What is the ideal hardware configuration for SQL Server 2000? We have about 2 dozen databases - ranging in size from 500 MB up to 90 GB. All databases have very heavy traffic from multiple users on the same app. There are about 8 reads for every write, averaging about 8 million writes per 24-hour period.
Currently we have these databases split across 2 servers with 4 2.4 Ghz hyperthreaded processors and have 8 GB of RAM. The disks are 10,000 RPM SCSI, and are all in one very large physical disk array split into 2 logical drives per server. Logs and data for multiple databases are all sharing the same array.
Performance is becoming a pressing issue. Our Network administrator is 100% that the hardware configuration is not an issue, and I am 100% convinced it is at least a major part of the issue. Does anyone here feel that it may be the issue?
What should be the ideal number of joins that should be used in a query? In some books it says anything beyond 7 joins should be re-considered. Is this correct. We have application where the number of joins are more than 25 and in some cases it is beyond 50. I am looking for some guidelines as it will help to design the table in the best possible way. I am not looking for reporting type of queries; instead they are all the business logic.
I am currently deploying a desktop application that uses SQL Express as a local data source. I load data from other sources into the local database and then use that data for my application. Currently I'm deploying the MDF file into a Data folder within my application folder. I'm finding that most of the users that will be using this application has only power user rights, not admin rights.
My question is this. Is using a data folder within my application folder the ideal place to store this data or is there other more benefitial places within the users computer that would help reduce rights and permissions issues? When users upgrade to Vista will this cause any problems that another location might help me avoid?
We have this SSIS package that serves a ETL role, but sometimes when the package crashes we wanted our support personnel to be aware of it, so we did implement an Event handler Package, executable is the package and Event Handler on taskFailed. The idea is if any of the Tasks fail, then trigger the event handler.
Now recently I found out while debugging the package, one of the DFT's failed, and the control went to the Event handler. But thenrest of the Task's are executing and the package finished successfully.
How do I ensure that if at all some Tasks fail, the control should invoke the task at the event handler and end the package run.
One more query, what is the ideal and best way of Event handling to be followed in case of ETL jobs ?
I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters. I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.
I have a small number of rows in a dataset, Table 1. There is a CLOB on a large dataset, Table 2. They join on a PK. I would like to retrieve this CLOB and add it to the data flow for Table1. In short I want to emulate the following:
Table 1: Small table without CLOB, 10 rows. Table 2: Large table with CLOB, 10,000,000 rows
select CLOB from table2 where pk = (select pk from table1)
I want this to return the CLOBs for the small number of rows in Table 1. The PK is indexed obviously so it should be a fast look up.
Table 1 and Table 2 live on different Oracle databases. How do I perform this operation efficiently in SSIS? It seems the Lookup and Merge Join wont do this.
I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters.
I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.
I found out the data I need for my SQL Report is already defined in a dynamic dataset on another web service. Is there a way to use web services to call another web service to get the dataset I need to generate a report? Examples would help if you have any, thanks for looking
I use select @@identity to return @@identity from my store procedure,but I could not retrive it from my Visual basic code, like variable=oRS.fields.item(0).value, it always says item can not be found....
Hello,I would like to keep some values as session variables while the user is loged in, but i am missing some part of how to implement it.This is what I have:<script runat="server">
Protected Sub Login1_Authenticate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.AuthenticateEventArgs)
Dim conn As SqlConnection Dim cmd As SqlCommand Dim cmdString As String = "SELECT users.username, users.password, users.FirstName, users.LastName, users.CompanyId, Company.CompanyName, users.SecurityLvl FROM users LEFT OUTER JOIN Company ON users.CompanyId = Company.CompanyId WHERE (users.password = @Password) AND (users.username = @Username)"
Hi Guys, I have this SqlDataSource, that counts some records and sets it in "NotStartedBugs". How do I retrive "NotStartedBugs" programmatically? <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource3" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Expr1 FROM tickets WHERE (TicketType = 'Bug') AND (TicketStatus = 'Not Started')) AS NotStartedBugs"></asp:SqlDataSource>
Hello, inside of my SP i want to execute another SP, something like: EXEC [dbo].[Forum_DeleteBoard] @BoardID = @DelBoardID this function Forum_DeleteBoard returs one row with 3 columns as a table, how do i get the first column of that table into a variable so i can check if it was ok or not(it returns just one row with 3 columns). Columns it returns:QResult , Threads , Answers SELECT @isok = QResult FROM EXEC [dbo].[Forum_DeleteBoard] @BoardID = @DelBoardID ? or how do you get it? Patrick
I have a table called Image1 and i have stored the image in SQL server 2005 with a feiled called picture
table name ---- Image1 field-- picture (data type image) please let me know the code step by step code how to Retrive Images from SqlServer in ASP .NET webpage, please help me ....
hai everybody!!!! am developing one application in visual 2005..and sql server. so how to write the coding for searching one record from a database table according to the id..and to display it
hai everybody!!!!! am working wirh visual 2005 and sql server()asp.net).....so i need the coding in VB for searching one record from a database table according to the id..and want to display it.....
Hi, I am new to using SQL. Currently, I'm using the following statemens to retrive a specific record from my MS Access DB via VB.net.
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE Field_Name = Criteria
Can someone please tell me, after selecting this record, If I want to go to the FIRST, or NEXT or PREVIOUS of the record just retrived or the LAST record. Can someone please tell me how can write the SQL statment to achieve this ?
Code Block SELECT tce.TimeCardID, tce.TimeCardExpenseID, tc.DateCreated, e.LoginID, e.FirstName + ' ' + e.LastName AS FullName, tce.ExpenseAmount, tce.ExpenseDescription, op.ProjectName, op.ProjectDescription, ec.ExpenseCode FROM OPS_TimeCards tc JOIN OPS_Employees e ON e.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID JOIN OPS_TimeCardExpenses tce ON tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID Join OPS_Projects op ON op.ProjectID = tce.ProjectID Join OPS_ExpenseCodes ec ON ec.ExpenseCodeID = tce.ExpenseCodeID WHERE e.LoginID = 'jross' ORDER BY tc.DateCreated DESC
this query returns me the correct data....but i need to tweak the query so it does not duplicate rows....My tce.TimeCardID is a PK in its table and so is TimeCardExpenseID...but the problem is U can have many TimeCardExpenseID's for one timecard so my results look like
TimeCardID TimeCardExpenseID 1 2 1 3 1 4
I want my query to return the "TimeCardID" but i just want that one ID to represent all the TimeCardExpenseID's...but i can not get it to work and have no clue....
Hi, I have a stored procedure attached below. It returns 2 rows in the SQL Management studio when I execute MyStorProc 0,28. But in my program which uses ADOHelper, it returns a dataset with tables.count=0. if I comment out the line --If @Status = 0 then it returns the rows. Obviously it does not stop in if @Status=0 even if I pass @status=0. What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[MyStorProc]
@Status smallint,
@RowCount int = NULL,
@FacilityId numeric(10,0) = NULL,
@QueueID numeric (10,0)= NULL,
@VendorId numeric(10, 0) = NULL
If @Status = 0
SELECT ...... END If @Status = 1 BEGIN SELECT...... END
hi I have used the following code (mostly created by MSDN) to retrive a binary field from SQL database. it works but I have extra space between characters. for example if I save a text file with "Hello world" text, after retriving I have it like "H e l l o w o r l d". what is the problem?????? I am really looking forward your answers private void retrive() { public void a() { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Some Connection string"); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Select * from temp", connection); // Writes the BLOB to a file FileStream stream; // Streams the BLOB to the FileStream object. BinaryWriter writer; // Size of the BLOB buffer. int bufferSize = 50; // The BLOB byte[] buffer to be filled by GetBytes. byte[] outByte = new byte[bufferSize]; // The bytes returned from GetBytes. long retval; // The starting position in the BLOB output. long startIndex = 0; // Open the connection and read data into the DataReader. connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess); while (reader.Read()) { // Create a file to hold the output. stream = new FileStream( "C:\file.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); // Reset the starting byte for the new BLOB. startIndex = 0; // Read bytes into outByte[] and retain the number of bytes returned. retval = reader.GetBytes(0, startIndex, outByte, 0, bufferSize); // Continue while there are bytes beyond the size of the buffer. while (retval == bufferSize) { writer.Write(outByte); writer.Flush(); // Reposition start index to end of last buffer and fill buffer. startIndex += bufferSize; retval = reader.GetBytes(0, startIndex, outByte, 0, bufferSize); } // Write the remaining buffer. if (retval != 0) writer.Write(outByte, 0, (int)retval - 1); writer.Flush(); // Close the output file. writer.Close(); stream.Close(); } // Close the reader and the connection. reader.Close(); connection.Close(); } }
hai In my web application i want to bind data from sql 2005 to ultrawebgrid, when i use source code dim cmdselect as sqlcommand dim cmdstring as string cmdstring="select name, datefieldname from tablename" cmdselect=new sqlcommand(cmdstring,connectionstring) connectionstring.open() ultrawebgrid1.datasource=cmdselect.executenonquery() ultrawebgrid1.databind() connectionstring.close() ----- when i execute above coding i am geting date and time displayed there, but i want to display date alone --my datefield datatype is datetime - i am using sql 2005,(vs2005-vb/asp.net) please help me thanks in advance