ISQL: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Line 1: Incorrect Syntax Near ' '
Nov 8, 2006
G'day everyone
That's a space between the ticks.
It's all part of a longer script but seeing as the failure occurs on
line 1
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =
object_id(N'[dbo].[config]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') =
drop table [dbo].[config]
That's three lines only. Does it matter that they're in Unicode?
Any ideas?
Kind regards,
Bruce M. Axtens
Software Engineer
Strapper Technologies
Here is a Database script I wrote: I can't figure out what the problem is when I declare my primary Keys in the second and third table. Thanks in Advance
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 19
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IDENTITY'.
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 29
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IDENTITY'.
USE GoGreen
Create TABLE Student
DrivePassCode char(3) NOT NULL,
LName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
FName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Address1 varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Address2 varchar(50) NULL,
City varchar(50) NOT NULL,
PostalCode varchar(20) NOT NULL,
PhoneNumber varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Email varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Smoker char(2) NOT NULL,
NearestCityOrTown varchar(50) NOT NULL,
PaymentType varchar(20) NOT NULL,)
CREATE TABLE CoordinatedRideShare
M-W ARRIVAL TIME smalldatetime NOT NULL,
M-W DEPART TIME smalldatetime NOT NULL,
T-TH DEPART TIME smalldatetime NOT NULL,)
CREATE TABLE MeetingLocation
RideID INT NOT NULL REFERENCES Coordinated RideShare(RideID)
Hi,I am getting the following error from the query below against SQLServer 8.00.2039 (SP4)Error:====Server: Msg 107, Level 16, State 2, Line 1The column prefix 'd' does not match with a table name or alias nameused in the query.Select Statement:=============select ....from trades a,gems_product_groups b,portfolio_nav_mapping c,products d,limit_types eleft outer join gems_prod_trade_mod f on d.product_id =f.product_IDI know this was a known bug in MS-SQL7, but I thought it had been fixedin 2000.Can anyone help?Thanks
Simple SQL Error Can anyone help for a new starter. Error MessageServer: Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Line 6 Ambiguous column name 'CustomerID'.Codeselect CustomerID, ContactName, OrderId from CustomersInner Join Orders OnCustomers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerIDDBMS = SQL Server 2000 SP 3aDatabase = NorthwindI have no idea why i receive this error
Hi, I would appreciate your help. I donot know why I am getting this error when I run this query : if (select SUBSTRING(de_ftpdownload,1,CHARINDEX('.',de_ftpdow nload,0)-1)as de_ftpdownload from vendor_invoice) <> (select stamp_number from vendor_invoice) select 'no' else select 'yes'
I get this Error Server: Msg 536, Level 16, State 3, Line 1 Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function. ---- yes (1 row(s) affected) I would appreciate your hlep
here is the error message: Server: Msg 107, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 The column prefix 'PHN2.PHN' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
This table was created by coldfusion and has been given all priviliges to public and I am in the public group but I still cant select from it. It gives me this error message: Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1. Help!
I'm getting this error in SQL server. Msg 8101, Level 16, State 1, Line 68 An explicit value for the identity column in table 'temp_notes' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.
My original script looked like this.
DECLARE @patient_id int ,@phn varchar(9) ,@full_name varchar(100) ,@birth_date datetime ,@entry_note varchar(8000) ,@entry_date datetime ,@rec_counter int ,@Clinic_identifier varchar(24) ,@chart_count int
set @Clinic_identifier = 'MEDOWL.' set @rec_counter = 0
DECLARE patients_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT a.full_name, a.birth_date, a.phn, a.patient_id FROM patient as a ,clinicdoctors as b WHERE a.patient_id IN (51450,49741,57290) --= 51450 and datalength(a.phn) = 9 and b.clinicdoctor_id = a.clinicdoctor_id ORDER BY a.last_name,a.first_name,a.patient_id
OPEN patients_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM patients_cursor INTO @full_name, @birth_date, @phn, @patient_id
DECLARE chartcount_cursor CURSOR FOR select count(*) from ChartEntries where patient_id = @patient_id
OPEN chartcount_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM chartcount_cursor INTO @chart_count
--select @chart_count as chtcount
DECLARE chartentries_cursor CURSOR FOR select entry_datetime,entry_note from ChartEntries where patient_id = @patient_id order by Patient_id, ChartEntry_Id desc
-- Variable value from the outer cursor
OPEN chartentries_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM chartentries_cursor INTO @entry_date,@entry_note --select @entry_date,@entry_note
BEGIN set @rec_counter = @rec_counter + 1 --select @@FETCH_STATUS as status IF @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
-- Get the next chart record count --FETCH NEXT FROM chartcount_cursor INTO @chart_count --select @chart_count as chtcount
CLOSE patients_cursor DEALLOCATE patients_cursor
I then changed it to left pad the variables @rec_counter and @chart_count. SET NOCOUNT ON
DECLARE @patient_id int ,@phn varchar(9) ,@full_name varchar(100) ,@birth_date datetime ,@entry_note varchar(8000) ,@entry_date datetime ,@rec_counter int ,@Clinic_identifier varchar(24) ,@chart_count int
set @Clinic_identifier = 'MEDOWL.' set @rec_counter = 0
DECLARE patients_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT a.full_name, a.birth_date, a.phn, a.patient_id FROM patient as a ,clinicdoctors as b WHERE a.patient_id IN (51450,49741,57290) --= 51450 and datalength(a.phn) = 9 and b.clinicdoctor_id = a.clinicdoctor_id ORDER BY a.last_name,a.first_name,a.patient_id
OPEN patients_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM patients_cursor INTO @full_name, @birth_date, @phn, @patient_id
DECLARE chartcount_cursor CURSOR FOR select count(*) from ChartEntries where patient_id = @patient_id
OPEN chartcount_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM chartcount_cursor INTO @chart_count
--select @chart_count as chtcount
DECLARE chartentries_cursor CURSOR FOR select entry_datetime,entry_note from ChartEntries where patient_id = @patient_id order by Patient_id, ChartEntry_Id desc
-- Variable value from the outer cursor
OPEN chartentries_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM chartentries_cursor INTO @entry_date,@entry_note --select @entry_date,@entry_note
BEGIN set @rec_counter = @rec_counter + 1 --select @@FETCH_STATUS as status IF @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
-- Get the next chart record count --FETCH NEXT FROM chartcount_cursor INTO @chart_count --select @chart_count as chtcount
CLOSE patients_cursor DEALLOCATE patients_cursor
That is when I received the error, so I inserted this command before the insert line but it made no difference.
SET IDENTITY_INSERT temp_notes ON insert into temp_notes values (@Clinic_identifier+@phn+'.' +REPLICATE('0',3),convert(varchar,@rec_counter)+'. ' +REPLICATE('0',3),convert(varchar,@chart_count), @phn, @full_name, @birth_date, @entry_date, @entry_note )
I'm concatenating four different variables together to insert into the column note_id.
What is the problem? I just don't see it. My table definition looks like this. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[temp_notes]( [temp_Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [note_Id] [varchar](24) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [phn] [char](9) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [full_name] [varchar](100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [birth_date] [datetime] NULL, [entry_datetime] [datetime] NULL, [Entry_Note] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_temp_notes] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [temp_Id] ASC ) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]
Msg 4305, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The log in this backup set begins at LSN 8229000000047200001, which is too recent to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 8219000000021400001 can be restored
And what would the fix be?
I am trying to restore from a Full Backup and then the log files on a development machine.
SELECT @Query = 'IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.triggers WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''[dbo].[DEL_' + UPPER(@Table_Name) + ']'')) DROP TRIGGER [dbo].[DEL_' + UPPER(@Table_Name) + ']' EXEC(@Query)
SELECT @Table_Desc = (SELECT a.value FROM sys.extended_properties a, sys.tables b WHERE a.major_id = b.object_id AND a.minor_id = 0 AND = 'MS_DESCRIPTION' AND = @Table_Name)
SELECT @Query = '''CREATE TRIGGER [DEL_' + UPPER(@Table_Name) + '] ON dbo.' + @Table_Name + ' FOR DELETE AS
EXEC(''''IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''''''''[dbo].[Temp_PrimKey]'''''''') AND type in (N''''''''U'''''''')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[Temp_PrimKey]'''')
EXEC(''''IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''''''''[dbo].[Temp_Value]'''''''') AND type in (N''''''''U'''''''')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[Temp_Value]'''')
EXEC(''''CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Temp_Value]( [PValue] [VARCHAR](max) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]'''')
EXEC(''''IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''''''''[dbo].[Temp_Deleted]'''''''') AND type in (N''''''''U'''''''')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[Temp_Deleted]'''')
SELECT * INTO Temp_Deleted FROM deleted
OPEN Curs_PrimKey FETCH NEXT FROM Curs_PrimKey INTO @P_Key WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN EXEC(''''INSERT INTO Temp_Value SELECT ''''+ @P_Key + '''' FROM Temp_Deleted'''') SELECT @P_Key_Value = (SELECT PValue FROM Temp_Value) EXEC(''''DELETE FROM Temp_Value'''') SELECT @P_Key_Insert = @P_Key_Insert + @P_Key + '''' = '''' + @P_Key_Value + '''', '''' FETCH NEXT FROM Curs_PrimKey INTO @P_Key END CLOSE Curs_PrimKey DEALLOCATE Curs_PrimKey
EXEC(''''IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''''''''[dbo].[Temp_Deleted]'''''''') AND type in (N''''''''U'''''''')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[Temp_Deleted]'''')
EXEC(''''IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''''''''[dbo].[Temp_Value]'''''''') AND type in (N''''''''U'''''''')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[Temp_Value]'''')
INSERT INTO TLOG(Log_Date, Log_Reference, Log_Comment) VALUES (GETDATE(), @P_Key_Insert, @Comment) ''' --PRINT @Query EXEC(@Query) Problem is when I run it gives error:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Incorrect syntax near 'CREATE TRIGGER [DEL_EMPLOYEE] ON dbo.Employee FOR DELETEAS DECLARE @Old_Value VARCHAR(8000)DECLARE @New_Value VARCHA'.
If I print the @Query and run it in a query analyzer using the statement EXEC it worked. It's giving me headache, this supposed to be a simple exec statement. Please advise. Thanks.
If we run the query below with the values of 'rml' and 'ra' it runs but if we use 'cca' and 'cc' we get this error:
Server: Msg 1101, Level 17, State 10, Line 8 Could not allocate new page for database 'TEMPDB'. There are no more pages available in filegroup DEFAULT. Space can be created by dropping objects, adding additional files, or allowing file growth.
from tblAsset, tblAsset_Book, tblCounty_Names, CER..tblLocation, tblGL_Account where tblAsset_Book.Level_1 = @Level_1 and tblAsset.Level_1 = tblAsset_Book.Level_1 and tblAsset_Book.Level_2 = @Level_2 and tblAsset.Level_2 = tblAsset_Book.Level_2 and tblGL_Account.Company = tblAsset.Level_2 and CER..tblLocation.SBU = tblGL_Account.Company and tblCounty_Names.County = tblAsset.County and CER..tblLocation.County = tblCounty_Names.County and CER..tblLocation.Code = tblAsset.Plant and tblGL_Account.Account = tblAsset.Account and tblAsset_Book.Book_Number = '1' order by tblAsset.State
Server: Msg 2537, Level 16, State 43, Line 1 Table error: Object ID 1376776012, index ID 0, page (1:56868), row 2. Record check (Valid SqlVariant) failed. Values are 7 and 0. Server: Msg 2537, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 ... so on
Dear (and mighty) all:I backed up a database (SQL server 7.0) and tried to restore it onanother system (SQL Server 2000). This is not the first time I'm doingthis and never had a problem before:-- in the source dbBACKUP db_icoaraci TO DISK = 'C:TEMPBACKUP-ICOARACI.DAT'--in the destination dbRESTORE db_icoaraci FROM DISK='E:TEMPBACKUP-ICOARACI.DAT'WITH MOVE='ICOARACI_DAT' TO 'E:DBICOARACI.MDF',MOVE='ICOARACI_LOG' TO 'E:DBICOARACI.LDF'Today, to my surprise, the destination SQL returned the followingerror:Processed 25592 pages for database 'db_icoaraci', file 'ICOARACI_DAT'on file 1.Processed 1 pages for database 'db_icoaraci', file 'ICOARACI_LOG' onfile 1.Server: Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2, Line 1Could not allocate space for object '(SYSTEM table id: 6)' in database'db_icoaraci' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full.Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.I searched the list and a found a few posts refering to the same error,but none in the exactly same scenario.I tried to restore the database with NORECOVERY, and, before restoringthe log, increase its size (ALTER DATABASE ... etc), but SQL Serversays that the DB couldn't be open because it's in the middle of arestore...I'll appreciate any help.Regards,Branco.
I am experiencing some frustration in regards to parsing an email that I need to work with. (I don't have control over the format of the email I am receiving)
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Jake
Here is the error I get, when I use the SQL Query Analyzer to process my Stored Procedure. (Not every email gets this error, just some, others process just fine.)
String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated. Stored Procedure: eResponse.dbo.spParser Return Code = -6
My Code is as follows:
CREATE PROCEDURE spParser @_id nvarchar(50) AS --assumes the email is no longer than 4000 characters. if it might be longer, bump this number up. -- Common Varriables DECLARE @body nvarchar(4000) DECLARE @i int DECLARE @phone nvarchar(50) DECLARE @phonestart int DECLARE @phoneend int DECLARE @email nvarchar(50) DECLARE @emailstart int DECLARE @emailend int DECLARE @comments nvarchar(3000) DECLARE @commentsstart int DECLARE @commentsend int DECLARE @OrigID varchar(50) -- Jose Ole Variables DECLARE @firstname nvarchar(50) DECLARE @firstnamestart int DECLARE @firstnameend int DECLARE @lastname nvarchar(50) DECLARE @lastnamestart int DECLARE @lastnameend int DECLARE @address1 nvarchar(50) DECLARE @address1start int DECLARE @address1end int DECLARE @address2 nvarchar(50) DECLARE @address2start int DECLARE @address2end int DECLARE @city nvarchar(50) DECLARE @citystart int DECLARE @cityend int DECLARE @state nvarchar(5) DECLARE @statestart int DECLARE @stateend int DECLARE @zip nvarchar(15) DECLARE @zipstart int DECLARE @zipend int DECLARE @country nvarchar(50) DECLARE @countrystart int DECLARE @countryend int DECLARE @phone2 nvarchar(50) DECLARE @phone2start int DECLARE @phone2end int DECLARE @productname nvarchar(50) DECLARE @productnamestart int DECLARE @productnameend int DECLARE @upccode nvarchar(50) DECLARE @upccodestart int DECLARE @upccodeend int DECLARE @datecode nvarchar(50) DECLARE @datecodestart int DECLARE @datecodeend int DECLARE @purchaseat nvarchar(50) DECLARE @purchaseatstart int DECLARE @purchaseatend int DECLARE @purchasecity nvarchar(50) DECLARE @purchasecitystart int DECLARE @purchasecityend int DECLARE @datepurchased nvarchar(50) DECLARE @datepurchasedstart int DECLARE @datepurchasedend int DECLARE @dateopened nvarchar(50) DECLARE @dateopenedstart int DECLARE @dateopenedend int DECLARE @subject nvarchar(50) DECLARE @subjectstart int DECLARE @subjectend int -- Windosr Variables DECLARE @name nvarchar(50) DECLARE @namestart int DECLARE @nameend int DECLARE @company nvarchar(50) DECLARE @companystart int DECLARE @companyend int
--First replace all ASCII carriage returns and line feeds and assign the whole chunk of data to a variable. SET @body = (select replace( REPLACE(convert(varchar(4000), message),CHAR(10),' '),CHAR(13),'') from message where mailid = @_id) --below is the sample syntax for the individual replacements of line feeds and carriage returns, but it's combined into one statement above. --SELECT REPLACE(@jb,CHAR(10),'') as firstpass --SELECT REPLACE(@jb,CHAR(13),'') as secondpass IF left(@body,47) = 'Fromubject:contact info sent from' --If this is true.. then it is a sample company. BEGIN --The 12 in the start is compensating for the 12 Characters of "First Name: " --Below is collecting First Name SET @firstnamestart = (CHARINDEX('First name:',@body) + 11) SET @firstnameend = (CHARINDEX('Last name:',@body) - 1) SET @firstname = SUBSTRING(@body,@firstnamestart,@firstnameend-@firstnamestart) ----Below is collecting Last Name SET @lastnamestart = (CHARINDEX('Last name:',@body) + 10) SET @lastnameend = (CHARINDEX('Address 1:',@body) - 1) SET @lastname = SUBSTRING(@body,@lastnamestart,@lastnameend-@lastnamestart) --Below is collecting Address1 SET @address1start = (CHARINDEX('Address 1:',@body) + 10) SET @address1end = (CHARINDEX('Address 2:',@body) - 1) SET @address1 = SUBSTRING(@body,@address1start,@address1end-@address1start) --Below is collecting Address2 SET @address2start = (CHARINDEX('Address 2:',@body) + 10) SET @address2end = (CHARINDEX('City:',@body) - 1) SET @address2 = SUBSTRING(@body,@address2start,@address2end-@address2start) --Below is collecting city information SET @citystart = (CHARINDEX('City:',@body) + 5) SET @cityend = (CHARINDEX('State/Prov',@body) -1) SET @city = SUBSTRING(@body,@citystart,@cityend-@citystart) --Below is collecting state information SET @statestart = (CHARINDEX('State/Province:',@body) + 15) SET @stateend = (CHARINDEX('Zip/Postal',@body) -1) SET @state = SUBSTRING(@body,@statestart,@stateend-@statestart) --Below is collecting zip information SET @zipstart = (CHARINDEX('Zip/Postal Code:',@body) + 16) SET @zipend = (CHARINDEX('Country',@body) -1) SET @zip = SUBSTRING(@body,@zipstart,@zipend-@zipstart) --Below is collecting country information SET @countrystart = (CHARINDEX('Country:',@body) + 8) SET @countryend = (CHARINDEX('E-mail address',@body) -1) SET @country = SUBSTRING(@body,@countrystart,@countryend-@countrystart) --Below is collecting email information SET @emailstart = (CHARINDEX('E-mail address:',@body) + 15) SET @emailend = (CHARINDEX('Daytime',@body) -1) SET @email = SUBSTRING(@body,@emailstart,@emailend-@emailstart) --Below is collecting phone information SET @phonestart = (CHARINDEX('Daytime Phone:',@body) + 14) SET @phoneend = (CHARINDEX('Evening Phone:',@body) -1) SET @phone = SUBSTRING(@body,@phonestart,@phoneend-@phonestart) --Below is collecting phone2 information SET @phone2start = (CHARINDEX('Evening Phone:',@body) + 14) SET @phone2end = (CHARINDEX('Product Name',@body) -1) SET @phone2 = SUBSTRING(@body,@phone2start,@phone2end-@phone2start) --Below is collecting Product Name information SET @productnamestart = (CHARINDEX('Product Name:',@body) + 12) SET @productnameend = (CHARINDEX('UPC Code:',@body) -1) SET @productname = SUBSTRING(@body,@productnamestart,@productnameend-@productnamestart) --Below is collecting UPC Code information SET @upccodestart = (CHARINDEX('UPC Code:',@body) + 9) SET @upccodeend = (CHARINDEX('Date Code:',@body) -1) SET @upccode = SUBSTRING(@body,@upccodestart,@upccodeend-@upccodestart) --Below is collecting Date Code information SET @datecodestart = (CHARINDEX('Date Code:',@body) + 10) SET @datecodeend = (CHARINDEX('Purchased At',@body) -1) SET @datecode = SUBSTRING(@body,@datecodestart,@datecodeend-@datecodestart) --Below is collecting Purchase At information SET @purchaseatstart = (CHARINDEX('Purchased At',@body) + 26) SET @purchaseatend = (CHARINDEX('Purchase City:',@body) -1) SET @purchaseat = SUBSTRING(@body,@purchaseatstart,@purchaseatend-@purchaseatstart) --Below is collecting Purchase City information SET @purchasecitystart = (CHARINDEX('Purchase City:',@body) + 14) SET @purchasecityend = (CHARINDEX('Date Purchased',@body) -1) SET @purchasecity = SUBSTRING(@body,@purchasecitystart,@purchasecityend-@purchasecitystart) --Below is collecting Date Purchased information SET @datepurchasedstart = (CHARINDEX('Date Purchased:',@body) + 15) SET @datepurchasedend = (CHARINDEX('Date Opened',@body) -1) SET @datepurchased = SUBSTRING(@body,@datepurchasedstart,@datepurchasedend-@datepurchasedstart) --Below is collecting Date Opened information SET @dateopenedstart = (CHARINDEX('Date Opened:',@body) + 12) SET @dateopenedend = (CHARINDEX('E-mail Subject:',@body) -1) SET @dateopened = SUBSTRING(@body,@dateopenedstart,@dateopenedend-@dateopenedstart) --Below is collecting Email Subject information SET @subjectstart = (CHARINDEX('E-mail Subject:',@body) + 15) SET @subjectend = (CHARINDEX('Comments:',@body) -1) SET @subject = SUBSTRING(@body,@subjectstart,@subjectend-@subjectstart) --Below is collecting message information SET @commentsstart = (CHARINDEX('Comments:',@body) + 10) SET @commentsend = len(@body) SET @comments = SUBSTRING(@body,@commentsstart,@commentsend-@commentsstart) --below is the part that actually writes the data out to the Output table INSERT INTO OutputEmails (FirstName, LastName, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip, Country, eMail, Phone, Phone2, ProductName, UPCCode, DateCode, PurchaseAt, PurchaseCity, DatePurchased, DateOpened, Subject, Comments, OrigID) SELECT ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@firstnamestart,@firstnameend-@firstnamestart)) as FirstName, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@lastnamestart,@lastnameend-@lastnamestart)) as LastName, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@address1start,@address1end-@address1start)) as Address1, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@address2start,@address2end-@address2start)) as Address2, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@citystart,@cityend-@citystart)) as City, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@statestart,@stateend-@statestart)) as State, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@zipstart,@zipend-@zipstart)) as Zip, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@countrystart,@countryend-@countrystart)) as Country, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@emailstart,@emailend-@emailstart)) as eMail, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@phonestart,@phoneend-@phonestart)) as Phone, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@phone2start,@phone2end-@phone2start)) as Phone2, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@productnamestart,@productnameend-@productnamestart)) as ProductName, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@upccodestart,@upccodeend-@upccodestart)) as UPCCode, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@datecodestart,@datecodeend-@datecodestart)) as DateCode, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@purchaseatstart,@purchaseatend-@purchaseatstart)) as PurchaseAt, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@purchasecitystart,@purchasecityend-@purchasecitystart)) as PurchaseCity, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@datepurchasedstart,@datepurchasedend-@datepurchasedstart)) as DatePurchased, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@dateopenedstart,@dateopenedend-@dateopenedstart)) as DateOpened, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@subjectstart,@subjectend-@subjectstart)) as Subject, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@commentsstart,@commentsend-@commentsstart)) as Comments, @_id as OrigID FROM dbo.message WHERE (mailId = @_id) END ELSE BEGIN --below prints the whole value in the debugger (SQL Query Analyzer) --print @body --below prints the length of the whole value --print len(@body) --below prints the location of 'Callers Name:' --Print CHARINDEX('Name: ',@body) --Below is collecting the Name information --The 6 in the start is compensating for the 6 Characters of "Name: " SET @namestart = (CHARINDEX('Name:',@body) + 5) SET @nameend = (CHARINDEX('Email:',@body) - 1) SET @name = SUBSTRING(@body,@namestart,@nameend-@namestart) --Below is collecting email information SET @emailstart = (CHARINDEX('Email:',@body) + 6) SET @emailend = (CHARINDEX('Title:',@body) -1) SET @email = SUBSTRING(@body,@emailstart,@emailend-@emailstart) --Below is collecting Company information SET @companystart = (CHARINDEX('Company:',@body) + 8) SET @companyend = (CHARINDEX('Phone Number:',@body) -1) SET @company = SUBSTRING(@body,@companystart,@companyend-@companystart) --Below is collecting phone information SET @phonestart = (CHARINDEX('Phone Number:',@body) + 13) SET @phoneend = (CHARINDEX('Comments:',@body) -1) SET @phone = SUBSTRING(@body,@phonestart,@phoneend-@phonestart) --Below is collecting message information SET @commentsstart = (CHARINDEX('Comments:',@body) + 9) SET @commentsend = len(@body) SET @comments = SUBSTRING(@body,@commentsstart,@commentsend-@commentsstart) --below is the part that actually writes the data out to the Output table INSERT INTO OutputEmails (Name, eMail, Company, Phone, Comments, OrigID) SELECT ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@namestart,@nameend-@namestart)) as Name, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@emailstart,@emailend-@emailstart)) as eMail, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@companystart,@companyend-@companystart)) as Company, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@phonestart,@phoneend-@phonestart)) as Phone, ltrim(SUBSTRING(@body,@commentsstart,@commentsend-@commentsstart)) as Comments, @_id as OrigID FROM dbo.message WHERE (mailId = @_id) END --At the very end when you're satisfied that the data has been processed properly, delete the appropriate message record from the message table DELETE FROM MESSAGE Where message.mailID = @_ID GO
Sample Data that has problems
Fromubject:contact info sent from samplesite.comBody:First name: Sample Last name: Name Address 1: 123 Testing Road Address 2: Don't filled City: Park Forest State/Province: FL Zip/Postal Code: 12345-1234 Country: USA E-mail address: Daytime Phone: 123-123-1234 Evening Phone: Don't filled Product Name: Sample Product with Cheese UPC Code: 12345-89521 Date Code: 1251237 D PST . 5290 Purchased At (Store Name): StoreName Purchase City: Store City Date Purchased: 12/8/2007 Date Opened: 12/14/2007 E-mail Subject: nail in product Comments: when I purchased your product, there was something in it. Obviously I am not happy about this. Please contact me. Thank you John Q Public
Msg 6260, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 An error occurred while getting new row from user defined Table Valued Function : System.InvalidOperationException: Invalid attempt to FieldCount when reader is closed. System.InvalidOperationException: at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReaderSmi.get_FieldCount() at System.Data.Common.DbEnumerator.BuildSchemaInfo() at System.Data.Common.DbEnumerator.MoveNext()
Here is my code:
using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.Data.SqlClient; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server; using System.Collections;
public static class UserDefinedFunctions { [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(FillRowMethodName = "rowfiller",DataAccess=DataAccessKind.Read,TableDefinition = "ActID int, ActName nvarchar(50), ActCreatorID int,ActDesp nvarchar(200),ActCreateDate datetime,ActModifyDate datetime, ActStartDate datetime, ActEndDate datetime, Status int, Cost int")] public static IEnumerable Func_GetSchCatActivityIDTable(int CatActivityID) { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true")) { string sqlstring = "select * from Activity where CatActivityID=@CatActivityID;";
connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlstring, connection); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CatActivityID", CatActivityID);
} } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft Performance","CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] public static void rowfiller(Object obj, out SqlInt32 ActID, out SqlString ActName, out SqlInt32 ActCreatorID, out SqlString ActDesp, out SqlDateTime ActCreateDate, out SqlDateTime ActModifyDate, out SqlDateTime ActStartDate, out SqlDateTime ActEndDate, out SqlInt32 Status, out SqlInt32 Cost, ) {
SqlDataRecord row = (SqlDataRecord)obj; int column = 0;
ActID = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlInt32.Null : new SqlInt32(row.GetInt32(column)); column++; ActName = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlString.Null : new SqlString(row.GetString(column)); column++; ActCreatorID = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlInt32.Null : new SqlInt32(row.GetInt32(column)); column++; ActDesp = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlString.Null : new SqlString(row.GetString(column)); column++; ActCreateDate = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlDateTime.Null : new SqlDateTime(row.GetDateTime(column)); column++; ActModifyDate = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlDateTime.Null : new SqlDateTime(row.GetDateTime(column)); column++; ActStartDate = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlDateTime.Null : new SqlDateTime(row.GetDateTime(column)); column++; ActEndDate = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlDateTime.Null : new SqlDateTime(row.GetDateTime(column)); column++; Status = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlInt32.Null : new SqlInt32(row.GetInt32(column)); column++; Cost = (row.IsDBNull(column)) ? SqlInt32.Null : new SqlInt32(row.GetInt32(column)); column++; }
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Many thanks
I restored a database to my test server from a production server. I ran "sp_change_users_login 'report' " and found 1 orphan id. Then I ran "sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix', 'orphan_id' ". It gets the error. I have run it before with success. Any idea why this time is different?
I'm getting a specific error when i try to run a .sql script for a Custom TableProfile from the site,when i Parse the .sql file Commands execute perfectly. But when i actually "Execute" the .sql script i get the following errors::
Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
Cannot find the user 'WYATT-PCWyattASPNET', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Me saying " has any body come across such error would be underestimating".
Well I am getting a very peculiar and unique error "Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'Actions'."
Explaining you the scene is the following Stored Proc.
This stored proc is execute from a VB code in the .net application as like: - {Try Connection.Init_Variables() cn.ConnectionString = Connection.gstrConnection ResDb.ConnectionString = Connection.gresConnection cn.Open() With sqlCmd .Connection = cn .CommandText = "DSP_Get_Required" .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
On Execution I get the subjected Error "Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'Actions'." Any Ideas from your all experience to get away from this error will be helpful. Look forward to read somebody soon.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE ID = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.DSP_Get_Required_ActionS') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'ISPROCEDURE') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE dbo.DSP_Get_Required_ActionS GO
--DECLARE @PopulateSQL AS NVarchar(4000)
-- This is the variable used to interpret the Precedant subtype DECLARE @Prec_Subtype AS VARCHAR(20)
-- DECLARE @Exists AS BIT --this is supposed to be the deceision maker variable to be used within the precedant check.
DECLARE @Precedant_SubTypes_Cnt AS INT --This is the variable used to recordcount the Precedant Subtypes to be checked DECLARE @Counter AS INT -- Counter used to loop through the Table of precedant Subtypes. DECLARE @ROWCOUNT AS INT -- Temporary ROWCOUNT
SET @Counter = 1
--Process to retrive @Curr_ActionSubType Variable CREATE TABLE #Curr_ActionSubType(ActionSubType VARCHAR(100)) EXEC ('INSERT INTO #Curr_ActionSubType SELECT SubType FROM '+ @DbName +'.resadm.action WHERE '+@DbName+'.resadm.action.Actionid = '+ @ActionID+' AND ' +@DbName+'.resadm.action.status =''A''')
SET @Curr_ActionSubType = (Select ActionSubType from #Curr_ActionSubType) DROP TABLE #Curr_ActionSubType
--Process to retrive @StartDate Variable CREATE TABLE #StartDate(StartDate DATETIME) EXEC('INSERT INTO #StartDate SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME, '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.DateofAction + '' ''+ '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.TimeOfAction) FROM '+@DbName+'.resadm.action WHERE '+@DbName+'.resadm.action.Actionid = '+ @ActionID +' AND '+@DbName+'.resadm.action.status =''A''' )
SET @StartDate = (Select StartDate from #StartDate) DROP TABLE #StartDate
SET @Rule_ID = (SELECT Rule_ID FROM Rules WHERE Curr_Subtype = @Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BY RULE_ID) SET @Eval_SubType = (SELECT Evaluate_Subtype FROM Rules WHERE Curr_Subtype = @Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BY Evaluate_Subtype) SET @OutCome = (SELECT OutCome FROM Rules WHERE Curr_Subtype = @Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BY OutCome) SET @Evaluate = (SELECT Evaluate FROM Rules WHERE Curr_Subtype = @Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BY Evaluate) SET @Days = (SELECT Days FROM Rules WHERE Curr_Subtype = @Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BY Days) SET @Message = (SELECT Message FROM Rules WHERE Curr_Subtype = @Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BY Message) SET @Mandatory = (SELECT Optional_Mandatory_Precedant FROM Rules WHERE Curr_Subtype = @Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BY Optional_Mandatory_Precedant)
-- create the temporary table for the Subtypes to be evaluated CREATE TABLE #Preceding_SubTypes_Details ( SubTypes_LIST_ID INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, RULE_ID NUMERIC(9), SubType VARCHAR(20), )
-- insert the current subtype that needs to be evaluated. INSERT INTO #Preceding_SubTypes_Details SELECT Rule_ID, Prec_Subtype FROM Rules_Details WHERE Rule_ID = @Rule_ID
-- create the History table for Reference --sk/* Modified to accomodatethe need ot dynamic database name to retrive from the different Resman databases CREATE TABLE #dsHistory ( ActionID INT, PersonID INT, ActionTypeID VARCHAR(1), DateofAction DATETIME, Status VARCHAR(1), Subtype VARCHAR(6), ActionTypeName VARCHAR(30), ActionSubtypeID VARCHAR(6), EffectCandidateCurrentState VARCHAR(10), TaxCode VARCHAR(6) ) EXEC ('INSERT INTO #dsHistory SELECT '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.ActionID, ' + @DbName+'.Resadm.Action.PersonID, '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.ActionTypeID, ' + 'CONVERT(DATETIME, '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.DateofAction + '' ''+ '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.TimeOfAction)DateofAction, ' + @DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Status, '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Subtype, ' + @DbName+'.ResAdm.Action_Types.ActionTypeName, '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action_subtypes.ActionSubtypeID, ' + @DbName+'.Resadm.Action_subtypes.EffectCandidateCurrentState, '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Person.TaxCode ' + ' FROM '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action ' + ' INNER JOIN '+@DbName+'.ResAdm.Action_Types WITH(NOLOCK) ' + ' ON '+@DbName+'.ResAdm.Action_Types.ActionTypeID = '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.ActionTypeID ' + ' INNER JOIN '+@DbName+'.ResAdm.Action_SubTypes WITH(NOLOCK) ' + ' ON '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.subtype = '+@DbName+'.ResAdm.Action_SubTypes.actionsubtypeid ' + ' INNER JOIN '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Person WITH(NOLOCK) ' + ' ON '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Person.PersonID = '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.PersonID ' + ' WHERE '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.actionID <> CONVERT(VARCHAR,'+@ActionID+')' + ' AND '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.PersonID = CONVERT(VARCHAR,'+@PersonID+')' + ' AND '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Status =''A'' ' + 'AND (CONVERT(DATETIME,'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.DateofAction +'' ''+ '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.TimeOfAction) > ' + ' ISNULL(( SELECT MAX(CONVERT(DATETIME,'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.DateofAction + '' ''+ ' + @DbName+'.Resadm.Action.TimeOfAction)) ' + ' FROM '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action ' + ' WHERE ('+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.PersonID = CONVERT(VARCHAR,'+@PersonID+')) AND ' + ' ('+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Subtype =''ZERO'') ' + ' AND ('+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Status=''A'')),0)) ' + ' ORDER BY CONVERT(DATETIME,'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.DateofAction + '' ''+ '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.TimeOfAction )DESC, ActionID DESC')
--sk*/ SET @EndDate = (SELECT ISNULL((SELECT DateOfAction FROM #dsHistory WHERE SubType = @Eval_SubType), getdate()))
-- set the rowcount to retrieve the number of check to be carried out
SET @Precedant_SubTypes_Cnt = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Preceding_SubTypes_Details)
WHILE @Counter <= @Precedant_SubTypes_Cnt BEGIN SET @Prec_Subtype = (SELECT SubType from #Preceding_SubTypes_Details WHERE SubTypes_LIST_ID = @Counter)
SET @ROWCOUNT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #dsHistory WHERE Subtype = @Prec_Subtype)
IF @ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN IF @Mandatory = 1 BEGIN SET @Message = @Message + ' ' + @Prec_Subtype + ' Is Missing; ' SET @Counter = @Precedant_SubTypes_Cnt SET @Exists = 0 END ELSE IF @Mandatory = 0 BEGIN SET @Message = @Message + ' ' + @Prec_Subtype + ' Is Missing; ' SET @Exists = @Exists END END
SET @Counter = @Counter+1 END
IF @Exists = 0 BEGIN EXEC( ' UPDATE '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action ' + ' SET '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Status = ''I'' ' + ' WHERE '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.ActionID = '+@ActionID+' SET @ReturnMessage = '+@Message ) END ELSE IF @Exists = 1 BEGIN SET @ReturnMessage = @Message END
IF @Rule_ID = Null BEGIN SET @ReturnMessage = 'Validation Rule Not Present' END -- Select 'Exist value : ', @Exists, 'Return message is : ', @ReturnMessage DROP TABLE #Preceding_SubTypes_Details DROP TABLE #dshistory
Hi,I'm getting the above error when i try to fill a Dataset through adataAdapter.I presume it is to do with the sql statement. Below is the relevantcode:string strPntUnitID = patientCodeLbl.Text;string strPntFName = fNameLbl.Text;string strPntLName = lNameLbl.Text;// Create DataAdapter & DatasetSqlDataAdapter daRelateDocToPnt = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT patientNo,doctorNo FROM tblPatient" +"WHERE (pntUnitID = '"+ strPntUnitID +"') AND (pntFName = '"+strPntFName +"')"+"AND (pntLName = '"+ strPntLName +"')", conn);DataSet dsDocNoToPnt = new DataSet();// Create command builder, automatically generates the update commandsSqlCommandBuilder pntCmd = new SqlCommandBuilder(daRelateDocToPnt);// Set the MissingSchemaAction property to AddWithKey because Fill willnot cause primary// key & unique key information to be retrieved unless AddWithKey isspecified.daRelateDocToPnt.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey;// Use dataAdapter to fill DataSetdaRelateDocToPnt.Fill(dsDocNoToPnt, "Patient");// place intDocNo into the dataset schemadsDocNoToPnt.Tables["Patient"].Rows[0]["doctorNo"] = "intDocNo";// Update The DatabasedaRelateDocToPnt.Update(dsDocNoToPnt, "Patient");Can anyone spot the problem?Thanks
Hello All,Me saying " has any body come across such error would beunderestimating".Well I am getting a very peculiar and unique error "Line 1: Incorrectsyntax near 'Actions'."Explaining you the scene is the following Stored Proc.This stored proc is execute from a VB code in the .net application aslike: -{TryConnection.Init_Variables()cn.ConnectionString = Connection.gstrConnectionResDb.ConnectionString = Connection.gresConnectioncn.Open()With sqlCmd..Connection = cn..CommandText = "DSP_Get_Required".CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure..Parameters.Add("@ActionId", SqlDbType.Int, 9).Value = ActionID..Parameters("@ActionId").Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput..Parameters.Add("@PersonID", SqlDbType.Int, 9).Value = PersonID..Parameters("@PersonID").Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput..Parameters.Add("@ReturnMessage", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1000).Value =ReturnMessage.ToString..Parameters("@ReturnMessage").Direction =ParameterDirection.InputOutput..Parameters.Add("@Exists", SqlDbType.Bit, 1).Value = Exists..Parameters("@Exists").Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput..Parameters.Add("@Days", SqlDbType.Int, 9).Value = 0..Parameters("@Days").Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput..Parameters.Add("@StartDate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = Now()..Parameters("@StartDate").Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput..Parameters.Add("@EndDate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = Now()..Parameters("@EndDate").Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput..Parameters.Add("@OutCome", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20).Value = "Stop"..Parameters("@OutCome").Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput..Parameters.Add("@Evaluate", SqlDbType.Int, 9).Value = 0..Parameters("@Evaluate").Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput..Parameters.Add("@DbName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value =ResDb.Database.ToString..Parameters("@DbName").Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput..ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default)}On Execution I get the subjected Error "Line 1: Incorrect syntax near'Actions'."Any Ideas from your all experience to get away from this error will behelpful. Look forward to read somebody soon.Stored Proc:-{SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS OFFGOIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE ID =OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.DSP_Get_Required_ActionS') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'ISPROCEDURE') = 1)DROP PROCEDURE dbo.DSP_Get_Required_ActionSGOCREATE PROCEDURE DSP_Get_Required_ActionS@ActionID INT OUTPUT,@PersonID INT OUTPUT,@ReturnMessage Varchar(1000) OUTPUT,@Exists BIT OUTPUT,@Days INT OUTPUT,@StartDate DATETIME OUTPUT,@EndDate DATETIME OUTPUT,@OutCome VARCHAR(20) OUTPUT,@Evaluate INT OUTPUT,@DbName VARCHAR(100) OUTPUTASSET NOCOUNT ON--DECLARE @PopulateSQL AS NVarchar(4000)DECLARE @Rule_ID AS NUMERIC(9)DECLARE @Curr_ActionSubType AS VARCHAR(20)DECLARE @Eval_SubType AS VARCHAR(20)-- DECLARE @OutCome AS VARCHAR(20)-- DECLARE @Evaluate AS INT-- DECLARE @Days AS INTDECLARE @Message AS VARCHAR(1000)DECLARE @Mandatory AS BIT-- This is the variable used to interpret the Precedant subtypeDECLARE @Prec_Subtype AS VARCHAR(20)-- DECLARE @Exists AS BIT --this is supposed to be the deceision makervariable to be used within the precedant check.DECLARE @Precedant_SubTypes_Cnt AS INT--This is the variable used torecordcount the Precedant Subtypes to be checkedDECLARE @Counter AS INT -- Counter used to loop through the Table ofprecedant Subtypes.DECLARE @ROWCOUNT AS INT -- Temporary ROWCOUNTSET @Counter = 1--Process to retrive @Curr_ActionSubType VariableCREATE TABLE #Curr_ActionSubType(ActionSubType VARCHAR(100))EXEC ('INSERT INTO #Curr_ActionSubType SELECT SubType FROM '+ @DbName+'.resadm.action WHERE '+@DbName+'.resadm.action.Actionid = '+@ActionID+' AND ' +@DbName+'.resadm.action.status =''A''')SET @Curr_ActionSubType = (Select ActionSubType from#Curr_ActionSubType)DROP TABLE #Curr_ActionSubType--Process to retrive @StartDate VariableCREATE TABLE #StartDate(StartDate DATETIME)EXEC('INSERT INTO #StartDate SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.DateofAction + '' ''+'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.TimeOfAction)FROM '+@DbName+'.resadm.actionWHERE '+@DbName+'.resadm.action.Actionid = '+ @ActionID +' AND'+@DbName+'.resadm.action.status =''A''')SET @StartDate = (Select StartDate from #StartDate)DROP TABLE #StartDateSET @Rule_ID = (SELECT Rule_ID FROM Rules WHERE Curr_Subtype =@Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BY RULE_ID)SET @Eval_SubType = (SELECT Evaluate_Subtype FROM Rules WHERECurr_Subtype = @Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BYEvaluate_Subtype)SET @OutCome = (SELECT OutCome FROM Rules WHERE Curr_Subtype =@Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BY OutCome)SET @Evaluate = (SELECT Evaluate FROM Rules WHERE Curr_Subtype =@Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BY Evaluate)SET @Days = (SELECT Days FROM Rules WHERE Curr_Subtype =@Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BY Days)SET @Message = (SELECT Message FROM Rules WHERE Curr_Subtype =@Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BY Message)SET @Mandatory = (SELECT Optional_Mandatory_Precedant FROM Rules WHERECurr_Subtype = @Curr_ActionSubType and Status <>0 GROUP BYOptional_Mandatory_Precedant)-- create the temporary table for the Subtypes to be evaluatedCREATE TABLE #Preceding_SubTypes_Details(SubTypes_LIST_ID INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,RULE_ID NUMERIC(9),SubType VARCHAR(20),)-- insert the current subtype that needs to be evaluated.INSERT INTO #Preceding_SubTypes_DetailsSELECT Rule_ID, Prec_SubtypeFROM Rules_DetailsWHERE Rule_ID = @Rule_ID-- create the History table for Reference--sk/*Modified to accomodatethe need ot dynamic database name toretrive from the different Resman databasesCREATE TABLE #dsHistory ( ActionID INT,PersonID INT,ActionTypeID VARCHAR(1),DateofAction DATETIME,Status VARCHAR(1),Subtype VARCHAR(6),ActionTypeName VARCHAR(30),ActionSubtypeID VARCHAR(6),EffectCandidateCurrentState VARCHAR(10),TaxCode VARCHAR(6))EXEC ('INSERT INTO #dsHistory SELECT'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.ActionID, '+ @DbName+'.Resadm.Action.PersonID,'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.ActionTypeID, '+ 'CONVERT(DATETIME, '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.DateofAction + '' ''+'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.TimeOfAction)DateofActio n, '+ @DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Status, '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Subtype, '+ @DbName+'.ResAdm.Action_Types.ActionTypeName,'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action_subtypes.ActionSubtypeID , '+ @DbName+'.Resadm.Action_subtypes.EffectCandidateCu rrentState,'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Person.TaxCode '+ ' FROM '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action '+ ' INNER JOIN '+@DbName+'.ResAdm.Action_Types WITH(NOLOCK) '+ ' ON '+@DbName+'.ResAdm.Action_Types.ActionTypeID ='+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.ActionTypeID '+ ' INNER JOIN '+@DbName+'.ResAdm.Action_SubTypes WITH(NOLOCK) '+ ' ON '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.subtype ='+@DbName+'.ResAdm.Action_SubTypes.actionsubtypeid '+ ' INNER JOIN '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Person WITH(NOLOCK) '+ ' ON '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Person.PersonID ='+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.PersonID '+ ' WHERE '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.actionID <>CONVERT(VARCHAR,'+@ActionID+')'+ ' AND '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.PersonID =CONVERT(VARCHAR,'+@PersonID+')'+ ' AND '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Status =''A'' '+ 'AND (CONVERT(DATETIME,'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Dateof Action +''''+ '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.TimeOfAction) > '+ ' ISNULL(( SELECTMAX(CONVERT(DATETIME,'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Dat eofAction + '' ''+ '+ @DbName+'.Resadm.Action.TimeOfAction)) '+ ' FROM '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action '+ ' WHERE ('+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.PersonID =CONVERT(VARCHAR,'+@PersonID+')) AND '+ ' ('+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Subtype =''ZERO'') '+ ' AND ('+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Status=''A'')),0)) '+ ' ORDER BY CONVERT(DATETIME,'+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.DateofA ction +'' ''+ '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.TimeOfAction )DESC, ActionID DESC')--sk*/SET @EndDate = (SELECT ISNULL((SELECT DateOfActionFROM #dsHistoryWHERE SubType = @Eval_SubType), getdate()))-- set the rowcount to retrieve the number of check to be carried outSET @Precedant_SubTypes_Cnt = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM#Preceding_SubTypes_Details)WHILE @Counter <= @Precedant_SubTypes_CntBEGINSET @Prec_Subtype = (SELECT SubType from #Preceding_SubTypes_DetailsWHERE SubTypes_LIST_ID = @Counter)SET @ROWCOUNT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #dsHistory WHERE Subtype =@Prec_Subtype)IF @ROWCOUNT > 0BEGINSET @Exists = 1ENDIF @ROWCOUNT = 0BEGINIF @Mandatory = 1BEGINSET @Message = @Message + ' ' + @Prec_Subtype + ' Is Missing; 'SET @Counter = @Precedant_SubTypes_CntSET @Exists = 0ENDELSE IF @Mandatory = 0BEGINSET @Message = @Message + ' ' + @Prec_Subtype + ' Is Missing; 'SET @Exists = @ExistsENDENDSET @Counter = @Counter+1ENDIF @Exists = 0BEGINEXEC(' UPDATE '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action '+ ' SET '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.Status = ''I'' '+ ' WHERE '+@DbName+'.Resadm.Action.ActionID = '+@ActionID+' SET@ReturnMessage = '+@Message)ENDELSEIF @Exists = 1BEGINSET @ReturnMessage = @MessageENDIF @Rule_ID = NullBEGINSET @ReturnMessage = 'Validation Rule Not Present'END-- Select 'Exist value : ', @Exists, 'Return message is : ',@ReturnMessageDROP TABLE #Preceding_SubTypes_DetailsDROP TABLE #dshistoryGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO}
I have a similar problem as mentioned in the first mail of this chain. I am getting Line 202:Incorrect syntax near 'end'" while I try to execute the procedure from my VC++ code using
<SQL Code> CREATE PROCEDURE PABX_sp_MyPABX_ShowExtWatch @FromDate DATETIME, @ToDate DATETIME, @PortalID INT = 1, @UserID INT AS SELECT PABX_Ext_Watch.ExtNo As ExtNo, COUNT(*) AS Calls, SUM(PABX_Calls.Rate) AS NetAmt FROM PABX_Ext_Watch INNER JOIN PABX_Calls ON PABX_Ext_Watch.ExtNo = PABX_Calls.ExtNo INNER JOIN PABX_PortalUsers ON PABX_Ext_Watch.PortalUserID = PABX_PortalUsers.PortalUserID AND PABX_Calls.PortalID = PABX_PortalUsers.PortalID WHERE PABX_Calls.sTime >= CONVERT(DATETIME, @FromDate, 102) AND PABX_Calls.eTime <= CONVERT(DATETIME, @ToDate, 102) AND PABX_PortalUsers.uID = @UserID AND PABX_PortalUsers.PortalID = @PortalID GROUP BY PABX_Ext_Watch.ExtNo GO </SQL Code>
However if I execute this stored procedure in I get the following error, despite the stored procedure executed successfully in query analyzer:
Line 1: Incorrect Syntax Near ......
When I check the sql profiler the stored procedure is been executed in this way:
I couldn't figure it out though sql server management console and query analyzer showed no signs of errors. I sense that the sql is not being executed correctly with letters as "N" in the sql profiler.
we config our SAP system to use SQL Server 2005 database mirror. but the mirror server hang by accident, after restart mirror server,the server return to normal,but the mirror can't be resume.
the error is: Msg 1447, Level 16, State 21, Line 1 ALTER DATABASE "R3P" command cannot be executed until both partner server instances are up, running, and connected. Start the partner and reissue the command.
I am trying to prepare a login page.My code first controls if user exists in database with GetUser stored procedure then if he/she exists getting the roles assigned to that user with GetUserRoles procedure but I am taking this error Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'GetUserRoles'.
GetUserRoles Procedure:
SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO ALTER Procedure GetUserRoles ( @UserName char(10), @Roles char(10) Output ) As Select @Roles=RoleID From UserRoles Where UserID=@UserName GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO
--------------- Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.
Source Error:
Line 40: Dim adpt As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM SMS_student_class_master WHERE" & _ Line 41: "stud_id=" & sid, con) Line 42: adpt.Fill(ds, "SMS_student_class_master") Line 43: txt.Text = ds.Tables.Item("roll_no").ToString Line 44: con.Close()