Nov 15, 2006

I have a table with the following schema:
CREATE TABLE [itis].[wrk_taxon_authors] (
[wb_taxon_author_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[taxon_author_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[taxon_author] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[kingdom_id] [smallint] NOT NULL

I am trying to insert the following data (as you can see fields are seperated with the | ):

19||Flores-Villela and Sánchez-H., 2003|5|
20||Wiegmann, 1828|5|
16|17482|Gray, 1838|5|
17|9823|(Wiegmann, 1828)|5|
I get the following error:Server: Msg 4869, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Bulk Insert failed. Unexpected NULL value in data file row 1, column 2. Destination column (taxon_author_id) is defined NOT NULL.
Server: Msg 4869, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Bulk Insert failed. Unexpected NULL value in data file row 2, column 2. Destination column (taxon_author_id) is defined NOT NULL.

Since I have defined column 2 as an identity column, I don't understand why SQL Query analyzer is upset when I do not have a value in that field. To me, I would think it would auto-insert an integer (starting at seed 1 and incrementing by 1), but it doesn't. Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

View 7 Replies


Last GASP On Insert Row In Table With Identity Field, And Get New Identity Back ?

Jul 9, 2006

While I have learned a lot from this thread I am still basically confused about the issues involved.

.I wanted to INSERT a record in a parent table, get the Identity back and use it in a child table. Seems simple.

To my knowledge, mine would be the only process running that would update these tables. I was told that there is no guarantee, because the OLEDB provider could write the second destination row before the first, that the proper parent-child relationship would be generated as expected. It was recommended that I create my own variable in memory to hold the Identity value and use that in my SSIS package.

1. A simple example SSIS .dts example illustrating the approach of using a variable for identity would be helpful.

2. Suppose I actually had two processes updating these tables, running at the same time. Then it seems the "variable" method will also have its problems. Is there a final solution other than locking the tables involved prior to updating them or doing something crazy like using a GUID for the primary key!

3. We have done the type of parent-child inserts I originally described from t-sql for years without any apparent problems. (Maybe we were just lucky.) Is the entire issue simply a t-sql one or does SSIS add a layer of complexity beyond t-sql that needs to be addressed?



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Insert Row In Table With Identity Field, And Get New Identity Back

Jun 30, 2006

I want to insert a new record into a table with an Identity field and return the new Identify field value back to the data stream (for later insertion as a foreign key in another table).

What is the most direct way to do this in SSIS?



P.S. Or should I pass the identity value back in a variable and not make it part of the data stream?

View 12 Replies View Related

Inserting Identity Only

Sep 27, 2007

Someone asked me the other day about creating a table with one column that is an identity field and doing an insert so they can capture the SCOPE_IDENTITY() to use across seferal tables. I've never done anything like it and it seemed trivial at the time, but I'm not seeing how to make an insert work. So, for example, we have a table defines as: DECLARE @Bar TABLE (ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL)
Now, how do you write a simple insert statement that will add a row to the table?

Basicaly, this is an acedemic exercise, but I can't seem to make it work unless I add another column to the table. Any ideas? Maybe I'm not caffinated enough..? :)

View 14 Replies View Related

Converting An Integer Field Into An Identity Field

Sep 14, 2006

I have a table with an integer field (contains test values like 2, 7,8,9,12,..) that I want to convert to an Identity field. How can this be done in t-sql?



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Inserting Into Identity Column

Jan 2, 2001

Hi Friends

Happy new year 20001.

Is it requires DBO Permission for do 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT FARRentalUnit ON'
or Write permission is enough.
I don't want give dbo perivilage to user.

Please reply soon.

Thanks for reply in advance.


View 3 Replies View Related

No @@IDENTITY When Inserting Text

Apr 26, 2002

I have an odd issue with a stored procedure using output parameters and a database text field.

I am using custom VB6 COM+ objects in the middle tier and SQL Server 2000 on the back end. The stored procedure has an int as it's first parameter; it is an output parameter which gets set to @@IDENTITY after the data is written to the tables. The last parameter is a text.

The COM+ object executes the proc; ADO 2.7 incorrectly identifies the text parameter as an adVarChar, so I explicitely convert it to an adLongVarChar when I detect that the incoming data is > 8000 characters.

The proc writes the data correctly to the database in all cases. However, when the data is > 8000 characters, SQL doesn't appear to correctly set the output variable. No errors are generated, I simply don't get any value written to the variable. I've searched through MS's documentation, but can't seem to find anything on this issue.

Any help or thoughts are appreciated.

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Inserting With DTS In IDENTITY Table

Oct 12, 2006


I need to insert values from a text-file to a table with a primary key as identity. In the text file I have no idea of the primary key values and i get "foreign key constraint violation" when trying to import null values into the column.

How can I solve the problem? With ordinary insert-statement there is no problem since the table generates identity- key values automatically. Is there a possibility to generate identity values with DTS-import?


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Inserting Data Into A Row With An Identity Specification

May 5, 2008

I am trying to build a Windows application using: Windows XP Pro ; VS Pro 2005, C# and SQL2005.

I have a database table as follows:
1) myGameRecency which contains columns : GameId (identity specification column/primary key/not null), Date (not null), [1], [2], [3], [4]

Using the myGameRecencyAllBalls table ---

I wish to insert a date into a new row but have not been able to determine how to with the identity specification on the GameId column.

Can anyone please assist?
Thank you.

sqlCmd.CommandText = "DECLARE @date datetime SET @date = '" + Date +

"DECLARE @lastRowGameId int " +

"DECLARE lastrow_gameidcursor CURSOR SCROLL FOR " +

"(SELECT GameId FROM " + DBGameName.ToString() + "RecencyAllBalls) " +

"OPEN lastrow_cursor " +

"FETCH LAST FROM lastrow_gameidcursor INTO @lastRowGameId " +

"' INSERT INTO " + DBGameName.ToString() + "RecencyAllBalls.Date VALUES (@date) WHERE GameId = @lastrow_gameidcursor + 1";


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Retrieving The BigInt Value From The Identity Column After Inserting

Jul 26, 2007

I have a database that has a tble with a field that autoincrements as a primary key. meanig that the field type is BigInteger and it is set up as my Identity Column. Now when I insert a new record that field gets updated automaticly.
How can I get this value in the same operation as my insert? meaning, in 1 sub, I insert a new record but then need to retieve the Identity Value. All in the same procedure. 
Waht is the way to achive this please?

View 2 Replies View Related

T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Inserting Into A Self-referencing Table Using Identity Int

Jul 14, 2014

We are in the conversion process of making the database ints.This is a change from a guid PK to an integer based PK that uses an int Identity. The program still uses the guid, and we are trying to map that guid to the databases int.We insert using TVPs passed from code. Since the identity is being set upon insert I have three things to accomplish:

1) Insert all the data into the dbo table
2) Update the parent Id in the table
3) Pass the SetsId guid, Sets_Id int, ParentSets_Id int back to the program

This is a high transaction table that will have a lot of records (millions).

--Sample table creation. There is a FK between Sets_Id to ParentSets_Id, Clustered PK on the Sets_Id
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[JSets]') AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[JSets](
[SetsID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[Sets_Id] bigint Identity (1,1) NOT NULL,


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Inserting Rows Into Remote Server With Identity

Apr 2, 2008

I am having troubles trying to copy some rows from a table on my local computer to a table on a remote SQL Server 2005 that is being hosted by one of thos web hosting companies. The problem is that the table has an identity column. I first tried using the the following command:

SET IDENTITY_INSERT [remoteservername].Library2005.dbo.tblLanguages ON

but that results in the error:

Msg 8103, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table 'remoteservername.Library2005.dbo.tblLanguages' does not exist or cannot be opened for SET operation.

I read in another topic, that I should change this into the following:

EXECUTE [remoteservername].Library2005.dbo.sp_executesql N'SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.tblLanguages ON'

That command executes without error, but the problem is that I cannot perform the actual insert, because it is not within the execute statement. In other words, the following doesn't work:

EXECUTE [remoteservername].Library2005.dbo.sp_executesql N'SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.tblLanguages ON'
INSERT INTO [remoteservername].Library2005.dbo.tblLanguages
(colLangID, colEnglish, colGerman, colSpanish)
SELECT colLangID, colEnglish, colGerman, colSpanish FROM tblLanguages

This results in the error:

Msg 7344, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' could not INSERT INTO table '[remoteservername].[Library2005].[dbo].[tblLanguages]' because of column 'colLangID'. The user did not have permission to write to the column.

The remote server is linked correctly on my end via the sp_addlinkedserver and sp_addlinkedsrvlogin. Is there any way to force the remote server to turn IDENTITY_INSERT ON permanently and then let me execute as many INSERTS as I want and then turn it back OFF?

View 2 Replies View Related

Inserting Identity Column In An Table Using SSIS

May 2, 2007

Hi All

Is it possible to insert the identity cloumn in a table via SSIS. I've an ID (Identity) column is a table and I am importing data in the table using Excel sheet. I want to insert the value of ID column as Identity(1,1).

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How To Fetch Data Before Inserting A New ROW If We Are Using Identity Column??????

Apr 21, 2008


I am using SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition & Merge Replication

in this I want to insert a record into table,
in that table I have taken UserID coloumn as auto incrementing Identity type.

In a book I read that,
If you are using an Identity column, you must find the next available number and reseed before an insert can be successful. You will also have to set up ranged identity columns on the published database to prevent errors when the new data is merged.

Now I want to ask here that, how should I ressed that value before inserting?????

any help in a form of CODe will be appriciated.....

thanks in advance...

View 8 Replies View Related

Question On Inserting A Record On Sql Server With Identity Column As Key

Jan 16, 2006

Hi, All:Please help. I use sql server as back end and Access 2003 as front end(everything is DAO).A table on SQL server has an identity column as the key.We have trouble on adding records to this table using the following SQL.strSQL = "INSERT INTO myTableOnSQLServer (A, B, C, D, E) SELECT A, B, C, D,E FROM myTableonAccessLocal"db.execute strSQLThe schema of the table "myTableOnSQLServer" and the schema of the table"myTableonAccessLocal" are all the same except that the "myTableOnSQLServer"has an identity column (ID). The key of the "myTableOnSQLServer" is "ID" andthe table "myTableonAccessLocal" does not have a key.When we try to run the query, it gives errors indicating the key is violatedor missing.Should I figure out the autonumber for it first and then add to the SQLserver table?Many thanks,HS

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Transact SQL :: Instead Of Insert / Verify Not Inserting Into Identity Column

Apr 24, 2015

I am writing an Instead of Insert trigger. I would like to fire an error when inserting into an 'Identity' column. Since UPDATE([ColumnName]) always returns TRUE for insert statements, is there an easy/fast way around this? I don't want to use: 

IF(EXISTS(SELECT [i].[AS_ID] FROM [inserted] [i] WHERE [i].[AS_ID] IS NULL))
here is my pseudo-code...
CREATE VIEW [org].[Assets]

[Code] .....

-- How does this statement need to be written to throw the error?
--UPDATE([AS_ID]) always returns TRUE

RAISERROR('INSERT into the anchor identity column ''AS_ID'' is not allowed.', 16, 1) WITH NOWAIT;

-- Is there a faster/better method than this?
IF(EXISTS(SELECT [i].[AS_ID] FROM [inserted] [i] WHERE [i].[AS_ID] IS NOT NULL))
RAISERROR('INSERT into the anchor identity column ''AS_ID'' is not allowed.', 16, 1) WITH NOWAIT;

-- Do Stuff

-- Should error for inserting into [AS_ID] field (which is an identity field)
INSERT INTO [org].[Assets]([AS_ID], [Tag], [Name])
VALUES(1, 'f451', 'Paper burns'),
(2, 'k505.928', 'Paper burns in Chemistry');

-- No error should occur
INSERT INTO [org].[Assets]([Tag], [Name])
VALUES('f451', 'Paper burns'),
('k505.928', 'Paper burns in Chemistry');

View 7 Replies View Related

Change Field To Identity Field

Aug 20, 2007

I have a table named PERSON and a field named PERSON_ID. How can I set this field to Autonumber? I know I have to use the IDENTITY command, but when I view this field in "design" view, all the IDENTITY options are grayed out.

How can I set this field with the IDENTITY properties?


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Inserting To Multiple Tables In SQL Server 2005 That Use Identity Specification

Feb 20, 2007

Hi, I am having a bit of hassle with trying to enter details to multiple tables in SQL Server 2005.
I have four tables, an
Attendance Table (AttendanceID(PK Identity specific), MembershipNo, Date)
Resistance Table (ResistId(PK Identity specific), Weight , Reps, Sets)
Aerobics Tables(AerobicsID(PK Identity specific), MachineID, Intensity, Time)
and a linking table for all of them.... ExerciseMaster(AttendanceID,ResistanceID,AerobicsI D)

My problem is that I can insert data to each specific table by itself using seperate insert

//insert an attendance record to the attendance table
string userID;

userID = Session["User"].ToString();

SqlDataSource pgpDataSource = new SqlDataSource();
pgpDataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionStringLogin"].ToString();

pgpDataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;
pgpDataSource.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO [Attendance] ([MembershipNo], [Date]) VALUES (@MembershipNo, @Date)";
pgpDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("MembershipNo", userID);
pgpDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("Date", txtVisitDate.Text);

int RowsAffected = 0;

RowsAffected = pgpDataSource.Insert();

catch (Exception ex)

pgpDataSource = null;

//insert an aerobics record into the aerocibs table

SqlDataSource pgpDataSource = new SqlDataSource();
pgpDataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionStringLogin"].ToString();

pgpDataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;
pgpDataSource.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO [Aerobics] ([MachineID], [Intensity], [ExerciseTime]) VALUES (@MachineID, @Intensity, @ExerciseTime)";

pgpDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("MachineID", rower.ToString());
pgpDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("Intensity", txtRowerLevel.Text);
pgpDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("ExerciseTime", txtRowerTime.Text);

int RowsAffected = 0;

RowsAffected = pgpDataSource.Insert();

catch (Exception ex)

pgpDataSource = null;
//same code as above for the resistance table

However, i am facing the problem where this does not populate the link table(ExerciseMaster) with any information as i am unable to write the relevant IDs into the table that have been auto generated by SQL Server for each of the subTables.
I have read several forums where they recommend using something called @@IDENTITY but i have no idea how or where to use this in order to fill my exercise table...
Any help would be so much appreciated.... Also, hopefully what i have said all makes sense and someone will be able to help me...oh and one more thing...this is an ASP.NET page coding in C#

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Help Inserting Into Datetime Field

Feb 7, 2007

I keep getting the following error message but I don't see what's wrong with my code

Server Error in '/Admin' Application.

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.The statement has been terminated.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.The statement has been terminated.Source Error:

Line 147:cmdSql.Parameters.Add("@event_active","1")
Line 148:
Line 149:cmdSql.ExecuteNonQuery()
Line 150:
Line 151:pnlForm.Visible = FalseSource File: c:hostingwebhost4lifememberNYACOAadmincalendar.aspx    Line: 149 Stack Trace:

[SqlException (0x80131904): Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.
The statement has been terminated.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +857466
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +735078
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +188
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +1838
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) +149
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async) +886
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result) +132
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) +415
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +135
ASP.calendar_aspx.SubmitForm(Object s, EventArgs E) in c:hostingwebhost4lifememberNYACOAadmincalendar.aspx:149
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +105
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +107
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +7
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +11
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +5102

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.210
  1 <%@ Register TagPrefix="cc1" Namespace="ManyMonkeys.Web.HtmlEditorLibrary.Controls" Assembly="HtmlEditorLibrary" %>
2 <%@ Page Language="VB" masterpagefile="nyacoaadmin.master" debug="true" %>
3 <%@ mastertype virtualpath="nyacoaadmin.master" %>
4 <%@ import Namespace="System" %>
5 <%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>
6 <%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
7 <script runat="server">
9 Dim Connection As SqlConnection
10 Dim Sql As String
11 Dim cmdSql As SqlCommand
12 Dim dtr As SqlDataReader
14 Sub Page_Load
16 Connection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString"))
17 Connection.Open()
19 If Not isPostback then
21 Sql = "SELECT chapter_id, chapter_name FROM chapter ORDER BY chapter_id"
22 cmdSql = New SqlCommand (Sql, Connection)
23 dtr = cmdSql.ExecuteReader()
25 ddlChapter.DataSource = dtr
26 ddlChapter.DataTextField = "chapter_name"
27 ddlChapter.DataValueField = "chapter_name"
28 ddlChapter.DataBind()
30 dtr.Close
32 ddlChapter.Items.Insert(0, New ListItem(" ", ""))
34 Call ShowList()
36 End If
38 End Sub
40 Sub Page_Unload
42 'Connection.Close()
44 End Sub
46 Sub ShowList()
48 Sql = "SELECT event_id, event_name, event_date, chapter_name FROM event WHERE event_active = '1' ORDER BY event_id"
49 cmdSql = New SqlCommand(sql, Connection)
50 dtr = cmdSql.ExecuteReader()
52 dgrdList.DataSource = dtr
53 dgrdList.DataBind()
54 dtr.Close()
56 pnlList.Visible = True
58 End Sub
60 Sub dgrdList_ItemCommand(s As Object, E As DataGridCommandEventArgs)
62 If e.CommandName = "edit" then
63 Call EditForm(dgrdList.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex))
64 Else If e.CommandName = "delete" then
65 Call ConfirmDelete(dgrdList.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex))
66 End If
68 End Sub
70 Sub ConfirmDelete(idVal As Integer)
72 pnlList.Visible = False
73 pnlConfirmDelete.Visible = True
75 sql = "SELECT event_name FROM event WHERE event_id = " & idVal
76 cmdSql = New SqlCommand(sql, connection)
77 litDelete.Text = cmdSql.ExecuteScalar()
79 ViewState("idVal") = idVal
81 End Sub
83 Sub DeleteForm (s As Object, E As Eventargs)
85 sql = "UPDATE event SET event_active = '0' WHERE event_id = " & ViewState("idVal")
86 cmdSql = New SqlCommand(sql, connection)
87 cmdSql.ExecuteNonQuery()
89 pnlList.Visible = True
90 pnlConfirmDelete.Visible = False
92 Call ShowList()
94 End Sub
96 Sub ShowCalendar(s As Object, E As ImageClickEventargs)
98 pnlEventDate.Visible = True
100 End Sub
102 Sub UpdateDate (s As Object, E As Eventargs)
104 pnlEventDate.Visible = False
105 txtEventDate.text=eventCalendar.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString()
107 End Sub
109 Sub SubmitForm (s As Object, E As Eventargs)
111 If ViewState("submitType") = "edit" then
112 sql = "UPDATE event SET event_name=@event_name, event_date=@event_date, chapter_name=@chapter_name, event_description=@event_description, event_last_updated_by=@event_last_updated_by, event_active=@event_active WHERE event_id = " & ViewState("idVal")
113 Else
114 sql = "INSERT INTO event (event_name, event_date, chapter_name, event_description, event_added_by, event_last_updated_by, event_active) VALUES (@event_name, @event_date, @chapter_name, @event_description, @event_added_by, @event_last_updated_by, @event_active)"
115 End If
117 cmdSql = New SqlCommand(sql, Connection)
119 If Len(txtEventName.Text) = 0 then
120 cmdSql.Parameters.Add("@event_name",DbNull.Value)
121 Else
122 cmdSql.Parameters.Add("@event_name",txtEventName.Text)
123 End If
125 If Len(txtEventDate.Text) = 0 then
126 cmdSql.Parameters.Add("@event_date",DbNull.Value)
127 Else
128 cmdSql.Parameters.Add("@event_date",txtEventDate.Text & " " & ddlEventHour.SelectedValue & ":" & ddlEventMinute.SelectedValue & " " & ddlEventAMPM.SelectedValue)
129 End If
131 If Len(ddlChapter.SelectedValue) = 0 then
132 cmdSql.Parameters.Add("@chapter_name",DbNull.Value)
133 Else
134 cmdSql.Parameters.Add("@chapter_name",ddlChapter.SelectedValue)
135 End If
137 If Len(txtEventDescription.Text) = 0 then
138 cmdSql.Parameters.Add("@event_description",DbNull.Value)
139 Else
140 cmdSql.Parameters.Add("@event_description",txtEventDescription.Text)
141 End If
143 cmdSql.Parameters.Add("@event_added_by",session("admin_username"))
145 cmdSql.Parameters.Add("@event_last_updated_by",session("admin_username"))
147 cmdSql.Parameters.Add("@event_active","1")
149 cmdSql.ExecuteNonQuery()
151 pnlForm.Visible = False
152 pnlList.Visible = True
154 Call ShowList()
156 End Sub
158 Sub AddForm(s As Object, E As Eventargs)
160 pnlForm.Visible = True
161 pnlList.Visible = False
163 txtEventName.Text = ""
164 txtEventDate.Text = ""
165 ddlChapter.ClearSelection()
166 txtEventDescription.Text = ""
168 ViewState("submitType") = "add"
170 End Sub
172 Sub EditForm (idVal As Integer)
174 pnlList.Visible = False
175 pnlForm.Visible = True
177 sql = "SELECT * FROM event WHERE event_id = " & idVal
178 cmdSql = New SqlCommand(sql, connection)
179 dtr = cmdSql.ExecuteReader()
181 If dtr.Read() then
183 txtEventName.Text = dtr("event_name") & ""
184 txtEventDate.Text = dtr("event_date") & ""
185 txtEventDescription.Text = dtr("event_description") & ""
186 ddlChapter.ClearSelection()
187 Try
188 ddlChapter.Items.FindByValue(dtr("chapter_name")).Selected = True
189 Catch Ex As Exception
190 End Try
192 End If
194 dtr.Close()
196 ViewState("submitType") = "edit"
197 ViewState("idVal") = idVal
199 End Sub
201 Sub DeleteCancel (s As Object, E As Eventargs)
203 pnlConfirmDelete.Visible = False
204 pnlList.Visible = True
206 End Sub
208 </script>
210 <asp:Content contentplaceholderid="cplhMainContent" runat="server">
212 <asp:Panel runat="server" id="pnlList" Visible="False">
214 <asp:DataGrid runat="server" id="dgrdList" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CellPadding="3" CellSpacing="0" width="550" Border="0" DataKeyField="event_id" onItemCommand="dgrdList_ItemCommand">
215 <HeaderStyle BackColor="#CDAD00" Font-Names="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" Font-Bold="true" Font-Size="10pt" HorizontalAlign="center" ForeColor="white" />
216 <ItemStyle BackColor="white" Font-Names="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" Font-Size="10pt" ForeColor="black" VerticalAlign="top" />
217 <AlternatingItemStyle BackColor="#dcdcdc" Font-Names="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" Font-Size="10pt" ForeColor="black" VerticalAlign="top" />
218 <Columns>
219 <asp:ButtonColumn Text="Edit" ButtonType="PushButton" CommandName="edit" />
220 <asp:ButtonColumn Text="Delete" ButtonType="PushButton" CommandName="delete" />
221 <asp:BoundColumn DataField="event_name" HeaderText="Event Name" />
222 <asp:BoundColumn DataField="event_date" HeaderText="Date" />
223 <asp:BoundColumn DataField="chapter_name" HeaderText="Sponsoring Chapter" />
224 </Columns>
225 </asp:DataGrid>
227 <asp:Button runat="server" Text="Add New Event" onClick="AddForm"></asp:Button>
229 </asp:Panel>
231 <asp:Panel runat="server" id="pnlForm" Visible="False">
233 Name of Event: <asp:TextBox id="txtEventName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
234 <br />Chapter: <asp:DropDownList id="ddlChapter" runat="server" AutoPostBack="False" />
235 <br />Date: <asp:TextBox id="txtEventDate" runat="server" ReadOnly="true" BackColor="Gray"></asp:TextBox> <asp:ImageButton id="CalButton" runat="server" OnClick="ShowCalendar" ImageUrl="images/cal.gif" />
236 <br /><asp:Panel runat="server" id="pnlEventDate" Visible="False">
237 <asp:Calendar id="eventCalendar" runat="server" FirstDayOfWeek="Sunday" Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" OnSelectionChanged="UpdateDate">
238 <SelectedDayStyle BackColor="#EC9900" Font-Bold="True" />
239 <TodayDayStyle BackColor="#FFC0C0" />
240 <SelectorStyle Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" />
241 <DayStyle Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" />
242 <WeekendDayStyle BackColor="#E0E0E0" />
243 <OtherMonthDayStyle ForeColor="Silver" />
244 <DayHeaderStyle BackColor="#334B79" Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="White" />
245 <TitleStyle BackColor="#CCCCFF" Font-Bold="True" Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="10pt" />
246 </asp:Calendar>
247 <br />
248 </asp:Panel>
249 Time: <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlEventHour" runat="server" >
250 <asp:ListItem Text="12" Value="12" Selected="true"/>
251 <asp:ListItem Text="1" Value="1" />
252 <asp:ListItem Text="2" Value="2" />
253 <asp:ListItem Text="3" Value="3" />
254 <asp:ListItem Text="4" Value="4" />
255 <asp:ListItem Text="5" Value="5" />
256 <asp:ListItem Text="6" Value="6" />
257 <asp:ListItem Text="7" Value="7" />
258 <asp:ListItem Text="8" Value="8" />
259 <asp:ListItem Text="9" Value="9" />
260 <asp:ListItem Text="10" Value="10" />
261 <asp:ListItem Text="11" Value="11" />
262 </asp:DropDownList>
263 :
264 <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlEventMinute" runat="server">
265 <asp:ListItem Text="00" Value="00" Selected="true" />
266 <asp:ListItem Text="15" Value="15" />
267 <asp:ListItem Text="30" Value="30" />
268 <asp:ListItem Text="45" Value="45" />
269 </asp:DropDownList>
270 <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlEventAMPM" runat="server">
271 <asp:ListItem Text="AM" Value="AM" />
272 <asp:ListItem Text="PM" Value="PM" Selected="true" />
273 </asp:DropDownList>
274 <br /><br />
275 Content:
276 <br /><cc1:HtmlEditor id="txtEventDescription" runat="server" Height="300px" Width="575px"></cc1:HtmlEditor>
277 <br /><br />
278 <asp:Button onclick="SubmitForm" runat="server" Text="Submit"></asp:Button>
280 </asp:Panel>
282 <asp:Panel runat="server" id="pnlConfirmDelete" Visible="False">
284 Are you sure you wish to delete <asp:Literal runat="server" id="litDelete"></asp:Literal>?
285 <br /><br />
286 <asp:Button runat="server" Text="Yes - DELETE" onClick="DeleteForm"></asp:Button>&nbsp;<asp:Button runat="server" Text="No - GO BACK" onClick="DeleteCancel"></asp:Button>
288 </asp:Panel>
290 </asp:Content>

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Inserting Symbols In Field

Jul 29, 2007

Hi All,I am trying to insert symbols in a field of a table. I am using the datatype nvarchar for the field.However when i tried to insert a statement with the symbol pi, it comes out as following:(A) 100? cm2    (B) 140? cm2    (C) 200? cm2All the pi symbol are converted to ?.Can ne 1 tell me how i can store such strings in the field.Thanks

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Adding A Field And Inserting A Value Into It.

Apr 24, 2002

how do i add a new field and insert a value into it?

I'm importing data from another table into a new one, but my source table has a char field and the target filed is (int) can I add a new field to the source file and add a value to it? and how?
I have in my source table a field call companyName that contains text and the target table has a companyId which is an INT.
If I create a field call companyId and add a value of '1' depending on the value of CompanyName...
This is what i want ot do
if CompanyName = LA then insert 1 into new filed companyID
How can I do that? I have to do this for 100 or more tables. Can I write a script that will do that for me?
does it make sence?

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Inserting Into Varbinary Field

Apr 21, 2008


I'm trying to insert a string expression into a varbinary field. I've tried it several ways, but the data does not seem to get inserted.

I map DT_STR field ("T") with varbinary field in destination table and the package executes properly, but when I see the data that it has been loaded I only see empty values (0x).

I have also tried other approaches, like converting to DT_BYTES during SSIS flow, but I always get the same result.

Any idea of how to achieve this?

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Inserting Symbols In Field

Jul 30, 2007

Hi All,
I am trying to insert symbols in a field of a table.

I am using the datatype nvarchar for the field.
However when i tried to insert a statement with the symbol pi, it comes out as following:
(A) 100? cm2 (B) 140? cm2 (C) 200? cm2

All the pi symbol are converted to ?.

Can ne 1 tell me how i can store such strings in the field.


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&<&<identity Field&>&>

Jul 2, 2006

hi friends,i have an identity column in my table.(e.x : id )and it's identity increment is 1.when i insert a row the id field is 1, and in next record the field is , i delete second record(id=2)and now when i insert a record again , the id column is 3.i want to record be 2 instead 3.plz help me.thanks

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Re-set Identity Field

Nov 7, 2007

I created a small SQL Express database/ application and in the learning process.   Before I implement it I would like to re-set autonumber / identity field back to 1.  Also, I need to start with the blank database.  I am not sure how to approach that?
Can you assist?

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Sql Identity Field

Mar 10, 2008

Hello friends,
I had created a web application and uploaded the application. Now the problem is with the DB. I had created the DB on  the server (using script). But the fields that have identity field yes is not been set  Now how I can set the fields identity field to yes. Fields are already there. Only I want to set there identity field to yes.Let me know how this can be done.
Thanks & RegardsGirish Nehte

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Identity Field

Nov 5, 2005

Please, How can I get the value of the identity field of the register that I was including in the data base. I am using a stored procedure in SQLSERVER in a asp .net application and I need to show that for the user, it´s like the number of the reclamation.

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Bcp With IDENTITY Field

Apr 2, 2001

If my table has an IDENTITY field, say, the table schema is:
id int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),
name varchar(20),
job varchar(40))
My data file, which does not carry the IDENTITY field
and its field terminator. The data file looks like this:

debbie cao,programmer
John Doe,engineer
Mary Smith,consultant

I tried to use a format file to bulk copy data from the
data file to the table. Never had any luck.
On the other hand, if I put a comma before the name field,
say, the data file looks like the following:

,debbie cao,programmer
,John Doe,engineer
,Mary Smith,consultant

then, bcp works fine.
But, my data file is automatically generated. It does not
suppose to have the leading comma. Without the leading comma,
I have no idea how may I make bcp work. The SQLBOL says it
can be done. Does anybody have an example to show me?
Please help, thanks!

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Identity Field

Jul 12, 1999

Dear Fellow Administrators,

We are experiencing an identity problem on a table with 3.7 millions rows of data in the table. The identity field is not auto numbering any more and are wondering if anyone has a suggestion on how to get the auto number field working again without doing a bcp and restoring the table back to the database from bcp. Any suggestions?

Thanks in Advance,

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Identity Field

Jul 9, 1998

Greetings !

Having an unusual problem - have created several (20) tables in a database.
All of these tables have an identity field in them (defined as FIELDNAME int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL ). In most of the tables this works as expected, but in 2, so far, when I do the first load (an insert based on a different database) the identity fields are all zero.
Have recreated the tables, changed the field name and location, etc.
Anyone have any clues ?



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Identity Field

Apr 19, 1999

I need to update an identity field that I have on a table. How can
I go about doing this?


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Identity Field

Mar 8, 2004


I am inserting some values into a table with the following stmt

Insert into table(number,name) values ('12','name')

In the table I have one more identity column ID. I know that I cannot insert a value in that column and the value is automatically increased once I insert a record. After this insert statment, I need to get the value
of the ID (the most recent one) in the next select statement.

ie Select @@identity from table (any condition????)

How do I get the most recent ID value? Actually I m inserting the records in a loop and the ID is increased for every insert.

Thanks for the help,

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Identity Field

Jun 29, 2007


New to SQL and have the following situation....

Example of table (currently)
PayID (Primary Key) PaymentNumber (Identity Field)
John 1
Tim 2
Chris 3
John (same as John above) 4
Jack 5
Steve 6

Would like to see it work this way
PayID (Primary Key) PaymentNumber (Identity Field)
John 1
John (same as John above) 2
Tim 1
Chris 1
Jack 1
Steve 1

Can the identity column be setup to start the counter over depending on value of PayeeID...If another Jack was added then the Payment Number would be 2 for Jack since there is already a record with value 1....

Hope this makes sense...


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