In Line Code In &<asp:SqlDataSource
Jun 16, 2006
I have a problem with the
The thing that I try to do is to create a SQL
I am not sure if this can be done or not ( just started
Something like this:
Dim Test1 As String
Dim Test2 As String
Dim Test3 As String
Dim Test4 As String
Test1 = Request("xmbr")
Test2 = Request("xSEL")
Test3 = Request("xpro")
Test4 = "SELECT [jedan], [dva], [tri], [cetiri], [pet] FROM [pet1] where " & (Test1) & " " & (Test2) & "'" & (Test3) & "'"
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="
<%$ ConnectionStrings:FinGateConnectionString
%>" SelectCommand="
<%= Test4
The problem is that is giving me an error that I can’t figure out.
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '<'.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
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Jan 25, 2007
Hi,I need some help here. I have a SELECT sql statement that will query the table. How do I get the return value from the sql statement to be assigned to a label. Any article talk about this? Thanks geniuses.
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Aug 16, 2007
case @namesflag when 3 then 1
else case @namesflag when 2 then else names.old
I understand what it is doing for the second part when @namesflag=2
, but what does end=1 mean
Can somebody please explain it to me.
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Sep 5, 2007
Hi Guys,
I'm looking into why a particular report is running very slowly.
I call the stored proc which populates the report from query analyzer and request get an execution plan. Runtime is ~12mins
When I take the code inside the stored proc and convert it to inline code (change the parameter declarations to declare statements and procedure call parameters to set statements) and request an execution plan, the runtime is 10 seconds. The results returned are identical.
Comparing the execution plans shows the difference to lie in the SP using one index (returns 100m rows) and the inline code using another (2.5k rows). Apart from this index and the cost for some elements changing by a couple of percentage points the execution plans look very similar.
I've held off pasting the table schema and stored proc in here due to size.
One thing I'd hoped would help, but which didn't make an appreciable change, was to call the stored proc 'with recompile' in case the issue was an old execution plan.
Any suggestions how to stop the query planner making this 'bad' choice? Even some clue as to the source of the difference between the two functionally identical pieces of code might help.
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Jun 14, 2007
strSQL = strSQL & ReturnFieldArgument("@DoNotDisplaySSN", Me.DO_NOT_DISPLAY_SSN.Value, False, True)
What would happen if I change one the False value near the end of the code to True?
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Dec 30, 2006
How do I programically (in the code-behind-file) assign a value from the database to a variable using a sqldatasource?...
I will do something like this:
Dim MyCity as string = SqlDataSource.MyCityColumnInTheDatabase
(The sqldatasource select everything in my "CityTable")
Hope you understand what I mean...
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Mar 13, 2007
i have an sqldatasource which runs a select command. How does one access the results in the codebehind, that is on page load set Label1 to value returned from the datasource. Please note that there will only ever be one value returned by the datasource This is fairly urgent so any help is needed quick thanks in advanceIlan
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Mar 3, 2006
Can you access a SQLDatasource in the code-behind?
Example: label1.text = sqldatasource.field
I am just migrating apps to ASP.NET 2.0...
Confused as to the best approach for paramaterized data access and binding to labels.
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Nov 19, 2006
I have the following Sql Data Source that I wish to bring back on my page:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:FrogConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="ProposalsCheckNewCustomerData" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">
<asp:FormParameter FormField="MaritalStatusID" Name="MartialStatusID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:FormParameter FormField="LivingStatusID" Name="LivingStatusID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:FormParameter FormField="DealerID" Name="DealerID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:FormParameter FormField="VehicleTypeID" Name="VehicleTypeID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:FormParameter FormField="FinanceTypeID" Name="FinanceTypeID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:FormParameter FormField="MediaSourceID" Name="MediaSourceID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:FormParameter FormField="DealerContactID" Name="DealerContactID" Type="Int32" />
The recordset brings back 7 values that I wish to populate into 7 Labels.
1. Should the SqlDataSource be on the page (between the Head tags) or within the Page_Load command of the Page Behind ?- If its on the page behind do any of you have any sample code to show me how to get the recordset up and running ?
2. How would I bind the results to a label ?- Within my old asp pages it was simple (I'm not saying its not simple here, I am still getting my head around eg <%=rsX("MaritalStatus")%> I guess its something very similar
Thanks for any pointersFizzystutter
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Feb 18, 2007
My code behind file builds a select statement and I would like to fill an SqlDataSource control with it. Can some show me an example of how I might do that? Maybe something like this?
Me.SqlDataSourceSearchResult.ConnectionString = "ConnectStr"
Me.SqlDataSourceSearchResult.SelectCommand = "SelectStatement"
gvSearchResult.DataSource = Me.SqlDataSourceSearchResult
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May 30, 2007
Hi guys,
I have following query in stored procedure Select ContractId, Version, CreateDate, body, IsCurrentFrom CRM_Contracts where ContractId=@ContractId I am trying to access the value of IsCurrent field in Code behind using sqlDataSource to hide a radiobutton list in Formview control's when it is in Edit Mode. How can i do this.
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Dec 30, 2007
Hi All
It´s my DropDownList data source from my page1.aspx:
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlChampionships" runat="server" DataSourceID="sdsSearchChampionships" DataTextField="name" DataValueField="id_championship"> </asp:DropDownList><asp:SqlDataSource ID="sdsSearchChampionships" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:LocalSqlServer %>"
ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Tupi_Campeonatos]"></asp:SqlDataSource>
When I put a new championship name in a TextBox and click on the button "ADD", this button event click is called:
Protected Sub btAddChampionship_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btAddChampionship.Click
End Sub
The Page then reloads but my DropDownList is not updated. The way I found to do it is to put the DDList update code after the calling of the insertNewChampionshipIntoDataBase() method, but how???
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Jan 11, 2006
I would like to set the SqlDataSource in the code behind file and not to have it in the aspx file. How can I do that?
Gato Gris
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Apr 21, 2006
I have a sqldatasource in the markup. This is in turn connected to a Gridview. I use Eval to retrieve the database information in the markup but I also need the Eval information in code behind. How can I do this?
I got this far but how (if it's possible this way) can I retrive it?
Protected Sub Test(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowDataBound
If (e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow) Then
this is where i want to get the "MyData" value from the database.
End If
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataKeyNames="test" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" UseAccessibleHeader="False" GridLines="None" ShowHeader="False">
<asp:HiddenField ID="Hiddenvalue" runat=server Value='<%# Eval("MyData") %>' />
using VB..
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May 25, 2007
Hi All, Maybe because it's Friday afternoon and I can't think clearly anymore... A really (I guess) simple problem: DataView with SqlDataSource <asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="id" runat="Server" Text='<%# Eval("ID")%>' /> </ItemTemplate> </asp:DataList> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="GetItem" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"> </asp:SqlDataSource> Now, what I have to do is to pass two parameters to the stored procedure: 1) ProviderUserKey2) Int ValueBut the question becomes "how"?Even if I define: <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="I_GUID" /> <asp:Parameter Name="I_TYPE" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="1" /> </SelectParameters>I need to set the parameters from code behind.... Thanks for any suggestions Adam
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Jul 15, 2007
how do i pass the paramenters and storedprocedure to dataview from code-behind?
the below code have sqldatasource control but i want to pass through code-behind everything...
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"
EmptyDataText="There are no data records to display." DataKeyNames="NewsId">
<asp:BoundField DataField="NewsId" HeaderText="NewsId" InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="NewsId" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="PostDate" HeaderText="PostDate" SortExpression="PostDate" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="PostedBy" HeaderText="PostedBy" SortExpression="PostedBy" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="PostedByName" HeaderText="PostedByName" SortExpression="PostedByName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Title" HeaderText="Title" SortExpression="Title" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Body" HeaderText="Body" SortExpression="Body" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="LastUpdated" HeaderText="LastUpdated" SortExpression="LastUpdated" />
<asp:CheckBoxField DataField="IsVisible" HeaderText="IsVisible" SortExpression="IsVisible" />
</asp:GridView> i have storedprocdure which accepts 4 parameters 3 paramenters which user will supply and 1 parameter will be supplied from code-behindwhat i mean by that is:the 4 parameters storedprocedure accepts is:empid, start_date, end_date (user will supply those 3 parameters)internal_id - which internally pass along with other 3 parmeterssomething like this:internal_id, empid, start_date, end_dateany thoughts?thanks.
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Aug 18, 2007
I have <asp:SqlDataSource> in aspx page that is being used by an updateable GridView. However, there are a couple fields in the dataset that contain filenames that I want to access directly in code and place them into some image tags on the page. This line should give me access to the dataset but how to I access the fields?
Dim myDataSource As DataView = DirectCast(SqlDataSourceGridView.[Select](DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView)
When the SqlDataSource is a DataReader I would access it with the code below but since this SqlDataSource is a DataSet I can't access it with this code.If myDataSource.Read Then If Convert.IsDBNull(myDataSource("CusAgentPhoto")) Then ImageAgent.ImageUrl = "/photos/nophoto.gif" Else ImageAgent.ImageUrl = AgentImagePath & myDataSource("CusAgentPhoto").ToString End If If Convert.IsDBNull(myDataSource("CusCompanyLogo")) Then ImageCompany.ImageUrl = "/photos/nophoto.gif" Else ImageCompany.ImageUrl = OfficeImagePath & myDataSource("CusCompanyLogo").ToString End IfEnd If What would be the correct way to get at the DataSet fields that contain the filenames?
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Apr 14, 2008
I have wrote some codes as follows:
Dim sqldatasource3 As New SqlDataSource sqldatasource3.ConnectionString = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("aspnetConnectionString").ConnectionString sqldatasource3.SelectCommand = "select stepno,steppersontype,stepname,steptype,fchoice,fforward,schoice,sforward from flow " sqldatasource3.FilterExpression = "stepname = '" & GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(4).Text.Trim & "'" sqldatasource3.DataSourceMode = SqlDataSourceMode.DataSet Dim dv As DataView = sqldatasource3.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty()) dv.RowFilter = "stepname = '" & GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(4).Text.Trim & "'"
but i found the filterexpression didn't work. No matter what value GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells(4).Text.Trim be,sqldatasource always return the whole dataset.I wanna know where these code are wrong? Can anyone help?
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Sep 14, 2015
Any better way to query SQL 2012 to display the code of a stored proc to a single line. I'm trying to write a script to insert the contents of the procs between my devestprod environments. So people can query a single table for any proc that is different between environments. At the moment I am using the syscomments view and the text column but the problem here is if you get a lengthy proc it cuts it up into multiple rows.
I can get around it by converting the text to a varchar(max) and outer joining the query, but as you can see by my code below I have to try and guess what the maximum number of rows I'm going to get back for my largest proc. If someone adds a new one that returns 8 rows I'm going to miss it with this query.
Select col1.[type],col1.[name],convert(varchar(max),col1.text) + isnull(convert(varchar(max),col2.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col3.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col4.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col5.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col6.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col7.Text),'')
[Code] .....
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Jul 14, 2006
Can someone show me how to use SqlDataSource to call stored procedure in a c# class (a support class for aspx) and not in aspx or code-behind?
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Feb 1, 2007
i have a sqldatasource on my page -- select * from table where id = @id
i want to set the @id in the backend and set the result to textbox1.text
how do i do this?
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Mar 7, 2007
say I have two Sqldatasources objects:SqlDataSource1 and SqlDataSource2....
Does anybody know how can I alter programmatically these two sqldatasources in a gridview?
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Aug 15, 2007
hi, i have a .aspx.cs code page file and i wanna to send some parameters to sqldatasource in page_load event.i wrote this line of code but it errors that the System.Web.UI.Webcontrols.parameters is a type and not a my code:</p><p> </p><pre class="alt2" dir="ltr" style="border: 1px inset ; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; overflow: auto; width: 640px; height: 226px; text-align: left;">if (Session["membartype"].tostring() == "siteadmin1") SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand ="SELECT DocumentID, DocumentCode, DocumentDate,RequestCode, Delivery, Expr1,CityCode, Title FROM (SELECT dbo.EnterDocument.DocumentID, dbo.EnterDocument.DocumentCode, dbo.EnterDocument.DocumentDate,dbo.EnterDocument.RequestCode, dbo.EnterDocument.Delivery, dbo.EnterDocument.EnterType AS Expr1,dbo.EnterDocument.codecity AS CityCode, dbo.Location.Title FrOM dbo.Location RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.EnterDocument ON dbo.Location.codecity = dbo.EnterDocument.codecity) AS T1";ParameterCollection parameter=new ParameterCollection[7]; parameter.Add(DocumentID,text,TextBox1.Text); parameter.Add(DocumentCode,text,TextBox4); parameter.Add(FromDocumentDate,text,TextBox6); parameter.Add(untilDocumentDate,text,TextBox5); parameter.Add(PersonID,SelectedValue,DropDownList2); parameter.Add(EnterTypeID,SelectedValue,DropDownList3); parameter.Add(usercode,String,usercode); SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add(parameter); GridView1.DataBind();</pre><p> thanks,M.H.H
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Apr 14, 2008
Is there any way I can use a variable from my code behind file in the UpdateCommand of a sqlDataSource? I have tried
<%$ strUserGuid %>and<% strUserGuid %>
any help appreciated.Thanks
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Jan 1, 2006
How do I access sqldatasource data values in code behind and bind them to strings or texboxes etc. as oposed to using Eval in the markup?
I can create a new database connection, but I would like to use the data values from the autogenerated sqldatasource control
Many thanks,
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Mar 9, 2006
Hi all
I have a GridView on an aspx page, that is enabled for editing, deletion and sorting.
In the Page_Load event of the aspx page, i add a SqlDataSource to the page, and bind the source to the GridView.
When i click the update, or delete button, it makes a PostBack, but nothing is affected. I'm sure this has got something to do with the parameters.
First, i tried having the GridView.AutoGenerateColumns set to True. I have also tried adding the columns manually, but no affect here either.
The code for setting the commands, and adding the SqlDataSource to the page are as follows:
string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString; string strProvider = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ProviderName; string selectCommand = "SELECT * FROM rammekategori"; SqlDataSource ds = new SqlDataSource(strProvider, strConn, selectCommand); ds.ID = "RammeKategoriDS"; ds.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE rammekategori SET Kategoribeskrivelse = @Kategoribeskrivelse WHERE (Kategorinavn = @Kategorinavn)"; ds.DeleteCommand = "DELETE FROM rammekategori WHERE (Kategorinavn = @Kategorinavn)"; Parameter Kategorinavn = new Parameter("Kategorinavn", TypeCode.String); Parameter Kategoribeskrivelse = new Parameter("Kategoribeskrivelse", TypeCode.String); ds.UpdateParameters.Add(Kategorinavn); ds.UpdateParameters.Add(Kategoribeskrivelse); ds.DeleteParameters.Add(Kategorinavn);
SqlDataSource m_SqlDataSource = Page.FindControl("RammeKategoriDS") as SqlDataSource;
if (m_SqlDataSource != null) { this.gvRammeKategorier.DataSourceID = m_SqlDataSource.ID; }
As mentioned - no affect at all!
Thanks in advance - MartinHN
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Nov 27, 2006
Hi you all,
In abc.aspx, I use a GridView and a SqlDataSource with a SelectCommand. The GridView's DataSourceID is the SqlDataSource.
In abc.aspx.cs, I would like to use an IF statement in which if a criterion is not satistied then I will use the SqlDataSource with another SelectCommand string. Unfortunately, I have yet to know how to write code lines in order to do that with the SqlDataSource. Plz help me out!
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Jun 9, 2007
There are so many ways to use database in, I'm a bit confused about their difference from the performance point of view.So apparently SqlDataSource in DataReader mode is faster than DataSet mode, at a cost of losing some bolt-on builtin functions.What about SqlDataSource in DataReader mode vs manual binding in code? Say creating a SqlDataSource ds1 and set "DataSourceID" in Gridview, vs manually creating the SqlConnection, SqlCommand, SqlDataReader objects and mannually bind the myReader object to the gridview with the Bind() method.Also Gridview is a very convenient control for many basic tasks. But for more complex scenarios it requires lots of customization and modification. Now if I do not use gridview at all and build the entire thing from scratch with basic web controls such as table and label controls, and mannually read and display everything from a DataReader object, how's the performance would be like compared to the Gridview-databind route?
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Jul 20, 2007
Hi, I am a newbie in using ASP.NET 2.0 and ADO.NET. I wrote a hangman game and want to record statistics at the end of each game. I will create and update records in the database for each authenticated user as well as a record for the Anonymous, unauthenticated user. After a win or loss has occurred, I want to programmatically use the SQLDataSource control to increment the statistics counters for the appropriate record in the database (note I don't want to show anything or get user input for this function).
I need a VB.NET codebehind example that will show me how I should set up the parameters and update the appropriate record in the database. Below is my code. What happens now is that the program chugs along happily (no errors), but the database record does not actually get updated. I have done many searches on this forum and on the general Internet for programmatic examples of an update sequence of code. If there is a tutorial for this online or a book, I'm happy to check it out.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
CODE - Hangman.aspx.vb
1 Protected Sub UpdateStats()2 Dim playeridString As String3 Dim gamesplayedInteger, gameswonInteger, _4 easygamesplayedInteger, easygameswonInteger, _5 mediumgamesplayedInteger, mediumgameswonInteger, _6 hardgamesplayedInteger, hardgameswonInteger As Int327 8 ' determine whether player is named or anonymous9 If User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then10 Profile.Item("hangmanplayeridString") = User.Identity.Name11 Else12 Profile.Item("hangmanplayeridString") = "Anonymous"13 End If14 15 playeridString = Profile.Item("hangmanplayeridString")16 17 ' look up record in stats database18 Dim hangmanstatsDataView As System.Data.DataView = CType(statsSqlDataSource.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), System.Data.DataView)19 20 gamesplayedInteger = 021 gameswonInteger = 022 easygamesplayedInteger = 023 easygameswonInteger = 024 mediumgamesplayedInteger = 025 mediumgameswonInteger = 026 hardgamesplayedInteger = 027 hardgameswonInteger = 028 29 If hangmanstatsDataView.Table.Rows.Count = 0 Then30 31 ' then create record with 0 values32 statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters.Clear() ' don't really know what Clear does33 statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("playerid").DefaultValue = playeridString34 statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("GamesPlayed").DefaultValue = gamesplayedInteger35 statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("GamesWon").DefaultValue = gameswonInteger36 statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("EasyGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = easygamesplayedInteger37 statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("EasyGamesWon").DefaultValue = easygameswonInteger38 statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("MediumGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = mediumgamesplayedInteger39 statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("MediumGamesWon").DefaultValue = mediumgameswonInteger40 statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("HardGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = hardgamesplayedInteger41 statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("HardGamesWon").DefaultValue = hardgameswonInteger42 43 statsSqlDataSource.Insert()44 End If45 46 ' reread the record to get current values47 hangmanstatsDataView = CType(statsSqlDataSource.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), System.Data.DataView)48 Dim hangmanstatsDataRow As System.Data.DataRow = hangmanstatsDataView.Table.Rows.Item(0)49 50 ' set temp variables to database values51 gamesplayedInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("GamesPlayed")52 gameswonInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("GamesWon")53 easygamesplayedInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("EasyGamesPlayed")54 easygameswonInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("EasyGamesWon")55 mediumgamesplayedInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("MediumGamesPlayed")56 mediumgameswonInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("MediumGamesWon")57 hardgamesplayedInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("HardGamesPlayed")58 hardgameswonInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("HardGamesWon")59 60 ' update stats record61 'statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters.Clear()62 'statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("playerid").DefaultValue = playeridString63 64 If Profile.Item("hangmanwinorloseString") = "win" Then65 66 statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("GamesPlayed").DefaultValue = gamesplayedInteger + 167 statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("GamesWon").DefaultValue = gameswonInteger + 168 Select Case Profile.Item("hangmandifficultyInteger")69 Case 170 statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("EasyGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = easygamesplayedInteger + 171 statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("EasyGamesWon").DefaultValue = easygameswonInteger + 172 Case 273 statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("MediumGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = mediumgamesplayedInteger + 174 statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("MediumGamesWon").DefaultValue = mediumgameswonInteger + 175 Case 376 statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("HardGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = hardgamesplayedInteger + 177 statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("HardGamesWon").DefaultValue = hardgameswonInteger + 178 End Select79 80 81 ElseIf Profile.Item("hangmanwinorloseString") = "lose" Then82 83 statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("GamesPlayed").DefaultValue = gamesplayedInteger + 184 Select Case Profile.Item("hangmandifficultyInteger")85 Case 186 statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("EasyGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = easygamesplayedInteger + 187 Case 288 statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("MediumGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = mediumgamesplayedInteger + 189 Case 390 statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("HardGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = hardgamesplayedInteger + 191 End Select92 End If93 94 statsSqlDataSource.Update()95 96 End Sub97
CODE - Hangman.aspx 1 <asp:SqlDataSource ID="statsSqlDataSource" runat="server" ConflictDetection="overwritechanges"
2 ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:lambanConnectionString %>" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Hangman_Stats] WHERE [PlayerID] = @original_PlayerID AND [GamesPlayed] = @original_GamesPlayed AND [GamesWon] = @original_GamesWon AND [EasyGamesPlayed] = @original_EasyGamesPlayed AND [EasyGamesWon] = @original_EasyGamesWon AND [MediumGamesPlayed] = @original_MediumGamesPlayed AND [MediumGamesWon] = @original_MediumGamesWon AND [HardGamesPlayed] = @original_HardGamesPlayed AND [HardGamesWon] = @original_HardGamesWon"
3 InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Hangman_Stats] ([PlayerID], [GamesPlayed], [GamesWon], [EasyGamesPlayed], [EasyGamesWon], [MediumGamesPlayed], [MediumGamesWon], [HardGamesPlayed], [HardGamesWon]) VALUES (@PlayerID, @GamesPlayed, @GamesWon, @EasyGamesPlayed, @EasyGamesWon, @MediumGamesPlayed, @MediumGamesWon, @HardGamesPlayed, @HardGamesWon)"
4 OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectCommand="SELECT PlayerID, GamesPlayed, GamesWon, EasyGamesPlayed, EasyGamesWon, MediumGamesPlayed, MediumGamesWon, HardGamesPlayed, HardGamesWon FROM Hangman_Stats WHERE (PlayerID = @playerid)"
5 UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Hangman_Stats] SET [GamesPlayed] = @GamesPlayed, [GamesWon] = @GamesWon, [EasyGamesPlayed] = @EasyGamesPlayed, [EasyGamesWon] = @EasyGamesWon, [MediumGamesPlayed] = @MediumGamesPlayed, [MediumGamesWon] = @MediumGamesWon, [HardGamesPlayed] = @HardGamesPlayed, [HardGamesWon] = @HardGamesWon WHERE [PlayerID] = @original_PlayerID AND [GamesPlayed] = @original_GamesPlayed AND [GamesWon] = @original_GamesWon AND [EasyGamesPlayed] = @original_EasyGamesPlayed AND [EasyGamesWon] = @original_EasyGamesWon AND [MediumGamesPlayed] = @original_MediumGamesPlayed AND [MediumGamesWon] = @original_MediumGamesWon AND [HardGamesPlayed] = @original_HardGamesPlayed AND [HardGamesWon] = @original_HardGamesWon">
6 <DeleteParameters>
7 <asp:Parameter Name="original_PlayerID" Type="String" />
8 <asp:Parameter Name="original_GamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
9 <asp:Parameter Name="original_GamesWon" Type="Int32" />
10 <asp:Parameter Name="original_EasyGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
11 <asp:Parameter Name="original_EasyGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
12 <asp:Parameter Name="original_MediumGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
13 <asp:Parameter Name="original_MediumGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
14 <asp:Parameter Name="original_HardGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
15 <asp:Parameter Name="original_HardGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
16 </DeleteParameters>
17 <UpdateParameters>
18 <asp:Parameter Name="GamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
19 <asp:Parameter Name="GamesWon" Type="Int32" />
20 <asp:Parameter Name="EasyGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
21 <asp:Parameter Name="EasyGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
22 <asp:Parameter Name="MediumGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
23 <asp:Parameter Name="MediumGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
24 <asp:Parameter Name="HardGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
25 <asp:Parameter Name="HardGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
26 <asp:Parameter Name="original_PlayerID" Type="String" />
27 <asp:Parameter Name="original_GamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
28 <asp:Parameter Name="original_GamesWon" Type="Int32" />
29 <asp:Parameter Name="original_EasyGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
30 <asp:Parameter Name="original_EasyGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
31 <asp:Parameter Name="original_MediumGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
32 <asp:Parameter Name="original_MediumGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
33 <asp:Parameter Name="original_HardGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
34 <asp:Parameter Name="original_HardGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
35 </UpdateParameters>
36 <InsertParameters>
37 <asp:Parameter Name="PlayerID" Type="String" />
38 <asp:Parameter Name="GamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
39 <asp:Parameter Name="GamesWon" Type="Int32" />
40 <asp:Parameter Name="EasyGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
41 <asp:Parameter Name="EasyGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
42 <asp:Parameter Name="MediumGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
43 <asp:Parameter Name="MediumGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
44 <asp:Parameter Name="HardGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
45 <asp:Parameter Name="HardGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
46 </InsertParameters>
47 <SelectParameters>
48 <asp:ProfileParameter Name="playerid" PropertyName="hangmanplayeridString" />
49 </SelectParameters>
50 </asp:SqlDataSource>
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Jan 14, 2007
I have mysql type db in which I need computer to search for a key phrase of text that has several hundred occurances inside product table descriptions of products on live site. Once it finds the text, I would like for it to simply remove it, and look for the next occurance of the phrase and repeat the process until all are flagged and removed. I was told their may be a line of sql code that employs such a feature. Can anyone tell me what such a line would be?
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Feb 27, 2007
for some AP issue, the file I upload must be without the line feed/carriage return in the last line.
for example:
original fixed-length file (exported from SSIS)
line NO DATA
1 AA123456 50 60
2 BB123456 30 40
3 CC123456 80 90
4 <-- with line feed/carriage return in the last line
The file format that AP request. The file only has 3 records, so it should end in the third line.
line NO DATA
1 AA123456 50 60
2 BB123456 30 40
3 CC123456 80 90
Should I use script component to do it ? I am new for VB . Anyone would help me ?
Thank you all.
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May 4, 2012
I need the Trend line for the following data in Line chart they are the following data. The following are the graph are my output and i need the trend line for these Key_gap value.
This is the link [URL] ....
I need the same trend line for the Bar-Chart in SSRS 2005.
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Aug 31, 2007
I hope I'm posting this in the correct forum (forgive me if I'm not) since I'm not sure if this is an issue with inserting an item into a db or the processing of what I get out of it. I wrote a basic commenting system in which someone my post a comment about something written on the site. I wanted to keep it very simple, but I at least want the ability for a user to have newlines in their comment without having to hardcode a <br /> or something like that. Is there a way for me to detect a newline if someone, for example, is going to their next paragraph?
Let me know if you need a better explanation.
Thanks in advance!
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