Oct 27, 2006

Dear friends,

How can insert into a temp table 2 parameters. If it's only on, I dont have problem, but if I have 2 there is a error... The problem is the sintax of the execute SP ... thanks





DirTotal bigint,

DirNome nvarchar(10)


DECLARE @DIR nvarchar(10)

DECLARE @Return_Status bigint






INSERT INTO #TotaisDir (DirNome,DirTotal) VALUES

('ww', EXECUTE dbo.GD_SP_FACTURA_ValorTotal @DIR)





SELECT DirTotal FROM #TotaisDir



Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GD_SP_FACTURAS_TOTAL2, Line 21

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'EXECUTE'.

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GD_SP_FACTURAS_TOTAL2, Line 21

Incorrect syntax near ')'.

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SQL Agent Job Execute SSIS With Param

May 1, 2008


My package takes 1 global variable and I have set up jobs to run this SSIS with different variable values.

I select the package using the UI provided via the job set up screen. The job step type is Operating system (CmdExec).

When package are run by job, it seems that the job can not find the package. But, how can it not find the package when the package was selected from a list that the UI displayed? The error is below.

"Executed as user: <<LOGGEDIN USER(with admin right)>>. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0xFECED6C09CC650489084E91C2FCF52FB (reason: The system cannot find the file specified). The step failed."

Thanks a lot in advance.

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Error Trying To Insert Into Table Using XML Param.

May 9, 2008

Hi all,

I also have the same error, I am trying to do two things in my Stored Proc.

1) - Insert a parent record.
2) - Insert 1 or many records in the child table using the parent ID

The child records are being passed as a XML param.

I am also getting the
'Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed.'
error when I try to create the procedure.

-- =============================================
-- Author:pryder
-- Create date:
-- Description:
-- =============================================
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@Name String ,
@bings XML
BEGIN transaction
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
declare @NewID as int
declare @err as int
-- Insert statements for procedure here
VALUES (@Name)
SELECT @err = @@error
if @err <> 0
rollback transaction
return @err




SELECT @NewID, ParamValues.ID.value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)')
FROM @bings.nodes('bings/group') as ParamValues(ID)

SELECT @err = @@error
if @err <> 0 begin rollback transaction return @err end

commit transaction
return @@error

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Parameter Returned By A Execute

Mar 3, 2004


How can I pass the value of the count(*) to outside the execute. I need the value to continue with the sp

set @sql= 'declare @res int select @res=count(*) from t
where tam=(select '+@posxx+' from sffpoxx0 where ponbr='+@Col001+' and poodn='+@Col002+' and pocat='+@Col007+')'

???????? set @result=exec (@sql) ????????????? Something like this


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SQL Server 2012 :: Execute SP For Rows Returned From A Query

Nov 27, 2013

I have a query that returns a bunch of rows. I have an sp that takes 3 of the columns in the query as parameters that I want to execute for each row. I can do that easily enough with a cursor, but I thought I'd try to eliminate one more task where I fall back on using cursors.

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Value That Is Returned If An Insert Is Not Performed From A SQL Stored Procedure.

Sep 14, 2007

I am using the following stored procedure to insert a value into the database. I am new to stored procedures so I need help. Basically this stored procedurewill only insert a value for "CustomerName" if it is not a duplicate value.
So I noticed in My C# when I call this stored procedure, a negative one "-1"is returned if the insert is not performed because of a duplicate value.
Is that correct? Should I be getting back a negative one "-1" ? You seeI thought that a Zero "0" would be returned if the insert was not performed.Not a negative one?
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CustomerCreate](  @CustomerDescription nvarchar(100),  @CustomerName nvarchar(100),  @LastUpdateDate datetime,  @LastUpdateUser nvarchar(32),  @inserted_record smallint output)
 if exists (select 1 from Customer where CustomerName = @CustomerName) BEGIN
    set @inserted_record = 0
 END    ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO Customer (  CustomerDescription,  CustomerName,        Active,  LastUpdateDate,  LastUpdateUser ) VALUES (  @CustomerDescription,  @CustomerName,  @LastUpdateDate,  @LastUpdateUser ) END

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SQLServer Invokes Trigger Even If There Is No Returned From Insert Subquery

Sep 20, 2007

Please try the following, see that trigger is getting invoked, even if there is no row inserted into trigger table.

drop TABLE X
x1 bigint NOT NULL ,
x2 nvarchar(40)
drop TABLE Y
y1 bigint NOT NULL ,
y2 nvarchar(40)
@prfirststatus INTEGER,
@newcontextid NCHAR
SELECT @newcontextid = x2,
@prfirststatus = x1
FROM inserted
PRINT 'See the trigger getting invoked without even a single ' +
' row being inserted in table X and values passed to this ' +
' triggers are inserted.x2 = ' + @newcontextid
insert into Y values (@prfirststatus,@newcontextid)
insert into X SELECT y1, 'x' from Y where y2 = 'DOESNTEXIST'

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Execute A Query Inside Dataflow And Use The Fields Returned To Continue Dataflow... How?

Apr 17, 2007

Dear Friends,

I need to execute a SQL query, inside a dataflow (not in controlFlow) and need the records returned to continue the dataflow... In my case I cant use lookup and OLE DB COmmand and nothing else...

I need to execute a query and need the records for dataflow... with OLE DB command I cant see the fields returned... :-(

How can I do it? Using a script? Can I use a Script Component? That receive 2 parameters for input and give me the fields returned from query as output?


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Data Returned From .WriteXML Is Different Than What Is Returned In Query Analyzer.

Jun 20, 2006

I have a strange problem. I have some code that executes a sql query. If I run the query in SQL server query analyzer, I get a set of data returned for me as expected. This is the query listed on lines 3 and 4. I just manually type it into query analyzer.
Yet when I run the same query in my code, the result set is slightly different because it is missing some data. I am confused as to what is going on here. Basically to examine the sql result set returned, I write it out to an XML file. (See line 16).
Why the data returned is different, I have no idea. Also writing it out to an XML file is the only way I can look at the data. Otherwise looking at it in the debugger is impossible, with the hundreds of tree nodes returned.
If someone is able to help me figure this out, I would appreciate it.
1. public DataSet GetMarketList(string region, string marketRegion)2. {3.   string sql = @"SELECT a.RealEstMarket FROM MarketMap a, RegionMap b " + 4."WHERE  a.RegionCode = b.RegionCode"; 5.   DataSet dsMarketList = new DataSet();6.   SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(intranetConnStr);   7.   SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql,sqlConn);8.  sqlConn.Open();9.   SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); 10.   try11.   {12.   adapter.Fill(dsMarketList);
 13.  String bling = adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText;//BRG 14.   dsMarketList.DataSetName="RegionMarket"; 15.  dsMarketList.Tables[0].TableName = "MarketList"; 16.    dsMarketList.WriteXml(Server.MapPath ("myXMLFile.xml" )); // The data written to  17. myXMLFile.xml is not the same data that is returned when I run the query on line 3&4 18.           // from the SQL query 19.  } 20.  catch(Exception e) 21. {  22. // Handle the exception (Code not shown)

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Execute Without Insert

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a way to let an account have execute permission on a storedprocedure but not let that stored procedure run insert , delete, orupdate records. Basically only let them run or create storedprocedures that do selects.

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Execute Insert Stored Procedure

Jan 22, 2008

 I am strugling to execute a insert stored procedure on a button click. The stored procedure is taking values from a  temp table and inserting them into a identical table. The procedure is expecting 1 value from a Query string, the stored procedure works as expected when hard coded.
Im completely new to this and have no idea where to begin, i have been looking through the forums for several hours and am still none the wiser.
please can someone point me in the right direction

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How To Execute Insert Statement To Multiple DB's

Apr 21, 2008

I have the following insert how can i execute to multiple databases on same server:

insert into Tablerecords(labelkey,moduletype,english,spanish,updatedby)
values('hypUnderConstruction','MENU','Under Construction','Under Construction','admin')

databases: db1,db2,db3,db4,db5 etc


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Bulk Insert And Execute As Permissions

May 9, 2008


Consider the following:

create procedure jason_test


bulk insert SCORPIO_STAGE_BULK_DATAPDCC from 'd:BulkTestonmech_stat_apd_clark_credit.dat' with (formatfile = 'd:BulkTestDATAPDCC.fmt')


alter procedure jason_test_exec

with execute as 'bulk_insert_test_jcb'


bulk insert SCORPIO_STAGE_BULK_DATAPDCC from 'd:BulkTestonmech_stat_apd_clark_credit.dat' with (formatfile = 'd:BulkTestDATAPDCC.fmt')


Then, log into SQL Server via management stuido as the SQL user "bulk_insert_test_jcb" this user has server-level bulk admin rights and execute rights on both of these stored procs:

exec jason_test
This works

exec jason_test_exec

Msg 4834, Level 16, State 1, Procedure jason_test_exec, Line 4

You do not have permission to use the bulk load statement.

Can you help me with this? Why is the user prevented from running this bulk insert inside the stored proc with "execute as" ? The profiler trace from both of these stored procs have identical results for the SP: StmtStarting event.


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Backup DB To Insert Statements And Execute On A Different Db

Jan 22, 2008

Hi all,

I am looking to transfer a database to another db but I just need to copy the data (not drop the tables and recreate them). Is this possible?

I was thinking of backing up the database in a set of insert statements in a file and execute this file to get the desired result. Or alternatively, to use a data flow task with multiple tables if possible.

Hope there is a way.


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Insert Into Table Execute Store Procedure

Mar 26, 2015

I have a INSERT INTO where i retunr the result from a store procedure. But I want to only insert the data if the row not already exist. How can i do that? (See Where xxxxxxxxxxxx).

I can't use a function as i store data in a temporary table in the store procedure.

--Get Generated Times
INSERT INTO @GeneratedTimes(
ResourceId ,
DateFrom ,
DateTo )
EXEC dbo.P_GenerateTimes @ApplicationId , @EventId , @FromDate , @ToDate , @WeekScheduleId , @FromTimeToBook , @ToTimeToBook
WHERE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Insert Data To Excel Through Execute Sql Task

Jun 7, 2006

How can i insert data into an excel sheet using an Execute Sql Task? is it possible?

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SSIS - For Each Loop With Insert In Execute Task Failing

Oct 19, 2015

I have ForEach Loop using Foreach File Enumerator. Within this loop I have SQL Task containing an Insert statement. When I run the Insert statement in query builder the transaction inserts data into a table as expected.

However, when actually running the process I am getting the error message:

Executing the query "INSERT INTO dbo.TEST_TABLE
..." failed with the following error: "Value does not fall within the expected range.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

I currently have the ResultSet to "None" and have defined the parameter I am using. Where the process seems to joke is on my file_Name variable will I am trying to insert only part of the file name.

My insert statement looks as follows:

(IID, AN8, File_Type, IB_OB, File_Name, Processed_Flag, ReceiptDateTime)
RIGHT(LEFT(?, LEN(?) - 4), LEN(?) - 24),

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Insert Failure While Using ForEach Loop + Execute SQL Task.

Sep 10, 2007

Hello All

I was trying to insert some row from one table to another of different database.
I was using Execute SQL task along with Foreach loop container.

In my execute SQL task I am using this query


INSERT INTO dbo.Table1

SELECT * FROM DB2.dbo.Table2
WHERE TableKey = ?

When executed I get this error:
failed with the following error: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

While the same query when executed in Management Studio Its successful.

The properties I set

For Each Loop Editor Settings:
1) Collection: a) Enumerator Set to ForEach ADO Enumerator
b) ADO Object Source Variable: User:bjectVariablename
c) Checked Rows in the first table
2) Variable Mapping: New Int Variable2 and Index = 0 to set it to first colunm.
3) Expression: Left blank

Execute SQL Task Editor:
1) General: a) Timeout : 0
b) CodePage: 1252
c) Result Set: None
d) SQLSourceType: Directinput
e) SQL Statement: SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Table1 ON INSERT INTO dbo.Table1 SELECT * FROM DB2.dbo.Table2 WHERE TableKey = ?
f) BypassPrepare: False
2)Parameter Mapping: Variable Name : New Integer variable2 selected
Direction: Input
DataType: Long
ParameterName: 0

Can somebody help me in this regards.


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Transact SQL :: How To Execute Insert Statement With A Function Call

May 20, 2015

I have a function like below

@TableName NVARCHAR(50)


This function is called in insert statement like below. exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO Table ([Code], [Name]) VALUES (dbo.UDF_ GetGlobal ConfigCode (''TableName''), @Name)'I am getting following error.Only functions and some extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function.

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DB Engine :: Error Trying To Execute BULK INSERT In Stored Procedure

May 16, 2015

At my customer's site they get this error trying to run a stored procedure I wrote that does BULK INSERT.

[Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] You do not have permission to use the bulk load statement.
upImportFromICPMSRaw 'GSADC1CompanyInstrumentOutputFilesICPMSNew185367.csv', tblFromICPMSRaw

The customer has SQL Server 2008 R2 Express installed

The connection string to the database works on everything else and it is the sa account with password

On my own development system with SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard, it works perfectly OK.

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Execute SQL Insert Statement From Script Task Using Package OLEDB Connection

Aug 1, 2007

Is there a way to directly do this in one step(Execute SQL Insert Statement from Script Task using package OLEDB Connection)?

Right now I'm using a script task to build a sql insert statement using package variables (to fill values) populated by certain logic in the package.

Then assigning this command string to a package variable.
Then using a sql execute task to execute this variable.

A link to an article or code would be greatly appreciated.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Execute Perfectly But Not Insert / Update In Destination Table?

Nov 25, 2015

I am using SSIS integration between two database. Both databases are sql server 2008.  using many integration but getting problem in two only only two integration giving problem, both are executing perfectly and out put also not showing any error.

but destination table not inserted/updated anything.

first issue integration is using data flow task with oledb source and destination. 
second one is using execute task with for-eachloop container.

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Only Members Of The Sysadmin And Bulkadmin Fixed Server Roles Can Execute BULK INSERT

Aug 29, 2007

We would like to use the bulk insert function to import large CSV files into a SSE database however we have serious concerns regarding giving all our users these high privleges. Is there some way around this can we give them the privleges temporarily do the insert and take it away again or some other solution.

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USe DMX With @param

Jan 28, 2008

I would like to test following DMX, but it seems like we cannot use @param in DMX. If i indeed need what other tricks can avoid this constraint?

Declare @HCVS_MemberId nvarchar(15);

(HCVS_MemberId, HCVS_MeasureDate, SysPressure, DiaPressure, Pluse)
'SELECT TimeIndex, Quantity
FROM v_VitalSignForecast
WHERE HCVS_MemberId=@HCVS_MemberId AND HCVS_MeasureDate>=@From AND HCVS_MeasureDate<=@To')


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Db Passed As Param To Sp

Mar 12, 2008

is there a way in t-sql to pass a db name as a parameter, so that select * from [@passedDB].[dbo].[tableName] would work? Without dynamically building and executing the sql statement?

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Trigger Not Execute Some Data Or Insert Not Execute A Trigger For Some Data

Mar 3, 2008

I have trigger, but not execute somedata because insert few row in every second. I use java to insert data to SQL server 2005. Data inserted to a table but not executing trigger for some data.
For example 100 data every second inserted to a table.

If insert data one by one to a table trigger fires success.
Please Help me.

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@@RowCount Output Param

Sep 6, 2007

The following stored procedure sets a value for the @@RowCount global variable.
How do I make use of it in the Data Access Layer?
When I set the SPROC as the source for the object, the value numberRows does not appear to be an option. In the end I just want to set the value of @@RowCount to a Label.Text
What should I do?ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.ap_Select_ModelRequests_RequestDateTime
@selectDate datetime
,@selectCountry Int

SELECT DISTINCT configname FROM ModelRequests JOIN
CC_host.dbo.usr_cmc As t2 ON
t2.user_id = ModelRequests.username JOIN
Countries ON
Countries.Country_Short =
WHERE RequestDateTime >= @selectDate and RequestDateTime < dateadd(dd,1, @selectDate)
AND configname <> '' AND interfacename LIKE '%DOWNLOAD%' AND result = 0 AND Country_ID = @selectCountry
ORDER BY configname
SELECT @@RowCount As numberRows


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How To Check If Value Is In Array Or Mv-param?

Dec 27, 2007

I'm working with a dataset something like this:

TypeID Sales($)
------ -------
1 123.45
1 47.98
2 9.21
3 87.23
3 99.88
4 123.43

And a multivalued parameter that lets the user select which TypeIDs specifically he wants to see:

ParamID ParamValue
1 Q1
2 Q2
3 Q3
4 Q4

And in my Report, I have data showing up something like this:

CountofAllSales: 6
SumOfAllSales: 491.18
CountofCustomSales: (count of sales with type specified in parameter)
SumOfCustomSales: (sum of sales with type specified in parameter)

The count and sum of custom sales should show -ONLY- the numbers from the TypeIDs selected in the multi-value parameter. But the CountAll and SumAll show everything, regardless. This is where I run into problems. I can't seem to find an "in" clause in the SSRS expressions. If the TypeID parameter was single value, I could write something like this

Expression for CountOfCustomSales:
=SUM(iif(Fields!TypeID.Value = Parameters!TypeID.Value, 1, 0))

However, since its multi-valued, that won't work. You'd have to write something like:
=SUM(iif(Fields!TypeID.Value = Parameters!TypeID.Value(0), 1, 0)) +
SUM(iif(Fields!TypeID.Value = Parameters!TypeID.Value(1), 1, 0)) +
SUM(iif(Fields!TypeID.Value = Parameters!TypeID.Value(length), 1, 0))

And obviously this doesn't work when you don't know exactly how many elements are going to be selected.

What would be ideal would be something like an "in" clause, but I can't find any such functionality or think how to write my own function:
=SUM(iif(Fields!TypeID.Value in
Parameters!TypeID.Values, 1, 0))

Short of modifying the StoredProc itself (and for me, that means red tape. :( :( ) can anyone think of a way to count/sum only the values specified in an MVP??

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Getting Back Set Order From The IN Param

Nov 5, 2006

Hi AllMy query is as follows:SELECT STRINGTEXT, TOKENIDFROM WEBSTRINGSWHERE TOKENID IN (6,20,234,19,32,4,800,177)All I want is my resultset to come back in the order that I have defined inthe IN clause, but unfortunately SQL is trying to be too helpful and sortsthe numbers in the IN clause so that the resultset comes back with a TOKENIDorder of 4,6,19,20,32,177,234,800.I don't want this bloody order I want 6,20,234,19,32,4,800,177!!Sorry for my rant, but its got my hot under the collar.Is there anyway round this?ThanksYobbo

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Multi Value Param Limit???

Feb 20, 2007

Is there a limit to how many items you can have in a multi value param list. I have 20 items in an activity type param and when I chose "Select All" and run the report, it doesn't return. I opened profiler and picked up the following statement sent to SQL:

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT de.employeenumber as Employee_Id,de.employeelastname + '', '' + de.employeefirstname + '', '' + case when de.employeemiddlename=''N/A'' then '''' else de.employeemiddlename end as Employee_Name,da.activitytype as Activity_Type,da.activitycode as Activity_Code,da.activityname as Activity_Name,dd.fulldate as Completion_Date,das.currentattemptstatus as Current_Attempt,das.successstatus as Success_Status,das.completionstatus as Completion_Status,das.registrationstatus as Registration_Status,fa.score as Score,fa.dimgradeid as GradeId

FROM dimemployee de inner join factattempt fa on (de.dimemployeeid = fa.dimemployeeid) inner join dimattemptstatus das on (fa.dimattemptstatusid = das.dimattemptstatusid) inner join dimactivity da on (fa.dimactivityid = da.dimactivityid) inner join dimdate dd on (fa.attemptenddateid = dd.dimdateid)


de.employeenumber = (@EmployeeId) and da.activitytype in (N''CBT'',N''Course'',N''Dart'',N''Discuss'',N''Document'',N''Evaluator'',N''JPM'',N''Lesson Plan'',N''Module'',N''Observation'',N''Procedure'',N''PSG'',N''Qual'',N''Read'',N''Reference'',N''Session'',N''Sign-off'',N''Simulator'',N''Task'',N''Trainer'')

and das.isvalidattempt = ''Yes'' and ((@LastAttempt=1 and das.currentattemptstatus = ''Yes'') or (@LastAttempt=0 and das.currentattemptstatus in (''Yes'',''No''))) and das.lmsmartcompletionstatus in (@CompletionStatus) and (dd.fulldate >= @StartDt or @StartDt is NULL) and (dd.fulldate <= @EndDt or @EndDt is NULL)

ORDER BY de.employeefirstname + '' '' + de.employeelastname,da.activitytype,da.activityname,dd.fulldate',N'@EmployeeId int,@LastAttempt nvarchar(1),@CompletionStatus nvarchar(10),@StartDt nvarchar(4000),@EndDt nvarchar(4000)',@EmployeeId=108001,@LastAttempt=N'1',@CompletionStatus=N'Successful',@StartDt=NULL,@EndDt=NULL

If I take any one of the items in "da.activitytype in" out (for example....N''Trainer'')...the query is fine. But if I run it as is, it never returns. I have also reduced the number of items in the MVP to 19 and "Select All" and it runs just bombs when I have 20 and Select All. Any ideas?

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StrdPrcdr Param Get All Values

Apr 21, 2008

I am trying for several weeks to figure out how can I create a stored procedure with parameters that returns all rows from a column (even then Nulls) when the parameter value is not set (or is '%', or anything tha might be. In a few words, in case the user hasn't input any data).

I 've created a WHERE clause that goes like this: WHERE fieldName LIKE @param + N'%' OR IS NULL
Well this query returns all rows in case the user hasn't input data but if the user inputs data it returns the correct rows but it is also returns null fields.

Thanks a lot in advance!

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Report Param Question

May 16, 2008

Is it possible to take a report input parameter and display it at the top of the report? StartDate/EndDate are two input params for my report that would be nice to display at the top.


(Reporting Services 2005)

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DateTime Param For SP Causing BIG Headache...!!

Aug 8, 2006

I've got a stored procedure and one of the parameters is a DateTime.  But no matter what I do to the string that's passed into the form for that field, it doesn't like the format.  Here's my code: SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(KPFData.getConnectionString());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("KPFSearchName", conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

SqlParameter param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@DOB", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime);
param.Direction = dir;
param.Value = txtDOB.Text;

// also have tried this:

param.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDOB.Text);

// and

param.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDOB.Text).ToShortDateString;

No matter what I do I always get a formatting error - either I can't convert the string to a DateTime, or the SqlParameter is in the incorrect format, or something along those lines.  I've spent a couple hours on this and hoping someone can point out my obvious mistake here...??Thanks for your help!!eddie

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