Ideal Local For Data Directory

May 12, 2008

I am currently deploying a desktop application that uses SQL Express as a local data source. I load data from other sources into the local database and then use that data for my application. Currently I'm deploying the MDF file into a Data folder within my application folder. I'm finding that most of the users that will be using this application has only power user rights, not admin rights.

My question is this. Is using a data folder within my application folder the ideal place to store this data or is there other more benefitial places within the users computer that would help reduce rights and permissions issues? When users upgrade to Vista will this cause any problems that another location might help me avoid?

Appreaciate any opinions.

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How To Retrieve Most Recent File From Local Directory?

May 30, 2007


Here's my situation. Every day I will be downloading extracts to a folder. The extracts are named:







So, on any given day, I will want to find the most recent versions of Extract1 and Extract2, for example:

20070529.Extract1.csv & 20070529.Extract2.csv

How would I go about doing this?

Thanks much

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Receive Files From Remote Site Only If File Does Not Exist In Local Directory

Jul 13, 2007

I need to only receive files via ftp when the file does not exist on my local machine. FIles are being added to the remote location on a weekly basis and they are being downloaded locally. I do not want to download all the files each time. Instead, just download what was not already downloaded. Is there a way to do this? I want to do this using SSIS / ftp task.

Thanks in advance.

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Copy TXT File From FTP Server In Local Server Directory

Apr 24, 2015

I need to figure out a way to copy .txt file from ftp server in local server directory using sql jobs.

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Ideal Way To Retrive Dataset.

Jul 12, 2004

This is DataSet retriving code from IBUYSPY Events Module.

public DataSet GetEvents(int moduleId) {

// Create Instance of Connection and Command Object
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["connectionString"]);
SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter("GetEvents", myConnection);

// Mark the Command as a SPROC
myCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

// Add Parameters to SPROC
SqlParameter parameterModuleId = new SqlParameter("@ModuleId", SqlDbType.Int, 4);
parameterModuleId.Value = moduleId;

// Create and Fill the DataSet
DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();

// Return the DataSet
return myDataSet;

My Question is

1) Is this ideal way to retrive data?
2) Will it return connection back to pool?

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Ideal Hardware Configuration

Mar 12, 2004

What is the ideal hardware configuration for SQL Server 2000? We have about 2 dozen databases - ranging in size from 500 MB up to 90 GB. All databases have very heavy traffic from multiple users on the same app. There are about 8 reads for every write, averaging about 8 million writes per 24-hour period.

Currently we have these databases split across 2 servers with 4 2.4 Ghz hyperthreaded processors and have 8 GB of RAM. The disks are 10,000 RPM SCSI, and are all in one very large physical disk array split into 2 logical drives per server. Logs and data for multiple databases are all sharing the same array.

Performance is becoming a pressing issue. Our Network administrator is 100% that the hardware configuration is not an issue, and I am 100% convinced it is at least a major part of the issue. Does anyone here feel that it may be the issue?

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Ideal Number Of Join

Nov 12, 2006


What should be the ideal number of joins that should be used in a query? In some books it says anything beyond 7 joins should be re-considered. Is this correct. We have application where the number of joins are more than 25 and in some cases it is beyond 50. I am looking for some guidelines as it will help to design the table in the best possible way. I am not looking for reporting type of queries; instead they are all the business logic.



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Ideal Event Handling Technique

Apr 13, 2007

Hi All,

We have this SSIS package that serves a ETL role, but sometimes when the package crashes we wanted our support personnel to be aware of it, so we did implement an Event handler Package, executable is the package and Event Handler on taskFailed. The idea is if any of the Tasks fail, then trigger the event handler.

Now recently I found out while debugging the package, one of the DFT's failed, and the control went to the Event handler. But thenrest of the Task's are executing and the package finished successfully.

How do I ensure that if at all some Tasks fail, the control should invoke the task at the event handler and end the package run.

One more query, what is the ideal and best way of Event handling to be followed in case of ETL jobs ?

Thanks in Advance.

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Extract Outlook Contacts Data(on Public Directory) Directly In Data Flow

Jun 13, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have to extract, dayly a list of contacts on a exchange server in a table on our EDW on sql server 2005. Is it possible to get the information directly from a dataflow or i will have to developpe a script task ?

Need help desperatly !!!

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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path. Please Make Sure The User Has A Local User Profile On The Computer. The Connection Will Be Closed

Dec 7, 2006

This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database)
Help pleaseee

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Using Provider For Microsoft Directory Services For Querying Active Directory

Apr 6, 2007

Has anyone used this successfully from an OLEDB source component, or even from the Execute SQL Task? I've seen some examples of using a script component, but nothing that uses it through a connection manager.

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Get The Data Directory

Sep 19, 2006


I am searching for how getting the data directory where default mdf files are based.

(C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData)

My goal is to deploy mdf file in this folder during installation.


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How To Set Default Data && Log Directory

Mar 10, 2005

I tried to add volume to default data & log directory of "new data default location" of database setting at SQL server properties, but it never be saved, when I get in properties again, the setting is disappear.
Does somebody could advise me how to save it?

Thank you

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Get Data From Active Directory To MS SQL Server

Jun 5, 2007

I look for and try to get data from Active Directory to MSSQL Server, but have same error:

Msg 7321, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
An error occurred while preparing the query "SELECT name
WHERE objectCategory = 'Person' AND objectClass = 'user'" for execution against OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI".

for the code:

select * from openquery
FROM ''LDAP://''
WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND objectClass = ''user'''

I create linked server:

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'ADSI',
@srvproduct=N'Active Directory Services', @provider=N'ADsDSOObject',

I've changed security setting, format of LDAP. Please advise me

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SQL Server Default Data Directory

Jun 2, 2006

I would like to know how to change the default data directory in SQL Server Express. I have a partitioned hard disk with SQL Installed on the C: drive. I would like to move the data to d: drive. I have just installed SQL and do not have any databases. I have installed SQL with advanced services.

Thanks in advance for your response.

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The Cert Under The Sql 2005 Data Directory

Aug 17, 2006

When sql 2005 is created a cert is also created in the Data directory of that instance. What is that cert? Is it the Service Master Key? I noticed that I can movecopydelete it while sql server is running so it doesn't appear to be very secure..



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How Do Load All Raw Data In One Directory Into The Database

Jun 12, 2006


Is there anyway to load all the raw data in one directory into the database? l've several files with same format but different filename in one folder which l do not know their filename before hand.
Is SSIS For Each Loop can help me to accomplish the file loading? If so, where can l find the example?

Thanks you.

Yong Boon, Lim

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Exporting The Data From Ms Active Directory

Apr 4, 2008

Active Directory stores Information regarding Users, Groups & Policies etc.
Is it possible to export Complete User Information from active directory to text file?
If yes, please provide the steps. Thanking you.

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How To Change Default Data Directory For SQL 2005

Sep 29, 2006

Hi, I've installed SQL 2005 and failed to change the default datalocation during installation. Now I want to change it. Can I do thiswithout having to uninstall and reinstall? And furthermore, is there asystem stored procedure I can use to move existing data and log files(master, msdb, AdventureWorks, etc.)? I seem to remember doing justthis with SQL 2000 some time back.Thanks,Eric

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Default Data Directory And Access Upsizing

Apr 15, 2006

I've created a number of very large databases in Ms Access that I would like to upsize to SQL Server Express. I changed the default data directory location to point to a separate drive with over 400GB of free space on my home pc. However, everytime I try to upsize or link databases using the MS Access Upsizing Wizard the data is saved in the Data directory on my current hard drive and is not saved in the default location I specified. If I create a new database in SQL Express it is saved to the new location. Any ideas on how to force upsizing or uplinked data to go to the new default data location?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Getting Directory Information For Data / Log / TempDB / Backup

Nov 18, 2014

Is there an Admin script that yields the following directories?

Data Root
Shared Feature

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Transact SQL :: Active Directory Data Into Server Using SSIS Or SP?

May 29, 2015

How can I copy data like firstname, lastname, email from Active Directory into a SQL Server table?

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How To Move The Bad Data Into Another Directory While Looping Through A Set Of FLAT FILES ?

Sep 1, 2007

Currently looping through the set of flat files like CHK0604, CHK0611, CHK0618, and CHK0625 from the source folder C:SOURCE

OBJECTIVE within the flat file if any records/rows cause error i have to move the bad data into separate folder C:ERROR


1) In FOREACH LOOP component i specified the variable User:: sourceFilePath for my source file CHK0604 etc. location C:SOURCE. The loop walkthrough each file in C:SOURCE and if no error then moves the flat file into another folder C:ARCHIVED. This task is perfectly working.

2) Within the dataflow I am diverting the the bad rows from "conditional component" into "Flat File Destination" Component.

3) "Flat File Destination" Connection manager i set the expressions as @[User:: sourceFilePath] +"_Error.TXT".


Because of point (3) the error file is created in the SOURCE flat file location C:SOURCE.


1) My error file name should be CHK0604_Error, CHK0611_Error, CHK0618_Error, CHK0625_Error created in another folder C:ERROR.

2) How to move the bad data into another directory while looping through a set of FLAT FILES ?

3) If i have to create another variable like @[User:: ErrorFilePath] where to create ? How to use the source file title as the title of error file.?

Thanks for the help

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How To Change The Default Backup Data Directory In SQL Server 2000?

Dec 29, 2006


I had SQL Server 2000 installed like below:

Installation Directory = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server

Default data directory = D:

Default log directory = D:

I found out that the data is stored in D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdata and backup is done in D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLackup

However, Microsoft says we should never put the ..ackup and folders in the same partition.

My question is: How can I move the path of the backup directory?

I checked the registy but this is what I found:


..BackupDirectory=C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLackup (<-- note it is pointing to C: not D:)


Can somebody help please?

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Display Data In Reports Based On Active Directory Group Membership...

Aug 9, 2007


I am fairly new to SQL 2005 and Reporting Services.

We are trying to create a report that will display sales data based on group membership from Active Directory.

For example, if USER1 logs in and looks at a Year to Date Sales report, it will only show data that pertains to his group. If USER2 logs in and accesses the same report, it will display different Year to Date information because he is in a different group.

Background Information: We are running SQL 2005 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 2 with Analysis and Reporting Services. We are delivering the reports through a Sharepoint site.

Please let me know if anyone has a good way to tackle this.



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Local Data

Jul 23, 2005

I am implementing an MSDE database and I would like to keep some data(like user preferences) in the Access project so that I can filter datafor each user based on their selected preferences. In Access I justkept user preferences in the application database on each workstationand used queries to get only the data I wanted from the linked tables.How can I do this in MSDE/Access projects?thanks!Jerry

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Local SQL Server Instances Not Showing Up On Local Servers Tab Of Management Studio Logon Screen

Oct 2, 2007

We have a 64-bit VM server running SQL Server 2005. The SQL Server on this particular VM server has 6 local instances installed. On the Management Studio logon screen I can type the full name of the local instance and connect to it, however if I press the drop down in the Server name field, choose Browse and select the Local Servers tab there is nothing listed under Database Engines.

Any idea why the 6 local instances don't show up under Database Engines? This is preventing me from installing a vendor application because their installer looks for local SQL Server instances on this server, but if SQL Server won't even show the local instances then the installer doesn't see them either.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Moving Data From Local To Remote

Jun 25, 2006

Hi All,
I am completely new to VS2005 and .net2.0 but I am learning fast! But one thing that I am struggling with is the deployment of my website, or to be more precise the deployment of the data that was created during development on my local machine.
I have used VS2005 to create a simple personal site. I have created a single user (myself) in an admin and friends role. So far so good. The site works great on my local machine, all the default photos provided with the site display correctly etc and I can log in OK.
My remote server (ie my web hosts) provide me with a separate SQL server on which to install my databases. I have created a database on this server and configured it so that it contains all the correct tables and schemas etc. I have modified my web config file to connect to this database and when I browse to my default.aspx page it displays in my browser fine...EXCEPT that none of the data ( ie the photos and user data) is in the database so therefore no pictures display and I can't log in!!
What I can't figure out is how do I get all the data from my local app_data folder into my new remote database!!?? I can't find anything that explains how to do this. Surely this is one of the most important operations of all since data is what .net2.0 is all about!
Thanks in anticipation

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OpenQuery With Local Table Data

May 13, 2008


I have two queries as under:


SELECT MediaID, LawID, LawDate, Agreement, Name, NameSearch, LawType, LawNo, RegID, IssueNo, Attachment
From Dept_LegalLaw
INNER JOIN Dept_LegalMinistries ON Dept_LegalLaw.RegID = Dept_LegalMinistries.RegID
INNER JOIN Dept_LegalLawType ON Dept_LegalLaw.LawID = Dept_LegalLawType.LawID
WHERE 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1

both queries are working fine separately and I can generate the desired results separately, but I cannot merge them to get one single result for example, after a FREETEXT search I want to get some values from my local table (Query2) to display as one result. Like in Query1 FREETEXT will search the web page based on the given text and in Query2 will select the remaining data from the local database (Title, ID, Name etc etc).

Try many thing but no success yet.

Need urgent help.


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OpenQuery With Local Table Data

May 12, 2008


I have two queries as under:


SELECT MediaID, LawID, LawDate, Agreement, Name, NameSearch, LawType, LawNo, RegID, IssueNo, Attachment
From Dept_LegalLaw
INNER JOIN Dept_LegalMinistries ON Dept_LegalLaw.RegID = Dept_LegalMinistries.RegID
INNER JOIN Dept_LegalLawType ON Dept_LegalLaw.LawID = Dept_LegalLawType.LawID
WHERE 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1 AND 1=1

both queries are working fine separately and I can generate the desired results separately, but I cannot merge them to get one single result for example, after a FREETEXT search I want to get some values from my local table (Query2) to display as one result. Like in Query1 FREETEXT will search the web page based on the given text and in Query2 will select the remaining data from the local database (Title, ID, Name etc etc).

Try many thing but no success yet.

Need urgent help.


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@local Variable Column Data Type

May 23, 2001

In a stored proc, can you declare a local variable that is an existing column in a table & then based on other criteria, do an order by using the local variable?

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Storing Collumn Data In A Local Variable

Aug 16, 2007

Hi All,
I need to select some collumn data , can i store it in a varable some how.

Select name from Names

how can i assign this value to a variable, I need to manipulate this column value based on few cases.
As always thanks and appreciate your help.

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SQL Server Data Types For Local Variables

Jul 20, 2005

Is there ANY data type other than varchar that is valid for localvariables and allows more than 8000 characters?

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