Identity Column Jumps Indefinitely

Feb 3, 2006


Iam new to this forum, Hello to all...
Iam facing a problem in my application. Have recently noticed that my primary key column which is an " identity " with increment 1 being set.
But now iam noticing a various jumps in the number instead of 1. The numbers in the jump is not consistent.
Has anyone faced this kinda problem.

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SQL 2012 :: Seed Value Of Identity Columns Jumps / Gaps By 1000 After Restarting It?

Jan 9, 2015

We just switched from Sql server 2008R2 to Sql server 2012.I am facing one problem with identity Columns "When ever i restarts my sql server,the seed value for each identity column is increased by 1000 (For int identity column it is 1000 and for big int it is 10000).

"For Example if seed value of any table was 3 then after restarting sql server will be 1003 if i again restart sql server it will be 2003 and so on."

After searching on google i found that it is a new feature (don't know what is use of it) in sql server 2012 and having only two solution if you want old identity concept

1. Use sequence object -

a) I am using same database in sql server 2008 and 2012 both so can't use sequence in 2008.

b) if i go with sequence then need not change save procedure for each table,which is bulky task for us.

2. Use Trace Flag 272 (-T272)

I can go with this solution because there is need not do any changes in my application.Some one suggested me that add -T272 in startup parameter,after this sql server identity column will work normal as previous version.I did the same but it is not working.

I don't want to do any changes in my database structure.

how to use this -T272 or why it is not working.

I don't want to use this new identity feature how to suppress it. Why -T272 is not working.

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Problem In Using Sqlbulkcopy To Insert Data From Datatable(no Identity Column) Into Sql Server Table Having Identity Column

Jun 19, 2008

I am having problem in bulk update of a sql server table haning identity column from a datatable( has no identity column) using sqlbulkcopy. I tried several approaches, but it does not show any error nor is the table getting updated. But the identity value seems to getting increased every time.

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Transact SQL :: Alter Non Identity Column To Identity Column

Aug 12, 2009

when i alter non identity column to identity column using this Query alter table testid alter column test int identity(1,1) then i got this error message Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'identity'.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Update Identity Column With Identity Value

Jan 25, 2015

I have table of three column first column is an ID column. However at creation of the table i have not set this column to auto increment. Then i have copied 50 rows in another table to this table then set the ID column values to zero.

Now I have changed the ID column to auto increment seed=1 increment=1 but the problem is i couldn't figure out how to update this ID column with zero value set to each row with this auto increment values so the ID column would have values from 1-50. Is there a away to do this?

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Identity...I Need To Get The Last (or Highest Number In Identity Column)...

Sep 19, 2005

Ok,I just need to know how to get the last record inserted by the highestIDENTITY number. Even if the computer was rebooted and it was twoweeks ago. (Does not have to do with the session).Any help is appreciated.Thanks,Trint

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MS SQL Server Indentity Jumps

Jul 20, 2005

Hi AllI have a table in SQL Server with ID having indentity inrement by one.Table has not any trigger. Frequently ID in the table jumps.Any help !!!Thanks

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Session Increasing Indefinitely

Aug 5, 2015

I`m using IIS7..At present, our company has come not a difference indeyo of operating the server using Classic ASP recently we met a big problem : session is increases indefinitely. 503.3 - has a queue is full. The phrase occurs continuously. Is there any solution for check problems? or how can i see what source code page makes the problem (ex. 123.asp : session 300. 234.asp : session 4000).

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Toggle Event, Jumps To Top Of Page

Feb 19, 2008

I have a report with 30 to 100 line. I also have groups collapsed. When I expand a group, I get a postback and a 'toggle event', which causes the report to jump to the top. I would like to stay where I expanded the group. Any suggestion?

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How To Use Identity On Non-identity Column (with Concurrence)

Aug 1, 2014

I'm working with a third-party database (SQL Server 2005) and the problem here is the following:

- There are a bunch of ETL processes that needs to insert rows on a table (let's call this table T) and at the same time, an ERP (owner of T) is up and running (reading, updating and inserting on T).

- The PK of T is an Integer.

Today all ETL processes uses (select max(ID) + 1 from T) to insert new rows, so just picture the scenario. It is a mess! Everyday they get duplicate key error when 2 or more concurrent processes are trying to insert a row (with the max) at the same time.

Considering that I can't change the PK, what is the best approach to solve this problem?

To sum up:

* I need to have processes in parallel inserting on T

* I can't change anything on T

* The PK is NOT an Identity

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Shrinking LDF File - Query Running Indefinitely

Jul 7, 2004

My intention is to include a sql job to schedule for shrinking log files to half of its original log file size (if half of their original size is greater than 5MB)

The code is below. But while executing the code it is keeps on running indefinitely. can somebody throw some light what cause it to go into an indefinite loop.


SELECT name , ceiling(size/128.0) * 0.5
FROM master..sysaltfiles
Where rtrim(lower(filename)) like '%.ldf'

DECLARE @f_name varchar(128), @new_f_size int

OPEN db_file_name
FETCH NEXT FROM db_file_name INTO @f_name,@new_f_size
If ( @new_f_size > 5)
DBCC SHRINKFILE ( @f_name, @new_f_size )
FETCH NEXT FROM db_file_name INTO @f_name,@new_f_size
CLOSE db_file_name
deallocate db_file_name

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Script Task, Debugger Stops And Waits Indefinitely

Jul 7, 2006


I have MS SQL Server 2005 with SP1 installed, version 9.0.2047
I am trying to debug a Script Task in SSIS.
I have break point on the first line of the code.
SSIS runs and eventually launches MS Visual Studio for Applications.
Line with the break point is highlighted in yellow.
After that Visual Studio is frozen. F5, F11 or any other key press produces a popup which says the following:

Delay notification.
Microsoft Visual Studio for Applications is waiting for an operation to complete. If you regularly encounter this delay during normal usage please report this problem to Microsoft. Please include a description of the work you were doing in Microsoft Visual Studio for Applications and when possible instructions how to reproduce this delay.
If Microsoft Visual Studio for Applications is waiting on another application you can switch to that application now, or you can continue waiting for this operation to complete.

The popup has to buttons: [Switch to€¦] and [Continue Waiting]
None of the buttons allows to proceed.

Any idea what causes Microsoft Visual Studio for Applications to a complete halt?


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JDBC Query Running Indefinitely (Connection Missing)

Apr 3, 2007

We see an unusual case where a query seems to be taking a long time (more than 30 minutes) as shown by the Java thread dump (below) - however the SQL server DB does'nt show any corresponding Connection for the query at the lower layer.

The JDBC layer seems to be "in progress" as far as processing the results of the query are concerned. If the Connection was dropped or had a failure we should have seen a corresponding SQLException in the JDBC layer - which is also not the case.

Any tips on how to debug this? Is there a timeout set on the JDBC Connection which causes it to wait before it detects any failures?


"JMS Session Delivery Thread" daemon prio=6 tid=0x0000000006434780 nid=0x868 run
nable [0x0000000020d6e000..0x0000000020d6f860]
at Method)
at Source)
aredStatement(Unknown Source)
mentExecutionRequest.executeStatement(Unknown Source)
at Source
wn Source)
- locked <0x00000000955574e0> (a

(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(Del
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(Del
at com.serus.dao.wip.AbsWipDAO.saveDTO(
at com.serus.dao.wip.tx.LotTXDAO.saveLotTx(
at com.serus.manager.wip.txprocessing.AbstractTxProcessorImp.storeLotTx(
at com.serus.manager.wip.txprocessing.LotTxProcessingMoveStage.storeLotT
at com.serus.manager.wip.tx.LotTxManager.saveLotTx(
at com.serus.manager.wip.tx.LotTxXMLProcessor.parseMessageOriginal(LotTx
at com.serus.manager.wip.tx.LotTxXMLProcessor.parseMessage(LotTxXMLProce
at progress.message.jimpl.Session.deliver(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at progress.message.jimpl.Session$ Source)

View 1 Replies View Related

How To Refer A Column When The Referencing Column Is An Identity Column

Oct 16, 2006

Hi all,

The requirement is to have a table say 'child_table', with an Identity column to refer another column from a table say 'Parent_table'..

i cannot implement this constraint, it throws the error when i execute the below Alter query,

ALTER TABLE child_table ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_ct FOREIGN KEY (child_id)
REFERENCES parent_table (parent_id) ON DELETE CASCADE

the error thrown is :
Failed to execute alter table query: 'ALTER TABLE child_table ADD CONSTRAINT
fk_1_ct FOREIGN KEY (child_id) REFERENCES parent_table (parent_id) ON DELETE
CASCADE '. Message: java.sql.SQLException: Cascading foreign key 'fk_1_ct' cannot be
created where the referencing column 'child_table.child_id' is an identity column.

any workarounds for this ?

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TSQL - Using ALTER TABLE - ALTER COLUMN To Modify Column Type / Set Identity Column

Sep 7, 2007

Hi guys,
If I have a temporary table called #CTE
With the columns
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
and I need to change the column type for the columns:
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
to integer, and set the column [RowID Table Level] as Identity (index) starting from 1, incrementing 1 each time.
What will be the right syntax using SQL SERVER 2000?

I am trying to solve the question in the link below:

Thanks in advance,

I have tried the code below, but getting syntax error...

[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;

I have also tried:

[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;

View 18 Replies View Related

GUID As Primay Column And Identity Column

Jan 9, 2007

My Memebership table has Guid column as Primary key.
But I would like to add Auto numbering Identity column to this table.
Is this idea OK  or it will bring some problems?
Thank you in advance for your help

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Alter A Column To Be The Table Identity Column

Aug 3, 2006

i have a table
column1 int not null
column2 char not nul
column3 char

i want to script a change for table1 to alter column1 to be the table identity column. not primary.

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Making An Existing Column An Identity Column

Mar 5, 2004


I have a column that is unique that I would like to make into an IDENTITIY column after I insert some data into it.

I tried

alter table <table_name>
alter column <col_name> int Identity (1,1)

but it fails.



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To Make An Existing Column Become An Identity Column

Jul 20, 2005

Hi(SQL Server 2000)I have an existing table (t) with a column that is NOT an identity column(t.ID), but it has manually inserted "row numbers". I want to make thiscolumn become an identity column. This column is a key field to othertables, so I want to keep the row numbers that are allready inserted.From the Query Analyzer, how do I do this?Thanks in advance!Regards,Gunnar VøyenliEDB-konsulent asNORWAY

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How To Bind A Column To Identity Column Of The Different Table.

Apr 2, 2007


I have two tables table1 and new_table

Table1 has id_value column which is int and it is idenity specification is yes and identity increment is 1 .

And I have a NEW_TABLE with column name new_id which should store current id_value of Table1.

This type of functionality is requirement for my project.

I should get a current value of id_value from table1 . if I say SELECT * FROM NEW_TABLE ;

Please help me out to fix this issue



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Change An Int Column To Identity Column

Dec 17, 2001

Hi, I want to change an int column (not null) to identity column. I tried
the following:

alter table myTable alter column ID int identity(10, 1) not null

But it failed with the error message:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'identity'.

Can someone please show me the correct statement (if it exists)>

Many thanks.

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Master Data Services :: Change Order Of Attributes Using Arrows Jumps Over 24 Attributes

Jun 30, 2015

I am working in SQL Server Master Data Services  Version 11.0.5058.0 (SP 2).

I have been asked to group all the financial attributes together.  When I move one of the attributes up using the arrows, it works good jumping over one attribute at a time.  Then I reach a section of attributes where it leap frogs over 24 attributes.

It appears these 24 attributes are in a subgroup but there are no attribute groups and I removed the subscription view from the entity.  If I move one of the 24 attributes in the group, it moves it outside of the 24 attributes.

This is under leaf member attributes.  There are no collection or consolidated groups.

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Trying To Get Identity Column

Nov 8, 2007

I have been trying to get the new sol_id that is added so I can use it in other code, but it is only returning 0. The new record is getting added to the table, but my varaiable myNewSolID is 0 in my response.write(myNewSolID)
I appeaciate any help!
Here is my steored procedure and my code:
 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[AddTrackings]

@DropDate datetime,
@Comment nvarchar(100),
@DateEntered datetime,
@EnteredBy nvarchar(50),
INSERT INTO tblTrackings (DropDate, Comment, DateEntered, EnteredBy)

VALUES (@DropDate,@Comment,@DateEntered,@EnteredBy)



Sub ProcessTracking()
Dim myNewSolID As Integer

Dim ConnectStr As String = _

Dim MySQL As String = ""

If Me.chkDropSave.Checked Then
MySQL = "AddTrackings"
Dim MyConn As New SqlConnection(ConnectStr)
Dim Cmd As New SqlCommand(MySQL, MyConn)
Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim InsertedInteger As New SqlParameter("@Sol_ID", SqlDbType.Int)
InsertedInteger.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

Dim MySqlParamStart As New SqlParameter("@DropDate", SqlDbType.DateTime)
MySqlParamStart.Value = Me.BasicDatePickerDropDate.SelectedValue

Dim MySqlParamAmtTo As New SqlParameter("@Comment", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100)
MySqlParamAmtTo.Value = Me.txtComment.Text

Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateEntered", Now())
Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EnteredBy", Profile.UserName)

myNewSolID = Cmd.ExecuteScalar()Response.Write(myNewSolID)

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End If
End Sub 

View 8 Replies View Related

Is Identity Column?

Apr 24, 2008

Hi to all,             Using sql query i want to check whether the column is Identity column or not? Please members reply me.         

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Identity Column - DTS

Mar 27, 2001

Having an identity column in target table, how do I use SQL 7 DTS ?

In Import wizard, I chose 'ignore' in source, checked Enable Indenity Insert - DTS failed with a msg like - a column cannot have NULL...

In DTS package, had Fast load and Enable Indenity checked - no luck !

Unchecked Enable identity, do luck.

What would be the standard procs for this since this sounds like a very common
What I am expecting is to insert from source and SQL would take care identity column automatically.
Appreciate your help very much !



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Identity Column

Sep 17, 2001

I want to know how to reset the identiy column when i delete a row from the existing table.


I have a table a with id (identity incr value 1) and name

I have 10 records inserted into it.,which would be from 1...thru...10 i delete a record say 5 then i have 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10, now i want them to be rearranged to systamatic order like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 how can i do this.

Thanks in advance,


"God Bless America"

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Identity Column

Feb 29, 2000

I have a table that has a field that will not accept null values. I was trying to create a new table with a new field that would accept null values. I would then drop the original table and rename the new table. The problem is my key field has the Identity column (Autonumber) turned on. This allows the recordID to be automatically generated. Is there anyway to bypass the Identity Column feature and still keep it there future records? I already tried the "with Nocheck Clause" but does not work.

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Bcp W/ IDENTITY Column

Nov 11, 1998

How does one bcp data INTO a MS SQL Server table that includes an IDENTITY column from a text file that does NOT include a value for the IDENTITY column? Surely, this must be a common process?

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Identity Column.

Apr 9, 2006

Kudos to y'all! On most of my tables, I'm using a column of data type numeric and properties set as Identity with no replication. Now I know that it can handle only a length of 9 and obviously not nullable. Now by length of 9, does it mean in bytes or literal digits. If it is, then that would mean that it would reach only up to 999,999,999. What happens then if it reaches that digit?

View 7 Replies View Related

Identity Column

Feb 9, 2004

How do you insert into a table that has an identity column aset of rows with predefined values for the identity column.
I have tried to Set Identity_insert off and then insert but it didnt work.
any ideas?

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Identity Column

Apr 3, 2006

can i add null to identity type column

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Identity Column

Mar 18, 2008

Hi frnds

I have a table with two columns eid , ename . eid set identity(1,1).
After inserting 10 rows how can we insert a user defined eid ?

need help

Thanks & Regards

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Identity Column

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I would like a piece of advice.I have 3 foreign keys in a table used as primary keys for this table.Is it useful in that case to have just one identity column that wouldbe used as the unique primary key, thus no need to have 3 primary keys?Advantages vs Drabacks ?Regards

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