Implementing A Single Checkbox In A Filter Page In Reporting Services
Aug 29, 2007
I use xml to create a checkbox control on a filter page. The reports runs when it is checked.
However, when the checkbox is unchecked it complains about the parameter missing. Any solutiion?
In one of my datasets, my field "Team" is a SharePoint choice column that is a checkbox, so multiple entries are in it. In my Parameter, I have it as a multiple-value, and I'm specifying the values directly in both available and default.For my filter, I have [Team] IN [@Team], which is where the problem comes in. It will only filter the results of entries that only have ONE listed in Team.
For example: One entry has "Building" in Team column which SSRS is displaying. But it will NOT display entries where "Building" and "Clerks" are displayed. I believe this is because SSRS sees this as 1 line of text, so it does not just see"Building" but "Building" and "Clerks" so it will omit it.I've tried to have my parameter set to "Get values from a query" but the problem there is the drop-down is too confusing since it interprets it as "Building" and then "Building, Clerks", and then "Building, Clerks, Economic Development' as another drop down, which defeats the purpose of the filter.
how I can get SSRS to show ALL entries that contain "Building" when I choose "Building" as a drop-down choice in my parameter? Instead of only showing ones that is Building only and dismissing other teams?
I have a power view report with some filters. I want some of the Filters to be just Single Value Select Filters like dropdowns instead of Multi-Select ,as multiple selected values can show garbage data. Also it is very inconvenient for the end user to keep unchecking/clearing the previously selected value and then select the appropriate value. Is there a workaround or is it a limitation that has yet to be addressed???
Is it possible to have different chart (having their dataset from same shared datasets) like six on one report, then secondly can they all respond to same parameter filter.
Hi ! I have a problem,i have two reports in first report i shwo names of employers and in the second i show names of their employees and i've linked these reports with navigation but there is a problem becuse i want to show details of two or three rows together in second report,and i want to have check box for this,i need to use check box in preview mode in reporting services.How to have check box to select two or three employers ? Thanks alot. SHIARM
I'm creating a report in reporting services wherein i would like to give a drop down box for selecting the respective database for which a report is to generated. Is there a way of goin about this...Pls help.
I've been charged with architecting a new SSRS solution for our environment. We're mainly a .NET shop which works with an Oracle Database Server. Our developers want to start using SSRS for report creation and I'm not sure what is the best approach when it comes to this. Normally most of our environments have 3 separate servers, each one is DEV, QA and Prod. With SSRS however, i know that you can create multiple folders each with its own datasource connection, so i wonder if it would be better to just have one server were the developers develop their reports and then move them into a 'production' folder. (Any particular downsides to this approach?)
Also, are there considerations to be taken say, to tune Production SSRS vs a development SSRS or is that not really an issue? Besides that any other resources or tips for implementing SSRS for the first time, we're not going to do much with the actual databases to start we're just going to connect to our main Oracle database.
I have created one reports but all the records are displaying on one page.find a solution to display the records page by page. I created the same report without group so the records are displaying in page by page.
I have a report with multiple tables. I need to show each tables in different pages. When there is no data for tables/tables , it is coming with the next table which has data. I have given "Add a page break after" option in the tablix but still the tables are coming together when no data available. How can I show it in different page?
I am facing sever Refresh issue in PPS Reports. I have Two Dashboard
Dashboard_One and Dashboard_Two
I have few Filters on both the Dashboard .
In Dashboard_One I have 2 Filters
1)Year filter where Year 2012 is my Default value 2)City Filter where "CityOne" is Default Filter Value
If I select Year"2010" in Period Filter and "CityTwo" In City Filter.I see Related reports . Now I navigate to Dashboard_Two to See Other Reports where I have few Other Filter Like "Country" where I select "CountryThree" . When I navigate Back to Dashboard_one I do not see Dashboard with Default value given to them
I still see Filter value Year=2010 and CountryFilter="CountryTwo" in Dashboard Dashboard_One .. where as I should have seen it based on the Default value given to the Filter.. How should I resolve this refresh issue which I am facing in PPS Dashboard. I do not see Default value in the Filter ,It always give the filter value which was selected later when Navigated back.
I `m using Reporting Services from web. I mean that I have created some reports in report builder and put them in web. Other users can access and view this reports and everything works good. My question: Can other user apply some filter on the report if user has no any Reporting Services ???
For example:
If I created a report, wich contains 2 fields (ClientName and BirthDayDate), and I select all clients with birthdays from 1900 to 2007. But what if user wants to filter this clients and choose those, who hase birthdays from 1998 to 2001 for instance.... Is there a posibility like this in Reporting Services ???
Hello All,I've got a stored proc that I can't change that creates a quite largedataset and takes in 5 parameters. I need to be able to have each ofthe parameters selectable from a drop down box so that as you gothrough the list of parameters you restrict the results. I have itable to load the parameters but I end up with this:Location-LONDONLONDONLONDONNEW YORKNEW YORKNEW YORKNEW YORKTORONTOTORONTO....Any idea how i can filter the list of locations by distinct? fromwithin SQL Reporting Services. I tried a temp tbl in query analyserand that works but SQL reporting services doesn't like it.
Hello Experts, I have been playing around with RS 2005 and like it so far. I am in the process of replcating some excel reports in RS. I was wondering if there is any way to replicate the Auto Filter Functionality of Excels sheets where column is a dropdown with disticnt values of that specific column and also has Top 10 and Custom filters attached to it. So when selected from dropdown the report filters for these records. I understand we can use parameters for this kinda report but my client has 15 columns in the report and it will be cool to give them auto filter functionality as in Excel as they are used to it.
The census is from an outside group and what I do is massage it for our internal databases and reports to our care managers.
The report starts out by returning only those entries that were received in the last report from the outside vendor and I filter each of the parameters by using a WITH statement and an INNER JOIN, as follows;
WITH Date_of_Most_Recent_Census AS ( SELECT MAX(Load_Date) AS [CurDate] FROM Census_Rpt_Final )
[Code] ...
The default is for all parameters to start out with all possible values for the current load date. But, I need to be able to filter the available - and default - values for each parameter based upon the selection of the other parameters.
So, the Load Date is built in by use of the CTE that is a part of all the parameters. But, I need the report to allow the end user to select from each of the others, but limiting what is avaliable for selection based upon the settings of the other parameters.
For example, the second parameter is the Report Type. It can be either "Hospital," or "SNF." But, not all Clinics, Care Managers or PCPs may have an entry in both types. So, if the user selects, say, "Hospital," all the parameters would alter their available and default values such that they only include options where the census shows they are a "Hospital" entry.But, not all Clinics in the most recent census may have both report types. So, if the end user selects a particular clinic, it would also recalculate the available and default values for Report Type, as well as those beneath it on the list. And, likewise for the remainder of the parameters.
My initial thought was to add WHERE statements to the datasets controlling each parameter, but SSRS keeps asking me to define the parameters when I click out of the dataset's properties. Now, I know that SSRS is a single pass process - and, I'll cross the bridge on adjusting parameters defined earlier in the list when I come to it - but I thought that parameters lower in the list would update, since they'd have their values defined.For instance, the Clinic parameter is after Report Type, so the code I used to set up Clinic was;
WITH Date_of_Most_Recent_Census AS ( SELECT MAX(Load_Date) AS [CurDate] FROM Census_Rpt_Final ) SELECT DISTINCT
But, this asks me to define @ReportType, even though it precedes Clinic on the parameter list.
i wand to filter the report based on the country as Canada and france by Using Filter but Not with Parameter..Similarly How to use Not In Operator also.
I am new to report builder. I have created a report with a calculated cell that returns a true or false value based on a true or false value from another column (from a dataset field). I want to create a filter for the calculated field (which is a ReportItem), that will only show cells that are True.
I have tried several ways to add this filter, but each time, I get an error message saying that filter or sorting cannot be created for ReportItems.
Search option in the filter of SSRS, like in the filter let say for the category parameter we have 100 values , instead of scrolling down for the required option. can we have an option for search in the filter so that when we type certain value it will come up for example in the Google website, when we type the value in the search bar in the drop down we will get the option..same as that...........can we do in the ssrs.
If yes how can we achieve? Do we need to write any .net code?
I created a tabular model, and used it as a source for the power view. Is there any possibility to set a dynamic default value for the filter. My model has a field named 'CalendarMonth', by default - filter should take current month. I would like to know is there any possibility with out changing the data in the source.
sorry im new with using Reporting Services and even more inexperienced with using cubes.
My situation is as follows. I perform dynamic grouping (user selects the view via a parameter) Depending on the view selected, I need to change the dimension filter in the dataset.. Is this possible ?
it looks like a multi value parameter is the only kind of parameter that displays a checkbox.
A single checkbox for yes/no parameters are more intuitive to my users than 2 choices from a query.
I tried to set the multi value attribute on such a param but at run time get errors from a couple of places 1) expressions that reference such a parameter, seemingly confused about the value field being allowed to be either an object or an integer 2) unchecking the checkbox causes a prompt demanding that a value be set.
Does anybody have a trick or see what I am missing in trying to make a parameter act like a single yes/no checkbox in just one line of a dropdown parameter list?
I tried enclosing the query in Abs( ), which I have done in the past, although in the past I wasn't using Lookup functions so I don't know if that is the reason it won't work.
I have a problem with report built in SSRS and deployed with Dashboard Designer to Sharepoint. There are few filters connected to report, 2 of them are multivalue. Regardless of data returned, when I select too many items in filter, the report is getting super small. It doesn't matter what you select, size changes when you select exact number of items or more. I replaced report with single line (filters where still conected) - result was the same. Small amount of items selected:
More items selected:
Size of the raport in Dashboard Designer is set to "Percentage of dashboard page", when I selected autosize, result was the same.
I am creating a SSRS report using a SSAS cube as it data source. The user would like to select multiple values from a reporting parameter that is then used as a filter on the MDX statement. I am bale to have the report work successfully when only one value is selected but not when multiple values are selected; the report uses only the first value from the reporting parameter when it contains multiple values. How do I filter an MDX query using a SSRS report parameter with multiple values?
Created Prod order status report, in status, we have different status
created =0 start =4 released =3 reported as finished =5 ended =7
I have the report, in report don't want to show the Prod order for ended status, how can I add the filter for this so it can show for all the other status not ended status. when I did on filter <7 , it did not work
I am working on a report where some customization is need to be delivered.. situation is , i have some parameter in report @USER_ID , @Report_Type where i am proving selection to user to select Report Type (Pending Or Completed) and passing USER_ID auto matically from URL string of user login(C# code).
I have another parameter @USER_IDS which is multiple selection for user and it will be filled with the users which lie under passed @USER_ID means i just need to add dataset with the query to select users from mapper table where reporting_head =@USER_ID, simple, but i have requirement to populate the underlined users with the selection of @USER_ID and @Report_Type and it need some TSQL code to populate so i am using Another store procedure and using same parameter as my main store procedure has .
Now i am using dataset with this store procedure to fill my @USER_IDS parameter
Both parameters value will be passed from main report parameters now , when i am previewing a report i am getting error
and i also tried to write exec statement in dataset query with the main repport paramters but exec is not supported ..
I want to page break after after 6 grno recored.I used ceiling(rowNumber(Nothing/6)) but it worked differ(this fun used on top most group )below I attached screeshot. I need to page break after 6 grno record but above syntax measure 6 datafiled row and then page I can page break after 6 grno record