I have 30 text file with same format that I have to make SSIS package so that I can populate my permanent tables. Because they are just record keeping data we are not ver concerned about validating the data. We just want to copy and dump it in permanent table. Which should mean the least amount of work, because I used one file as a sample, did advance formating to give column names. Now, I did one simple dataflow task that takes the flat file and tranfers the data to OLEDB SQL server database table. Unfortunately, it keeps giving me error. I believe this is because of NULL. I want to take care of this without making staging tables and validating data. Any ideas?
I want to load data that i receive everydays from my customers in .xls file format (excel) or cvs file format, to the database that i have created on this purpose. but when trying to do that whith SSIS; i got an error message .... that i can't import redudant data in my database column.
I have one column in SQL Server 2005 of data type VARCHAR(4000).
I have imported sql Server 2005 database data into one mdb file.After importing a data into the mdb file, above column data type converted into the memo type in the Access database.
now when I am trying to import a data from this MS Access File(db1.mdb) into the another SQL Server 2005 database, got the error of Unicode Converting a memo data type conversion in Export/Import data wizard.
Could you please let me know what is the reason?
I know that memo data type does not supported into the SQl Server 2005.
I am with SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with SP2.
Please help me to understans this issue correctly?
I am building a aspx/c# application with SQL Server 2000 backend. Now i want to have the option for "Importing" the data into one of the tables in my database.
The source file for the import is a text file , CSV format. I want the users to click on the "Import" button placed on my webform and supply the souce file and the data should get imported into the SQL Server 2000 database table.
I want to know the various ways to implement this. Is it possible to invoke the DTS and then DTS will itself guide the users do the import? or if i need to write a SQL query , what would that be like??
I am in need of some help importing a .CSV file into a SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition. The problem is I already implemented Bulk Insert task in SSIS but it is not importing any data. My detailed layout is as follows : In SSIS package1 - In Control Flow Bulk Insert Task has been inserted Properties of Bulk Insert Task: Connection adtc009d.ganny Destination Table ganny.dbo.t4 Format Format Specify Row Delimiter {CR} Column Delimiter Comma{,} Source Connection File r.csv Options Options Check Constraints Maxerrors 20
This bulk insert task is connected to Data flow task, if we click edit to data flow task, data flow section will come, here Flat file source & OLE DB Destination is there. Flat file source is connected to OLE DB Destination.
Properties of Flat File Connection Manager Flat file connection Manager here by clicking new link flat file properties to this. Preview by clicking preview all data are visible Properties of OLE DB Destination editor Oledb connection manager adtc009d.ganny Data access mode: Table or View - fast load Name of Table or view dbo.t4
After designing all this then if I start debugging I could able to get records are imported to a table. Please suggest me where I am going wrong.
Hi Everone,I'm writing a script to import data from an XML file, and this tutorial isreally an awesome guide :http://www.kbalertz.com/Q316005/Imp....Component.aspx ... problemthough is here's a snippet of my XML file:<planets><sun rise="6:23" set="20:33"/><moon rise="18:54" set="4:26"/><mercury rise="7:50" set="22:11"/><venus rise="4:24" set="17:38"/><mars rise="9:45" set="23:40"/><jupiter rise="17:23" set="4:20"/><saturn rise="10:09" set="23:53"/><uranus rise="1:38" set="13:10"/><neptune rise="0:23" set="11:13"/><pluto rise="20:38" set="7:25"/></planets><moon><phase date="7/6/2006" text="Waxing Gibbous">9</phase><phase date="7/7/2006" text="Waxing Gibbous">10</phase><phase date="7/8/2006" text="Waxing Gibbous">11</phase><phase date="7/9/2006" text="Waxing Gibbous">12</phase><phase date="7/10/2006" text="Waning Gibbous">14</phase></moon>The tutorial seems to work well with entries in XML that look like this:<nighttime><txtshort>A moonlit sky</txtshort><txtlong>A moonlit sky</txtlong><weathericon>33</weathericon><hightemperature>100</hightemperature><lowtemperature>74</lowtemperature><realfeelhigh>108</realfeelhigh><realfeellow>74</realfeellow></nighttime>But when the XML file has more info (not sure technically what it's called)like the date and text options above in the phase tag, I'm not sure how toimport these into MS SQL. In MS Access I did do an import from this XMLfile, but alas it didn't see these entries in the phase tags either.Suggestions? I'm trying to use the XML Bulk Load component, but I'm sureI'm missing something. Thanks for any suggestions ...Sam---Sam Alexander - sam.alexander(at)sidebandbbs(dot)comhttp://www.samandflip.com or telnet://sidebandbbs.com---"Data is not information, Information is not knowledge, Knowledge is notunderstanding, Understanding is not wisdom." -- Cliff Stoll--- Synchronet 3.13b-Linux NewsLink 1.84--[SideBand BBS - telnet://sidebandbbs.com]--
Hi all, I am trying to export data from an excel file to SQL Server database for reporting. Unfortunately I get the following errors.
[OLE DB Destination [54]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".
I would like to write the metadata to a [order header] table and the ITEMS to a [order detail] table. Can someone direct me to a example of something similar?
hi all,i have a table called Employee in sql server 2005 as shown beloweid ename esal001 john 5000002 lina 4000 I need to fill the above table from xml file(Emp.xml) as shown<Root> <Employee> <eid>003</eid> <ename>rose</ename> <esal>2000</esal></Employee><Employee> <eid>004</eid> <ename>sam</ename> <esal>6000</esal></Employee></Root> plz try to help me i am in need or give me any helpful suggestions thanks in advance
EXEC ('Insert into Elements (No_element, Nom_elem, Desc_elem, Code_grpe_classe, Tps_elem, Code_sgrpe, Code_produit) Select No_element, Nom_elem, Desc_elem, Code_grpe_classe, Tps_elem, Code_sgrpe, Code_produit from ' + @NomServ + '...[Elements$];')
This is where i got an error. The error is: The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "ExcelSource" does not contain the table "Elements$". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
I can't figure out what i'm missing. I've add permissions for EVERYONE on the file and on the folder just to be sure and i still have the same error. How can i check if the table [Elements$] exist ?
hello, I create a txt file with a bash script, and i need to use it in a DTS package. But, i don't know how i can specify the type of my column. So in the transformations task, i have an error due to an incompatible type. what can i do to fix this error ? thanks,
I have exported data from few tables from my old sql server 7.0 database. Now, I need to import those data into new database which is on SQL Server 2005 Express. How do I do that in 2005 express server? Any idea?
Or, is there any better way to import data for selected tables into new database?
Hi, how are you? I generated a Data Flow Task where a OLE DB Source connects to a SQL Server and gets data from a table. The next step, writes a txt file with the information (Flat File destination). All data is imported to txt fiel if this one is configured as Code Page: 1252 (ANSI - Latin I) in the connection manager for the flat file. But if I change Code Page: 500 (IBM EBCDIC - International) which is the one I need beacuse I have to imported in a mainframe, it doesn't work. This is the error that I receive:
Code Snippet TITLE: Package Validation Error ------------------------------ Package Validation Error ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Error at Data Flow Task [Flat File Destination [31]]: The code page on input column "STATUS_CD" (1293) is 1252 and is required to be 500. Error at Data Flow Task [Flat File Destination [31]]: The code page on input column "SRC_NUM" (1294) is 1252 and is required to be 500. Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: "component "Flat File Destination" (31)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN". Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation. Error at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.VsIntegration)
Does any one knows how can I convert from ANSI to EBCDIC or what I have to configure so as to not receive that error messsage? Thanks for help and time. Beli
I have a problem with some in a file. when i excute ma package to import data with my *.cvs file ssis bloqued le data flow in the line number 1042 and output this error : column delimiter note found for the column 50 wich is the last column .
I was getting the product error associated with the full version of SSIS not installed so I ran the installation again and selected the Integration Services check box.
Now when attempting to import data into a database, the drop down list doesn't have a flat file option.
Hi everyone, sorry if this message is not supposed to be posted here. I'm learning asp.net , and would like to know how I can insert data from a excel file into a database on my web account. Pretty much insert/update information in the database using excel file or a access file. Thanks a lot in advance
Problem importing data from flat file into decimal(9,2) field. The data in the flat file is 000001453 and I am copying it to a decimal(10,2) field and instead of showing up in the 0000014.53 it comes across as 0001453.00. I tried defining the input columns a few different ways but none seemed to work. How do I do this with SSIS or do I need to write a SP and use convert? Thanks.
Does anyone have any great suggestions on how I can import an online XML file into an SQL 2005 table?
So far I tried to accomplish it with SSIS Data Flow Task where my source is XML Source (Data access mode: XML file location; XML location: URL, Use inline schema = True). This set up properly identified the columns to be imported.
I used Copy Column data flow transformation task to load data to OLE DB destination table that has same structure.
When I run the task it does execute with no errors, however the table remains empty. It looks like I am failing to read the actual data.
Do you have any suggestions? I am willing to go around this approach with stored procs/com/you name it €“ just make it work!
I'm importing comma-delimited text files into a SQL table. The data imports in a seemingly random order. One time I import and the lines appear one way and the next time I import they import another way.
Is there a way to force the text files to import in the same order the data is found in the file?
Hi i'v e installed the file: SQLServer2005_DTS.msiBecause i've heard that i need that to import a csv file into a ms sql database. now i have no idea how to work it, like to even make it open.Where would i open it from? I reckon i'v eread enough literature about using it, to be able to have a bash... thanks in advance...
Hi, this is my first time and was wondering what's the best way to do the following: i've sql server 6.5. also have a sql database(.DATfile) in a folder. i need to import this database to my server. should i just LOAD/import it? or do i need to first create a database device on my server(how much size should i allocate etc) and then load it??
Hi guys, I have to write a Store procedure which will pickup a txt file from a destination, read it and update some table. How to pick and read a txt file in a Stored procedure. Thanks in advance Vineet
Hi, i am having problems while importing a .csv file. when i import a .csv file in sql server I get the folowing error message. "Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid".
I have a .txt file that I need to add to an existing table, which ismade up of Varchar, Char, numeric and int fields.What is the best way to do it.The first thing I tried was importing the .txt file, and then goinginto the design and changing the field type, but I hit problems on theNumeric fields.Then I tried changing the field types from varchar to different typesat the transfom stage of importing, but that failed too.Regards,Ciarán
I have a CSV file that i need to import into a SQL table. The problemis the values in the first column are not brackited in "". There areover 700K rows. Is there an easy way to fix the data or have SQLcorrectly import the the data?The data looks like this1, "xxx","zzz"2, "aaa","bbb"an so on...Thanks
I am in need of some help importing a .CSV file into a SQL Server 2005 Express database. I can't use SSIS because it's SQL Server Express. The operation needs to run as a parameterized Stored Proc which I will call from ASP.NET.
The problem is that I need to get the only 2 columns from the text file, then "tack on" 3 more columns that will have data that changes, which will come in as parameters to the T-SQL stored proc. This prevents me from using a straight BULK INSERT.
The data in each of these columns will be the same for each record in that column - that is, every record in every field in column 3, for example, will be the same.
Some of the files will have 4 million records and up, so speed is of the essence here. I tried using BULK INSERT to dump the data into a #temporary table - which took 38 seconds and was acceptably fast - but then, my next step was to dump the additional data into the other columns using UPDATE... SET. I gave up on this after the query ran for THIRTY MINUTES! My next step was going to be to move the data from the temporary table into the target permanent table somehow, but I never got that far when I saw how long the previous step took...
It's a little odd, because I can do the same thing in MS Access in under 5 minutes by using a SQL statement like this in my ASP.NET code:
strSource is a string that the User enters (properly vetted for security); strPath and strFilename are strings holding the path and filename to the .CSV file. I create a unique filename from the file the user uploads. This works in under 5 minutes for several millions of records in MS Access, as I said above. I've had no luck getting anything similar to work in SQL Server, though.
Anyway, does anyone have any ideas? This is somewhat urgent, as the project was about to go "live" when it was discovered that the actual, live data had grown to the point where Access couldn't hold it, and a move to SQL Server Express was necessary.
I need to be able to create a DTS package that imports a CSV file which is loated at URL. I.E. HTTP://www.url.com/csv/thefile.xls I tried copying the URL an pasting it in the file location when in SQL wazird but I got an error message.