Identify Neg And Pos Values
May 7, 2003
How do l select a negative value from a column and set it to 'C' and if its a positive value set it to 'D' for debit
l've written it in layman's terms .Is it wise to use substring or they is a better method......
when amount is (negative) then 'C'
when amount is (positive) then 'D'
from table_Tran
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May 11, 2015
Trying to use LIKE / NOT LIKE to identify values that contain any alphanumeric characters outside of A-Z e.g £%$^&*_-{[@ etc etc
The field should contain only values between A-G with a numberic e.g ABCD1234567... but some rows have characters such as above, some have spaces (weeps) , and some have letters outside the A-G range ....
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Nov 30, 2007
I have the SQL query. If the user is selecting all the vendor Numbers available in the vendor number parameter drop down then, I will not include the vendor Number condition in the where portion of the sql query. For that I want to know whether the user has selected all the values available in the drop down. How to identify this?
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Jul 23, 2014
I want to identify rows that go negative but only for 2 cents or more as well as identify rows that 2 or more.
I have this expression that does not work how I want it to work:
WHEN (SUM(FavUnfavCostChange) < (2/100) THEN 'Less'
WHEN SUM(FavUnfavCostChange) > (2/100) THEN 'More'
END AS 'Flag'
But I get:
0.00000815000000000000More -- this is not more than 2 cents, is just a positive number
-0.00094700000000000000Less -- this is not less than 2 cents, is just negative number
-0.00222000000000000000Less -- this is not less than 2 cents, is just negative number
-0.00012250000000000000Less -- this is not less than 2 cents, is just negative number
0.00000000000000000000NULL -- this is zero so null is fine
0.01188576000000000000More -- this is not more than 2 cents, is just a positive number
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Apr 17, 2008
How would I know that a dll component I built is in .NET framework 1.0 or 1.1??
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Oct 11, 2007
I'm currently on a company with an ms sql server 2000. I'm looking into the indexes and tables to see if there are some bottlenecks there but the LogicalFramentation is very low in the index I have searched.
However, this table has a logicalFragmentation of 99,9215698242188 which I get when I do DBCC SHOWCONTIG ([TInsurance]) WITH TABLERESULTS. Is that a value to be trusted or not to be trusted since this does not check an index? If it is, how do I defrag a table? I know only how to defrag an index. (example: DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (MFSSEK,[TInsurance], PK_InsuranceID) )
Tipps, suggestions, help, all is very wellcome! :-)
DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'TInsurance' table...
Table: 'TInsurance' (2051694557); index ID: 0, database ID: 17
TABLE level scan performed.
- Pages Scanned................................: 1275
- Extents Scanned..............................: 225
- Extent Switches..............................: 224
- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 5.7
- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 71.11% [160:225]
- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 74.67%
- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 520.0
- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 93.58%
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
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Nov 20, 2006
I have seen several examples explaining the fact that a tablecontaining a field for each day of the week is for the most part anarray. An specific example is where data representing worked hours isstored in a table.CREATE TABLE [hoursWorked] ([id] [int] NOT NULL ,[location_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL,[sunday] [int] NULL ,[monday] [int] NULL ,[tuesday] [int] NULL ,[wednesday] [int] NULL ,[thursday] [int] NULL ,[friday] [int] NULL ,[saturday] [int] NULL)I had to work with a table with a similar structure about 7 years agoand I remember that writing code against the table was pretty close toHell on earth.I am now looking at a table that is similar in nature - but different.CREATE TABLE [blah] ([concat_1_id] [int] NOT NULL ,[concat_2_id] [int] NOT NULL ,[code_1] [varchar] (30) NOT NULL ,[code_2] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[code_3] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[some_flg] [char] (1) NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]The value for code_2 and code_3 will be dependently null and they willrepresent similar data in both records (i.e. the value "abc" can existin both fields) . For example if code_2 contains data then code_3 willprobably not contain data.I do not think that this is an array. But with so many rows wherecode_2 and code_3 will be NULL something just does not feel right.I will appreciate your input.
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Jul 20, 2005
Does anyone know how to identify the hottest, most active tables in adatabase?We have hundreds of users hitting a PeopleSoft database with hundredsof tables. We are I/O bound on our SAN, and are thinking of puttingthe hottest tables on a solid state (RAM) drive for improvedperformance. Problem is: which are the hottest tables? Would like todo this based on hard data instead of developer/vendor guesses.Any suggestions are much appreciated.
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Jul 21, 2004
for sql server 2000, how can we find the fixpack(service pack) level installed on this sql server?
is there any command, or any gui tool to identify the level?
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Jan 20, 2006
I have a huge db with many services ,users and applications hitting the db.
Suddenly one of our column is nullified , we are not able track who /how it is done,
Can any one tell be whatz the best way to identify this????
trace(what events to select ), trigger or what????
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Sep 24, 2012
there is a Crystal Report run from the Front end Application. The DB used here is SQL Server 2008. I need to know the Stored Procedure used by the report that is been run from the front end. . How shall I do it?
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Sep 19, 2013
I am extract data from one of our Sql servers with the code below
Select SectDesc, PrGDesc, 'Product Description'=SetDescF, ProdSet, ProdSect, SectChar, Prdct.ProdGrp, OrigPr
From Prdct
INNER JOIN qryPRDGroupDets on Prdct.ProdGrp=qryPRDGroupDets.PGCode
where supersed =''
And OrigPr Not Like '9%' And OrigPr Not Like '%MDM%'
And LISTPR1>'0' And STANCOST>'0'
Which works fine, but what I need to do is reference the "OrigPr" field and mark it as "valid" or "Invalid", the "OrigPr" the field contains alpha numeric data e.g. A000, A001, A002 - ZZ99 and so on, amongst all of the potential different types of codes we have codes that end in treble Zero (0) e.g. A000 which are valid, but if they end in double 00 e.g. AA00 then this is invalid, the problem I have is I can't just add
'Marker'= Case When Right(OrigPr, 2) = '00' Then 'Invalid' ELSE 'Valid' End
For it will mark the A000 as invalid, is there a way of getting around this...
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Apr 4, 2008
How to identify the backup files, whether the backup files were taken using SQL 2000 or SQL 2005?
Advance thanks,
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Apr 22, 2015
There is one report to identify potential duplicate in a table and it is performing poor.I'm now tuning the existing SP and got struck in modifiying it. rewrite the query in a best way. I just pasted below an example of query which is now in a report.The report will be run every week currently the table has 10 million records, and every week there will 5k to 10k will be added up so with that 5k to 10 k we have to check all the 10 miilion rows that if it is duplciated the logic is (surname = surmane or forename = forename or DOB =DOB )
Create table #employee
ID int,
empid varchar(100),
surname varchar(100),
forename varchar(100),
DOB datetime,
empregistereddate datetime,
Createdate datetime
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Jul 20, 2005
The database I'm currently working with is very old and some of thetables, SP, and views are not being used. I'm looking for a way toidentify what items are no longer in uses, or what items arecurrently in use.
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Oct 24, 2007
I have been looking for a way to identify the primary key defined in a
table using a SQL can i do it?
Thanx for your support!!!
Diego Bayona
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Jun 1, 2007
Hi all
I use 64 bit 2005 server with 8cpu and 8G of memory.
This server is accessed by large number of intensive or not so intensive programs.
I had eliminated all inefficient queries by means of sql profiler. What I see now is 30 procs or so runining in 1 second. They are all pretty simple and as I said use indexes. cpu column for most show 0, reads show 10 - 50 - pretty good.
But... my cpu utilization is 75% in avg. across of all 8 cpu's. I really can't find an answer for it.
If procs run so efficient, where does cpu go? Disk queue length is 0.04 or less - seems very good.
Task manager shows that all of it 75% attributed to sql server.
So which resources besides sql queries use so much cpu? Do I have to look at some other areas and which ones where cpu could be used besides sql queries themselves.
Thank you, Gene.
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May 10, 2007
Okay, I now have some dynamic SQL working. This is the SQL statement I have for a report in Reporting Services:
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000)
FROM RptValueTypeMap
WHERE RptValueTypeMap.SectionCd in ('ITEM0010'))
We have a table set up that actually holds different SQL statements based on the report items. This is reading the SQL statement from AdHocSQL for the Report item #0010 and it is returning the results. However, it does return the correct value, but under (No Column Name). I have tried to incorporate an "AS", but I get errors when I try this.
I am familiar, but new to SQL statements and I would like this to return a field so I can use this value in the report. What do I need to do?
Thanks for the information.
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Oct 3, 2006
I am trying to lookup a dialog from conversation_endpoints, however if a dialog was created with the encryption setting to ON and thereis no master Key in the database then the record put in the conversation_endpoints is the same as one without encryption.
How can I distinguish between the one requested with no ecryption and requested with encryption but setup with none due to the lack of a key?
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Sep 10, 2006
Hi there
I have multiple queues with the same activated stored procedure (for various reasons we are trying this scenario).
My biggest obsticle is i cannot figure out a way to determine with the activated sp which queue caused it to activate.
Basically i need to make the sp dynamic, so that no matter which queue activated the sp the sp can determine the queue name and use that dynamically to do the receive command from the right queue.
I am sure it is possible since sys.dm_broker_activated_tasks shows how many sp's are activated by each queue, however the sp name is the same for all queues so that does not help me.
How do i determine within an activated sp which queue caused it to activate?
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Jul 11, 2007
I have a Union All component with 7 inputs (and it will grow to 13 inputs shortly). Is there any way to correlate each of the €œUnion All Input X€? with actual inputs?
When I get an incompatible datatype message for one of the input, how do I know which input stream to pick from?
Is this a silly question or it€™s a feature request?
Kapil Kelaiya
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Mar 21, 2008
I don't wnat SQL's Identify column's format ( which is 1�2�3 ...)I want my Prikey column is looks like starts in 0000000001�0000000002�0000000003....I set the Prikey columns type is Char(10) not nullis it possible to setting my identify column as I want?
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Mar 31, 1999
How can I find out which edition of SQL Server is running on my server ?
Also what would be the difference in terms of features between standard edition and enterprise edition ?
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Mar 1, 2002
Hi, I want to know how to remove identify property from a column without recreating the whole table...
When I do it in Enterprise Manager, it actually drop and recreate the table
in background. I just like to know if there is other way without recreating the tables. Thanks!
Xiao Tan
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Dec 30, 2005
:eek: I've have a lot of locks in a SQL Server, and I'd like to identify which SPs are locking what tables, I've being trying with sp_who, sp_who2 and sp_lock, so i can identify the process number, but I don't have any idea what this process is doing (which sp is running? and what command?) and which table is locked by this process, can anybody send me some querys to get this information
I'm novice in SQL Server, and I've not access to the Enterprice manager console, and I've only have priveleges to read data from the database
Thanks for your help
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Apr 1, 2008
Been poking around, but how can I tell if a an identity column exists in a table?
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Sep 24, 2012
In a job of migrating from an old database to a new one (with other structure, other server, other version) i'm copying from the source old tables and inserting into the new destination tables. The problem is that some records have inconsistencies (of any kind) and thus are not inserted due to foreign key, not null, etc validation. When a problem occurs none record is copied! and there is my question: How can i perform the copy in wich it copies the good records (without inconsistencies) and leave aside the bad records. I also want to know wich were not copied and better if in the copy process those were put in a temp table or exported to excel for further analisys o its data.
I'm using this model of "migration":
col_s3 * 100,
FROM SOURCE_TABLE join <other_table> ... where <some filters>
(for now, with try/catch I've only get to know the error occurred, if some)
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Jul 18, 2014
I have an odd one. I have a SQL job that doesn't have a schedule and is being run each morning. It is a legacy system and I am trying to document the data flow process and I am having a hard time tracking down where/what is starting the job. I see which user executed the job:
SELECT message FROM sysjobhistory WHERE job_id = 'jobid' AND run_date > 'yesterday'
Which is useful, but I want to know what is starting the job.
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May 12, 2015
There are too many indexes built on DB. As per the naming convention it seems the indexes are built as per the suggestions provided from execution plan. I presume most of the indexes are used only once in a month for the reports but are hampering the performance of daily running queries. These are also occupying a lot of space.
To confirm on this I have used the below query to know & identify the unused indexes. I have recorded the counters before and after the huge operations and I observed NO CHANGE in any of the values.
What the below values exactly indicate and when do they change? Is it good to delete the indexes having low USER_SEEKS, USER_SCANS, USER_LOOKUPS?
[Code] .....
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Apr 18, 2008
DECLARE @EffLevels TABLE (ChangePoint int, Value Int)
SELECT'1000', '767' UNION ALL--Changed
SELECT'1000', '675' UNION ALL
SELECT'1001', '600' UNION ALL--Changed
SELECT'1001', '545' UNION ALL
SELECT'1001', '765' UNION ALL
SELECT'1000', '673' UNION ALL--Changed
SELECT'1002', '343' UNION ALL--Changed
SELECT'1002', '413' UNION ALL
SELECT'1002', '334' UNION ALL
SELECT'1001', '823'--Changed
-- My Result should be
-- ChangePointPrevChangePointValue
-- 1000Null767
-- 1001 1000 675
-- 1000 1001 765
-- 1002 1000 343
-- 1001 1002 823
Any suggestion ?
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Aug 28, 2013
I need to setup a Server Audit in sql 2012 standard edition. The goal is to identify all procs, views, tables, functions that are not being used anymore. What is the best way to setup a server audit to accomplish this? What events need to be captured at a minimum so I can delete all the unused crap in this database. This is a smaller, growing company.
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Feb 12, 2007
I am trying to find a needle in a haystack.
One of the tables in this database has a column named column_xyz.
There are over 800 tables, each with numerous columns. If I know that the column I am looking for is "column_xyz" is there an easy query I can do to identify all tables that contain that column?
I hope.
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Mar 9, 2007
I have to find locks which have been caused by some particular users before the scheduled jobs kick off and kill the locked processes so that the scheduled job executes without failing. How to do this in SQL server? please help
Thanks in Advance
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