Import Data From Text To MS SQL Server. !!! Need Help!!!
Oct 31, 2005Hi
I need to know how to import data from .txt to the MS SQL Server. IT is really important and i have 1 hour only, any help ....... appreciated.
I need to know how to import data from .txt to the MS SQL Server. IT is really important and i have 1 hour only, any help ....... appreciated.
Hi,i wanna develop an web-database application with ASP.NET,C#, SQL server 2000.i already have some data whichs been in text format(text file) and now, i want to import the same into my database.the problem is, the text file has got many line breaks and also its not well formated to import it using DTS.Can any one help me out in importing the same.thanks in advance
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to extract data from text files (around 200) and import into sql server tables. I tried using SSIS foreach loop container but could not manage it. Can anyone guide me how this can be done?
All help appreciated.
Is there a way to import data from a text file with DELPHI toward a SQL Server table.
I heard about BCP ...?
Does someone know?
How do I import data from an Excel or text file ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI needs export data on table to text file so I can process this data
with another database engine ie. Informix.
Can anybody help me to solve this problem ?
I am learning SQLServer Integration Services.
I created a file People.txt containing firstName, LastName seperated by a pipe.
John | Doe
Mike | James
Adam | Smith
and another one called gender.txt
I will would like to create integration services package that compines each record of the first file with the record of the second file and inserts the result into table.
--------------Result table content------------------
I have a text file which contains the data that has to be inserted into multiple tables.The columnames of table 1 form the H1 follwed by Details D1,D1,D1...
The column names of table two form the H2 followed by details D2,D2,D2 so on and similarly for Table 3.
Am using a link server to the file directory and schema.ini which defines the column names fofr the text file
Is there any way of defining column names for more than one table through the schema.ini? or is there any other way through I can parse the text file contents to multiple tables?
Sample text file:
H2,PagesUsed,PagesPrinted,Pages emailed
Schema.Ini - defined for the first table
Col1=JobDateText Width 20
Col2=JobNumberText Width 20
Col3=FileName Text Width 100
Hoe do i define the column names for the second table. All these contents are in a single text file and need to be parsed only thru sql.
Any help/suggestions are welcome..
Thanks a lot for taking time to read this.
I am new to Integration services.I have one query ,Is it possible to import the data from text file in integration services.
I know that we can import the data from excel sheet and we can export it to table.But my question is whether we can do the same thing from the text file.If anyone come acroos the same thing send u r possible answers.Your help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
can one of you please show me how to import data from a text file into a temp table in a stored proc.
A view named "Viw_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No" has been created and can be run successfully on the server.
I want to import the data which draws from the view to a table using SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.
However, when I run the wizard on the server, it gives me the following error message and stop on the step Setting Source Connection
Operation stopped...
- Initializing Data Flow Task (Success)
- Initializing Connections (Success)
- Setting SQL Command (Success)
- Setting Source Connection (Error)
Error 0xc020801c: Source - Viw_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No [1]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" failed with error code 0xC0014019. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC020801C (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)
- Setting Destination Connection (Stopped)
- Validating (Stopped)
- Prepare for Execute (Stopped)
- Pre-execute (Stopped)
- Executing (Stopped)
- Copying to [NAV_CSG].[dbo].[Report_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No] (Stopped)
- Post-execute (Stopped)
Does anyone encounter this problem before and know what is happening?
Thanks for kindly reply.
Best regards,
Calvin Lam
I am attempting to import data from Microsoft Access databases to SQL Server 2000 using the DTS Import/Export Wizard. I have a few errors.
Error at Destination for Row number 1. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1.
Insert error column 152 ('ViewMentalTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 150 ('VRptTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 147 ('ViewAppTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 144 ('VPreTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 15 ('Time', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Could you please look into this and guide me
Thanks in advance
Hi there,When importing a text file using SQL Server, how do I specify the pathto a file on the same remote server that SQL Server is running on? Itried //c:/filename but that doesn't seem to work.Also, once the import is working, how do I write a DTS package tofirst delete all rows in a table, then repopulate with the text file,or is it easier to drop the table, re-create it and then repopulate?The table will contain approximately 30,000 records.thanks for your help,K
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have created a DTS package which imports text file into single sql server table with 8 columns (SourceData). The DTS package uses 'Test1.txt' file. Now i have around 200 text files (Test1,Test2,.....Test200). I need to import them one by one into 'SourceData' table. Could you pls. help me out in getting solved this mistery.
I'm trying to read a text and load the data from the text file and import the data into the database.please help!!
View 2 Replies View Relatedhi guys
i need to import text file to sql table in sql server 2005 ...using query how do i import text file to sql table .......................
i need query
i dont want go Import/export options
I have a text file I am trying to import into SQL Server using OLEDB connection.
It's a fixed field text file, ragged right format. One of my columns maps to a numeric column in the DB. In some spots in the file, it is blank, in others there is actual numeric data.
I can't get it to import. If I set the text file column to numeric, I get an error "That value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data." If I set the text file column to string, I get a similar error from the OLE DB provider, "Invalid character value for cast specification"
I have tried telling it to retain nulls in the data flow and the other way as well. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Hi all,
I got a unicode file source with this fields:
-DT_WSTR (100) originally is DT_STR(100)
-DT_WSTR (100) originally is DT_STR(100)
-DT_WSTR (20) originally is DT_DBTIMESTAMP
-DT_WSTR (5) originally is DT_BOOLEAN
I export a Query result to a File (see above) unicode TXT destination.
OK, now I must to re-import into another DB and here is my difficult...'cause the DT_NTEXT is HTML code and I got always this error:
[Flat File Source [1050]] Error: The column delimiter for column "scheda" was not found.
Scheda field is the DT_NTEXT.
Into connection manager area I modify the advanced tab for the set-up of my fields setting all to:
Unicode string [DT_WSTR] with a variable of the len, but Try also to define everyone to the rigth type of the SQL destination like:
- DT_STR(100)
- DT_STR(100)
In every type of action I see no message alert and all seem to be good, but when I try to execute got always same error...
So hope someone can help me...
here first line of my UNICODE TXT source file
"codven" "manufacturer" "scheda" "last_modified" "modificata"
"CDGI2120" "Altri" "<datasheet><section ncellmax="1" id="1"><row order="1"><cell><![CDATA[Combat possiede mitragliatrici per intraprendere battaglie testa a ~testa del genere "spara o sei finito" in mezzo a territori ~butterati di crateri su carri armati del 23esimo secolo.~Caratteristiche:~* Cinque modalita' di gioco~* Tre tipi di carri armati~* Partita singola o in multiplayer~* Grafica in 2D, 3D]]></cell></row></section></datasheet>" "2007-12-11 13:02:26.290000000" "1"
"CDGI2586" "Disney Interactive" "<datasheet><section ncellmax="1" id="1"><row order="1"><cell><![CDATA[Entra con Tigro ed i suoi amici nel meraviglioso Bosco dei 100 Acri aiutalo a cercare il miele nella natura incantata di questo fantastico mondo! ~~Il giocatore vestirÓ i panni di Tigro, il simpatico e buffo amico di Winnie The Pooh, il quale dovrÓ raccogliere quanto pi� miele possibile, per rendere la festa di Winnie qualcosa di veramente speciale!!!]]></cell></row></section></datasheet>" "2007-12-11 13:02:26.290000000" "1"
Can anybody tell how to import a table with the text column from SQL Server 2000 to MySQL 4.0.17?
I tried this using ODBC connection but got an error message saying, "Query-based Insertion or updating of BLOB values is not supported".
I have an .xlsx file where I need to import the data into a table. If there is not a way to do this, is there a way to import either a tab del file or different type of .csv file into the database?
Do not want to use the SSIS or import feature from SQL2008 as I tried to save the steps and running it wont work either.
Hello,I am receiving a text file that is produced from a mainframe that isout of my control. I am attempting to find a (hopefully clean) way toimport it into a SQL Server database in an automated fashion. I amnot really concerned about how many tables it requires or what theschema looks like as long as the data remains related and ends up inits respective fields (I will probably use scratch tables for this).The data is given to me in a format that is meant to be printed outand read by human eyes (in a text file). The format looks somethinglike this:Begin File:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1234 1234 1234 1234 XYZ Company 01/01/2003.......More stuff related to XYZ company for a couple of lines ..............(this stuff can easily be parsed by position).......MCARD VISA AMEX DISC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 11111.11 4444.44 5555.55 30.01TRANS FEE .20 .20 .15 .15TRANS AMOUNT 2222.22 888.89 833.33 4.50DISC .0165 .0165 .0365 .0355-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANOTHER HEADER............More stuff related to XYZ Company................End File:Well, this isn't the exact format, but just an example. The point isthat all of the data in each column is related and should end up inthe same record which is related to the parent record of XYZ Company(or all in a single record in a single table if that is the closest Ican get).Also, the rows are not always present. For example, if TRANS FEEdoesn't apply to anything in the row, then the entire row willcollapse and TRANS AMOUNT would be the next line after TOTAL.I was looking at the bcp utility and dts, but dts doesn't seem to havethe performance capabilities (or reliability for that matter) I amlooking for. Bcp seems like it might work if there is some advancedformatting commands that I can't find in the documentation - Anyone?The best I can come up with is to use a high level language such as C#or VB.NET to parse the text file into another text file that is commadelimited, and then use the bcp utility (or bulk insert) to import itinto SQL Server where I can then use TSQL to manipulate it how I want.I am trying to eliminate the high level language parse and just gostraight from file to database. Does anybody know an easier route?TIA
View 1 Replies View Related
what is the best way to import fixed length text file to sql server using SSIS?
I was trying to using text file source and ole db destination..but since the text file has no columns and have different length per column and per line( it show only one column becasue it all concatnated), I can not map it to destination column..
How can I import it?
Here is the example of text file ( fixed with row delimeter)that i need to import to different columns...
010000000000000000001164.00023 YV
02004101 1 2008-04-OLL 43456 0000000001 2008-04-08
047890 7556 YYU 779
I have a text file with a bunch of zip codes: 99546,"AK","Adak",162.70,55.20,.0099551,"AK","Akiachak",161.39,60.89,.0099552,"AK","Akiak",161.19,60.89,.0099553,"AK","Akutan",165.78,54.14,.00................... I want to import this in Sql Server Express. Is it possible to do this using Management Studio Express? If not, does anyone know a script that would import the data?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to periodically import a (HUGE) table of data from an external data source (not SQL Server) into SQL Server, with the following scenarios:
Some of the records in the external data source may not exist in SQL.Some of the records in the external data source may have a different value at different imports, but this records are identified univocally by the same primary key in the external datasource and in SQL Server.Some of the records in the external data source may be the same in SQL.
Due to the massive volume of the import, I would like to import only the records which are different from what I have in SQL Server (cases 1 and 2 above). In fact case 2 is the most critical.
I thought of making a query with a left outer join between the data in the external data source table (SOURCE) and the data in the SQL Server table (DESTIN). The join is done on the respective primary keys (composed keys of up to 10 columns) and one of the WHERE conditions will be that the value in SOURCE is different from the value in DESTIN.
The result of this query would be exactly what I need to import.
How to do this in SSIS??? I couldn't figure out how to join tables in different data sources yet.
In fact I cannot write a stored procedure to do that, since one of the sources is in a datasources not SQL Server.
I have seen the Lookup transformation in this article but this is not exacltly what I want to do.
Another possibility is to use the merge join, but due to the sorting I believe its performances would be terrible!
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
Hi all,
It looks like these options are only available in the SQL Server Management Studio? I installed SQL Server Management Express Studio and I can't even find the DTSWizard.exe on my machine.
Can you please help how I can import data from excel or where can I download the SQL Server Management Studio?
Your prompt response is greatly appreciated.
I have one column in SQL Server 2005 of data type VARCHAR(4000).
I have imported sql Server 2005 database data into one mdb file.After importing a data into the mdb file, above column
data type converted into the memo type in the Access database.
now when I am trying to import a data from this MS Access File(db1.mdb) into the another SQL Server 2005 database, got the error of Unicode Converting a memo data type conversion in Export/Import data wizard.
Could you please let me know what is the reason?
I know that memo data type does not supported into the SQl Server 2005.
I am with SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with SP2.
Please help me to understans this issue correctly?
Hi guys,
I am looking to import data into the SQL Server database, from a CSV file..
anyone with any suggestions for how to start with it ??
Thanks heaps
Im using the sql import/export features to transfer a database from one server to another. For some reason when I am transfering tables with primary keys when I look at the new database on the other server it doesnt seem to hold the primary key info. Can anyone tell me why and how i can preserve this info so I dont have to go back through and reset this info.
Hello everyone,
I need help with a situation that iam facing right now.
Here is the problem:
I have a tab limited or comma delimited CSV file. I want to read the contents of that CSV file and import it in one of the tables in the database.
id firstname lastname
-- ---------- ----------
"1" "John" "Smith"
"2" "Louis" "Garcia"
I assume that the columns in the CSV files and the table in the database match the datatype.
What would be a good approach to do it ? If anyone have a code that does the job, please post it.
Thank You.
Hi,i have developed an web-enabled student database application, where in i'll put all the details of the students from different universities.while uploading the details of the students, i wanna just import the data given by the universities into the server.I dont know how exactly the same could be done, also, since each university might be having there own format for the data, how can i import these into singe database?Any ideas ... Please. Thanks in advance
View 3 Replies View RelatedHi,
I am having my present database system in DB2. Recently, I have transferred to SQL Server 6.5 and have created a database there.
I want to import all my data from dbase to SQL Server 6.5.
I have created a CSV file from the dbase database.
How can I import this data into a table in SQL Server 6.5 ??
I can't find any DTS component in SQL 6.5 like we have in SQL 7.0 and 2000.
Does anyone know how to import data from an Oracle view (on Unix machine) to the tables in NT/SQL server 7.0? At least point me to the right docoment resource, if available. Thanks a lot.
problem is I don't have unfettered access to the MS SQL Server(7), so I need to send instructions on how to do it to a client.
After reading up a little, I figured "select view into ##tmp_table", and then dump the table, which, if I'm right, means I'll have an SQL dump that I can quite easily import into MySQL.
Problem,: What's the syntax to dump that temp table, or is there a better way to import the data into MySQL