Mar 22, 2006

cstring = cstring + "VALUES('%" + txtWatchID.Text + "%','%" + txtcenter + "%'" & _

cstring = "INSERT INTO tblNEW (watch_id, service_center_num, repair_envelope, store_number"

cstring = cstring + "date_purchase, transaction_num, cust_fname, cust_lname, product_code"

cstring = cstring + "value_watch, failure_date, service_date, failure_code, repair_code"

cstring = cstring + "service_request, store_number_senditem, register_number, street_address"

cstring = cstring + "city, state, zip_code, area_code, phone_num, product_desc, service_center"

cstring = cstring + " work_to_bdone, auth_num, labor_cost, parts_cost, tax_cost, total_cost"

cstring = cstring + "notes, client_number)"

cstring = cstring + "VALUES('%" + txtWatchID.Text + "%','%" + txtcenter + "%'" & _

this is the error is get, but i did the same thing on a select statement and it works i need to add something to the string or what i am kinda confused and help would be great.....

Operator '+' is not defined for types 'String' and 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'.

View 15 Replies


Dataset Blues

Nov 2, 2007

i don't know if this is the right forum for this question but here goes.  I have created a gridview to display a list of records retrieved by a SQL query.  Everytime I run it, I get the following error:
Object must implement IConvertible.
I thought it might have to do with the data I'm passing in the session string from the previous page.  Here is that code:Protected Sub cmdSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSubmit.Click
Session.Add("Shift", shShift.SelectedItem)Session.Add("Type", shType.SelectedItem)
Session.Add("SelDate", OccDate.SelectedDate)
Here is the code that is supposed to execute and display the data on page_init:
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="RID" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" Width="1215px" BorderStyle="Groove" BorderWidth="4px">
<asp:BoundField DataField="RID" HeaderText="Record ID:" InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="RID" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Date" HeaderText="Date:" SortExpression="Date" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Shift_ID" HeaderText="Shift:" SortExpression="Shift_ID" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Xref_ID" HeaderText="Type Of Occurence:" SortExpression="Xref_ID" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Notes" HeaderText="Notes:" SortExpression="Notes" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:PerfDataConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [RID], [Notes], [Date], [Shift_ID], [Xref_ID] FROM [Safety_data] WHERE (([Shift_ID] = @Shift_ID) AND ([Xref_ID] = @Xref_ID) AND ([Date] = @Date))">
<asp:SessionParameter Name="Shift_ID" SessionField="Shift_ID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="Xref_ID" SessionField="Type" Type="Int32" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="Date" SessionField="Date" Type="DateTime" />
What could be causing the issue?

View 5 Replies View Related

DTS Importing Blues -- Can Anyone Help?

Nov 18, 1999

I am importing via DTS a .csv file. I have 2 issues:

-One field from the source needs to be inserted into two existing fields.

-Two fields from the source, First_Name and Last_Name need to be
concatenated to a destination field, Full_Name.

I do not know VB but I do know SQL.

Can anyone help?

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Retirement Age Blues

Aug 8, 2006

Datediff won't give you an age.

For example:


is CLOSE but not accurate. Is there another function I should consider in determining age?

Semper fi and Thanks!

Semper fi,
The Marine Corps taught me everything but SQL!

View 7 Replies View Related

Cursor Declaration Blues

Dec 7, 1999


While working for a client on a SQL Server 6.5 SP5a, I got the following error when running the code below in first SQL Enterprise Manager 6.5 and then SQL Query Analyzer 7.0:

IF @Departures = 1
BackPax = CASE BackPax
BestPax = CASE BestPax
FROM #TimeCall
ORDER BY DepTime, FlightNumber
FROM #TimeCall
ORDER BY ArrTime, FlightNumber

And the error I get when the query is run for the first time after switching tool:

Server: Msg 202, Level 11, State 2, Procedure CreateFile, Line 178
Internal error -- Unable to open table at query execution time.
Server: Msg 202, Level 11, State 1, Procedure CreateFile, Line 188
Internal error -- Unable to open table at query execution time.

If I run the query again in one of the tools, it works. It also works if I use WITH RECOMPILE in the stored proc header.

If I use the code below, it also works, and without RECOMPILE:

DECLARE @SqlStr varchar( 255 )

IF @Departures = 1
SELECT @SqlStr = 'DECLARE TableCursor CURSOR ' +
'FOR SELECT AcType, ' +
'BackPax = CASE BackPax WHEN NULL THEN 0 ELSE BackPax END, ' +
'BestPax = CASE BestPax WHEN NULL THEN 0 ELSE BestPax END, ' +
'DepTime, FlightNumber, ArrStn ' +
'FROM #TimeCall ORDER BY DepTime, FlightNumber'
SELECT @SqlStr = 'DECLARE TableCursor CURSOR ' +
'FOR SELECT AcType, ' +
'BackPax = CASE BackPax WHEN NULL THEN 0 ELSE BackPax END, ' +
'BestPax = CASE BestPax WHEN NULL THEN 0 ELSE BestPax END, ' +
'ArrTime, FlightNumber, DepStn ' +
'FROM #TimeCall ORDER BY ArrTime, FlightNumber'
EXECUTE( @SqlStr )

Trying to get around the problem with the following code did not do any good:

CurTime = CASE @Departures
OtherStation = CASE @Departures
FROM #TimeCall
ORDER BY CurTime, FlightNumber

Server: Msg 202, Level 11, State 2, Procedure CreateFile, Line 176
Internal error -- Unable to open table at query execution time.

Anyone have some good ideas on why this happens?


Jonas Hilmersson

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RS2005 Setup Blues

Jul 10, 2007

I installed RS2005(SP2) with a SQL2000(sp4) db. Both are on seperate Windoes 2003 servers. I configured the reports manager to connect to a different web site on the same server instead of default web site. There were no installation prohlems. The RS server is up and running , all the virtual directories setup etc. When I try to access the reports directory via: http://dev2/Reports or browse the reports virtual directory from IIS, I get a 401 access denied error. The RS log reads:

<Product>Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 9.00.3042.00</Product>
<TimeZone>Eastern Daylight Time</TimeZone>
<Path>D:ReportingServices2005MSSQL.1Reporting ServicesLogFilesReportServerWebApp__07_10_2007_11_29_21.log</Path>
<OSName>Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2</OSName>
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing ReportBuilderTrustLevel to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing MaxActiveReqForOneUser to '20' requests(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing MaxScheduleWait to default value of '1' second(s) because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing DatabaseQueryTimeout to default value of '30' second(s) because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing ProcessRecycleOptions to default value of '0' because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsScavengerCycle to default value of '30' second(s) because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsDbCycle to default value of '30' second(s) because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsAge to default value of '30' second(s) because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing CleanupCycleMinutes to default value of '10' minute(s) because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing DailyCleanupMinuteOfDay to default value of '120' minutes since midnight because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonFlags to default value of '1064' because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpOnExceptions to default value of 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException,Microsoft.ReportingServices.Modeling.InternalModelingException' because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpExcludeIfContainsExceptions to default value of 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing SecureConnectionLevel to default value of '1' because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing DisplayErrorLink to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!7/10/2007-11:29:22:: i INFO: Initializing WebServiceUseFileShareStorage to default value of 'False' because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!ui!5!7/10/2007-11:29:30:: e ERROR: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.
w3wp!ui!5!7/10/2007-11:29:31:: e ERROR: HTTP status code --> 500
System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.

at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.RSConnection.GetSecureMethods()

at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.Global.RSWebServiceWrapper.GetSecureMethods()

at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.RSConnection.IsSecureMethod(String methodname)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.RSConnection.ValidateConnection()

at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.EnsureHttpsLevel(HttpsLevel level)

at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.ReportingPage_Init(Object sender, EventArgs args)

at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)

at System.Web.UI.Control.OnInit(EventArgs e)

at System.Web.UI.Page.OnInit(EventArgs e)

at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer)

at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
w3wp!ui!5!7/10/2007-11:29:32:: e ERROR: Exception in ShowErrorPage: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()
at System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(String path, Boolean preserveForm)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.ShowErrorPage(String errMsg) at at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()
at System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(String path, Boolean preserveForm)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.ShowErrorPage(String errMsg)

Please advise.

The RSweApplication.config in the ReportManager folder has the fully qualified URL to ReportServer<ReportServerUrl> and I have blanked out the <ReportServerVirtualDirectory>

Also the <UrlRoot> in rsreportserver.config in ReportServer folder points to the fully qualified URL to ReportServer.

What am I missing here ..?

View 6 Replies View Related

Linked Server Blues...msg 7319

Apr 24, 2001


I have a linked server on two of my other servers. On one server, I can run linked queries just fine. On the other, I get the following error:

Server: Msg 7319, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' returned a 'NON-CLUSTERED and NOT INTEGRATED' index 'LOCATOR_ID' with incorrect bookmark ordinal 0.

I have SQL 7.0 SP2 on both of the linking servers, and the linked server is SQL 6.5. Both querying servers are also using MDAC 2.1

Any insight anyone could provide would be appreicated.


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Inserts Per Second

Mar 3, 2006

Just curios,

I have four 72 GB Drive on a RAID 5

Disk Specs
IO/Second = 130 per disk
Speed RPM = 15 K

When I did a load test of inserting data into a table
with four Columns

Col1 INT
Col2 VARCHAR(32)
Col3 VARCHAR(4000)

I could insert around 1044 Inserts per second where as
I thought I could do max of 520 Inserts ( 130 * 4 ) because
each disk can only take 130 Inserts multiplied by 4 Disks
gives me a theoritical limit of 520.

Also How does the Query Analyser Connects to the datbase
Server.. does it use ODBC


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No Of Inserts

Mar 21, 2006

I am doing a simple IO Test with the below script ...

Just wanted to keep things simple and to check how many Inserts I can do on a given SQL Server.
I am running the below script from QA for 1 minute and then divide the No or rows inserted by 60.

Will it give me approximate results by duing this?

Actually the datafiles .MDF files are sitting on a single drive where the manufacturer specs shows that it will handle 130 IO's per disk. With the below script I am getting around 147 Inserts per second.

But my boss says that he is getting 2000 inserts per second on his laptop from a ...Am I missing some thing?

SELECT @lnRowCnt = 100000

WHILE @lnRowCnt > 0
INSERT INTO CTMessages..Iotest
SELECT @lnRowCnt , 'VENU' , REPLICATE ( 'V' , 4000 ) , 1000000

SELECT @lnRowCnt = @lnRowCnt - 1


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Two Inserts In One InsertCommand

Apr 11, 2007

I'm using a SQLDataSource and trying to do two inserts into two different tables with one InsertCommand, but it's not working. Here's the code I'm trying to use. Do you see anything wrong with the syntax? I keep getting an error that says error near ','  but I can't figure out why. Thanks
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [OurProjects] ([Title], [Description], [Location], [Anchors], [Size], [Developer], [DesignBuilder], [Architect], [ImageName], [MapName], [ProjectTypeAbbrev], [Deleted]) VALUES (@Title, @Description, @Location, @Anchors, @Size, @Developer, @DesignBuilder, @Architect, @ImageName, @MapName, @ProjectTypeAbbrev, @Deleted),
INSERT INTO [OurProjectsImages] ([OurProjectsID], [ImageMonthName], [SwfName]) VALUES (@OurProjectsID, @ImageMonthName, @SwfName)"

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SQL TimeSpan And Inserts

May 27, 2008

I need to Add a Check in the database to ensure that user can only enter up to 20 entries to Database in a period of 10 minutes. Basically, to guard against people using scripts to add data to the database ( instead of using CAPTCHAE on the front end) what we want to do is restrict user to entering at most 20 transactions in 10 Minutes.How do I handle or do this in SQl Server 2005??
What I figure to do is right after I do an INSERT into the table, I Select the last 20 entries into that same table and then Calculate the Total time it took to add those 20 transactions and set the righ flag.
1) How do I select last 20 entries into a table??
2) How do I calculate the total time that elapsed between adding the first of those 20 records and the last??
Thanks in Advance

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Next Inserts ID Number, Someone Please Help

Sep 21, 2004

I have a table with a primary key being a bigint and its set to auto increment (or identity or whatever ms calls it). Is there anyway I can get the ID number that will be assigned to the next Insert before I insert it? I want to use that ID number within another field when inserted.

I hope that makes sense.

Thanks for any help.


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Multiple Inserts

Jul 14, 2005

Hi, I'm trying to create a form where new names can be added to a database. The webform looks like this:<body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout">        <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">         Name:<asp:TextBox ID="newName" runat="server" />         <INPUT id="NewUserBtn" type="button" value="Create New User" name="NewUserBtn" runat="server"            onServerClick="NewBtn_Click">&nbsp;     </form>And the code behind looks like this:Public Sub NewBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewUserBtn.ServerClick        Dim DS As DataSet        Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection        Dim MyCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        MyConnection = New SqlConnection("server=databaseserver;database=db;uid=uid;pwd=pwd")        MyCommand = New SqlDataAdapter("insert into certifications (name) values ('" & newName.Text & "'); select * from certifications", MyConnection)
        DS = New DataSet        MyCommand.Fill(DS, "Titles")
        Response.Redirect("WebForm1.aspx", True)    End SubWhen I try to insert one name it works. When I try to insert a second name, it overwrites the old one. Why is that?Thanks.James

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Identity Inserts

Apr 15, 2006

Hey All,
I was trying to use a typed dataset to create a very simple DAL. I found that the code generated for the INSERT statement includes an identity field the table has. That can obviously never work (unless identity_insert is set, which it is not). My question is whether it is possible to control this insert statement generation? Is there a property I am missing somewhere? My solution was to change the INSERT statement on the DataTableAdapter, but that seems awkward for me to have to do that..

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Updates, Inserts

Jan 22, 2001

I have a number of columns with predefined character length but user can input more from gui. i want to trucncate automatically to the desired length and insert or update the database right now it does not allow me to update , or insert the values can i do it and how this is urgent

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Volume Inserts

Jan 24, 2000

We have a 4 processor 350 Hz NT 4.0 SQL server. Currently we have an application
that is inserting rows one at a time, each row insert is a separate transaction.
Currenty we are averaging 2500 rows a second with each row ( 56 bytes wide).
The data and the log are on one string of Raid disk. We plan to get another controller
and raid string to separate the data and the log onto separate controllers.
The developer is modifying the application to insert the data in blocks. What is the
impact to the transaction log? He seems to think that by inserting page blocks on
rows there would be less data going into the transaction log. Why would this be so?
Does anyone have any information on practical limits for inserts and log truncation
with similar machine configurations. He would like to try to get around 150,000 rows a second.
Has anyone accomplished inserts at this rate? What type of machine configuration?

View 1 Replies View Related

Inserts Overwriting

Nov 21, 2001

I have a small web application managing complaints. During multiuser testing we noticed that when complaints where added at "exactly" the same time one complaint text seemed to be over writing the other, and returning the current max value for table id as current complaint number.

I tested in my development environment and was able to recreate reasonably easily ( 1 go out of 3 recreated the issue ). The Id column itself is an auto increment ( primary key ), so I can't think of a concievable reason why one record should overwrite another. I should say that I am assuming the record is overwritten, perhaps there is a clash and one complaint is ignored by the database.

Have anyone encountered this in the past?


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Inserts Across Databases

Mar 6, 2002

I have a procedure that I call on one database, and one of it's steps is to write to a table on another database, same server. the user exists in both databases, but i keep getting errors when i try and write to this second database. i know i can fix this by giving the user insert permissions on the table in this second database, but i do not want this for security purposes. any other ideas on how to accomplish this?

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Looped Inserts Sql

Dec 5, 2005

i have a {date value}
i have a {frequency value}
1 = yearly
4 = quarterly
12 = monthly

i need to select an item
then check the frequency

then do a loop insert based on the frequency

if frequency = 1

insert item, date into table where date = {date value}

elseif frequency = 4

Per item -- insert 4 new entrys
insert item, date into table where date = {date value}
insert item, date into table where date = {date value + quarter}
insert item, date into table where date = {date value+ 2 quarters}
insert item, date into table where date = {date value + 3 quarters}

' below is how i can calculate quartly values from a date iv vb .net just need to do the same within sql

Dim Quarterloop AS Integer
for QuarterLoop = 0 to 3 >
<= formatdatetime(dateadd("q", Quarterloop , MyDate),DateFormat.longdate) ><br>
< Next >

elseif frequency = 12
--- per item insert 12 new entrys
insert 12 items into the table looping from date and then in 12 increments of 1 month values

View 9 Replies View Related

Massive Inserts

Oct 15, 2004

Currenlty I have huge amounts of data going into a table.
I'm sending an xmldoc and using openxml with a cursor to seed them.

the question I have is whether to let duplicate keyed data rows bounce
and then check @@error and then do an update on the nokeyed field
to do a select on the keyed field and then do an insert or update based on the
selects results.

Speed is my goal.

View 3 Replies View Related

Dynamic Inserts

May 27, 2008

Hello All,

I have to create dynamic insert statements for the table. For example there are DevTableA and ProdTableA tables. I worte a SQL to get the new records added in the DevTableA but are not there in ProdTableA. The result gives me a list of rows. These tables have a column 'LanguageID' and 'LText'

The compare result has records only for LanguageID = 0. One I see the compare result. I am suppose to create insert statements for LanguageID = 1,2,5 and 6 and update the Ltext for those languages. The Ltext for other languages is in spreadsheet.

Can anyone advice me how to create the insert statements from the comapre result and add 4 more insert statements for LanguageID = 1,2,5 and 6 with their respective Ltext.

So far I thought I can create #table. Looks like I need more than 1 # table.

Thanks in advance

View 4 Replies View Related

Bulk Inserts

Mar 3, 2006

I'm trying to perform a bulk insert as shown below. It's problematic b/c it's not updating the identity fields correctly and we're getting dups. I think, but I'm not sure, that On Update Cascade would solve all this, b/c we wouldn't have to concern ourselves with even touching the identity fields, b/c they would be autogenerated. Can someone shed some light?? I'm pretty confused.



INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[USERS]([LastName], [UserName], [EmailAddress], [Address1], [WorkPhone], [Company], [CompanyWebsite], [pword], [IsAdmin], [IsRestricted],[AdvertiserAccountID])
SELECT dbo.fn_ReplaceTags (convert (varchar (8000),Advertisername)), [AdvertiserEmail], [AdvertiserEmail],[AdvertiserAddress], [AdvertiserPhone], [AdvertiserCompany], [AdvertiserURL], [AccountNumber],'3',0, [AccountNumber]
FROM Miami
WHERE not exists (select * from users Where users.Username = miami.AdvertiserEmail)
AND validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[Property]([ListDate],[CommunityName],[TowerName],[PhaseName],[Unit], [Address1], [City], [State], [Zip],[IsActive],[AdPrintId])
SELECT [FirstInsertDate],[PropertyBuilding],[PropertyStreetAddress],PropertyCity + ' ' + PropertyState + ' ' + PropertyZipCode as PhaseName,[PropertyUnitNumber],[PropertyStreetAddress],[PropertyCity], [PropertyState], [PropertyZipCode],'0',[AdPrintId]
FROM [Undex_Production].[dbo].[miami]
WHERE miami.AdvertiserEmail IS NOT NULL
AND validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[ITEM] ([SellerID],[Price],[StartDate],[EndDate], [HomePageFeatured],[Classified],[IsClosed])
SELECT USERS.UserID, miami.PropertyPrice, convert(datetime,miami.FirstInsertDate), dateadd(day, 30, miami.FirstInsertDate)as EndDate, 1, convert (int,AdNumber) as Classified, 0
miami ON USERS.UserName = miami.AdvertiserEmail
WHERE validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[propertyItem]( [propertyId], [ItemId])
SELECT Property.propertyId, ITEM.ItemID
miami ON ITEM.StartDate = miami.FirstInsertDate AND ITEM.Price = miami.PropertyPrice AND ITEM.Classified = convert(int,miami.AdNumber) LEFT OUTER JOIN
Property ON miami.PropertyUnitNumber = Property.Unit AND miami.PropertyZipCode = Property.Zip AND
miami.PropertyCity = Property.City AND miami.PropertyStreetAddress = Property.Address1
WHERE validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[CondoFeatures](PropertyId,[Bedrooms], [Area], [PropertyDescription], [Bathrooms], [NumOfFloors])
SELECT Property.propertyId, [PropertyBedrooms], [PropertySquareFeet], dbo.fn_ReplaceTags (convert (varchar (8000),PropertyDescription)),
[PropertyBathrooms], [PropertyTotalFloors]
Property ON miami.PropertyUnitNumber = Property.Unit AND miami.PropertyZipCode = Property.Zip AND
miami.PropertyCity = Property.City AND miami.PropertyStreetAddress = Property.Address1
WHERE validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[CommunityFeatures](PropertyId,[totalFloors],isComplete1)
SELECT Property.propertyId, miami.propertyTotalFloors,'0' as IsComplete
Property ON miami.PropertyUnitNumber = Property.Unit AND miami.PropertyZipCode = Property.Zip AND
miami.PropertyCity = Property.City AND miami.PropertyStreetAddress = Property.Address1
WHERE validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[UnitDisclosures]([propertyId],[monthcondoasso])
SELECT Property.propertyId, [propertyassocfee]
Property ON miami.PropertyUnitNumber = Property.Unit AND miami.PropertyZipCode = Property.Zip AND
miami.PropertyCity = Property.City AND miami.PropertyStreetAddress = Property.Address1
WHERE validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[BrokerDeveloper]([IsFSBO],[FSBOName],
CASE AdvertiserType when 'FSBO' THEN 1 else 0 end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'FSBO' THEN [AdvertiserName] else NULL end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'FSBO' THEN [AdvertiserEmail] else NULL end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'FSBO' THEN [AdvertiserURL] else NULL end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'Developer' THEN 1 else 0 end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'Developer' THEN [AdvertiserName] else NULL end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'Developer' THEN [AdvertiserURL] else NULL end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'Realtor' THEN 1 when 'Broker' THEN 1 else 0 end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'Realtor' THEN [AdvertiserName] when 'Broker' THEN [AdvertiserName] else NULL end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'Realtor' THEN [AdvertiserURL] when 'Broker' THEN [AdvertiserName] else NULL end,
Property.propertyId,[PropertyCommBroker],'0' as IsComplete
Property ON miami.PropertyUnitNumber = Property.Unit AND miami.PropertyZipCode = Property.Zip AND
miami.PropertyCity = Property.City AND miami.PropertyStreetAddress = Property.Address1
WHERE validAD=1
IF @@ERROR <> 0

View 2 Replies View Related

Generate Inserts

Nov 24, 2007

is there any easy way I can take a select statment
(such as select from payments where datetime>'20071122' and output a sql insert statment for these records?

I basically need to move a specific set of records from one sql server to another (both sql server 2005)
any suggestions for the best way to do this?

View 4 Replies View Related

Speeding Up Inserts

Jul 23, 2005

Hello everybody,Just short question:I have tables, which are only log tables (very less used for selects),but there is a lotof writing.I would like to have as much speed as possible by writing data intothis tables.create table [tbl] ([IDX] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[Time_Stamp] [datetime] NOT NULL ,[Source] [varchar] (64) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,[Type] [varchar] (16) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,[MsgText] [varchar] (512) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,CONSTRAINT [tbl] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED([IDX]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GOQuestion:Is it better for inserts,, to remove PK but leave identity insert?How to make this table optimized for writing?If I will set fill level of the table with 0%, will I winn much?Once information: this table will be deleted with old data, dependingon row count (oldest ID's will be deleted each night).Thank You in advanceMateusz

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Speeding Up Inserts

Mar 29, 2006

according to the mysql manual, multiple inserts can be sped up bylocking the table before doing them and unlocking the table the same true of multiple inserts in mysql? if so, how would thetable be locked?any insights would be appreciated - thanks!

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Large Inserts

Jul 5, 2007

Dear Experts,What is the best way to do a large insert WITHOUT having direct accessto the machine SQL Server is running on? For example, imagine I wantto insert something like 20,000 records. If I were to have access tothe server, I could BULK INSERT into a temp table and then insert intothe destination table. But if I can't create a file on the server touse for BULK INSERT, what is the next best alternative to doing lotsof 1 record insert statements?Thanks,-Emin

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Lost Inserts

Jul 20, 2005

Is there any known SQL Server bug whereby a record can be successfullyinserted and committed, but then later be found not to be in thedatabase? For example, if there was a server crash just after thecommit, could committed data be lost?I'm sure the answer must be "no", but a client is telling me this ishappening, and I said I'd enquire.

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Inserts Failed Sometimes ...

Jul 20, 2005

We have installed a package developed by another company and sometimes(when the server is with a big rate of transactions), we are seeingthe following messages in package debug file:2004-04-22 14:23:27 3056:------------------------------------------------------------2004-04-22 14:23:27 3056: rlm03000: ls_PutOneRecord: Failed inserting[04113SO07236054]2004-04-22 14:23:27 3056: ODBCSetCursorName[3056]: Failed specifyingcursor concurrency to statement handle 1 for 'ls_rep_add'2004-04-22 14:23:27 3056: dbc01003: ODBCSetCursorName[3056]:ls_rep_add generated SQL error state: 240002004-04-22 14:23:27 3056: dbc01002: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager]Invalid cursor state2004-04-22 14:23:27 3056: odbcFilterConnectErrors[3056]: set theiState to ODBC_DISCONNECT for <24000>2004-04-22 14:23:27 3056: Function Return Code [00001] ODBC_ERROR2004-04-22 14:23:27 3056: Operation [00000] ls_PutOneRecord2004-04-22 14:23:27 3056: Primary Return Code [00000] 000002004-04-22 14:23:27 3056: Secondary Return Code [0000000001] 000002004-04-22 14:23:27 3056:------------------------------------------------------------When this message appears in the app debug file we are loosing someinserts that the application do in the database.The MS SQL server configuration is:4 Pentium 760Mhz 4 GB RAMSQL 2000 Standard Edition 8.00.760 SP 4MDAC 2.7 driver ODBC SQLSRV32.dll 2000.81.9031.14 15/11/2002Any tip will be welcome,Thanks in advance,Reis

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Single Row Inserts

Feb 29, 2008

I've got a package that needs to do various single-row inserts/updates throughout the flow of the package. Each insert/update will use values from variables.

What is the best practice for doing this? I was going to use a DFT with my source being a derived column transformation, but it expects a true data source.

I've also thought about just using the obvious -- a SQL command task -- by my experience with doing commands using single values is that it's very quirky and hard to get the data types and mappings to cooperate.

I'm betting the SQL command task is my only option, but I wanted to check here first to see if others had other ideas.

Thanks in advance.

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Handling Nulls With Inserts

Apr 18, 2007

Hi,I've got a program that has a form. Â On the form there are several fields which are optional that I would prefer to remain as NULL in the database (rather than a default value) if the user doesn't fill them out. Â I'm using stored procedures for my inserts (sql 2000 + C#). Â How do most people handle these situations? Â Right now I have a seperate function which receives the parameter values as params and then handles creating the parameters and executing the stored procedure. Â I'm not sure how to handle passing that I want one of those to be null, at least not without having multiple functions and possibly various stored procedures for different possibilities.Thanks.

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Multiple Dynamic Inserts With SQL

Sep 10, 2007

 I'm try to a multiple insert from one database to another by using this code:insert into [mpis].[dbo].[Residents] (acno,surname,name,ID,type)        (select top 30 acno,surname,name,id,type        from [PretoriaDB].[dbo].[WorkingDB])  but I keep on getting this error:Msg 8152, Level 16, State 9, Line 1String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated.  Can any one help!! 

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Nested Inserts With TSQL

Dec 21, 2003

Hi I have to strings that can both each contain an indeterminable length. These strings are


and will contain something like

UserID = '1, 2, 3, 4'
NoteID = '4, 9, 18, 21, 23, 27'

However its not known the length of each and so we could have the reverse of the above.

I am to insert x amount of notes to one userId and vice versa, but I'm trying to figure out how to do both so the insert would resemble the following.

UserID NoteID

1 4
1 9
1 18
1 21
1 23
1 27
2 4
2 9
etc, etc

This is sp that does it and it works fine for just one or the other, I just don't have much experience in this kind of thing. The spInsertAssignedNoteDetail at the end simply makes the insert when I have both numbers.

Heres my attempt, but i'm just stuck as to where to go from here

CREATE PROCEDURE spInsertAssignedNotesByList
@FK_UserIDList NVARCHAR(4000) = NULL,
@FK_NoteIDList NVARCHAR(4000) = NULL


DECLARE @Note_Length INT


SELECT @Note_Length = DATALENGTH(@FK_NoteIDList )

WHILE @Length > 0 or @Note_Length > 0
EXECUTE @Length = PopFirstWord @FK_UserIDList OUTPUT, @FirstUserIDWord OUTPUT

IF @Length > 0

EXECUTE spInsertAssignedNoteDetail @FK_UserID, @FK_NoteID

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Batch Inserts From DataTable

Jun 24, 2005

Please help guys,I have a DataTable filled from the parsing of a csv file by the OleDb text driver.This DataTable could on occassion contain in excess of 2000 rows.I want to be able to batch the inserts to my backend sql table and be able to recorver on errors during the insert.i.e, maybe send the first 500 rows to insert via an insert dynamic text.... really don't know the optimal insert technic to use.but, if I get an error on say the third batch, I want to be able to recorver, and not have to start all over again and continue the inserts from the batch that failed.....Please help... what is the best way to perform the inserts and how can I track these inserts and recorver on errors like power failures or sql server unavailable etc.Please help....

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