Importing Tables With Identity Properties (uisng Import Wizard)
May 30, 2006
I am using the Import wizard to import a SQL2000 database to SQL2005 and noticed 2 problems:
1. all tables and views were selected; the tables were imported correctly but the views were created as tables, ignoring the "Create view" syntax. The SQL generated contains "Create table" syntax instead of "Create View".
2. when a table contained a column with an "identity" property, the data was successfully imported, but the values for the "identity" column were not preserved, instead they were resquenced from 1 with an increment of 1 (the default values for an identity). When I opened the "Edit" (under "Mapping"), "enable identity insert" was not checked.
A further note: I created all tables in the SQL2005 database before running the Import.
I have become frustrated and I am not finding the answers I expect.
Here's the gist, we support both Oracle and SQL for our product and we would like to migrate our Clients who are willing/requesting to go from Oracle to SQL. Seems easy enough.
So, I create a Database in SQL 2005, right click and select "Import Data", Source is Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle and I setup my connection. so far so good.
I create my Destination for SQL Native Client to the Database that I plan on importing into. Still good
Next, I select "Copy data from one or more tables or views". I move on to the next screen and select all of the Objects from a Schema. These are Tables that only relate to our application or in other words, nothing Oracle System wise.
When I get to the end it progresses to about 20% and then throws this error about 300 or so times:
Could not connect source component. Warning 0x80202066: Source - AM_ALERTS [1]: Cannot retrieve the column code page info from the OLE DB provider. If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property will be used. Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect. If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used.
So, I'm thinking "Alright, we can search on this error and I'm sure there's an easy fix." I do some checking and indeed find out that there is a property setting called "AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage" in the OLEDB Data Source Properties. Great! I go back and look at the connection in the Import and .... there's nothing with that property!
Back to the drawing board. I Create a new SSIS package and figure out quickly that the AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage is in there. I can transfter information from the Oracle Source Table to the SQL Server 2005 Destination Table, but it appears to be a one to one thing. Programming this, if I get it to work at all, will take me about 150 hours or so.
This make perfect sense if all you are doing is copying a few columns or maybe one or two objects, but I am talking about 600 + objects with upwards of 2 million rows of data in each!!
This generates 2 questions: 1. If the Import Data Wizard cannot handle this operation on the fly, then why can't the AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage property be shown as part of the connection 2. How do I create and SSIS Package that will copy all of the data from Oracle to SQL Server? The source tables have been created and have the same Schema and Object Names as the Source. I don't want to create a Data Flow Task 600 times.
When Importing data from Access 2000 to SQL Server 2000 I get an error when the column's data type in Access is Memo if I try to set the column's data type in SQL Server to text or ntext. Here is the error that I am getting.
Query-based insertion or updating of BLOB values is not supported.
I have tried to change this to a varchar data type but the fields can be very large and some are over the 8000 limit.
Short of programmatically adding the data, is there another way to do this in SQL Server? I cannot use the Access upsize wizard.
I'm trying to import text file (generated by UNIX - collation ISO LATIN 2) into the database using SQL SERVER 2005 Import and Export Wizard. I have got a problem with importing a decimal number, because in that column are not only decimal numbers (that's OK), but there are also spaces (not null, the column is filled by spaces and it looks like | |). When I'm trying import that file, then will occur the problem of truncation and import stops.
I can import that data by BULK INSERT, but I would like to import it by Import and Export Wizard at once without using subsequent conversions.
I saw this post by dterrie in the Wishlist thread and I just wanted to second it:
"How about bringing back a simple dBase import. The SSIS guys are clearly FAR out of touch with reality if they think people who handle data no longer need to work with dbf files. I've seen alot of dumb stuff in my day, bit this is just sheer brilliance. I just love the advice of first importing into Access and then importing the Access table. Gee, why didn't I think of such a convenient solution. I could have had a V-8."
I've been struggling with this the last couple days and finally decided to import the dBase III file into Access and then import that into SQL Server 2005. Imagine my surprise when I discovered this was the current recommended method.
That's just ridiculous. Can someone tell me why they would reduce some of the functionality of SQL Server from 2000 to 2005? This was a very easy process in SQL Server 2000...
It appears that when you use the import/export wizard from within Microsoft SQL Server Managment Studio, the identity attributes of the table being copied are not transferred. For example, say the source table has a column
[ref] [int] IDENTITY ( 1 , 1 ) NOT NULL,
When the import wizard is done the destination table will have a column named ref, but will not be an identity column. The column definition will be
[ref] [int] NOT NULL,
instead. Is there a way to change this behavior somewhere in the gui? When doing the import, the only options seems to be 'Enable Identity Insert', but checking this does not affect the definition of the column.
I'm fairly new to MS SQL & I have a problem copying tables from one d/b to another. When I do an import or export select Copy tables, the tables & the data get transferred, but all the Identities are set to NO. My D/Bs have 188 tables & it's a pain to reset all of them manually.
Is there a setting I don't know about that will transfer the tables & maintain the Identity? (I'm using SQL Server Management Studio 9.0)
I€™m trying to copy data from production to my local machine using the SQL Server 2005 import and export wizard. It works fine if I select a small number of tables but throws errors When there€™s a lot of tables. Have you ever experienced problems using it? Is there a better way to transfer the data?
the data source is SQL Server 2000 and the target is 2005. I have the optimize for many tables and transaction options selected
Here€™s the errors I get
Execute the transfer with the TransferProvider. (Error) Messages · ERROR : errorCode=-1073451000 description=The package contains two objects with the duplicate name of "output column "ErrorCode" (49)" and "output column "ErrorCode" (14)". helpFile=dtsmsg.rll helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}
For help, click:
· ERROR : errorCode=-1073451000 description=The package contains two objects with the duplicate name of "output column "ErrorCode" (31)" and "input column "ErrorCode" (52)". helpFile=dtsmsg.rll helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}
For help, click:
· ERROR : errorCode=-1073451000 description=The package contains two objects with the duplicate name of "output column "ErrorCode" (49)" and "output column "ErrorCode" (14)". helpFile=dtsmsg.rll helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}
For help, click:
· ERROR : errorCode=-1073451000 description=The package contains two objects with the duplicate name of "output column "ErrorCode" (31)" and "input column "ErrorCode" (52)". helpFile=dtsmsg.rll helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}
For help, click:
· ERROR : errorCode=-1073451000 description=The package contains two objects with the duplicate name of "output column "ErrorCode" (49)" and "output column "ErrorCode" (14)". helpFile=dtsmsg.rll helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}
For help, click:
· ERROR : errorCode=-1073451000 description=The package contains two objects with the duplicate name of "output column "ErrorCode" (31)" and "input column "ErrorCode" (52)". helpFile=dtsmsg.rll helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}
For help, click:
· ERROR : errorCode=-1073451000 description=The package contains two objects with the duplicate name of "output column "ErrorCode" (49)" and "output column "ErrorCode" (14)". helpFile=dtsmsg.rll helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC} (Microsoft.SqlServer.DtsTransferProvider)
For help, click:
I just used the SSIS Import and Export Wizard to copy 50+ tables from SS05 to SS2K.
I found that the wizard created a package that I could not figure out how to edit, e.g., to change whether or not it had to CREATE a table, or just use an existing one. (I created some problems by manually editing the receiving table names to be ones that already existed -- but the original names it had did not exist, so it knew it had to create them. What I should have done, and eventually ended up doing, was scroll through my list of tables in the "receiving" box; I just figured editing the name would be faster, not realizing what problems I would create for myself.)
Anyhow, now that I see the complex package that the wizard creates, with a LOOP over the 50+ tables, I would like to know how/where in the package it is storing the information about the tables to copy.
Basically the wizard creates the following Control Flow tab entries (in processing sequence order):
an Execute SQL Task: NonTransactableSql an Execute SQL Task: START TRANSACTION a Sequence Container: Transaction Scoping Sequence, which contains an Execute SQL Task: AllowedToFailPrologueSql an Execute SQL Task: PrologueSql a Foreach Loop Container, which contains a Transfer Task with an icon I did not notice in the Toolbox an Execute Package Task: Execute Inner Package an Execute SQL Task: EpilogueSql an "on success" arrow to an Execute SQL Task: COMMIT TRANSACTION an Execute SQL Task: PostTransaction Sql an "on failure" arrow to an Execute SQL Task: ROLLBACK TRANSACTION an Execute SQL Task: CompensatingSql
Where, and how, can I look within this package to see the details about the tables I am transferring? I see that one of the Connection Managers is "TableSchema.XML" -- but it points to a temporary file on my hard drive, that I presume is populated by the package. Where does it get its information?
This is certainly much more complex than the package I would have written, based on my limited knowledge of SSIS. I would have been inclined to create 50+ Data Flow tasks, one for each table.
So now I'm trying to understand why the Wizard created this more-complex package.
Any help will be appreciated, including references to non-Microsoft books/websites/etc.
A view named "Viw_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No" has been created and can be run successfully on the server. I want to import the data which draws from the view to a table using SQL Server Import and Export Wizard. However, when I run the wizard on the server, it gives me the following error message and stop on the step Setting Source Connection
Operation stopped...
- Initializing Data Flow Task (Success)
- Initializing Connections (Success)
- Setting SQL Command (Success) - Setting Source Connection (Error) Messages Error 0xc020801c: Source - Viw_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No [1]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" failed with error code 0xC0014019. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC020801C (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)
- Setting Destination Connection (Stopped)
- Validating (Stopped)
- Prepare for Execute (Stopped)
- Pre-execute (Stopped)
- Executing (Stopped)
- Copying to [NAV_CSG].[dbo].[Report_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No] (Stopped)
- Post-execute (Stopped)
Does anyone encounter this problem before and know what is happening?
I am trying to import an xlsx spreadsheet into a sql 2008 r2 database using the SSMS Import Wizard. When pointed to the spreadsheet ("choose a data source")  the Import Wizard returns this error:
"The operation could not be completed" The Microsoft ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered on the local machine (System.Data)
How can I address that issue? (e.g. Where is this provider and how do I install it?)
I am trying to simplify a query given to me by one of my collegues written using the query designer of Access. Looking at the query there seem to be some syntax differences, so to see if this was the case I thought I would import the database to my SQL Server Developer edition.
I tried to start the wizard from within SQL Server Management Studio Express as shown in one of the articles on MSDN which did not work, but the manual method also suggested did work.
Trouble is that it gets most of the way through the import until it spews forth the following error messages:
- Prepare for Execute (Error) Messages Error 0xc0202009: {332B4EB1-AF51-4FFF-A3C9-3AEE594FCB11}: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Could not start session. Too many sessions already active.". (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc020801c: Data Flow Task: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" failed with error code 0xC0202009. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc004701a: Data Flow Task: component "Source 33 - ATable" (2065) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020801C. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard).
There does not seem to be any method of specifying a number of sessions, so I don't see how to get round the problem.
Does anyone know how I can get the import to work?
when trying to Ãmport files to our database server from a client, I keep getting an error:
- Validating (Error) Messages Error 0xc00470fe: Data Flow Task: The product level is insufficient for component "Source_txt" (1). (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc00470fe: Data Flow Task: The product level is insufficient for component "Data Conversion 1" (175). (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
... doing the same import when logged on the server, hasn't been giving me any errors, how come. I can from my client without trouble import tables from other DB servers but when ever it is files it won't do it.
I tried as mentioned in other threads rerun setup to re-install SSIS, but as it was already installed it wouldn't re-install. My next move would be to make a clean install, but not sure it would help, as I think this is a buck.
Hi,I'm trying to import data to my database on the live server from my local server. However when I do this it doesn't seem to be importing the properties for the fields in the tables. How can I import the properties of the fields too?Thanks,Curt.
We are trying to import data from a sql 7 machine into sql 2000 usingimport wizard in DTS. One of the tables has in excess of 80 millionrows.The first time we did this it worked fine no problems. However we hadto recreate the database, and it has not worked since.The error message is reported as ' the log file for 'dbname' is full'.This happens regardless of the fact that there is 100GB free on disk,and that the database data and log files are both set to autogrow. Therecovery model is set to simple.When imported the data.mdf file should be around 20GB.Would anyone know what is causing this or how to get around thiswithout going down the SQL7 install, restore and upgrade to sql2000route?Any help would be appreciated greatly.
Being new to SQL, I started with the basics... using VS2005, it seemed easy enough. Not a single Sql statement was coded by me, but there I was addding, deleting, updating records like a pro. Relations here, bound objects there, The Wizard was my friend. Then I asked him for what I thought was a very simple request: Can I have my @@IDENTITY please? The Wizard grew angry, and hurled error after error at me, null objects were exploding all around me, I tried to reason with him, offering CType's and Try/Catch's but to no avail. I had to seek help for this monster - one after another telling me to SELECT @@IDENTITY, SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY, but I pleaded with them "I have for the love of god" everywhere possible (if you find yourself wanting to reply now - my answer is YES I tried that), but he would not reviel my identity... Until I took matters into my own hands....
Wizard Says: Private Sub MarketLogFilesBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MarketLogFilesBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click Me.Validate() Me.MarketLogFilesBindingSource.EndEdit() Me.MarketLogFilesTableAdapter.Update(Me.EveMarketDBDataSet.MarketLogFiles) End Sub
I say: Private Sub MarketLogFilesBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MarketLogFilesBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click Me.Validate() Me.MarketLogFilesBindingSource.EndEdit() Dim command As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT @@IDENTITY", Me.MarketLogFilesTableAdapter.Connection) Me.MarketLogFilesTableAdapter.Connection.Open() Me.MarketLogFilesTableAdapter.Update(Me.EveMarketDBDataSet.MarketLogFiles) Dim i As Integer = CType(command.ExecuteScalar(), Integer) Me.MarketLogFilesTableAdapter.Connection.Close() End Sub
Though this code may be totally wrong, it works. I spent many hours trying to find a way that didn't involve me writing my own Update commands, or more to the point, I was sure that such a simple task as retriving the last PK of record had to be in the wizards head somewhere. I am sure there is a simple way to do it, that I have so clearly missed, but for those of you who rely on the wizard, the above at least got me one step closer. It seem's in the auto-gen code, the connection is closed after the update command IF the connection was closed BEFORE the update command was issued.
IF ANYONE CAN FIND ME DOCUMENTATION ON THAT FACT, I WILL GIVE YOU ONE MILLION.... Thanks guys, keep up the great work, I love these forums - inspiration and knowledge -
I have this query that is searching using the hotel name as its first parameter and the hotels location (e.g. london) ast is second parameter.
My client wants to search on part of the hotel name and part of the location name (so I used the like statement)
Oh and the location searches using like on 3 location fields.
My client is complaining when he types hilton and leeds he gets all the hilton hotel in Leeds plus a few extra hotels that aint hilton hotels. I think the query is to senesitive for its own good but he's pushing me on this issue so could anyone advise me if this query could be made to only select the hotels with a name like hilton in leeds. I've pasted this query below. Thanks for your time.
By the way one hotel it pulls up which is wrong is Heath Cottage hotel whos location field is leeds.
SELECT * FROM hotel WHERE name LIKE + '%' @Hotelname + '%' AND location1 LIKE '%' + @city + '%' OR location2 LIKE '%' + @city + '%' OR location3 LIKE '%' + @city + '%'
We are importing xer formats through the wizard to sqlserver database and It takes upto 35-45 mins for each import (single project), any option to reduce the time.Is they any other import options - which can give us faster results.
I have a large number of Access tables that I need to periodically bring to SQL using the DTS Wizard in SQL 2000 (via Ent. Man). I am only interested in bring over the data from the MS Access tables as I had a separate script (application drive) that would create the SQL tables.
Anybody out there who can help me on how to view the whole import process (DTS package created using Import DTS wizard) in SQL codes? Is there a possibility to view the process using Query Analyzer?
I'm trying to import data from Microsoft Access. I already have all the tables in SQL Server and also the relationships, but I can't seem to import any data without deleting the relationships. Is there a way to do this without deleting them?
Can anyone tell me how I can use the DTS Wizard to import over 100 excel files from my hard drive, over to my server called(MARKETING_DB)and loop back through to grab the next excel file until all the files have been imported?
I have a working Data Import from Excel 2013 to SQL Server 2012.But when I save the package to SQL and Execute it, it fails.I think this is due to Datatype issues.In the Wizard I set the Global On Error Action to Ignore when dealing with Excel columns which contain both Numbers and Text. This works fine.So I suspect that when the package is saved and executed it uses the default Global On Error Action - which is fail. Is there a way to change this setting in SSMS or elsewhere?
I'm using the DTS Import/Export Wizard for the first time. Does anyone have a "canned" script I can run instead of going through the step by step wizard process. I have a number of tables I have to copy from a prod to test environment.
Importing DBase files I get to the screen titled "Select Source Tableand Views" And none appear in the list. (I can get the list displayedabout once in ten tries) From that screen anything causes a crash ofthe wizard and Enterprise Manager. This happens on my deveopmentinstallation of Enterprise Manager Version 8.0.Any Ideas/ PleaseJohn Cooper
I am trying to copy updated tables from a DB on a remote SQL server tomy pc using import wizard. I choose "copy objects and data between SQLServer databases". On the screen "Select objects to copy", all of theoptions are unchecked/blank including the script location. Clicking"select objects" causes the wizard (and enterprise manager) to crash.An error message refers to mmc.exe. Any ideas?
I am trying to import some csv files into a table. Some of the values are left blank and are supposed to be interpret as null. However, when I try to use the import wizard (via SQL Server Management Studio), the import process errors out. The fields on the table allows null values.
How do I specify the import wizard to interpret blank fields in flat files to be null? It was mentioned somewhere that there might be a checkbox indicating that I can preserve the null values, but I can't find the option anywhere.
I just installed SQL 2005 and am having trouble with the import wizard. After I select import data I get the following error. I am running SQL on XP. Does anyone have a lead on this error?
=================================== This wizard will close because it encountered the following error: (Microsoft SQL Server) ------------------------------ For help, click: =================================== No description found ------------------------------ Program Location: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.ApplicationClass.get_DBProviderInfos() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.DtsWizard.DTSWizard.GetDtsDbProviderInfos(WizardInputs wizardInputs) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.DtsWizard.DataSourceCombo.PopulateProviders(Boolean fSources, WizardInputs wizardInputs) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.DtsWizard.Step1.OnInitializePage(EventArgs e) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.WizardPage.RaiseEnterPage() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.WizardForm.NextPage(WizardPage nextPage) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.WizardForm.Next_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
I created my first package using the import wizard and saved it to the server. And now I can't find it. In SQL Server Mgt Studio, I've browsed through every imaginable folder in the target database, in MSDB database, and in the global folders.
I read something that suggested there should be an Integration Services folder, but there isn't.
Once I locate the package, I understand that it's not editable. Can it be transferred to BI Studio for editing? TIA.