I Need To Update A Table With Random Numbers Or Sequential Numbers
Mar 11, 2008
I have a table with a column ID of ContentID. The ID in that column is all NULLs. I need a way to change those nulls to a number. It does not matter what type of number it is as long as they are different. Can someone point me somewhere with a piece of T-SQL that I could use to do that. There are over 24000 rows so cursor change will not be very efficient.
I have a table with a field called "host" and I want to replace the value of this column in each row with 'Host' followed by a random number. I have created the below function to do this: DECLARE @Random varchar; SELECT @Random = CONVERT(int, (20+1)*RAND())+ 1; UPDATE AnalogLines Set [Host Name] = 'Host' + @Random
This sorta works... the problem is, the random number is determine and then the SAME random number is applied to each row. I need a different random number for every row. Any ideas?
I have a column within a table which is already truncated/deleted all records within (Microsoft SQL 2008). I have to now populate the column with sequential numbers up to 50,000 records arbitrary numbers (doesn't mater) up to 7 characters.
what SQL statement I need to write that will automatically polulate the newly empty table with A000001,A0000002,A0000003, or any form for that matter etc so that I can sort number the records within the table.
I have approximately 50000 records which I need to sequentially entered and I really dont want to number the column manually via hand editing.
I'm grappling with this issue which I thought was basic VB programming; I'm trying to insert a random number (between 100 and 999) into a SQL table column (=Status_ID). This is input as part of a user submitting helpdesk requests via a APS.Net Web Form. The 'Status_ID' field is obviously not visible to the user but will help reference this Helpdesk request on the database.Here is the code:Protected Sub submitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles submitButton.Click If Page.IsValid Then ' Define data objects Dim conn As SqlConnection Dim comm As SqlCommand ' Read the connection string from web.config Dim connectionString As String = _ ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ITNet_Students").ConnectionString ' Initialize connection conn = New SqlConnection(connectionString) ' Create command comm = New SqlCommand( _ "INSERT INTO HelpDesk (First_Name, Last_Name, StudentID, PersonalEmail," & _ "CategoryID, SubjectID, Description, StatusID) " & _ "VALUES (@First_Name, @Last_Name, @StudentID, @PersonalEmail, " & _ "@CategoryID, @SubjectID, @Description, @StatusID)", conn) ' Use randomize Randomize() Dim randomvalue As Integer ' Generate random value between 999 and 100. randomvalue = Int((900 * Rnd()) + 100) ' Add command parameters comm.Parameters.Add("@First_Name", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) comm.Parameters("@First_Name").Value = fnameTextBox.Text . . . comm.Parameters.Add("@StatusID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int) comm.Parameters("@StatusID").Value = randomvalue 'Enclose database code in Try-Catch-Finally Try ' Open connection conn.Open() ' Execute the command comm.ExecuteNonQuery() ' Reload page if the query executed successfully Response.Redirect("HelpDesk.aspx") Catch ' Display error message dbErrorMessage.Text = _ "Error submitting the help desk request! Please try again later, and/or change the entered data!" Finally 'close connection conn.Close() End Try End If End Sub----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I keep getting the error message under 'Catch' and the page 'HelpDesk.aspx' is not reloading; the 'comm.ExecuteNonQuery()' is not executing.Can anyone spot any inconsistencies in the declaration of the 'randomvalue' variable?P.S: this code works fine if you replace 'randomvalue' with any integer in 'comm.Parameters("@StatusID").Value = randomvalue'
What I need to do is add a lot number for each acct/trans code type. This is merely a sequential number for the transaction. This changes the output as follows:
I am trying to automatically insert records into my existing customer table. Is there a way when I insert these new records and assign the customer number that it can sequentially pick the next available unique customer number for each record that is inserted? for example the first record would be customer number 100, the next 101, and so on? Please advise.
I am using sybase aSE12.5. I have a table with only one column withdatatype char(2). when i query this table to select all the records, ishould get these records in the ascending order and they should be numbered, i.e, the o/p should look something like thiscolumn_name------ --------1 AB2 AC3 ADand so on.I cannot add an extra column and i need this to be done in a single query.--Message posted via http://www.sqlmonster.com
I have a temp table that's populated with an insert query in as toredprocedure. The temp table has a uniqueID as the primary key.In that table I have a column SortOrder.What I want to do is to create a sequential number in SortOrder butonly for records matching a WHERE statement, for example:(pardon the shorthand...)Insert *.tblPermanent into tblTempIf myField = 1 thenSortOrder = 1(2,3,4,5,.....etc.)elseSortOrder = 0Thankslq
I have a database that is pre-populated with sequential part numbers.As people reserve the parts I update a flag to show the # is no longeravailable. Now they want the ability to take out a block of "x"number of sequential part numbers - say for example 5.If my database had the following numbers available:101104105110111112113114It should return 110 thru 114 and then I would write an update queryto change the flags to 1 (checked out).I have only been able to return the first "x" number of records - havenot been able to make sure they are stepped sequentially - with thefollowing:SELECT ID_ITEM From PARTNO_CHKOUT_SPECIAL M Where (Select Count(*)FROM PARTNO_CHKOUT_SPECIAL NWHERE N.ID_ITEM <= M.ID_ITEM) >= 0 AND TYPE_REC=1 ANDFLAG_CHECKED_OUT=0 {maxrows 5}The above would return 101, 104, 105, 110, 111I tried using an (N.ID_ITEM+1)-M.ID_ITEM=0 to try stepping and geterrors, probably incorrect syntax. Can I do this in an SQL statement?
I have a report with a column which contains either a string such as "N/A" or a number such as 12. A user exports the report to Excel. In Excel the numbers are formatted as text.
I already tried to set the value as CDbl which returns error for the cells containing a string.
The requirement is to export the column to Excel with the numbers formatted as numbers and the strings such as "N/A' in the same column as string.
I am trying to get random numbers to have a unique value for different processes, then I can identify each process. What happens is that I use rand() function without seed, so I got my random numbers, but after shutting down SQLServer and try to get again another random number after booting up, the same series of random numbers is given again and again. So if anyone knows how I can get unique values,even though reseting the server, and using random function or any other method which automatically provides unique values,I'll really appreciate it if you let me know it.
Hi there... I've got an interesting one, that I can't seem to get my head around. Maybe some legend out there might be able to give me a hand...
I'm looking for a way to produce a weighted set of random numbers. I'm doing some work for a client at the moment, and they want to issue 3 random "reward cards" to their members at certain times. These are a bit like discount vouchers etc. The problem is some cards have need to have a higher frequency than the others. I guess a similar problem to baseball cards, you buy a pack of cards, you get mostly common cards, but every now and then, you get a rare card.
Here is the table setup: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Cards]( [CardID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Cards_CardID] DEFAULT (newid()), [CardName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [InsertRatio] [float] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Cards] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CardID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Common 1', NULL) /* Null implies the card is a common card */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Common 2', NULL) /* Null implies the card is a common card */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Common 3', NULL) /* Null implies the card is a common card */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Common 4', NULL) /* Null implies the card is a common card */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Common 5', NULL) /* Null implies the card is a common card */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Common 6', NULL) /* Null implies the card is a common card */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Common 7', NULL) /* Null implies the card is a common card */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Common 8', NULL) /* Null implies the card is a common card */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Common 9', NULL) /* Null implies the card is a common card */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Rare 1', 0.02) /* 1:50 ratio */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Rare 2', 0.02) /* 1:50 ratio */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Rare 3', 0.02) /* 1:50 ratio */ INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cards]([CardName],[InsertRatio]) VALUES('Very Rare 1', 0.005) /* 1:200 ratio */
So what I need to do, is have a Stored Proc that I can execute and it returns back 3 random rows. Now in that single run, a card can't be duplicated.
Notice the Insert Ratio column? This has the ratio of the probability, eg a 1:50 insert ratio is equal to 0.02. For the common cards, a NULL value indicates it is a common.
Eventually, this table would have about 1000 rows in it, and about 200 of those would have various ratios (eg 1:50, 1:200, 1:1000, 1:8000 etc)
Why does M$ Query Analyzer display all numbers as positive, no matterwhether they are truly positive or negative ?I am having to cast each column to varchar to find out if there areany negative numbers being hidden from me :(I tried checking Tools/Options/Connections/Use Regional Settings bothon and off, stopping and restarting M$ Query Analyer in betwixt, butno improvement.Am I missing some other option somewhere ?
I have an 'ID' column. I'm up to about ID number 40000, but not all are in use, so ID 4354 might not be in any row. I want a list of all numbers which aren't in use. I want to write something like this:
select [numbers from 0 to 40000] where <number> not in (select distinct id from mytable)
I am trying to update a bunch of phone numbers in a sql 6.5 db. The phone numbers are in the following formate. (aaa)-xxx-cccc I need to update xxx to yyy. Has anyone done this before. Please help.
Large design flaw, I know, but we have a table with a varchar field which contains alpha - numeric values. I need to change just the numerics, which can be in an position on the field:
Sample data of the field: Rec1: Sally Morgan 201-555-1212 Rec2: 555-4040 John Smith Rec3: Jane Houstin 201-555-6452 ext1223
Desired result: Rec1: Sally Morgan 999-999-9999 Rec2: 999-9999 John Smith Rec3: Jane Houstin 999-999-9999 ext9999
There's a bunch of UDFs out there for selecting just the numerics, but I'm having trouble throwing it into a viable script for repeatable execution.
If Exists ( Select c.name from sys.columns c where object_id = object_id('HH835HP') and C.name = 'ID_1' ) Begin UPDATE HH835HP SET ID_1 = ( select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY CHKDTS ASC) AS ID_1 FROM HH835HP ) ; End;
Obviously... The stuff inside the IF is wrong syntax...I mean
Here, 1. for all ReportId, child items's ItemOrder = 0 2. example, for ReportId = 5, both child items ("Item1-Child1" & "Item1-Child1") of parent "Item1" has ItemOrder = 0
I need to, 1. update all child items with ascending numbers starts with 1 against each parent and each report. 2. for each different parent or different report, order by should starts with 1 again.
I have 2 columns the first column is a counter thats always counting up like a meter, the second column is a formula that calculate the difference between the counter(column one). like
Counter Difference
1 1
3 2
6 3
9 3
11 2
13 2
17 4
25 8
The first row is taken as it is, but the second row will be difference = 3-1 the third one will be 3-6 and so on.
How can I do this in a SQL table or any other away?
I have a field (varchar) in a list that contains numbers and letters. I want to sort this table but I have only two functions that will work to convert the values:
Val The Val function sorts the numbers in the string, but the letters are not sorted
CStr The CStr function sorts the letters, but the numbers are not sorted