I am looking for a good reference on hardware specs for a dedicated SQL server. I don't want to talk to vendors, because I'm not looking to get snowed. Does anyone know of any resources? The server is to be a dedicated dataserver, for about 300 clients.
Would you mind advising me on what sql server license would be suitable? What I am concerned about having is the ability to access a database from 10 computers. I like to use the Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, write proceduers, Views and Triggers. Not sure if this affects anything.
I need to purchase a new computer for a small medical clinic which will basically only have one purpose: to answer to read and write queries to a SQL Server 2005 which is resident on that computer. Queries come from the current 8 stations (up to 14 stations in the future). Most of the time, only 3 stations will be active at a time. Queries are mostly to access patient file information, are not complex and are short-lived.
A friend of mine who owns a computer store just quoted me for a dual quad-core Xeon 5405 2GHz system with Windows Server 2003 10 Cals. I'm concerned about the following: - What's the use in having 8 cores, each of them running at only 2GHz, when there's really only one service running (SQL Server 2005, likely Express Edition) on the computer. Does SQL Server have the capability to make use of all cores? Otherwise, why spend more for Xeon and so many cores instead of a single C2D running at a faster speed of say 3GHz ? - What would be the advantage of using a Windows Server over Windows XP in a peer-to-peer configuration? I don't buy into the 10 connection limit because the TCPIP.sys file can be altered to move that limit up, so 14 stations does not trigger the need for Windows Server in and of itself.
I went in to waterstones today to try and get a copy of sql pocket reference (o'riely publishers i think) but there were none in stock, as the new edition is out on the 31st.
so i bought sam teach urself sql "in ten minutes"
unfortunately it covers the alter tag but not its use to modify columns >:(
I'm a bit stuck with this one atm --------------------------------------- 1> alter table news modify ( dateadd varchar(80)) 2> go Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Server NEIL, Line 1 Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '('. 1>
The SQL server 2005 is needed to be put for user's access as database backend for VB.net application. We need only one system for development. Which is best suited for our application?
I have data concerning sale of several products, columns are two : Name_product, Purchase_day
I need to calculate with SQL the average duration (number of days) to purchase again the same product among the products
As in example, one product can be bought many times, so this product we will see it repeated several times at different days "Purchase_day" so here we can have Duration between each two successive purchases for the same product, but for the last purchase of this product the duration until today will be the day of yesterday minus the last day of purchase, and finally the average duration of this product will be the sum of all duration of this product / number of all duration of this product.
My company is planning to purchase a SQL2005 standard Processor license (unlimited users - about $5000)
Does anyone know if we can obtain SQL2000 media along with the purchase. Because of the app we are running and its stage of development, we have to install and run SQL2000 for about 6 months before we can run Sql2005. We dont want to purchase SQL2000 for such a short term use.
I asked a DELL rep to help me with this over a month ago and he still has no answers for me.
Hi, I am new at SQL hopefully this would be a rather easy question for you guys to help me out with. I have a table called PRODUCT with the following fields: a. Product Name b. Product Dept. c. Purchase Date.
I would like to run a query to obtain all rows tha has more than one purchases on any particular day.
i use microaccess create table, there is a filed call"Complete_PO", value"yes/no" i wrote following statement to select it, but at runtime, there is warning message"...constraint...one or more row violating non-unique and so so..." how to solve it SqlSelectCommand2.CommandText = "SELECT Complete_PO FROM [PURCHASE ORDER] WHERE [PO_No] Like '%" & GetYearCode() & "%' ORDER BY Right(PO_No,4) desc" PoNum_SqlDataAdapter.Fill(PO_DataSet1) TextBox1.Text = PO_DataSet1.Tables("PURCHASE ORDER").Rows(0).Item("Complete_PO").ToString()
i query a purchase order table, there is one column called PO_No, format: LP-0245111-0004 i make following statement to query: the middle code act as my id, using it search my records, the last 4 digit used to find the last purchase order number SqlSelectCommand2.CommandText = "SELECT PO_No FROM [PURCHASE ORDER] WHERE PO_No Like '%" & GetYearCode() & "%' ORDER BY Right(PO_No, 4) DESC" i checked my database, last record is LP-0545381-0300 in my debuging process, surprisingly found that selected record is LP-0545381-301 ! any one hav any suggestion? ^_^
My company is planning to purchase a SQL2005 standard Processor license (unlimited users - about $5000)
Does anyone know if we can obtain SQL2000 media along with the purchase. Because of the app we are running and its stage of development, we have to install and run SQL2000 for about 6 months before we can run Sql2005. We dont want to purchase SQL2000 for such a short term use.
I asked a DELL rep to help me with this over a month ago and he still has no answers for me.
I need to find the last purchase price for each product. Â If I run the following code, I correctly get 1 result for each productID and the last purchase order number.
SELECT pod.article as ProductID,max(pod.order_ID) as LastOrderfrom apodetail podgroup by pod.articleorder by pod.article
Now I need to add in the price for that product on that orderID. Â I've tried the following self join query, tried it without the join, and tried adding DISTINCT, but they all return more than 1 row per ProductID.
SELECT pod.article as ProductID,max(pod.order_ID) as LastOrder,pod2.rev_price as UnitPricefrom apodetail podjoinapodetail pod2on (pod2.order_ID = pod.order_id)group by pod.article,pod2.rev_priceorder by pod.article
How can I get it to simply add the price to the first query?
I have a table set of records. Its contains some customerID,SportsGoods,Price in different datetime. I want to add customer spent. If crossed 1000 means i have to show purchase time when it is crossed 1000. I need query without while and looping.
I need to write down a sql query wherein in one particular day(user will enter manually), i need to find out a 15 minutes slot wherein purchase order's created or updated are the highest.
i.e. out of 96 slots(15 minute slot each)-I need to find the slot which has maximum number of Purchase orders created or updated.
i have a table FORUM_REPLY it contain follwing fieldsquest_id,answer_id, reply_user_id.i want who is post most answer.so i need reply_user_id and max(no_of_answer).but following query given reply_user_id and no_of_answer onlySELECT reply_user_id,count(answer_id) as no_of_answer FROM FORUM_REPLY GROUP BY(reply_user_id)How to get max_no_of_answer?
I am new to the DTS game - or at least to trying to do anything other than transfer rows between databases with identical structures.
I now need to create a far more complex DTS package to transfer data between an SQL Server database (I am using SQL Server 7.0) and an Oracle database. I have no trouble in making the connections and performing simple DTS's beween the two.
However, my current task is more complicated.
Problem 1: In one database I would store fifty values as 5 five records each containing 10 values (i.e. has ten fields). However, in the other database these fifty values would all be stored as one record (i.e. one row with 50 fields). How could I go about creating a DTS to transfer this information?
Problem 2: These values should only be transfered if certain conditions are met in an another unrelated table. For example, a flag in another table indicating that transfer of the said values should occur.
Any help with either of these problems would be much appraciated.
When one of the users log into the database via a thrid party application they receive an error message:
2000/11/16 10:40:13.84spid51Error : 605, Severity: 21, State: 1 2000/11/16 10:40:13.84spid51Attempt to fetch logical page 7832 in database 'highview' belongs to object '1241055457', not to object 'application_data'. 2000/11/16 10:45:07.68spid46Getpage: bstat=0x1008/0, sstat=0x80002110, disk 2000/11/16 10:45:07.68spid46pageno is/should be:objid is/should be: 2000/11/16 10:45:07.68spid460x1e98(7832)0x49f900e1(1241055457) 2000/11/16 10:45:07.68spid460x1e98(7832)0x4810b86f(1209055343) 2000/11/16 10:45:07.68spid46... extent objid 0, mask 0/0, next/prev=0/0 2000/11/16 10:45:07.68spid46... retry bufget after purging bp 0x2da7e060
I tried running DBCC checkdb, newalloc,& checktable to fix the probelm and than droping the table and rebuilding it but not success, any suggestion are more than welcome.
If anybody can suggest the most efficient way to "page" the output from a big and wide table (about 7000000 records) in order to display on the web in the user requested sort order. Sort order could be on at least 7 different columns from 50 of returned.
I need to find a solution to move to the next and previous page.
what if I took this trigger and based it on a view rather then a table
CREATE TRIGGER TerminationUpdateTrigger ON EmployeeGamingLicense FOR UPDATE AS INSERT INTO TERMINATION(Status,[TM #],LastName, FirstName, [SocialSecurityNumber], DateHired, Title) SELECT STATUS, [TM#], LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, [SSN#], HIREDATE, JOBTITLE FROM Inserted WHERE STATUS = 'TERMINATED'
Base the Trigger on this View rather then on the Table itself????
The question is :- Which academics have the largest number of fields of interests? Return their academic number, given name, family name, institution and total number of fields they are interested in. Your must use a subquery in the sense that you must use 2 sql statements and use any of the following to connect both:-
I have a table call CLIENTE and another table call ENDERECO where the CLIENTE table has the FOREIGN KEY of the ENDERECO table.
When I try INSERT COMMAND in C# this message is show.
The instruction INSERT conflicted with a constraint of FOREIGN FUNDAMENTAL "FK_CLIENTE_ENDERECO." The conflict happened in the database "E:ARQUIVOS DE PROGRAMASMICROSOFT SQL SERVERMSSQL.1MSSQLDATALINETEC.MDF", table "dbo.I ADDRESS", column 'IDENDERECO.' The instruction was concluded.
I have number of tasks in my control flow most of them are execute sql task. I want to update one of the column in my table when anyone of the task in the control get fails?
Please let me know if anyone have an idea how to do this.
Dear Friends,I'm a junior DBA, I've to prepare an online examination. for this, I've three categories. a)beginer level b)intermediate level c)expert level
again here subjects are 6. like sqlserver,oracle,c#,vb.net,html,javascript. in these subjects, i've to select these three types of questions. now how can i design for this requirement? shall i create three tables for beginer, intermediate,expert or shall i create 6 tables and write according that?
Hi guysWe have a following problem. For security reasons in each table in ourDB we have addition field which is calculated as hash value of allcolumns in particular row.Every time when some field in particular row is changed we create andcall select query from our application to obtain all fields for thisrow and then re-calculate and update the hash value again.Obviously such approach is very ineffective, the alternative is tocreate trigger on update event and then execute stored procedure whichwill re-calculate and update the hash value. The problem with thisapproach is that end user could then change the date in the tables andthen run this store procedure to adjust hash value.We are looking for some solution that could speed up the hash valueupdating without allowing authorized user to do itThanks in advance,Leon
Having no more experience than reading books online, here is an interesting idea I would like to run by you guys and you can let me know if it is feasible or tell me I need to put the crack pipe down...
We are going to increase the number of disks in our SAN, and I was speaking with the SAN administrator and he mentioned the shuffling of logical drives to match the new space. He said he is going to have to go through quite a few combinations/permutations on figuring out the best configuration for what data goes on the old vs. new to get the optimal space.
Is this something that can be modeled out? I can write something that recursively figures it out, but why not explore fun ideas with tools that may be able to do it?
aspnet_wp!resourceutilities!5!07/11/2007-10:32:00:: i INFO: Reporting Services starting SKU: Developer aspnet_wp!resourceutilities!5!07/11/2007-10:32:00:: i INFO: Evaluation copy: 0 days left
Hi, I have a table that has the ff: LastName varchar(50) FirstName varchar(50) PhotoPath varchar(50) Now I want to create a form that can accept the LastName,Firstname and also can upload a picture which in turn the filename of the image will be the value for the PhotoPath field, and eventually displays it using the repeater control. Your Help/Info. is highly appreciated...
Last night, I have this idea, but can not know if it can have a good performance and efficiency when the @CurrentPage is big.-------------------------------------------------------------------DATABASE:AdventureWorks DECLARE @CurrentPage intDECLARE @PageSize intDECLARE @OrderExpression nvarchar(100)DECLARE @Sql nvarchar(500)SET @CurrentPage = 1SET @PageSize = 10SET @OrderExpression = N' employeeid 'DECLARE @BigTop intDECLARE @SmallTop intSET @BigTop = @CurrentPage * @PageSizeSET @SmallTop = (@CurrentPage -1) * @PageSizeDECLARE @StartTime datetimeSET @StartTime = GETDATE()SET @Sql = N' SELECT TOP (' + CAST(@BigTop AS nvarchar(10)) + ') * FROM humanresources.Employee '+ ' EXCEPT '+ ' SELECT TOP (' + CAST(@SmallTop AS nvarchar(10)) + ') * FROM humanresources.Employee ORDER BY ' + @OrderExpressionEXEC sp_executesql @SqlDECLARE @EndTime datetimeSET @EndTime = GETDATE()SELECT DATEPART(s,@EndTime-@StartTime)SELECT DATEPART(ms,@EndTime-@StartTime)GO-----------------------------------------------------------------
I have a complex select statement that is used in several stored procedures. I decided that instead of having x number of T-SQL scripts with the same exact select statement that I would to put this query into a view and then do a select * from View. Recently an instructor told me that this was a bad idea and that anyone who uses a select * from anything should be fired. When I asked for his reasoning his response was to say the least abnoxious. I can understand why a Select * from Table might be a bad idea as the table definition can change, but the chances of a view changing seems much less likely. Is a view a good idea in this case? Is the Select * from View really a bad idea? Thanks
Can anyone tell me if turning on the AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS option will have any adverse effects on performance? I've read that it is possible for it to adversely affect performance, because SQL Server “takes a quick break to update database statistics in the middle of the day”. The book does not explain why and I'm always leery of simply accepting something, simply because I’ve read it from a book. This is the first time that I’ve ever heard this and cannot find anything from SQL BOL or any other source.