ISBN Algorithms

Aug 24, 2007

Here is how you get the check digit for ISBN.CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetISBN
@Weight TINYINT,

@Weight = 2,
@Sum = 0

WHILE @Index > 0
IF SUBSTRING(@ISBN, @Index, 1) <> '-'
SELECT@Sum = @Sum + @Weight * CAST(SUBSTRING(@ISBN, @Index, 1) AS TINYINT),
@Weight = @Weight + 1

SET @Index = @Index - 1

ELSE @ISBN + '-' + CONVERT(CHAR(1), 11 - (@Sum % 11))
E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"

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Question On Attributes Selection For Un-supervised Algorithms And Supervised Algorithms

Jul 19, 2007

Hi, all,

Thanks for your kind attention.

Just wonder is there any good idea for us to select attributes for training models? Both for non-supervised algorithms like Association Rules and Clustering etc. and supervised algorithms like decision tree etc.

It will be much interesting to hear from you for any best practices and popular methods of dealing with this issue.

I am looking forward to hearing from you and thanks for your advices.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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EAN Algorithms

Aug 24, 2007

Here is how you get the check digit for EAN-8, EAN-13 and EAN-14.CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetEAN
@Multiplier TINYINT,

@Multiplier = 3,
@Sum = 0

WHILE @Index > 0
SELECT@Sum = @Sum + @Multiplier * CAST(SUBSTRING(@EAN, @Index, 1) AS TINYINT),
@Multiplier = 4 - @Multiplier,
@Index = @Index - 1

WHEN 0 THEN @EAN + '0'
ELSE @EAN + CAST(10 - @Sum % 10 AS CHAR(1))
E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"

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About Data Algorithms

Feb 5, 2007

I just want to know what are the data algorithms available for sql server 2005 and can i use data mining as a web service












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Performance Of Encryption Algorithms

Aug 2, 2006

I am in the stage of design for an application that uses SQL server 2005. We intended to encrypt some sensitve data using the encryption features in SQL server 2005. we will use symmetric key encryption. The question here is which symmetric encryption algorithm has the best performance? how much does the key size affect the perfromance? the data to be encrypted will be some lines of text equal to a word document.
any ideas?

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Dynamic And Static On Algorithms

Feb 14, 2008

Hi All,

We're currently preparing for a project for a bank client of ours where we would be using SQL Server 2008's data mining capabilities.

In the context of the out-of-the-box algorithms of SQL08 does the algorithms Logistics, Clustering and Logistic Regression includes Dynamic Logistics, Dynamic Clustering and Dynamic Logistic Regression?


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Simple Explanation Of Mining Algorithms

Jun 9, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I am reading DataMining Tutorial and right now I am at the Mining Algorithms section. I cannot understand any of the algorithms. For example take the following text... what a bunch of mouthful bla bla bla it is ....

"The Microsoft Decision Trees algorithm supports both classification and regression and it works well for predictive modeling. Using the algorithm, you can predict both discrete and continuous attributes.
In building a model, the algorithm examines how each input attribute in the dataset affects the result of the predicted attribute, and then it uses the input attributes with the strongest relationship to create a series of splits, called nodes. As new nodes are added to the model, a tree structure begins to form. The top node of the tree describes the breakdown of the predicted attribute over the overall population. Each additional node is created based on the distribution of states of the predicted attribute as compared to the input attributes. If an input attribute is seen to cause the predicted attribute to favor one state over another, a new node is added to the model. The model continues to grow until none of the remaining attributes create a split that provides an improved prediction over the existing node. The model seeks to find a combination of attributes and their states that creates a disproportionate distribution of states in the predicted attribute, therefore allowing you to predict the outcome of the predicted attribute"

In the above text what is meant by discrete and continious attributes? what is regression? what is predicted attributes? what are input attributes? what is distribution of states?

Is there a source which explains these algorighms in a easier way ....

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How To Write Prediction Query For Two Algorithms?

Dec 14, 2006


Is it possible to use two algorithms together?I need to write prediction Query so that its should both models having clustereing algorithm and timeseries algorithm.

for example

I am having student information.I ve to predict performance of students for certain period.The students should be classified by their types like rich kids, that.I need to predict the performance of the rich kids??

can anyone help?

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Encryption Algorithms Used In SQL Compact Edition 3.5

Apr 3, 2008


In the info for SQL Compact Edition 3.5 it states that one of the features is:

Support for newer and more secure encryption algorithms.

I can't seem to find details of exactly what these new, more secure algorithms are. It appears 3.1 used 128-bit RSA. Is this the same in 3.5, or has this changed?


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What Algorithms Does SQL Server Use To Process Joins?

Mar 20, 2008

Can anybody answer this question ?

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What Are The Algorithms Used In The Different Feature Buttons In The DM Add-IN For Excel?

Jun 19, 2007

I was just wondering on what algorithms was used in the different feature buttons in the Excel Add-In? For example, forecast, what algorithm was used in order for it to create the forcasting?

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About Plug-in Algorithms In SQL Server 2005

May 22, 2006

Hi, all here,

I am having a question about plug-in algorithms in SQL Server 2005. Since we are able to implement our own algorithms in SQL Server 2005 analysis services architecture, so my question is: what benefits can to a great extent be achieved? Like say, we are going to implement a plug-in algorithm, so what considerations should be concerned?

Thanks a lot in advance for any guidance and help.

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More Questions About Data Mining Plug-in Algorithms?

Jun 6, 2006

Hi, all here,

I am having a more considertaion about Data Mining plug-in algorithms. When we say we are going to embed a uesr plug-in algorithm, so what is the context for that ? I mean in which case then we thing we need to embed a user plug-in algortihm? I know when we say we are going to embed a user costomermized plug-in algorithm, it means we want something more costomized. But what kind of customized features are generally concerned? Is it independant for different market sectors?

I dont think we can just try to embed a plug-in algorithm then compete it with avaialble algorithms to see which one is with better prediction accuracy?

Would please someone here give me some guidances about that?

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SQL 2000 - Unable To Get List Of Data Mining Algorithms - PLEASE HELP

Nov 6, 2006


I recently started using SQL 2000 Analysis Manager. I wanted to try data mining but was unable to get the Mining Model Wizard to load available techniques.

When I select a cube and "New Mining Model" I get the following error:

"Unable to get list of data mining algorithms."

"Object of provider is not capable of performing requested operation"

Please help.

Thank you very much,


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Tutorial And Demos For All SQL Server 2005 Built-in Data Mining Algorithms

May 11, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you for your kind attention.

Could please any of you give me some advices for if there are tutorials and demos avaiable which cover all the SQL Server 2005 data mining built-in algorithms?

That will be great to hear from any of you shortly. Thanks a lot in advance.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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