit different then Access datatypes and I dont know what to use, ntext, text, nvar, ... I can't find a list of the meaning of the datatypes on the net, maybe I'm searching with the wrong keywords(+"sql server" +datatypes in yahoo), but could please someone give me a link of a site where there is that kind of information?
I'm new to SQLServer and I'm creating some tables. In Oracle I always used varchar as this was the default and also recommended. The default in SQLServer seems to be char. Am I right in thinking that varchar is still best to use, as the field can then be of variable length rather than fixed?
I have a SQL 2005 database that's created by a survey data collectionsystem. Users of this system are fairly non-technical and have littleto no conscious control over the datatypes. As a result, the data ismostly stored quite inefficiently as varchars. For example, there isdata that could be stored in a column of bits and it's stored as avarchar value of 0 or 1. (Yuck, I know.)I am building a reporting system using this raw data and have a newtable structure designed that is much more efficient (and better forreporting). Does anyone have any suggestions for getting this datainto my new structure? Specifically, how would you recommend checkingthat varchar field and determining it could be stored as a bit?
i want to have a table for members of a club/society and i wnt to be able to maintain the structure of their member id numbers, eg com212 for a committee member, or mem019 for ordinary members.
is there a way to automate this using some sort of auto-incriment function and use this as the primary key for the table?
I have created a coldfusion webpage form that writes to a sql database. For comment boxes they can enter as much text as they need. Do I want to choose a varchar for my datatype and put a riduculously high number for characters or should I should use a text datatype and if I use text are there specific options I should set up?
Hello!Im trying to write SQL but I dont think that SQL is enough for me right now.I wants to write Stored Procedures, but I dont know how to... Is there any good tutorials you can recomend?
I have been trying to set up roles and security for my database using SQL Web Data Administrator(from Microsoft). Unfortunately, i am facing some difficulties to do it. Is there any link that explain how to manage these roles and security issues in the program.
hey!Im looking for a db tutoral which covers accessing a Microsoft SQL databaseon windows. I will be using VC++ if it matters. NO details just a basicintroduction!Oracle DB access using C++ is also of interest!Thanks!-- Majk
Does anyone know of a good matrix tutorial which shows a finished report and how the choices for Page, Columns, Rows, and Details map to a finished report? Having a tough time wrapping my head around the direct impact, and for whatever reason, my sample data keeps triggering an "Out of memory" during preview mode.
After I complete the SSIS Tutorial Lesson 5 and try to run the package, I found there's no any rows inserted into the error output file. I'm sure that I'd followed all the procedures. Anybody help?
One of the wonderful tutorials Microsoft done for SQL DBA/ Developers If you are having hard time to understand SSIS Package. Please finish the entire tutorial to become Master on SSIS.In order to finish the entire tutorial you need to start from fresh installation of sample Database by Microsoft. Once finish all Tutorial you will be master on SSIS.Good luck.
I'm new to SQL Server 2005 Express. I'm sure it's great but after successfully installing it on Vista, I don't know how to "connect" to the default "instance".
Can someone please point me to a online tutorial on connecting once installed... or please help me out with understanding this.
After that I think I can go forward with the msdn video tutorials.
I am currently creating a database tables in SQL Server 2005. I am looking for a link to a website that might explain to me the correct configuration for tabels in a sql server database such as the recommended datatypes for specific fields, eg datatype for short characters, or numbers etc.
Can some1 tell me the data types used in SQL Server for what like, i use Access so like i feel the data types are more intuitive, but for SQL Server in ASP, nchar, nvarchar, there are so many and i dunno what is what. any sites for beginners? cos i searched google and the terms they use to describe data types are like "variable length" "Unicode" i don't exactly know them. something like A-B, integers etc will be good.