It's been always said that it is best to put index on commonly joined fields in the table. But putting too much index on the table would cause the table to be slow on insert and update.
My question is, how do you deal with your fields that uses look up tables? Like for example for these fields
Those fields don't come a big part in the table, though when I query the table I always join them with their respective primary table to get their respective text value. Do I still need to put Index & FK relationships to these fields?
What fields are normally good candidates for index or fk relationships?
please explain the differences btween this logical & phisicall operations that we can see therir graphical icons in execution plan tab in Management Studio
Actually this is in regard to SCD Type 2 Dimension, Scenario is like that I am moving Fact table from some old source and I have dimensionA description value in fact which I want to replace with appropriate id from Dimension Table and that Dimension table is SCD Type 2 based on StartDate and EndDate and Fact Table doesn't contains direct date value rather there is timeId in Fact so to update the value in Fact table I have to Join Time Dimension table and other Dimension Table to replace fact Description with proper Id.
Can anybody tell me when the index table is created? I have a Ole DB Command transformation that deletes rows from a table, and the pipeline continues on to a fuzzy lookup. The fuzzy lookup is returning matches to some of the rows which were delted in the aformentioned Ole DB Command. If the index table is created during pre-execute, this would make some sense to me since those rows which get deleted still exist before the pipeline reaches the Ole DB Command transformation which deletes those rows. If this is the case, is there a way to delay the index table creation? If this is not the case, has anybody else ran into anything like there some solution? Thanks for any help.
Greetings My Fuzzy Lookup task works beautifully when it generates the lookup index every time it runs, but as I'm planning on running this hundreds of times I'd like it to maintain the index via the trigger. However when it attempts to install the trigger via sp_FuzzyLookupTableMaintenanceInstall I get:
Description: "A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "sp_FuzzyLookupTableMaintenanceInstall": System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Error number 8101 is invalid.
(I've not included the full stack trace as I figured this would be enough)
The table currently has an After Insert and After Update trigger. CLR integration is enabled in this database instance. Is there some other option I need to set somewhere?
For one of my SSIS projects that does a fuzzy lookup on a table, I opted to create an index and
to maintain the stored index. The index got created and subsequent project execution was able to
use that index.
Now I want to update certain rows in that table. When I run the update statement I get the following error.
How can I retain the index and still be able to update the table?
update location_stage set batchid = 'APR07N'
where batchid is null and eventid = '20070528020041';
Msg 6549, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_FuzzyLookupTableMaintenanceInvoke, Line 0
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'sp_FuzzyLookupTableMaintenanceInvoke':
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Transaction is not allowed to roll back inside a user defined routine, trigger or aggregate because the transaction is not started in that CLR level. Change application logic to enforce strict transaction nesting.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionSmi.ExecuteTransaction(TransactionRequest transactionRequest, String transactionName, IsolationLevel iso, SqlInternalTransaction internalTransaction)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalTransaction.Rollback()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.Rollback()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.TxBestMatch.TableMaintenance.TranWrap(DataCleaningOperation c)
The illustration below is for a customer dedupification project. The Source file, containing customer name and address records, is conditionally split based on 7 ranges of substring(city,1,2) to distribute the load across 7 different threads for parallelization. Each customer record in the source file is looked up against a reference table named Location_Stage for its existence using the Fuzzy Lookup transformation.
The reference table Location_Stage has around 10 miilion+ records. The source file would normally have around 1 million records.
I am wondering :
- if it would be possible to partition the Match Index of the reference table (NOT the reference table) into 7 partitions based on 7 ranges of substring(city,1,2) and maintain these partitions on different drives? - if it is possible to specify a particular partition to be used by a FzLkup transformation? - if the partitioning approach will improve the performance of the Fuzzy Lookups?
Source File Feed | Split data into 7 groups based on substring(city,1,2) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | UnionAll UnionAll UnionAll UnionAll UnionAll UnionAll UnionAll | | | | | | | FzLkup FzLkup FzLkup FzLkup FzLkup FzLkup FzLkup | | | | | | | Split Split Split Split Split Split Split | | | | | | | ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <- - - - - - - Write the Canonicals and Dupes from each of these splits into database - - - - - - - - ->
If you display the execution plan and run the following:SET STATISTICS IO ONgoSELECT ProductID, SupplierIDFROM ProductsWHERE SupplierID = 1I don't understand how come there is noBookmark Lookup operation happening to get theProductID?I only see an Index Seek happening on SupplierID.There is no composite index SupplierID + ProductIDso what am I not understanding here?Thank you
<----------I have 2 tables are: 'customers (parent)' and 'open_ac (child)'
<--------I have tried to insert and update data into sql database by using textboxes (don't use datagrid)
<--------My tables details are below
<-------this table uses for keeping user data
customers fields:
Column name type length
int 4 Primary key Identifiers
nvarchar 20 allow null first name
nvarchar 40 allow null last name
20 allow null nationality
40 allow null address
40 allow null workplace
nvarchar 10 allow null telephone
nvarchar 10 allow null fax
nvarchar 10 allow null email
<----the open_ac uses for keeping register date/time of customers
open_ac fields:
Column name type length Description
int 4 link key
op_date date/time 8 register date
<----------my code
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class cus_reg Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Dim DS As DataSet Dim iRec As Integer 'Current Record Dim m_Error As String = ""
Public Property MyError() As String Get Return m_Error End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) m_Error = Value If Trim(Value) = "" Then
Label3.Visible = False Else
Label3.Text = Value
Label3.Visible = True End If End Set End Property
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load If Not Page.IsPostBack Then Dim C1 As New MISSQL 'DS = C1.GetDataset("select * from customers;select * from open_ac;select * from accounts") DS = C1.GetDataset("select * from customers;select * from open_ac")
Me.MyDataBind() Else DS = Session("data") iRec = ViewState("iRec") End If Me.MyError = "" End Sub
Public Function BindField(ByVal FieldName As String) As String Dim DT As DataTable = DS.Tables(0) Return DT.Rows(iRec)(FieldName) & "" End Function Public Sub MyDataBind() Label1.Text = "Record : " & iRec + 1 & " of " & DS.Tables(0).Rows.Count txtcu_id.DataBind() txtcu_fname.DataBind() txtcu_lname.DataBind() txtcu_add.DataBind() txtcu_occ.DataBind() txtcu_wplace.DataBind() txtcu_nat.DataBind() txtcu_tel.DataBind() txtcu_fax.DataBind() txtcu_email.DataBind() End Sub
Here is update code
Private Sub bUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bUpdate.Click Dim DT As DataTable = DS.Tables(0) Dim DR As DataRow = DT.Rows(iRec) 'Dim DR1 As DataRow = DT1.Rows(iRec)
If DR.RowState = DataRowState.Added Then If txtcu_id.Text.Trim = "" Then
Me.MyError = "please enter your id"
Exit Sub End If DR("cu_id") = txtcu_id.Text End If
If txtcu_fname.Text.Trim = "" Then Me.MyError = "please enter your name" Exit Sub Else
DR("cu_fname") = txtcu_fname.Text End If
If txtcu_lname.Text.Trim = "" Then Me.MyError = "please enter your last name" Exit Sub Else
DR("cu_lname") = txtcu_lname.Text End If
If txtcu_add.Text.Trim = "" Then Me.MyError = "please enter your address" Exit Sub Else
DR("cu_add") = txtcu_add.Text End If
If txtcu_occ.Text.Trim = "" Then Me.MyError = "please enter your occupation" Exit Sub Else
DR("cu_occ") = txtcu_occ.Text End If
If txtcu_wplace.Text.Trim = "" Then Me.MyError = "please enter your workplace" Exit Sub Else
DR("cu_wplace") = txtcu_wplace.Text End If
If txtcu_nat.Text.Trim = "" Then Me.MyError = "Please enter your nationality" Exit Sub Else
DR("cu_nat") = txtcu_nat.Text End If
If txtcu_tel.Text.Trim = "" Then
DR("cu_tel") = DBNull.Value Else
DR("cu_tel") = txtcu_tel.Text End If
If txtcu_tel.Text.Trim = "" Then
DR("cu_fax") = DBNull.Value Else
DR("cu_fax") = txtcu_fax.Text End If
If txtcu_email.Text.Trim = "" Then
DR("cu_email") = DBNull.Value Else
DR("cu_email") = txtcu_email.Text End If
Dim Strsql As String If DR.RowState = DataRowState.Added Then Strsql = "insert into customers (cu_id,cu_fname,cu_lname,cu_add,cu_occ,cu_wplace,cu_nat,cu_tel,cu_fax,cu_email) values (@P1,@P2,@P3,@P4,@P5,@P6,@P7,@P8,@P9,@P10)" Else Strsql = "update customers set cu_fname=@P2,cu_lname=@P3,cu_add=@P4,cu_occ=@P5,cu_wplace=@P6,cu_nat=@P7,cu_tel=@P8,cu_fax=@P9,cu_email=@P10 where cu_id =@P1" End If Dim C1 As New MISSQL Dim cmd As SqlCommand = C1.CreateCommand(Strsql) C1.CreateParam(cmd, "ITTTTTTTTT")
DR.AcceptChanges() Else Me.MyError = "Can not register" End If <---------code above in this sub it can update only customers tables and when I tried to coding below<------------it alerts can not update Dim DT1 As DataTable = DS.Tables(1) Dim DR1 As DataRow = DT1.Rows(iRec) If DR1.RowState = DataRowState.Added Then If txtcu_id.Text.Trim = "" Then
Me.MyError = "Please enter id"
Exit Sub End If DR1("cu_id") = txtcu_id.Text End If If Label2.Text.Trim = "" Then
DR1("op_date") = Label2.Text End If
Dim StrSql1 As String If DR1.RowState = DataRowState.Deleted Then StrSql1 = "insert into open_ac (cu_id,op_date) values (@P13,@P14)" Else StrSql1 = "update open_ac set op_date=@P14 where cu_id=@P13" End If Dim C2 As New MISSQL Dim cmd2 As SqlCommand = C2.CreateCommand(StrSql1) C2.CreateParam(cmd2, "ID")
cmd2.Parameters("@P1").Value = DR1("cu_id")
cmd2.Parameters("@P2").Value = DR1("op_date")
Dim Y1 As Integer = C2.Execute(cmd2) If Y1 > 0 Then
DR1.AcceptChanges() Else Me.MyError = "Can not register" End If End Sub End Class
<------this is class I use for connecting to database and call parameters....
MISSQL class
Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class MISSQL Dim PV As String = "Server=web_proj;uid=sa;pwd=sqldb;" Dim m_Database As String = "c1_itc" Public Strcon As String Public Sub New() Strcon = PV & "database=" & m_Database End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal DBName As String) m_Database = DBName Strcon = PV & "database=" & m_Database End Sub Public Property Database() As String Get Return m_Database End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) m_Database = Value Strcon = PV & "database=" & m_Database End Set End Property
Public Function GetDataset(ByVal Strsql As String, _ Optional ByVal DatasetName As String = "Dataset1", _ Optional ByVal TableName As String = "Table") As DataSet Dim DA As New SqlDataAdapter(Strsql, Strcon) Dim DS As New DataSet(DatasetName) Try DA.Fill(DS, TableName) Catch x1 As Exception
Err.Raise(60002, , x1.Message) End Try Return DS End Function
Public Function GetDataTable(ByVal Strsql As String, _ Optional ByVal TableName As String = "Table") As DataTable Dim DA As New SqlDataAdapter(Strsql, Strcon) Dim DT As New DataTable(TableName) Try DA.Fill(DT) Catch x1 As Exception
Err.Raise(60002, , x1.Message) End Try Return DT End Function
Public Function CreateCommand(ByVal Strsql As String) As SqlCommand Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(Strsql) Return cmd End Function
Public Function Execute(ByVal Strsql As String) As Integer Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(Strsql) Dim X As Integer = Me.Execute(cmd) Return X End Function
Public Function Execute(ByRef Cmd As SqlCommand) As Integer Dim Cn As New SqlConnection(Strcon) Cmd.Connection = Cn Dim X As Integer Try Cn.Open() X = Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch X = -1 Finally Cn.Close() End Try Return X End Function
Public Sub CreateParam(ByRef Cmd As SqlCommand, ByVal StrType As String) 'T:Text, M:Memo, Y:Currency, D:Datetime, I:Integer, S:Single, B:Boolean, P: Picture Dim i As Integer Dim j As String For i = 1 To Len(StrType) j = UCase(Mid(StrType, i, 1)) Dim P1 As New SqlParameter
P1.ParameterName = "@P" & i Select Case j
Case "T"
P1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar
Case "M"
P1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Text
Case "Y"
P1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Money
Case "D"
P1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime
Case "I"
P1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int
Case "S"
P1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Decimal
Case "B"
P1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit
Case "P"
P1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Image End Select
Cmd.Parameters.Add(P1) Next End Sub End Class
<-------Thank you in advance<-------and Thank you very much for all help
I am running SQL Server CE on Visual Studio 2005. I have created 2 tables and wish to establish a relationship between the two tables. However, I could not find a proper way to establish the connection. Anyone can provide some help on this? thank you.
I'm building a Search Function with different pull down options. I have 9 Tables and 6 of them are not related. How do I build an effecient SELECT? Thanks I'm somewhat new to MSSQL.
Which way to go? Have two separate programs(Visual Studio-Coded in Visual Basic) that share the same sql 2005 database(called Night Audit) The tables are called RoomSettlement and Settlement. They were separate tables and separate programs in the past because it was just exported in excel to a visual integrator that dumped the amounts into our accounting software.
Now needing to combine the two tables(that have no link) on to a single excel sheet daily where the tables have the same date: Table: Room Settlement – Field: RoomSettlementDatetxt = Table: Settlement – Field: SettlementDatetxt
Any Ideas on the best way to go? (Link the tables with a foreign key and primary key, maybe union based on date, or any easier suggestion with out having to change a lot of the program )
I have query with an expensive Key Lookup on a joined table. The predicate is the column that I'm joining on, and the output list contains two columns from the joined table.
I've created a basic non-clustered index covering the predicate column and include-ing the two output columns. However, the execution plan ignores this, and insists on using the primary key of the joined table to do the expensive key lookup. I've tried adding the included columns to the index directly and there's no change. I've also tried running dbcc freeproccache and no change.
Hi, I am trying to create a create for two table A and table B which have no relationship each time. For TableA, there are 3 columns like ID, APoints1, APoint2. For Table B, there are also 3 columns as ID, Qty, BPoints. There is no internal relationship for these two tables. But there may be same ID inside A and B for some records. Now I want to create a datagrid for displaying the information as :
Please Notice that I can't use directly SQL script as following from table A and table B because there is no relationship for Table A and Table B, otherwise the recult set would be wrong:
Select A.ID, Sum(A.APoints1 + A.APoints2) - Sum(B.Qty * B.BPoints) WHERE A.ID = B.ID group by A.ID
Inner join will remove rows from the first table if there is not a corresponding row in the 2nd table. Outer join will keep the rows, and use all NULL values to fill in the gaps in the 2nd table.
In general outer joins are more likely to grow a result set and inner joins are more likely to shrink one (though that will depend on the data and the query). For this reason, it is usually better when building complex queries to try to do your inner joins before your outer joins, because then you will keep your result set smaller for longer and thus the later joins can run faster.
I am relatively new to MS SQL (not a novice, but hardly a master).
I am working on a content management application for a magazine publisher. It’s written in ASP (VB Script) and being created on Dreamweaver 8 with an MS SQL 2000 database. Now, I’m trying to decide the best and fastest approach to coding a complex INSERT and UPDATE function. My question isn’t as much about the SQL (although that will probably come up after I decide how to do this), but about the procedural steps and approach I shuold be taking to do this.
Reporters will use an online form to enter their story into the system. It collects the usual data: Headline, byline, story content, and the story category (feature, opinion, entertainment, business, sports, etc.). Each story may belong to MULTIPLE categories (feature & business, for example).
So, I’ve created three tables to support this many-to-many realtionship:
Story Category StoryCat (a junction table with the IDs from both the other tables).
The online form has a dropdown menu which pulls the available categories from the Categories table. When the reporter has entered the data I use ASP to performs the insert just as you would expect it to.
The next step needs to be to update the StoryCat table so that it creates a new record with the StoryID of the record it just inserted, along with the CategoryID that was in that record.
As I said, I’m not sure of the best way to do this.
Should I just pull back the last record inserted and then create a procedure that would insert into the StoryCat table (which is what I’m thinking of doing on the confirmation page), or is there another approach I should take (perhaps some sort of temporary table or stored procedure?).
I just ran across an issue on a SQL 2000 sp4 db where RI was being maintained solely with triggers. I am attempting to change the primary key of a parent table and cascade the results to all its children without using the vendor-supplied trigger code (long story...) using an INSTEAD OF trigger.
My question is: does SQL Server create any kind of relationship between the inserted and deleted tables that I could exploit since the key field is unavailable?
I am trying to avoid having to add a surrogate key to each of the children just for this activity (as there are many M rows in each and no other suitable unique column combinations that span all the child tables).
I have two tables, Inspections and InspectionDetails. The InspectionDetails only contains information if an inspection found violations. Some inspections don't look for violations so inspectiondetails would have no entry.How can I create a 0-Many relationship between these two tables?Inspection Table has : InspectionID, InspectionDate, TypeofInspection, Inspector..InspectionDetail Table has : DetailID (an auto-incrementing identity column), InspectionID, SectionViolated, ViolationDescription, InspectorNotes.
I need to create a relationship between a local table and tables on alinked server. I used the design table wizard and selected therelationship property wizard. In the reslationship property wizard,the tables that I need to get the keys from in the linked server do notshow up. Is there a way to do this, or I simply don't have enoughpermission to tables in the linked server. On the local server, theSecurity tab of linked server property has Local Loging "sa", RemoteUser "sa" and Remote Password "****". Thanks for your help.
I have two databases in sql server. I'll call them DB1 and DB2. I have a table in DB2 that needs to form a relationship with a table in DB1. When I attempt to add a relationship I only see tables in DB2. Can this be done?
I am developing a database in PowerPivot and I am wondering how to create many relationships between the same 2 tables. All relationships must be active.
Let me give you a DUMMY example: let's say that the database has 2 tables, the Employee table and Manager table:
Supose I have two records in a parent-child relationsuip (actually I have many more such records). Does SSIS offer any support ask for inserting one record into the parent table, the other into the child table, and updating the foreign key of the child to point to the parent?
P.S. I have to do just this as part of the datawarehouse test I'm running. Seems like a common task but I don't recall anything in SSIS addressing the issue.
Ok say I would like to build a table for of the following questions(say 6 questions for the sake of argument): Do I just stored the index of the radiobuttonlist. What are some resources that I could look at. Should I make a look up table.
5) If money were no object, I would live . . . Prefer not to say On a tropical island In a New York penthouse In an English castle On a Texas ranch In a Malibu beach house In a mountain retreat (Selected) On the moon None of the above
1 ---> 2 ---> 3 ---> 4 ---> 5) --->6 This is the question we are looking at. 6 --->
How should I create the database table for the above example.
I have facing a design problem and unable to justify which design to choose for my data model.
Usually, what we have is like data tables and reference tables to store data in those data tables. My database has tables with 20-30 columns in them. And most of them (though not all of them), stores data from some reference tables. Meaning each column has an associated reference table where it stores possible list of values for that particular column. Sort of data domain for that column. FYI, My database is related to medical field.
For example, A table that has a varchar(40) column called "Differentiation". It can only store values from following list: - Undifferentiated - Moderate - Poor - Poor - Moderate - Moderate - well
Now, to implement this, simple solution would be to have a reference table where I can store all these possible values...And then have just a reference of each data item into my "Differentiation" column in the table.
This is simplest and probably the best solution for such thing and i can also have referential integrity implemented for this.
But now if we look at the bigger picture, my database is growing and I have about 80 tables which I need to create where most of the columns will have different reference tables like I mentioned above. Approximate number of reference tables is 300 tables. All the reference table will have same structure, with different values for different columns.
Now, what seems to me is, because the table structure is same for every column, rather than having 300 different tables, I can only have 2 tables, where I can put all these reference values into these 2 tables. Like, Table 1 : This table can have name of the reference table like "differentiationlist" etc.
Table 2:
It has reference to the reference table list in Table 1 discussed above and all the values that are part of that reference table can go in this table with its reference.
But problem with this is, because all the reference tables are in these two tables, I don't know how to implement referential integrity in this design.
Does anyone have any idea or solution for situation like this?
I used a function to create dataset as below: Public Function GetSQLDataSet(ByVal SQL As String) As DataSet ...... MyConnection = New SqlConnection(MyConnectionString) MyCommand = New SqlCommand(SQL, MyConnection) MyDataSet = New DataSet MySQLDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(MyCommand) MySQLDataAdapter.Fill(MyDataSet) ...... End function It works fine. How to code a function to return a dataset in which there are two tables and relationship?
Currently i am defining a simple relationship between Customers->Orders->Order Details through the Database Diagrams feature in the SQL 2K. Using the Server Explorer, i can see the Database Diagrams, but when i try to "drop" the Database Diagrams into the page, it gives the error message.
I would like to know the procedures to retrieve the database relationships from Database Diagrams and manipulate them through ADO.NET
I prefer to "convert" already defined relationship using SQL Server Database Diagrams into XSD file or probably there is another method to "read" those relationship and manipulate them.
I have two table studenTtable and courseTable which is each student take more than one course . 1:M...for example Student1 take 2 courses (C1 , C2). Student2 take 3 courses (C1,C2, C3).I need to create a table/View that contain student information from StudentTable plus all the courses and the score for each course from CoursTable in one row.
for example Row1= Student1_Id ,C1_code ,C1_name ,C1_Score ,C2_code,C2_name ,C2_Score Row2= Student2_Id,C1_code, C1_name,C1_Score,C2_code ,C2_name ,C2_Score , C3_code,C3_name,C3_Score
and since Student one just have two courses , I should enter NULL in 'Course 3 fields'.My Struggle is in the insert statement I tried the following but it show an error
Insert Into Newtable ( St_ID, C1_code,c1_name, C1_Score ,C2_code ,C2_name,C2_score,C3_code ,C3_name,C3_score) Select (Select St_ID from StudentTable) , (Select C_code,c_name,c_Score from Coursetable,SudentTable where course.Stid =Studet.stid) , (Select C_code,c_name,c_Score from course ,student where course.Stid =Studet.stid ), (Select C_code,c_name,c_Score from course ,student where course.Stid =Studet.stid );
I'm fully aware that the New table/View will break the rules of normalization ,but I need it for specifc purpose.I tried also the PIVOT BY functionality but no luck with it .I also tried writing a code using Matlab (because it is high level sw that it is easy to learn for people not expret in programming as me) but didn't know how to combine the Student and Courses Matrices in my loop.
I am trying to insert data into two tables with a SSIS package. One table has a foreign key relationship to the other table's primary key. When I try to run the package, the package will just seems to hang up in bids. I have found two ways around the issue but I don't like either approach. Is there a way to set which table gets insert first?
If I uncheck the check constraints option on the child table, the package will run very quickly but this option alters the child table and basically disables the constraint. I don't like this option because it is altering the database.
The second approach is to set the commit level on both tables to say 10,000 and make sure that the multicast component has the first output path moved to the parent table. I don't like this option because I am not sure if the records are backed out if the package should abend after records have been committed.