In SQL 2005 P1 SMO - Agent Last Run Datetime

Sep 29, 2006


I created an RMO script to generate a republishing replication (A to B then B to C). Because I don't want to start the B to C replication until the A to B replication is complete, I start the Snapshot and the Merge processes synchronously (vs. asynchronously). If I ran them asynchronously, I'd need to put in logic to loop-check the completion status of the Merge agent job before kicking off the B to C process.

In the Snapshot agent, this means running .GenerateSnapshot(); (vs. StartSnapshotGenerationAgentJob)

and in Merge agent this means running .SynchronizationAgent.Synchronize(); (vs. SynchronizeWithJob)

I notice that the Snapshot agent never shows a LastRun or LastRun Outcome even though the snapshots are being generated. I haven't tested the other scenario (asynchronous), but I presume they would register the LastRun columns because, as I read it, they use the SQL Agent jobs to accomplish their work.

Does anyone have RMO code that I could add to plug this information into whatever system table (?) somehow?

I'll put this in the SMO/RMO forum too.


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SQL 2005 SQL Agent

Mar 28, 2007

I have got a backup maintenance plan, and I want to output to a file if it has been a success or fail. I was using sp_help_jobhistory and relying on the run_status to determine if it succeeded(1) or failed(0). I have found this to be unreliable compared with the report which is in the SQL Agent Log File Viewer.

I assume this has to be stored some where, how do I access the table where this is stored? So i can return the results of my maintenance plan from SQL Agent.

Any help would be great.


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SQL 2005 Agent

Apr 27, 2006

How do I install the SQL client on another machine? I've done this in previous versions but things have changed a bit. I'm using the developer edition.

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SQL Agent Limitation (SQL 2005)

May 17, 2006

Hello everybody,

Can someone tell me if there are any limitation in SQL Server Agent of SQL Server 2005?

I have a Windows 2003 Enterprise R2 with 16GB RAM and SQL Server 2005. However my SQL Agent log say:

[310] 4 processor(s) and 4096 MB RAM detected"

Any KB related?

thanks a lot

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SQL Server 2005 Job Agent

Jun 18, 2007


I m using SQL Server Job Agent to execute my SQL Server Integration Package. When I execute this job, the status of the job is shown as 'Between tries' and the job get hanged. I searched through the msdn. The solution provided is specific to SQL Server 2000. I am not able to get the solution for SQL Server 2005. Could someone please tell me the reason behind this problem?



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Does SQL Server 2005 Express Have A SQL Agent

Jul 20, 2006

Does SQL Server 2005 Express have a SQL Agent?  If so, can someone tell me where I would find it?  If not, can someone tell me if there is a replacement for it or some kind of work around?

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SQL Server 2005 Express Agent

Jan 5, 2006

Hi - I know SQL Server 2005 Express comes with no agent, so how do people using it, currently backup their databases?
eg. I currently use MSDE in a live environment (small user base), and I use the Agent/Jobs to create a backup each night.
How could I achieve the same with the SQL Server 2005 Express?
Thanks for any help,

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SQL Agent 2005 Job Fails If Logged Off

Apr 9, 2007

I have a job scheduled to run daily every hour. If I log on to the server the jobs runs sucessfully but if I log off the job fails. I have scheduled a SSIS package to run as a job.. pLease help...

I am using SQL Server 2005. and a proxy account to run the job. I treid to run the job as One Time only and it runs sucessfuly.

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Starting Sql Server Agent Sql 2005

May 4, 2007

I am running windows 2003 and sql server 2005. i am following the directions in books online:

On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager.

In SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand Services, and then click SQL Agent.

In the results pane, right-click any instance, and then click Start.

A green arrow on the icon next to the SQL Server Agent and on the toolbar indicates that SQL Server Agent started successfully.

Click OK.

the problem is i have nothing in Services. there is nothing to expand.
is it installed wrong?? or is there another step before this that i have to do??

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SQL Server Agent Missing In 2005

Feb 27, 2008

Hi all, This is my first message in this forum and I am a new bie to SQL server 2005.. I am trying to schedule the backup job for a database in 2005 and I am not able to figure out where it is. I browsed through few topics in the forums and found that I can do using sql server agent in the SQL server management studio. But I do not see the sql server agent in the management studio. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks all!

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SQL 2005 Agent Configuration Problems

Apr 26, 2006


I've got two problems when attempting to set up SQL Server 2005 Agent. Any help on either of these would be greatly appreciated.

1.) When I go into properties of SQL Server Agent and then to history. I check the Automatically remove agent history checkbox and set the time delay, but it doesn't stay checked when I exit and look again. Does anyone know how to fix this or even better the specific registry key I can change to force it? I believe it is in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server(Instance)SQLServerAgent

2.) On SQL Server Agent properties in General I have changed the location of the log file so instead of D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGSQLAGENT.OUT it is E:SQLLogsSQLAGENT.OUT However when I go through Management Studio to view them it says "Unicode File Expected", even though SQL Server is creating the files and automatically rolling them over (I do have Write OEM error log and include execution trace messages checked and am logging Errors, Warnings and Information).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Aaron Lowe

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SQL SERVER AGENT 2005 Job Failure

Nov 13, 2007

I have scheduled a job in SQL Server Agent, as it executes it fails Immediatly. The error history displays the following error details, which i copied from the log file

"Description: Unable to load the package as XML because of package does not have a valid XML format. A specific XML parser error will be posted.

The system cannot find the path specified.". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format. End Error ... The package could not be f... The step failed."

I am using the File System Type to load my package.

Please assisst me in finding the solution



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SQL Server 2005 SP2 Agent XPs Error

Mar 18, 2007

I have been having a problem with an attempted install of sp2 (the updated one) and don't have a clue on how to get past it. Here is the error that I get

MSP Error: 29537 SQL Server Setup has encountered the following problem: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]SQL Server blocked access to procedure 'dbo.sp_is_sqlagent_starting' of component 'Agent XPs' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server.

What is strange is that I have ensured that the Agent XP's are enabled prior to the sp install by checking the agent xp's configuration option but it seems as though during the sp install it disables them and encounters problems when trying to start the SQL Agent resulting in a failure of the sp install with the message shown above.

When I check the database after the failure, it does show the AgentXP's as being disabled. I've re-enabled them multiple times with the same result.

The sp is being installed on a 2 node cluster but only one node is having the problem, the other upgraded fine. I have also had this problem on a single non-clustered server with 3 instances where two of them installed fine but one didn't, it too had the same error message.

My basic configuration is as follows:
x64 Windows 2003 Standard Edition R2
SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition (for the clustered server) Dev Edition for the standalone server

Any thoughts on how to get past this problem or is this a bug?

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Cannot Restart Sql Server And Agent 2005

Oct 31, 2007

I've installed an SSL certificate via IIS. I stopped sql server and agent but cannot restart them. I'm getting the following message in the error log:

2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x2, status code 0x38.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x2, status code 0x1.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 spid9s Starting up database 'model'.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server Error: 17826, Severity: 18, State: 3.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server Could not start the network library because of an internal error in the network library. To determine the cause, review the errors immediately preceding this one in the error log.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server Error: 17120, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server SQL Server could not spawn FRunCM thread. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems.

I've tried removing the SSL certificate but with no success.

Help! I'm starting to think that the only solution is to uninstall sql server 2005 and reinstall.

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Backup Agent For Msde Sql Version 2005

Jan 15, 2007

please help me, i need to know if i need to purchase a sql agent for veritas backup exec. i am using the sql msde version only, not the full scale version. any help would be great.

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SQL 2005 Express - Problem With No SQL Serevr Agent

Mar 28, 2008

Hello.I have loaded SQL 2005 Express (from the web) with SQL ServerManagement Studio Express. I suspect this means that the "SQL ServerAgent" is not available. This "SQL Server Agent" comes with SQL 2000(even the free version of MSDE 2000 has this feature). This agent isuseful for scheduling jobs (in conjunction with the availableEnterprise Manager).So my problem is how do I schedule jobs with this product? It isrunning on the XP OS.Regards JC.......

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SQL Server 2005 Agent - User Account

Jun 26, 2007

Who needs to invoke the jobs in SQL05? Manually executing the job import_myteam as a user with dbo privileges fails. So, which user account should be assigned to successfully run scheduled jobs (ie, dbo)?

The package file for the job in question is located in the server€™s C:Documents and SettingsuserxyzMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsIntegration Services Project3Integration Services Project3MyTeam (1).dtsx, but this still fails when the user userxyz is logged on and is executing the job directly from the server console.

Step1 of the package executes as userxyz
Step 2 fails and runs as cpmc-casql02

The user account userxyz has administrator rights to the server as well as being a sysadmin of the SQL2005 database (named cpcasql02).

The account cpmc-casql02 is a €œpublic€? user of the database and is a member of the administrator group on the server itself.

This same scenario carries for tasks as simple as truncating a table and importing the contents of another table in the same database.

All of these jobs exhibit the same behavior whether run directly from the server console on remotely from a workstation connected to the SQL2005 database.

Attempting to get a really simple job working, we also created a very simple SSIS package which does a select from a database table and writes the output to a text file. When running the same package from the user€™s workstation within Visual Studio, the package executes successfully. Once copied to the server, and run from within SQLServer as MyJunePackage however, the execution fails in the same manner as described above. The first step executes successfully as the logged-in user and the second fails executed under the account cpmc-casql02.

So, again we have the same behavior of sequential steps being run as different users with unsatisfactory results. Please advise as to how to set up these jobs to run correctly and consistently.

Thanks very much,Eric W

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SQL Server 2005 Database Mail And Agent Error

Feb 9, 2006

Hello, hoping someone might be able to help.

I've set up Database Mail on an instance of 2005 and the test mail works just fine. However, when testing a job (notify on fail, success, whatever) the mail fails to send. Job History last information reads NOTE: Failed to notify 'My Name' via email.

Checked out the Database Mail logs - nothing interesting.

Restarted the Agent service and then checked out the current Agent Log. Found message:

[260] Unable to start mail session (reason: No mail profile defined).

The 'DatabaseMailProfile' key is most certainly defined in the Registry
(at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1SQLServerAgent')

I'm at a loss...why is it telling me no mail profile defined?
I'd be most grateful for any help if anybody else has run across this problem.


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SQL Server 2005 Agent Service High CPU Usage

Jan 30, 2008

I have six stored procedures that I have to run hourly during the day. When I schedule them into separate SQL jobs (they must run concurrently), the percent CPU of Sqlagent90.exe process goes way up, eventually pegging out the overal CPU usage on the server. When I run the six stored procedures concurrently from query windows in SQL Server Management Sudio, the overall CPU usage stays very low.

Is there something about the SQL Server Agent that inherently adds CPU overheard? Thanks in advance ....

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Notification To SQL Server 2005 Agent Job On Completion Of Oracle Package

Dec 21, 2007

Is there any built-in way of kicking off a job on SQL Server 2005 Agent whenever a package/job completes in Oracle?
Are there any (Triggers? Msft queue? Event Notification?) mechanisms to automate running a job on the SQL side?
Any article or knowledge articles would be appreciated also.

If not are there any built-in stardardized polling techniques? Or are there any timers in SSIS?
That way I can delay executing a child package until a certain record has been inserted into a control table in Oracle.
I don't want to write an inefficient for loop that blocks all other processing on the server and iterates once every second.


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SQL Server 2005 Agent - Error Copying A File Onto The Network...

Jan 10, 2008


I have an SSIS package designed to copy across a file from local machine to a location on the network.

The SSIS package works fine when I run it directly run it in the Designer, ie, it copies over the file to the network.

But when I run the package through the Job server agent, it fails giving me a validation error on the network path..

Does it have to do with the permissions of the User account used here? Could anyone please provide any information on this....


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Execute Sql Server Agent Job Task - Job Immediately Returns Success... However Agent Job Is Still Running???

Nov 30, 2006

when I run a package from a command window using dtexec, the job immediately says success.
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0).
Started: 3:37:41 PM
Finished: 3:37:43 PM
Elapsed: 2.719 seconds

However the Job is still in th agent and the status is executing. The implications of this are not good. Is this how the sql server agent job task is supposed to work by design.



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Mar 27, 2006


"Message: Incorrect syntax near 'NoteID'."

Here is a snipet from the output file:

2006-03-27 13:01:49.820 Skipping file 'NotesHistory_21.sch' because it has already been delivered for a previous article or by a previously interrupted snapshot.
2006-03-27 13:01:49.867 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': SET ANSI_NULLS ON

2006-03-27 13:01:49.898 OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:49.945 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON

2006-03-27 13:01:50.008 [17%] OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory](
[NoteID] [int] NOT NULL,
[CaseRefNum] [int] NOT NULL,
[KeyField] [varchar](500) NOT NULL,
[KeyValue] [varchar](500) NOT NULL,
[Note] [varchar](800) NULL,
[NoteField] [varchar](100) NULL,
[ScanDocID] [int] NULL,
[PDF_ID] [int] NULL,
[RescanCode] [int] NULL,
[RescanNote] [varchar](100) NULL,
[AuditID] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL

ꜽśã¹? êœ?Å›B 27 13:01î–”Å›è›ªç —êœ?Å›é”?Ä€Percent Complete: 17
2006-03-27 13:01:50.086 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': SET ANSI_NULLS ON

2006-03-27 13:01:50.117 Preparing table 'NotesHistory' for merge replication
2006-03-27 13:01:50.164 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON

2006-03-27 13:01:50.195 OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.258 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': if object_id('MSmerge_conflicts_info') is not NULL
alter table [MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory] add origin_datasource_id uniqueidentifier NULL

2006-03-27 13:01:50.351 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': if object_id('MSmerge_conflicts_info') is not NULL
create nonclustered index [ncMSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory] on [MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory] ([rowguid], origin_datasource_id)

2006-03-27 13:01:50.383 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': exec sp_MSsetconflicttable @article = N'NotesHistory', @conflict_table = N'MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory'

2006-03-27 13:01:50.430 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.476 [17%] The merge process was unable to deliver the snapshot to the Subscriber. If using Web synchronization, the merge process may have been unable to create or write to the message file. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.Percent Complete: 17
2006-03-27 13:01:50.50é”?Ä€
2006-03-27 13:01:50.539 Applied script 'NotesHistory_21.cft'
2006-03-27 13:01:50.586 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.617 OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.711 Percent Complete: 17
2006-03-27 13:01:50.742 {call sp_MSsetconflicttable (N'NotesHistory', N'MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory', N'LARGOS00-SDI', N'EFILE', N'EFILE_MERGE')}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.773 OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.867 Percent Complete: 0
2006-03-27 13:01:50.898 Category:COMMAND
Source: Failed Command
Number: 0
Message: {call sp_MSsetconflicttable (N'NotesHistory', N'MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory', N'LARGOS00-SDI', N'EFILE', N'EFILE_MERGE')}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.961 Percent Complete: 0
2006-03-27 13:01:50.992 Category:SQLSERVER
Number: 102
Message: Incorrect syntax near 'NoteID'.
2006-03-27 13:01:51.039 Percent Complete: 0
2006-03-27 13:01:51.070 Category:NULL
Source: Merge Replication Provider
Number: -2147201001
Message: The merge process was unable to deliver the snapshot to the Subscriber. If using Web synchronization, the merge process may have been unable to create or write to the message file. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.
2006-03-27 13:01:51.133 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.180 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.226 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.258 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.305 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.336 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.383 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.414 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.445 Disconnecting from OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.492 Disconnecting from OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.523 The merge process will restart after waiting 60 second(s)...

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Oracle 9i -&&> SQL Server 2005: Snapshot Agent Aborts Suddenly Uninterrupted

Jun 14, 2006

Hi - I hope some of you can help me with this problem.

I'm trying to run the snapshot agent for 77 published tables, but the agent stops suddenly uninterrupted. It stops in the middle of taking a snapshot of a table containing 81,719,531 rows. The error message is pasted below.

2006-06-14 05:33:33.53 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57200000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:34:12.57 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57300000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:34:51.23 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57400000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:35:29.99 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57500000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:36:09.82 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57600000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:36:49.38 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57700000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:37:28.56 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57800000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:37:35.36 [89%] The replication agent was shut down in response to an abort request.

Does anyone know what is causing this error and how I can possibly solve it?

Best Regards,
JB Plum

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Handle Datetime In SQL Server 2005

Mar 6, 2007

Are there any function in SQL Server 2005 which can help to calculate the total no. of days and months? Let's said if I provide 2 dates, 28-Feb-2001 and 01-Mar-2004, it can return 36 Months and 2 Days. The concept is like the function months_between in Oracle. Are there any function in SQL Server 2005 can achieve this?

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Date (not Datetime) Datatype In 2005?

Apr 19, 2006

For some reason, I recall having read that SQL Server 2005 would supporta datatype that represented date, but not time. (This would be usefulfor storing things like birthday, where you usually don't care about thetime of day). But I've got SQL Server 2005 installed, and there's nosuch datatype to be found.Is this something that might be released in a Service Pack, or is itjust not going to happen?

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Datetime And Timezones In SQL Server 2005

Apr 18, 2008

I am using a SQL Server 2005 database for my ASP.NET 2.0 project.

How does SQL Server 2005 store datetime values? How does it display datetime values in query results?

Does it store datetime values as UTC time by default? If not, how do I control the timezone at which to store datetime values? What if, in my ASP.NET 2.0 application, I set a DateTime object in the SqlCommand Parameters collection? Would the timezone be automatically determined from the DateTime object, allowing SQL Server to make any necessary adjustment before storing the value?

Does it display datetime values in query results at local timezone by default? If so, is it possible to control, at SQL level, the timezone at which to display the datetime value?

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UK Datetime Parameter Problem SQL 2005 RS

Feb 17, 2006


I am having a problem with the DateTime parameter option in SQL 2005 reporting services.

Note that Server, workstation and database are set to British/English (UK) date/time localisation (dd/MM/yyyy) for example 25th December 2005=25/12/2005.

I create a simple query with a parameter on a datetime column and set the report parameter to Data type: DateTime in the report parameters dialog.

On preview or after deployment the following behaviour is observed.

Selecting 1st February 2006 in the datetime picker control populates the date parameter entry field with

01/02/2006 = 1st February 2006 (the correct UK format as expected)

When View Report is clicked the datetime parameter field magically changes to


So forcing the datetime values to US format MM/dd/yyyy, the report runs OK but does not return data restricted to the required date.

If we select 25th February 2006 the datetime parameter field populates with

25/02/2006 = 25th February 2006 (the correct UK format as expected)

When View Report is clicked the datetime parameter changes to 02/01/2006 and an error is displayed

An error occurred during local report processing.

The value provided for the report parameter X is not valid for its type.

Is there a solution to this?



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DateTime Formats In Sql Server 2005 And 2000

Mar 19, 2007

Hi there
I have an application running in two development environments, one using a sql server 2005 database and the other using a 2000 database.  The application works on the 2000 database but when i try to insert values into the 2005 database the date format is incorrect (mm/dd/yyyy). I've checked the regional data settings on both machines and they are identical.  The application (which i inherited) uses inline sql and when i dump the values before the sql command is run i get dd/mm/yyyy for the app running 2005 and mm/dd/yyyy for the app on 2000.  I'm trying to determine if this is an issue with the machine itself and the .net framework installed or infact the two different versions on sql server.

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SQL Server 2005 Datetime Data Type

Jul 23, 2005

Does anyone know if SQL Server 2005 will support date values before1/1/1753 in the datetime data type?

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Problem In Insert A Datetime Into SqlServer 2005

Feb 14, 2006

I user Visual Studio 2005 64 bit ,windowxp 64 bit ,sqlserver 2005

The Sql statement : "insert into sickleave (StaffID,sickLeaveReason,DateStart,DateEnd,RegistrationDate) values (20001,'test',28/3/2006,4/5/2006,4/5/2006 ) "

and the result in Datebase (All the time become 1/1/1900 0:00:00 )

Although i change the datetype from datetime to smalldatetime the result is same

and i try input the date 28/3/2006 0:00:00 into server but

it show the error:Incorrect syntax near '0'.

What wrong ? help me please,Thank.

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Snapshot Agent && Log Reader Agent Will Not Start.

Nov 30, 2006

Hi All,

I would appreciate any help here at all. I am pulling my hair out!

I am unable to start the snapshot agent or log reader agent from within SQL management studio. it fails on executing step 2 with unknown username or bad password.

I have checked all account details and they are correctly using my domain admin account. I can connect to SQL using teh same account and it also has sysadmin permissions.

If i copy the step 2 paramters and start from the cmd prompt (again logged in using the same domain account) they both start fine.

Any ideas would be gratefully received.

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Cannot Start Log Reader Agent And Snapshot Agent

May 18, 2007

I am testing peer to peer replication in our environment. I simulated a three node peer to peer topology and a local distributor.

For some wierd reason I cannot get the Log Reader Agent and snapshot agent to start. The domain account under which SQL Server Agent runs has administrator previlage on the box. I also use a domain account for SQL Server Service. (none of the passwords changed).

This is the error I am getting - "Executed as user: abc. A required privilege is not held by the client. The step failed"

Any ideas???

Also this domain account is a member of



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