when i run this function i get an error : "You cannot use ODBC to import from, export to, or link an external Microsoft Jet or ISAM database table to your database"
when i try to import in the same way a dbf file (insted the csv file) with VFP it's working well.
what seems to be the problem? how can i fix it? or if some one know how can i import a large csv file into access DB in an efficient diffrent way?
I'm new to my company, although not new to SQL 2005 and I found something interesting. I don't have an ERD yet, and so I was asking a co-worker what table some data was in, they told me a table that is NOT in SQL Server 2005's list of tables, views or synonyms.
I thought that was strange, and so I searched over and over again and still I couldn't find it. Then I did a select statement the table that Access thinks exists and SQL Server does not show and to my shock, the select statement pulled in data!
So how did this happen? How can I find the object in SSMS folder listing of tables/views or whatever and what am I overlooking?
I'm trying to import data from an Oracle database into SQL Express. Basically I have a database that's local to my machine (C# front end with a SQL express back end) but I need to tie in some data from an Oracle database. The reason I'm trying to import it instead of just using a connection in C# to hit it is that I need to be able to access the tables while I'm offline so I need a local copy. I couldn't find any references on doing it through stored procedures or anything like that. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.
create a new Connection Manager by right-clicking in the Connection Managers section of the design area of the screen. Select New OLE DB Connection to bring up the Configure OLE DB Connection Manager dialog box. Click New to open the Connection Manager. In the Provider drop-down list, choose the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider and click OK. Browse to the Access database file and connection set up---all good!!!
Dataflow task Add an OLE DB Source component Double-click the icon to open the OLE DB Source Editor. Set the OLE DB Connection Manager property to the Connection Manager that I created . Select Table from the Data Access Mode drop-down list. I cannot see the tables set up as set up as pass-through table types to a Oracle 9i db
Still really new at all this, but learning lots thanks to this forum. I was wondering - is there a way to import Access tables into my SQL Server 2005 ? (The Data and the Table Design?)
I have some Access tables that I want to import into SQL. I can do this using the AllTasks/ImportData. However if my Access table has a zero length string in a field this is imported into the SQL table as <NULL>. How can I make it import it as a zero length string ?
Hi all, I've just installed the Sql Server 2005 Express Ed + Management Studio Express and I can't get how to import data from a MS Access 2003 file. From what I've read is not possible to do through the Management Studio Express so is there any other tool to do that?
Currently we have one customer database containing various tables. As part of requirements for a new client, we need to manage their data in a totally separate database. The tables and structure are exactly the same but we would be loading data into a separate database.
I am looking for a way to combine tables with the same name in each database when I run queries, rather than having to query each database separately. Currently we actually have many queries set up in MS Access which use an ODBC link to query the data off SQL server. I am aware it is possible to apply a UNION SELECT in Access from 2 separate ODBC connections, but this is extremely slow.So my initial question is - is there a way to provide access to the tables from both databases over the same ODBC link? If this cannot be done over ODBC I guess we can consider more "modern" methods, but ideally we want to keep this in MS Access as that is where our existing queries are based. I was hoping that some kind of view can be treated as an ODBC connection.I mentioned ideally we want to keep the reporting queries in MS Access.
I have to import some Access 2003 tables into a SQL Server 2005. Since I have to do this every 6 months (different Access db into same SQL-Server) and since I have to check every single row I can't do it with the import data wizzard. I need to import the access tables into "temporary" tables in sql server and from there I'll put the rows into the correct tables...
Does anyone know how to import Access tables into SQL-Server 2005 with C#?
When trying to link to an SQL table in Access 2003, the software appears to be malfunctioning.
The sequence of events is File - Get External Data - Link Tables - Files of Type: ODBC Databases().
The Problem: On two of my computers, the select data source window does not pop up, preventing me from linking to any ODBC data source.
Observations: This function has worked normally in the recent past and works on other computers running Access 2003. One difference between the computers working and non-working computers is Norton Antivirus 2006 (recent upgrade).
Has anyone experienced anything like this? What's going on?
I am using VB.NET 2005 and set up an ODBC connection via ODBC.ODBCConnection to a MDB database. Therefor, I use the "Microsoft Access ODBC Driver (*.mdb)".
When I set up a ODBCCommand like "ALTER DATABASE..." or "CREATE TABLE..." and issue it with the com.ExecuteNonQuery() command, I get an error from ODBC driver, that a SQL statement has to begin with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.
How can I use DDL statements via ODBC?
I would appreciate if you could help me to use ODBC for that - no OLE, no ADO.
I am attempting to import data from Microsoft Access databases to SQL Server 2000 using the DTS Import/Export Wizard. I have a few errors.
Error at Destination for Row number 1. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1. Insert error column 152 ('ViewMentalTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow. Insert error column 150 ('VRptTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow. Insert error column 147 ('ViewAppTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow. Insert error column 144 ('VPreTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow. Insert error column 15 ('Time', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow. Invalid character value for cast specification. Invalid character value for cast specification. Invalid character value for cast specification. Invalid character value for cast specification. Invalid character value for cast specification.
Could you please look into this and guide me Thanks in advance venkatesh imtesh@gmail.com
I am trying to simplify a query given to me by one of my collegues written using the query designer of Access. Looking at the query there seem to be some syntax differences, so to see if this was the case I thought I would import the database to my SQL Server Developer edition.
I tried to start the wizard from within SQL Server Management Studio Express as shown in one of the articles on MSDN which did not work, but the manual method also suggested did work.
Trouble is that it gets most of the way through the import until it spews forth the following error messages:
- Prepare for Execute (Error) Messages Error 0xc0202009: {332B4EB1-AF51-4FFF-A3C9-3AEE594FCB11}: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Could not start session. Too many sessions already active.". (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc020801c: Data Flow Task: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" failed with error code 0xC0202009. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc004701a: Data Flow Task: component "Source 33 - ATable" (2065) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020801C. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard).
There does not seem to be any method of specifying a number of sessions, so I don't see how to get round the problem.
Does anyone know how I can get the import to work?
I have set up a link from ACCESS to a SQL 7.0 database using ODBC (File DSN saved on a shared DRIVE). The link works well only from the workstation where the link was created. But How can I create a link so a group of users can view the linked table in ACCESS without type a password? Any suggestion is appreciated.
Is it possible to import tables into a SQL 2000 Database via an ODBC connection? The source files are dBase III (*.dbf) and reside on a different network from the SQL 2000 server. If so, would it then be possible to update those files via the same method?
I am trying to import unidata into SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition.
I can successfully import data into MS Access. It is simple. I just tell Access to look at the appropriate system DSN, put in the server, database name and password, and there are all the tables to choose from.
The ODBC data source is not one of my choices in the Import/Export Wizard in SSMS.
How do I use the Import/Export Wizard to import unidata?
we have recently purchased a server with sql 2005. One of the things we are looking to do is pull our entire informix database over onto the sql box. I have tried using the import/export wizard however when it comes to the copying I the option to copy all tables is greyed out. I have been able to do this sql to sql but not when i select the source as odbc and destination as sql.
I need to try and resolve this quite quickly and any advice/help would be appreciated. Please bear in mind that im relatively new to this stuff. I have had a look at other posts, and am getting the impression that this cannot be done simply. My initial understanding was that this could be done using the DTS in sql 2000 quite simply, but was also told that it should be even easier in 2005..
Hi, there; I want to importing data from ODBC, I created DataReader Source which use a .NET Provide Odbc Data Provider and connected successfully. My destination is a OLE DB Destination that points to SQL2005. I set the SQL command as "SELECT * from ....". I also have problem to create new table in SQL2005 using SSIS Import and Export Wizard, it doesn't know the source table table schema (two date type column). So I create the new table manully and run the package, I got error:
SSIS package "Package1.dtsx" starting. Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning. Information: 0x40043006 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning. Information: 0x40043007 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning. Information: 0x4004300C at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Execute phase is beginning. Error: 0xC02090F5 at Data Flow Task, Source - Query [1]: The component "Source - Query" (1) was unable to process the data. Error: 0xC0047038 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: The PrimeOutput method on component "Source - Query" (1) returned error code 0xC02090F5. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038. Error: 0xC0047039 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039. Information: 0x40043008 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning. Information: 0x402090DF at Data Flow Task, Destination - PITest CMF [169]: The final commit for the data insertion has started. Information: 0x402090E0 at Data Flow Task, Destination - PITest CMF [169]: The final commit for the data insertion has ended. Information: 0x40043009 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning. Information: 0x4004300B at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: "component "Destination - PITest CMF" (169)" wrote 0 rows. Task failed: Data Flow Task SSIS package "Package1.dtsx" finished: Success.
Can any one know what's wrong here?
And it is quite pain that you have to specify the table name every time you want to create a new table in SQL2005. It is so easy in SQL2000!!!
How do you import using integration services or what ever to import from a Citadel database? I have created an ODBC Data Source using National Instruments ODBC driver for Citadel? I have tried using Microsoft Access, but the field names are longer than 62 characters and Access won't "link" to the ODBC Data Source.
The SQL Server Management StudioTasksImport Wizard doesn't appear to have a way to specify an ODBC Data Source.
I am trying to import tables from an ODBC data source into an SQL Server 2005 database. I presume that one way to achieve this is to create an Integration Services package, via Business Intelligence Studio (I already used DTS in SQL Server 2000, but not Integration Services) ?
Or is there a simpler way ? For instance, is there an import wizard that woult include an ODBC Data source ?
I have created a SQL Server Database and connected it to an MS Access front end using an ODBC datasource connection.
All reports and queries are in Access and I think that because the queries are in Access and not on the SQL that all data is being transferred across the network and that the data is actually being processed on the client-side. (It's getting slower as more data is entered).
How can I link a SQL Server query through my ODBC connection so that the query is being processed on the server and only the results are being sent across the network?
Does anyone know how to set up linked database to SQL using MS Access but not having to use ODBC. Right now we set up ODBC and the access developers use this to link to SQL Server. We want to get rid of all ODBC settings and i cannot find a way to use MS Access without having ODBC.
We are trying to restict internet access from certin computers but, it's still in place because we need to process credit cards. Is it possible to remove internet access and allow our SQL based program to still run credit cards because of the ODBC connection to the SQL server which has internet access?
Hi, does anybody know how to access data in filemaker using ODBC. I have read the help files that we can connect to filemaker database via ODBC. I have tried to create DSN for that, but when I tried to connect using that DSN my C# application, It failed to retrieve the catalog information, it said that login failed. I have no idea what the username and password that I have to used in my connection because as i knew that filemaker only use password, and i have tried to use that password too. I never used filemaker before, but this time i need to retrieve data from filemaker, so please help :) Thanks.
We have this fairly simple Access database with a link table to a view in an SQL Server. The Select Query in Access is a simple select from this view with a view criteria set. Nothing fancy. What is driving is moderately crazy is that this Select Query in Access seems to work fine for months and than all of a sudden (same query performed around the same time with about the same workload on the SQL-Server) it responses with the helpful "ODBC-Call Failed" message. Closing the Access database, taking a coffee, coming back againg and try the exact same Select Query normally works, no "ODBC-Call Failed" message.
It not happens always, mosty we're fine. When it happens it happens for all subsequent queries tried. We have to close and reopen the Access database and pray to the good Lord that it works.
We would be very interested in someone with a solution to this problem.
I'm attempting to connect to an SQL Server Express database from a remote PC, but it isn't connecting. I have a user account created in the database, and I'm using the SQL authentication with that user account. I have success with this if I'm on the server that the database is on, but not remotely. Both are on the same network, even plugged into the same hub. There doesn't appear to be any network problems.
I am having an issue that i can't seem to resolve. By no means am I an expert with odbc connections and what not but any help would be great.
here is my issue. I have a 64 Bit terminal server that is running MS Access. I have defined my DSN within the 32 bit admin utility and it connects without a problem As soon as i try to link tables and make a connection to the database from within Access i recieve an "ODBC CALL FAILED" message.
I enabled tracing and here is what i got.....this doesn't mean anything to me but hopefully it does to someone.....
PaintJobShip_Ma 1388-ecc ENTER SQLAllocEnv HENV * 002DB3C4
i am currently working on designing a database for a bank as a school project for my database class. We have to draw up an entity relationship diagram, Sql tables, database size estimate etc. I am currently working on the security portion of the project. I need to list the groups that have access to my application and use a grid format to show access to specific tables.
I am currently working on designing a database for a bank as a school project for my database class. We have to draw up an entity relationship diagram, Sql tables, database size estimate etc. I am currently working on the security portion of the project. I need to list the groups that have access to my application and use a grid format to show access to specific tables.
Role Loans Payments Transactions Accounts Customer Emplo Database Admin SUID SUID SUID SUID SUID SUID Branch Manager SUI SUI SUI SUI SUI SUI Internal Auditor S S S S S S Loan Officer SUID SUI SUI S S Tellers S S S S SU Customers U
In order to use Access 97 as your frontend and SQL 7 as your backend on a network (where the frontend is located on the same computer as the backend and people just map to Access frontend) where security for the data is recognized by your domain login account and what domain group you belong to..do you have to have the same System DSN on everyone's computer for linking? I am still having problems with people linking to the SQL server through the network and only my account is working correctly from my desktop. Everyone else who tries to link gets an ODBC failure error message when trying to open one of the linked tables. I have heard from one person that you must have the same system DSN on every client's computer but to me that makes no sense as I do not have the DSN listed on my individual computer...I am just going through the network as myself..not as an admin..and getting directly to the data. Everyone else can get to the shared folder on the server but cannot get to the linked tables. Any ideas?