Incorrect Query Text

Nov 13, 2007

I have this as my query text

SELECT MachNumber, ShiftNumber, HeatNumber, PartNumber,

RevNumber, CureTime, Bump1, Bump1Interval, Bump2,
Bump2Interval, DwellTime, LateToDrop, EarlyToDrop,
OverTime, CycleTime, ChangeTime, Date
FROM HeatInfo
WHERE (ShiftNumber = @ShiftNumber)

AND (Date >= @StartDate) AND (Date <= @EndDate)

This correctly returns 4 rows, which is great except that I would like to have these records Sorted by the Date. So I added the OrderBy command to the bottom of the query, like this

SELECT MachNumber, ShiftNumber, HeatNumber, PartNumber,

RevNumber, CureTime, Bump1, Bump1Interval, Bump2,
Bump2Interval, DwellTime, LateToDrop, EarlyToDrop,
OverTime, CycleTime, ChangeTime, Date
FROM HeatInfo
WHERE (ShiftNumber = @ShiftNumber)

AND (Date >= @StartDate) AND (Date <= @EndDate)

This query returns 181 rows! whis is not great. What am I doing wrong here, I suppose that it is something extreamly obvious or I would probably have figured it out.

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SQL Query Incorrect Syntax Help

Mar 4, 2007

I am getting a SQLExcepetion error near , in this query obvicously my query string is wrong...
could someone help me get this query string right please...
"Select OrgID, OrgName From aspnet_OrgNames Where UserID = @UserID, OrgID = @OrgID"

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Incorrect Syntax Near '4' - But No '4' In Query

Oct 13, 2005

I'm using the following vbScript and T-SQL and receiving a seemingly strange error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '4'.

vb Code:

- vb Code

intUserID = 124

Set quizCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set SQLConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
SQLConn.Open Application("DBCONNECTION")

quizCmd.ActiveConnection = SQLConn
quizCmd.CommandText = "checkComplete"
quizCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
quizCmd.Parameters.Append quizCmd.CreateParameter("@userID", adInteger, adParamInput, 4, intUserID)
quizCmd.Parameters.Append quizCmd.CreateParameter("@status", adVarChar, adParamOutput, 6, 0)

 intUserID = 124 Set quizCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")Set SQLConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")SQLConn.Open Application("DBCONNECTION") quizCmd.ActiveConnection = SQLConnquizCmd.CommandText = "checkComplete"quizCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProcquizCmd.Parameters.Append quizCmd.CreateParameter("@userID", adInteger, adParamInput, 4, intUserID)quizCmd.Parameters.Append quizCmd.CreateParameter("@status", adVarChar, adParamOutput, 6, 0)quizCmd.Execute

sql Code:

- sql Code

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[checkComplete]

@userID int,
@status varchar (6) output


declare @complete int

Set @complete = (SELECT Count(pass) as num FROM tblAttempts WHERE userID = @userID AND pass = 1)

If (@complete = 24)
Set @status = 'OK'
Set @status = 'NOT OK'

 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[checkComplete]  @userID int,@status varchar (6) output AS DECLARE @complete int SET @complete = (SELECT COUNT(pass) AS num FROM tblAttempts WHERE userID = @userID AND pass = 1) IF (@complete = 24)    BEGIN        SET @status = 'OK'    ENDELSE    BEGIN        SET @status = 'NOT OK'    ENDGO

For reference, I have tried changing intUserID to be a different value (e.g. 13) to ensure it is not that '4' in question - likewise for @complete = 24 (e.g. 23).

Any ideas where the 4 is coming from and what is wrong here?

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Incorrect Query Plan

Nov 16, 2007

I was doing a demo last night, something that I've done hundreds of times already. Last night was the first time that it has failed to work. I was trying to show what the sys.dm_db_missing_index_* DMVs can provide.

AdventureWorks database

I'm running the following query:

select city from person.address where city like 'A%'

This is supposed to produce a table scan which in turn will obviously cause SQL Server to detect that an index could be beneficial. However, it does a clustered index scan (yes, I know, basically the same thing) instead and I see absolutely nothing appear in the DMVs. I pulled the data out into a dummy table that did not have a primary key either using the following:
select * into person.tmpaddress from person.address

I then execute the same query and get a table scan which is expected:

select city from person.address where city like 'A%'

However, it does not matter how much I execute that query or any other permutation of explicit query, absolutely nothing at all gets logged into the sys.dm_db_missing_index_* DMVs. I have also tried this same type of thing with several other tables in the AW database and can not find a single query which will cause anything to be logged to these DMVs. It seems that something is broken, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what is wrong. No weird settings, I'm running as sa, etc.

I can run queries like this in other databases and stuff gets immediately logged to the DMVs as expected. Any ideas?

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XML Query Error Incorrect Syntax Near '&&<'

Feb 6, 2007

Hi all,

I use

="<Query><XmlData>" & Parameters!XMLData.Value & "</XmlData><ElementPath>Product {@}</ElementPath></Query>"

and I enter XMLData with value "<Products><Product>Chair</Product><Product>Table</Product></Products>"

for the query expression of the dataset, and I always got error:

Query failed for dataset "Dataset1"

Incorrect syntax near '<'

What's wrong with it?



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Possibly Incorrect Query Result

Jul 13, 2006

/* Test table */
create table test (c1 char(1), c2 varchar(1));
insert into test values ('','');

/* Query */
len(c1) len_c1,
len(c2) len_c2
from test

The result of the len(c1) expression is 0. I would expect the correct result to be 1, since "c1" is a fixed-length character string type and the values are right-padded with spaces to fit the defined length, in this case 1.

I'm using SQL Server 2005.

Ole Willy Tuv

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Ms Query Sql Error 'Incorrect Column Expression'

Jul 22, 2005

I am getting an error from the case part of the select statement below which reads 'Incorrect Column Expression' then it quotes the case statement. All I am trying to do is convert and return the weight value to kilos if it was entered in pounds.

SELECT Salesinv.Unique, Salesinv.SalesNo, Salesinv.PurchNo, Salesinv.SalesInvNo, Salesinv.InvValue,

(case when Salesinv.WUnits = 'Llb' then round(Salesinv.NettWeight/2.2046,0) else Salesinv.NettWeight end)

FROM Salesinv Salesinv
WHERE (Salesinv.Unique>=38397.3092 And Salesinv.Unique<=38537.39885)

Any help would be greatly appreciated, hopefully thanks in advance.

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Incorrect Column Expression With CHAR In MS Query

Jan 16, 2014

I am working with Excel, then within Excel I am using MS Query to query a database. I am trying to use the CAST function on a field with numbers (1,2 or 3 digits) so I can convert it to a text value with three digits, i.e. 1 would read 001, 12 would read 012, etc.

I am not using CAST in the design grid. Is this even possible?

I am modifying the underlying SQL code. Here is the line that is giving me trouble:

CAST(GL02GLF.GLF_SEQ_NUM as CHAR(3)) as “Sequence”

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Incorrect Query Results, Could Use Fresh Eyes

Jun 4, 2007

I have three tables:

Category: category id, category name, more…
Topic: topic id, topic name, category id, more…
Post: post id, post text, topic id, more…

I need help with a query to display the following:

Category name, # of topics, # of posts

SQL Stored Procedures.........12........562

It’s coming along but there are some problems, ASP.NET actually has 2 posts not 1. And the java totals are correct but it should be Java, 3, 10 (all in one line)

Overview: use category id to get count of topics then use the topic id to get the count of posts.

SELECT C.CategoryName, T.ThreadCount AS Threads, T.PostCount AS Posts
(SELECT tt.CategoryID, PostID.PostCount, COUNT(tt.ThreadName) AS ThreadCount
(SELECT ThreadID, COUNT(PostID) AS PostCount
ON tt.ThreadID = PostID.ThreadID
GROUP BY tt.CategoryID, PostID.PostCount) AS T
ON C.CategoryID = T.CategoryID
WHERE (C.CategoryID = T.CategoryID)
GROUP BY C.CategoryName, T.ThreadCount, T.PostCount
ORDER BY C.CategoryName

Thanks in advance

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Incorrect Results With T-sql Query In SQL Server 2005

Apr 18, 2006

I'm seeing some change in behavior for a query in SQL Server 2005 (compared to behavior in SQL Server 2000).  The query is as follows:
create table #projects (projectid int) insert into #projects select projectid from tblprojects where istemplate = 0 and projecttemplateid = 365

Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID
from tblProjects WITH (NOLOCK) 
     inner join #projects on #projects.projectid = tblprojects.projectid  
     Inner join tblMilestones WITH (NOLOCK) ON tblProjects.ProjectID = tblMilestones.ProjectID   
          and tblProjects.projectID in (
               select projectid 
               from tblMilestones 
               where (parent = 683691 AND PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' )
                    and enabled = 1  )
This is dynamic SQL generated by the application when a user requests a report with variable parameters.  It works fine in SQL Server 2000.  It outputs 47 records which is correct. 

In SQL Server 2005, for some reason, the DISTINCT keyword is behaving as a TOP operator and outputs just 1 record.  (Results of Showplan Text at the end of this post).

If I modify the query even the slightest bit by:
1) Changing "where (parent = 683691 AND PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' )
    and enabled = 1  )"
 To " where (parent = 683691 AND PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' ) )
    and enabled = 1  "

2)  Changing " Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID"
 To   " Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID+''"

3) Removing the Distinct keyword, storing into a Temp table, then performing a distinct on the temp table


5) OR completely fixing the query (remove redundant loops, etc) works fine (outputs 47 records).  It also works if I created new tables (eg. tMilestones instead of tblMilestones) and inserted about 10 records into each and ran the query referencing these new tables.

I reindexed the tables, updated stats, updated usage, ran DBCC FREEPROCCACHE, changed MaxDOP settings...nothing makes the query behave the way it does in SQL Server 2000 without modifying the query/adding the query hint.

Have you come across this?  Any ideas on what might be causing the "TOP" operation.  (Somewhat resembles the bug mentioned in this article: - but this was apparently fixed POST-SQL Server 2000 SP4 - so has it not made it into SQL Server 2005 yet?).

I will appreciate any new insights you might have on this issue. 
Thanks much,

P.S. Results of Showplan Text:


(1 row(s) affected)

Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID from tblProjects WITH (NOLOCK) 
inner join #projects on #projects.projectid = tblprojects.projectid 
Inner join tblMilestones WITH (NOLOCK) ON tblProjects.ProjectID = tblMilestones.ProjectID  
and tblProjects.projectID in (
select tblMilestones.projectid from tblMilestones
where (parent = 683691 AND tblMilestones.PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' ) 
and tblMilestones.enabled = 1  )

(1 row(s) affected)

  |--Stream Aggregate(DEFINE:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblProjects].[ProjectID]=ANY([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblProjects].[ProjectID])))
       |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]))
            |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]))
            |    |--Filter(WHERE:(CONVERT_IMPLICIT(tinyint,[ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[Enabled],0)=(1)))
            |    |    |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([Uniq1014], [ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]) OPTIMIZED)
            |    |         |--Merge Join(Inner Join, MERGE:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID], [Uniq1014])=([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID], [Uniq1014]), RESIDUAL:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID] = [ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID] AND [Uniq1014] = [Uniq1014]))
            |    |         |    |--Sort(ORDER BY:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID] ASC, [Uniq1014] ASC))
            |    |         |    |    |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[byPrimaryDate]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[PrimaryDate] >= '2006-04-15 00:00:00.000' AND [ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[PrimaryDate] <= '2006-04-22 00:00:00.000') ORDERED FORWARD)
            |    |         |    |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[byParentID]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[Parent]=(683691)) ORDERED FORWARD)
            |    |         |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[projectid]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]=[ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID] AND [Uniq1014]=[Uniq1014]) LOOKUP ORDERED FORWARD)
            |    |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblProjects].[PK_tblProjects_1]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblProjects].[ProjectID]=[ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]) ORDERED FORWARD)
            |--Top(TOP EXPRESSION:((1)))
                 |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)
                      |--Table Scan(OBJECT:([tempdb].[dbo].[#projects]), WHERE:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]=[tempdb].[dbo].[#projects].[projectid]))
                      |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[projectid]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]=[ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]) ORDERED FORWARD)

(15 row(s) affected)


(1 row(s) affected)



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SUM Returns Incorrect Value In SQL Server Mobile Query ... Bug??

Feb 6, 2007

Hi all,

I am a newcomer to Microsoft Database Technology and have appeared to come across an issue with the SUM function in SQL Server Mobile Edition.

I am running Visual Studio 2005 and have created 2 tables:

Orders and OrderLines which are set up in master detail fashion.

The SQL Statement I create in the Query Builder is as follows:

SELECT     Orders.OrderNo, Orders.OrderDate, Orders.Priority, Orders.Address, SUM(OrderLines.Quantity * OrderLines.QualityReference) AS Total
FROM         Orders, OrderLines
WHERE     Orders.OrderNo = OrderLines.OrderNo
GROUP BY Orders.OrderNo, Orders.OrderDate, Orders.Priority, Orders.Address

Now, the SUM returns a total for all records in the OrderLines table, and not just the records whose OrderNo is the same as Orders.OrderNo

Can someone out there please clarify whether its an issue with my code or a bug with SQL Server Mobile???

Here are a couple of screenshots which will demonstrate what I mean.

Here is the contents of the Orders and OrderLines tables.  Each order has only 1 line item in it.

When performing the summation over the OrderLines table, it produces the SUM of the all records in OrderLines and not according to the GROUP BY clause. See the following screen shot.

I hope this explains it better.

Anyone have any ideas??? 

Thanks in advance


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Data Warehousing :: Query To Extract All Text After Hyphen From String Containing Comma Separated Text

Aug 27, 2015

I have a parameter value as shown below and this is dynamic and can grow 

Example : 101-NY, 102-CA, 165-GA
116-NY, 258-NJ, 254-PA, 245-DC, 298-AL
How do I get the values in the below format
NY,CA,GA   --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state
NY,NJ,PA,DC,AL   --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state

correct query that will fetch  only state names and not the numbers.

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Incorrect Query Plan With Partitioned View On SQL 2000

Jun 19, 2001

I have a partitioned view containing 4 tables (example follows at end)

The query plan generated on a select correctly accesses just one of the tables

The query plan generated on an update always accesses all four of the tables. I thought that it should only access the partition required to satisfy the update. Can anyone please advise whether:
a) Is this is expected behaviour?
b) Is the partitioned view incorrectly configured in some way?
c) Is there is a known bug in this area

Note that the behaviour is the same with SP1 on SQL2000

I would be very grateful for any advice


Stefan Bennett

Example follows

--Create the tables and insert the values
Ordernum INT,
total money,
region char(5) check (region = 'West'),
primary key (Ordernum, region)
CREATE TABLE Sales_North (
Ordernum INT,
total money,
region char(5) check (region = 'North'),
primary key (Ordernum,region)
Ordernum INT,
total money,
region char(5) check (region = 'East'),
primary key (Ordernum,region)
CREATE TABLE Sales_South (
Ordernum INT,
total money,
region char(5) check (region = 'South'),
primary key (Ordernum,region)

INSERT Sales_West VALUES (16544, 2465, 'West')
INSERT Sales_West VALUES (32123, 4309, 'West')
INSERT Sales_North VALUES (16544, 3229, 'North')
INSERT Sales_North VALUES (26544, 4000, 'North')
INSERT Sales_East VALUES ( 22222, 43332, 'East')
INSERT Sales_East VALUES ( 77777, 10301, 'East')
INSERT Sales_South VALUES (23456, 4320, 'South')
INSERT Sales_South VALUES (16544, 9999, 'South')

--create the view that combines all sales tables
CREATE VIEW Sales_National
FROM Sales_West
FROM Sales_North
FROM Sales_East
FROM Sales_South

--Look at execution plan for this query
-- This correctly only accesses the South partition
FROM sales_national
WHERE region = 'south'

-- Look at execution plan for update
-- This accesses all partitions - Why?
update sales_national
set total = 100
where ordernum = 23456;

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Report Builder Bug?: Semantic Query Execution Failed. Incorrect Syntax Near 'NULLAND'.

Sep 3, 2007


I get the following error when running a report in report builder using the Adventureworks sample model:
Semantic query execution failed. Incorrect syntax near 'NULLAND'.----------------------------Query execution failed for data set 'dataSet'.----------------------------An error has occurred during report processing.

Here is how to replicate the error:

Create a table report using the Adventure Works model.
Select Product entity, add Product Category and #Products to the table.
Edit formula for #Products to "COUNT(Products)" and add a filter on Products for "Discontinued Date is empty". (I want a count of products that have not been discontinued).
If you run the report now, it willl work as expected.
Add a report filter for "Product.Color is empty" (I only want to see products that don't have a color)
Run the report to get the above error.
While the above is a contrived example, I am getting the same error on a data model that I am developing for a customer.

Am I missing something, or is this a bug in Report Builder?


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Incorrect Syntax Near The Keyword 'from'. Line 1: Incorrect Syntax Near ')'.

May 27, 2008

This is the error it gives me for my code and then it calls out line 102.  Line 102 is my  buildDD(sql, ddlPernames)  When I comment out this line the error goes away, but what I don't get is this is the same way I build all of my dropdown boxes and they all work but this one.  Could it not like something in my sql select statement.  thanksPrivate Sub DDLUIC_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DDLUIC.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim taskforceID As Byte = ddlTaskForce.SelectedValueDim uic As String = DDLUIC.SelectedValue
sql = "select sidstrNAME_IND from CMS.dbo.tblSIDPERS where sidstrSSN_SM in (Select Case u.strSSN from tblAssignedPersonnel as u " _
& "where u.bitPresent = 1 and u.intUICID in (select intUICID from tblUIC where intTaskForceID = " & taskforceID & " and strUIC = '" & uic & "'))"ddlPerNames.Items.Add(New ListItem("", "0"))
buildDD(sql, ddlPerNames)
End Sub

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Full Text Query

Aug 31, 2001

I have a problem with sql 7 full text query. Everything appears to be in place the database is enabled and the catalogue populated but a query like this
select * from risks_intercat WHERE CONTAINS(RISK_NOTES, ' "bean curd" ')
always returns this;
Search on full-text catalog 'ftc_Risks_ic' for database ID 8, table ID 329768232 with search condition ' "bean curd" ' failed with unknown result (8bcf8cc).
has anybody got any ideas why?

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See Query Text From Cache

Mar 22, 2006


During a trace in profiler, I see some lines that indicate :
exec sp_execute 12
exec sp_execute 24

I suppose these are query in cache and are recall by query processor ? If yes, how can I see this query in clear text ?

Thanks for help

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Concatenating Text In A Query?

Mar 7, 2014

I'm wanting to concatenate something that doesnt exist to an already existing field.

What I need to do is add a generic email address to every record in a data view So, what it would do is take the column that does exist and add to another column that I would call username So rather than it just appearing as 911234 it would be a derived column saying

i've tried using +''+ but I get a space after the number.

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Run Column Text Query

Apr 7, 2014

How to run a query that is in the column as text?

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Cant See From Query Analyser The Text...

Jan 24, 2006

In a field there is a very long text. I am trying to retrieving using query analyser but again it gives me only part of the document...

any help please?

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How To Query For Text Containing Parens?

Sep 29, 2006

I have an SQL database with rows that have parens in the data.If I run a select statement such as:SELECT SongNameFROM SongsWHERE SongName = 'John Jacob (Jingleheimer Schmidt)'It returns zero rows. This also:SELECT SongNameFROM SongsWHERE SongName LIKE '%John Jacob (Jingleheimer Schmidt)%'returns zero rows.If I change it to this:SELECT SongNameFROM SongsWHERE SongName LIKE '%John Jacob%'Then I get the row returned.Is there a way to use the first query example above and return the row?I'm guessing it has something to do with the parenthesis...*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Full Text Commands In SQL Query?

Jul 2, 2007

My host does allow me to create full text catalogs. I use SQL Server Management Studio Express, so I'd have to do it "by hand" as opposed to point-clicking menus and going through wizards. Where do I go to find those commands? I've seen them before but I can't remember where to get them. They're the ones that begin with sp_.
I need the commands for:

Creating a full text catalog

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Convert Text To String In SQL Query

Jun 16, 2008

Hi Everyone,My SQL Query is :"select Field1 from table1"The Field1 in Database is of Type "nvarchar" . I need to convert this Field into "integer" in the Query itself.Please Help!!I have already tried "Select convert(int, Field1 ) from table1"The field gives zero output ThanksRegardsNavdeep  

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Query Results To Text File...???

Oct 16, 2000

I'm using SQL Server 7.0.

I have a query (select * from table1) and I'd like to have the results of this query sent to a text file instead of the results windows when I run it from Query Analyzer.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,
Darrin Wilkinson

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Concatenate Text Fields In Query

Oct 11, 2005

I have a couple columns in a table that have a data type of Text. In a query I need to concatenate these two columns into one result.

For example


SELECT (Table1.TextColumn1 + ' ' + Table1.TextColumn2) AS 'Text'

FROM Table1

However when I try this I get the error
Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals add, type equals text.

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How To Output Text File In Query

Aug 28, 2014

how to output txt file in query by simple way ? This query have error.

Select * from invoice
into 'c:abc.txt'

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Conversion From Text To Money In A Query

Jun 21, 2006


I've this type of data: 148.667,31 or 344.207.6 ... type text.
I need to convert it to money in a query...

How I can do this?


Paolo Manfrin

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Query Results To Text File

May 9, 2007

i jave the following query

select *,substring(stafflog,15,11) as test into #t1 from dbo.Customers
where stafflog like '%armagh%'
select left(stafflog,4) as Staff,count(left(stafflog,4)) as Total from #t1
where cast(left(test,charindex(' ', test))as smalldatetime) = cast(convert(varchar(8),getdate()-1,1) as datetime)
group by left(stafflog,4)
select Title,Address1,Address2,Town,County,Postcode,TelephoneDay,TelephoneWork,TelephoneEvening,
from #t1
where cast(left(test,charindex(' ', test))as smalldatetime) = cast(convert(varchar(8),getdate()-1,1) as datetime)
drop table #t1

i need this query to be scheduled to run at a certain time every day and the results to be put in a text file.

is there an easy way to do this or what should i be looking at doing to get it to work

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Query, Distinct And Text Concat

Jan 30, 2008


I have the following table called "tests" :
id WeekNbrnametest hours
1 2007/26John "testA"5
2 2007/26John "testB"6
3 2007/26David "testA"3
4 2007/28David "testC"2
5 2007/30Victor "testD"1

I want to write a query so that I have as a result one row per person and per week, as followed

WeekNbrname testhours
2007/26John"testA, testB" 11
2007/26David"testA" 3
2007/28David"testC" 2
2007/30Victor"testD" 1

This means that I need to concatenate the values of the test column if in the same week and same person.
For now, I have only managed to do the job without the test concatenation the following way:

SELECT DISTINCT WeekNbr, name, SUM(hours) as [Total of hours]
FROM tests
GROUP BY WeekNbr, name

and I get the following:
2007/26John 11
2007/26David 3
2007/28David 2
2007/30Victor 1

Anyone could help me please?

Thanks so much in advance


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Query Reslut To Text File

Mar 25, 2008

I want to store the SelectQuery result in a text file.

I have given this query
SELECT * FROM xxx OUTPUT TO 'd:xxx.txt'

but this error is comming
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'TO'.

can any one help me please!


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Output An SQL Query To A Text File

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,How would I go about writing the results of an SQL query to a textfile?I cannot find any info in the Online help files.For example, I would like the results of:SELECT * FROM TableATo be written to the file result.txtAlex

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Query Plan In Clear Text

Dec 11, 2005

hi.coming from postgresql, i am used to textual references to most of thethings i do with the database. i feel a little lost with all the graphical.i have few questions regarding MS SQL 20001. what is the best (or easiest) way of getting a table definition in text?it could be either a CREATE TABLE sql-query or a just a definition,something like:TABLE thisTableidintegervaluevarchar(10)etc.etc.2a. how do i get a query plan and how do i get it in text.2b. are there planner modes that show more or less of what actuallyhappened, verbose mode perhaps?2c. if i ask for a query plan, will SQL server actually run the query orwill it only produce a plan. if the query is run, does it commit orrollback by default?stig

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Full Text Query Problem

Jan 8, 2008

Is there something wrong with my query or my full text catalog? The first query returns data while the second one does not. Does it have something to do with it being a number? I can get the rows to return by searching on alpha text.

select * from gk_info
where info_desc like '%6416%'

select * from gk_info WHERE
CONTAINS (info_desc, '"6416"')

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