Importing/Exporting Tables - Losing Identity

Oct 1, 2007


I'm fairly new to MS SQL & I have a problem copying tables from one d/b to another. When I do an import or export select Copy tables, the tables & the data get transferred, but all the Identities are set to NO. My D/Bs have 188 tables & it's a pain to reset all of them manually.

Is there a setting I don't know about that will transfer the tables & maintain the Identity?
(I'm using SQL Server Management Studio 9.0)

Thanks for your help - Breck Cogdill

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Importing And Exporting Tables

Mar 29, 2006

Hello Everybody,

Not sure if this is the correct Forum, anyway lemme me know your views. I
have SQL Server running in two remote machines (in different geographical
locations). I need to import a database from one SQL Server
installation to another installation. What is best possible solution:

1) Transfering the .mdf and .ldf file from one installation to another installation

2) Generating the records of all the tables in the database to a common
file format CSV and then loading it in destination database. If this is
ok then how to generate import and export data using CSV format

3) Any other options?


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Importing Tables With Identity Properties (uisng Import Wizard)

May 30, 2006

I am using the Import wizard to import a SQL2000 database to SQL2005 and noticed 2 problems:

1. all tables and views were selected; the tables were imported correctly but the views were created as tables, ignoring the "Create view" syntax. The SQL generated contains "Create table" syntax instead of "Create View".

2. when a table contained a column with an "identity" property, the data was successfully imported, but the values for the "identity" column were not preserved, instead they were resquenced from 1 with an increment of 1 (the default values for an identity). When I opened the "Edit" (under "Mapping"), "enable identity insert" was not checked.

A further note: I created all tables in the SQL2005 database before running the Import.

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Losing Unique When Exporting To Another Sql Server

May 1, 2007

I have 2 machines, each running the same version of SQL Server. I'm trying to use the dts to export my data from one to the other, and it works fine, except for the fact that I lose my unique index on a field. Is there a way I can keep this from happening, or am I going to have to recreate it each time? I wouldnt think I would have to, seems like bad design to me.

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Losing Temp Tables Between Tasks

Mar 30, 2006

I have a control flow setup with 5 tasks.

1. Create Temp Table (Execute SQL)
2. Load Temp Table (Execute SQL)
3. Data Flow Task using the temp table
4. Data Flow Task using the temp table
5. Drop Temp Table (Execute SQL)

Tasks 3 & 4 are currently setup to run parallel/concurrently - meaning they both branch directly off of task #2. They both also lead to task #5. Also, my connection manager is set to retain its connection.

Here's the problem. When executing this flow, task #3 will sometimes fail, other times it will succeed - without me changing anything between runs (I simply end debugging and run it again). When it does fail it is always because it cannot find the temp table. One thing to note is that task #4 (running at the same time as #3 and using the same temp table) always finishes first because it does quite a bit less work. Last thing to note: if I set up task 4 to run after 3 it works everytime, but of course it takes much longer for the total package to execute.

How is it that the task can find the temp table on some runs, but not on others? If this is just quirky behavior that I am going to have to live with for the time being, is there a way to force a task to re-run X number of times before giving up and moving on?

David Martin

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Importing And Exporting

Jun 24, 2008

how to import data into sql and export from sqlserver

is there any options are there or else any command directly type and execute

automatically data will dump into new one

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Importing && Exporting Data

Dec 21, 2004

may i know where to find more detail like how to importing and exporting data in ms sql server.?
Hope can get the more detail about it and also teach me step by step. (hope can include the photo).

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SQL 2005 / DBF Importing And Exporting

Jul 24, 2007

dBase importing was handled by the import/export tool provide with SQL 2000. I see no way to import .dbf files in sql 2005 except to load the sql 2000 tools. I realize that the dbf format is old, but there is still a lot of stuff that comes in dbf and sql2005 needs to support this.

Where can I find an importer for dbf to sql2005?

I keep hearing lots of work arounds but nothing to explain why a common data format can't be easily imported/exported in sql2005 tools. Whats the deal?

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Exporting & Importing Data Through Sql Statements

Feb 2, 2000

I am not quite sure whether it is possible to export a sql table farmat into a , for instance, dbf format table using solely sql statements from my VB application. We know that ACCESS has this profile , however I have no success regarding it for my 7.0 SQL version.

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Importing / Exporting Data Using Ssms

Jan 13, 2007

I have installed ssms, and the toolkit.

When I right click on a database I don't have Import/Export under tasks. However I do have C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinnDTSWizard.exe installed and can invoke it manually.

What do I need to do to get it to show up in tasks?

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Exporting Database For Importing On Another Server

Mar 9, 2007

This may be a simple question with an obvious answer, but I'm fairly new to databases and I can't seem to find the right procedure.

I created a database on my machine. If I want to copy the information from this database (columns, tables, and entries specifically) from my machine to another SQL server on a different machine, what is the best way to do this without manually re-entering all of the information?

Is there a simple export/import of a database for transferring it from one server to another?


~Josh Graber

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Exporting And Importing Sql Server Data Programmatically

Mar 12, 2008

I have a web application I created in + sql2005 and am deploying a genercized version of it to multiple clients. I have created a script which dynamically generates a database to a server and creates all of the tables, procs, and views. I now need data from the old database, which will be imported into the new database. It's basically default users, lookup values, etc. What are some methods of getting this data out of the old server and into the new server? I was thinking about generating flat files with the data, then writing code to loop through and insert the data, but it seems very tedious. Do I have any other options? I cannot use Backup and Restore because I have no access to the new sql server's filesystem.Thanks. 

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Sql Server 2005 Express And Importing && Exporting

May 8, 2007

also i was wondering, that i have been reading that with this sp2 for sql server 2005 express you are able to use the dts wizard, is this true? i have a few databases in access that i would like to import into sql, would i have to create the tables first in sql then import or will the import also bring the tables & structure in?

thank you to all

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Kirk: Importing/Exporting With Column ErrorCode, ErrorColumns

Mar 8, 2006

I am currently redirecting lookup failures into error tables with ErrorCode and ErrorColumn. It works fine until I want to transfer data into the archived database. The SSIS pacakage generate by SQL Exporting tool is throwing an "duplicate name of 'output column ErrorCode and ErrorColumn" error. This is caused by oledb source error output. The error output automatically add ErrorCode and ErrorColumn to the error output selection and not happy with it.

I think the question is down to "How to importing/exporting data when table contains ErrorCode or ErrorColumn column?"

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Why IDENTITY Field Is Not Set While Exporting Data Through Enterprise Manager In SQL Server?

Aug 7, 2006

I am exporting data to database server from local server through Enterprise Mgr.
Data is successfully transferred along with table structures. Only problem remains with the fields which are set IDENTITY.

Even I tried to find out ALTER TABLE statement so that I can alter the tables using Query Analyzer but I found that setting IDENTITY through query is not permitted after SQL Server 6.5. Why so?

Is the any way to set IDENTITY fields without Enterprise Manager?

Please reply

Nishith Shah

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Exporting Data From Excel Tables To SQL Server Tables

Dec 9, 2007

Hi all,
 I have a large Excel file with one large table which contains data, i've built a SQL Server DataBase and i want to fill it with the data from the excel file.
How can it be done?
Thanks, Michael.

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Importing Data In Table With Identity Column

Nov 13, 2000

Whenever I import (or even append from another table) data to a table that has an Identity column, I get an error: Cannot insert NULL values in Identity column.

Isn't the Idenity column supposed to incement automatically without me having to provide a value? Using INSERT provides an Identity value automatically, using import however doesn't.

How can I overcome this problem? (I now delete and recreate the Identity column - really BAD practice!)
Thank you.

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SQL Identity Attribute Drops When Importing A Table

Dec 31, 2003

Hi all,

I am importing SQL 2000 tables from a developer install of SQL 2000. There are no destination tables to append just new tables being brought in.

I use the All Tasks > Import (DTS) service to do this. I have noticed that the Identity columns do not maintain the Identity attributes. I have to reset them after I import new tables. Is this normal? or is there a bug here?

I checked the MS KB with no success.
Anyone have some info on this?


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Preserving Identity Specification When Importing Data

Sep 24, 2007


Using Management Studio, when I import data from one identical database to another, any identity specifications get dropped from the destination database.

(From columns which have them on the source database and which had them on the destination database.)

Any way to avoid this?

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How To Drop An Identity Column From All Tables Tables In A Database

Mar 2, 2008

Does anyone have a script that can drop the Identity columns from all the tables in a database? Thanks

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Exporting From Old Table To New Tables

Sep 17, 2014

I've been tasked with the following: Export data from old table, to newly created table(s). I say tables because there's three destination tables total, and only two source tables. The two old tables are virtually the same, so the new table will be a combination of the two. More importantly I'll need to chop out some data from the old tables and create new details with them. As you can see, the old table was very "flat" in the sense that they kept adding new fields for bits of detail data (10 for one type of detail, 15 for another type of detail). I'd like to house that data in separate linkable tables. This is an example of the old and new data structure:

OldTable1 (SOURCE)
Name | Acct | Detail1Min | Detail1Max | ~~~ | Detail10Min | Detail10Max | DiffDetail1Min | DiffDetail1Max | DiffDetail1Rate | ~~~ | DiffDetail15Min | DiffDetail15Max | DiffDetail15Rate |

OldTable2 (SOURCE)
Name | Acct | Detail1Min | Detail1Max | ~~~ | Detail10Min | Detail10Max | DiffDetail1Min | DiffDetail1Max | DiffDetail1Rate | ~~~ | DiffDetail15Min | DiffDetail15Max | DiffDetail15Rate |

| | |
| | |

NewTable (Destination)
AutoID | Name | Acct | TYPE | * Newly created field so I know which table it came from (OldTable1 or OldTable2?)

NewTableDetail (Destination)
AutoID | NewTableID | DetailMin | DetailMax |

NewTableDiffDetail (Destination)
AutoID | NewTableID | DiffDetailMin | DiffDetailMax | DiffDetailMax |

In the new data structure, the AutoID from the main table (NewTable) will link to the two newly created detail tables using NewTableID.

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Newbie Question ---> Exporting Tables

Sep 3, 2002

Hi all...

I noticed that when transferring tables from the local server to the remote server that some colums lost its properties ... For example, If I am sepcifying a column to have identity seed and identity increment, it is transferred to the server without these properties...

How make a carbon copy of tables from my local to the remote server ?

Thanks in advance

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Exporting Sql Server 2000 Tables To Oracle 10.2G

Jan 10, 2008

Dear All,
I am working on a project to migrate a .net desktop application to web based application using ASP.NET 2.0.
The present app has lots of tables with data in sql server 2000. The new app is to have Oracle 10.2 G as data store.
Although the data store is being changed most of the tables in the present database will remain same along with the data they hold.
My problem is:
1) how to transfer the tables to the new datastore 10.2 G in an automated way?
After all it's not possible to create each table afresh in Oracle and then insert records into each table one by one. If that is done it will take atleast few months if not years.
2) can I export the tables to a xml file and then import it from Oracle.How to do that?
It has become a nightmare for me.
Pls suggest the easiest way and which takes the minimum time.
A solution to the problem will be gratefully accepted.

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Exporting Multiple Tables To A Single File

Oct 1, 2004

I need to export data from multiple tables into one single file. The big problem here is that the tables will have different column types.

I am attempting to create something that allows users to be able to send me the contents of their tables's, through either email or ftp. I would prefer to make it easier for them so they only have to deal with one file, instead of the multiple files that bcp and dts create when exporting from multiple tables.

I was thinking of using DTS or BCP and then join (append) the files (either zip them or append the files together in some fashion), but I was hoping that there was an easier method out there.

Any ideas on how I may accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.


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Exporting Multiple Tables As Flat Files

Sep 20, 2006


I've tried to create a SSIS package to simply export a bunch of tables as flat files, and am having troubles because when the for each loop hits the second table the column mappings in the flat file destination are not synchronised with its schema.

I created a for each loop with an enumerator that returns the table names and sets a user variable.

I created a data flow task which dynamically connects to the table name variable.

In the Flat File Destination there is a column mapping property, but I don't know how to reset these mappings on each iteration.

Any ideas?

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Exporting Tables Along With Their Primary And Forgen Keys And Records

Jun 27, 2007

Hi all,

I’m trying to export 120 tables from SQL server 2000 to SQL server 2005 with their Primary and corresponding records.
Is there way to do this?

Thanks for any help.


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Importing Tables Into SQLServer

Aug 4, 2004

Hi, I've just got my brand new shiny SQLServer and would like to set some new tables set up etc. But I'm really lazy and I was wondering if there is any way of importing table layouts, coulmns, whole structure type thing into SQLServer from Microsoft Access using DTS? I know it's a bit optimistic, but just wondered....

Any help gratefully accepted.


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Importing Tables From Excel

Sep 26, 2007

Am very conversant with MS SQL 2K, however i just downloaded 2005 express edition and will like to know how to

1. How to import tables using DTS graphic view to Management studio

2. How to get to Query Analyzer ?


Yes O !

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Having Problems Importing Data From 2 Tables Into 1. Please Help.

Nov 9, 2005

HiI am new to SQL and am having problems importing data from two tables to one.I have 3 tables : Franchise, Club and Reference.Franchise has FranchiseID as Primary key and FranchiseNumber as unique.Club has ClubID as Primary key.Reference has a combination of ClubID and FranchiseNumber as primary key. I am not able to insert data into table Reference from Franchise and Club. Any help or suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Problem After Importing My Tables To The Aspnetdb

Apr 4, 2006

hello, i have a problem after importing my db tables to the aspnetdb the default database that come with visual studio i put my tables into that db but i added some columns to the aspnet_users and i made a relation between my tables and some of aspnetdb tables the problem is when i drag and drop a grid view and manage its datasource i cant find the columns that i add to the table? second problem is when i press the advanced button in the datasource the two checkboxes are not active i dont know why and i clicked on the column that has the primary key but i still have the problem i cant update or delete records and i tried on the original aspnetdb users table(without my columns or anything) also found that two check boxes not active? is it a problem in the aspnetdb or what? there also something strange when i choose the tables in the sqldatasource the aspnetdb tables names are appear like this :  vw_aspnet_roles       vw_aspnet_users ...etc they all has that vw word dont know why it also exist in the original aspnetdb, so hope anyone can help cos if it's no solution for that problem i will have to build my db again from the begining   ,hope u reply soon.thanks

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Importing System Tables From Oracle

Oct 22, 2001

I am trying to import application tables from oracle but they do not show up in the list of tables. I suspect that this is because the tables are owned by System. Is there any way other than changing the owner to get these tables to appear in the import list?

Ken Nicholson

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Importing Tables By A Delphi Application

Oct 29, 2001

Hi everyone,

I'm making an application in Delphi that use an SQL database, i want the user can import a table in DBF format (that its located in another computer) to the SQL Server (in the database that i want) by one click of a button.

I try with the import wizard but its not what i want because it requiere to do the process manually.
Its there anyway of achive this (Stored Procedure or something?)

Ernesto Cisneros Sanchez
Senior Software Engineer
Credit and Trade Bank
Havana, Cuba

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Importing Partials Datas From 2 Tables In Another One

Nov 12, 2005

I am having a problem to get all datas into one table
I must get datas from 2 other tables
datas from the first table are columns
but datas of the second table are rows

I cannot change the structure of TableA because an other application is using it as it is

num | value | key
1 | a | 1400
2 | b | 1401
3 | c | 1402
4 | d | 1403
...|... | 1403

key | name | descr | value
400 | john | ok | 451

TableC (the table where I want to insert datas from Table1 and Table2)

val1 | val2 | val3 | val4 |name | descr | value
1 | 2 | 3 |4 | john | ok | 451

TableA has thousands of rows and different numbers
I must get 8 different datas from TableA

so I get an horrible Query !

SELECT, TableB.descr, TableB.value,
TableA_1.value AS val1,
TableA_2.value AS val2,
TableA_3.value AS val3,
TableA_4.value AS val4,
TableA_5.value AS val5,
TableA_6.value AS val6,
TableA_7.value AS val7,
TableA_8.value AS val8

dbo.TableA_1 ON TableB.key = TableA_1.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_2 ON TableB.key = TableA_2.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_3 ON TableB.key = TableA_3.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_4 ON TableB.key = TableA_4.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_5 ON TableB.key = TableA_5.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_6 ON TableB.key = TableA_6.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_7 ON TableB.key = TableA_7.key INNER JOIN
dbo.TableA_8 ON TableB.key = TableA_8.key

WHERE TableA_1.num = 145
AND TableA_2.num = 80
AND TableA_3.num = 3160
AND TableA_4.num = 41
AND TableA_5.num = 50
AND TableA_6.num = 51
AND TableA_7.num = 53
AND TableA_8.num = 56

how can i do it in the best way ?

Thank you

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