IS IT A Challenge?(cOnfigurE A VIrtuaL DIrectorY FOR SYncronizatioN WIthouT WEB SYnchronizatioN WIzarD)
May 25, 2007
if you R Right Person Help Me Please.....
if you R Right Person Help Me Please.....
Got the following error on the last part of the wizard, after setting all the requirements:
Setting the snapshot share permissions (Error)
The operation completed successfully. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070000) (mscorlib)
Any tips thanks
Could someone please confirm the best way for me to set up the WSW. Having installed the Sql 2005 CE Server Agent and configured WSW I can now use the Url and get the Server Agent to return a string. So far so good I can use the Pda to connect to my IIS Server. I have set the WSW for Anonymous access using the IUSR account for simplicity. My Sql 2005 Database is located on a separate server which I can locate from my IIS server using the following connection string.
"server=; database=Audit; uid=steve; pwd=letmein"
My Sql 2005 database 'Audit' uses Sql Authentication. What considerations do I need to make in my WSW setup for
1. Anonymous access to IIS Server
2. Sql Authentication on separate Sql server
3. Will the connection string work in my SqlCeRemoteDataAccess instance when attempting RDA Pull method
4. What security access do I need to allow for in my Sql 2005 database access rights if any
Am I also right in thinking that for IIS basic access with Sql Authentication I need to provide Internetlogin and Internetpassword values for the properties of the SqlCERemoteDataAccess instance? If so do we enter the login and password for the IIS server or the Sql 2005 database server? The Sql Database login and password is passed through my connection string in my RDA.Pull method.
First, sorry for my english, I'm french
When i try to configure web synchronization, I get the following err " success Hresult 0x8007000"(!!!) for the step : setting the snapshot share permission
I really don't understand : my folder have all the rights for the user agent...
I don't know what to do.
Config . SQL Server SP4,Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition
It had worked but I had to reinstall the system and now, it does not work anymore
Thans for your help,
Hi Guys,
Windows XP, IIS 5.1
I have written an installer that creates an MS SQL Database, creates the
necessary data tables and then imports the data into the data tables. All
this works fine.
I now need to copy the web pages to a directory on the users machine and
then make the chosen directory a virtual directory so the user can call the
pages in the usual way (http://localhost/mytestsite/index.html)
Would anyone know how to create a virtual directory using dos command line parameters. I have seen something using "IIsVdir.vbs" but I do not have this script file.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Best Regards,
hi all,
I Installed SQL server 2005, installation completed with out any warnings.
but when trying to configure reporting services it is not configured and throwing error msg as create virtual directory.
and the error msg looks like
ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: The virtual directory specified is not valid. Make sure the specified name is not too long and doesn't contain illegal characters. (example: ;)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSReportServerAdmin.CreateVirtualDirectory(String virtualDirectory, String path)
pls give me any suggestions, Thanks for any help
I am trying to configure the Report Manager Virtual Directory but cannot do it. In the Configure Report Server screen, the option is greyed out (there is a tick next to it to say that it has been configured, but this is greyed out too)!
Any ideas??
Hello, everybody.
Im getting the message error "The page cannot be found", while trying to access the Report Manager throught its virtual directory. Otherwise the Report Server url access works fine and both virtual directories have the same configuration
Any suggestion ?!?!
Reporting Services is running on Windows Server 2003
We regularly deploy our product to client's sites and install a named instance of SQL Server 2005 and Reporting Services on their Windows Server. We use the instance name "lgs" during SQL setup and it automatically ensures we have a http://server/Reports$lgs and http://server/ReportServer$lgs to work with.
A recent deployment had some trouble with their OS and we have needed to reinstall the Reporting Services component of SQL. After reinstalling, the virtual directories for Reports$lgs and ReportServer$lgs are gone. I have used the Reporting Services Configuration tool to create new virtual directories but when I enter Reports$lgs or ReportServer$lgs as the names I get an error. The error says that the virtual directories cannot
be created due to illegal characters in the names.
How can I create the same virtual dirs that would have normally been created during initial installation?
- Jason
In SQL2K you could implement web virtual directory (using IIS) that allowed you to query a stored procedure from any HTTP browser (e.g. IE, Netscape, Opera, ...) from anywhere in the world.
For example:
would return a HTML page of information as defined in Display_Info stored procedure. This was very useful but a little slow due to IIS overhead!
ENDPOINT & http.sys allow access SQL2005 without IIS which should be faster (?). Hence I have been trying to configure ENDPOINT to do something similar without success. Furthermore there is little information on what you can do with the "FOR TSQL" option and how to use it.
PS I don't want to use SOAP as the client will be a web browser not an apps.
I'm trying to configure web synchronization using the wizard, It errors out on step "Setting The snapshot share permissions". The error I get is
The operation completed successfully. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070000)
Then all the other steps rollback. I'm using the default location for the snapshot i.e in REPLDATA folder. When creating the publication I used a UNC path to specify the snapshot folder. For testsing purposes I'm using a windows account that has admin privilages on the box that is running IIS. I'm just testing this merger replication over https, so I have IIS and the distributor on the same box. I created the publication, and the snapshot. I was walking through the wizard, all seems to be OK but can't get past this pesky error, which is strange seeing it says it complete successfully.
Help, any ideas?
I have a problem with SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service. I installed Reporting Service in my machine.
When I was trying to configure the Reporting Service, Report Manager Virtual Directory got disabled.
I need to enable this Report Manager Virtual directory. I can see the disabled link for
Report Manager Virtual Directory and it shows the error: Report Manager Virtual Directory is not
configurable for the current mode. Kindly help me out of this problem.
Hi, I have a problem with SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service. I installed Reporting Service in my machine. When I was trying to configure the Reporting Service, Report Manager Virtual Directory got disabled. I need to enable this Report Manager Virtual directory. I can see the disabled link for Report Manager Virtual Directory and it shows the error: Report Manager Virtual Directory is not configurable for the current mode. Kindly help me out of this problem. Thanks Subhendu
View 3 Replies View RelatedGot the following error on the last part of the wizard, after setting all the requirements:
Setting the snapshot share permissions (Error)
The operation completed successfully. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070000) (mscorlib)
Hi all,
I have some problem about Reporting Service integrated for SharePoint 2007.
At first, I created 1 user named "User1" under "Domain1". User1 has role "SharePointAdmin" Group and Local Admin Group.
Then I created application pool named "RSAppPool". Its identy was "Domain1User1".
After that, I install Reporting Service and SP2.
Then I config Reporting Service to Integrated Sharepoint Mode below.
Report Server Directory Setting: "ReportServer" in "Default Web Site".
Window Service Identity:
Service Account : "Domain1User1" (Windows Accout)
Web Service Identity:
Report Server: "RSAppPool" (that created above)
Report Manager: Empty
Database Setup:
Database name: Database1 (Server Mode: SharePoint Integrated)
Credential Type : Windows Credentials
Account Name: Domain1User1
After configuration, I reset IIS and test browse to http://servername/ReportServer/ , then there is a Windows Login dialog.
I enter "Domain1User1" and User1's password. But User1 cannot right to access to "ReportServer" virtual directory.
This is error message
You are not authorized to view this page
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
Internet Information Services (IIS)
I'm not sure. Where is I config wrong? ....
Please help me.
Thank you very much.
Thanks Mahesh, the above suggestion
did work. However, I have a new problem with SQL Server mobile subscription. I
use SQL server 2000 and SQL server management studio from SQL 2005. After the Synchronization
start, I have following error
��The constraint cannot be removed
because it is referenced by another constraint. [ Constraint name =
specCategories ] HRESULT 0x80040E90 (25077)
The SQL statement failed to execute.
[ SQL statement = drop table "specCategories" ] HRESULT 0x80040E90 (28560) ��But there is no constraint for specCategories, it only has foreign key in table "Specs"
Please help, I appreciate it.
There was a 2008 SSRS service running on server "abc".
I have a .Net UI that uses the wsdl at [URL] ....
They deployed SSRS 2012 service on a new server "xyz".
DNS points abc to xyz. Nslookup looks right shows both xyz and abc alias to the same IP.
when I try to go to [URL] .... it redirects to xyz as expected for the host name but the HTTP GET /ReportServer is appended with GET /Reports/ReportServer which doesn't exist and I get an 404 error.
I have no admin rights to see anything and I have no idea if it was an inplace upgrade or a new server. I assume it's new since the actual server name changed in nslookup. Why would it append the default virtual directory when it makes the hop to server "xyz"?
Hi,I've just installed SQL server and then IIS and SQLCE tools.I created a virtual directory and was trying to update the NTFSpermissions from SQLServer Connectivity management when i got thefollowing error - Access Control List (structure) invalid.Has anyone come across this and if so, what did u do to fix it.ThanksLyn
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a an application running under IIS. this application is using two folders, the virtual directory under C:Inetpubwwwroot and the application phisical folder at C:.
I want to manage this applications .mdf database using microsoft sql server management studio express(iam running sql express with advanced services) which means i have to attach the database to Ms sql server managemet studio express tool.
What i dont know is if i should attach the .mdf file in the physical folder's App_Data folder at C:myapplicationFolderApp_data or the .mdf file in the virtual directory under C:InetpubwwwrootMyapplicationFolderApp_Data
I dont know which of the two i should attach. Where exactly is the running database, the .mdf file in the physical folder or the .mdf file in the virtual directory under wwwroot.
I have something called Configure Web Synchronization Wizard under my SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition on my XP machine. My problem is that I need to install it on a Windows 2000 machine and I can't find the installation package for it. I installed SQL Server 2005, which installed SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition, but I didnt' get the wizard. I also installed Visual Studio 2005.
Anyone know where it is?
Ryan J. Boyle writes "I'm trying to set up repliction on my SQL 2005 instance. When I run through the "Configure Distribution Wizard" the wizard errors out, here is the following error message that I'm reciving. I can not find any information based on that SQL Server Error number (there is none in the help file go figure)
SQL Server could not configure <servername> as a Distributor
Additional Information:
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo
Only replication jobs or job schedules can be added, modiifed, dropped or viewed through replication stored procedures. Changed database context to 'master'(Microsoft SQL Server Error 22538)
Any help in troubleshooting what this issue could be that would be great.
Thanks in advance.
Ryan J. Boyle"
While exporting databases from one machine & importing in to another using SQL upgrade wizard, I regret that I did not select the Edit button on the db creation screen. Thus, all transferred db's are now located at the root! (duh)...Is there a way to recover from this idiotic mistake? Can these databases that now reside at the root level be transferred back to another drive successfully & how? HELP!
View 2 Replies View RelatedOk, I think this may have a simple answer. Basically I have no problems in setting up QueryString/Control/etc parameters when I use SELECT in the Configure Data Source Wizard as it prompts me for the necessary parameters. But when I try to use the Configure Data Source Wizard with an UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE it does NOT prompt me for the required parameters.Is this a bug or am I just missing something? Do I have to put them in manually or something?Thanks!
View 5 Replies View RelatedWe have an application that requires write settings to reportserver virtual directory for the IUSR account when anonymous is turned on during the install. Once the install is complete, we lock down the IUSR account so that it only has browse access to the virtual directory when enabling anonymous access.
We automate the uninstall and install of our daily builds and I'm trying to figure out if I can automated this process somehow either through command line utility or in vbs.
Your help is greatly appreciated...
View 5 Replies View RelatedHello, I need a tool for management ms sql: compare list of databases on 2 servers (not structure and/or data of 2 databases), copy from one server to second new databases, delete from the second server ... Not to propose Copy Wizard.
Publisher: SQL Server 2000 SP4
Subscriber: SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition
Sometimes, after a failed merge replication(due to communication error) some rows on the subscriber became invisible for the publisher.
I've reproduced a case:
[START Short Version]
All rows inserted between a comm failed sync and a fine sync became invisible.
This seems to be caused because the subscriber keeps generating rows with the same generation number and the publisher doesn't look for this generation anymore.
[END Short Version]
[START Detailed case]
Orders Table
Orders Table
Orders Table
OrderId __sysIG __sysCG __sysMC000001 4 4 81000002 4 4 81
Orders Table
Orders Table
OrderId __sysIG __sysCG __sysMC
000001 4 4 80
000002 4 4 80
Orders Table
OrderId __sysIG __sysCG __sysMC
000001 4 4 80
000002 4 4 80
000003 6 6 81
STEP 4: After THIRD SYNC (with comm error)
Error: [NativeError:28037][HRESULT:-2147012889]->[A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information, see HRESULT.]
When: Error happens provoked after sending from Subscriber to Publisher but before ending syn process.
Orders Table
Orders Table
OrderId __sysIG __sysCG __sysMC
000001 4 4 80
000002 4 4 80
000003 6 6 81
Note: Publisher has the row but subscriber keeps the state in 81.
Orders Table
OrderId __sysIG __sysCG __sysMC
000001 4 4 80
000002 4 4 80
000003 6 6 81
000004 6 6 81
Note: Orders 000003 and 000004 have the same system info
Orders Table
Orders Table
OrderId __sysIG __sysCG __sysMC
000001 4 4 80
000002 4 4 80
000003 6 6 81
000004 6 6 81
Note: Even with a fine merge process Publisher didn't get the 000004 row and the Subscriber didn't update the __sysMC
Orders Table
OrderId __sysIG __sysCG __sysMC
000001 4 4 80
000002 4 4 80
000003 6 6 81
000004 6 6 81
000005 8 8 81
Orders Table
Orders Table
OrderId __sysIG __sysCG __sysMC
000001 4 4 80
000002 4 4 80
000003 6 6 81
000004 6 6 81
000002 8 8 80
Note: Data from generation 8 merge correctly, but data from generation 6 keeps invisible to publisher.
Action: I made a non relevant update to force the Subscriber update the generation.
Orders Table
OrderId __sysIG __sysCG __sysMC
000001 4 4 80
000002 4 4 80
000003 6 10 81
000004 6 10 81
000005 8 8 80
Note: sysCG get its value updated correctly.
Orders Table
Orders Table
OrderId __sysIG __sysCG __sysMC
000001 4 4 80
000002 4 4 80
000003 6 6 80
000004 6 6 80
000002 8 8 80
Note: Data merges correctly.
[END Detailed case]
I could code a system that checks all the publication tables and updates all the last generation rows in case of communication error but i would really like to avoid doing it.
I don't know if I'm missing something or if this is a bug or a known issue.
This is a big problem for me because communication errors on cellular phone based connection are quite common and users keep working even if there's an error.
Any comment will be appreciated.
Hi! I am developing a CF 2.0 application for WM 6.0. In the application I'm doing a replication between a Sql Server 2005 database and a Sql Server 2005 Compact Edition database. When I'm trying to syncronize the databases for the first time, e.g., creating a new database with AddSubscription(AddOption.CreateDatabase)I cannot do a save afterwards the synchronization procedure. The synchronization works just fine and I get the right data to my device and so, but when I try to a save, the database hangs doing the commit().
If I'm on the otherhand restarts the application and then do a ReinitializeSubscription(true), e.g., doesn't not create a new database with AddSubscription(AddOption.CreateDatabase), and calls Synchronize(), everything works just fine. Anyone who has an explanation of this? (I do a Dispose() each time).
I am testing high performance mirror on my local PC
mirroring set on db Northwind between default and named instance
on default (principal) server have few jobs
1. insert into table A,run every 1 minute
2. backup log of Northwind ,run every 10 minute
3. stop named instance ,run every 15 minutes
4. start named instance ,run every 20 minutes
After each stop/ start mirrored db very quickly synchronized .
I want to test break of mirror db when synchronization no longer possible
any suggestions ?
We want to place 70 GB db in mirror 300 km away and I want test everything
All possible break scenario
Hello everybody,
There is some strange behaviour i've recently noticed while watching synchronization progress in Replication Monitor on SQL 2005 Server Standard with merge replication configured. The merge process seems to repeat several times.
This is the initial synchronizaion (reinitalization at the subsciber). Client is using Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication objects from .net framework assemblies.
The synchronization starts normally (status is "Running"). The last message of selected session box shows (among other messages): "Beginning evaluating partial replication filters" then "Finished evaluating partial replication filters" and finally "Merge completed after processing xxx changes... etc." after a few seconds. Status changes to "Completed" and then... the merge process starts again!! "Beginning evaluating partial replication filters" etc. And this repeats about 15-20 times.
And so whole process takes about 15 minutes instead about 45 seconds to complete initial synchronization. The number of changes is "Merge completed after processing ..." never change since the first such message.
Is this some bug in web synchronization or some invalid configuration setting? Why does merge process repeat itself so many times??
Please help, thanks in advance.
Has anyone used this successfully from an OLEDB source component, or even from the Execute SQL Task? I've seen some examples of using a script component, but nothing that uses it through a connection manager.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHi All,
I have become frustrated and I am not finding the answers I expect.
Here's the gist, we support both Oracle and SQL for our product and we would like to migrate our Clients who are willing/requesting to go from Oracle to SQL. Seems easy enough.
So, I create a Database in SQL 2005, right click and select "Import Data", Source is Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle and I setup my connection. so far so good.
I create my Destination for SQL Native Client to the Database that I plan on importing into. Still good
Next, I select "Copy data from one or more tables or views". I move on to the next screen and select all of the Objects from a Schema. These are Tables that only relate to our application or in other words, nothing Oracle System wise.
When I get to the end it progresses to about 20% and then throws this error about 300 or so times:
Could not connect source component.
Warning 0x80202066: Source - AM_ALERTS [1]: Cannot retrieve the column code page info from the OLE DB provider. If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property will be used. Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect. If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used.
So, I'm thinking "Alright, we can search on this error and I'm sure there's an easy fix." I do some checking and indeed find out that there is a property setting called "AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage" in the OLEDB Data Source Properties. Great! I go back and look at the connection in the Import and .... there's nothing with that property!
Back to the drawing board. I Create a new SSIS package and figure out quickly that the AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage is in there. I can transfter information from the Oracle Source Table to the SQL Server 2005 Destination Table, but it appears to be a one to one thing. Programming this, if I get it to work at all, will take me about 150 hours or so.
This make perfect sense if all you are doing is copying a few columns or maybe one or two objects, but I am talking about 600 + objects with upwards of 2 million rows of data in each!!
This generates 2 questions:
1. If the Import Data Wizard cannot handle this operation on the fly, then why can't the AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage property be shown as part of the connection
2. How do I create and SSIS Package that will copy all of the data from Oracle to SQL Server? The source tables have been created and have the same Schema and Object Names as the Source. I don't want to create a Data Flow Task 600 times.