Import Column HELP!!
Oct 25, 2006
I have expended all my energy on "Import Column" Can someone please tell me how to properly configure the object. The documentation at MSDN is clear as MUD, see No examples and everything I try generates a verification error.
I have a table named GifFiles:
GifFileName varchar(250),
All I want to do is process each record and read the file in GifFileName into GifFile. Import Column SAYS it does that.
Thank you
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Aug 2, 2007
i want to know the use of Export Column & Import Column in SSIS
please give me the example
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May 10, 2007
I have this small problem that I think that is easy to resolve, but I cant figure how.
In my table I have a column that will have a XML that it will be use as input in inserts and updated in my database.
How can I make this XML a Dataset in my DataFlow?
I can load a XML from a file. Can I load a XML from a variable, or in this casa from a datatable column? How?
Hope someone could help me
tkx in advance
Paulo Aboim Pinto
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Oct 20, 2006
I have a SQL Server table that has a "Text" type column. RTF files are stored in this column. On a monthly basis, new or updated RTF files are dropped into a shared folder. I need to upload these into the SQL Server table. Reviewing some of the entries in this forum, I know I probably should be using the Import Column Transformation, but for the last week I can't get it to work successfully.
Another column in the table contains the unique file name(varchar). At runtime the user inputs the fully qualified path to the RTF files which I store in an SSIS variable. Within the package I use a Derived Column Transformation to concatenate these two elements and then pass them as input to the Import Column. I'm expecting the RTF file to come out as output.
How does the Import Column match up the file with the proper table row? Do I need to provide the looping mechanism or does the Import Column handle that?
I've been searching for a working example with no luck. Can someone provide or point to a good sample?
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May 23, 2008
Hi all, need help before i break this pc! trying to get an import job to read from an excel file. Normally this works fine, no issues but have a certain excel file that is just not importing correctly. one row is importing nulls for some values but without any visible reason. I have a file with over 15000 rows. 9 columns. last column stores a year in the format yyyy. this is the problem column. in the import job it shows up as a float. have checked the format of the cell and it says General in the excel file. when i execute the job over 5000 row come throught with null Years. cant see a reason for this. anyone able to shed some light please..
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Nov 24, 2004
I built a DTS Import Package to import an HTM file and it went smooth as silk. Replaced the file with another HTM Table of the same name and whammo a text field turned into an integer file and data goes missing. The first 20 or so rows of a particular column were all numbers. I tried to do a disconnected edit to alter the Source column to a string but the Edit button just disappears without changing the column's type value. The only way I can think of getting around this is to use something archiac like EDLIN to add a new table row at the top of the HTM Table with values to force the specified type. Anyone think of a better solution?
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Jun 21, 2006
I'm having dificulties in loading data into a table coming from an excel file because one of the columns is a text based with an average of 1024 characters... How can i import that column? The excel source always shows me the column as a DT_WSTR of 255 characters...
Best Regards,
Luis Simões
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Apr 26, 2006
Do anybody have sample packages of how to use Import Column Transformation?
I couldn't make any sample package by going through the information present in the Microsoft site.
Can anybody help me out?
Sreekanth Ammisetty
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Oct 23, 2007
Hi All,
I have a particular issue that has been causing me some problems for a while. I have an SSIS package that imports an excel file into my database, and then performs various data manipulation that I won't go into. The problem I am having is at the import end. The excel source file I am working on is provided to me by my client. It is a fixed format and doesn't change, it contains a header row and there are 32 headings. The trouble I am having is that quite often, the last column is empty, i.e. it contains no data. The header is still there, but theres no data underneath. When I try to import this file using my SSIS package it fails, and complains about needing to remove the metadata for this final column from the External Columns list (VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA). When I try to preview this file in the properties of the Excel Data Source, the last column does not exist. It's as if it's determining that as there is no data in that final column, that it's unnecessary and not part of the data set, even though it has a header.
Now I've done a bit of research, and found cases that a sort of like mine, I know that the excel file has the first 8 records sampled to determine the data format. This problem suggested to use the IMEX=1 extension in the connection string, which didn't help. I also discovered that when using flat files, if you have odd numbers of columns in your comma seperated list there can be problems. But neither of these issues seem to match the issue I'm facing.
Has ANYONE had a similar problem to me, and can anyone offer any kind of assistance regarding what I need to do to import an excel file that may or may not have data in the final column?
Thanks in advance,
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Jul 30, 2007
I have a a flat file that consists of 2 Columns of data that need to overwrite an existing Table that has 3 Columns of data. The Import fails because the 3rd column on the table is a Date stamp column with the Data Type of "smalldatetime" and does not allow Null data. If I were to delete this 3rd column from the table the import works great but I lose the DateTime column. How can I use the Import Wizard to import the first 2 columns from a text file and update the 3rd column with the date and time? The wizard does not seem to let me update a column unless the data for this column comes from the flat file. Please assist, thanx.
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Feb 1, 2008
I'm importing data from Navision 3.70A Database (not MS SQL Server) with SSIS and data reader via odbc.
Works perfect until I try to import a table which has a column including cells with | (pipe symbol) and .. (dots) between numbers.
the error message from data reader:
[get sachkonto [5165]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR.
The "component "get sachkonto" (5165)" failed because error code 0x80004003 occurred, and the error
row disposition on "output column "Zusammenzählung" (8265)" specifies failure on error. An error
occurred on the specified object of the specified component. There may be error messages posted
before this with more information about the failure.
No error message exist before this message.
Is there an option to allow or a workaround?
Maybe a replace function in the sql command can help but I have no sql manual for the native database of navision.
Can somebody help with an example of a query?
I can read this table with Excel via ODBC without problems ...
Thanks in advanced!
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Apr 26, 2007
I have a table with a BLOB column, and I need to populate this table including the BLOB column (image type in the database).
What I have done is:
1. use a flat file transform to read a .csv file which specifies the names of the files that store the binary contents for the BLOB column for each row.
2. use an Import Column Transform to read the binary files.
3. use an OLE DB Dest transform to dump the data into my destination table.
I got the error saying:
Error: 0xC02090BB at XXXX, Import Column [1]: Opening the file ".diagram1.bin" for reading failed. The file was not found.
I guess this is because my file "diagram1.bin" is not in the current path? (The current path can be found by "System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() call, in my case it is "c:program filesmicrosoft visual studio 0common7IDE".)
My question is: how to determine the directory path information of the package I am running?
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Sep 4, 2007
Hey all-
I put togehter a package that opens a flat file, parses the data based on the semi-colon delimeter, and imports the rows into a database table. Thats the fun easy part.
What I cant figure out is how to add a variable that will hold a constant ID value that will be persisted with the same value to all rows inserted to the DB. Making the problem harder, I would like that this value be defined in a properties file or database table of some sort so that I can do a lookup based on the file name / location to find out what value should be used.
Any suggestions? I hope my explanation makes at least some sense - but basically I want to do a look up in a configuration of some sort, pull out a single value, and add it to a data import.
let the fun begin!!
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Dec 24, 2005
the text file format use the length of character to define the field
for example,
9 chars <0001130130> is a field
1 char <H> is a field
20 chars <AUT BAGES AVEROUS 03> is a field
one record by one record store in db
no space, no symbol, no line break between each record
I try bcp method, but some error happens. Please give me suggestions. thx
I run the following code in query analyzer.
WITH (FORMATFILE = 'D:cp.fmt')
it shows the error
Server: Msg 4839, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot perform bulk insert. Invalid collation name for source column 4 in format file 'D:cp.fmt'.
For your information
data file
000000011301220051222000192000000000011301320051222000030000000000019067420051222000000001<there are many space >
bcp.fmt file <I use tab to separate and use ascii>
1 SQLCHAR 0 4 "" 1 PLUEVT ""
2 SQLCHAR 0 9 "" 2 PLUSKU ""
3 SQLCHAR 0 8 "" 3 PLUFRD ""
4 SQLCHAR 0 9 "" 4 PLUPRC ""
I try to edit collation name in Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS or others, but the error also happens.
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Sep 10, 2007
I have a excel file which i want to import the data to sql server... The sql server Data type for that particular column is
varchar and it has a contraint too like the data should be in this fashion 00000-0000 or 00000...
but when i try to import the data from the excel to sql server... 08545 just becomes 8545 (cause excel is treating it as a float) and so my insert fails...
what can i do to rectify the problem...
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Apr 24, 2008
How do i import a Varying Column Width Flat file into a Table using SSIS?
I have a flat file that has 4 columns with varying width
Like I should read the file as
Col 1 - (1 to 10 Characters)
Col 2 - (12 to 21 Characters)
Col 3 - (22 to 35 Characters)
Col 4 - (36 to 38 Characters)
At the end of the record is a "LF"
I think "Fixed Width" Columns allow me to define a standard column length for all the columns.. Right?
Any thoughts on how to?
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Jul 2, 2015
I have a flat with few columns
FirstName, lastName, Address
I build my SSIS package based on the above file.But now i receive files with different columns order let say
every time i receive multiple files in different order and i have to remap all my mappings. These are just a few columns and i have like 20 columns and the order can potentially change any time. so every time i have build new packages remap them etc.
through normal c# code it pretty easy. I tried to add script here but the script also needs a source and mapping so there is also a mapping issue. Is there a better way to do this.
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Jun 14, 2006
l've the following situation,
l've some excel files controlled by Vendor which changing frequently. The only thing does not change is the header name of each column.
So my question is, is there any way to create a new table based on the excel file selected including the column name in SSIS? So that l can use the data reader as source to select those columns l am interested on and start the integration.
Yong Boon, Lim
p/s : The excel header is at the row 7.
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Jul 6, 2015
While importing data from Excel source , some column is getting null value even though excel column has value.To Resolve the issue we tried with
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftOffice14.0Access Connectivity EngineEnginesExcel
1.Change the Value of the Row TypeGuessRows from 8 (Default value) to 0 and ImportMixedType = text
• xls
1.Change the Value of the Row TypeGuessRows from 8 (Default value) to 0 and ImportMixedType = text
the connection string of the excel
UPPER(REVERSE(SUBSTRING( REVERSE(@[User::VarInputExcelFile]), 1, 5) ) ) == ".XLSX" ? "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + @[User::VarInputExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";":"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" + @[User::VarInputExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties="EXCEL 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";"
by doing the above setting also , the column is coming as null from excel source even though there is data in excel.
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Feb 25, 2008
A view named "Viw_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No" has been created and can be run successfully on the server.
I want to import the data which draws from the view to a table using SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.
However, when I run the wizard on the server, it gives me the following error message and stop on the step Setting Source Connection
Operation stopped...
- Initializing Data Flow Task (Success)
- Initializing Connections (Success)
- Setting SQL Command (Success)
- Setting Source Connection (Error)
Error 0xc020801c: Source - Viw_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No [1]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" failed with error code 0xC0014019. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC020801C (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)
- Setting Destination Connection (Stopped)
- Validating (Stopped)
- Prepare for Execute (Stopped)
- Pre-execute (Stopped)
- Executing (Stopped)
- Copying to [NAV_CSG].[dbo].[Report_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No] (Stopped)
- Post-execute (Stopped)
Does anyone encounter this problem before and know what is happening?
Thanks for kindly reply.
Best regards,
Calvin Lam
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Jul 29, 2015
I am trying to import an xlsx spreadsheet into a sql 2008 r2 database using the SSMS Import Wizard. When pointed to the spreadsheet ("choose a data source")  the Import Wizard returns this error:
"The operation could not be completed" The Microsoft ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered on the local machine (System.Data)
How can I address that issue? (e.g. Where is this provider and how do I install it?)
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Oct 16, 2006
I am attempting to import data from Microsoft Access databases to SQL Server 2000 using the DTS Import/Export Wizard. I have a few errors.
Error at Destination for Row number 1. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1.
Insert error column 152 ('ViewMentalTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 150 ('VRptTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 147 ('ViewAppTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 144 ('VPreTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 15 ('Time', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Could you please look into this and guide me
Thanks in advance
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Nov 29, 2006
I am trying to simplify a query given to me by one of my collegues written using the query designer of Access. Looking at the query there seem to be some syntax differences, so to see if this was the case I thought I would import the database to my SQL Server Developer edition.
I tried to start the wizard from within SQL Server Management Studio Express as shown in one of the articles on MSDN which did not work, but the manual method also suggested did work.
Trouble is that it gets most of the way through the import until it spews forth the following error messages:
- Prepare for Execute (Error)
Error 0xc0202009: {332B4EB1-AF51-4FFF-A3C9-3AEE594FCB11}: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Could not start session. Too many sessions already active.".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc020801c: Data Flow Task: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" failed with error code 0xC0202009.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc004701a: Data Flow Task: component "Source 33 - ATable" (2065) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020801C.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard).
There does not seem to be any method of specifying a number of sessions, so I don't see how to get round the problem.
Does anyone know how I can get the import to work?
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Jan 7, 2004
I am not sure how to implement the following, but I believe it entails using DTS, and hopefully it is fine that I post it here b/c ultimately I will need this backend data for my frontend .aspx pages:
On a weekly basis, I need to IMPORT some data located on a remote Oracle DB into SQL Server 2k. Since there is so much data to transfer, I would only like to transfer the data that is new to the table since the last IMPORT, i.e. a week ago and leave behin the OLD data.
Is DTS the correct way to go or do I have more control via DTS with STORED PROCEDURES? Does anyone have any good references for me?
On a similar note, once this Oracle data is IMPORTED into a certain table, I would like to EXPORT some of these NEWLY acquired rows matching certain criteria into another table for auditing purposes. For this scenario, should I implement a TRIGGER UPDATE event here on the first table?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
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Jan 12, 2006
Hi all,
when trying to Ãmport files to our database server from a client, I keep getting an error:
- Validating (Error)
Error 0xc00470fe: Data Flow Task: The product level is insufficient for component "Source_txt" (1).
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc00470fe: Data Flow Task: The product level is insufficient for component "Data Conversion 1" (175).
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
... doing the same import when logged on the server, hasn't been giving me any errors, how come. I can from my client without trouble import tables from other DB servers but when ever it is files it won't do it.
I tried as mentioned in other threads rerun setup to re-install SSIS, but as it was already installed it wouldn't re-install. My next move would be to make a clean install, but not sure it would help, as I think this is a buck.
best regards
Musa Rusid
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I am having trouble importing data from an excel spreadsheet into MSSQL Server 2000 using DTS Wizard. The DTS import process issuccessfull, no errors, but only 50 rows of approx. 1500 rows of dataare imported. I tried to remove 20 rows in the excel spreadsheet inthe interval row 0-50. When i later ran the import, only 30 rows wereimported. I deleted almost every row in the interval 0-50, with theresult of the import having 0 rows imported (but job ransuccessfully). I decided to delete rows 0-100 in the spreadsheet inorder to see if the resolved the problem, but it didn't. As Isuspected something in the excel file to be the cause, I exported theexcel spreadsheeet to a tab delimited textfile, with only one row. ADTS import resulted in importing approx 100 rows, double the amount ofthe textfile, but the other 1400 rows were not imported. The data inthe column is containing numeric values only.Please help me! What could possibly be the cause of DTS skipping rowslike that. DTS doesn't feel reliable at all :/Regards,Björn
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Aug 23, 2006
Hi, I have a problem importing data from SQL Server 2000 'text' columns to SQL Server 2005 nvarchar(max) columns. I get the following error when encountering a transfer of any column that matches the above.
The error is copied below,
Any help on this greatly appreciated...
ERROR : errorCode=-1071636471 description=An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unicode data is odd byte size for column 3. Should be even byte size.". helpFile=dtsmsg.rll helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC} (Microsoft.SqlServer.DtsTransferProvider)
Many thanks
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Jul 28, 2015
I have a excel file which has a column called "Code" and their values are A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. I want to create a new column called "status" based on the values of "Code".
If A,C,E,G then "status" = "Active" else if B,D,F,H then "Status" = "Inactive". I like to do it using "Derived Column".
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Aug 3, 2015
How can I calculate a DateTime column by merging values from a Date column and only the time part of a DateTime column?
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Oct 16, 2006
Hi all,
The requirement is to have a table say 'child_table', with an Identity column to refer another column from a table say 'Parent_table'..
i cannot implement this constraint, it throws the error when i execute the below Alter query,
ALTER TABLE child_table ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_ct FOREIGN KEY (child_id)
REFERENCES parent_table (parent_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
the error thrown is :
Failed to execute alter table query: 'ALTER TABLE child_table ADD CONSTRAINT
fk_1_ct FOREIGN KEY (child_id) REFERENCES parent_table (parent_id) ON DELETE
CASCADE '. Message: java.sql.SQLException: Cascading foreign key 'fk_1_ct' cannot be
created where the referencing column 'child_table.child_id' is an identity column.
any workarounds for this ?
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Sep 7, 2007
Hi guys,
If I have a temporary table called #CTE
With the columns
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
and I need to change the column type for the columns:
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
to integer, and set the column [RowID Table Level] as Identity (index) starting from 1, incrementing 1 each time.
What will be the right syntax using SQL SERVER 2000?
I am trying to solve the question in the link below:
Thanks in advance,
I have tried the code below, but getting syntax error...
[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;
I have also tried:
[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;
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Jul 11, 2007
When you use "Alter Table add Column", it adds the column to the end of the list of fields.
How do you insert the new column to position number 2 for instance given that you may have more than 2 columns?
Create table T1 ( a varchar(20), b varchar(20), c varchar(20))
Alter table add column x varchar(20)
so that the resulting table is
T1 a varchar(20), x varchar(20), b varchar(20), c varchar(20)
Can this be done programmatically?
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Mar 7, 2008
Hi I’m trying to alter a table and delete a column I get the following error. The object 'DF__Morningst__LastU__19EB91BA' is dependent on column 'LastUpdated'.
ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN LastUpdated failed because one or more objects access this column. I tried deleting the concerned constraint. But the next time I get the same error with a different constraint name. I want to find out if I can dynamically check the constraint name and delete it and then drop the column. Can anyone help.IF EXISTS(SELECT 1FROM sysobjects,syscolumnsWHERE = syscolumns.idAND = TablenameAND = column name)BEGIN EXECUTE ('ALTER TABLE tablename DROP CONSTRAINT DF__SecurityM__DsegL__08C105B8')EXECUTE ('ALTER TABLE tablenameDrop column columnname)ENDGO
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