Incorrect Processing Order For Views
Jun 4, 2007
I am using SQL 2005 merge replication with SP1 hotfix build 9.00.2227.00. This build is in use rather than SP2 because a fix I need is not yet available for SP2
Essentially the problem is as follows:
1) Initial state is that merge replication of table and views is working fine
2) I then alter one view which references a new view in the same publication
3) Synchronization processes the view scripts in the wrong order regardless of the processing order
4) An 'invalid object name' error results as the new view has not arrived at the subscriber when alteration of the first view is attempted
The number suffixes on the script filenames in the snapshot folder do, however,appear to be numbered correctly so as to process in the correct order
Note that I have tried using the default processing order and have also set the processing order explicitly using sp_changemergearticle - but the problem still occurs
I have tried to recreate this problem on a small database with a minimum of articles, but attempts at repro have failed to date with a simple configuration - ie the processing order applied is correct
Is there an known problem in this area?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated
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Jan 25, 2007
I have select query that has text field in select list. When I use order by clause it gives me incorrect sort in result.
We are running SQL2K with service pack 4.
I find BUG #: 470536 on Microsoft site and it suggest applying service pack 4.
Is anyone has similar problem?
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 2, 2007
Hi there,
I have an RMO application and I would like to force the processing order of the articles. I can see in the documentation how to do this for a topology managed by sql stored procedures but I can't see how / where it says in BOL how to do this in RMO.
I am pretty new to RMO and c# generally so please excuse me if I am just being thick!
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Apr 28, 2004
when i try the following SQL batch, I get a result-set which is not order by
datetime column 'out_date',but if I delete clause INTO #fifo_temp, I get a correct result with correct order.
who can help me?thanks in advance
select tag,stuff_id,stuff_name,cast(out_id as char(10)) as out_id,out_number,out_date,out_qty,remark
INTO #fifo_temp from ##stuff_fifo UNION
select tag,stuff_id,stuff_name,out_id,null,out_date,quant ity,remark
from acc_cost.dbo.stuff_out where tag='A' and left(out_id,3) in ('XSA','TAP')
ORDER BY out_date
DROP TABLE ##stuff_fifo
select * from #fifo_temp
the following can get a correct result:
select tag,stuff_id,stuff_name,cast(out_id as char(10)) as out_id,out_number,out_date,out_qty,remark
from ##stuff_fifo UNION
select tag,stuff_id,stuff_name,out_id,null,out_date,quant ity,remark
from acc_cost.dbo.stuff_out where tag='A' and left(out_id,3) in ('XSA','TAP')
ORDER BY out_date
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Jul 30, 2007
I have this problem on Reporting Services 2005 SP2:
There is a stored procedure that is the source of a dataset in report, this procedure return a recordset ordered by some fileds (es. order by fields1, fields2, ecc...). This procedure also have some parameters, but this isn't important.
If I launch the stored procedure in sql server management studio the data are returned in the correct order, instead, when I run the report, the data are showed in wrong order.
Some one have informations about this issue?
Kind Regards,
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Sep 18, 2015
row_number() over (partition by merrickid order by recorddate asc) as rn,
sum(allocestgasvolmcf) over (partition by merrickid order by recorddate asc) as xxxxxxxx
from dbo.completiondailytb
where merrickid=1965
I get the following message after I insert the sum() over function:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Incorrect syntax near 'order'.
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Dec 25, 2005
Is there any way to ensure that messages sent on different dialogs have the same conversation group id on the target queue? I was attempting to set the conversation group id on the dialog before sending but learned that this only works on the initator end.
I have messages that could be sent from different applications (and at slightly different times) that need to processed exclusively (i.e. have the same conversation group id).
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Mar 24, 2002
Hi all,
I faced a problem, I have two tables - part and partmaster
part : part_no, part_qty (no key)
partmaster : part_no, part_description (primary key : part_no )
I want to select table part.* and partmaster.part_description.
(run on mssql 2k)
select a.*, b.part_description
from part a, partmaster b where a.part_no *= b.part_no
I want to and expect to have the result order like table "part". However, after the join, the order is different. I try to run it on mssql 7.0, the order is ok.
Then I modify and run the statement select a.* from part a, partmaster b where a.part_no *= b.part_no on 2k again. The result order is ok.
can anyone tell me the reason?
Now I try to fix this problem is adding a sequence field "part_seq" into table "part" and run the statement by adding a order by part_seq.
It does work!
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Jul 14, 2015
Question re Merge rep (pull) and processing order.  We have a group of changes associated with an app upgrade, the scripts run fine on the publisher.   Part of the change includes creation of a new table , followed by altering a view to use new table.Following the change at the publisher, when the sync is kicked off from the subscriber, it fails - the alter of the view throws an'invalid object' error with regard to the new table. Seems as if the view alter is attempted before the dependant table has been created.Â
I have tried to amend the processing order of the view using sp_changearticle, which executes (quickly) with a 0 return code.But it is to no avail , the error still occurs.  is it possible to change the processing order for a view article , which will be applied to schema changes ? Have
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Dec 18, 2007
I am using Sequence Clustering algorithm. (I've built several models with Clustering algorithm and Decision Trees for this client, which work fine.).
Background: Sequence data must be stored in a nested table, which can have only 1 non-key attribute.
I specify a mining model structure with the nested table key as the datetime, and the nested table discrete prediction column as [sort name] . this builds the model fine.
When I try to process this data mining model, I get Process failed: "Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The sort order specified for distinct count records is incorrect".
Iit may be that OLAP distinct count requests numerical data type, but not from the examples I've seen. Tried this anyway €“ doesn€™t work on numeric either €“ same problem.
Any Suggestions?
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Mar 7, 2007
Hi All,
Hope someone can help here. Since installing Service Pack 2 onto our SQL 2005 instances our report models are not working correctly. When selecting fields within the models as filters, and getting them to prompt when the report is run, the ordering of the data within the filters does not match the selected ordering in the model definition. The ordering is random each time the report is run.
This issue does not happen when setting the filter up, the data appears in the correct order, but when running the report the filter data is incorrect.
I have spent the last 4 hours building a new system and testing this with each stage of service packing. The RTM version of SQL 2005 is ok, SP1 is also OK, but when SP2 is applied the ordering fails.
Any ideas?
Many thanks in advance.
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Sep 7, 2007
I have just transferred my site to a new server with SBS R2 Premium, so the site's database changed from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. I find that searches are now returning results in random order, even though they use a view with an Order By clause to force the order I want.
I find that the results are unordered when I test the view with Management Studio, so the issue is unrelated to my VB/ASP Net code.
Using my SQL update tool (SQL Compare, from Redgate) I find that there are no differences in the views, or the underlying tables.
Using Management Studio to test a number of views, I find that I have a general problem with all views. For example, one of the simpler views is simply a selection of fields from one table, with an Order By clause on the tables primary key: - SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT GDQid, GDQUser, GDQGED, GDQOption, gdqTotalLines, GDQTotalIndi, GDQRestart, GDQCheckpointMessage, GDQStarted, GDQFinished, gdqCheckpointRecordCountr FROM dbo.GEDQueue ORDER BY GDQid DESC
If I right-click the view (from Management Studio's Object Explorer pane), select Design from the menu to show the view's design, and then click the Execute SQL icon, the view's results are displayed perfectly, in descending order of GDQid. However, if I select "Open View" the view's results are displayed out of order.
When I do this with the SQL 2000 database, both Design/Execute and Open View correctly display the data in the correct order.
Is there something that I should check in the SQL 2005 installation - some option that has been set incorrectly?
Regards, Robert Barnes
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Dec 19, 2005
Is there a way to make EM script all views of a database in the order in which they depend on each other?
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Feb 5, 2007
In SQL 2K...i need to write a script that writes a script that creates all views in the order that they are nested and I am feeling lazy. Does anyone have anything handy?For example if View_BOB says...CREATE VIEW VIEW_BOBASSELECT COL_1 FROM VIEW_JOHNI need the script to generate a script that creates View_JOHN before View_BOB.
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May 20, 2014
There are about 300 fields in a views.
How to reorder all fields by alphabet?
For example, from script of views like below:
select name, date, amount from order
re-order fields' name like below:
select amount, date, name from order
For about 300 fields view, how to code to re-order fields' name?
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Jun 25, 2015
Using t-sql, how to list all views in dependency order? I'm trying to script out the creation of views, but need to make sure they are in the correct order when i execute them.Â
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Oct 13, 2015
I have a few databases that are using Partitioned Views in order to manage the table sizes and they all work well for our purposes. Recently I noticed a table that had grown to 400+ million rows and want to partition it as well, so I went about creating new base tables based on the initial table's structure, just adding a column to both table and primary key to be able to build a Partitioned View on them.The first time around, on a test system, everything worked flawlessly but when I put the same structure in place on the production system I get the dreaded "UNION ALL view 'DBName.dbo.RptReportData' is not updatable because the primary key of table '[DBName].[dbo].[RptReportData_201405]' is not included in the union result. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 4444)" error.
I have searched high and low and everything I see points to a few directives in order for a UNION ALL view to be updatable:
- Need a partitioning column that is part of the primary key
- Need a CHECK constraint that make the base tables exclusive, i.e. data cannot belong to more than one table
- Cannot have IDENTITY or calculated columns in the base tables
- The INSERT statement needs to specify all columns with actual values, i.e. not DEFAULT
Well, according to me, my structure fulfills these conditions but the INSERT fails anyway. CREATE scripts below scripted from SQL Server. I only modified them to be on a single row - it is easier to verify that they are identical in a text editor that way.
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Sep 25, 2013
The data I am pulling is correct I just cant figure out how to order by the last 8 numbers that is my NUMBER column. I tried adding FOR XML AUTO to my last line in my query: From AP_DETAIL_REG where AP_BATCH_ID = 1212 and NUMBER is not null order by NUMBER FOR XML AUTO) as Temp(DATA) where DATA is not null
but no change same error.
1234567890000043321092513 00050020
Select DATA from(
select '12345678'+
left( '0', 10-len(cast ( CONVERT(int,( INV_AMT *100)) as varchar))) +
cast (CONVERT(int,(INV_AMT*100)) as varchar) +
left('0',2-len(CAST (MONTH(DATE) as varchar(2))))+
CAST (MONTH(DATE) as varchar(2)) +
left('0',2-len(CAST (day(CHECK_DATE) as varchar(2)))) +
CAST (day(DATE) as varchar(2))+right(cast
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Apr 3, 2006
Fellow database developers,I would like to draw on your experience with views. I have a databasethat includes many views. Sometimes, views contains other views, andthose views in turn may contain views. In fact, I have some views inmy database that are a product of nested views of up to 6 levels deep!The reason we did this was.1. Object-oriented in nature. Makes it easy to work with them.2. Changing an underlying view (adding new fields, removing etc),automatically the higher up views inherit this new information. Thismake maintenance very easy.3. These nested views are only ever used for the reporting side of ourapplication, not for the day-to-day database use by the application.We use Crystal Reports and Crystal is smart enough (can't believe Ijust said that about Crystal) to only pull back the fields that arebeing accessed by the report. In other words, Crystal will issue aSelect field1, field2, field3 from ReportingView Where .... eventhough "ReportingView" contains a long list of fields.Problems I can see.1. Parent views generally use "Select * From childview". This meansthat we have to execute a "sp_refreshview" command against all viewswhenever child views are altered.2. Parent views return a lot of information that isn't necessarilyused.3. Makes it harder to track down exactly where the information iscoming from. You have to drill right through to the child view to seethe raw table joins etc.Does anyone have any comments on this database design? I would love tohear your opinions and tales from the trenches.Best regards,Rod.
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Sep 6, 2007
Which is more efficient? One large view that joins >=10 tables, or a few smaller views that join only the tables needed for individual pages?
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Jun 28, 2007
Newbie here. I've only been using SQL for about a year now and have some minor questions about sql objects that reference other objects.
We have some views which reference other views in the joins. I will call one the primary view and the one being referenced in the joins as the secondary view.
Recently we made changes to the secondary view.
After which the primary views which referenced it would not work because of this change and had to be 'refreshed' by using drop/create scripts which essentially just dropped it and recreated the exact same view. I do not recall the exact error message that was returned other than it seemed to suggest that it could no longer see the secondary view since it had been changed. Nothing in the primary view was changed in any way, just the secondary.
Some here where I work have suggested off hand that this was a recompile of the primary view because the contents of the secondary changed.
My questions are:
1. Exactly why did this happen and is there a proper name for it when it does?
2. The same problem does not seem to occur when we have stored procedures referencing views in the joins which had just been changed. Why is that?
Thanks for any help on the matter. I greatly appreciate it.
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Feb 22, 2007
to make a report easier I'm developing it using a view of joined views of joined views.
Is there any significant performance penalty as opposed to just having one big select?
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May 27, 2008
This is the error it gives me for my code and then it calls out line 102. Line 102 is my buildDD(sql, ddlPernames) When I comment out this line the error goes away, but what I don't get is this is the same way I build all of my dropdown boxes and they all work but this one. Could it not like something in my sql select statement. thanksPrivate Sub DDLUIC_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DDLUIC.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim taskforceID As Byte = ddlTaskForce.SelectedValueDim uic As String = DDLUIC.SelectedValue
sql = "select sidstrNAME_IND from CMS.dbo.tblSIDPERS where sidstrSSN_SM in (Select Case u.strSSN from tblAssignedPersonnel as u " _
& "where u.bitPresent = 1 and u.intUICID in (select intUICID from tblUIC where intTaskForceID = " & taskforceID & " and strUIC = '" & uic & "'))"ddlPerNames.Items.Add(New ListItem("", "0"))
buildDD(sql, ddlPerNames)
End Sub
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Jan 7, 2007
Finding the "pieces of information" I need to successfully install the SQL Server Express edition is so complex. Uninstalls do "not" really uninstall completely, leading to failure of SQL install. Can you suggest a thorough, one-stop site for directions for the order of app uninstalls and then the order for app installs for the following...
SQL Server Express edition
Visual Studios 2005
Jet 4.0 newest upgrade
.Net Framework 2.0 (or should I use 3.0)
VS2005 Security upgrade
Anything else I need for just creating a database for my VS2005 Visual Basic project?
I was trying to use MS Access as my backend db but would like to try SQL Express
Thank you, Mark
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Sep 24, 2012
In SQL sERVER 2008, I have two fields - Depatment and Employees. I need to sort the result set by employee number ascending order, with following exception
1)when department number = 50 - the preferred order is Employee # - 573 followed by 551-572 (employee # belong to Dept 50 = 551-573)
2)When Department number = 20 – the preferred sort order is Employee # 213-220, followed by Employee # 201-213 (employee # belong to Dept 20 = 201-220)
How shall I achieve this?
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May 19, 2015
I never paid much attention to this before but I noticed this today in a new table I was creating.
For tables defined in the tabular model the table properties have something like SELECT Blah FROM TableName ORDER BY Blah Then in the tabular model the table's data is in the same order it was ordered by in the data source for the table.
I have a date table I setup and I noticed it is NOT respecting the sort order.
I have it sorted by DateID which sorts with the oldest date first and newest date as last row.However, the table that is imported and stored in the data model is not in that order.
I can of course manually sort the rows in BIDS/DataTools, but I find this discrepancy odd.
Would this have negative impacts on the EARLIER function for example if the data rows are not in the order specified?
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Apr 10, 2014
I have a query that calculate the total amount of order details based on a particular order:
Select a.OrderID,SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity-Discount)
From [Order Details]
Inner Join Orders a
On a.OrderID=[Order Details].OrderID
Group by a.OrderID
My question is what if I wanted to create a formula to something like:
UnitPrice * Quantity - DiscountAmount Where DiscountAmount = UnitPrice Quantity * Discount
Do I need to create a function for that? Also is it possible to have m y query as a table variable?
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Mar 27, 2008
I recently run into a senario when a procedure quiered a table without a order by clause. Luckily it retrived data in the prefered order.
The table returns the data in the same order in SQL Manager "Open Table"
So I started to wonder what deterimins the sort order when there is no order by clause ?
I researched this for a bit but found no straight answers. My table has no PK, but an identiy column.
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Jan 4, 2008
Hey guys, i need to find out how can i add order items under a Purchase Order number.
My table relationship is PurchaseOrder ->PurchaseOrderItem.
below is a Stored Procedure that i have wrote in creating a PO:
CREATE PROC spCreatePO (@SupplierID SmallInt, @date datetime, @POno SmallInt OUTPUT)
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrder (PurchaseOrderDate, SupplierID) VALUES(@date, @SupplierID)
However, how do i make it that it will automatically adds item under the POno being gernerated? can i use a trigger so that whenever a Insert for PO is success, it automaticallys proceed to adding the items into the table PurcahseOrderItem?
ON PurchaseOrderItem
'What do i entered???'
help is needed asap! thanks!
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May 8, 2007
hi basically what i have is 3 text boxes. one for start date, one for end date and one for order id, i also have this bit of SQL
SelectCommand="SELECT [Order_ID], [Customer_Id], [Date_ordered], [status] FROM [tbl_order]WHERE (([Date_ordered] >= @Date_ordered OR @Date_ordered IS NULL) AND ([Date_ordered] <= @Date_ordered2 OR @Date_ordered2 IS NULL OR (Order_ID=ISNULL(@OrderID_ID,Order_ID) OR @Order_ID IS NULL))">
but the problem is it does not seem to work! i am not an SQL guru but i cant figure it out, someone help me please!
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Apr 14, 2008
We got a problem.
supposing we have a table like this:
aName string2 NOT NULL
insert into a values ('bank of abcde');
insert into a values ('bank of abcde');
... (20 times)
select top 5 * from a order by aName
Result is:
6Bank of abcde
5Bank of abcde
4Bank of abcde
3Bank of abcde
2Bank of abcde
select top 10 * from a order by aName
Result is:
11Bank of abcde
10Bank of abcde
9Bank of abcde
8Bank of abcde
7Bank of abcde
6Bank of abcde
5Bank of abcde
4Bank of abcde
3Bank of abcde
2Bank of abcde
According to this result, user see the first 5 records with id 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 in page 1, but when he tries to view page 2, he still see the records with id 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. This is not correct for users. :eek:
Of course we can add order by aid also, but there are tons of sqls like this, we can't update our application in one shot.
So I ask for your advice here, is there any settings can tell the db use default sort order when the order by column value are the same? Or is there any other solution to resolve this problem in one shot?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,guys!I have a table below:CREATE TABLE rsccategory(categoryid NUMERIC(2) IDENTITY(1,1),categoryname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY(categoryid))Then I do:INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('url')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('document')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('book')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('software')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('casus')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('project')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('disert')Then SELECT * FROM rsccategory in ,I can get a recordeset with the'categoryid' in order(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)But If I change the table definition this way:categoryname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE,The select result is in this order (3,5,7,2,6,4,1),and 'categoryname 'in alphabetic.Q:why the recordset's order is not the same as the first time since'categoryid' is clustered indexed.If I change the table definition again:categoryname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE CLUSTEREDthe result is the same as the first time.Q:'categoryname' is clustered indexed this time,why isn't in alphabeticorder?I am a newbie in ms-sqlserver,or actually in database,and I do havesought for the answer for some time,but more confused,Thanks for yourkind help in advance!
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Apr 14, 2008
We got a problem.
supposing we have a table like this:
aName string2 NOT NULL
insert into a values ('bank of abcde');
insert into a values ('bank of abcde');
... (20 times)
select top 5 * from a order by aName
Result is:
6 Bank of abcde
5 Bank of abcde
4 Bank of abcde
3 Bank of abcde
2 Bank of abcde
select top 10 * from a order by aName
Result is:
11 Bank of abcde
10 Bank of abcde
9 Bank of abcde
8 Bank of abcde
7 Bank of abcde
6 Bank of abcde
5 Bank of abcde
4 Bank of abcde
3 Bank of abcde
2 Bank of abcde
According to this result, user see the first 5 records with id 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 in page 1, but when he tries to view page 2, he still see the records with id 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. This is not correct for users.
Of course we can add order by aid also, but there are tons of sqls like this, we can't update our application in one shot.
So I ask for your advice here, is there any settings can tell the db use default sort order when the order by column value are the same? Or is there any other solution to resolve this problem in one shot?
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