Indexing SL CE To Make Search Faster. How?

Jan 11, 2006

Dear VB coders!

I have 8.000 or 16.000 products on my list in an sql table. It takes 8 or 16 secs to find the last item.

How could I make the search faster? Indexing? But how?

I created:
createTable1.CommandText = "Create TABLE products (ID int IDENTITY(0,1) PRIMARY KEY, name ntext)"
and I use simple WHERE to search.
Thank you!

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How Can I Make It Faster?

Apr 17, 2008

I recently installed SQL2005 Express on a Dell Precision workstation to be accessed by 6 users. The PC has XP Pro, 2GB memory, and 2.0GHz core2due CPU. This PC is dedicated for the database only.
I also set XP Performance options in System Properties to Background services and System cache.
Now, the users are experiencing slow response from the database.
How can I make the database response faster?
Thanks for your input.

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How To Make Insert Faster

Jan 26, 2001

Hi.We have stored procedure update specific table
Each time it run it delete 5000- 6000 rows
from table then insert 5000- 6000 rows with different information.
It take up to 1 1/2 min execute.

1.Can force Sql server do not make entry for each insert and if yes would it increase speed of procedure ?
2. Is any other way increase speed of insert?

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Help Make Query Run Better (faster)

Mar 20, 2007

I need help makeing the following query run more efficently.


SELECT t1.ID,t1.firstName,t1.lastName,t1.address,,t1.state,,t1.locationAddress,t1.locationCity,t1.locationState,t1.locationZip
FROM Landlord_tbl t1
left outer join Mail_tbl t2
ON t2.potentialSitesID = t1.potentialSitesID
WHERE t2.mailed_out_date is null and NOT(t1.firstName+t1.lastName) is Null
GROUP BY t1.ID,t1.firstName,t1.lastName,t1.address,,t1.state,,t1.locationAddress,t1.locationCity,t1.locationState,t1.locationZip
ORDER BY t1.firstName, t1.lastName,, t1.state

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Can I Make Subreport Run Faster?

Nov 29, 2007


I have thousands of rows that I have to retrieve for my report. When I run my main report it returns my data as a reasonable time.

When I run my sub report (by its own) again data are returned in reasonable time.

When I build the sub report in my main report it takes forever (I have to stop). Are there any tricks that I can use to make this run faster?

Thank you in advance


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Would Split Make It Faster ??

Aug 5, 2007

Here is the typical processing I do in Data Flow
1) read data file (data source)
2) do something with the data (e.g. derived column, script component, etc)
3) pass data as parameters into OLE DB command (stored proc) to take care of the rest.

Would it be faster if
I split the data into say 10 "chunks" (using split transform). Each chunk will go to its own OLE DB command (10 OLE DB command). Now I will have 10 concurrent processes running the stored proc ?

Am i misunderstanding concurrent process here ?


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Make Stored Proc Faster

Jun 17, 2004

Anyone got any alternatives to the SQL Statement below that would make it run a bit faster:

ALTER PROCEDURE sproc_ReturnAvailability

@ExtractDate DateTime,
@DateFrom DateTime,
@DateTo DateTime,
@96hrPlusFlag int,
@AppointmentsCount int OUTPUT


IF @96hrPlusFlag = 0

SELECT @AppointmentsCount = COUNT(tbl_SurgerySlot.SurgerySlotKey)
FROM tbl_SurgerySlot
INNER JOIN tbl_SurgerySlotDescription ON (tbl_SurgerySlot.Label = tbl_SurgerySlotDescription.Label AND tbl_SurgerySlot.PracticeCode = tbl_SurgerySlotDescription.PracticeCode)
AND tbl_SurgerySlot.ExtractDate = @ExtractDate
AND tbl_SurgerySlot.StartTime BETWEEN @DateFrom AND @DateTo
AND tbl_SurgerySlotDescription.NormalBookable = 1
AND tbl_SurgerySlot.SurgerySlotKey NOT IN(
SELECT tbl_Appointment.SurgerySlotKey
FROM tbl_Appointment
WHERE tbl_Appointment.ExtractDate = @ExtractDate
AND tbl_Appointment.Deleted = 0
AND tbl_Appointment.Cancelled = 0

IF @96hrPlusFlag = 1

SELECT @AppointmentsCount = COUNT(tbl_SurgerySlot.SurgerySlotKey)
FROM tbl_SurgerySlot
INNER JOIN tbl_SurgerySlotDescription ON (tbl_SurgerySlot.Label = tbl_SurgerySlotDescription.Label AND tbl_SurgerySlot.PracticeCode = tbl_SurgerySlotDescription.PracticeCode)
AND tbl_SurgerySlot.ExtractDate = @ExtractDate
AND tbl_SurgerySlot.StartTime >@DateTo
AND tbl_SurgerySlotDescription.NormalBookable = 1
AND tbl_SurgerySlot.SurgerySlotKey NOT IN(
SELECT tbl_Appointment.SurgerySlotKey
FROM tbl_Appointment
WHERE tbl_Appointment.ExtractDate = @ExtractDate
AND tbl_Appointment.Deleted = 0
AND tbl_Appointment.Cancelled = 0



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Any Clue To Make This Query Run Faster

Oct 3, 2006

Any help would be really appreciated....
My stored procedure...

@Fromdate DATETIME,

select distinct CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),Receipts.Companynumber1)+CONVE RT(VARCHAR(10),Receipts.Companynumber2) as co ,
Receipts.Premium1+Receipts.Premium2 as Premium,
"CAN"=case when Receipts.transactiontype='CAN'
then (receipts.premium1+receipts.premium2)
else 0
"NET"=Receipts.Premium1+Receipts.Premium2-case when Receipts.transactiontype='CAN'
then (receipts.premium1+receipts.premium2)
else 0

"#NEW"=case when Receipts.transactiontype='NEW' then count(Receipts.policynumber) else
0 end,

case when Receipts.transactiontype='NEW' then (Receipts.Premium1+Receipts.premium2)
else 0 end,
"#REN"=case when Receipts.transactiontype='REN' then count(Receipts.policynumber) else
0 end,
case when Receipts.transactiontype='REN' then (Receipts.Premium1+Receipts.premium2)
else 0 end,
"#AP"=case when Receipts.transactiontype='AP' then count(Receipts.policynumber) else 0
case when Receipts.transactiontype='AP' then (Receipts.Premium1+Receipts.premium2) else
0 end,
"#SENT"=case when policy.Renewalofferdate between @Fromdate AND @ToDate then
count(policy.policynumber) end,

"%"=case when case when Receipts.transactiontype='REN' then count(Receipts.policynumber)else 0
end =0 then 0
when case when policy.Renewalofferdate between @Fromdate AND @ToDate then
count(policy.policynumber) else 0 end=0 then 0
case when Receipts.transactiontype='REN' then count(Receipts.policynumber)else 0
end /case when policy.Renewalofferdate between @Fromdate AND @ToDate then
count(policy.policynumber) else 0 end end,

"Current Year"= case when policy.Renewalofferdate between @Fromdate AND @ToDate then
count(clubamount) end,
"Previous Year"=case when policy.Renewalofferdate between DateAdd(year, -1, @Fromdate)
AND DateAdd(year, -1, @ToDate) then count(clubamount) end,

FROM Receipts,Policy
where Receipts.Agencyid=Policy.Agentid
group by


Query plan...

----------------------Query Plan

|--Sort(DISTINCT ORDER BY:([Expr1008] ASC, [Expr1009] ASC, [Expr1010] ASC, [Expr1011] ASC, [Expr1012] ASC, [Expr1013] ASC, [Expr1014] ASC, [Expr1015] ASC, [Expr1016] ASC, [Expr1017] ASC, [Expr1018] ASC, [Expr1019] ASC, [Expr1020] ASC, [Expr1021] ASC, [Ex
|--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1008]=Convert([Receipts].[CompanyNumber1])+Convert([Receipts].[CompanyNumber2]), [Expr1009]=[Receipts].[Premium1]+[Receipts].[Premium2], [Expr1010]=If ([Receipts].[TransactionType]='CAN') then ([Receipts].[Premium1]+[R
|--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1004]=Convert([Expr1076]), [Expr1005]=Convert([Expr1077]), [Expr1006]=Convert([Expr1078]), [Expr1007]=If ([Expr1078]=0) then NULL else [Expr1079]))
|--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY:([Receipts].[CompanyNumber1], [Receipts].[CompanyNumber2], [Receipts].[Premium1], [Receipts].[Premium2], [Receipts].[TransactionType], [Policy].[RenewalOfferDate], [Receipts].[AgencyID]) DEFINE:([Expr1076]=COUN
|--Sort(ORDER BY:([Receipts].[CompanyNumber1] ASC, [Receipts].[CompanyNumber2] ASC, [Receipts].[Premium1] ASC, [Receipts].[Premium2] ASC, [Receipts].[TransactionType] ASC, [Policy].[RenewalOfferDate] ASC, [Receipts].[AgencyID] ASC))
|--Hash Match(Inner Join, HASH:([Policy].[AgentID])=([Receipts].[AgencyID]), RESIDUAL:([Policy].[AgentID]=[Receipts].[AgencyID]))
|--Table Scan(OBJECT:([gasInquiry].[dbo].[Policy]))
|--Table Scan(OBJECT:([gasInquiry].[dbo].[Receipts]))

The two tables has number of records as 13349 and 97032.It taking more than 30 mins...
Any way to make it faster...

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How To Make You Reports Load Faster ?

Sep 3, 2007

Any ideas how to make reports faster when returning lots fo rows?
I know you would need to work on your sql query etc..
Or maybe cache it.
But i'm thinking of having a kind of middle tier thing that sits between your sql database and the reports itself.
Any ideas would be appreciated

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How Do I Make 30 Sec Running Query (select C1 Sum(x) From T1 Where C1 &&> 1000 Group By C1) Run Faster?

Aug 10, 2007

It seems when I run the query with the set staticts IO on then statistic reports back with the 'work table', and the query takes 30+ sec. if the worktable is ommited(whatever the reason?) the query take less 1 sec.

Here is my take, I believe work table is created in tempdb...and if not then whole query is using the cached page, am I right?

if I am right then the theory is, if I increase the (via sp_configure) server min memory setting and min query memory, the query ought use the cached page and return in less 1 sec. (specially there is absolutely no one but me on the server), so far I can't make it go faster...what setting am I missing to make it run faster?

Another question is if the query can not avoid but use the tempdb, is it going to always be 30 sec+ time? why is tempdb involvement make it go so much slower?

Thanks in for you help in advance

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Suggestions On A Solution For Faster Search

Jan 30, 2008


I have an OLTP database and alot of users that is querying against that.

I am thinking of a way to store a more denormalized version of some tables in another database, and use that for a search function that we have.

The problem is that the base tables are updated all the time with new and new data. And the search cannot have that long delay but a delay of 5-10 minutes for updates/insert is ok. deletes though cannot have any delay.

I was thinking of a SCD-setup and when a delete goes against the OLTP then we also run a delete against the SCD-database. But is it possible to create a SCD-database and have it update every 5-10 minutes?

I have also been thinking of a queue-table (and store updates/inserts) in the OLTP-database and then run a query every 5 min against the queue-table and update the denormalized version of the table. But isnt this a longer way? Why not update the denormalized version of the table directly when the OLAP-tables is updated?

I have also been thinking of to truncate and then fill the denormalized version every 5-10 minute from the OLTP-version. Maybe have two tables and after the fill is complete do a rename of the two tables, so that we wont lock the table that long while filling it up with the new data.

The denormalized version would contain around 200k rows.

Any suggestions is appreciated.


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How To Make A Search Engine To Search My Database

Nov 22, 2007

hi there,
 i am doing a school project and i need to have this search engine that will search the data that i have stored inside the database and display the results out
can anyone help?

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Need A Faster Paging In A Wesite Search Result Page

Jan 2, 2007

have over million rows in the our table and we are looking forward to increase the speed of our query .Any ideas?set ANSI_NULLS OFF
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[mainSearch]
@startRowIndex int,
@maximumRows int,
@rowCount int out,
@countedRow int,
@QUERY nvarchar(400)


WHERE ROWRANK > @startRowIndex AND ROWRANK <= @startRowIndex + @maximumRows -1

if(@countedRow < 1)
SET @rowCount =
SET @rowCount = @countedRow


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How To Design Database To Search Faster From 1 Million Customer's

Jul 30, 2007

I intend to develop a web based application, which uses SQL server 2005 at back end and Visual studio 2.0 as front end.

Application serves two functionalities

Requirement1: It carryout a search (In SQL server) for a particular name entered from front end .net application against a huge DataBase of size about 1 million records.

Scenario: The above requirement can be complemented by following example

Consider we have a bank database which has its existing customer DataBase having containing attributes like Name, Age, and Profession e.t.c.

Now if some new customer want to open a new account in bank, then bank officials want to know whether the

new customer is one of the existing customer or not(without asking to customer itself).

System should be able to detect the combination of name also i.e if we enter "Jhon" from front end .net interface

then application should be able generate all list of all customer having "Jhon" as part of their name at any location(firstname, middlename, lastname).

Requirement 2: If some time change is detected in bank's extisting customer's DataBase then each record of this DataBase is searched against a external dataBase(having almost 2 -3 million records).

Scenario: The above requirement can be complemented by following example

If new user is added to bank's existing customer database(database change) then this new updated database's every record is serarched against another bank's database.

I would like to hear experts voice for database design of such application for optimal performance,and types of searches I should look for application.

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Full Text Search Know Which Row Has Error In Indexing

May 15, 2007

Hello everybody,

I have installed SQLServer 2005 for take advantage of full text seach features.

When I start full population, there are some rows that cause error and not are indexed.

I see the log in C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGSQLFT0000700005.LOG. In this file there are seven rows that have error and for everyone a line that say:

"Error '0x8004fd01: The IFilter::Init() function call failed.' ... full-text key value 0x495532303045594154504B55. Attempt will be made to reindex it. The component 'pdffilt.dll' reported error while indexing. Component path 'C:ProgrammiFoxit SoftwareFoxit PDF IFilterpdffilt.dll'."

With different full-text key value for every line.

My question is:

1) Start from a full-text key (ie. 0x495532303045594154504B55), how I arrive to the record in the source table for understand which is the problem?Otherwise how can I examine the problem if I don't know the row that cause the error?

2) What is the error 0x8004fd01?

3) Could be that the PDF filter of Foxit is better than Adobe? With Adobe filter (version 6) my full pupulation is endless!


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Performance Bottlenecks Due To Full Text Search Indexing.

Apr 19, 2000

I am about to heavily index a table and have to include atleast 3 to 4 olumns in the fulltext index for this table.
The table is updated very frequently and the also the columns that are involve in the fulltext indexing undergo frequent updates.
As of now, I can't avoid using full text indexing as these columns are very very lengthy and basically contail text.
The users of the database will give some key words as the search criteria
to get infomation as to what they are looking for.
How frequently should I update my full text catalog.
This is a scenario where the full text is operating on various tables and
each of thses table might be containingaround 300,000 to 800,00 rows.
I would appreciate an intelligent siggestion as I need it as soon as possible.

Thanks and have a wonderful time ahead.

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SQL Search :: Full Text Indexing Returning Error

Oct 28, 2015

We have an iFilter to extract text on emails and their attached files. I have encountered 5 emails that receive the following error code, but I cannot find anything on the error code: Error '0x80fc7586' occurred during full-text index population for table or indexed view '[RIA_Unindexed].[dbo].[Emails]' (table or indexed view ID '485576768', database ID '31'), full-text key value 'E11264A2-A17D-E511-80E0-005056B240B1'. Attempt will be made to reindex it.After a number of retry attempts they will fail to index.what does error code  '0x80fc7586' refer to, I have not found it.

Since the first two bytes of the error code are the severity and facility reporting the error, I stripped off that information and looked for error 0x7586 or 30086. That error reported "Too Many products".Theses emails being indexed contain attachments with large attachments that then the attachment chunks are being called for from the fdhost may result in too many chunk segments, or more likely there are some repeating words in the extracts like 4 million occurrences so right now I am testing that condition. To see if the word breaker is throwing the error.

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Full Text Indexing :: Document Similarity Search

Jan 28, 2008


I have a Full Text index on a table with an image field that is successfully indexing .doc, .pdf and .rtf files.

Keyword searching this is no problem.

What i want to be able to do is perform a similarity search. by this i mean pass in a Key_ID (documentID) and have the database return a list of Key_IDs (documents) which are similar.

By similar i mean contain mostly the same keywords in roughly the same quantities


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Full Text Search Indexing HTML - Does The Filter Expect Certain Tags To Be Present As Standard?

Jul 10, 2007

Hi, I was wondering if any SQL Server gurus out there could help me...I
have a table which contains text resources for my application. The text
resources are multi-lingual so I've read that if I add a html language
indicator meta tag e.g.<META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="ES">and
store the text in a varbinary column with a supporting Document Type
column containing ".html" of varchar(5) then the full text index
service should be intelligent about the language word breakers it
applies when indexing the text. (I hope this is correct technique for
best multi-lingual support in a single table?)However, when I come to query this data the results always return 0 rows (no errors are encountered). e.g.DECLARE @SearchWord nvarchar(256)SET @SearchWord = 'search' -- Yes, this word is definitely present in my resources.SELECT * FROM Resource WHERE CONTAINS(Document, @SearchWord)I'm a little puzzled as Full Text search is working fine on another table that employs an nvarchar column (just plain text, no html).Does the filter used for full text indexing of html expect certain tags to be present as standard? E.g. <html> and <body> tags? At present the data I have stored might look like this (no html or body wrapping tags):Example record 1 data: <META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="EN">Search for keywords:Example record 2 data: <META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="EN">Sorry no results were found for your search.etc.Any pointers / suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers,Gavin.UPDATE: I have tried wrapping the text in more usual html tags and re-built the full text index but I still never get any rows returned for my query results. Example of content wrapping tried - <HTML><HEAD><META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="EN"></HEAD><BODY>Test text.</BODY></HTML>I've also tried stripping all html tags from the content and set the Document Type column = .txt but I still get no rows returned?!? 

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Full Text Search Indexing HTML - Does The Filter Expect Certain Tags To Be Present As Standard?

Jul 11, 2007

Hi, I was wondering if any SQL Server gurus out there could help me...

I have a table which contains text resources for my application. The text resources are multi-lingual so I've read that if I add a html language indicator meta tag e.g.
and store the text in a varbinary column with a supporting Document Type column containing ".html" of varchar(5) then the full text index service should be intelligent about the language word breakers it applies when indexing the text. (I hope this is correct technique for best multi-lingual support in a single table?)

However, when I come to query this data the results always return 0 rows (no errors are encountered). e.g.
DECLARE @SearchWord nvarchar(256)
SET @SearchWord = 'search' -- Yes, this word is definitely present in my resources.
SELECT * FROM Resource WHERE CONTAINS(Document, @SearchWord)

I'm a little puzzled as Full Text search is working fine on another table that employs an nvarchar column (just plain text, no html).

Does the filter used for full text indexing of html expect certain tags to be present as standard? E.g. <html> and <body> tags? At present the data I have stored might look like this (no html or body wrapping tags):

Example record 1 data: <META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="EN">Search for keywords:

Example record 2 data: <META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="EN">Sorry no results were found for your search.


Any pointers / suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers,

UPDATE: I have tried wrapping the text in more usual html tags and re-built the full text index but I still never get any rows returned for my query results. Example of content wrapping tried - <HTML><HEAD><META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="EN"></HEAD><BODY>Test text.</BODY></HTML>

I've also tried stripping all html tags from the content and set the Document Type column = .txt but I still get no rows returned?!?

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How To Make A Fuzzy Search Engine

Dec 20, 2007

When i search for Peter.Peter,Pan was successfully retrieved from the DatabaseBut when i Search for Peter Pan.It found no results.How can i make it such tat it can find results for Peter Pan too?In another words, how to make my search engine more powerful,fuzzy and intelligent?My current Code:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsSearch" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:csHPDB %>" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [employee_table] WHERE ([employee_name] LIKE '%' + @employee_name + '%') <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="employee_name" QueryStringField="Search" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>

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How To Make Full-text Search Accent-insensitive?

Jul 20, 2005

My SQL Server 2000 does not use the accent insensitive collation setting(collation containing _AI) in full-text serches:While SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE <column> LIKE '%a%' returns 'Mäuse',SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE CONTAINS(*, 'a') does not.Setting 'default full-text language' to neutral (0) does not help.How can I make full-text searches accent insensitive?Thanks for any ideas!Matthias

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FLAT File Indexing Vs RDBMS Indexing

Sep 22, 2006


I want to know is a flat file faster than a RDBMS for indexing for example a search engine indexing would a flat file be better in terms of performance, scalability etc than a RDBMS?

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Online Re-indexing Vs Offline Re-indexing

Sep 10, 2007


The other day we tried online re-indexing feature of SQL 2005 and it€™s performing faster than offline re-indexing. Could you please validate if it€™s supposed to do be this way? I always thought offline should be faster than online.


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SQL 2000 MS Search: Boolean Search Doesn't Work When Search By Phrase

Aug 9, 2006

I'm just wonder if this is a bug in MS Search or am I doing something wrong.

I have a query below

declare @search_clause varchar(255)

set @Search_Clause = ' "hepatitis b" and "hepatocellular carcinoma"'

select * from results

where contains(finding,@search_clause)

I don't get the correct result at all.

If I change my search_clause to "hepatitis" and "hepatocellular carcinoma -- without the "b"

then i get the correct result.

It seems MS Search doesn't like the phrase contain one letter or some sort or is it a know bug?

Anyone know?


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Which Would Be Faster ?

Mar 28, 2007

hi all,    if i have a comma delimited string and want to insert each delimited substring into a table which of the following way is faster?pass the whole string into the a stored procedure and loop through the delimited string and pick out the substring and insert into the table orloop and pass the substring into a stored procedure and insert N times?or any other better ways someone could suggest me to do thanks! 

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Which Is Faster LIKE Or IN

Jul 27, 2001

i have a query that i can use either and get the same results. i just need to shave some time off... which is faster the LIKE or IN () ???



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Can This Be Done Faster?

Jan 16, 2006

I was just wondering if this can be done any faster? code-wise that is...

Don't mind the converts, can't do without them, as the data discipline for the source table isn't always reliable, while I have to be absolutely sure the destination data ends in the required format.

UPDATE MATCH_basistabel
SET MATCH_basistabel.matchfelt = convert(varchar(50),ALL_tbl_medlemsinfo.søgenavn),
MATCH_basistabel.søgenavn = convert(varchar(50),ALL_tbl_medlemsinfo.søgenavn),
MATCH_basistabel.medlemsnavn = convert(varchar(50),ALL_tbl_medlemsinfo.medlemsnav n),
MATCH_basistabel.medlemsnavn2 = convert(varchar(50),ALL_tbl_medlemsinfo.medlemsnav n2),
MATCH_basistabel.medlemsnummer = ALL_tbl_medlemsinfo.medlemsnummer,
MATCH_basistabel.nationalitet = convert(varchar(10), ALL_tbl_medlemsinfo.nationalitet),
MATCH_basistabel.organisationsnummer = convert(varchar(10),ALL_tbl_medlemsinfo.organisati onsnummer),
MATCH_basistabel.medlemskab = convert(varchar(20), ALL_tbl_medlemsinfo.medlemskab),
MATCH_basistabel.ipdn = ALL_tbl_medlemsinfo.ipdn,
MATCH_basistabel.ipdnroll = convert(varchar(20), ALL_tbl_medlemsinfo.ipdroll),
MATCH_basistabel.franavision = 1
FROM MATCH_basistabel, ALL_tbl_medlemsinfo
WHERE isnumeric(matchfelt) = 1
AND (convert(int, MATCH_basistabel.matchfelt) = convert(int, ALL_tbl_medlemsinfo.medlemsnummer)
AND MATCH_basistabel.franavision = 0)

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Run Faster

Feb 17, 2006

Hi Guys,

I have SQL file but it run slowly when comes to huge record. How do I make it faster. I do create an index but how to make use the index? Pls help me on this...

Many Thanks,


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Jun 18, 2007

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Which Is Faster?

Jul 20, 2005

I'm sonewhat new to MS SQL Server and I'm wondering about which of thefollowing two queries would be faster:DECLARE @ResidencesBuilt intDECLARE @BarracksBuilt intDECLARE @AirBaysBuilt intDECLARE @NuclearPlantsBuilt intDECLARE @FusionPlantsBuilt intDECLARE @StarMinesBuilt intDECLARE @TrainingCampsBuilt intDECLARE @FactoriesBuilt intSELECT@ResidencesBuilt = SUM(CASE WHEN BuildingType = 0 THEN Built END),@BarracksBuilt = SUM(CASE WHEN BuildingType = 1 THEN Built END),@AirBaysBuilt = SUM(CASE WHEN BuildingType = 2 THEN Built END),@NuclearPlantsBuilt = SUM(CASE WHEN BuildingType = 3 THEN Built END),@FusionPlantsBuilt = SUM(CASE WHEN BuildingType = 4 THEN Built END),@StarMinesBuilt = SUM(CASE WHEN BuildingType = 5 THEN Built END),@TrainingCampsBuilt = SUM(CASE WHEN BuildingType = 6 THEN Built END),@FactoriesBuilt = SUM(CASE WHEN BuildingType = 7 THEN Built END)FROM BuildingsGROUP BY kdIDHAVING kdID = 2902Or:DECLARE @ResidencesBuilt intDECLARE @BarracksBuilt intDECLARE @AirBaysBuilt intDECLARE @NuclearPlantsBuilt intDECLARE @FusionPlantsBuilt intDECLARE @StarMinesBuilt intDECLARE @TrainingCampsBuilt intDECLARE @FactoriesBuilt intSET @ResidencesBuilt = (SELECT Built FROM Buildings WHERE BuildingType = 0AND kdID = 2902)SET @BarracksBuilt = (SELECT Built FROM Buildings WHERE BuildingType = 1 ANDkdID = 2902)SET @AirBaysBuilt = (SELECT Built FROM Buildings WHERE BuildingType = 2 ANDkdID = 2902)SET @NuclearPlantsBuilt = (SELECT Built FROM Buildings WHERE BuildingType =3 AND kdID = 2902)SET @FusionPlantsBuilt = (SELECT Built FROM Buildings WHERE BuildingType = 4AND kdID = 2902)SET @StarMinesBuilt = (SELECT Built FROM Buildings WHERE BuildingType = 5AND kdID = 2902)SET @TrainingCampsBuilt = (SELECT Built FROM Buildings WHERE BuildingType =6 AND kdID = 2902)SET @FactoriesBuilt = (SELECT Built FROM Buildings WHERE BuildingType = 7AND kdID = 2902)The data source is:kdID BuildingType Built2902 6 02902 7 02902 4 02902 0 802902 2 02902 1 52902 3 402902 5 10Or:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Buildings] ([kdID] [int],[BuildingType] [tinyint],[Built] [int])INSERT INTO Buildings (kdID, BuildingType, Built) VALUES (2902, 0, 80)INSERT INTO Buildings (kdID, BuildingType, Built) VALUES (2902, 1, 5)INSERT INTO Buildings (kdID, BuildingType, Built) VALUES (2902, 2, 0)INSERT INTO Buildings (kdID, BuildingType, Built) VALUES (2902, 3, 40)INSERT INTO Buildings (kdID, BuildingType, Built) VALUES (2902, 4, 0)INSERT INTO Buildings (kdID, BuildingType, Built) VALUES (2902, 5, 10)INSERT INTO Buildings (kdID, BuildingType, Built) VALUES (2902, 6, 0)INSERT INTO Buildings (kdID, BuildingType, Built) VALUES (2902, 7, 0)Analyzer says the first would be faster, but it has a lot of SUM()'s andwhatnot so I'm not too sure about this. There are also about 1000 rows inthe actual Buildings table. This will be a part of a stored procedure.

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Faster Way To Do This?

May 7, 2007

I want to know the # of users on our web site for each month in a given year. I'm looking for a faster way to do this--perhaps one that can leverage an index instead of reading the entire table! (My avg disk queue right now is above 7 and the query takes about 90 seconds).

Here's my current SP. Basically I'm calculating each month/year and using UNION to join them together, then pivot to rotate.



/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Unique_Login_IPs] Script Date: 05/07/2007 12:38:52 ******/





-- =============================================

-- Author: <Author,,Name>

-- Create date: <Create Date,,>

-- Description: <Description,,>

-- =============================================

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Unique_Login_IPs]


@year1 int,

@year2 int





-- Define the years for testing purposes

set @year1 = 2006

set @year2 = 2007

SELECT month,[2006] as y2006,[2007] as y2007



SELECT @year1 AS year, 1 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year1) AND (MONTH(logged) = 1)) as tmpy1_1


SELECT @year1 AS year, 2 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog AS servicelog_1

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year1) AND (MONTH(logged) = 2)) as tmpy1_2


SELECT @year1 AS year, 3 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year1) AND (MONTH(logged) = 3)) as tmpy1_3


SELECT @year1 AS year, 4 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog AS servicelog_1

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year1) AND (MONTH(logged) = 4)) as tmpy1_4


SELECT @year1 AS year, 5 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year1) AND (MONTH(logged) = 5)) as tmpy1_5


SELECT @year1 AS year, 6 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog AS servicelog_1

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year1) AND (MONTH(logged) = 6)) as tmpy1_6


SELECT @year1 AS year, 7 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year1) AND (MONTH(logged) = 7)) as tmpy1_7


SELECT @year1 AS year, 8 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog AS servicelog_1

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year1) AND (MONTH(logged) = 8)) as tmpy1_8


SELECT @year1 AS year, 9 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year1) AND (MONTH(logged) = 9)) as tmpy1_9


SELECT @year1 AS year, 10 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog AS servicelog_1

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year1) AND (MONTH(logged) = 10)) as tmpy1_10


SELECT @year1 AS year, 11 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year1) AND (MONTH(logged) = 11)) as tmpy1_11


SELECT @year1 AS year, 12 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog AS servicelog_1

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year1) AND (MONTH(logged) = 12)) as tmpy1_12


SELECT @year2 AS year, 1 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year2) AND (MONTH(logged) = 1)) as tmpy1_1


SELECT @year2 AS year, 2 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog AS servicelog_1

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year2) AND (MONTH(logged) = 2)) as tmpy2_2


SELECT @year2 AS year, 3 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year2) AND (MONTH(logged) = 3)) as tmpy2_3


SELECT @year2 AS year, 4 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog AS servicelog_1

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year2) AND (MONTH(logged) = 4)) as tmpy2_4


SELECT @year2 AS year, 5 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year2) AND (MONTH(logged) = 5)) as tmpy2_5


SELECT @year2 AS year, 6 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog AS servicelog_1

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year2) AND (MONTH(logged) = 6)) as tmpy2_6


SELECT @year2 AS year, 7 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year2) AND (MONTH(logged) = 7)) as tmpy2_7


SELECT @year2 AS year, 8 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog AS servicelog_1

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year2) AND (MONTH(logged) = 8)) as tmpy2_8


SELECT @year2 AS year, 9 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year2) AND (MONTH(logged) = 9)) as tmpy2_9


SELECT @year2 AS year, 10 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog AS servicelog_1

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year2) AND (MONTH(logged) = 10)) as tmpy2_10


SELECT @year2 AS year, 11 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year2) AND (MONTH(logged) = 11)) as tmpy2_11


SELECT @year2 AS year, 12 AS month, COUNT(*) AS cnt


FROM servicelog AS servicelog_1

WHERE (method = 'LOGIN') AND (YEAR(logged) = @year2) AND (MONTH(logged) = 12)) as tmpy2_12

) piv




FOR year IN


) as child


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Sqldatasource Faster Than DAL???

May 14, 2007

Hi all, I m new to this forum and this is my first question. I m having 2 pages in my web site ... page 1 query directly to db using sqldatasource, the second page query through a BLL then DAL by following the step in this tutorial (  Page 1 is using a "Like" query search and the Page 2 is the normal displaying some product detail.... Under normal circumstances, one will expect Page 1 will be way fastest than the Page 2... however the problem is Page 1 is in thunder speed while Page 2 takes 10 secs to load... 10 seconds is really not acceptable... I really couldnt figure out what happens... both Page 1 and Page 2 are using the same connection string which connection through a DSN....  How is the connection different by using sqldatasource and DAL?? Could someone please help....  ThanksP.S. I m using a Pervasive database 

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