Identifying Frequently Accessed Tables

Sep 25, 2001

Can any one recommend an approach for identifying the frequently accessed tables and files in a SQL/Server application? Particularly, if the database is stored on raw partitions instead of FAT or NTFS. Thanks.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Update Statistics On Frequently Updated Tables

Dec 23, 2014

I'm working on databases where statistics of some indexes (tables) are changing too frequently. Once I update them manually, one minute after they get 10-20% change, and five minutes after they get over 100% change. Tables get updated very frequently (multiple times in a second).

When I run a query to read from sys.stats, sys.dm_db_stats_properties and other dynamic views, I see that they were last updated when I did it manually, but the change rate overpassed the 500+20% (tables have multiples of 10K rows). Auto create and update statistics are set to true on all databases, and I don't know why sql server does not do that automatically.

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Tables Accessed

Mar 12, 2007

I want to know howmany tables were accessed in a database from time A to B. How do I get the list of tables accessed (excluding the 'SELECT's)?

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Identifying Unused Tables

Jul 20, 2005

I have inherited support for a database with many used tables. Thereisn't any documentation on what is used or dead. I was hoping to runtraces and capture the objectid but the property doesn't work thatway.Any good ideas would be appreciated.

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Identifying The Tables Used In Procedure Or Function

Sep 22, 2006

MAH writes "Hi,
How to identify the all tables in stored procedure and function"

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DB Design :: Can Interpreted Tables Be Accessed By Natively Compiled Stored Procedures

Jun 15, 2015

But it doesn't explicitly tell wherther Interpreted (disk-based) tables can be accessed by Natively compiled stored procedures.And SQL Server Express edition doesn't allow creating Memory-optimized objects to very this.

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Why Do I Have To Update The Statistics So Frequently?

Oct 10, 2000

I have a query that retrieves a single record from searching on two tables.
The statement goes like this...
select sum(amount) from Table1 A union Table2 B on =
where date < ### and date > #### and account = ###

As people are running a particular report, this statement is executed time and
time again to pull up the numbers necesarry for the report. When the report gets slow, I can speed it up by updating the statistics. My concern is that I'm having to update the statistcs every hour; otherwise, the query becomes slow. I have noticed that users are inserting data while users are running the report on one of the tables listed above. I'm sure that's making it become more fragmented and ultimately slowing down the query.
Do you have any suggestion on how I can make the union of these two tables faster? Or is there anything I could do to speed the query besides creating clusted indexes?
Any help would be appreciated....thank you

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How To Protect A Frequently Real Time DB

Jul 2, 2001

Hi Everybody:

We have a table which needs to be updated 2 million times per day. It hosts all real time transaction. There are 200K records in this table. Would you please to share your experience with me about how to protect/save such table in SQL 2000 from any possible damage?

We plan to use point-in-time backup (every 5 minutes). It still takes at half an hour to recover the whole database. Any new technology from Microsoft or SQL 2000 you can recommend?

Thank you very much.


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Oracle Listener Stops Frequently

Mar 28, 2004


I have Oracle 9i. Oracle listener is aborting by itself after every few minutes giving TNSLSNR.exe failed. While listener is running I can do all the activity on the database.

Please let me know if there is any solution.

Thanks in Advance.

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Is There Performance Loss If I Delete Frequently

Apr 17, 2008

I use SQL2005 EE to capture the "In Progress Data" from the Devices and have connected it to the Main server-SQL2005 SE thro linked Server. I Run a Job that updates the Main server and Clears the "in Process Data".
Off late I have been seeing that the systems with SQL2005 EE have gone slow ? I have not investigated the reason. But wanted to find out if using this method ,should I need to take additional precautions ?

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SQL Server Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Sep 14, 2005

If you have followed a link to this page (i.e. the URL contains "SearchTerms=xxx") please scroll down to see items of interested highlighted

This list of SQL Server Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) was originally compiled in August 2005 based on the most frequently "read" posts on SQL Team. Since then new links have been added as topics become popular - so it might be better referred to as FGA - Frequently Given Answers!

NC=Indicates that the Article has NOT been checked for relevance. As time goes on these are getting fewer and fewer
The latest change is in Red
Recent changes are in Teal

URL to link to this post: 17Nov2005
Followed by either "Keyword1,Keyword2" or "PhraseWord1+PhraseWord2"

The icon allows you to RightClick-CopyShortcut to provide a link to this topic with appropriate keywords - I got bored of having to make them manually! 07Mar2006 Stats

I put this one at the top, in case you don't read any further. To find out if your homework will be answered on this forum you should see if it qualifies:
Requirements for homework questions 07Mar2006
Example of Failure to meet the minimum requirements 07Mar2006
Learning SQL 07May2007 07May2007 07May2007

Why is my LDF Log File so big / getting bigger / bigger than my MDF 14Oct2005

How to

How to ask a question on SQL Team and get a quick answer - i.e. the information you need to provide 06Nov2006
How to format your question or a reply (in particular see the [code] option 18Sep2007
how to encrypt and decrypt my password 07May2007
Rounding up/down to nearest multiple (e.g. order in dozens, buy at least 30) 28Sep2006
Replace multiple spaces, or other character, with single space 28Sep2006
Generate a Random String 13Sep2006
String comparison 24Jul2006
Article: Images and SQL Server
How to get Images or blobs into SQL table (NC)
Inserting Images as BLOB in SQL server table (NC)
How to use DeBUG window in QUERY Analyzer (NC)
Use a Parameter in the Top clause
Dynamic SQL or How do I SELECT TOP @var records?
Can't insert NULL into table with unique key (NC)
Efficient paging of recordsets with T-SQL
Article: Paging in SQL 2005 07May2007
Execute dynamic SQL that is longer than varchar(8000) 05Oct2005
Convert multiple spaces to single spaces 14Oct2005
Making Upper/Lower Case Sensitive comparison 27Oct2005
Convert to Proper Case (each word starts with capital) 19Feb2006
Deleting a massive number of rows 04Mar2006
Combine values from rows into a column 05Oct2005
FOO 1,2

CSV / Splitting delimited lists
Article: Passing a CSV or Array to a Stored Procedure (NC)
Best split functions
and Concatenating data from rows with same GroupBy column
Triggers to audit changes
trigger to keep tables matching
Set Update/Modified date column using a trigger 02Nov2005
Deactivating a trigger 07Feb2006

SQL Team Articles
Article: Identity and Primary Keys - and Surogate Keys See also
Article: Sending SMTP Mail using a Stored Procedure (NC)
Article: Dynamic ORDER BY (NC)
Article: More Trees & Hierarchies in SQL (NC)
Article: Using SELECT to INSERT records (NC)
Article: Deleting Duplicate Records
Article: Returning a Row Number in a Query (NC)
Article: Calculating Running Totals (NC)

Datatypes / Collation

IsGUID check GUID is valid 01Aug2007
DATALENGTH() and LEN() 21Sep2005
Compare BIT columns and a BitMask column 05Jan2006
Collation conflict in Assignment or WHERE clause 05Feb2006
(See "Developer / Techie stuff" below for some other Collation links)

Datatypes - Dates

Time Only Function: F_TIME_FROM_DATETIME 29Apr2006
Date/Time Info and Script Links (including UNIX time) 16Apr2006
Date formatting (
Format Date/Time (NC)
last date of the month (NC)
Getting the date portion of a datetime value or
Round a date to Year, Quarter, Month, Day, Hour or Minute
How to get date in t-sql (NC)
compare date with current date (NC)
convert varchar to datetime (NC)
Compare dates regardless of time? (NC)
Convert varchar to date (NC)
Time in Analog (NC)
Start of Week Function (NC)
Earlier date than 1/1/1753


Prevent Administrators accessing a database 14Sep2006
SELECT vs SET 26Sep2005
What is a cursor, Why is it bad? 23Sep2006
Cursor or Not (NC)
TSQL/ SP Best Practices (NC)
case-sensitive (NC)
User-Defined string Functions Transact-SQL (NC)
Passing an array into a stored procedure (NC)
Comparing two tables or views easily (NC)
All Tables in All Databases (NC)
Better Phonetic Matching Algorithm (A better Soundex)
Levenshtein Edit Distance Algorithm (A better Soundex)
Fuzzy matching 01Aug2007
Find tables with no PK (NC)
Function: HTMLDecode (NC)
How to protect errorlogs to tables from rollbacks (NC)
Distance of Zip/Postcodes
Great Circle Formula 07May2007
Haversine Formula 07May2007
Accuracy v. Speed 07May2007 See also here, here, here, here and here and here
Upsert - combined Update/Insert Procedure 01Aug2007 and here
Display all columns but only for rows with the most recent date 01Aug2007

Developer / Techie stuff

Changing column names on referencing objects 07May2007
When was DB object last updated 07May2007
How to clear the whole database 07May2007
Move / Script Development Database Changes to Production Database / Ship Application updates 04Nov2006
Script to analyze table space usage 11Oct2006
What version, and Service Pack, of SQL Server am I using? 23May2006
SQL Beautifier 13Apr2006
Performance / System Monitor / PerfMon - preferred values for counters 04Apr2006
SQL Server 2000 Knowledge Base Articles - updated every 3 days 21Jan2006
Concerns about SQL 2000 SP4 08Jan2006
Support stops for SP3a AND installing sp4 on cluster 26May2006

How to read Mssql transaction log file
Compare data in two tables / two databases 31Oct2005
Recommended books 07Oct2005
Good tools for DBAs 06Oct2005
Best SQL Security Method (NC)
Some query optimalisation (NC)
Requirements for Horizontal Partitions
Multiple SQL Server 2000 Instances (NC)
Primary Key v. Unique Index (NC)
HOWTO Run SQL Profiler without sysadmin rights (NC)
upgrade from SQL7 to SQL2000 (NC)
xp_cmdshell execute right (NC)
Monitor object usage over time (NC)
size of user tables in a database (NC)
Changing Column Length (NC)
Add, Sub, Mul, Div With Really! Big Numbers (NC)
So you're a DBA eh?!
Why I'm not a DBA (NC)
Do you S-Q-L or Sequel (NC)
Interview questions (NC)
More Interview questions 11Sep2006
Best steps to becoming a DBA (NC)

Developer / Techie stuff - Collation

Bulk Delete of Records 07May2007 and locking issues 01Aug2007
Deleting lots of Records from a large table 01Aug2007
Synchronising data using staging tables 07May2007
Version Control 07May2007
how to change Collate on the server 20Sep2005
How to change default collate in SQL 20Sep2005
Cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to OP 20Sep2005
different Collation Settings between Databases 20Sep2005

Database Design and Structures

Codes - Common Lookup Tables CLT 04Jun2006
Good table naming convention 09May2006
Naming Store Procedures 09May2006
Recursion / Hierarchy 29Apr2006
Hierarchies (NC)
Normalisation (NC)
NULL opinion? (NC)
Finding evidence of sql injection attack
Security Testing: SQL Injection 09May2006


Using the NOLOCK hint 07Jun2006
how does row locking work (NC)


sp sending mail (NC)
CDOSYS Send Email (NC)


SQL Server 2000 XML (NC)
Adding an XML Root Tag
Handling tricky namespaces in OpenXML

Backup / Restore / Replication / Jobs / Houskeeping

How Backup works
What type of backup should I use? - Full, Differential, Transaction? Should I shrink the log? 22Jan2006
Automating Backups - Scripting v. Maintenance Plan / Wizard 08Mar2006
Backup to Disk, or direct to Tape? 05Dec2006

Disaster Procedure Checklist I think I have a database corruption, how do I mitigate any further damage and get upright again? 07May2007
How I Rescue Data from Corrupted Databases 07May2007
Disaster Recovery Plan 07May2007
Quiesce the SQL Service to enable low-level copy 01Aug2007

RESTORE syntax / example
Restore SQL 2005 to SQL 2000 via Downgrade 07May2007
Restore Full and all TLogs backups based on files in disk folder 07Dec2006
Move database to a new server (with minimal downtime) 16Feb2006
Moving to a new sql server 25Jun2006
Fix Orphaned Users (after a Restore or moving DB to a different server)
Script User Logins after a Restore 01Aug2007
Scripting users & logins from one server to another (e.g. after moving DB to a different server) 25Jul2006
how long will take to restore a 10 gb?
All I have is the .bak file
Restoring .BAK file to a different server?
Unable to restore/attach a MDF file (single file attach / sp_attach_single_file_db)
See also: This and this and this

Shrink Database / Files

Shrinking TEMPDB 19Apr2006
Database Shrinking 09Jan2006
Log Shipping -Shrinking Log and Data files (NC)
MSDB Massive msdbdata.mdf

Housekeeping / Maintenance

Tara Blog Houskeeping Routines 06Oct2006
Index Tuning Wizard 07May2007
User Rights for SQL Service 07May2007
When was SQL Server last restarted? 07May2007
Optimising your indexes with DBCC INDEXDEFRAG 06Oct2006
Detach Move Db & Log File Reattach 17Mar2006
Rebuilding Indexes
Suspect Databases after Power Cut?
Jobs failing (NC)
Reindex All Tables in All Databases (old)
deleting replication (NC)

Export / Import / DTS

Copying/backing up DTS Packages (NC)
Export to Excel (NC)
Generate INSERT statements for N rows of data
Tool to script database records? (i.e. generate INSERT statement script)
How to convert DATE Format from DD/MM/YY to MM/DD/YY in DTS (NC)
Importing an Excel File with DTS (NC)
Is DTS Secure for credit card backup to Access? (NC)
Winzip in scheduled DTS Package (NC)
Article: Using BULK INSERT to Load a Text File (NC)

Output / Reporting / Formatting

Pivot table (NC)
Article: Dynamic Cross-Tabs/Pivot Tables (NC)
which led to:
More Dynamic CrossTabs using T-SQL 04Aug2006 (Jeffs Blog)

Error Messages

SQL Server does not exist or access denied (NC)


Linked Server Newbie Question (NC)

Configuration / Hardware

/3GB in boot.ini on Win2003 standard 19Oct2005
SQL memory /3gb /PAE AWE 19Sep2005
SQL Server Standard & 4GB memory
Using AWE option in SQL
Increasing SQL Server Memory


MSDE Setup fails (NC)
MSDE Install Issue (NC)
Installing MSDE on XP Pro (NC)
Backing up MSDE database (NC)

SQL 2005 / Yukon

Migrating to SQL 2005 Hints and Tips 01Aug2007
SELECT not allowed in Yukon/SQL2005? (NC)
Download Yukon/SQL2005 (NC)
SQL Server Management Studio (NC)

MySQL, Oracle, and the others

MySQL not as good as MS SQL?
Migrating from Oracle to SQL Server


SQL Reporting Service SP2? (NC)

Got an hour .. or ten ... to spare?

Would you work at Elwoo's office?
Simple Quiz
What is a Yak? 07May2007

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Adding/Appending Records Frequently In SQL

Jan 24, 2008

Hey guys. I need a little help once again, here's the problem:

We are using an attendance system software that adds records in an Access 97 table whenever someone logs in or out of the room (Yes, it's old and I hate it, but it came with the hardware).

So we plan to create a program that lets admins check those login/logout data in an SQL Server 2005 database using a Visual Basic as the frontend.

Our only problem is, how do we transfer data from the Access 97 tables to our SQL tables *everytime* it gets updated? We don't need every detail the Access97 table has (it has IDNo, CardNo, Time, Location, plus other useless stuff). We just need to extract the IDNo(int) and Location(varchar) field(we'll just use getdate() for the Time since the update is done in realtime anyway).

So in a way, we are trying to find out a way to technically sync both tables, just like Database Mirroring style.

Any suggestions?

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To Archive Content Of A Table Frequently

May 7, 2007


In a project with SQL Servcer 2005 the customer is interested to save (archive) content of a table frequently. They want to have possibility to restore the table content as before. I have suggested to export the table every day to a text file and save the file in Visual source safe. If they need there will be possibility to import the text file later. Now I wonder, is there any other way to do archiving of the table content in SQL Server 2005?

Best regards

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File Group Is Running Out Of Space Frequently

Sep 1, 2015

We are receiving following alerts frequently about 1:40 AM in the morning. We have backups running on 11:00 PM everyday and rebuild job running at 2:00 AM. Not sure the exact cause of this error.

The file group "PRIMARY"  for the database "tempdb" in SQL instance "MSSQLSERVER" on computer "XYZ" is running out of space. 
tempdev Initial size : 133,100 MB Growth: By 10 percent, Limited to 140000 MB 
templog  Initial Size : 5,475 MB    Growth: By 10 percent, Unlimited

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SQL 2012 :: Blocking Frequently Report Server TempDB

Aug 27, 2015

How to solve the below blocking issue

One of our production server is configured with Always on with sql cluster.

We are getting frequently blocking

Waiting Resource Key Type: Key
WaitType: LCK_M_S
WaitResourceDatabaseName : ReportServerTempDB
WaitingSessionProgramName: Report Server
BlockingSessionProgramName: Report Server
WaitCommandType: Select
WaitingCommandText: Create Procedure dbo.checksessionLoak @sessionID...

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Frequently Update And Select Table Locking Problem

Oct 10, 2006

Hi guys,
            I faced problem related to Locking and Isolation Level on Table(s).
            My problems is there r some tables which r frequently updated, and I also want to fire select query over  those tables every 1 seconds and want to get only committed records.
            In current scenario we start transactions with ReadCommitted Lock for updating records. But in this scenario I can€™t get select query result because of some of recourses r used by transactions so after some time it gives Deadlock error.

          So I want solution like both operation run simultaneously and get only committed records at a time of transaction running
            Please help me for solving my problem.


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SQL Server 2008 :: File Group Is Running Out Of Space Frequently

Sep 1, 2015

We are receiving following alerts frequently about 1:40 AM in the morning. We have backups running on 11:00 PM everyday and rebuild job running at 2:00 AM. Not sure the exact cause of this error.


The file group "PRIMARY" for the database "tempdb" in SQL instance "MSSQLSERVER" on computer "XYZ" is running out of space.

tempdev Initial size : 133,100 MB Growth: By 10 percent, Limited to 140000 MB
templog Initial Size : 5,475 MB Growth: By 10 percent, Unlimited

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Running Frequently Transaction Log Backup During Integrity Check DB

Jul 6, 2014

Running Frequently Transaction logbackup during Integrinty check DB /optimization job will cause any issue /impact as duration will extend ...

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Outlook Runs Very Slow Frequently Non-response, SQL Server Using Up To 1GB Memory - VISTA &&amp; Office 2007

May 14, 2008

When I launch Outlook, it takes forever for the program to finally open. With any inbound email, it stops processing whatever is underway at the time....and frequently there is a 2-3 second lag between keyboard input and what appears on the screen. SQLserver is usually consuming upwards of 1-gb of Mike

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How To Tell If Accessed

Nov 30, 2004

I just got assigned to be our companies sql server dba, there are about 80 databases on various servers. I am suspecting many are not even used. Is there a way for me to tell the last time they were accessed and by whom? And, more importantly, the last time any changes have been made in the database? Thanks in advance.

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Table Last Accessed

Apr 16, 2008

Can i find out when a table was last accessed?

The purpose of this is to create a list of tables that could potentially be deleted. I would then prefix them with a d and the auto delete them after x number of days? or move them to a deletions database?

Just trying to automate a bit of house keeping in the active databases.

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Heavily Accessed DBs On Server?

Jun 2, 2008

What are my options to find heavily accessed DBs on a server? I know I can do this by profiler and some counters. Is there any tool which gives me this information easily?

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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Is There Anyway To Tell When A Database Was Last Accessed Or Changed?

May 29, 2007

Is there a simple way to tell when a database was last accessed or changed?

We have some databases on old servers which we would like to discontinue but do not know if they are being used.

We would rather not just take them offline.

Is there anyway I can find out if they are still being used?

Please help if you can.

Regards, Major (that is my Christian name ;-)

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How Do I Find When My Database Was Last Accessed

Dec 11, 2007

I have a bunch of datbases I have created during the development process. I want to delete those no longer being used. How do I find when the last time a database was accessed?


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Displaying Images That Are Accessed Through URL

Nov 29, 2006


I have trouble displaying images that are accessed through URLs in my report.
If I call the URL directly in the Browser the Image can be opened without problems.
The images can be accessed with an anonymous access.

When I deploy the report or in the Preview of Visual Studio I get the following message:

[rsWarningFetchingExternalImages] Images with external URL references will not display if the report is published to a report server without an UnattendedExecutionAccount or the target image(s) are not enabled for anonymous access.

In Layout View of Visual Studio the image is showen correctly.

The Images are stored on a Solaris maschine with WebSphere 6.0 as WebServer.

Any ideas?

Thank you.


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Need Help To Check When Was Database Last Accessed/updated

Jul 29, 2004

I am trying to manage a sql server.

In this sql server, I have about 200 databases.

Is there any way/suggestions to check to see if some of the database has not been accessed/updated for the last month or longer?

I am trying to develop a system to remove the database that's no longer needed.

Thank you.

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Data/Table Last Accessed/Modified

Apr 28, 2004

Is anyone aware of a method of determining when a table was last modified or accessed?

Some of our databases have tables that I am sure are not being used and I would like to generate a list of tables that have not been accessed or modified for some period of time.

I looked for a system procedure but didn't see anything that satisfied my need.

Currently I rename suspect tables and wait for someone or some process to gripe, but I don't care for that method for obvious reasons.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Database Can't Be Accessed

Apr 9, 2015

I was having issue with one of my databases in SQL EXPRESS. It is offline this morning …it said “Database 'MyDB' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space. When I checked the error log only said “FCB::Open failed: Could not open file D:DatabasesMyDB_Data.mdf for file number 1. OS error: 32(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15100).

I did alter database offline and and online works for me( I can access the database again but I need to find the cause of this issue )I checked the max memory setting is still by default .. not limited for SQL could be the cause ?

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Finding Out How Many Times A Table Is Accessed

Jul 20, 2005

We have an application that accesses a particular table, but it isnever updated. Without stepping through the complex application code,is there a method of logging when a particular table is accessed?

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Transact SQL :: Log What Users Accessed Which Databases

Nov 9, 2015

I'd like to find out who is accessing various databases and log the time they did so.

Is there a way to do this? I just need the account name and the time logged and then to write to a table so I can query it.

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DB Engine :: Last Accessed Database Date

Jul 22, 2015

how to check the last accessed date of the list of all databases in a particular server in MS SQL SERVER. 

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InnerPackage.dtsx Can Not Be Accessed By The Process!!!

Feb 23, 2007

Hi, I have a package that I am running concurrently with different values. and sometime I'm getting following message for one of the running instances and it fails while the other ones are running.

Execution failed with the following error: "ERROR : errorCode=0 description=Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingssmillerLocal SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftSQL ServerSmoInnerPackage.dtsx" with error 0x80070020 "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.". helpFile=TableTransferGenerator Task helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}".

Any ideas what is the reason I have search everywhere for keyword InnerPackage.dtsx as this is not my package name and it is getting created by SSIS enginee


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Identifying Index Use

Aug 20, 2001


I have recently started working on a OLAP application. The database is around 35 gig, with over half of that space being taken by the indexes. What has happened is previous developers have added indexes to attempt to improve the performance of a select statement (for reporting). Some of the indexes work, but many do not.

I would like to drop the ineffective indices. What I would like is a way to find if indexes are being used, preferably by object name. Is there a third party vendor that can monitor objects and how much they are used? Is there another way to do this using SQL?

Thanks in advance,


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