Inconsistent Performance From Queues

Nov 13, 2006

Hi everyone! I have a very brief question... I have 10 queues in my database and each of them are sent equal number of messages... There are instances where they execute/activate the stored procedures very fast but there are times where they don't, does anyone have an idea why this happens?

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post. :)

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Inconsistent SP Performance On Different Servers

Jun 8, 2006

One of my developers recently installed a backup of the production database onto his test site. His test server has the same configuration as the production server.

One of the Stored Procedures that is called takes 1:45 to run on his machine, but only 2 seconds on the production server. This same SP takes only 2 seconds on my development database.

The SP is called iteratively, up to 10 times... to run against 10 separate fields. Depending on a value for a parameter called @CriteriaClassID, depends on which portion of the SP runs.

The significant difference in processing time in itself is baffling (since the servers are same specs / configuration, as far as I can tell, and the data is identical, since he has a backup of the most recent production data).

But more baffling: if, in his data, I switch the values from field 1 to field 2, and vice versa, his results take 2 seconds (switching the values in field 1 to field 2 switches the value in @CriteriaClassID which is passed through to this SP).

It's exactly the same SP; the only difference is that field 1 is processed first, field 2 second, field 3 third etc. On the production site and my development site, it doesn't make a difference in the order they are processed. On his machine it does.

Any ideas? I though perhaps his Indexes were corrupted in the rebuild, but we ran a SQL Server maintenance schedule to clean it up, and no improvement.

This is the SP, if it is of any help:

CREATE procedure [dbo].[st_pull_model_data] @ModelID as integer, @CriteriaID as integer

declare @ClientID as integer, @CriteriaClassId as char(1)

/*Procedure to pull data from org_model_data and postalcode_model_data for modeling and media analysis */
/*Need to have table #temp_data created outside of SP with fields org_id and zip_code */
/*This procedure is used by SP st_model_data */

If @CriteriaID is not null

set @CriteriaClassId = (Select model_criteria_type from model_criteria where model_criteria_id = @CriteriaID)
if @CriteriaClassID = 'G' -- changes client_id from specific to general, if General is required.
set @ClientID = 0
set @ClientID = (Select client_id from model where model_id = @ModelID)

If @CriteriaClassId in ('G','P')
setdata1 = postal_criteria_value
from #temp_data t
left outer join
(select postalcode, postal_criteria_value
from postalcode_model_data pmd
join model_org_trade_area mota on mota.zip_code = pmd.postalcode
join model_org mo on mo.model_org_id = mota.model_org_id
where model_criteria_id = @CriteriaID
and client_id = @ClientID
and mo.model_id = @ModelID) as PMD
onPMD.postalcode = t.zip_code
setdata1 = org_criteria_value
from#temp_data t
left outer join
(select distinct postalcode, org_criteria_value, omd.org_id
from org_model_data omd
join org o on o.org_id = omd.org_id
join model_org_trade_area mota on mota.zip_code = omd.postalcode
join model_org mo on mo.model_org_id = mota.model_org_id and mo.org_id = o.org_id
where model_criteria_id = @CriteriaID and o.client_id = @ClientID and mo.model_id = @ModelID) as OMD
on OMD.postalcode = t.zip_code and omd.org_id = t.org_id

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Inconsistent Application Performance

Feb 13, 2007

Basically, I have a web-based application that queries aggregates from several big tables that grow rather quickly. I feel I am fairly accomplished at tuning individual queries and have optimized these particular stored procedures as much as I can and often see great results for a period of time. However, after time passes, it seems the stored procedures begins performing really badly. What's frustrating is that I have traced the server, located a stored procedure that consistently executes with an abnormally high duration, but when I run the exact same text directly against the sql server it returns instantly.

If I recompile the stored procedure using my direct connection by including the WITH RECOMPILE clause to the EXEC statement, the problem remains for the web-app. However, if I add the WITH RECOMPILE to the actual stored procedure, it is instantly resolved. I can then remove the WITH RECOMPILE from the stored procedure text and things will remain speedy for a period of time before they again slip back.

I'm curious as to what I can do from a SQL standpoint to correct for this. For now, the app team is setting a counter for each execution and then issuing a WITH RECOMPILE when the counter limit is exceeded.

I apologize if this question has most been asked before and I have attempted a review of the forums but was unable to find any material. Any suggestions, advice, links or general assistance would be most appreciated.

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Inconsistent Database Performance

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I am facing a peculiar problem while looking ahead in a live Databasecurrently under operation in one of my client’s Project. AnApplication that is updating 3 - tables in the Database is missing toupdate a certain number of Fields in one of the Tables. The fact isnot frequent and I have checked through the Server Performance Monitorthat there is no performance slag of the Server during any point oftime.The Tables are indexed with common Key fields. Can anybody help me inthis regard ?Thanks & Regards.--Posted using the interface, at author's requestArticles individually checked for conformance to usenet standardsTopic URL: Topic URL to contact author (reg. req'd). Report abuse:

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Execution Plans Inconsistent With Performance

May 16, 2008

I've been working with SQL Server 2005 for a while now and I've noticed some odd behavior that I want to bounce of other members of the community. I should preface that I've been a forum viewer (and occasional contributer) here at SQL Team for a while and I've naturally developed a keen sense for optimizations.

Fundamentally, longer stored procedures with perfectly fine/optimized execution plans are inconsistent with real world performance. In some of these cases, a low subtree cost on a 4 core machine with 16gb of ram and 2 15 drive SAS arrays with little load takes excessively long to run or in some cases doesn't complete.

This isn't due to blocking or resource bottlenecks as I'm quite familiar with built in tools to troubleshoot and resolve those issues. In all cases, I am able to rearchitect the stored procedure into a higher subtree cost variant and get reasonable performance, but it's frustrating to have to redo work and there seems to be no common theme other than longer multi-statement procedures.

I've used SQL Server 2000 extensively and did not notice this level of inconsistency in performance with that product version. Just wondering if others in the community have experiences similar or if I'm just crazy.

Thanks for reading my rant.

- Shane

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Indexing Issue, Inconsistent Performance

Feb 13, 2006

Hi -Trying to chase down a baffling performance issue. Our database has beenrunning very slow lately. So we are performance tuning the database. Indoing so, we created a copy of our production database. In that database, Ichanged one clustered index on a table to try to improve performance. I ranone query - saw a slight improvement - but saw "lazy spool" in the executionplan.I tried to change it back to the original index by dropping the changedindex, and recreating the original index. I then ran the original query -which now went from 5 seconds to 36 seconds.I then ran DBCC REINDEX on that table. Performance of the query was stillmarkedly worse. I then reran the DBCC REINDEX on all tables, and then Iupdated each tables statistics. Performance of that query has never returnedto the original 5 seconds.What could be at issue here? Is there something else that I caused inchanging the index and changing it back?Ideas much appreciated.

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MSSQL Express 2005 Performance So Inconsistent!

Jan 26, 2007

Hi, just wondering if anyone noticed the MSSQL Express 2005 is so inconsistent with its performance. I was testing out a query with 2 joins, with the main table having about 13,600,000 records. With the same criteria value, sometimes it finished executing in 3 secs. sometimes almost a 1 min.

Could it be just the volume of the data? This is really driving me crazy!

Any advise will be greatly appreciated.


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Many Queues And One Activation Procedure For That Queues.

Sep 22, 2006

Hi, All!

Could you please help me in my problem?

I develop Service Broker applcation, SB has 20 queues, also I have one Activation Procedure which carries out following actions:

CREATE PROCEDURE proc_ms_Activation



WAITFOR (RECEIVE TOP(1) message_type_name, message_body, conversation_handle, message_id FROM Queue1)

-- process message, save statisctisc and etc


Problem in that: when I execute command WAITFOR (RECEIVE TOP (1) message_type_name, message_body, conversation_handle, message_id FROM Queue1) I should specify a name concrete Queue, for example "... FROM Queue1 ". I would like to use one procedure for processing all Queue.

How I can design my application that one Activation Procedure processed messages from all Queues?

Thank a lot for help.

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Inconsistent Performance Results With Large Partitioned Tables.

Dec 5, 2007

I have a query that joins two large partitioned tables and depending on the values in the where clause, I can get dramatically different performance results.

The first query completed in around 7s and has 47,000 logical reads.

select mo.monitor_id,









from monitor_raw mr(nolock), monitor_object mo(nolock)

where mr.monitor_id in (5339, 5341, 5342, 943842, 943866)

and mr.testtime between 'Oct 31 2007 3:00:00:000PM' and 'Nov 30 2007 3:00:00:000PM'

and mo.returncode = 200

and mr.site_id in (101,102,105,109,110,112,115,117,119,122,126,151,132,139,129,135,121,138,143,142,159,148,128,171,176,177,178,111,113,116,118,120,127,133,131,130,174,179,185,205,200,202,203,204,210,211,208,209,212,213,216,199,214,224,225,229,230,232,235,241,245,247,250,254,261,267,264,265,266,268,269)

and mr.escalationlevel = 0

and mr.monitor_id = mo.monitor_id

and mr.testtime = mo.testtime

and mr.site_id = mo.site_id group by mo.monitor_id, mo.site_id, mo.testtime

The second query takes 188s to complete and has 1.8m logical reads. The only difference between the two is the value of the monitor_ids in the where clause.

select mo.monitor_id,









from monitor_raw mr(nolock), monitor_object mo(nolock)

where mr.monitor_id in (152682, 5339, 5341, 5342, 268080)

and mr.testtime between 'Oct 31 2007 3:00:00:000PM' and 'Nov 30 2007 3:00:00:000PM'

and mo.returncode = 200

and mr.site_id in (101,102,105,109,110,112,115,117,119,122,126,151,132,139,129,135,121,138,143,142,159,148,128,171,176,177,178,111,113,116,118,120,127,133,131,130,174,179,185,205,200,202,203,204,210,211,208,209,212,213,216,199,214,224,225,229,230,232,235,241,245,247,250,254,261,267,264,265,266,268,269)

and mr.escalationlevel = 0

and mr.monitor_id = mo.monitor_id

and mr.testtime = mo.testtime

and mr.site_id = mo.site_id group by mo.monitor_id, mo.site_id, mo.testtime

The two tables have clustered indexes on monitor_id, testtime and site_id. Comparing the execution plan, I can see why there is such a difference in performance. The second query performs a clustered index seek on the monitor_object table starting at the lowest monitor_id, testtime & site_id through the highest monitor_id, testtime & site_id. The first query performs a clustered index seek where the monitor_id, testtime and site_id equals the same values from the monitor_raw table.

My question is, how can I force the second query to use the same execution plan as the first so that I can get better performance?

One possible workaround that I could use is to execute five individual queries, one for each monitor_id and then union the results together but this would require significant code changes to my stored procs.



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How To Write .net Code To Place XML Messages On Queues And Retrieve XML Messages From Queues.

Apr 2, 2008

Hello, please help!!

I have spent days searching the web and forums for an answer to this simple question and cannot find an example.

I have built a service broker application on sql server 2005. The application puts some xml on an incoming queue which is basically a few parameters to be used in a query. This queue will then call a stored proc which does some business logic and puts the resulting results in another queue also in xml.

I have written a test harness in SQL to put messages on the inbound queue and then some sql to retrieve the returned code from the outbound queue.

What I want to do is be able to convert the SQL which does this into .net code to be used by an application. i.e. write in .net some code to put xml on a queue and then write some .net code to retrieve xml from another queue.

I wouldn't have thought this would be a difficult thing to do and would have been done hundreds of times, but unable to find anything to simply send and retrieve XML to service broker queues....

thanks for your help.. its really needed. I found some links, but they are really vague and often doing select statments in service broker or something like this. I don't want to call any sql, just send and recieve XML on the queues.

any example code that does this, would be really helpfull

kind regards,
David Weeden
Database Developer

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Always Two Queues?

Jul 27, 2006

I'm just getting around to understanding notification services in sql 2005 and I have been working through some examples.  I'm curious as to why there are always two queues and two corresponding services being set up even when both queues/services exist in the same database.  Here is my ultimate goal.  I want to have triggers put messages on the queue for various stored procedures to handle asynchronously - i.e. table xyz is updated, and I need a stored proc to take the updated values and possibly generate or update rows in another table.  When I tried to set up one queue and one service, nothing ever seems to get put on the queue:

Create Message Type TestMessageType Validation = Well_Formed_XML;

Create Contract TestContract (TestMessageType Sent By Any);

Create Queue TestQueue;

Create Service TestService ON Queue TestQueue(TestContract);

Begin Tran;

Declare @DialogHandle UNIQUEIDENTIFIER;

Begin Dialog Conversation @DialogHandle

From Service TestService

To Service 'TestService'

On Contract TestContract

Send On Conversation @DialogHandle

Message Type TestMessageType (N'<message>Hello World</message>');

End Conversation @DialogHandle;

Commit Tran;

Select * From dbo.TestQueue;

(nothing is ever returned)


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No Messages In The Queues.

Mar 10, 2006


I'm trying to do a very simple example of sending a message from Initiator queue to Target queue. The result is no messages are delivered.

Here's the code:



FROM SERVICE GmiInitiatorService

TO SERVICE 'GmiTargetService'



SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversationHandle MESSAGE TYPE GmiMessage ('test');

END CONVERSATION @conversationHandle

All three queues are empty (Initiator, Transmission, Target). When I comment out the last line ("end conversation"), the messages get stuck in the Initiator queue.

Please help!!

Thank you.

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Queues And Filegroups

Apr 19, 2006


We can create a queue on a filegroup for performance reasons however what about the sys.transmission_queue which could have messages backing up when the target is down.

What are your thoughts.


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Timeouts - Disk Queues

Jul 20, 2005

HiGot a strange problem.For some reason our web client box times out occasionally. Maybe afew times a day.Nothing appears in the logs.What I do know is that the disk queue ramps up to <high>(think top ofthe graph), processor queue jumps up and the tps drops to 0 (naturallyenough!) along with reduced pagefile usage. Usually at this time thetps is between 20 and 300. Running a pair of mirrored 18gb scsi disksfor the whole server (yeah yeah) and a whopping 640mb memory. Oh anda single piii 1 gig. Sql2k standard vanilla, server2k.What server trace events is it worth my catching to try and get abetter Idea of what may be causing this? No major jobs (backups etcseem to be occuring at these times).Cheers

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Number Of Queues Best Practice ?

Aug 14, 2006

Hi There

In terms of scaling out Service Broker to hundreds of instances, would it be better from a performance perspective so have one queue with all the messages coming in(obviously with a high number for max_queue readers), or create a number of queues and spread the messages across them ? Or is there no significant difference.

The one reason i am leaning towords multiple queues is so that is poison messages are found or a something lese goes wrong with a queue not all messages are affected, however creating multipple queues makes it more complex and required more administration ?

Any general best practice when it comes to this ?

Thank You

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Duplicte Masseages In Target Queues

Jun 20, 2007


We have problems with duplicate messages in Service Broker queues. We have tried the "fire and forget" method.

Initiator doing SEND and END Conversation , target doing RECEIVE and End Conversation ,
Sql servar agent job runing every minute doing End conversation with cleanup in sys.conversations_endpionts queue.

We are runing 5000 - 10000 messages per minute.

When the clean up job is running we get som duplicte messages in the target queue.

Two separate machines runing Sql Server 2005 Standard Editon SP2

Initiator Machine


CREATE CONTRACT [TransactionStatistics] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] ([TransactionStatisticsSend] SENT BY ANY)

CREATE QUEUE [dbo].[TransactionStatisticsQueueActive] WITH STATUS = ON , RETENTION = OFF

CREATE SERVICE [TransactionStatisticsServiceActive] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] ON QUEUE [dbo].[TransactionStatisticsQueueActive] ([TransactionStatistics])

CREATE ROUTE [Route::TransactionStatisticsServiceStat,0705DBB2-8CBA-43BC-A8FF-774A27F8ABC0] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] WITH SERVICE_NAME = N'TransactionStatisticsServiceStat' , ADDRESS = N'tcp://EBSDBCONFIG1A:4022'

CREATE REMOTE SERVICE BINDING [RSB::TransactionStatisticsServiceStat] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] TO SERVICE N'TransactionStatisticsServiceStat' WITH USER = [Proxy::BtsDebitServiceStat] , ANONYMOUS = OFF


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Bts_SP_TransactionStatPrepare]
(@TransferID varchar(30))
@RowCount Int,
@ErrorSave Int,
@Msg xml,



set @msg = (Select
From btslogactive.dbo.StatTransferlog Tl
where TransferID = @TransferID

FROM SERVICE [TransactionStatisticsServiceActive]
TO SERVICE 'TransactionStatisticsServiceStat'
ON CONTRACT [TransactionStatistics]

MESSAGE TYPE [TransactionStatisticsSend]
(@msg) ;
END CONVERSATION @dialog_handle

ERROR_NUMBER() as ErrorNumber,
ERROR_MESSAGE() as ErrorMessage;


Target Machine


CREATE CONTRACT [TransactionStatistics] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] ([TransactionStatisticsSend] SENT BY ANY)

CREATE QUEUE [dbo].[TransactionStatisticsQueueStat] WITH STATUS = ON , RETENTION = OFF
, ACTIVATION ( STATUS = ON , PROCEDURE_NAME = [dbo].[Bts_SP_TransactionStatUpdateBroker] , MAX_QUEUE_READERS = 1 , EXECUTE AS N'dbo' ) ON [PRIMARY]

CREATE SERVICE [TransactionStatisticsServiceStat] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] ON QUEUE [dbo].[TransactionStatisticsQueueStat] ([TransactionStatistics])

CREATE ROUTE [Route::TransactionStatisticsServiceActive,D8A1A78B-CEAD-4C63-B3B3-3C986D2AB3AA] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] WITH SERVICE_NAME = N'TransactionStatisticsServiceActive' , BROKER_INSTANCE = N'D8A1A78B-CEAD-4C63-B3B3-3C986D2AB3AA' , ADDRESS = N'tcp://EBSDBCURR1A:4022'


Activation procedure

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Bts_SP_TransactionStatUpdateBroker]


DECLARE @MessageType sysname
DECLARE @ConversationHandle uniqueidentifier
DECLARE @MessageBody XML
@RegTime datetime,
@SendPartShortName varchar(30),
@RecPartShortName varchar(30),
@RC int

WHILE (1=1)
@MessageType = message_type_name,
@MessageBody = message_body,
@ConversationHandle = conversation_handle,
@SeqNo = message_sequence_number
FROM [TransactionStatisticsQueueStat]
), TIMEOUT 5000;


IF (@MessageType = '')
END CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle
ELSE IF (@MessageType = '')
END CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle
ELSE IF (@MessageType = 'TransactionStatisticsSend')
Begin try
SET @RegTime = @MessageBody.value('(/row/@Regtime)[1]', 'datetime')
SET @SendPartShortName = @MessageBody.value('(/row/@SendPartShortName)[1]', 'varchar(30)')
SET @RecPartShortName = @MessageBody.value('(/row/@RecPartShortName)[1]', 'varchar(30)')
SET @MsgType = @MessageBody.value('(/row/@MsgType)[1]', 'varchar(30)')


End try
ERROR_NUMBER() as ErrorNumber,
ERROR_MESSAGE() as ErrorMessage;
END CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle


END CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle

Sql Server Agent job procedure

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Bts_SP_Del_Conversation_Endpoints]

DECLARE c_PurgeConversationEndpoints CURSOR FAST_FORWARD
FOR SELECT conversation_handle
FROM sys.conversation_endpoints
with (nolock)
WHERE is_system = 0
AND [State] = 'CD';

OPEN c_PurgeConversationEndpoints;
FETCH NEXT FROM c_PurgeConversationEndpoints
INTO @DialogHandle;
FETCH NEXT FROM c_PurgeConversationEndpoints
INTO @DialogHandle;
CLOSE c_PurgeConversationEndpoints;
DEALLOCATE c_PurgeConversationEndpoints;


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How To Mirror Service Broker Queues

Jan 4, 2007

I want to know that how is it possible to achieve mirroring for the service broker queues in the database?

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How Service Broker Queues Can Be Mirrored?

Jan 4, 2007

I want to know that how is it possible to achieve mirroring for the service broker queues in the database?

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Using Message Queues In Stored Procedures

Oct 11, 2005

Ok, I'm stumped.  I have a database which has a table that stores documents.  Each document has a primary key.  For years, I've been notifying an external program that a new document has arrived in the db by firing a trigger on the table.  Trigger calls xp_cmdshell, which calls an external program which enqueues a message on a message queue.

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END CONVERSATION WITH CLEANUP, Is This Bad? Records Pile Up In Queues Without It.

Sep 13, 2006

I have read from a variety of sources that using the "WITH CLEANUP" option on
a "END CONVERSATION" statement is bad and unnecessary. (Question
#1) Is this true???

My code does not work properly if I don't
use the "WITH CLEANUP" option. My code leaves closed conversation records in the
queues if I leave out the "WITH CLEANUP" option. The "END CONVERSATION"
statement is executing properly and flagging the conversation record as closed
but the records don't get deleted. All the messages are going back and forth
properly too.

My code is based on the HelloWorld ServiceBroker sample
which does not use "WITH CLEANUP". When I run the sample scripts everything
works great and the conversation records are deleted. However, this sample does
not uses an activation stored procedure to receive messages and respond with the
results. When I copy and paste the receive messages sample code into an
activation stored procedure is when the problem comes up. It's the same code!
(Question #2) Why am I getting different results depending
how the code is executed/activated???

This is could be a tough one. I
just hope somebody else has seen it too and figured it out. Thanks for the

Greg Van Mullem

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Monitoring Service Broker Queues Through A .NET Process

Jul 19, 2007

Is there a way for a .NET application to receive a notification when a service broker queue has been updated with a new message? I tried using SqlDependency on an SB queue but I got an "invalid" error in my notification handler.

Such a notification would be much better than having to poll the queue every N seconds.


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Interesting Behavior Of Service Broker Queues

Dec 23, 2005

Hello All:

I've been experimenting with the new SQL Server Service Broker, and I think I've discovered some interesting behavior.  Service Broker relies on "Queues" to store messages that need to be processed.  Service Broker operates by sending a message from one Queue (the INITIATOR Quque) to another Queue (the TARGET Queue).  A Queue can have an "Activation Stored Procedure" associated with it.  This procedure is what actually processes the messages in the Queue. 

The first behavior I obeserved related to the setting of a Queue's RETENTION parameter.  The RETENTION parameter indicates whether or not the Queue will retain a copy of the messages it receives.  By default, the parameter's value is "OFF" (meaning it will not retain messages).  In the Activation Stored Procedure of my TARGET Queue, I used "sp_send_dbmail" to send an e-mail message.  I wanted to capture the "conversation_handle" (a uniqueidentifier that identifies a particular message) and include it in the body of the e-mail.  I was unable to capture it, because the Queue's RETENTION parameter was "OFF".  When I tried to capture the conversation_handle from the INITIATOR queue (whose RETENTION parameter was "ON"), I was successful.  The moral of the story is you apparently need to have RETENTION = "ON" if you need to capture information from a Queue.

The second behavior I observed relates to the setting of a Queue's MAX_QUEUE_READERS setting.  This setting allows you to automatically invoke multiple instances of the Activation Stored Procedure.  As messages come into the Queue, the Queue creates an additional instance of the Activation Stored Procedure up to the number you specified in the MAX_QUEUE_READERS setting.  This allows parallel processing of messages in the Queue.  There is also a programming technique called a "RECEIVE LOOP" which is used for processing messages.  In the RECEIVE LOOP, you have a parameter called WAITFOR which tells the Queue whether it should stay on constant alert for new messages or whether it should time out after a specified number of seconds.

If you have the Queue wait indefinitely (by not specifying a TIMEOUT value in the WAITFOR statement) and you have invoked multiple copies of the Activation Stored Procedure, the procedure will remain in memory indefinitely.  Therefore, if you make a change to the code of the Activation Stored Procedure, the change will NOT be reflected in the Activation Stored Procedure until you change the STATUS of the Queue.  I had changed my procedure so that it would not send an e-mail, but the e-mails kept coming.  The e-mails did not stop until I executed an ALTER QUEUE statement.  I ran "ALTER QUEUE queue_name WITH STATUS = OFF;" and then I ran "ALTER QUEUE queue_name WITH STATUS = ON;"  After that, the changes were reflected in the procedure.

Be aware of this behavior as you design your Queues.

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Designing SSB Queues, EA Sample And Unreliable Interdependant NTFS Tasks

Feb 21, 2006

Our current project involved into managing NTFS hierarchical folders structured by multi-level customers and associated projects for them. Essentially each folder level represents one level of customer hierarchy or project root. Both have different subfolders and user access rights for them based on generic XML templates. The folders resided on file servers across the country and should be accessible in ordinary way NTFS file shares are allowing. LAN/Intranet MS AD Win2003 / SQL2005 environment.
The folder management system basically have to keep the folder structure in tact with changes in underlying managing application logic. That involves such operations as creating a new folder with subfolders, copying a folder with its content into another folder branch (which may be on the same or another server and place), deleting a folder/content, renaming a folder, applying NTFS access rights to folders and subfolders for users according generic templates. As all these actions are unreliable and some tasks may take hours to complete, SSB approach seems to be the viable solution. Some tasks involved have to be done within 10 minutes, others (are prolonged) have to be scheduled for overdnight run. Windows service like EA sample may be used to start the actual NTFS related tasks. Content transfer involves WMI remoting with robocopy tool on target machine (for better network utilization), other related tasks make use of WMI APIs and probably do direct (i.e. synchronous) calls to the remote target file server.
At this stage, making atomary executable modules that do just one functionally isolated task like DirCopy, DirCreator, DirRename, DirDelete, DirUserAccess seems like somewhat logical choice.
The questions starting to arise from SSB queues planning to adoption of ExternalActivator sample to run these atomic executables. The problem is that if SSB messages contain atomic tasks for these executables, they needed to be syncronized in two ways - by execution precedence (create or copy dir first, then apply users' access rights) and transactionally (only when all related tasks succeed, the appropriate feedback action and event log writing can be taken.

I can imagine two implementation scenarios below.
Case A. Create common queue for directory creating, content transfer and access rights.
In that case ExternalActivator has to be either extended & re-designed or it has to activate another Activator-Coordinator (middleway) executable, that would actually read the queue and, based upon the message type, run the appropriate atomary executable. In that scenario, the queue processing would be stalled because if the previous task was content transfer and lasts, say access rights to them can't be started before the transfer task has been finished OK. That in turn probably will require running multiple instances of the atomary tasks and using conversation groups, wouldn't it? What would be the most reliable and simple way to achive that?

Case B. Dedicated queues for each atomary executable modules.
Neither EA changes nor extra Activator-Coordinator middleway executable required. But because the atomary task-oriented queues are not syncronized with each other the queues internal conversation groups wouldn't help much... That means if a directory not yet exists, userRights module have to wait. But, what if we are transferring directories from path X to Y, based on what the userRights module knows to wait? With zero asynchronous design experience I'm lost here...
Hope I described the app domain understandably, thanks for hints leading to the working solution!

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DateTime Inconsistent

Feb 11, 1999

I need some advise on how to check the consistensy of a DateTime attribute.

Some of my Datetime field(s) won't read as a NULL and some does for example:

Select FileNo,DateReceived,DateEntered,DateFU from RECEIVING
where DateReceived is not null and DateEntered is not null and DateFU is not null

I should get several records but the result is zero.

Is there any articles out there about DateTime ?

I appreciate any help.


Rey Caunca

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Inconsistent SQL Results

Apr 11, 2006

HiI have an oddity. If I run a piece of SQL:SELECT EmployeeNo, MailToFROM ST_PPS.dbo.Employeewhere AddedOn BETWEEN '01-jan-2006' and '01-feb-2006'AND MailTo NOT IN ( '3', 'x')order by MailToI get the resultsEmployeeNo MailTo----------- ------608384 1606135 1608689 1609095 1607163 1606165 1606472 1608758 1.....for 2594 rowsIf I create a stored procedure with the same SQL:-CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.PPS_testASSELECT EmployeeNo, MailToFROM ST_PPS.dbo.Employeewhere AddedOn BETWEEN '01-jan-2006' and '01-feb-2006'AND MailTo NOT IN ( '3', 'x')order by MailToGOand run it:-EXEC PPS_testI get three extra rowsEmployeeNo MailTo----------- ------607922 NULL606481 NULL605599 NULL606316 1608871 1607427 1608795 1.....for 2597Does anyone know what is happening here? It appears that the clause:-MailTo NOT IN ( '3', 'x')excludes NULL in raw SQL, but includes NULL (correctly I think) in astored procedure.Chloe CrowderThe British Library

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Inconsistent DTS Error - Help Please

Jul 20, 2005

I get an error every so often with a DTS package on SQL 7. Error asfollows.The connection is currently being used by a task. The connectioncannot beclosed or re-used.This doesn't happen all the time and I can sometimes (more often thannot) get the DTS package to complete in it's entirety.To explain what the DTS package does...Truncate tables in reporting environment(several in a batch)Clear Transaction LogsCopies data from live environment into CSV (for speed)Copies data from CSV files into tables previously truncated.Builds up a table based on the data copied (for reporting)Clear Transaction logsI'm using a pretty basic set up, Connection (1st DB) -> Transformationto CSV -> Transformation to Connection (2nd DB). It seems to fail oneither the first or second transformation at random (?).I've checked the transformations so that they close the connectionafterwards so it should in theory be releasing the CSV files for thenext step. I suspect that there is a timing issue with this. I cancopy the CSV files over, but this is a little sloppy and I wouldprefer not to do it.Any ideas how to find a tidy way to ensure these are closed bothbefore and afterwards ?ThanksRyan

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Inconsistent Results

May 5, 2008


I am building a report with a recursive hierarchy for drill-down purposes. The hierarchy is built by querying a SSAS OLAP cube and defining a details grouping for the table/matrix.

Every time I run the report one or more of the leaf members in the recursive hierarchy "jumps" up to the highest level. First I thought that this may be due to the fact that the leafs parents are not part of the returned dataset. However, the queries makes sense and the "offending" members does never contain any data (while the query should return only non empty members) which is why this is a very strange behavior. Furthermore, the "offending" member differs between different executions of the report, despite the fact that the parameters is exactly the same and the cube is untouched between executions.

I am actually pressing "View Report", waiting for the report to execute and when I press "View Report" again, the returned datasets seem to differ, yielding different "offending" members in the report.

When I run the queries individually in the Data-tab in BIDS, the returned datasets are always the same. Execution caching is turned off for the report.

Checking against SSRS's ExecutionLog, the RowCount for consecutive executions with the exact same parameters differ. For example, RowCount:

Why does SSRS behave such inconsistently? Any tips or tricks?

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Inconsistent Query Results

Apr 10, 2001

I am running SQL Server 7.0 on NT 4.0. I have created a simple query:

SELECT SUM(month1) As total_month1
FROM eac_manload
WHERE project_number = 8800
and dept IN (50,51,52,55,57,60,61,62,63,64,65,68,69)

I first time I run the query I get the correct result. Subsequent times that I run the query the result is 1 record with a Null value. The data has not changed. If I stop MSSQLSERVER and restart the service I get the correct result the first time and the Null value each time thereafter. Anybody out there with any idea of what is going on here? Any help will be appreciated!!

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Inconsistent Return Codes Using BCP

Mar 2, 1999

I apologize for the length of this message, but I think I need to include all this info so that the problem is understood. I am having what appears to be a problem capturing the return code from a failed BCP.

I create a stored proc to use BCP to load a table:

create procedure sp_bcp_load as
declare @RC int
execute @RC = master..xp_cmdshell "bcp JON..W4KPV in /Sdbmtss1 /m 0 /f d:mssqluserdatafinresW4KPV.fmt /Usa /P /e d:mssqluserdatafinrescp1.err /t""|"" /r "

select 'Return code from bcp = ', @RC
if @RC <> 0
print 'BCP Error.'
return (8)

If I execute the SP, and encounter a transaction log full error, the return code is still zero:

1000 rows sent to SQL Server. 45000 total
1000 rows sent to SQL Server. 46000 total
Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2:
Server 'DBMTSS1', Line 1:

Can't allocate space for object 'Syslogs' in database 'Jon' because
the 'logsegment' segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs,
dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.

(54 row(s) affected)

----------------------- -----------
Return code from bcp = 0

If I execute the SP again, it correctly returns a non-zero value:

Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2:
Server 'DBMTSS1', Line 1:
Can't allocate space for object 'Syslogs' in database 'Jon' because
the 'logsegment' segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.

(6 row(s) affected)

----------------------- -----------
Return code from bcp = 1

(1 row(s) affected)

BCP Error.

Does anybody have an idea why this behaves this way? Any suggestions on how to trap an error on the first call?

Jon Carter

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Inconsistent Sort Orders

Jan 11, 2008

Hello all-
Maybe someone has some insight on this... I currently have some hash values (SHA512 through Enterprise Library) that I'm trying to compare to data in our database. When I sort the values on the pipeline (DT_STR, 1252) with a Sort and compare them against values coming out of an OLE DB Source (SQL_Latin_1_General_CP1_CI_AS) with a Merge Join, any hash that has a '/' in it is treated as inequal to the one in the database.

For even more fun, when I change the sort/merge join to a Lookup, everything (seems) to check out. Is the 1252 code page not the same as SQL_Latin_1_General_CP1_CI_AS? Any other reasons this might be happening?

-Brandon Tucker

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Inconsistent Package Failures

Jan 19, 2006

I'm debugging my first SSIS package and is getting inconsistent results. The package does not always complete successfully. When the package does fail, it fails at different tasks that accquire database connections. Any of the following error message would show up:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "FORGE.FMC". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.

[OLE DB Destination [6374]] Error: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "FORGE.FMC" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

[Connection manager "FORGE.FMC"] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Named Pipes Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe. ".

I never experienced any connection error when executing query through management studio. It's only SSIS packages that fails to connect every now and then. Any help is appreciated.


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Inconsistent Clearing Of Connection Pool

Jan 15, 2008

I'm opening a large number of connections to a SQL server 2005 database using a SQL object based on the System.Data.SqlClient library. When I log out of the application, I call the ClearSQLConnectionPool method of the SQL object and this should clear the pool of these connections. This has worked in the past, but lately I have noticed some odd and very annoying behaviour.Very often I log out of the application and few, if any of the connections disappear. Just this morning I opened the application, logged out and all but one of the connections disappeared. Then I opened it again, logged out and none of the connections had gone. If I open the application again all of the past connections are still there plus the new ones.I know it works, its just very inconsistent. The problem may be with IIS, SQL or with library; I just can't tell which.Any ideas?Many thanks 

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Inconsistent Results From Stored Procudure

Jan 11, 2000

I have a stored procedure (see below), in which I would like to check if the create an identity column and make it a primary key succeeded. I check @@error after the exec statement. This used to pick up an error if the table already had an identity column. It has stopped doing that. Why? And, if this is not the way to capture the error after the exec statement, how do I do it?

Written by Judith Farber Abraham
this procedure loops thru sysobjects looking for user tables.
If a user table, does it have a primary key?
If not, add an identity column to table and make it a primary key
--would like to have sp in main db but use from all three
@fixDB nvarchar(50)--the db to which to add PKs

Declare @TableName varchar(50)
Declare @TableID int
Declare @Msg varchar (50)
Declare @ColumnName varchar(50)
Declare @IndexName varchar(50)
Declare @MyCursor nvarchar(500)
declare @MyCursorC nvarchar(500)
declare @CName sysname
--Set @Msg = "********* Finished adding Ident fields *************"
/* */
do for all user tables ( xtype = u )
set @Mycursor = N'Declare SysCursor cursor for select Name, ID from ' + @fixdb +'.dbo.sysobjects where xtype = "u"'
execute sp_executesql @mycursor
open syscursor
Fetch next from SysCursor into @TableName, @TableID
/* -1 = no record; -2 = row deleted; 0 = got a row */
While (@@Fetch_status <> -1)
If (@@Fetch_status <> -2)
Begin /* have a user row (table) */
/* */
set @ColumnName = @TableName + 'ID'
set @IndexName = 'PK_' + @columnName

--only add ident and PK if no primary key in table
If not exists (Select * from Sysobjects where Parent_obj = @TableID and xtype = 'PK')

--add an identity column to user table and make it a Primary key

EXEC ('ALTER TABLE ' + @tablename + ' ADD ' + @columnName + ' INT IDENTITY CONSTRAINT ' + @IndexName + ' PRIMARY KEY ' )
--if error, assume already ident column, so find column name & make PK
print @@error
if @@error <> 0 print "jerror occured"
--set @MycursorC = N'Declare SysCursorC cursor for SELECT
--FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o
--WHERE (( = AND (c.status = 128)) AND ( = ' + @tablename + ')'
--execute sp_executesql @mycursorC
--Open SyscursorC
--Fetch next from SysCursorC into @CName
--print @cname
--close syscursorc
--deallocate syscursorc
--Exec ('ALTER TABLE ' + @tablename + ' ADD ' + @columnName + ' INT IDENTITY CONSTRAINT ' + @IndexName + ' PRIMARY KEY ' )

Fetch next from SysCursor into @TableName, @TableID
--Print @Msg
Close SysCursor
Deallocate SysCursor

Thanks for any help,

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