Increment Download Count Select And Update Together.
Mar 25, 2006
Hi is there away of doing both my select and update of a field in my database (m not using store procedures)
Basically all I need to do is get the value of DownloadTimes then add 1 and re update it.
Also to stop missing increments what the best way to lock the database while an update is in progress?
This is basically firing after a user clicks a file to download. I bring up the dialogue for them to save it is it possible to get which button they press and what is the best way to deliver it to them eg response.writeFile()??
Thanks sorry about all questions.
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May 28, 2015
I want to update a field and in this field insert a increment count, for example:
When I make, "Select * from Users order by User" displays:
User1 | NULL
User1 | NULL
User1 | NULL
User2 | NULL
User2 | NULL
and I want to do this:
User1 | 1
User1 | 2
User1 | 3
User2 | 1
User2 | 2
how to do this?
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Aug 21, 2000
Does anyone know if SQL has a built in function for returning increments of rows. For instance; I have a table with 100,000 rows, but would like to return 512 rows at a time. I've looked at the documentation and haven't came across anything that will do this. Any help is appreciated.
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Jan 9, 2004
How can I add an incremented counter to a select statement.
Such as select last_name,date,Count? from table, so I would
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Jan 21, 2008
I have table with 20 columns. One of the column(col1) in the table has value like below
Col1 -----------Col2
123------------- 2
How to do insert or update increment of 2 in a column (col2) for every same value in the Col1?
I am using Access. Is it possible to with the query ?
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Apr 5, 2014
I have a table with 4 fields,
Startdate, rec_num , recursive_value, recursive_date
04/02/2014 3 d 04/02/2014
04/02/2014 3 d 04/02/2014
04/02/2014 3 d 04/02/2014
I will like to update recursive_date to emulate the recursive_number and recursive_value fields which specify every 3 days. The recursive_value field can also be w to specify weeks, m to specify month or y to specify years.
So my value in the recursive_date field should be updated as followed
Startdate, rec_number , recursive_value, recursive_date
04/02/2014 3 d 04/02/2014
04/02/2014 3 d 04/05/2014
04/02/2014 3 d 04/08/2014
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Nov 29, 2007
Following is a query which gives me an output as mentioned below. Can anybody help me out, in giving increment numbers, e.g. 1,2,3,4... to the first column in the select statement.
use account
select 'PT','JE01','71','1','1', Vou_date=convert(varchar,vdt,101), cltcode, '994801', vamt, 'ZJE01','JOURNL', '0.00',
narration, DrCr = (case when drcr = 'D' then 'D' else 'C' end),
from ledger where cltcode = '5555'
and vdt >= 'Apr 1 2007'
and vtyp = '15'
order by vdt
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Jun 23, 2015
How I can get the following Desired SELECT STATEMENT with the increment of Max(serial_no)+1. Date will be in quotation in desired SELECT STATEMENT. All data is same. Just changing the serial_no which will be Max(serial_no)+1.
Create table #seq (serial_no numeric, Scode numeric, Sdate datetime, SErr char(10))
insert into #seq values (1,1002,'10/10/2015','SEDT')
insert into #seq values (2,1005,'12/10/2015','PEFT')
insert into #seq values (3,1004,'1/1/2015','QEGT')
insert into #seq values (4,1008,'1/2/2015','TEWT')
insert into #seq values (5,1007,'3/10/2015','REDT')
Result from the above query
serial_no Scode Sdate SErr
1 1002 10/10/2015 SEDT
2 1005 12/10/2015 PEFT
3 1004 1/1/2015 QEGT
4 1008 1/2/2015 TEWT
5 1007 3/10/2015 REDT
Desired SELECT STATEMENT Result with increment of serial_no (Max(serial_no+1)
Select 6, 1002, '10/10/2015', 'SEDT'
Select 7, 1005, '12/10/2015', 'PEFT'
Select 8, 1004, '1/1/2015', 'QEGT'
Select 9, 1008, '1/2/2015' ,'TEWT'
Select 10, 1007, '3/10/2015', 'REDT'
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Jul 26, 2007
Hi guys,I followed the official tutorial to create a DAL & Business Logic Layer ( I have a table with a int ID field. I wish to write a function to add a new entry into this table but have the ID field auto-increment.The ID field is set as the Identity Column and has a Identity Increment & Seed of "1". If I manually go to the table and insert a new record leaving the ID value null it automatically increments. But if I create a C# function to add a new entry I get an error saying that the ID field can't be Null. Is there any way to use the Update method as shown on line 14 below to add a new entry but with it automatically incrementing? I did create a function called InsertDevice that simply inserts the other fields using a SQL INSERT and it auto-increments fine, just wondering if there is a way to do it using the DataTable and the Update method? Thanks for any help!!! 1 public bool AddDevice(string make, string model)
2 {
3 //cannot have the same device entered twice!
4 if (Adapter.FillDeviceCountByMakeModel(make, model) == 1)
5 return false;
7 RepositoryDataSet.DevicesDataTable devices = new RepositoryDataSet.DevicesDataTable();
8 RepositoryDataSet.DevicesRow device = devices.NewDevicesRow();
10 device.make = make;
11 device.model = model;
13 devices.AddDevicesRow(device); << Error thrown Here!
14 int rows_affected = Adapter.Update(devices);
16 return rows_affected == 1;
17 }
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Mar 7, 2011
Due to localization I have the need to make child tables, where there is a composite Primary Key, between the Id column and the LanguageSign column. On the parent table the Id column is Identity column with auto increment.
The problem is that during the select into query to copy columns from parent to child, this auto increment behaviour of the parent-Id is copied to the child-Id. However I do not want that, because the same Id will be used by different LanguageSign entries
Is there a way to use 'select into' without copying the auto increment, or is my only option to make a whole new column without auto increment on the child and copy the records?
btw I have used this statement
ON , so that inserting into the Id column is possible. I can see however that this does not take away the auto increment...
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Dec 11, 2007
I Have a table that needs to have 2 unique number.
detail_id and detail_print_id.
detail_id is already an IDENTITY.
both fields need to be different, because when importing, it imports the same data into a table twice, with only a slight data change (and id is not one of the changes).
So I thought i could do the following:
detail_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,2),
detail_print_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(2,2),
--blah blah
that way, the detail_id will always be odd, and the detail_print_id will always be even. however SQL Server 2005 only allows 1 identity per table, and both these fields need to be auto generated when the field is inserted, so as to prevent double data.
is there anyway I can create a int column to auto increment, without the column being an IDENTITY??
also, I would prefer to not have to create a second table with a single column just for this work.
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Jun 21, 2006
I have created two select clauses for counting weekdays. Is there a way to combine the two select together? I would like 1 table with two columns:
Jobs Complete Jobs completed within 5 days
10 5
SELECT COUNT(DATEDIFF(d, DateintoSD, SDCompleted) - DATEDIFF(ww, DateintoSD, SDCompleted) * 2) AS 'Jobs Completed within 5 days'
FROM dbo.Project
WHERE (SDCompleted > @SDCompleted) AND (SDCompleted < @SDCompleted2) AND (BusinessSector = 34) AND (req_type = 'DBB request ') AND
(DATEDIFF(d, DateintoSD, SDCompleted) - DATEDIFF(ww, DateintoSD, SDCompleted) * 2 <= 5)
Select COUNT(DATEDIFF(d, DateintoSD, SDCompleted) - DATEDIFF(ww, DateintoSD, SDCompleted) * 2) AS 'Total Jobs Completed'
From Project
WHERE (SDCompleted > @SDCompleted) AND (SDCompleted < @SDCompleted2) AND (BusinessSector = 34) AND (req_type = 'DBB request ')
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Aug 23, 2013
I am using three tables in this query, one is events_detail, one is events_summary, the third if gifts. The original select statement counted the number of ids (event_details.id_number) that appear per event_name (event_summary.event_name).
Now, I would like to add in another column that counts the number of IDs that gave a gift who attended an event that were also listed in the event_ details table. So far I have come up with the following. My main issue is linking the subquery properly back to the main query. how to count in the sub-query and have the result placed within the groups results in the main query.
SELECT es.event_name, es.event_id, COUNT(ed.id_number) Number_Attendees,
SELECT COUNT(gifts.donor_id) AS Count2
FROM gifts
WHERE gifts.donor_id = ed.id_number
) subquery2
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Jun 19, 2008
Hi Guys, I cannot seem to get the syntax right on this one. I am trying to Update a field in a table with the recount of another table. Is it even possible to do this???
Update P_Dates SET RecCount = RecCnt
Where @sDate = StartDate AND @eDate = EndDate)
any ideas?
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Jul 18, 2006
I have a table in which has 1300 rows and a colum has 800 unique values,100 twice repeated values and 100 3times repeated values.
now i have added a new column which would have 1's and 0's
1 for each unique entery and 0 for every second or 3rd entery
so that when i sum it up it should give 1000 -- SUM(column)=1000
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Jan 3, 2005
I am trying to update a field in a temptable with the count of items in another table. To illustrate, CustomerID=23 and I want the number of occurences in the temp table. Here's the code which DOESN'T work:
COUNT(*) FROM Layouts WHERE Layout.customerID = Albums.CustomerID
Albums JOIN
Customers on (Albums.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID)
Please take a look at the COUNT line. Here I want to count the occurences of a specific customerid in another table and put in into th LayoutCount field.
SQL server reports "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'". Any ideas how to achieve this?
Many thanks!!
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Feb 8, 2004
Hello All.
I need your advise on this .....
I have a table with Bill_Doc, Bill_Item and Bill_Doc_Count fields. I need to update Bill_Doc_Count with 1 only on the first Bill_Item. Is this possible? I tried min and max but they don't work for me.
Please help. Thanks a million.
For example,
Bill_Doc Bill_Item Bill_Doc_Count
123 1 1
123 2 Null
123 3 Null
124 1 1
125 1 1
125 2 Null
Best regards
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Apr 24, 2008
Hi I have added a new column to my table, i need to run a query and update this colmn with a count, so like
i = 1
update table
set column = i
where column = 113
just not sure what the sql syntax is?
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Jul 20, 2005
Field Names: NOs Code Code1a UniqueID61 10 888 1062 10 888 1163 10 888 12Logic: If Count(code >1) & Count (Code1a >1)Update the (Nos) to EQUAL the same Value.ALL the Nos for the above examble should be the same value forall three records whether it's 61 for all three records of anyof the other two numbers, it doesn't matter as long as the equal the same value.How can this be done via sql?
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Oct 25, 2007
Hello, I would like to count the number of items in a table. I used the following code:1 Dim Comments As Integer
2 Dim cnn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString1").ToString())
3 Dim SqlCommand As New SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(CommentID) FROM Comments WHERE ThemeID = '3', cnn")
5 cnn.Open()
6 Comments = SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
7 cnn.Close()
But this only gives me the error message "ExecuteScalar: Connection property has not been initialized." Can anyone help me with this? Thanks
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Nov 18, 2007
I need to select total number of rows from my data base is what ive been trying....I know it wrong...but maybe someone can fix it. Thank you very much.
Function DBConnection(ByVal strUserName As String, ByVal strPassword As String) As BooleanDim MyConn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim cmd As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("Select count * from ClassifiedAds", MyConn)Dim dr As Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
'cmd.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@UserName", textbox_username.Text))
' cmd.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Password", textbox_password.Text))
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
If dr.HasRows Then
Label_totalclassifieds.Text = dr.Read
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
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Mar 14, 2008
I have sql statement like "select count(*) from table where id = 1", and I want to assign the result to label.text. How do I do that? Thanks.
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Aug 26, 2004
I'm new to SQL.
For a statistic application, I wish know the subtotal of lines pro region (Mitte, ost, west, ost, etc).
How can I do that?
A lot of thx for your help and time,
Regards, Dominique
distinct case
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = '' then 'nicht_zugeteilt'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = '----------------------------------' then 'nicht_zugeteilt'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'AG' then 'mitte'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'AI' then 'ost'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'AR' then 'ost'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'BE' then 'bern'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'BL' then 'mitte'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'BS' then 'mitte'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'FR' then 'west'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'GE' then 'west'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'GL' then 'ost'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'GR' then 'ost'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'JU' then 'west'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'LU' then 'mitte'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'NE' then 'west'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'NW' then 'mitte'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'OW' then 'mitte'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'SG' then 'ost'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'SH' then 'ost'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'SO' then 'mitte'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'SZ' then 'mitte'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'TG' then 'ost'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'TI' then 'west'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'UR' then 'mitte'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'VD' then 'west'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'VS' then 'west'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'ZG' then 'mitte'
when ANZSUCHEN.KANTON = 'ZH' then 'ost'
end as region,
region (No colomn name)
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May 3, 2007
I have the following code in VB.Net trying to count # of records in the datatable. Upon execution of the code, it returns only 1 record. I know for fact that there are more than 1 record in the datatable (there are 230 records in the table).
Can somone please tell me where is my problem ?
Public Function Get_Record_Count(ByVal Table_Name As String, ByVal Criteria As String) As Long
Dim tbl As DataTable
strSQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM [" & Table_Name & "]"
If Len(Criteria) > 0 Then
strSQL &= " WHERE " & Criteria
End If
ADO_Adapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter()
tbl = New DataTable(Table_Name)
ADO_Adapter.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand(strSQL, ADO_Conn)
Dim Builder As OleDbCommandBuilder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(ADO_Adapter)
'Return # of records found in table
Get_Record_Count = tbl.Rows.Count.ToString
End Function
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Jan 9, 2008
I have a table student(teacherID, studentID, studentName...) that contains data for a certain student and a table teacher(teacherID, teacherName...) that contains data for the teacher. Student can be imagine as follow:
tID | sID ... other fields
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 5
2 6
2 7
3 8
For example, teacher of tID=1 teachs to 4 students.
I'd like to select all the fields from teacher where the teacher has more than x students.
Is it possible? How can I do?
Thank you!
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Feb 4, 2008
I am having trouble creating a query which will list schools with ALL their Admission = Null. For example, if at least one record is not null, don't list it, but as long as ALL the records have Admission = Null, then list it. I hope that's clear. Thanks!
SchoolName | ApplicantName | Admission
North School | Student1 | Admitted
North School | Student2 |
North School | Student3 |
East School | Student4 |
East School | Student5 |
East School | Student6 |
West School | Student7 | Admitted
West School | Student8 |
East School
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Jan 4, 2007
I have a view that I want to find all the rows that have a matching itemid and have more than 3 rows in them and group them by the itemid.
I am not quite sure how to do this.
Any ideas?
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Oct 18, 2007
Hello,We have a database filled with local restaurants for a directory. What I'm trying to do is display a list of all the cuisines and the number of restaurants who serve that type of cuisine in parentheses. It should look like the example below:American (12)Chinese (3)Italian (5)...Here are the tables with only the relevant columns: restaurants---------------...cuisine_id... cuisines-----------cuisine_idcuisine_name... So basically I want to pull all the names from the cuisines table and then the restaurant count from the restaurants table. The only way I can think of doing that is to grab the cuisine_ids, put them in an array and then use that in a loop to get the count from the restaurants table. That's not very elegant. Is there a better way?Thank you
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Oct 21, 2007
When I try and execute this query I get the belwo error.
I want to get the ItemName and the Count as one column.
How can this be done?
SELECT itemName, itemName +' - '+ COUNT(itemName) AS itemNameCount FROM tblItems GROUP BY itemName
ERROR: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Spark Plug - ' to data type int.
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Nov 23, 2007
I am writing a piece of code in ASP.NET and I'd like to get the # of records on a table and used this code:
Dim ConnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='G:Aco ProntoBSCBSC_v1.mdb'"Dim Con As New OleDbConnection(ConnString)
Dim Cmd As New OleDbCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) AS Expr1 FROM Metricas", Con)Dim reader As OleDbDataReader
reader = Cmd.ExecuteReader()Dim NumMetr As Integer = Val(reader("Expr1"))
I am getting an error that that's no data in the table.
Any suggestions?
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Feb 25, 2008
HI All, I have what is most likely a simple MS SQL query problem (2005).I need to add two computed columns to a result set, both of those columns are required to provide the count of a query that contains a parmamter. (The id of a row in the result set) 3 Tables (Showing only the keys)t_Sessions-> SessionID (Unique) t_SessionActivity-> SessionID (*)-> ErrorID (Unique) t_SessionErrors-> ErrorID (1) I need to return something like (Be warned the following is garbage, hopefully you can decifer my ramblings and suggest how this can actualy be done) SELECT SessionID, (SELECT COUNT(1) AS "Activities" FROM t_SessionActivity WHERE t_SessionActivity.SessionID = t_Sessions.SessionID), (SELECT COUNT(1) AS "Errors" FROM dbo.t_Sessions INNER JOIN dbo.t_SessionActivity ON dbo.t_Sessions.SessionID = dbo.t_SessionActivity.SessionID INNER JOIN dbo.t_SessionErrors ON dbo.t_SessionActivity.ErrorID = dbo.t_SessionErrors.ErrorID WHERE t_SessionActivity.SessionID = t_Sessions.SessionID)FROM t_Sessions Any help greatfully received. Thanks
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Mar 8, 2006
Plz help me out making a SELECT for my imagegallery.
Table one: [albums] contains the fields [albumId], [albumTitle] and [albumDesc] - the name says it all.
Table two: [images] contains the fields [imageId], [imagePath] and forign key [albumId}
In my albumspage i would like to show all albums listed in [albums] (the easy part) AND for every album i would like to count how many images there's related to the particular album AND a random retrieve a random [imagePath]
To extract the albums something like this works: SELECT * FROM [albums] ORDER BY [albumTitle]
To count the images in a sertain album this works: SELECT COUNT(*) AS imagesCount WHERE [albumId] = ...the albumId from the album-select
And to retrieve a random imagePath this works fine: SELECT TOP 1 [imagePath] FROM [images] WHERE [imageId] = NEWID()
-But how do i combine them so that i can retrieve the data in one request? Suppose theres going to be some JOIN and group but i cant figure it out. Please help me out.
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Jul 16, 2006
I want to get the COUNT of
SELECT MAX(id) AS ids, Name, Version, Pack, Serial
FROM Products
GROUP BY Name, Version, Pack, Serial
SELECT COUNT(MAX(id) AS ids) AS countIds, Name, Version, Pack, Serial
FROM Products
GROUP BY Name, Version, Pack, Serial
doesnt work
thank you
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