Image Data - Where Should It Be Stored
Feb 18, 2004
Been pondering the idea of putting 43 - 56K Pdf documents into a SQL DB but everything I've read only goes as far as to explain how the data is stored or manipulated.
I need to establish whether there are real performance issues or gains that will be experienced by doing this.
If indeed, performance would be a big issue, would storing the files in a Folder on another drive outside the Database be all that much faster (Let windows handle the fetch and carry instead of SQL Server).
The plan at the moment is to store all the image data in a separate data file or multiple data files. Using partitioned views is also a consideration.
Number of records per day (pdf's) would be somewhere around a 1000.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,This is driving me nuts, I have a table that stores notes regarding anoperation in an IMAGE data type field in MS SQL Server 2000.I can read and write no problem using Access using the StrConv function andI can Update the field correctly in T-SQL using:DECLARE @ptrval varbinary(16)SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(BITS_data)FROM mytable_BINARY WHERE ID = 'RB215'WRITETEXT OPERATION_BINARY.BITS @ptrval 'My notes for this operation'However, I just can not seem to be able to convert back to text theinformation once it is stored using T-SQL.My selects keep returning bin data.How to do this! Thanks for your help.SD
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Feb 23, 2005
I have integer data stored in an image field. Every 2 bytes in the image field is a data point. Currently this data is extracted from within a VB6 application, converted to an ADO recordset and passed in to Crystal Reports. I'd like to find a way to unpack the data through a stored procedure and report from the store procedure instead (bypassing the VB6 application). Can some one point me in the right direction please? CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblBottleGraphData] ([BottleID] [int] NOT NULL ,[GraphData] [image] NULL ,[TimeOffset] [int] NULL ,[ConcurrencyID] [int] NULL ) ON [SECONDARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [SECONDARY]
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Jul 11, 2006
When images are uploaded and stored directly into a sql database as binary data (eg in the club starter kit) how can those images be accessed and displayed.
When I open the images table in VWD and select display data, the cells holding the image data hold a <binary data> tag. What I want to be able to do is get at that data, or actually get at the image so that it is displayed. My reason is this, at the moment the only way to access the images in the sql database after they have been uploaded is to log into the website and view them as an administrator of the site. It would be much simpler if I could access the database directly and view the contents of the images table.
Any ideas?
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May 31, 2007
I am saving large text document in an image type of column in a SQL Server 2000 table.
How will I set up searching of words/ phrases for data stored in this column?
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Mar 13, 2012
I need to trim (removing white spaces) the data or text in a column which is of type IMAGE.
I would like to achieve this through a PL/SQL procedure or function.
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Dec 5, 2007
Does anyone know how to deal with image data type within stored procedure when using SQL2000?
I have a table and there is an image data type column. In this table I need to make a copy of one row within a table through a SP /it means to retrieve the whole row within SP, change another columns data (but, that the image is not modified) / and save the modified row back to the same table.
Problem is, that within SP is not alowed to use local varaibles of image data type. Does anyone know a solution for this? Please.
Thank you.
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Aug 17, 2007
I have a website and i am uploading the gif image to the database. i have used varchar(500) as the datatype and i am saving the file in the webserver so the path to it c:intepub....a.gif
my upload table has the folliwing feilds
UploadId Int Identity, Description, FileName, DiskPath varchar(500), weblocation varchar(500). I have a main sproc for the report where i am doing a inner join with other table to get the path of the gif..
So my question is how can i get a picture to show up on the report. .
What kinda datatype the gif file should be stored in the database? If it is stored as a varchar how can i access it and what is best way to reference that particular.
any help will appreciated....
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Apr 20, 2007
I am using the 3-tiered architecture design (presentation, business laws, and data acess layers). I am stuck on how to send the image the user selects in the upload file control to the BLL and then to the DAL because the DAL does all the inserts into the database. I would like to be able to check the file type in the BLL to make sure the file being uploaded is indeed a picture. Is there a way I can send the location of the file to the BLL, check the filetype, then upload the file and have the DAL insert the image into the database? I have seen examples where people use streams to upload the file directly from their presentation layer, but I would like to keep everything seperated in the three classes if possible. I also wasn't sure what variable type the image would be in the function in the BLL that receive the image from the PL. If there are any examples or tips anyone can give me that would be appreciated.
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May 5, 2008
Hi stored a xml file (gpx - track of a gps) in a database (Community Server 2008 - media part). Now I like to retrieve the xml and use it for google maps. Can I do a SELECT and retrieve the xml in the right format or something. Or should I download in some kind a way?
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Sep 9, 2004
Hello group
Is there a way to display an image stored in SQL without using a datagrid? I am using vb, the very few examples I do find open the image in a window by its self. Also is there a way find the height and width of an image stored in the database and the ability to change the image size? Example – when an image is uploaded to the database I would like a thumbnail to be created and also stored in the database. Any ideas please help.
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Mar 11, 2008
The ERP manufacturer used an image data type to store large text data fields. I am trying to move these data types from one database to another database using either Sql Queries or MS Access. I can cast them as an 8000 char varchar to read them directly but have no luck importing into these image data fields.
Access and Crystal are not able to read these fields directly.
Any suggestions? Most information about these fields has to do with loading files but I am just moving data.
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Sep 1, 2006
I tried to insert a row using a clr stored procedure where a field was a varbinary(max) and the data was a jpg file. The data was truncated to 8000 bytes. A similar T-SQL sp did not truncate the data even though the parameters were identical. With the clr sp I tried varbinary, variant and image for the parameter type. The variant gave an exception. The others worked but the data was truncated.
I used sqlpipe.executeandsend. Someone asked elsewhere if the pipe had an 8000 byte limit but was told it had not.
Any ideas?
Thanks, John
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Nov 29, 2001
Hi anyone can help me? i would like to retrieve an image stored in my SQL server from my VB project using ADO... anyone familiarise in it? pls help me... i need it urgently..... tks...
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May 11, 2004
I had a problem.
I need to transfert tables between from and SQl Server V7 to and Oracle 8I database.
One of my MS-SQL table look like this:
table mySQLtable(
id int,
filetype nvarchar(5),
binaryfile image)
My Oracle destination table is :
table msOracletable(
id number not null,
filetype varchar2(64),
bynaryfile blob)
How can I extract datas from my SQL table, specially the binaryfile and
import datas into my Oracle table ?
Can somebody help me ?
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Oct 18, 2007
I have a SQL table with one column that has the type = image.
I have a Stored procedure that inserts an image into that table.
@test image
insert into Table_1(test)values(@test)
I am using ADO in C++ for creating a connection,command, and parameters.
Code Block
par.vt = VT_ARRAY;
par.pbVal = (BYTE*)pBuffer;
pCommand->Parameters->Append(pCommand->CreateParameter("test",DataTypeEnum::adArray, ParameterDirectionEnum::adParamInput,strlen(pBuffer),par));
Code Block
_CommandPtr pCommand;
pCommand->CommandText = (_bstr_t)procedureName;
pCommand->CommandType = CommandTypeEnum::adCmdStoredProc;
//When I append the created parameter, in comutil.h, at these lines :
namespace _com_util {
inline void CheckError(HRESULT hr) throw(...)
if (FAILED(hr)) {
I get an exception : m_hresult 0x80020008 Bad variable type.
If I try to insert a string or an number, it works. But with BYTE* it dosen't.
Can someone help me?
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Mar 22, 2008
Dear people,
When i test my page for uploading image too my sql database everthing goes ok (i think) en when i look into my database table i see 3 colums filled
1 column with: Image_title text
1 column with:Image_stream <binary data>
1 column with image_type image/pjpeg
How can i show this image in a gridview column..... i have search for this problem but non of them i find i can use because its a too heavy script, or something i dont want.
Is there a helping hand
Below is the script for uploading the image.....and more
2 Imports System.Data
3 Imports System.Data.SqlClient
4 Imports System.IO
6 Partial Class Images_toevoegen
7 Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
10 Protected Sub btnUpload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpload.Click
12 Dim imageSize As Int64
13 Dim imageType As String
14 Dim imageStream As Stream
16 ' kijkt wat de groote van de image is
17 imageSize = fileImgUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength
19 ' kijk welke type image het is
20 imageType = fileImgUpload.PostedFile.ContentType
22 ' Reads the Image stream
23 imageStream = fileImgUpload.PostedFile.InputStream
25 Dim imageContent(imageSize) As Byte
26 Dim intStatus As Integer
27 intStatus = imageStream.Read(imageContent, 0, imageSize)
29 ' connectie maken met de database
30 Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Personal").ConnectionString)
31 Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("insert into tblMateriaal(Image_title,Image_stream,Image_type,ArtikelGroep,ArtikelMaat,Aantal,Vestiging,ArtikelNaam,ContactPersoon,DatumOnline) values(@Image_title,@Image_stream,@Image_type,@ArtikelGroep,@ArtikelMaat,@Aantal,@Vestiging,@ArtikelNaam,@ContactPersoon,@DatumOnline)", myConnection)
33 ' Mark the Command as a Text
34 myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
36 ' geef alle parameters mee aan het command
37 Dim Image_title As New SqlParameter("@Image_title", SqlDbType.VarChar)
38 Image_title.Value = txtImgTitle.Text
39 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Image_title)
41 Dim Image_stream As New SqlParameter("@Image_stream", SqlDbType.Image)
42 Image_stream.Value = imageContent
43 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Image_stream)
45 Dim Image_type As New SqlParameter("@Image_type", SqlDbType.VarChar)
46 Image_type.Value = imageType
47 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Image_type)
49 Dim ArtikelGroep As New SqlParameter("@ArtikelGroep", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
50 ArtikelGroep.Value = ddl1.SelectedValue
51 myCommand.Parameters.Add(ArtikelGroep)
53 Dim ArtikelMaat As New SqlParameter("@ArtikelMaat", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
54 ArtikelMaat.Value = ddl2.SelectedValue
55 myCommand.Parameters.Add(ArtikelMaat)
58 Dim Aantal As New SqlParameter("@Aantal", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
59 Aantal.Value = ddl3.SelectedValue
60 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Aantal)
62 Dim Vestiging As New SqlParameter("@Vestiging", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
63 Vestiging.Value = ddl4.SelectedValue
64 myCommand.Parameters.Add(Vestiging)
66 Dim ArtikelNaam As New SqlParameter("@ArtikelNaam", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
67 ArtikelNaam.Value = tb6.Text
68 myCommand.Parameters.Add(ArtikelNaam)
70 Dim ContactPersoon As New SqlParameter("@ContactPersoon", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
71 ContactPersoon.Value = tb1.Text
72 myCommand.Parameters.Add(ContactPersoon)
74 Dim DatumOnline As New SqlParameter("@DatumOnline", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
75 DatumOnline.Value = tb2.Text
76 myCommand.Parameters.Add(DatumOnline)
78 Try
79 myConnection.Open()
80 myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
81 myConnection.Close()
83 Response.Redirect("toevoegen.aspx")
84 Catch SQLexc As SqlException
85 Response.Write("Insert Failure. Error Details : " & SQLexc.ToString())
86 End Try
89 End Sub
90 End class
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Jul 15, 2004
I am trying to save an uploaded image and its associated info to sql server database using a stored procedure but keep getting trouble. When trying to save, the RowAffected always return -1. but when i debug it, I dont' see problem both from stored procedure server
explore and codebehind. it looks to me every input param contains correct value(such as the uploaded image file name, contentType and etc). well, for the imgbin its input param value returns something like "byte[] imgbin={Length=516}". Below is my code, could anyone help to point out what did I do wrong?
Thank you.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_SaveInfo]
@UserID varchar(12),
@Image_FileName nvarchar(50),
@Image_ContentType nvarchar(50),
@Image_ImageData image,
@Create_DateTime datetime)
set nocount on
insert ExpertImage(UserID, Image_FileName, Image_ContentType, Image_ImageData, Image_ReceiveDateTime)
values(@UserID, @Image_FileName, @Image_ContentType, @Image_ImageData, @Create_DateTime)
private void Submit1_ServerClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Stream imgStream = File1.PostedFile.InputStream;
int imgLen=File1.PostedFile.ContentLength;
string imgContentType = File1.PostedFile.ContentType;
string imgName = File1.PostedFile.FileName.Substring(File1.PostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf("\") + 1);
byte[] imgBinaryData = new byte[imgLen];
int n=imgStream.Read(imgBinaryData, 0, imgLen);
int RowsAffected = SaveInfo(imgName,imgBinaryData, imgContentType);
if(RowsAffected > 0)
public int SaveInfo(string imgName, byte[] imgbin, string imgcontenttype)
SqlConnection objConn = new DSConnection().DbConn;
SqlCommand objCMD = new SqlCommand("sp_SaveInfo", objConn);
objCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
objCMD.Parameters.Add("@UserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 12);
objCMD.Parameters["@UserID"].Value = txtMemberID.Text.ToString();
objCMD.Parameters["@UserID"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
objCMD.Parameters.Add("@Create_DateTime", SqlDbType.DateTime);
objCMD.Parameters["@Create_DateTime"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
objCMD.Parameters["@Create_DateTime"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
objCMD.Parameters.Add("@Image_FileName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
objCMD.Parameters["@Image_FileName"].Value = imgName;
objCMD.Parameters["@Image_FileName"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
objCMD.Parameters.Add("@Image_ContentType", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
objCMD.Parameters["@Image_ContentType"].Value = imgcontenttype;
objCMD.Parameters["@Image_ContentType"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
objCMD.Parameters.Add("@Image_ImageData", SqlDbType.Image);
objCMD.Parameters["@Image_ImageData"].Value = imgbin;
objCMD.Parameters["@Image_ImageData"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
int numRowsAffected = objCMD.ExecuteNonQuery();
return numRowsAffected;
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Oct 8, 2007
I am using 2.0 with C# and sql server 2000. I need to download the file which is stored in sql server database table as image datatype. So I need to download from cs page. Pls reply,Arun.
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May 7, 2008
I am developing a website in visual stadio 2005 and i use vb as a programming language.
I use image button control to show advertisemet in the website. i need to link advertisement to others website URL.
The URLs are sql driven( I stored them in SQL database). what should i to do?
Please help me.
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Oct 7, 2006
I work with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 on windows XP professional.
I'd like to create stored procdure to add image to my database (jpg file).
I managed to do it using VARCHAR variable in stored procedure
and then using EXEC, but it don't work directly.
My Table definiton:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Users](
[UserID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Login] [char](10),
[Password] [char](20),
[Avatar] [image] NULL,
[UserID] ASC
My working solution using stored procedure:
@Login AS VARCHAR(255),
@Password AS VARCHAR(255),
@AvatarFileLocation AS VARCHAR(255),
+ 'SELECT '''+ @Login + ''' AS Login, ' + CHAR(13)
+ '''' + @Password + ''' AS Password,' + CHAR(13)
+ '(SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK ''' + @AvatarFileLocation + ''', SINGLE_BLOB) AS OBRAZEK)'
EXECUTE (@Query)
I'd like to use statement in the stored procdure:
@Login AS VARCHAR(255),
@Password AS VARCHAR(255),
@AvatarFileLocation AS VARCHAR(255),
SET @AvatarFileLocation = 'C:hitman1.jpg'
SELECT @Login AS Login,
@Password AS Password,
It generates error:
Incorrect syntax near '@AvatarFileLocation'.
My question is:
Why it does not work and how to write the stored procedure code to run this code without errors.
Thanks for any reply
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Jun 19, 2007
hi people
I have imported "blob" data from mysql to an ms-sql 2000 "Image" field, using ms- sql enterprise manager. However my c# image veiwer does not work on the imported blob data (it does work on data I add to ms-sql via my web application).
Is there any way I can check that the blob data creates a valid image? If anyone has any ideas of how I can debug the data coming out that would be great. Or perhaps someone can point me to somewhere I can get some help?
any pointers are much appreciated!
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Aug 9, 2006
I have been asked to write a piece of code that will insert an image object into a database using a stored procedure and the Microsoft Enterprise Library. Has anyone done this before? Do you have any code examples about how to update a database with an image datatype that needs to be chunked, etc...
In this instance, I need to open up a word document and save the contents as an image in a database.
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Sep 29, 2006
hi, i'm a student doing my final year project. during the user requirements stage, my client proposed storing all files (.doc, .jpg, .mp3) into the sql database. i found out that the way to do this is to write the files as binary data in order to store them in the database. my concern is will this data storage overload the database server? i read somewhere that the retrieval of data as binary data is the same as retrieving text. but the estimation of users is around 27,000.. if i'm not wrong, the sql database server should be MS SQL Server 2005, or at least 2003.
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Mar 10, 2008
I have a field in my personal table that has image data type as Pic,my SQL code is :
SELECT Department.ID,Department.[Name],Department.CreatedDate,Department.[Pic] ,COUNT([Group].[Name])
FROM Department INNER JOIN [Group] ON Department.ID=[Group].DepartmentID
Group by Department.ID,Department.[Name],Department.CreatedDate,Department.[Pic]
This error occured :
Msg 306, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator.
Please help me.
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Mar 10, 2008
What save inside image data type field?
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Jul 16, 2001
I have a table with a column having image data type in it.I need to move four records from this table to another table in development box.Can any one suggest me how can i do this? I don't think insert into select * will insert image data type.Is there any way around?
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May 24, 2000
I have a ot of images in my hard disk and I want to put
these ina table in a column declared as an image datatype.
How do I do it?
After I am done with that, I want to select my images and should able to see the pictures.
Can any one help?
I know about the textptr function but the booksonline doesn't show mw how
to set my textptr to a specific location on my hard rive.
Any help is appreciated.
I need this because the customers do send the images of their proucts which should go into the database.
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Jan 6, 2003
I'm developing a website with SQL SERVER 2000 and IIS6 (beta).
I'm using ASP.NET webforms for my application.
I was wondering if anyone knows how to use the Image datatype for dynamically loading images/word docs/sound files
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Jul 1, 2002
Can anyone provide info on how to insert and store a .jpeg in a database table?
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Jul 15, 2002
I have a large table at a client site, about 4000 rows so that is fine but the problem is one of the columns are of image type and this has a lot of data in the table size is about 2.8 gig.
Whoever installed the server was up to no good - everything (logs, system and data files)is running on one disk which is mirrored (??? don't ask).
Indexes are on the right columns, and the server is a dual pentuim 3 700 with 2 gig of Ram so that is fine too.
The database is a CRM database (Maximizer) and when the application loads up it reads the entire table into its library (don't know why or how exactly yet) and as you can imagine this takes a long time about 4 minutes - which is too long.
My idea is to add two or more disks and get the logs on one of them then take the table with the image data and move it to one of the disks with the rest of the tables on the other disk - (The client can't afford or don't want to pay for a RAID system before you ask)
Can anyone shed some light on this whether it will do or do I rather need to go for a partitioned view over the disks.
What is the limits on TEXT IN ROW table option - will it be of any help?
Buying another server is unfortunatly not an option and archiving the older data also wont solve the problem as they do a lot of reports of the database.
Any suggestions or advice would very much be appreciated.
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Feb 28, 2007
Hi I have the following table and just wondered if theres an easy way of inserting test data with the image field not null?
Table: file
Fields: file_id(int), filename(varchar), data(image).
Any help would be great!
Cheers, Mark
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Aug 16, 2007
pls. Help!
I am not getting that how to use the image datatype in sql server 2000
when i am inserting text to it and on retrieving it is showing hexadecimal string ...
I want to know all of your views on the usage of image datatype..
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