I have imported a TXT file every week on SQL 2000. Options,
Fixed field
File Type: ANSI
Skip rows: 0
Row delimited: {CR}{LF}
Text qualifier: DoubleQuote{"} (default grayed out).
It works fine. On SQL 2005, I cannot.
If I keep same settings as SQL 2000, I cannot see file from Preview. If I change to Delimited, I can see file but there is only one column.
I know how to import the .rpt file into Access database using import. can some body tell about how to import to SQL Server 2005 database, both front end (using some utility or interface) and back end (directly accessing the server) solution.
I have reports developed in SQL Server 2005 (.rdl file) and using report viewer in my ASPX page.Now we have upgraded SQL Server 2005 to 2012, how I can use exsisting .rdl file or what change I need to do.
hi guys i need to import text file to sql table in sql server 2005 ...using query how do i import text file to sql table ....................... i need query i dont want go Import/export options
I am new to SQL Server, and migrating part of an Access application toSSE. I am trying to insert a comma delimited file into SSE 2005. I amable to run a BULK INSERT statement on a simple file, specifying thefield (,) and row () terminators. I can also do the same with aformat file.Here is the problem. My csv file has 185 columns, with a mixture ofdatatypes. Sometimes, a text field will contain the field delimiter aspart of the string. In this case (and only in this case) there will bedouble quotes around the string to indicate that the comma is part ofthe field, and not a delimiter.Is there any way to indicate that there is a text delimiter that isonly present some of the time?If not, any suggestions on getting the data into SSE?Many thanks for your input.Cheryl
I try to import data from excel file, my excel file have column called Name, the value of this column is text: ex: Binh Chanh, 1,2,3,4,5.....When i import into sqlserver 2005, these rows which have value 1,2,3,4,5 (number) , now have Null value in SQL server 2005.
i am handling a project where user can choose the excel file and the field in the excel file to export into sql server 2005. which mean there will be dropdownlist where the user can choose the field and so on. anyone know how to do this?
I was using linked servers to import Excel spreadsheets into SQL Server Express 2005. This worked fine with Windows XP and Office 2003.
I have just migrated all my stuff to Vista and Office 2007. Linked servers just can't be created:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express ------------------------------ "The linked server has been created but failed a connection test. Do you want to keep the linked server?" ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo) ------------------------------ Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "XXX". OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "XXX" returned message "Unspecified error". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7303) For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.3042&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=7303&LinkId=20476 ------------------------------ BUTTONS: &Yes &No ------------------------------
The parameter values I used are:
Provider: Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider Product name: Excel Data source: D:...somelocalfile.xls Provider string: Excel 8.0
I gave full access rights to the Data source file and folder to NETWORK SERVICE and SQLServer2005MSSQLUser$MOZART$SQLEXPRESS where mozart is my PC name.
If I change Data source or Provider string to some garbage string, the exact same error message appears. So it appears the error might be in the Provider?
I have one column in SQL Server 2005 of data type VARCHAR(4000).
I have imported sql Server 2005 database data into one mdb file.After importing a data into the mdb file, above column data type converted into the memo type in the Access database.
now when I am trying to import a data from this MS Access File(db1.mdb) into the another SQL Server 2005 database, got the error of Unicode Converting a memo data type conversion in Export/Import data wizard.
Could you please let me know what is the reason?
I know that memo data type does not supported into the SQl Server 2005.
I am with SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with SP2.
Please help me to understans this issue correctly?
Hi Guys, I have been trying to search for a free asp or asp.net script that will allow me to upload a .csv file and import it into an MS SQL Database. As its going to be a ProductCatalog and pricing changes nearly 2nd day. And wanting to an a script that I can put in my admin panel on my site to upload a .csv file and import it to a MS SQL Database. I will be updating fields as well as adding new products. So the upload script would need to be able to handle those two things. Is their any good free scripts around that people can recommend. Thanks Matthew
I am trying to import a store xml file which has dtd into sql. The file is 97,211 kb. I want to get the data and columns into sql 2005. So far I have tried this:
use yahoostore
CREATE TABLE Products(xmlCol XML)
INSERT INTO Products(XmlCol)
CONVERT(XML, BulkColumn, 2)
FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:databasexmldtdyahoostore.xml', SINGLE_BLOB)AS X
This creates the table and only one column which takes a while to open, but I do not see anything in it.
Could someone please help with this problem. I have used openrowset and openxml and I am getting no where.
Maybe it worked once, but in most time it doesn't work, query like below
select top 10 * from OpenRowSet('microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0','Excel 8.0;hdr=yes;database=\ws8webablefilessitefiles4000010 eibcactive.xls', 'select * from [crap2$]')
I got error
OLE DB provider "microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0" for linked server "(null)" returned message "Unspecified error". Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0" for linked server "(null)".
but the same query can run without any problem on a SQL 2000 server run on a server in the same network.
When I try to add a SQL Server Database as a new item into the App_Data folder of my Web Project, I get this error demanding that SQL Server Express has to be installed. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Is there some setting or something to make VS 2005 Pro work with a standard SS database? I don't want to use the express edition. I can't use SS's management studio with that.
Does Microsoft monitor this forum? I thought they were going to be taking technology forward; not backwards. I'm losing a lot of time having to install and uninstall and reinstall to get the environment into a mode that works lke I want it to work. If they didn't intend for SS standard edition to be used with VS 2005 Pro, then why did they include SS developers edition in the Pro package?
I just loaded SQL Server on my local NT Server. Client gave me several .dat files. I created a new device and database with the same name (catalog.dat) shut down the server, overwrote the new .dat file with the client`s file, opened up SQL Server and now the catalog database says "Suspect" and it cannot be accessed via SQL/w....
What am I doing wrong?
I have a solid Access background, but I fear that SQL Server is a totally different animal... HeeeelP!??!?!
I am moving my site to a host that has SQL Server 2005. I am pretty goodwith Access, but I don't know much about SQL Server.I'm currently using SQL Server 2000, and I access it with Access 2000, whichmeans I can't do a lot.Would I be able to work in it using SAL Server Express? What I amparticularly interested in, is being able to run queries (views).I need to update stock every day. If I was using Access I would import orlink the new stock table, and then join the 2 tables by the product number -(the product table and the new stock table), and pull the records where thestock amounts were different, then copy the column from the stock table tothe product table (or do an update query, although copying is usuallyquicker and easier).I would do that, not just for stock amounts, but for price changes, to adddescriptions, and a few other things.How can I do that in SQL Server 2005? What program do I need to have on mydesktop to do that?Please explain in baby terms, if possible!Thanks!
Hello ia m trying to install SQL Server 2005 but i am unable to run it. I installed Net Framework 2.0 Then i have tried the following files: SQLEXPR.EXE SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE Then i installed Service PAck 1 for that but an error occoured during the install.
Basiclly i have no idea what i am doing here. It creates a configuration tools start menu item but it seems just like configuration. In C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLBinn there is a file called sqlservr.exe but all it does is create a black console window and does nothing.
how do i import or what is the best way of import from xml file to a sql server tables?how do i export or what is the best way of export from sql server tables to xml file?thanks
Hi all, I am trying to import excel file to SQL server using web application. I have been browsing all day long trying to get some helps but I found none that really solves my problem. :( I am aware that I can use DTS in SQL server, however I want to build a web application for it. I can upload the file on the server, my problem is I want to load the data in excel file dynamically; I will need to create a table in the server dynamically everytime I import an excel file. Please help!!!Thanks Irma
Hi all,I have a file with an extension of .sdf. I "believe" it is a text fileof some sort but I am uncertain. The source agency hasn't returned anyof my calls so I'm wondering if anyone is familiar with this extension?I'd like to import the file into my database - when I use DTS and chosea text format, regardless of what delimiter I choose, the format isstill really ugly. when I pull it up in a huge text editor, it is hardfor me to tell what it is there.I saw in one of my searches that it could be a comma delimited (it'snot) .. could be a unisys file? I know it's not much information to goon - but where should I start in trying to get this into my databasewithout knowing the format? Any suggestions would be greatlyappreciated.Thanks!Bethany*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
I want to import a flat file to my sql server database. My sql server and web server are on different machines. I used a bulk insert to import the data using a Format.. But now since the sql server and the web server are on different machine it doesnt load the data to the sql server..
i have tried giving http://Ipaddress/Path and that didnt work.. tried mapping the network drive to the webserver and then specified the location and that didnt work too..
I found this connection string on the internet Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c: xtFilesFolder;Extended Properties="text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Fixed";
but i am not sure how to give a ~ delimited and specify a format file..
Hi,This is the log file for my SP1 on 2005 install. Can anyone pleaselook at this and tell me if this looks normal?I'm concerned about the following in the log:"Failed to read registry key: Debug"ANDall the entries that show "- Not Applied"What does this mean?According to SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') my service pack is"SP1", so everything appears "normal".However, I had to apply the service pack a couple times because thefirst try gave "locked files" error. I did not reboot after theinitial SQL Server 2005 installation, which I think may have caused aproblem, but I don't know. I reapplied the SP1 two more times afterthe reboot. This is the log file from the third try (the second logfile looked identical).THANKS02/23/2007 14:51:31.778================================================== ==============================02/23/2007 14:51:31.778 Hotfix package launched02/23/2007 14:51:56.077 Attempting to install instance: SQL ServerNative Client02/23/2007 14:51:56.077 Attempting to install target: SQL102/23/2007 14:51:56.109 Attempting to install file: sqlncli.msi02/23/2007 14:51:56.140 Attempting to install file: \SQL1l$a08e113ab889fa7a0bHotFixSqlncliFilessqlncli.ms i02/23/2007 14:51:56.156 Creating MSI install log file at: C:WINDOWSHotfixRedist9LogsRedist9_Hotfix_KB913090_sqlnc li.msi.log02/23/2007 14:51:56.172 Successfully opened registry key: SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller02/23/2007 14:51:56.188 Failed to read registry key: Debug02/23/2007 14:51:57.228 MSP returned 0: The action completedsuccessfully.02/23/2007 14:51:57.322 Successfully opened registry key: SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller02/23/2007 14:51:57.338 Failed to read registry key: Debug02/23/2007 14:51:57.354 Successfully installed file: \SQL1l$a08e113ab889fa7a0bHotFixSqlncliFilessqlncli.ms i02/23/2007 14:51:57.369 Successfully installed target: SQL102/23/2007 14:51:57.401 Successfully installed instance: SQL ServerNative Client02/23/2007 14:51:57.41702/23/2007 14:51:57.432 Product Status Summary:02/23/2007 14:51:57.448 Product: SQL Server Native Client02/23/2007 14:51:57.480 SQL Server Native Client (RTM ) -Success02/23/2007 14:51:57.49502/23/2007 14:51:57.511 Product: Setup Support Files02/23/2007 14:51:57.527 Setup Support Files (RTM ) - NotApplied02/23/2007 14:51:57.54302/23/2007 14:51:57.574 Product: Database Services02/23/2007 14:51:57.590 Database Services (RTM 1399 ENU) -Not Applied02/23/2007 14:51:57.60602/23/2007 14:51:57.622 Product: Notification Services02/23/2007 14:51:57.637 Notification Services (RTM 1399ENU) - Not Applied02/23/2007 14:51:57.66902/23/2007 14:51:57.685 Product: Integration Services02/23/2007 14:51:57.700 Integration Services (RTM 1399 ENU)- Not Applied02/23/2007 14:51:57.71602/23/2007 14:51:57.732 Product: Client Components02/23/2007 14:51:57.748 Client Components (RTM 1399 ENU) -Not Applied02/23/2007 14:51:57.74802/23/2007 14:51:57.763 Product: MSXML 6.0 Parser02/23/2007 14:51:57.779 MSXML 6.0 Parser (RTM ) - NotApplied02/23/2007 14:51:57.79502/23/2007 14:51:57.811 Product: SQLXML402/23/2007 14:51:57.826 SQLXML4 (RTM ) - Not Applied02/23/2007 14:51:57.84202/23/2007 14:51:57.842 Product: Backward Compatibility02/23/2007 14:51:57.858 Backward Compatibility (RTM ) - NotApplied02/23/2007 14:51:57.87402/23/2007 14:51:57.889 Product: Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer02/23/2007 14:51:57.905 Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer(RTM ) - Not Applied02/23/2007 14:51:57.905
i have created a dsn to extract data from an SQL2000 server into Excel. this all works fine. Now i have edited the data and would like to import the updated fields in my database.
There are no new fields just updated information. I have used the import wizard from SQL Enterprise manager. I have selected to delete the current table and replace is with the one ive created.
This is where the problems begin.
When i finish the wizard i get an error saying there is a conflict "collum reference constraint". wich i think has something to do that there are links to this table wich can not be simply deleted and recreated.