Import XML Data To SQL Tables
Apr 2, 2008
Hi, I am trying to import an XML file to SQL tables using SSIS, Data Flow Task --> XML Source --> OLEDB destination.
I have both the XML file and its xsd file.
The extraction of the XML file output 5 tables (mc, r, i, bc and c, have relationship among them). My problem is that one of the tables is empty (table mc). I tried to add a "root" node to the XML file (the xsd file was modified too), and all 5 tables were populated correctly. Is there any other way to fix this problem without manually changing the XML file?
The XML file looks like this:
<mc MajCmd="Atlantic">
<r Region="East">
<i Installation_UIC="M00146" Installation_Name="Cherry Point">
<bc BC="111" BC_Title="Airways">
<c Restoration_Cost_C3="0.0000" Comment_Type="" Override_C_Rating="" Comment="" />
The xsd file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xschema id="NewDataSet" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urnchemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<xs:element name="mc">
<xs:element name="r" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="i" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="bc" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="c" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:attribute name="BC" type="xstring" />
<xs:attribute name="BC_Title" type="xstring" />
<xs:attribute name="Installation_UIC" type="xstring" />
<xs:attribute name="Installation_Name" type="xstring" />
<xs:attribute name="Region" type="xstring" />
<xs:attribute name="MajCmd" type="xstring" />
<xs:element name="NewDataSet" msdata:IsDataSet="true" msdata:UseCurrentLocale="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="mc" />
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Nov 7, 2005
Hi all,
I am a newbie to .NET and would appreciate all your valuble
suggestions. I have and issue were I am trying to import data from a
few selected columns MS Access and a couple of columns in SQL
Server Table Y and trying to populate another table X . Both
tables X and Y are in the same Database . I am wondering if I could
design a custom package for this task.
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Apr 18, 2007
Hi All,
I want to Import data from AS400 to Sql2005. From the Sql Management studio I invoke the Import Data wizard. For the source I connect to the ISereis system and for the Destination I select the Sql2005 Database , When I go to the next step i.e select source tables I get the error
"An error has occured which the SQL Server Integration Wizard was not prepared to handle
No error message available,result codeB_E_CANTCANCEL(0*80040E15).(System.Data)" .After this I am unable to proceed further. I am using client Access tool to connect to ISereis
IBM DB2 UDB for isereis IBMDA400 OLE DB Provider
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Feb 8, 2008
I have a text file which contains the data that has to be inserted into multiple tables.The columnames of table 1 form the H1 follwed by Details D1,D1,D1...
The column names of table two form the H2 followed by details D2,D2,D2 so on and similarly for Table 3.
Am using a link server to the file directory and schema.ini which defines the column names fofr the text file
Is there any way of defining column names for more than one table through the schema.ini? or is there any other way through I can parse the text file contents to multiple tables?
Sample text file:
H2,PagesUsed,PagesPrinted,Pages emailed
Schema.Ini - defined for the first table
Col1=JobDateText Width 20
Col2=JobNumberText Width 20
Col3=FileName Text Width 100
Hoe do i define the column names for the second table. All these contents are in a single text file and need to be parsed only thru sql.
Any help/suggestions are welcome..
Thanks a lot for taking time to read this.
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Jul 17, 2014
I need to consume a live data feed from a golf tournament. And by consume, I really mean insert (merge) into our own SQL Server database on a regular intervals as a tournament progresses.This site didn't let me upload an XML file, but you can see a sample of the data feed here: URL....
I need to insert this data into 2 tables, Player_Holes and Player_Shots. But while doing the insert, I need to lookup several things such as our player ID match to theirs on an external_id against the players table. The shot types translation, and some other logic about the process overall.
The columns in my player_holes tables are: id, player_id, hole_id, round, shots (this is a total # of strokes) and date_created/date_modified.Shots table is similar: id, player_id, hole_id, round, shot_number, shot_type_id, club, distance, date_created/date_modified.
The only way I know how to do it, is inefficient. I would parse the XML in ColdFusion (please no comments on ColdFusion, that's what we use for webdev), and then loop over it and do inserts for each player, each hole for each round, and the shots would probably be separate for each hole.
It would be so much better and more efficient if I could do it in SQL directly. I've done some research and SQL Server Data Tools looks promising. I've never used it, so would have to learn, but also I'm not sure if that'd work in this application when we want to run is as a scheduled task every few minutes.
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Aug 13, 2015
I'm pulling data from XML into tables, but I'm unsure how to link the data after it's imported. This example has names and tasks, and I can pull the data into two tables, but I can't find any way to link the task to the appropriate person. My person and task tables populate without issue, but there's nothing I can find to link the rows together. So in this example Test 1 would go to the first two Tasks and Test 2 would go to the second two work items.
DECLARE @Person Table (Name NVARCHAR(50), Addresss NVARCHAR(50));
DECLARE @Task Table (Name NVARCHAR(50), Details NVARCHAR(50));
<Person><Name>Test1</Name><Address>123 main street</Address></Person>
[Code] .....
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Jan 28, 2008
Hi all,
I use the following 3 sets of sql code in SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) to import the csv data/files to 3 dbo.Tables via CREATE TABLE & BUKL INSERT operations:
-- ImportCSVprojects.sql --
USE ChemDatabase
ProjectID int,
ProjectName nvarchar(25),
LabName nvarchar(25)
BULK INSERT dbo.Projects
FROM 'c:myfileProjects.csv'
-- ImportCSVsamples.sql --
USE ChemDatabase
SampleID int,
SampleName nvarchar(25),
Matrix nvarchar(25),
SampleType nvarchar(25),
ChemGroup nvarchar(25),
ProjectID int
BULK INSERT dbo.Samples
FROM 'c:myfileSamples.csv'
-- ImportCSVtestResult.sql --
USE ChemDatabase
AnalyteID int,
AnalyteName nvarchar(25),
Result decimal(9,3),
UnitForConc nvarchar(25),
SampleID int
BULK INSERT dbo.TestResults
FROM 'c:myfileLabTests.csv'
The 3 csv files were successfully imported into the ChemDatabase of my SSMSE.
2 questions to ask:
(1) How can I designate the Primary and Foreign Keys to these 3 dbo Tables?
Should I do this "designate" thing after the 3 dbo Tables are done or during the "Importing" period?
(2) How can I set up the relationships among these 3 dbo Tables?
Please help and advise.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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Aug 25, 2015
I have an excel file that has multiple sheets and I need to import data from each separate sheet to a separate table using SSIS.
E.g. Sheet A data should go to Table A and Sheet B data should go to Table B and so on. Is it possible to do this with out using script task.
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Feb 25, 2008
A view named "Viw_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No" has been created and can be run successfully on the server.
I want to import the data which draws from the view to a table using SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.
However, when I run the wizard on the server, it gives me the following error message and stop on the step Setting Source Connection
Operation stopped...
- Initializing Data Flow Task (Success)
- Initializing Connections (Success)
- Setting SQL Command (Success)
- Setting Source Connection (Error)
Error 0xc020801c: Source - Viw_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No [1]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" failed with error code 0xC0014019. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC020801C (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)
- Setting Destination Connection (Stopped)
- Validating (Stopped)
- Prepare for Execute (Stopped)
- Pre-execute (Stopped)
- Executing (Stopped)
- Copying to [NAV_CSG].[dbo].[Report_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No] (Stopped)
- Post-execute (Stopped)
Does anyone encounter this problem before and know what is happening?
Thanks for kindly reply.
Best regards,
Calvin Lam
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Oct 16, 2006
I am attempting to import data from Microsoft Access databases to SQL Server 2000 using the DTS Import/Export Wizard. I have a few errors.
Error at Destination for Row number 1. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1.
Insert error column 152 ('ViewMentalTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 150 ('VRptTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 147 ('ViewAppTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 144 ('VPreTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 15 ('Time', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Could you please look into this and guide me
Thanks in advance
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Jan 7, 2004
I am not sure how to implement the following, but I believe it entails using DTS, and hopefully it is fine that I post it here b/c ultimately I will need this backend data for my frontend .aspx pages:
On a weekly basis, I need to IMPORT some data located on a remote Oracle DB into SQL Server 2k. Since there is so much data to transfer, I would only like to transfer the data that is new to the table since the last IMPORT, i.e. a week ago and leave behin the OLD data.
Is DTS the correct way to go or do I have more control via DTS with STORED PROCEDURES? Does anyone have any good references for me?
On a similar note, once this Oracle data is IMPORTED into a certain table, I would like to EXPORT some of these NEWLY acquired rows matching certain criteria into another table for auditing purposes. For this scenario, should I implement a TRIGGER UPDATE event here on the first table?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
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Aug 14, 2015
I need to copy data from warehouse tables to master tables of different SQL instances. Refresh need to done once in an hour. What is the best way to do this? SQL agent jobs or SSIS packages?
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Nov 23, 2007
Can I give a sequence to each table that I will try to import from one database to another by using import /export wizard
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Apr 13, 2007
Hi there,
I am having difficulties in importing table from one sql server database file to another sql server database file.
A few months ago, I converted access file to ms sql express file. I had made many changes on the ms sql express file, however, the data in this file isn't the latest as the old system is still being used. Now, I want to deploy my new system, I need to import in necessary tables from the old system database, as well as, I want to retain the tables and data I created on the ms sql express file that I have been using so far for development and testing.
May I know how to import tables from other database? Just as in ms access where we can import tables from other access file. I'm using sql express 2005 and sql server management tool. Any advice/help is very much appreciated.
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Nov 6, 2007
Still really new at all this, but learning lots thanks to this forum.
I was wondering - is there a way to import Access tables into my SQL Server 2005 ?
(The Data and the Table Design?)
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Apr 24, 2001
I would like to know:
How can I import tables from the Enterprise Manager to Excel (copy and paste)?
Is it possible?
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Sep 7, 2006
I am really new to SQL Server so be patient i guess. I have installed sql server 2005 on my home computer but at first i wasnt able to connect to the server at school where i had started creating tables already. Instead of going up to the school i opted to do it from home and start over. Well I am wondering if there is a way to copy all the tables that i have created on my home computer and just import them into the database on the server at school. Hope this isnt confusing. Anyways, this forum always has helped me in the past, so i am confident someone will be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance.
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Mar 29, 2006
i am using sql server express edition.
i need to import (or make copies) on a weekly/daily basis, of several oracle tables into a new adp database.
what is the fastest option? some of these tables hold over 1m records.
so ideally i would like to schedule a refresh or update job outside busy hours.
I have heard of "linked servers" and "dts", but would like some experts advice before starting looking into this.
many thanks
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Nov 16, 2006
I have some Access tables that I want to import into SQL. I can do this using the AllTasks/ImportData. However if my Access table has a zero length string in a field this is imported into the SQL table as <NULL>. How can I make it import it as a zero length string ?
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Feb 21, 2008
I am an SQL newbie and despite 3 hours on the Internet this morning I am still confused!
I have some XML tables that I want to import into my SQLExpress database.
I have followed the example at How to import XML into SQL Server with the XML Bulk Load component.
I understand the example but when I run the vb code:
Set objBL = CreateObject("SQLXMLBulkLoad.SQLXMLBulkLoad")
objBL.ConnectionString = "provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data source=MySQLServer;database=MyDatabase;uid=MyAccount;pwd=MyPassword"
objBL.ErrorLogFile = "c:error.log"
objBL.Execute "c:customermapping.xml", "c:customers.xml"
Set objBL = Nothing
I get an error message saying that ActiveX cannot create object 'SQLXMLBulkLoad.SQLXMLBulkLoad'.
I have SSMSE and the databse on my PC harddrive.
What am I missing here?
Thanks in antcipation.
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Mar 19, 2006
Is there a way in SQL 2005 Express Edition to import/export data from another MSSQL Server? Something similar to the right click/ import table functionality of MSSQL2000.
I've read similar threads which all recommend using MS Access but there has to be a better way, right?
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Jan 10, 2006
I have problems importing tables from db2 using the import wizard using IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2
The tables and data ('Preview...') can be viewed but when trying to map the columns ('Edit...' next to the tables) or import the data an error is recieved
[DB2/NT] SQL0443N Routine "SYSIBM.SQLCOLUMNS" (specific name "COLUMNS") has returned an error SQLSTATE with diagnostic text "SYSIBM:CLI:-727". SQLSTATE=38553
Schemas is used in both DB2 and Sql 2005
There is no problem importing to Sql 2000
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Mar 9, 2007
I'm trying to migrate some tables from 2000 to 2005. I used the wizard in SSIS to create a package bringing them in.
The first database I did this on it worked great, in no time.
However, I tried this on another database and I get a LOT of these:
Information: 0x4004800C at {0417E15E-7306-4DAD-BEDD-1FDB17390EB0}, DTS.Pipeline: The buffer manager detected that the system was low on virtual memory, but was unable to swap out any buffers. 2 buffers were considered and 2 were locked. Either not enough memory is available to the pipeline because not enough is installed, other processes are using it, or too many buffers are locked.
Now, some things to note:
1. I'm trying to do about 170 tables at once - although none of them are bigger than a MB
2. Copying files between these 2 servers is also taking a long time
Is it too many tables at once? Is it the actual pipeline between the servers? The message above seems to indicate that it is a problem local to the machine, and maybe our file-copying problem is just another issue entirely.
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Dec 17, 2006
Hi all,
I've just installed the Sql Server 2005 Express Ed + Management Studio Express and I can't get how to import data from a MS Access 2003 file. From what I've read is not possible to do through the Management Studio Express so is there any other tool to do that?
Thanks in advance,
Marc Soleda
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Mar 5, 2007
how do i import or what is the best way of import from xml file to a sql server tables?how do i export or what is the best way of export from sql server tables to xml file?thanks
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May 19, 2008
guys i need to import all tables from sqlserver to informix ...............
any idea really appreciated
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Jul 16, 2002
Quick Question!
If you have both invoice header lines and invoice detail lines in a comma delimited file, how can I get the data in the file to be imported into two different tables. I can produce a text file eg:
1,20,10/03/2002,39 High Street Any Town,,
2,20,Fluffy Slippers,2,Red,10.99
1,21,10/03/2002,11 Gibson Close,
1,22,13/03/2002,45 Mill Street,
2,22,Womble Feet,4,White,16.99
2,22,Glass Slipper,1,Transparent,23.99
Lines with 1 in the first column should go in the InvoiceHeader table
Lines with 2 in the first column should go in the InvoiceDetails table.
I have tried with DTS but to no avial - ActiveX scrips in the Transform Data Task can only seem to access one data destination - it one table not two.
Any Ideas?
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Nov 14, 2003
Can someone tell me if there's a way to export data from one database to another without losing the primary key information that has been set in the source database?
Please respond to URL. Thanks!
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Jan 29, 2014
I have 1 Excel spreadsheet. It has about 50 fields. I need to import this into my Database.The problem is; there are 2 tables that I need to import this into. These 2 tables are related with [ID].So, I need to split the data from 1 spreadsheet between 2 SQL server table. and keep the records related.
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Feb 24, 2004
I am using DTS in SQL server2k
What is the best way to insert CSV records, where 1 record maps onto multiple tables with parent/child or PK/FK relationship.
CSV record
(ID, param1, param2, param3)
ParentTable(ID as PK)
Param1Table(ID as FK in ParentTable, param1)
Param2Table(ID as FK in ParentTable, param2)
Param3Table(ID as FK in ParentTable, param3)
Currently i am using multiple Transform Data tasks with ActiveX script. But it seems to work slow.
Thanks and regards,
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Mar 9, 2004
Hi There,
I am trying to create a DTS package that will import dbf tables. My problem is that the data was created back in the pre-dos 5 days, so to save room they took the dates and convert them to 2 characters.
Now I would like to import these tables and conver the date back. I do have a Function that I can run in FoxPro to "Unpack" these dates.
Function UnPackDate( cDate )
*!*PARAMETERS: f_datestr - Character (manditory). This should be a two
**!* byte string created with PACKDATE().
*!* RETURNS: A date from 1/1/1970 and 11/29/2126
If EMPTY(cDate)
Return {//}
Local nDate
nDate = (ASC( LEFT(cDate,1) ) * 256) + ASC( RIGHT(cDate,1))
Return ( CTOD("01/01/1970") + nDate - 8225 )
*================================================= ======================
Does anyone know how to take this function and make it work while doing an import?
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Apr 30, 2007
I have to import some Access 2003 tables into a SQL Server 2005. Since I have to do this every 6 months (different Access db into same SQL-Server) and since I have to check every single row I can't do it with the import data wizzard. I need to import the access tables into "temporary" tables in sql server and from there I'll put the rows into the correct tables...
Does anyone know how to import Access tables into SQL-Server 2005 with C#?
Thank you for your help!
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Nov 28, 2006
I want to import into an MDB table a csv file.
I'm trying to use the bulk copy table.
my function is:
SQL = "SELECT * INTO [my_table] FROM [ODBC;Driver=Micrsoft text driver (*.txt; *csv) ;Dbq=c:\;Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt;].table.csv"
db.OpenEx( "Driver=Microsoft Access Driver .mdb);DBQ=c:\access.mdb;", CDatabase::noOdbcDialog );
db.ExecuteSQL( SQL );
when i run this function i get an error : "You cannot use ODBC to import from, export to, or link an external Microsoft Jet or ISAM database table to your database"
when i try to import in the same way a dbf file (insted the csv file) with VFP it's working well.
what seems to be the problem? how can i fix it? or if some one know how can i import a large csv file into access DB in an efficient diffrent way?
thanks ishay
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