IDENTITY Property & Timeout Issue.

Apr 9, 2008

Hi all,

Have anyone faced the timeout issue when setting a IDENTITY property of a column to NO.

Is there any way to resolve it ?

Note : The table on which I'm doing the operation is having approx 50 million records.



I get the below error :

'TrnBillDetail' table
- Unable to modify table.
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

View 2 Replies


ConnectionRetryTimeout Property Doesn't Timeout

Apr 23, 2008

The ConnectionRetryTimeout property of the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Replication doesn't work as expected.
I had set the repl.ConnectionRetryTimeout = 10; in the code. But when i unplug the GPRS device from the PDA, the synchronization process doesn't timeout in 10 seconds, rather it takes about 1 minutes and 10 seconds to time out.

Please let me know, if any one come across with this kind of issue before!!!!

Thanks in advance,

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Identity Property

Jul 6, 2007

Hello friends,
I am using sql server 2005. In some tables to create the column Autoincrement I had set the 'Idetity Specification' property to 'Yes'. I want to know that how can we do it through sql scripts i.e. by writing query.
Please let me know
Thanks & RegardsGirish Nehte

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Dropping The Identity Property

Dec 19, 2001


I have a VB script that I am using to run various DTS procedures. One of these involves using DataPumpTransformCopy to copy data from one table to another. The destination table has an Identity field that I would like to disable for the duration of the Transform.

I have tried opening a Command Object and running the "SET IDENTITY_INSERT" function beofre and after the Transform but although it doesn't produce any errors it doesn't seem to actually do anything...

I figure I need to try using the ALTER TABLE to disable the IDENTITY but I can't find an example of how to do this anywhere.. can anyone help me out here?

Many Thanks,


View 1 Replies View Related

Removing Identity Property

Jul 23, 2004

How can i remove identity property of a particular table with sql command.

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Where Is The Identity Property Stored?

Oct 20, 2006

I assume that the identity property is stored within a given database, so there should be no need to run dbcc checkident after restoring from a backup. Is this a correct assumption?

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Identity Column Property SQL SERVER

Apr 2, 2007

i export tables from Local to Online Server But some tables have a column with Identity=True
But after export tables that Property is not True How I can change it True With Query Analyzer????????/

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Drop Identity Property Of A Column

May 24, 2005

Is there a way to remove the Identity property of a column in SQL Server 2000? 
The statement:
returns a syntax error.
Thank you,

View 11 Replies View Related

Replicating Tables With IDENTITY Property

Oct 24, 2000

Please let me know if it is possible to replicate a table with identity property defined in it. Both the publisher and subscriber tables have identity property defined. Which option should be used while setting up transactional replication to allow the identity values at the publisher pushed to the subscriber, which also has identity property defined? Not for replication option with the identity property also fails. Whichever option I choose I get the error, 'An explicit value for the identity column in table 'jobs_id_nfr' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.' This works only if the identity property is not defined at the subscriber. But, I need to have the identity property defined at the subscriber also because the subscriber should be an exact copy of production.

Thanks in advance,

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How To Add Identity Property To Existing Table?

Mar 2, 2004

Has anybody ever tried to do this. I can't figure it out. All I want to do is take an existing table that already has values in the column that I want to change and add the identity property to yes and set the identity seed and increment to a specific number. I know you can do it in the CREATE TABLE statement but is there a way to use the ALTER TABLE command?

View 4 Replies View Related

Removing Identity Property Of Column

Sep 28, 2007

How to remove an Identity property for an Identity Column

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Is There Any Way To Remove IDENTITY Property On Table?

Aug 1, 2007

Is there any way to remove IDENTITY property on particular table? I tried removing IDENTITY property using Manangement studio, but this operation behind the scene use migration concept that is by creating tmp table and then populating with data; droping the orginal and renaming the tmp back to original.

Second, i want some kind of generic solution using certain system table like aya.sysobjects, sys.identitycolumn etc such a way that i should be able to remove the idenity property from all of the table accross a database.


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Find All Columns That Have Identity Property

Mar 19, 2008

How do i Find all Columns that have Identity Property in a database. That is i will like to know all columns in a database that are identity columns.

I am using SQL Server 2005. Thanks

View 4 Replies View Related

Attach IDENTITY Property To An Existing Column

Mar 30, 2006

Hi All,
Can any body tell me that how we can attach IDENTITY property to an existing int column

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Alter Identity Property Of A Column To NOT FOR REPLICATION

Jul 20, 2005

i need to alter all foreign keys in my database and uncheck the"Enforce relationship for replication" check box. Using the EM, Iextracted the code snippet below. unfortunately, when i run this testfrom query analyzer, then go back into the EM, the box is stillchecked.can anyone tell me what i am missing? any advice on unsetting thisattribute globally would be appreciated!BEGIN TRANSACTIONSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLESET ARITHABORT ONSET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFFSET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ONSET ANSI_NULLS ONSET ANSI_PADDING ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS ONCOMMITBEGIN TRANSACTIONALTER TABLE dbo.CustomerCustomerDemoDROP CONSTRAINT FK_CustomerCustomerDemo_CustomersGOCOMMITBEGIN TRANSACTIONALTER TABLE dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINTFK_CustomerCustomerDemo_Customers FOREIGN KEY(CustomerID) REFERENCES dbo.Customers(CustomerID) NOT FOR REPLICATIONGOCOMMITthanks!!

View 4 Replies View Related

What Are Cons And Pros For Using IDENTITY Property As PK In SQL SERVER 2000?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All!We are doing new development for SQL Server 2000 and also moving fromSQL 7.0 to SQL Server 2000.What are cons and pros for using IDENTITY property as PK in SQL SERVER2000?Please, share your experience in using IDENTITY as PK .Does SCOPE_IDENTITY makes life easier in SQL 2000?Is there issues with DENTITY property when moving DB from one serverto another? (the same version of SQL Server)Thank you in advance,Andy

View 49 Replies View Related

Dropping Or Removing The Identity Property From An Existing Column

Mar 7, 2008

How do i drop/remove the identity property for an existing column in all Tables where the Identity column is a primary key.
The Script below was used to find all the tables that have an Identity Column as a primary key in a database. Now i want to remove the identity property from the Identity Columns that have a primary key in the database.

select pk.table_name, c.column_name,

from information_schema.table_constraints pk

INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage c ON c.TABLE_NAME = pk.TABLE_NAME

and c.constraint_name = pk.constraint_name

where constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'

and COLUMNPROPERTY(object_id(pk.table_name), column_name, 'IsIdentity') = 1

ORDER BY pk.table_name, c.column_name

View 8 Replies View Related

Changing Code Page Property Using Property Expression Doesn't Work

Jun 16, 2006

I am having problems exporting data into a flat file using specific code page. My application has a variable "User::CodePage" that stores code page value (936, 950, 1252, etc) based on the data source. This variable is assigned to the CodePage property of desitnation file connection using Property expression.

But, when I execute the package, the CodePage property of the Destination file connection defaults to the initial value that was set for "User:CodePage" variable in design mode. I checked the value within the variable during runtime and it changes correctly for each data source. But, the property of the destinatin file connection doesn't change and results in an error.

[Flat File Destination [473]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Column01" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The ProcessInput method on component "Flat File Destination" (473) failed with error code 0xC02020A0. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.

If I manually update the variable with correct code page and re-run the ETL, everything works fine. Just that it doesn't work during run-time mode.

Can someone please help me resolve this.

Thanks much.

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Value Of A Readonly Property Of Custom Task Is Not Updated In Property Window

Apr 17, 2008


I developed a simple custom control flow component which has several read/write properties and one readonly property (lets call it ROP) whichs Get method simple returns the value of a private variable (VAR as string). In the Execute method the VAR has a value assigened. When I put the value of ROP or VAR into MsgBox I can see the correct value. However when I execute the component I can not see the value of the ROP in the property window. I see the property but its value is empty string. For example when I put a breakpoint to postexecute or check the property before click OK in a MsgBox I would expect that the property value would be updated in SSIS as well. Is there a way how to display correct values of custom tasks properties in property window?

Thanks for any hints.

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(URGENT) Cannot Be Written To The Property. The Expression Was Evaluated, But Cannot Be Set On The Property

May 7, 2008

Untill recently I had a smooth running SSIS package,but suddenly it throws error syaing
"OnError,,,,,,,The result of the expression

"@[User:trTextFileImpDirectory] +"SomeTextStringHere"+ @[User:trANTTextFileName] +(DT_STR,30,1252) @[User:taging_Date_Key]+ "SomeTextStringHere"
" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property."

I have child SSIS package running under a parent package (through execute package task)

I have few flat file connection managers in child package for text file import , in which I am building text file path dynamically at run time by assigning an expression in connection string property of connection manager.
The Expression is as follows

"@[User:trTextFileImpDirectory] +"SomeTextStringHere."+ @[User:trANTTextFileName] +(DT_STR,30,1252) @[User:taging_Date_Key]+ +"SomeTextStringHere"

Where @[User:trTextFileImpDirectory] is a variable which contains path of directory containg text
files.Value in this variable is assigned at runtime from parent package's variable,which in turns fetch
value from a configuration file on local server.

With my current configuration this path has been configured to some other server's directory over network ( I.e my package picks text files from some other servers folder over network)

"Some string here"+ @[User:trANTTextFileName]" part of file name string.

(DT_STR,30,1252) @[User:taging_Date_Key] Contain the date of processing ,value in this variable is also picked up at run time from parent package variable.

1) So can someone give me some insight into possible reason of failures.
2) Is it possible that problem arises if directory (from which I m picking text files) is assigned password or is there exist some problem in accessing forlders over network ?
3) Or there can be some problem in package configuration at design time( I.e where I m assigning value in variable from parent package vriables)?

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Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Obtaining A Connection From The Pool

Jan 13, 2008

Server Error in '/' Application.

Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool.  This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool.  This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace:

[InvalidOperationException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.]
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection) +1188873
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) +105
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +111
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +413
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
LogDo.Log_Db_Save(String sjm, String k_sql, String bz) +438
LogDo.Log_Save(Exception e, String sql) +124
DataCaoZuo.Manage_ResultTB_Caozuo(String comstr) +145
Cls_UserManage.GetAllUserList() +18
Index.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +83
System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e) +15
System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e) +34
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +99
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +47
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1061

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.832; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.832

View 1 Replies View Related

Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Obtaining A Connection From The Pool.

Feb 5, 2004

Ok bear with me here :). I have a server that is getting about 1000000 hits per day with about 10,000 unique vistors. For the past 2 months I have been revamping my code trying to deal with the increase in traffic. I have 2 boxes, one for the website, and one for the SQL. They are connected through a secure backlink so that I dont have to worry about encrypting the data. So the problem started when I updated the MDAC components a few weeks ago. I started getting these freaking timeout errors, they are up to about 1000 errors per hour. I have been monitoring the connection pooling using the system monitor for about a week and have noticed that I am not maxing out the pooling but I am still dropping connections. I went into the web.config and turned my max connections to 1000. Unfortunately this didn't even put a dent in the problem. It doesn't matter if I have 12 or 212 open connections it still drops them. I am at my wits end with trying to debug this problem. I am wondering if anyone else has had similiar problems recently. Also on a side note I have checked all my connections to make sure that I am closing them. Not only do I close my datareaders but I also set them to nothing. In addition to closing and reseting my datareaders I am also disposing and reseting my connection objects as well as closing them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Daniel Christoffersen

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Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding.

Dec 28, 2006

From time to time i get this error "Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." so I tried to change the connection string by adding thie following "Connect Timeout=200; pooling='true'; Max Pool Size=200" but still it is giving the same error! so why is this happening ? and what can I do!
btw the timeout expired happens when a stored procedure is executed at the Fill method !
Thank you in advance

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Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding.

Mar 1, 2007

Hi All,
I am facing a problem in SQL Server 2005 and the .NET Environment. I have an SP, which will return me the result within fraction of second when i execute it in SQL Server Management studio. But randomly (Frequently), its giving timeout when i execute it from .NET Envirnment.
If i execute it at that same time in Management studio, i am not getting the error. But getting the Timeout when i execute it in the Server Explorere of VS 2005 or in the Application which uses it.
Can any one figure out the solution.

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Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding.

May 19, 2007

Hi Team Iam working in a web application. In my system i have installed the xp as os and the in my network is of 2003 server. All files and database are there. But when me accessing the files from my laptop it shows the error as follows Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the
operation or the server is not responding.Description:
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and
where it originated in the code. Exception Details:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired.  The timeout period
elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not
responding.Source Error:

Line 19: con = New SqlConnection(constring)Line 20: If con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then con.Close()Line 21: con.Open()Line 22: cmdobj = New SqlCommand(query, con) Source File:
Y:Inetpubwwwrootsreeskybuilderssreeskybuildersdbmain.vb    Line:
21 If me accessing that same from that mechine there were no errors and i can go thru that program successfully. So please help me to do access the db from anywhere in my network Thanks Rajesh.C.S 

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Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding.

Jul 15, 2007

 I am having a problem with my windows app in I am just trying to do a very simple select command to retrieve some data. I am using a hosting server with a VPN.
When i click on the button it keeps giving me the error above. When I use server management express to do the same query it works fine and relatively fast.
So I have tried setting the CommandTimeout to 120 but when it stops, the debugger shows that the value of the COmmandTimeout is 30, although it stops after about 15 secs.
I am really lost and would need some help please! Find my code underneath.
 Private Sub RetrieveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RetrieveButton.Click
'Create a connection string to connect to the database. Associate it to a connection object.Dim connString As String = "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=edenoverseasproperty;" & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI;User ID=edenoverseasproperty;Password=blossomcar"
'Dim connString As String = "Data Source=JPCHENOTSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=EdenOverseasProperty;" & _
' "Integrated Security=SSPI;User ID=sa;"Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(connString)
'Create a new command and associate the connection object to it.Dim cmd As New SqlCommand()
cmd.CommandTimeout = 120
cmd = sqlConn.CreateCommand()
'Define the command type and the source
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Clients"
'Create a data adapter and a datasetDim da As New SqlDataAdapter()Dim ds As New DataSet()
da.SelectCommand = cmd
da.Fill(ds, "Clients")
'Bind the data to the datagrid
EdenDataGridView.DataSource = ds
EdenDataGridView.DataMember = "Clients"
End Sub

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Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding

Feb 1, 2008

I am getting this error on web server. My Appication is working fine on my Local Network where DB server and web server are on different machine. But getting TimeOut on web server. I tested the query on Query Analyzer it takes hardly 3 sec (Max) to execute. There is only Select query and total number of records are around 2100 which is not a big data.
I have used Connect Timeout = 180  in connection string which is also not effective. 
please tell me how can I handle this exception.

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Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding.

Mar 7, 2008

We've been having timeout problems.
In our development environment we have IIS and SQL Server 2005 both running on the same box. We use VWD or our dev server's IIS to run the apps.
What happens is the database stops responding to our web applications and we continue to get the timeout error. I can still execute queries from Management Studio but all of the web apps all timeout.
Then, the only was we can get the database to start responding again is if we restart the SQL Server service.
Any ideas as to why the database would stop responding to all of the web apps but not Management Studio? It tends to happen a couple times a day when we are developing. Only the other developer and myself use the DEV environment.

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Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding.

Mar 28, 2008

 Hi Dear,I have some problem.Problem Is:
Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.I have two table.1. BlogUrl2.HistoryBlogstable BlogUrl has approximate 30 url(some part of url).and table HistoryBlogs has approximate 2,00,000(2 lac) record.table history blog has a colon blogUrl and a colon subject name.when a user select one url from blogUrl table then display all subject related to's ok.but i want select all blogUrl related query is:SSELECT distinct S.subject_id as 'id', cast(S.subject_raw as varchar(8000)) as 'subject' FROM HistoryBlogs S where                    substring                    (                     cast(S.blog_url as varchar(8000)),                     charindex('/',cast(S.blog_url as varchar(8000)))+2,                     charindex('/',                         substring                            (                              cast(S.blog_url as varchar(8000)),                                  charindex('/',cast(S.blog_url as varchar(8000)))+2,                              len(cast(S.blog_url as varchar(8000)                                    )                              )                          )                          )-1                    )                    IN                       
('-' , '' , '' ,
'' , '' , ''
, '' , '' ,
'' , '' , '' ,
'' , '' , '' ,
'' , '' , '' ,
'' , '' , '' ,
'' , '' , '' ,
'' , '' ,
'' , '' , '' ,
'') group by S.Subject_Id,cast(S.Subject_Raw as
varchar(8000))This query is ok.but when we want select all blogUrl.then i found above mention errori have 2.0 and sql server 2000.this type problem i am facing on remote serverPlease help me.Yogesh Saini

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Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding

Apr 8, 2008

Hi I am getting error:Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not respondingMy Connection string is like this. But still i am getting above error: <add key="ConnectionString" value="Initial Catalog=XX;DataBase=XX;Data Source=XX;User ID=XX;pwd=xx;Min Pool Size=5;Max Pool Size=225;Connection Reset=True;Connection Lifetime=180;"></add>         Please advice me.Thanks-Dil   

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Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding.

May 12, 2008

 Hi, I keep getting this error. I have a query that takes 47 seconds when I run it in SQL Server 2005. My connection string looks like this:connectionString="Server=server; Database=db; Pooling = true; Connect Timeout=60; Max Pool Size=300;I understand that Connect Timeout 60 = 60 minutes. Is there any other place where a timeout can be set in an ASP.NET 2.0 application?Thanks for any ideas. 

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Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding.

May 27, 2008

Hi....i got this error,I have already set in my connection string:----
Connect Timeout=300; pooling='true'; Max Pool Size=200;but i got this error till now,how can i solve this .......thanks

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Timeout Expired. The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding.

Jun 9, 2008

 When I connect remotely to SQL SERVER 2005 the following error occurs.Error: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.thanks & regards  priya.   

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