Import Excel Files Realtime

Nov 6, 2007

Using SSIS, I am successfully importing data from excel files into a table in sql server 2005.
These excel files are ALWAYS open and are being updated from external sources i.e. third party tools.
After doing alot of investigations, I have reached the conclusions as follows:
When the excel files are NOT being updated, then the ssis package works
BUT when the excel files are being updated, then the ssis package does not work. The error is:

[Excel Source [749]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.

Please note that the excel files MUST be open so that they get updated by the third party tool.
AND, every few minutes i.e. 5 mins, my ssis package should import these excel files.

How is it possible to load the excel data while it is being updated by external third party.


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Import Excel Files Realtime

Nov 6, 2007

Using SSIS, I am successfully importing data from excel files into a table in sql server 2005.
These excel files are ALWAYS open and are being updated from external sources i.e. third party tools.
After doing alot of investigations, I have reached the conclusions as follows:
When the excel files are NOT being updated, then the ssis package works
BUT when the excel files are being updated, then the ssis package does not work. The error is:

[Excel Source [749]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.

Please note that the excel files MUST be open so that they get updated by the third party tool.
AND, every few minutes i.e. 5 mins, my ssis package should import these excel files.

How is it possible to load the excel data while it is being updated by external third party.


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Import Excel To Sql 2005 - Realtime

Nov 2, 2007

Ther eis an excel file.
This file is open all the time so the excel sheets get populated by an external third party application real time.
So the data inside the spreadsheets are constantly changing. This spreadsheet is only capable of being updated with data when it is open.
And I would like to import this excel data on a certain interval into sql server 2005.
Tried using the import wizard but it seems the import does not work if the source i.e. the excel file is open.
Is there an alternative please?

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How To Import Excel Files

Apr 23, 2007

I have data in excel files I want to import it to existing SQL Server database. I can use SQL Server built in import tool but before Importing, the data needs to be validated. What is the best way to do this?


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How To Import Several Excel Files Using One Dts Package

May 11, 2006

It's very simple import, without any data modifications; from severalexcel files to one table.I tried the wisard and it gives me selection for only one file.I am not used to create DTS packages and schedule jobs, so I would needsome help.Thank youInna

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Import Excel Files To Sql Server

Jan 24, 2008


Various excel files with the same structure will reside in a folder. These excel files should be exported daily in a Sql server table. If the data within the excel file according to an id is new then all data should be appended to the table, otherwise if the id exists in the sql server table then it must update the remaining corresponding fields.

I know how to export an excel file to a sql server table, i need some help in comparing the excel file data with the sql table so to make the appropriate updates.

Can anyone please help me get started?



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Import Multiple Excel Files

Feb 25, 2008


I need to import around 200 excel file data into one table. Is there a way of doing this using SSIS or DTS? I know how to import single excel file into table but i need to automate this process for many files. All help appreciated


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Excel 2010 - Import Multiple Files To Table?

Sep 23, 2014

I have over 600+ Excel .xlsx file that I have been trying to import to Sql database table. I've been trying to complete this task with SSIS but no luck yet. I have seen several videos and read articles but when I run the package the source is validated but I always get an error in the destination. I am using Excel 2010 and SQL Server 2012.

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SQL 2012 :: Import Excel XLSX Files Into Temp Table

Feb 18, 2014

I am having with trying to import XLSX files into SQL 2012 64 Bit.

I have installed the Access driver (AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe)

I have configured the script to run the following SP

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1

[Code] ....

So I first create my Temp Table

The run the SP above then I run the insert into the Temp table defined

INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.TempTRBZ (IsNew,CoID, Zip, City, County,StateCode,Rate,Taxable,TaxShip,TaxLab,CountryID,StateID)

SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET( 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','EXCEL 12.0;Database=C:TempNotInTrbzJan.xlsx;HDR=YES','SELECT * FROM [Data$]')

[Code] ....

The error message I get back is

Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)".

What I have set wrong on the import? Using SSIS at this point is not a real option.

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Integration Services :: Can't Import Excel 2013 Using SSMS Import Wizard (2008 R2)

Jul 29, 2015

I am trying to import an xlsx spreadsheet into a sql 2008 r2 database using the SSMS Import Wizard.  When pointed to the spreadsheet ("choose a data source")  the Import Wizard returns this error:

"The operation could not be completed" The Microsoft ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered on the local machine (System.Data)

How can I address that issue? (e.g. Where is this provider and how do I install it?)

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HELP!!! Cannot Import SSIS Package Files From .dtsx Files

Oct 8, 2007

Brief overview...Running SQL Server 2003 Server Enterprise 64 bit - All Service Packs and patches current
SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 64 bit Build Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (X64) Mar 23 2007 18:41:50 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

I cannot import any SSIS packages nor crete any new folders under stored packages. I hve googled the news groups and looked at BOL to no avail. HELP!!!!

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How Do Create Table From Excel (based On Excel Column Name) And Import Data From It?

Jun 14, 2006

l've the following situation,

l've some excel files controlled by Vendor which changing frequently. The only thing does not change is the header name of each column.

So my question is, is there any way to create a new table based on the excel file selected including the column name in SSIS? So that l can use the data reader as source to select those columns l am interested on and start the integration.


Yong Boon, Lim

p/s : The excel header is at the row 7.

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Integration Services :: Excel Column Turns To Blank / NULL While Import Using SSIS Excel Source 2008

Jul 6, 2015

While importing data from Excel source , some column is getting null value even though excel column has value.To Resolve the issue we tried with

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftOffice14.0Access Connectivity EngineEnginesExcel

1.Change the Value  of the Row TypeGuessRows from 8 (Default value) to 0  and ImportMixedType = text

• xls

1.Change the Value  of the Row TypeGuessRows from 8 (Default value) to 0  and ImportMixedType = text

the connection string of the excel

UPPER(REVERSE(SUBSTRING( REVERSE(@[User::VarInputExcelFile]), 1, 5) ) ) == ".XLSX" ? "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + @[User::VarInputExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";":"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" + @[User::VarInputExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties="EXCEL 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";"

by doing the above setting also , the column is coming as null from excel source even though there is data in excel.

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Import Excel Via Excel Command

Jan 24, 2008

I want to import excel in SSIS via sql command and change the data types. can anyone guide me on this or give me some sample command on how to change datatypes explicitly.

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Data Import Excel XML Defaults Which File Governs Excel Defaults?

Jul 21, 2015

I'm importing a multi tab spreadsheet using Import wizard, which I understand to use the same internals as SSIS. The total number of columns in the spread sheet will be over 500. The import wizard defaults everything to varchar 255. I understand there is an XML file I can manipulate to change this and they are located

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100DTSMappingFiles

Assuming one of these will control Excel defaults, which one is it? None of the names lend themselves to the Excel as a source. SqlClientToMSSql10?

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Import Files

Dec 18, 2001

Hi i have a question.
How can i import dump from a text file , to an exsiting database, i´m will not useing DTS, i what to use BULK cmd in sql queryanalyser etc.

Need help


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Import CSV Files To SQL

Mar 28, 2003

I have SQL 2000 running under windows 2000 server.

I'm receving CSV files from the field.
I would like to built SQL database from daily CSV files. I've been doing this manually :( however, is there anyway I can do this task automactically so that once new daily CSV file ~200KB appear in the folder, progarm automatically insert recent file to SQL database...:) Do I need to write VB progarm for this? Please help...

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Import Xml Files

Jul 4, 2007

I have created a stored procedure to handle xml data.
One of the inputs to this procedure is xmldata which is basically the contents of the xml in a file.
Now I would like to create a SSIS package that takes the xml files from the network and uses this SP.
Should I have a file system task inside a for loop container?
How do I get started on this please?

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Import Xml Files

Jul 4, 2007

I have created a stored procedure to handle xml data.
One of the inputs to this procedure is xmldata which is basically the contents of the xml in a file.
Now I would like to create a SSIS package that takes the xml files from the network and uses this SP.
Should I have a file system task inside a for loop container?
How do I get started on this please?

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Can You Copy A Table Realtime?

Apr 6, 2007

Is there a way to copy a table schema into a new table rather than having to generate a create table script?For example, I have table dbo.MyTable and I want to copy the schema to newuser.MyTable without a script? I know you can restore into a new database from an existing database so maybe you can do this?thanks-c 

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Realtime Data Warehouse

Apr 10, 2008

Is SSIS a tool for extracting realtime data from staging to data warehouse? Realtime in my case can be loading every 15 minutes but no more than 30 minutes. I've a data warehouse which data refresh once a day and it worked fine. The data that I extract into the warehouse is from a Staging database which is realtime replication of multiple production databases. Once a day, I've to have replication pauses on staging for a couple hours to refresh the data warehouse. That's the only way so SSIS can pull the data correctly; if I've replication on while SSIS pull data, it will always copy less rows than it supposed to.

I cannot afford to have replication pauses every 15 minutes just so I can refresh data warehouse. Does anyone every have this problem? or any best practice how to do this?



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Import Multiple XML Files At Once

Jul 17, 2007

I have about 300-400 XML files I want to load in my SQL database (2005). The following code will load one (1) file. How do i do a mulitple collections?

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Automatic Import CSV Files

Mar 22, 2001

Dear all,

I'm new to SQL server. I would like to ask how to do the following. Now I have many CSV files in a directory, which are uploaded through ftp from my client computers daily. How can I automatically import those CSV files to the SQL server? Can I do it by a script or a stored procedure or something else?

Your help would be much appreciated.

Roland Lee

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Import Text Files

Aug 30, 1999

Hi ppl,
I'm trying to import a fixed lenght text file into a sql 7.0 table using the SQL command "BULK INSERT".

The text file is fixed length and end with a carriage return and linefeed. Fields aren’t delimited.

Wich definition of the "FIELDTERMINATOR" should i use ?

I need some Help here!!!

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Import Multiple Txt Files

Sep 3, 2007

I have 8GB of text files which are basically log files from the past few years.
There is 24 text files per directory which are labeled for every day (so they are not all in 1 folder).
It would make reading them much easier if I could import them to SQL but I only seem to be able to import 1 at a time? (with the wizards :eek: )

Surely there is a way to mass import without all the costly applications that google searches give me?
cheers :P

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Import Files Do Not Exist

Jan 22, 2004

I have a job that calls about 5 DTS's. Each DTS imports a text file. The problem is that some of the files may not be there every day. How do I exit the DTS without an error if the file does not exist, but I want my job to keep running...

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Import From Multiple Files

Nov 4, 2014

I have a script which imports the contents of a csv file from our CRM system and updates a table in my database. This works OK but the problems I have are that a) sometimes there is more than one file in the folder, and b) that I wish to move any csv files that have been imported into an archive folder. The csv files arrive with a time/datestamp and I currently rename them manually to FREXPORT before importing (the name is in the format FREXPORT_20141101_1217.csv).How do I:

1) get it to process the file without me having to manually rename the file(s) each time,
2) if there is more than 1 file in the folder process all the files and 3)move the correctly processed files to an archive folder which is: importarchive?

Ultimately, I would like the script to be run as a scheduled job, so it also has to deal with the fact that sometimes there will be no files to import too.

[code]create table #import
(worknumber nvarchar(12), date_done smalldatetime)
Insert #import
from 'fork04-hq-dc01dataimportFREXPORT.csv'


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Import CSV Files To SQL 2000?

Aug 25, 2005

I have several hundred .csv files that have a specific cell that I need to get into a SQL table.
These files are named after the date on which they were 8252005 would be todays date.
Im looking for a way to import this cell to SQL... the same cell in each file....
Thanks for any help

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Import *.log Files To The SQL Server

Jun 15, 2006

I have a task to import *.log files in to the Microsoft SQL Server and need help in this regards.

This import should be the best table structure/format for the web log (considerations for import time, size, indexing, querying, reporting, etc.), and best utilize all available space on the server


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Dts To Import Csv Files Error

Jan 31, 2008

I'd like to set up a dts package to import .csv files and on testing one .csv with only one row I am getting this error:

Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services Flat File Rowset Provider

Error Description: Too many columns found in the current row; non-whitespace characters were found after the last defined column's data.

data set from .csv:
-31,0,"CENTER","","","64 ROCK DR. #4100","BETH","MD.","20417","0470-5",30109,10598,"52492000 083","1018","406800","6896CE","7007","G00887",1,13983.24,2139.66,42741.9,150101.36,830317.41,1562843.99,30128.45,2,506,0,0,0,0,0,0,37.87,1,0,0,476.39,472.15,0,1191.12,0,90073.46,43038.97,0,309926.59,-14880.49,20060102,20090101,"A","","",""," ","C62454",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8.39,0,0,0,0,"",0,"00000000",""

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Import Flat Files

Feb 7, 2007

hi all

i using SSIS to import flat files and i need support

how can i import flat file from folder inculed many files and when finish start to next and next .....

if can i select from flat files to add condition

like Select * from.....where ......


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Import Of SPSS-files

Jun 4, 2007


i'm trying to find out if SSIS is a right toolbox for importing of many SPSS-files into the large market research data warehouse.

A simplified version of SPSS-datasheet looks like this:

- many columns (up to 3000). some of them are interview attributes (InterviewID, Date, etc.) and variables, representing survey questions

- relative few rows with "cases" or "interviews"

- in cells there are answers to the questions (in columns) by respondent (in rows)

As first step i would like to unpivot the dataset in the following way:

- Pass-Through: all interview attributes, that shouldn't be unpivoted

- Input Columns: rest 2990 columns

- Destination Column: Question

- Pivot Key Value Column Name: Answer

It works allright, except that i has to manually define destination column for all 2990 input columns, which takes a lot of time (multiplied by the number of SPSS-files i want to import). Is there a way to automate this (default value for destination column and/or scripting?)

Many thanks for your help!

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Import Perfmon Log Files

Jan 28, 2008

Does anyone have a completed script that will import Perfmon logs from csv format into an existing database that follows the SQL Log File Schema EG; CounterData, CounterDetails, DisplayToID tables accurately. I don't know enough T-SQL to get it right. Thanks for any input you may have.

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