Jan 25, 2008

Hi there, I'm kind of new with SQL and I need some help with a query I am Creating to pull records from date field whose defaul value is NULL. The query i have works in SQL but does not work in Crystal Reports any clue how?

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Problem With Isnull. Need To Substitute Null If A Var Is Null And Compare It To Null And Return True

Sep 20, 2006

Hey. I need to substitute a value from a table if the input var is null. This is fine if the value coming from table is not null. But, it the table value is also null, it doesn't work. The problem I'm getting is in the isnull line which is in Dark green color because @inFileVersion is set to null explicitly and when the isnull function evaluates, value returned from DR.FileVersion is also null which is correct. I want the null=null to return true which is why i set ansi_nulls off. But it doesn't return anything. And the select statement should return something but in my case it returns null. If I comment the isnull statements in the where clause, everything works fine. Please tell me what am I doing wrong. Is it possible to do this without setting the ansi_nulls to off??? Thank you

set ansi_nulls off



@inFileName VARCHAR (100),

@inFileSize INT,

@Id int,

@inlanguageid INT,

@inFileVersion VARCHAR (100),

@ExeState int

set @inFileName = 'A0006337.EXE'

set @inFileSize = 28796

set @Id= 1

set @inlanguageid =null

set @inFileVersion =NULL

set @ExeState =0

select Dr.StateID from table1 dR


DR.[FileName] = @inFileName

AND DR.FileSize =@inFileSize

AND DR.FileVersion = isnull(@inFileVersion,DR.FileVersion)

AND DR.languageid = isnull(@inlanguageid,null)




set ansi_nulls on

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Null In Sql Query

Dec 20, 2007

here is sql of query when any of sub query return zero result the result become null though other may have some results


(select * from t1)-(select * from t)
in this case if either of table return zero rows the result will be null

plz help
faisal iqbal

sELECT bet.Party_id, (((select sum(amount*rate) from bet where team=1 and kl='l' and matchid = 18 and Party_id=1 )*1)-((select sum(amount*rate) from bet where team=1 and kl='k' and matchid = 18 and Party_id=1 )*1)) AS Expr1, (select sum(amount*rate) from bet where team=2 and matchid = 18 and bet.Party_id=1) AS Expr2, (select sum(amount*rate) from bet where team=3 and matchid = 18 and bet.Party_id=1) AS Expr3
FROM bet
GROUP BY bet.Party_id;

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NULL And MAX Query

Jul 20, 2005

HiI have a table called Orders with columns OrderId, ItemReceiptDate and itemnumber.Sample Data is given below:OrderID | ItemReceiptDate | ItemNumber-------------------------------------------1 | '2004-01-01' | 31 | '2004-01-28' | 41 | NULL | 52 | '2002-11-19' | 12 | '2003-01-28' | 4What I would like to SELECT is:OrderID | ItemReceiptDate | ItemNumber-------------------------------------------1 | NULL | 52 | '2003-01-28' | 4i.e. if ItemReceiptDate is null for a particular order id ==> return that recordelse return the record with maximum ItemReceiptDate.Please help.Thanks

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How To Query For NULL In A Database

May 31, 2007

  In my database, in a few tables there are NULL values in some of the columns. This is okay, but I need to know how to query for nulls. For example I tried the following query but it did not work:
select * from Employee where DateOfBirth =NULL
This did not work so I also tried the following:
select * from Employee where DateOfBirth ='NULL'
Neither of these worked. Can someone help me out?

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How Do You Query To Get All Fields With A Null Value?

Jun 6, 2001

how can i write a SQL query that will pull all records that are equal to NULL??

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How Do I Retreive 0 For Null Value In A Query

Nov 22, 2005

How do i retrieve 0 for null value in the following query

select customerid, count(*) from calls_new_today c, customerdnis cd where c.cpn=cd.dnis and cd.enddate is null
group by customerid
order by customerid

what i mean is when count(*) = 0 no value is returned i want a Zero in the output how do i get it?

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Is Not Null And Query Optimization

Jun 28, 2007

How does the phrase "Is Not Null" in the where clause effect theeffectiveness of a query?If it is a determent to the effectiveness of the query, how do youwork around it?Thanks,

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Haw Can I Insert Null Value From A Query

Jul 20, 2005

I'd like insert null value from a query but i can do it,if my query is :UPDATE table:name UPDATE euro='' WHERE id='5';i have a sybase message warning like this :Error converting data type varchar to numeric.Why ????

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Getting Query Is Accept Null Values

Mar 18, 2008

 I am trying to have a query with the option for items to be null. (So users don't need to fill in the other fields if they choose not too) SELECT     Tickets.TicketID, Tickets.UserID, Tickets.SystemID, Tickets.Title, Tickets.Description, Tickets.Software, Tickets.Date, Systems.OS,                       OS.OS AS OstitleFROM         Tickets INNER JOIN                      Systems ON Tickets.SystemID = Systems.SystemID INNER JOIN                      OS ON Systems.OS = OS.osIDWHERE     (Tickets.Title LIKE '%' + @title + '%') AND (Tickets.Software LIKE '%' + @software + '%') AND (Tickets.Description LIKE '%' + @descrip + '%') AND  (Systems.OS = @osid) OR                      (@osid IS NULL)This works when i give the LIKE values % as a parameter. So they can choose to search by title + software but not description or description and nothing else etc etc etc. The problem is, the osid. If I give it a value it works but if i try to do null, *. or % it always displays every item in the databse ignoring any of the previous like statements. Anyone have an idea? 

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C# Parameterized Query With Null Values

Jul 19, 2005


I have (2) related questions.

#1: I am using a paramterized query, but am unable to make it work if one of the values happens to be null.

        if (Request.Form["txtLink1"] != "")
    mySqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@link1",
    mySqlCmd.Parameters["@link1"].Value =
    mySqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@link1",
                mySqlCmd.Parameters["@link1"].Value = null;

If txtLink1 happens to be empty, I want @link1 to enter null. The
column in the Sql Server allows for nulls, but I get an error message
that says no value was supplied. In short, how do I supply a null value
using a parameterized query?

#2: For debugging purposes, how can I view what my SQL string looks
like (with all the values entered) before it gets submitted to the
database? When I view the string, it still contains the placeholder
values (@link1) instead of the actual values.

Thanks in advance!


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Query For 'null' In A Date Column-how?

Apr 19, 1999

I know I am missing something basic, here.
I have a date field in a table. The field is 'allowed Nulls'. When a certain thing happens in the program, the date is filled in.
At various times, I need to do a query to find all the rows that have no dates entered.

What do I use in my where clause? SQL server does not like 'where date = null.'


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Null Value In Column In Select Query

Mar 18, 2015

Suppose I have added a xyz bit column in mytable. From now onwards new values inserted in mytable will have 0 or 1 in xyz column but the values that were previously stored will have NULL value in xyz column.

Now I want to write a query in which I will not give xyz parameter always like it can be null or value.

select * from mytable
where class='something'
and xyz is null


select * from mytable
where class='something'
and xyz = 1

Now how to write same query for both cases.

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Update Query With And Without Null Values

Nov 18, 2013

I have a grid with checkbox, where users can select multiple rows and edit at the same time and save it to the DB. Now I have used a Footer Template with textbox in the gridview. So if I want to put similar data's for some particular rows at the same time in the grid, I select the multiple rows and try to put values in the footer template textbox and when I click on save, it saves successfully.

"UPDATE [Test] SET [Name]='" + Name + "',[Designation]= '" + Designation + "', [City]= '" + City + "' WHERE EmpID='" + EmpID + "'";

Now here is the challenge, but even when I enter null values in the footer template textbox it has to save with the old values of the rows and not null values. I tried it and couldn't make it happen. So anything like putting the case for each column and mentioning like if null accept the old value and not null accept new value.

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Null Testing In Select Query

May 9, 2007

I am obviously a newbie to SQL Server but have been using Access for years and I have come up against what appears to be an age old issue concerning nulls and specifically the functions to test for them etc.

Below is the Access Query I am having difficulty with...
SELECT DISTINCT Max(tbl_ScheduleDate.SchDate) AS CurrentDate, ([SchDate],"mmmm yyyy") AS MonthYear, tbl_Schedule.Area, tbl_Schedule.CP, IIf(IsNull(tbl_tmp_CP.CPID),"Not Uploaded","Uploaded") AS Loaded

FROM (tbl_Schedule INNER JOIN tbl_ScheduleDate ON tbl_Schedule.MaxMinID = tbl_ScheduleDate.MaxMinID) LEFT JOIN tbl_tmp_CP ON tbl_Schedule.CP = tbl_tmp_CP.CP

GROUP BY Format([SchDate],"mmmm yyyy"), tbl_Schedule.Area, tbl_Schedule.CP, IIf(IsNull(tbl_tmp_CP.CPID),"Not Uploaded","Uploaded"), tbl_ScheduleDate.SchDate, tbl_tmp_CP.CPID;

Ignore the Format() function as I know this is a problem and have a fix.

The problem is this field...
IIf(IsNull(tbl_tmp_CP.CPID),"Not Uploaded","Uploaded") AS Loaded

I am testing to see if data is loaded into table 'tbl_tmp_CP' that is related to 'tbl_Schedule' by checking if there is a null value or not and then adding the right response string value to a column called Loaded.

Can anyone suggest a way for me to do the above?

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Replacing Null Values In Query

Jul 23, 2007


I'm using the query wizard in to write a query for SQL CE. I want to replace null values with text. I expected the COALESCE function to do this but I get an error message saying its not a valid function. This is a sample.

Select COALESCE(table.Name,'No Name') as Name from table

Any help appreciated


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I Can't Get A SQL QUery To Accept A Null For A Parameter

Mar 1, 2007

I have straight forward Insert Query, which takes values mainly from text boxes, however I am having trouble when the value is null.


When I run the Query I get...
Message="Parameterized Query '(@ID int,@EmpID int,@Photo nvarchar(260),@DoB smalldatetime,@Med' expects parameter @EmpID, which was not supplied."

I also get this when the parameter can be a string.
I have set the parameter properties so that SourceColumnNullMaping to true (it was set as false - so hoped this might fix it!)

No luck.

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Can SQL Assign Zero When NULL Is Returned From A Sub-query?

Dec 26, 2006

Hi Folx,
I am new to
SQL Server. I am rolling summed values from table profile to two columns in table txn. When the value for one (not necessarily both...) column is null, can that value be translated to zero? Or must I write a procedure or use a cursor?
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 9.00.1399.00

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

For example, when version_count for a particular transaction_id is null in the profile table but profile_count has summable integers, how do I update the version_count to zero in the same pass that I update the profile_count?

update txn
version_count =
profile a
txn.version_count is null
profile_count =
profile a
txn.profile_count is null

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Null Replacement On Excel Query

Nov 23, 2006

Hello everyone,

i'm using an excel source where i get my excel rows using a query, I'd like to replace possible null values with some other data(a zero value or a empty string for example), that's because i'm performing a transformation into a sql server table wich doesn't accept null values for some columns.

Is there any function to convert a null value to another one? I used the sql server's CASE function, but it didn't work. Any suggestions?

thanks a lot.

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Parameterized Query Returns One Row With Null Values.

Jul 28, 2006

I am hoping someone could help me understand why this is happening and perhaps a solution.
I am using ASP.NET 2.0 with a SQL 2005 database.
In code behind, I am performing a query using a parameter as below:
sql = "SELECT field_name FROM myTable WHERE (field_name = @P1)"
objCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@P1", TextBox1.Text))
The parameter is obtained from TextBox1 which has valid input. However, the value is not in the table. The query should not return ANY results. However, I am getting one single row back with null values for each field requested in the query.
The SQL user account for this query has select, insert, and update permissions on the table. The query is simple, no joins, and the table has no null values in any fields. If I perform the exact same query using an account with select only permission on the table, I get what I was expecting, no records. Then if I go back to the previous user account with more permissioins, and I change the query to pass the paramter this way:
sql = String.Format("SELECT field_name FROM myTable WHERE (field_name = {0})", TextBox1.Text)
I also get NO records retuned using the same criteria.
What is going on here? I would prefer to use the parameterized query method with the account having elevated permissions. Is there some command object setting that can prevent the null row from returning?

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How To Eliminate The Commas From The End In Sql Query When The Column Value Is Null

Jun 26, 2007

I have three different columns as email1,email2 , email3.I am concatinating these columns into one i.e EMail like
select ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email1, N'') + ';' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email2, N'') + ';' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email3, N'') AS Email from tablename.
One eg of the output of the above query when email2,email3 are having null values in the table is :;;
means it is inserting semicoluns whenever there is a null value in the particular column. I want to remove this extra semicolumn whenever there is null value in the column.
Please let me know how can i do this

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Finding 'null' Date Fields With Query?

Apr 19, 1999

I know I am missing something basic, here.
I have a date field in a table. The field is 'allowed Nulls'. When a certain thing happens in the program, the date is filled in.
At various times, I need to do a query to find all the rows that have no dates entered.

What do I use in my where clause? SQL server does not like 'where date = null.'


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SQL Query Ignoring Null Values In Joins-- Help

Aug 2, 2006

I would like to populate a grid with data from 2 different tables.
Table1: [PK]id(int), name(nvarchar), areaID(int)
Table2: [PK][FK]areaID(int), areaDescription(nvarchar)

My cerrent query is:
SELECT,, Table2.areaDescription FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.areaID = Table2.areaID

However, sometimes the areaID in Table1 will only be populated at a later stage and therefore will be NULL in Table1. Table2 is used as a lookup table when inserting into Table1. This query therefore ommits any records in Table1 which do not have an areaID. I would like to view ALL records(ones without an areaID as well) as they would be populated in the grid and selected to be updated on web forms because they are incomplete and then subsequently assigned an areaID.

Any help with this query would be much appreciated...

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Query To Retrieve The Columns That Are Null In A Table

Oct 31, 2006


I need help to build a query that shows me how many columns inside a range on columns are null.
Example: quantity1;quantity2;quantity3;quantity4;quantity5; quantity6;quantity7;

Which columns are null?

Thanks in advance

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Query For Findign NULL Records In Table

Jan 10, 2008

Can someone helo me to query a table and list all the columns and how many null records are there in each.

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Analysis :: If Parent Is NULL But Child Have Transaction Will Not Come In MDX Query

Oct 15, 2015

I have parent child dimension,

for customer id-101
---------H1-p  Sales Value-50
---c1-c  Sales Value-100
---c2-c Sales Value-200

If I will see H1 Value then it show =350

But when my head office is not exists for a customer but Child is exist i want to see data of child Aggregate value.


for Customer ID-102
NO --H1 it is null
----c1 c sales Value -200
---c2 c Sales Value-50

When I want to see value of 102 at H1 leval it show me 250 . even H1 is  null.

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How Can NULL Be Equal To Today's Date (was Weird Query Behavior Plz Help)

Feb 7, 2005

I have a query that is behaving a little a weird. here is the example:

i have 1 table in this table i have 2 columns wich are date and time

------------------------------ ---------------------------
1/27/1997 2/27/1997
1/1/2005 2/6/2005

here is my query:

declare @datefin_flag datetime, @strip datetime
SELECT @strip = dateadd(d,datediff(d,0,getdate()),0)
--select @datefin_flag
--select @strip
IF(@datefin_flag != @strip)
RAISERROR('You cant run this',16,1)

Well this Query should return the raiserror it returns completes successfuly
since todays date is not the same as the date in the database.
if you select @datefin_flag it returns NULL and if you select @strip it brings back todays date how can NULL be equal to to todays date assuming that todays date is equal to NULL. ?

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How To Write A Query To Return Null For Non-exist Record In An Outer Join.

Jun 2, 2004

I have two tables:

1. tblProducts
columns: ProductID, ProductName

2. tblProductCodes
columns: ProductID, CustomerID, ProductCode

The 2nd table is for storing product codes for customers, in other words, one product can have different ProductCode for different customers. But some customers do not have ProductCode for a ProductID.

I want to create a query to return all the Products and its ProductCode (null is valid) for a specific customer.

I tried:

SELECT dbo.tblProductCodes.ProductCode, dbo.tblProductCodes.CustomerID,
FROM dbo.tblProducts LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tblProductCodes ON dbo.tblProducts.ProductID = dbo.tblProductCodes.ProductID
WHERE dbo.tblProductCodes.CustomerID = 2

But the query left out all products that does not have ProductCode value in tblProductCodes table for CustomerID = 2. I want all the ProductName returned from query and render null or empty string for ProductCode value if the code does not exist in tblProductCodes table for the customer.

Any help is highly appreciated.

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Data Access :: Query Apparently Works Illogically - Getting Null Resultset

Jun 22, 2015

I have this query in a stored procedure.  I will simplify it so that it shows the issue I am having.

I have two tables.  One table has a PK called PRSubLineID.  the other table has that in a foreign key.

I did a query like this using the IN Statement

SELECT PRSubLineID, PRSUBLINENumber, f2, f3,

This is supposed to select those items from one table with a PRSubLineNumber containing the work Test which has a primary key that has not been used as a foreign key in the other table. However I am getting an empty resultset back.

But when I comment out the "And" and end the query after '%test%', Like this:

SELECT PRSubLineID, PRSUBLINENumber, f2, f3,

I show a resultset containing three records whose PRSubLineID' s are 2384, 2385, 2386.

But when I add this query to the query window:

Select * FROM CtrSubLines CSL WHERE CSL.PRSubLineID in (2384, 2385, 2386)

I also get a null resultset. So hoping to decipher what was going on I changed the initial query to look like this.

SELECT PRSubLineID, PRSUBLINENumber, f2, f3,

And this still returned a null result set.

Basically this is saying that my PRSubLineIDs are neither included nor excluded in the set of all values of PRSubLineID in the CtrSubLines table. But that is simply impossible.

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Parameterized Query That Counts The Number Of Null Values In An Int32 Column

Jul 18, 2006

Using c# in the compact framework, is there a way to do a parameterized query for counting the number of records where a specified column is null. I tried all of these, but none of them work:

cmd.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", SqlInt32.Null));
cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from TableName where IntColumn is not @IntColumn";

cmd.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", DBNull.Value));

cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from TableName where IntColumn is not @IntColumn";

cmd.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", SqlInt32.Null));

cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from TableName where not IntColumn = @IntColumn";

cmd.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", DBNull.Value));

cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from TableName where not IntColumn = @IntColumn";

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", SqlDbType.Int32));
cmd.Parameters["@IntColumn"].Value = SqlInt32.Null;
cmdGetNumRead.CommandText = "select count(*) from TableName where IntColumn is not @IntColumn";

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", SqlDbType.Int32));

cmd.Parameters["@IntColumn"].Value = SqlInt32.Null;

cmdGetNumRead.CommandText = "select count(*) from TableName where not IntColumn = @IntColumn";

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", SqlDbType.Int32));

cmd.Parameters["@IntColumn"].Value = DBNull.Value;

cmdGetNumRead.CommandText = "select count(*) from TableName where IntColumn is not @IntColumn";

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", SqlDbType.Int32));

cmd.Parameters["@IntColumn"].Value = DBNull.Value;

cmdGetNumRead.CommandText = "select count(*) from TableName where not IntColumn = @IntColumn";

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", SqlDbType.Variant));

cmd.Parameters["@IntColumn"].Value = SqlInt32.Null;
cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from Meter where IntColumn is not @IntColumn";

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", SqlDbType.Variant));

cmd.Parameters["@IntColumn"].Value = SqlInt32.Null;

cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from Meter where not IntColumn = @IntColumn";

md.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", SqlDbType.Variant));

cmd.Parameters["@IntColumn"].Value = DBNull.Value;

cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from Meter where IntColumn is not @IntColumn";

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@IntColumn", SqlDbType.Variant));

cmd.Parameters["@IntColumn"].Value = DBNull.Value;

cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from Meter where not IntColumn = @IntColumn";

Whenever I use a "is not" in the query I get an exception, otherwise it returns a count of 0 which is not accurate. Any help will be appreciated.

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Reporting Services :: Give Meaning Full Name To Allow Null Value Check Box In Report Parameter Instead Of NULL?

Oct 20, 2015

In my report i have CNAME parameter , which allows null value. I checked Allow null value check box in report parameter properties.

when i preview the report , it displays checked NULL check box beside CNAME parameter . I want to give some meaningful name(i.e.ALLCustomers) to this checkbox instead of NULL. 

Is it possible through SSRS designer?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Insert Non Null Value Into Null Rows

Jul 15, 2015

I have a flat file with the following columns

SampleID   Rep_Number   Product  Protein   Fat   Solids

In the flat file SampleID and Product are populated in the first row only, rest of the rows only have values for Rep_Number, Protein, Fat, Solids.

SampleID and Product are blank for the rest of the rows. So my task is to fill those blank rows with the first row that has the sampleID and Product and load into the table.

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Subscription Issue With Null Default Parameter - Key Cannot Be Null

May 3, 2007

I have a report that is run on a monthly basis with a default date of null. The stored procedure determines the month-end date that it should use should it be sent a null date.

The report works fine when I tell it to create a history entry; however, when I try to add a subscription it doesn't appear to like the null parameter value. Since I have told the report to have a default value of null it doesn't allow me to enter a value on the subscription page.

Now, I suppose I could remove the parameter altogether from the stored proc, but then the users would never be able to run the report for a previous time period. Can someone explain to me why default values aren't allowed to be used on subscriptions when they seem to work fine for ad hoc and scheduled reports? This is really quite frustrating as most of my reports require a date value and default to null so that the user doesn't have to enter them for the latest data.

An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help

Key cannot be null. Parameter name: key

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