Import Issue For CSV File With Quotes Around All Data Fields

Aug 2, 2007


I have a CSV file that encloses all the data fields with quotation marks. Here is a sample:


Is there any way in SSIS that I can tell the Flat File wizard to ignore the quotation marks? I don't want to import the quotes in the database since that will really mess up other applications that need to use the data.

Thanks in advance,

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What Do I Need To Do To Import Ebcdic File With Comp3 Packed Data Fields From Mf Into SQL Server

Oct 12, 2007

What do I need to do to import Ebcdic file with comp3 packed data fields from mf into SQL Server? Is this possible? Do I need to go into advanced properties and change the data type? Or do I need to use data conversion task for the packed fields. Any advice or if somebody could point me to a sample script would be greatly appreciated.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Bulk Import And Create New Table Based On Header Fields Of Imported File (XLXS)

Sep 11, 2015

I have a record in an Excel format (Excel 2010) and I would like to bulk import that into SQL Server 2008 and also while importing, SQL Server will automatically create a new table based on the header fields or row of the source file.

I am not sure if SQL Server 2008 has this capabilities.

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Bulk Import Errors - Dbl Quotes Maybe Problem

Mar 18, 2008

Hi Guys,I’m trying to do a Bulk Insert but I am receiving the following error:
conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 2, column 8 (Phone).Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 8 (Phone).".
Task failed: dbo.tblNoName

The data is comma delimited which I stipulated in my Import Connection section. But the data also has quotes around it (ie. The field Lname nvarchar (17) = “Brown� and the field phone nvarchar (10) = “12345678921�. Is there a way to ignore the quotes or do I have to remove them before I import?

Or is my problem something else all together?

The connection is solid;
Format = “Specify�
RowDelimiter = {CR}{LF}
columnDelimiter = Comma {,}

No other options are set.

The data looks like:
"tstLName","tstFname","000 N Tst DR","IDAHO sp","ID","00000000",

Thank you,

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How To Import Flat Files With Single And Double Quotes Imbedded In Them?

Aug 8, 2006

I've got a flat file data source, that is to large to edit with most Windows apps on my server that contains both single and double quote characters that I need to load in a varchar column.

So I attempted to do it with a Replace in data transformation, but I can't get SSIS to allow me to use a variable or pair of single or double quotes within the replace.

If I don't replace the single quote characters with a pair then the records containing these characters all end up in my failed records output file.

Here are 5 example property legal descriptions from my FLAT FILE data source:

COM 441'6" N OF SW/C OF NW4 OF SEC 22-29-20 ELY1340' N200' CROSSING THE CNTR OF TR AT 100 WLY1240' S200' TO POB CONTAINING 6 3/10 ACRE MOL

N 50' OF S 330' OF W 122' OF E 735' OF SW4 OF NE4 OF SEC 28/28/18 A/K/A LOT

271 BLK "M" OF$PB 14/36-T

LOT 9 BLK "BA" OF$PB 39/1

OVERCODED POST LTS 17 21-42 47-55 & 69 PB 27/110 "ALL" SECS 16-21, 28 29/31/19 & "ALL"

N 100' OF S 815' OF TR "H" OF PB 28/58 LESS W 15' FOR ESMT ESMT DESC AS W 15' OF S 815' OF TR "H" OF PB 28/58

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Exported Flat File Data Will Not Import To Same Table Without Extensive Data-type Manipulation

Jul 13, 2007

I'm moving data between identical tables and have to use a flat file as an intermediary. I thought: "No problem, SSIS can do a quick export to a file, then move the file to another server, then use SSIS to import the data to the new server."

Seems simple, right?

I'm hitting all sorts of surprising data conversion errors. I used the export wizard to create the export package. This works fine. However using the same flat file definition, the import package fails -- even when I have no destination. That is I have just one data flow task that contains only one control: the Flat File source. When I run the package the flat file definition fails with data type conversion and truncation errors. One of the obvious errors is for boolean types. The SQL field is a bit, SSIS defined the column as DT_BOOL, the output of the data are literal text values "TRUE" and "FALSE". So SSIS converts a sql datatype of bit to "TRUE" and "FALSE" on export, but can't make the reverse conversion on import?

Does anyone else find this surprising? I would expect that what SSIS exports, it can import given all the same table and flat file definitions. Is SSIS the wrong tool to do such simple bulk copies? I'd like to avoid using BCP because this process will need to run automatically within SQL Agent so we can leverage all the error tracking and system monitoring.

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Memo Data Type Import Error While Importing Data From Access File Into SQl Server 2005

Sep 10, 2007

I have one column in SQL Server 2005 of data type VARCHAR(4000).

I have imported sql Server 2005 database data into one mdb file.After importing a data into the mdb file, above column
data type converted into the memo type in the Access database.

now when I am trying to import a data from this MS Access File(db1.mdb) into the another SQL Server 2005 database, got the error of Unicode Converting a memo data type conversion in Export/Import data wizard.

Could you please let me know what is the reason?

I know that memo data type does not supported into the SQl Server 2005.

I am with SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with SP2.

Please help me to understans this issue correctly?

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Need Help To Import Data From Bak File

Jan 13, 2005


I backup my database through SQL Server 2000 SQL Query Analyzer :
"BACKUP DATABASE Mysite to disk = 'd:BatabaseBackupMysite.bak' ",
and got a bak file to import it to hoster server. Now I need import (backup)
database from that hoster server back to my local server. I got a bak file call
"MysiteExport.bak" file and transfer it to my computer d:BatabaseBackupMysiteExport.bak' . Then use SQL Server import wizard to import "MysiteExport.bak" and fail to do it.

How can I import/restore database from this "MysiteExport.bak" which have already
under my computer. If use SQL Query Analyzer, what is the correct statement.

Please help.


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Import Data From Txt File

Nov 3, 2003

I have no previous experience in MS SQL and i have this little problem : i import data into a table from a txt file (log file after process) and i want to put the time/date string into a column with data type timedate, but i cant make it, there is an error message (cant store char data into timedate field...)
Any help??
thanx in advance :P

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Use DTS To Import Csv File Data

Mar 15, 2004

I have a .csv-file which is imported into my database using DTS.
When look at the DTS package in design-mode i can see that it creates a table and then copies the data from the file into the created table.

Nothing wrong there.

But when the contents of the file changes (e.g. column added or removed) the create table script raises an error. The script is not dynamic, it is created when the package is created and only changes when the package itself is re-created.

Is there a way to make the create table script be dynamic so that the table is dropped re-created according to the format of the .csv-file?

Thanks in advance

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Import Data From .ttx File

Mar 3, 2008

hello there!

I'm newbie here and I would appreciate a little help..

I have a .ttx file like this

"xxxxxxxxx" "dc8" "184:30" "168:00" "00:00" "00:00" "00:00" "00:00" "00:00" "00:00" "00:00" "00:00" "00:00" "00:00" "00:00" 0 0 0 1

I want to put every value between double quotes in an exact column of a table (lets say it IMPORT table). The problem is that values in quotes refer to hours. So I'd like to
get a result 184,5 hours for "184:30".

Thanks in advance!

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Double Quotes In CSV File

Oct 24, 2006

I have a lot of data coming in from CSV files.  I have many CSV files (~20), with varying amounts of data- but some are quite large (largest file is ~230mb)

I'm trying to import it into a SQL database via SSIS, but the data is a little bit frustrating. 

I have data that looks like this:

"Text from vendor ""Vendor Name, Inc."" blah blah", "Next string", "", 1234

Many things to notice here - as well you can imagine some of the difficulties here.

After parsing, this data should have 4 columns-

Column1                                                                          Column2              Column3               Column4

Text From Vendor "Vendor Name, Inc." blah blah      Next string            <blank>                1234

The biggest problems stem from the double quotes mixed in with the comma because it is a comma delimited file with quotes as the text qualifier.  The other problem is the double quotes with blank text ... which prevents me from doing a replace on the double quotes ... I think ...

What would be your suggestions to help me parse this out?  (don't forget, some of these are large files with about 260,000 records- )

Thanks in advance,


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Import Data Through Excel File

Mar 3, 2008

hii all,
        i've to import bulk data from excel file to sql server 2000 , i'm using 1.1 with C# and i've to make a front end(windows application) for this.
help me out if any1 knows that...
Thanks & Regards
anant vijay

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How To Import Data From A CSV File In SQL Server 6.5

Jan 30, 2002


I am having my present database system in DB2. Recently, I have transferred to SQL Server 6.5 and have created a database there.

I want to import all my data from dbase to SQL Server 6.5.

I have created a CSV file from the dbase database.

How can I import this data into a table in SQL Server 6.5 ??

I can't find any DTS component in SQL 6.5 like we have in SQL 7.0 and 2000.


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Event Log File (*.evt) Data Import Into SQL

May 16, 2003

Hi, does anyone know how to access the *.evt file (SysEvent.Evt) from SQL in order to import a data from a file into a server table?

When you run EventViewer there is an option to save the log file as *.csv file and then use it. I want to eliminate this step (or make it automatic) and get the data into SQL right away.

Any ideas?


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Data File Import Prefference XML Or CSV

May 22, 2008

Hi Guys We're designing a system to import Retail Sales Till data from 800 Shops with fairly modern Tills which will hold Transactions in Client Access Databases. Basic Data is(Shop_ID,Till_ID,Receipt_No,Receipt_No,Receipt_Lin e_No,Sales_Date,Item_Category,...........)Record Width of above in one De-normalized SQL Table is 46 BytesAverage is 1.5 Transactions per ReceiptAverage File size per shop is 150k - SFTP server will receive 800 of these per day.As we will be owning the software on each of the tills we expect the data is going to be very clean in terms of validation. All this has to be loaded into a SQL2005 Box overnight The Question is what File format should we choose to receive at HQ Current proposal is .XML - My proposal is CSV Another Question is how best to import the data Current Proposal is to write a .NET application to perform import - My Proposal is to just use SQL to do it. What do you guys think & why Sorry I've not been able to find a previous topic on Subject but will happily read if you have any links Further info on request GW

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Xml File Import - Relational Data

May 19, 2006


I have played around with SSIS in addition to reading an SSIS book front to back, but I am still a little confused as to how to import an Xml file with relational data.

The Xml file is structured as follows:





Basically I want to import the Xml data into three tables: categories, products and fields. A product can belong to one or more categories and has one or more fields which store information about the product.

Using the Xml Source component I can load the Xml from the file, but I can only output one section (category, product or field) at a time. Since the relationship is infered from the hierarchical structure of the Xml (e.g. the fields don't store an ID of the product they belong to), I am not sure how to import the relationships into my tables.

If anyone has any tips on how I can go about that, then it would be most appreciated :)


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Handling Log File During Data Import

Oct 3, 2007

i have a package that uses a ForEach loop component to import flat files, and uses an OLE DB Destination component to insert the data into some staging tables (using table fast load with a max insert commit of 1000 rows), the biggest individual table import would be circa 5000 rows. At the end of each file import a stored proc is called to transfer the data into production tables, then the next file is imported.

Periodically (when importing more than 5 or 6 files) the process fails with the error message:

The transaction log for database 'blah' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases

This occurs when committing the data to staging. I do not start any transactions during this process, and the staging tables are cleaned out by truncating them, so i'm not sure exactly what is causing the log file to fill up (i'm not a DBA).

I know this is not specifically a SSIS problem, but can anyone give me a suggestion about the best way to handle the log file during an SSIS import? Should i execute a DBCC SHRINKFILE before each flat file is imported? Is there some other approach i should be taking to either insert the data or to move it from staging to production?


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Import Csv File With Image Data

Oct 26, 2007

I have exported a table from a sql 2000 database. This table contained an image column. How can I import this csv file into an sql 2005 database. When I try I get a data overflow error. When I tried defining the import data type to image I get an error this data type is not supported.

I then imported the data using dt_text. This performed the import but changed the data. I would guess it assumed unicode input.

Does anyone know how I can import this correctly.


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Import Flat File Data

Jul 3, 2007


I wanted to know if there was a way to import data from a flat file without specifiying the delimiters. I want to import each line in one row so that i can use the substring function to break of the data as an when i want and not as per the delimited format file or the wizard.

i.e if row one had "abc"|"1453"|"Jack"|"Smith"| etc.... rather than importing these as different columns and rows. I want this all in one row, one column.

Is it Possible?

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Double Quotes In ASCII File

Feb 1, 2006

I've an issue with double-quotes in CSV file. One of the columns may contain this kind of value: "STATUS ""H"" "

I've got quote set to "

The file source fails on such records.

I found this thread and Scott tells us there that the file can't contain " in data.

Is this 100% correct?

I've got mutliple text columns and the pain is that I don't know which column might have these cases in future. To create a script means to write my own file parser for all files I use.

Any ideas?


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How To Import The Database Data From Backup File ?

Nov 20, 2007

             I have two sql 2000 servers,one for production and the other is for backup server,I used the sql agent to create bakup daily in Sql server Enterprise Manager.
             Now I want to import the  backup data(generated by production server),I don't know how to do it.
             Is it possible to  do it ? anyone can give me a soluation ?
             thanks in advanced!

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Struggling To Import Data From Flat File To Sql Db

Apr 1, 2008

Hello all,

We have been trying now for the past 2 days to import data from a flat file to sql server database but with no luck.

The real issue here is that one of the field names has a very long value.

As a result, the import fails because it is unable to truncate the value.

We really don't want the value truncated but we have not been able to import the entire data file.

We have used nvarchar(max) but it doesn't work.

Can someone please let me know if you have encountered this type of issue and how was it resolved?

Thanks in advance.

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Error 0xc0202055...while Import Data From Csv File

Jun 7, 2007

I receiveed the error:

Error 0xc0202055: Data Flow Task: The column delimiter for column "Column x" was not found.

I would like to have the import continue., even the error occur. I have the error output to ignore, but doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestion on what to do next, or how to skip the row that create the problem.


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Data Import From CSV File With DTS (SQL Server 2000)

Oct 3, 2007

Hi All,
I am trying to import data via DTS from a CSV file. I have the "empty" tables already created with proper column names. Now, I have a subset data of each of these tables, which I am trying to import. I am facing problem in that, there is a datatype conflict between the source (CSV file) and destination (table already in the DB). All the data in the CSV file appears to be of DBTYPE_WSTR, where as in the table it is different (some are DBTYPE_WSTR, some are DBTYPE_DATE, and so on). Is there a way that I can import data successfully? This has become a work stoppage issue now. I had to actually go for this approach of creating the empty tables first and then importing data because, the backup file was very very large and could not be copied to our domain. Please help me out in this.

Thanks a lot.

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How To Import Data From Excel File To SDF Database

Jun 29, 2007

Hi Guys,

Can anyone tell me how can I achieve the file import of XLS file and read the data inside to insert into the respective table in my SDF database in the mobile devices?




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How To Import Data In Sql Server 2000 From An Excel(.xls) File

Feb 23, 2005

i want ot import data from excel .xls file to sql server 2000

into an existing table.
should i use some stored procedures or else

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Looking For SQL To Import Asii File Data Into Vendors Table

Sep 16, 2005

I have tried  my file name vendor_insertFromFile2.sqlBULK INSERT  (dbo.vendors VendorName, Street, City, Region, Country, PostalCode, Telephone, PortalId, Fax, Email, Website, CreatedDate, Unit, LastName, Cell) from 'D:AccessNAICSxPortal0_SampleData.txt'error messageServer: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 2Line 2: Incorrect syntax near '('.Data in the "CompanyName","Address","City","State","country","fullzip","FullPhone","Portal","Fullfax","Email","URL","date","ID","Contact_1","800No""DAVID STRAWN","460 FLOWERING TRL","GRAYSON","GA","United States","30017â€?,"770-277-8709",0,"“,"","WWW.BACKROOM4MEN.COM","09/02/05",1,"DAVID STRAWN","BRADRUSS","3353 S MAIN ST STE 130","SALT LAKE CITY","UT","United States","84115â€?,"801-975-0374",0,"“,"","WWW.BADANDNASTY.COM","09/02/05",2,"BRAD JENSEN",Thanks in advance on what is wrong or a link with working examples

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How Can I Export/import Data On Table To/from Text File

Dec 24, 1998

I needs export data on table to text file so I can process this data
with another database engine ie. Informix.

Can anybody help me to solve this problem ?

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Import Data From A Text File With DELPHI Toward Sql Server

Aug 10, 2004


Is there a way to import data from a text file with DELPHI toward a SQL Server table.

I heard about BCP ...?

Does someone know?


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Import Data From Excel File To Mircosoft SQL Server

Sep 21, 2005

Can anyone guide me how to import data from excel file to Microsoft SQL Server? My excel file just have the data, no column name.


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SQL 2012 :: Import Txt Data File Into Temp Table?

Sep 30, 2014

In Access, I can import a txt file data(e.g. Claims.txt) as below specifications:

Choose the delimiter that separates your fields: Other (|)
First row contains field name: Yes
Text Qualifier:"

I need to create a store procedure to read txt file data (d:cliamcliams.txt) first column (ClaimNumber) into a temp table (#claim)

(This #claim table will use for my .Net program)

There about 5 txt files need to process every day.

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Import Data From Word,excel And Access File

Jun 12, 2007

Is it possible to import data from a word table into sql table? How to import data from access and excel worksheet into sql table?
vishwa mukh


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