Forgive me if this has been answered in previous posts but I need some assistance fast . I have created a report that shows Activity Time per Area. On my table, Group #1 is grouped by the Request Area and Group #2 by the Ticket Num. If you look at the 2nd group (ticket #'s), the totals at the ticket level for Avg Time Open are correct but when I try to use the same formula (=IIF(Fields!active_flag.Value = "0", (Fields!close_date.Value-Fields!open_date.Value)/3600, nothing) for Group #1, it doesn't calculate correctly (it seems to only select one record and not always the first record). For Example:
Please help...
I have a report that I created and the report was working until I added some fields to a group footer row in a table.
My table has 5 group levels. I had information displaying in the 5th level header group and detail. It was working fine. Then I added some fields to the 4th level group footer. Now it displays only the Page header, Table header, and the 4th level group footer data.
What happened to the rest of the data?
All the cells and rows I want to display have the Visibility Hidden set to false. I tried removing the objects I added (to the 4th level group footer) and it still does not work. Is this a bug or did I set something that is hiding the data.
Hello Everyone I've created a report with a simple dataset that is similar to this
City , RequestID, Request Amount, ClaimID, ClaimAmount El Monte 791 52,982.00 2157 41,143.75 El Monte 3691 11,838.00 3140 8,231.14 El Monte 3691 11,838.00 3141 990.00 El Monte 3691 11,838.00 3142 2,615.00
So I group by City, RequestID. On the first group I specified the expression to be City and in the header I list the city and in the footer I list the sum of Request amount. On the second group I specified the group by Request so in the header I placed requestID and on the footer I placed Request Amount. I set request information to hide the duplicates and I even add =Sum(Fields!RequestApprovedGrandTotal.Value,"GroupByRequestID") the scope of the group. But this is what I get:
For requestID = 3691 for Request Amount is 35,514.00 not 11,838.00. All the claim sums are correct and they are located on the detail row.
I've read that a work around is to create multiple dataset but I honestly believe that something as simple as this should work on the reporting server 2000. So I've come to the conclusion that I must be doing something wrong. Can someone give me a hand on this. Thanks.
SQL mail is configured and working (SQL6.5 sp3). I configured scheduled tasks to notify me of completion status, which it does. I'm just wondering why the header time is off by 5 hours.(time SQLServer Service sent the message)
The SQL server time and time zone are correct, and so are the time and zone on my workstation.
I tested sending a message from a user on the same Exchange Server as the SQL Server user to the user that recvs the scheduled task mail, and the time is correct in that message header.
An airport baggage handling system distributes bags using multiple conveyors. Bag counts are logged every 15 minutes. There is a count for each conveyor. Example Log Table layout is as follows (The TIME column is DateTime, the Convx columns are TinyInt)
Time Conv1 Conv2 Conv3 Conv4 Conv5 Conv6
i 3 2 3 4 2 1
i+15min 2 3 4 2 2 2
i+30min etc.....................
The management team wants a throughput report which will take the following parameters in order to filter the results:
Begin Date End Date Time Interval (selectable as 15mins, 30 mins, 45mins, 60 mins and Daily)
My question is this. Given that my raw data has 1 row for every 15 minutes, if they select 60 minutes as their interval I need to run the query with the start and end dates but Sum every 4 rows and display it as 1 row, likewise if they select 30 minute interval, I need to sum every 2 rows. How do I run a query and SUM the Conv count data for every x number of rows and use the 1st TIME value in the returned x row summary?
Thanks for your help and let me know if I need to clarify anything
I have some data grouped in a table by a certain criteria, and for each group it is computed a subtotal for the group. Of the values from each of the group, I want to create a grand total on the report by adding every subtotal from each group.
Example: ... .... Group1 Value 10 20 Sub Total 1: 30
Group2 Value 15 25 Sub Total 2: 40
Now, I would like to be able to add subtotal 1 (30) to subtotal 2 (40) and my grand total would be 70. Can I accomplish this task in SSRS?
Hi All: My below sub in application is returning only the Header Row instead of the relevant rows I guess therez problem in my "str" Syntax. However I fail to understand where exactly is it faultering. Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click Try con.Open()Dim empID As String = txtEmpID.Text Dim FName As String = txtFName.Text Dim LName As String = txtLName.TextDim str As String = "Select Emp_ID, Emp_FName,Emp_LName,Emp_Address1,Emp_HNo,Emp_MNo from Emp_Details where Emp_ID='" & empID & " ' Or Emp_LName='" & LName & " ' Or Emp_FName=' " & FName & "'"""Dim da1 As New SqlDataAdapter(str, con) da1.Fill(ds, "Emp_Details") dgEmp.DataSource = ds dgEmp.DataMember = "Emp_Details" dgEmp.DataBind() Finally con.Close() End Try End Sub
Thanks in Advance for your quick help. Regards, Brandy
I have a table with a column in it called Date, which is of the type DateTime, and for the last two years I have been adding data which I found out was incorrect.
My dates are all a day in the future, so I need to reduce each date by one day.
I can easily use a select script to reveal the 25,000 rows which are all incorrect dates. But I can't figure out how to update each and every row to subtract one day from each date.
So where I have:
I would like to have:
and of course for every record. Obviously way too many to do manually :-(
Can anyone show me a script that will get what I'm after.
I have been providing sales data for a few months now from a table that is set up like this:
Date WorkDay GasSales EquipmentSales
9/1/2006 1 100.00 200.00
9/4/2006 2 50.00 45.00
As can be seen, the data is daily, i.e., on the first workday of September we sold one hundred dollars in gas and two hundred dollars in equipment. On the second workday of September we sold fifty dollars in gas and forty-five dollars in equipment.
Now, however, the data I have to pull from is cumulative. So, using the last table as an example it would look like this:
9/1/2006 1 100.00 200.00
9/4/2006 2 150.00 245.00
To make things more complicated, the powers that be wanted this data presented in this fashion:
Total Sales:
300.00 95.00 etc.
So, I have been doing a pivot on a CRT to get the data to look like I want. The code is like this:
with SalesCTE (Month, WorkDay, [Total Sales])
cag.WorkDay AS [Work Day],
sum(cag.sales_gas + cag.sales_hgs) AS [Total Sales]
Branch ON CAG.[Oracle Branch] = Branch.OracleBranch
group by, cag.WorkDay
select * from SalesCTE
sum([Total Sales])
for WorkDay
in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],,[7],,[9],[10],[11],[12],[13],[14],[15],[16],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21],[22],[23])
) as p
So, my question is:
How do I get the data to give back daily totals instead of the cumulative amounts for each workday? If the query was a simple one, I'd do something like
select [1] as [Day 1], [2]-[1] as [Day 2], [3]-[2] as [Day 3], etc.
but the query is far from normal, with the CRT and the pivot. I can't seem to get it to work how I'd like.
Any advice/answers? Thanks in advance!!!
P.S. I don't know how to get it to quit with the freakin' smileys.... I suppose you can figure out what my code is really supposed to look like above. Needless to say, it doesn't include a devil face and a damn music note...
I have an SSRS report I'm working on. I have Row Groups plus details.
A) How can I get the row group headers to repeat on every line? B) I would still like to use the drill down, click the plus sign, and have that work when I export to excel.
Here is the report header: URL....My first thought was is there a way simply to cause the header to repeat. I cannot find that anywhere to do that.My second though was to split the cells and copy the fields to all the rows.Here is the same header with split cells:URL....two problems.
A) I cannot split one cell; See the "X" in the second capture. B) How do I still hid the rows until I drill down.
Just attempting to import a simple tab delimited text file into my SQL Server 2005 database using the SQL Server Import and Export wizard. Column names are specified within the first line of the file. The Header Rows to Skip field value is listed as 0, but the wizard indicates that "The field, Header rows to skip, does not contain a valid numeric value".
Why isn't zero (0) a valid numeric value? I don't want to skip any rows. PLUS, I get the same error when trying to export to a text file although the header rows to skip field does not exist. I can increase the number to 1 or more, but the wizard will skip part of my data .. unacceptable.
What am I missing here? I installed SP1 of SQL server 2005, but that did not help.
I have a flat file.I am trying to set the value for the property "HeaderRowsToSkip" during runtime.I have set an expression for this in my "flat file connection manager". But this is not working.The connection manager is not able to take the value during runtime.
My expression is as follows:
DataRowsToSkip : @[user:: Var]
where "Var" is my variable which gets the value from the rowcount component and trying to set it back to the "HeaderRowsToskip" property.
I ve even tried setting the value to the "HeaderRowsToSkip" property in the expression builder.
I need some help. I am writing a report in SSRS 2005 that I then need to export to Excel. When I put a report header I would expect the header to not display in the Excel spreadsheet until the Print Preview or the Print. The report footer works just fine I put some text in the footer, and it shows up in the footer. The header though, shows up as a row in the Excel spreadsheet that then causes columns to merge. How do I get the report header to act like a page header?
I am making a book-like report, I am using a report that has a header and calling a sub-report that has it's own header. However the sub-report header is not showing on the parent report. Parent report header is prevailing over the sub-report. Is it possible to have both headers displaying?
There is a one header in the report, when I publish and hit the report in IE(internet explor) the header appears fine on first page when I go to next page this header does not appear.
But in mozilla the header is visible on every page of the report. so it is working fine in mozilla.
In above format:15-10 means Oct 15, 15-09 means Sept 15I am getting issues while formatting this in SSRS.I need SSRS table headers to be dynamic. I need that it should be according to the sql table header...The table header should change according to the sql query
This is the error it gives me for my code and then it calls out line 102. Line 102 is my buildDD(sql, ddlPernames) When I comment out this line the error goes away, but what I don't get is this is the same way I build all of my dropdown boxes and they all work but this one. Could it not like something in my sql select statement. thanksPrivate Sub DDLUIC_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DDLUIC.SelectedIndexChanged Dim taskforceID As Byte = ddlTaskForce.SelectedValueDim uic As String = DDLUIC.SelectedValue sql = "select sidstrNAME_IND from CMS.dbo.tblSIDPERS where sidstrSSN_SM in (Select Case u.strSSN from tblAssignedPersonnel as u " _ & "where u.bitPresent = 1 and u.intUICID in (select intUICID from tblUIC where intTaskForceID = " & taskforceID & " and strUIC = '" & uic & "'))"ddlPerNames.Items.Add(New ListItem("", "0")) buildDD(sql, ddlPerNames)
I am using a web page to enter records into a table that tracks production on machine parts.
I get two recordsets and loop through them using vbscript to get the totals.
I use two because I first get all production data greater than the last date an event occurred. The second I get the totals for the day of because I have to back out shifts of production prior to the event, the day of the event (ie 3 shift per day, 3rd shift begins the day so a day looks like this 3, 1, 2. We do an event on shift 1. I have to back out shift 3 as it happened prior to 1. Once I have the two seperate totals I then write a record in the historical data table with the event, shift, production totals, etc.
My question is can I get the production totals from within SQL or is looping through the rs's in vb better?
the vb for the shift is similar to this If last_event_shift = 1 then DayProd = shift1prod + shift2prod elseif last_event_shift = 2 then DayProd = shift2prod elseif last_event_shift = 3 then DayProd = shift1prod + shift2prod + shift3prod else end if TotProd = DayProd + GreaterProd
Here is the SQL for each rs Data Greater than last date Select Sum(Production)AS TotProd, dbo.Production.LineNum, EventType
From dbo.Production INNER JOIN dbo.EventDate ON dbo.Production.LineNum = dbo.EventDate.LineNum AND dbo.Production.EntryDate > dbo.EventDate.EntryDate
Where dbo.EventDate.LineNum = @Line Group By dbo.Production.LineNum, dbo.EventDate.EventType
Data for the last date Select Max(dbo.EventDate.ShiftRemoved) AS RemovedShift, dbo.EventDate.Set_Pos, Max(dbo.EventDate.CutOff)AS CutOff, dbo.EventDate.EntryDate, Sum(Production)AS TotProd, dbo.Production.LineNum, EventType, Shift
From dbo.Production INNER JOIN dbo.EventDate ON dbo.Production.LineNum = dbo.EventDate.LineNum AND dbo.Production.EntryDate = dbo.EventDate.EntryDate
Where dbo.EventDate.LineNum = @Line
Group By dbo.Production.LineNum, dbo.EventDate.EventType, Shift, dbo.EventDate.EntryDate, dbo.EventDate.Set_Pos
I have done a report that shows all the subtotals however, I want to show the grand total (the sum of each subtotal) in a row. I am using SQL server BI studio-2005. I know I can add a row but all the rows are detailed rows and subsequenlty reflect the subtotals for last record in the report. All I need to know what type of row do I need to add to show my totals.
This is probably a simple task but I just don't know how to do it. I need to return a recordset of details with a row of totals for selected columns. Something with a result like this:
I know I could do this with a stored procedure, but I'd prefer to do it with just one sql statement. I tried compute but because I have a total on more than one column, the returned recordset is actually 3 rows. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I have a situation where I want to get running totals of a potentionally very large table. Say I have a million records with a table with few fields. Table structure like this UID value 1 3 2 9 3 4 4 7 5 2
I want to return a result set of something like this select uid, value, (rtotal???) from table
This is to be used for sort of a lotery. Say I have 1 million users with a variety of points tward the lotery. I total the points, is say 5 million, determined the winner to be say 3,234,563 Now I have to determine which uid is the winner. So I planned to to do a running total till the winning value is less then or equal to the running total and I have my winner. I am looking for a fast way to do this on a large database.
--Select Capital_Amount + Interest_Amount + Insurance_Amount + Admin_Fee --from Loan Where loan_no = '9110001AA667' --Select top 3* from loan
Select sum(Capital_Amount) As Capital_Amount from Sales Select * from Sales
How can l run these two Queries in the same view. l want to display what l have in the salesNew View and at the same time sum all the amount columns.But l'm not being successful. Is it achievable or l have to have two separate views?
CREATE View SalesNew AS SELECT DISTINCT tr.Transaction_Date, tr.Loan_No, n.Store, n.User_Issued, n.LoanBook As Company, p.Product, n.Capital_Amount, n.Interest_Amount, n.Insurance_Amount, n.Admin_Fee, n.Total_Amount FROM Transaction_Record tr INNER JOIN Loan n ON tr.loan_No = n.loan_No AND tr.loan_No = n.loan_No INNER JOIN Product p ON n.product = p.product
--2nd query
Select n.loanbook As Company,Sum(n.Capital_Amount) As Capital_Amount, Sum(n.Interest_Amount) As Interest_Amount, Sum(n.Insurance_Amount) As Insurance_Amount, Sum(n.Admin_Fee) As Admin_Fee, Sum(n.Total_Amount) As Total_Amount From Loan n Group By n.loanBook with RollUp
I have a problem that I know that i should be able to code up but have drawn a blank due to it being monday. Anyway......
Have a table :
create table test_registrations ( date_maint smalldatetime, user_name1 varchar (255), user_address1 varchar (255), total_users int ) go
If i have a number of registrations on a particular date then I can tell all how many users have registered in any date by :
select date_maint , count (1) from test_registrations group by date_maint order by date_maint desc go
The qestion is how can I keep a total registared users count. Say if I have 10 users join on the 1st of Jan and 15 on the 3rd then I want the total users for the users on 1st to read 10 and total users on the 3rd to read 25.
I know i should be able to code this up but I'm being a dumb ass. Can someone show me a way to code it. Is it some sort of correlated sub query to keep a running total ?
On SQL Server 2005 at least, this works efficiently where we have an indexed row number.
It does seem to be very sensitive to the join condition in the recursive part of the CTE: changing it to the equivalent "ON T.rn - 1 = RT.rn" results in a scan of T each time instead of a seek!
-- rn must have contiguous values for this to work: CREATE TABLE dbo.T (rn int PRIMARY KEY, f float NOT NULL)
-- 100000 random floats between 0 and 1: INSERT INTO dbo.T SELECT n+1 AS rn, RAND(CAST(NEWID() AS binary(4))) AS f FROM dbo.Numbers GO
;WITH RT AS ( SELECT rn, f AS rt FROM dbo.T WHERE rn = 1
Now my code below brings everything i want it too, the problems comes is I need to get a running total of sales for each day. Currently it shows the sales for a store for each day and what there projections should be. I need a running total for each day so if you were to have todays date it would have the sum(sales) between today and the first or the month that im in. but still show what the total was on the 10th, 9th, and so on.
Declare @Brand as varchar(10) DECLARE @StartDate datetime Declare @EndDAte as Datetime
Set @Brand = 'business' SELECT @StartDate=CAST('1/1/'+CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS varchar(4)) AS datetime) SET @EndDate =CAST('12/31/'+CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS varchar(4)) AS datetime)
Select ttProjection.StoreID,S.StoreName , ttProjection.DailyProjection, ttProjection.DAYS, ISNULL(ttSales.Sales,0) as Sales From
/**********Finds projection per day****************/ (Select StoreID, Projection, Projection/Cast(DaysInMonth as INT) as DailyProjection, DAYS From (Select StoreID, Projection as Projection, Month, Day(DateAdd(m, 1,DateAdd(d,1 - Day(Month), Month))-1) As DaysInMonth From Reporting.dbo.RetailSalesComparison_ProjectionsView Where StoreID between 12000 and 12999 )ttTemp
Right Join
(SELECT DATEADD(dd,number,@StartDate) as DAYS FROM ( select number from master..spt_values WHERE type='p' union all select number+256 from master..spt_values WHERE type='p' ) as s where DATEADD(dd,number,@StartDate)<=@EndDate)ttDays on Month(ttTemp.Month) = Month(ttDays.DAYS))ttProjection
Left Join
(Select Date, StoreID, Sum(Sales) as Sales From Reporting.dbo.RetailSales_byStore_byDay Group By Date, StoreID)ttSales on ttProjection.StoreID = ttSales.StoreID and ttProjection.DAYS = ttSales.Date Inner Join DelSolNet2.dbo.Store S on ttProjection.StoreID = S.StoreID Where Month(Days) = Month(getdate()) Order By Days, ttProjection.StoreID
I am relatively new to SQL i.e. I know the basics!
What I am trying to do is: I have a database of customer spend and I am trying to segment them into certain %ages of the search results. So, for example, find all of the customers that are in the top 10% of spenders (I also want to only select customers with a spend of greater than x!). I am trying to do this using a Case When but feel that I may be out of my depth.
I use the following query in my stats page to find the unique visitors and the pages they visited per day in a given month.
SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(10),LogDate,103) As Date_, Count(DISTINCT LogRemote_Addr) As Visitors, Count(Lid) As Pages FROM Log WHERE LogMonth=7 Group by CONVERT(CHAR(10),LogDate,103) ORDER BY CONVERT(CHAR(10),LogDate,103)
I would like to have the totals (Sum) of the "Visitors" and "Pages" also for the given month. I think I have to use a subquery to accomplish that but I can't figure it out. I would appreciate your help. Thanks,
I have a tblTax. It has fields InvoiceNum, TaxAuthority, TaxableTotal,NonTaxableTotal, TaxCollected.Sample data1,county,10.00,0.00,0.401,city,10.00,0.00,0.102,state,0.00,15.00,0.15When totaling invoice 1 should have totals of 10.00,0.00,0.50 becausethe 10.00 is the total for the invoice, but 0.50 is the total taxcollected. I nee these totals in a report. In crystal reports i couldjust do a total on change of invoice number for the Taxable andnonTaxable Totals. but i have to this on an Access adp. I was hoping icould get a query to return something likeinv,auth,Taxable,nonTaxable,Collected,TaxableTot,N onTaxableTot,CollectedTot1,county,10.00,0.00,0.40,10.00,0.00,0.501,city,10.00,0.00,0.10,10.00,0.00,0.502,state,0.00,15.00,0.15,0.00,15.00,0.15I'm not sure how to do a group by that would allow this, although imsure its possible.