In Restorc Can U Apply Logs Thru The Time Of Another Full Backup?
May 8, 2007
We run a disk backup (full) early in the evening, and then another bull backup to tape later at night. We also keep independent backups of the logs.
It seems that any full backup "resets" the ability to apply logs when restoring?
I want to be able to restore a full backup, and apply logs forward possibly more than 1 day, in case a backup is corrupted and not usable. But it seems I can only apply logs up until the time of the next full backup.
Our backup system has worked ok for us to date. We can restore back to either full saves or up to a certain log (we take log backups on the hour). We've never had to, but wanted to test restoring to a point-in-time with the backup data.
What the system does is generates .mdf and .ldf files, which is essentially a full backup say in the middle of the night. It then creates .bak files for the log backups based on the backup set you want to restore.
I can detach the database and apply the .mdf and .ldf and re-attach the database, but to apply the .bak files I need to get the database into a (recovering) state. I can't seem to do that. Otherwise when I try to apply the .bak files the system says: The log or differential backup cannot be restored because no files are ready to rollforward.
How to apply a .mdf and then apply the .bak files?
In MS SQL 2005 when you do a Full Backup does it also backup andtruncate the transaction logs or do I need to back the transactionlogs up separately?Thanks.Brian
Is it possible to restore to a point in time without a preexisting full backup? The situation is this:
I have a table in the DB from which an unknown number of records were accidentally deleted. The table in questio has about 2 million records; the user ran a query to delete all records from the table by accident, and cancelled the query after about 3 seconds.
The DB recovery mode is full, so I should be able to do a point in time restore to go back to just before the deletion, but unfortunately, the DB has never been backed up, so I have no backup to work from.
The DB has not been used since the incident, and is otherwise operational, but I need to recover these records if at all possible. All the instructions I've seen for this involve restoring from a full backup first, then restoring the log backup second. Is there any way for me to accomplish the same task?
First off, I appreciate the time that those of you reading and responding to this request are offering. My quesiton is a theoretical and hopefully simple one, and yet I have been unable to find an answer to it on other searches or sources.
Here's the situation. I am working with SQL Server 2005 on a Windows Server 2003 machine. I have a series of databases, all of which are in Full recovery mode, using a backup device for the full database backups and a separate device for the log backups. The full backups are run every four days during non-business hours. The log backups are run every half hour.
Last week, one of my coworkers found that some rarely-used data was unavailable, and wanted to restore a database to a point in time where the data was available. He told me that point in time was some time back in November.
To accomplish this, I restored the database (in a separate database, as to not overwrite my production database) using the Point in Time Recovery option. I selected November from the "To a point in time" window (I should note that this window is always grey, never white like most active windows, it seems), and the full database backup and the subsequent logs all became available in the "Select the backup sets to restore" window.
I then tried a bevy of different options from the "Options" screen. However, every restore succeeds (ie: it doesn't error out), but seems to be bringing the database back to a current point in time. It's never actually going back to the point in time I specify.
My questions are as follows:
a) Is it possible to do a point in time recovery to a point in time BEFORE the last full database backup?
b) If so, what options would you recommend I use? (ie: "Overwrite the existing database", restore with recovery, etc etc).
I again appreciate any and all advice I receive, and I look forward to hearing from anyone and everyone on this topic. Thank you.
when i try to delete the records it gives the errror suggest me how to deal with this problem ===== Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2 Can't allocate space for object 'Syslogs' in database 'armaster' because the 'logsegment' segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.
I am running a website with a SQL Server database attached.My transaction logs are full and my hosting co. won't allocate moredisk space for me.I need to delete my database transaction logs and asume I will need torun an SQL script to do this.Problem: I do not have MS Enterprise Manager of any database utilityon my website apart from MS Access. Where can I download a free SQLtool that I can use to delete the transaction logs from my database.Any help appreciated.ThanksFrancois
Regarding backups. The first available time to do a full backup is at 11:00pm which also applies to diff. backups. How often does the trans. logs need a back up?
Using Ola Hallengren's scripts I do a full backup of a database on a Sunday. Then differential backups every 6 hours and log backups every hour. I would like to keep a full week of backups based off the full backup done on Sunday. Is there a way for me to clear out the diff and log folders after the successful full backup on Sunday nights?
Data got deleted on Friday evening, need to have database restored to FRiday afternoon and also some data has been entered on Monday, which needs to be there.
We take a full backup in the early morning and hourly transaction log back during the working hours for one database in the production server. The application team made certain changes to the design of the said database in their development server. The backup from the development server was restored to the production server during working hours. After the restoration should we take a full backup before next transactional logbackup? Would the transactional log backup with out a full backup after the restoration of a database be valid?
I've truncated and shrunk the database and now, it says that the size of the db is 14 mb and 8mb is free. However, on the file system, the mdb and ldb files together adds up to 14 mb. How can I free up the 8 mb for other usage?
Help on Backup of Logs I get the following errors when I am trying to backup log every 15 minutes. It fails only during the peak hours.Does anyone have any ideas why it happens.
Cannot allow BACKUP LOG because file 'XX_data' has been subjected to nonlogged updates and cannot be rolled forward. Perform a full database, or differential database, backup. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 4213) Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 4200
I have a database that is just over 1.5GB and the Full backup that is 13GB not sure how this is since we have compression on for full backups and my other full backups are much smaller than there respective databases...Now my full backup is taken every Sunday night and the differentials are taken every 6 hours after the full backup. Now I have been thrown into this DBA role with little to no experience just what I have picked up and read. So my understanding of backups are limited but what I think I understand is that we take a full backup and the differential only captures what changes in the database so my question is why is my database 1.5GB but my differential is 15.4GB? I have others database that are on the same instance and don't seem to have this problem. I also just noticed that we do not rebuild the index before a full backup like we do on other instances...
I am trying to backup my Transaction Logs using T-SQL with the aid of a job. The problem I am running into is that I need it to backup every three hours and retain one days worth of transactional logs. This is the query I got so far.
BACKUP LOG CA001 TO DISK = 'S:AZTARGPCA001ca001_TRN_bkuplog.trn' with retaindays = 1
I've got a Sql server 2000 box that currently backs up to tape in full every night. I also want to back the box up off site but not in full (as 30GB is a little too much to transfer every evening).
So my plan was to do a full backup to tape at 7pm then a differential at 8pm (to transfer off site).
The problem I am having is that after my differential has been done the logs get truncated so if I want to replay them for any reason I need to get that differential back to site.
We have received a backup file that is 6G in size. The log file isabout 74G while the MDF is about 5 G when we restored. Is there a wayto run a SQL script to restore the .BAK file without restoring the logfile as we do not have enough space on the server.PS. We are running Sql2K5.Thanks!
I have configured maintenace plan to do a full backup of sql server at 5:00 Am followed by transaction log backup every 15 mts.The transaction log backup basically appends to existing backups so there is only one file of transaction log backup. I want to modify that the transaction logs backup only has transaction logs after 5:00 Am full backup.Right now the transaction backup has backup of all the transaction logs since i have scheduled.
If my backup starts at 8PM and take 1 hour to complete, will the changes made to the database during that hour be captured in the full backup?
Stated another way, will my backup be a snapshot of: a) 8PM when the backup started b) 8PM with some of the changes made between the hour c) 9PM when the backup finished?
Anybody know the exact way SQL Server handles that logic?
I am using the Simple recovery model and I'm taking a weekly full backup each Monday morning with differentials taken every 4 hours during the day.
On Wednesday afternoon, a programmer ran a process that corrupted the db and I had to restore to the most recent differential. It was 5pm in the afternoon and a differential backup had just occured at 4pm. No problem, I figured.
I restored the full backup from Monday morning and tried to restore the most recent differential backup. The differential restore failed. Since I had used T-SQL for the initial attempt, I tried using Enterprise Manager to try again.
When viewing the backup history, I see my initial full backup taken on Monday plus all the differentials. BUT, on closer inspection, I noticed another full backup in the backup history that was taken early Tuesday morning. I can't figure out where this Tuesday morning full backup came from. It wasn't taken by me (or scheduled by me) and I'm the only one with access to the server. My full backups are usually named something like HCMPRP_20070718_FULL.bak. This erroneous full backup was named something like HCMPRP_03a_361adk2k_dd53.bak. It seemed like it was a system generated name. Not something I would choose. To top it off, I could not find this backup file anywhere on the server and when I tried to restore using this full backup, it failed.
Does anyone have any clues as to where this full backup might come from? Does SQL Server trigger a full backup on its own if some threshold is reached?
I ended up having to restore using the differential taken just before this erroneous full backup and lost a day of transactions.
Hello, I have MS SQL 2005 server with 300+ databases on it. The application is set up that way that it creates a new database as needed (dynamically). Do not ask me why - I hate this design... So, it can create 3-4 databases a day (random time). I've scheduled full backup of all databases to run once at night, and it runs just fine. Besides that, I have scheduled tran logs backup of all databases to run every hour. This backup fails from time to time with the following error:
Executing the query "BACKUP LOG [survey_p0886464_test] TO DISK = N'D:\backups\log backups\survey_p0886464_test_backup_200708072300.trn' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'survey_p0886464_test_backup_20070807230002', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10 " failed with the following error: "BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup. BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
So, I think what happens is since my full backup of all databases are scheduled to run only once at night, and tran logs every hour, when new database is created during the day, there is no full backup for it, that is why tran logs backup fails. Becuase after the failure, if I run full backup again, then tran log runs just fine afterwards.
I am new to MS SQL Server, I am mostly working with Sybase IQ. Do you know if I can "trigger" full backup every time when new database created to avoid tran lof failure?
Or is it possible to schedule full backup to run if tran log backup fails? Any advice will be much appreciated.
I noticed our log files are getting way too big. I found that a previous SQL guy had set up the following scheduled job with the TSQL statement:
BACKUP LOG DEV TO DevDailyTranLog with noinit
This runs every 20 minutes.
There's also a Maint Plan to do a Complete backup every night and a Transaction Backup every hour (could be set to 20 min)
Why do you suppose the BACKUP LOG job exists ? If the maint plan were set to backup transaction every 20 min, wouldn't the 2 jobs be duplicating each other ?
Also, I notice that the Tran Logs specified in the database properties seem awfully big (4 gig), shouldn't they automatically be truncated when the daily full backup occurs ? (full recovery model)
Feel free to call me and straighten me out or to get more info.
I am in the process of migrating databases from a SQL Server 2000 server to a 2005 server.
I have taken full backups and restored without recovery on the 2005 server. I now need to take transaction log backups and restore with recovery tonight to complete the operation. My question is this:
Some of the transaction logs have grown very large. Is it safe practice to perform a backup tran with truncate only and then run dbcc shrinkfile to reduce the size before I back up? This would make the process much quicker.
I just heard that for restore purpose, ths full backup and transaction log backup should be from one maintenance plan. Otherwise transaction log backup files cannot be restored after restoring full backup files.
Is it true? Can anyone offer official documents?
In my system, full and transaction backups are from one maintenance plan. Restores are doing fine. I am not sure that ideal is true or not.
If I create an adhoc db backup that takes, say 30 miuntes to complete, should I suspend the tran log backups that run every 10 minutes, until the full backup is complete?
Using SQL Server 2005, we have a 2.8Gb database under the Simple recovery model. The database contains ~50M rows and each night ~60k rows are loaded(appended) to the database by a SSIS task.
We configured a Maintenance Plan which is executed once a week to perform a full backup of the database. The resulting backup file is ~2.8Gb, as expected.
We also configured another Maintenance Plan which is executed every day, a few hours after the SSIS task is executed, to perform a differential backup. To our surprise, the resulting backup file is about the same size as the full backup, ~2.8Gb when it should only be a few MB (only 60k rows are added to the database)
When we launch the "Restore Database" wizzard we clearly see the different backup set, Full and Differential but they all have about the same size (same for the physical backup file on disk).
Is there anything we are missing, why are the differential backup that big?
Is there any problem with implementating some kind of replication andbacking up transaction logs at the same time? SQL Server 2000 StandardEditionThe server is configured to back up log files regularly, with thepresenceof a(New) Disaster recovery server and with an inability forstandby(Standard Edition)I am planning to implement some kind ofreplication hopefully still backing up the transaction logs to enablea point in time recovery.Thanks in advance for your great ideasVincento
I've got a couple of backup database tasks setup to run one after the other. The are set up the same, Alldatabases, backup to a device each, and overwrite every time. The task on databases full works fine but the one on logs fails every time, right away with the following rather esoteric error pulled from logging in the event log. Event Type: Error Event Source: SQLISPackage Event Category: None Event ID: 12550 Date: 29/01/2008 Time: 09:54:11 User: OILCATSsqlservice Computer: GUNKVBPROC Description: Event Name: OnError Message: The Execute method on the task returned error code 0x80004003 (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.). The Execute method must succeed, and indicate the result using an "out" parameter.
Operator: OILCATSSqlService Source Name: Back Up Database Task 1 Source ID: {BF117128-FB4C-470D-AC00-4C68797C2C97} Execution ID: {450BA60C-2EBF-453B-B3E4-80FBC2042F83} Start Time: 29/01/2008 09:54:11 End Time: 29/01/2008 09:54:11 Data Code: -1073594108
What is this elusive Execute method that is only relevant to the log aspect of this task?