Info On Data Replication On Sql Server 2000.

Jul 20, 2005

I'm in need of detailed information on how data replication works on the
sql server 2000. If someone knows about a book or articles that
describes how data replication works with transactions, stored
procedures and/or merging databases I would like to be pointed in the
right direction.


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SQL Server 2000 Data Replication

Apr 5, 2007

I want to replicate SQL Server 2000 data from publisher to subscriber with new data added and existing data modify at subscriber, is it possible? what is the solution.

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Transaction Replication && Data Archiving On SQL Server 2000

Jul 23, 2005

Hi techiesI have set up a Transaction replication from My Primary Server toSecondary Server on Orders table.Thousand of records gets inserted on Orders every hour which getreplicated on the secondary server. it works finereporting apps uses Secondory server's Orders table data for generatingreports .The Problem :Let say if i want to Remove older records from Orders table in theprimary serverwith out reflecting this change on the secondary there a way to PREVENT this operation /transaction to be propogatedto the secondary server.Note : i am moving the records to another table (orders_Archive ) anddeleteing the rows from orders table . Also I need all the rows to bepresent on the secondary server table.Please advice ASAPRegards,Raj

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SQL Server 2000 Edition Info

Oct 18, 2007

Can someone help me with the following... My SQL server disk says standard edition on it, my invoice for the license says standard edition (granted it's expired according the license site) but when I go to the machine and right click on the local DB properties it says it's personal edition...

I am confused how this can be.. Any thoughts ?

The only way I figured this out was because we kept getting the you have exceeded your limit of 8 concurent queries...


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SQL Server 2000 And Transaction Log Error - More Info

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All:I am getting an error when trying to open a recordset in SQL Server 2000.The error states that the transaction log is full. Is there any way I canclear out or empty the transaction log, or get rid of it alltogether as itis not really needed?Any help would be appreciated.Thanks and regards,RyanThe error msg is: tempdb transaction log is full. B/U transaction log tofree up space..."

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Transactional Replication - Updatable Subscribers - Image Data Type- Sql Server 2000

Aug 21, 2007

Sql Server 2000

I am looking for bidirectional transactional replication using updatable subscribers (queued or immediate) . Is it possible to replicate the image data from the updatable subscribers to the publisher. I understood that the Image data can't be replicated to the publisher from the updatable subscriber. I am not using the WRITETEXT or UPDATETEXT. I am using just INSERT and UPDATE for image data type transactions.

Any thoughts on this is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Using Triggers To Get Recently Updated Info In SQL Server 2000

Sep 30, 2004

Hello all,

I am trying to change values of two tables in my sql server 2000 database. When one of the tables is modified in some way like adding/updating a record, I need a trigger procedure to copy this new data from the first table to the second. Problem is, how do I get the newly inserted or updated data from the first table? How do I specify that I only want the data which caused the trigger to execute? Anyone know?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Query Pulling Latest Info Data From Table

Aug 29, 2014

Let's say I have a table of data as per the below..

I'm trying to extract only the green highlighted items..

The rules applied are: Only the latest data concerning all cases, and only 1 line (the latest) per case.

As you can see in the image, I don't want the 2nd,3rd, and 4th record extracted cause they are all superseded by more recent records (identified as they are further in the table).

I've considered using either Distinct or Having? but can't get that to work.. If I could use Distinct but then ensure it's the latest record in the table that would be perfect.

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MSDE 2000 Replication To SQL Server 2000

Jun 27, 2006

i went through the documentation but i was not clear on following, here is the scenario :-

a Central server is having SQL Server 2000

3 Remote Locations :- Each having 4-5 no of computers, connected on a Lan, and on one of the machines MSDE 2000 will be running.

My Questions are :-

1. Can remote locations, update data locally and send changes (say in every one hour) to central server. If yes, then how ??

2. Same way they can receive updates from Central Server on whatever was updated on Centra Server or on the 3 remote locations. If yes, then How ??

any help will be highly appreciable.

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Basic Getting Started Info On MSDE 2000?

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I am looking for basic info on installing and using MSDE.I am trying to install and play with MSDE on my PC (Win2000). Ifinally managed to work my way through installation, and namedinstances but I am finding no information on how to simply START thedatabase engine and get to a sql prompt! I have manually started theMSSQL and SQLAGENT services, and tried running sqlservr.exe andosql.exe (just guessing) without success. Can anyone refer me to adocument that gives this BASIC information!?

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Replication Between DB2/IBM(MVS) To SQL Server 2000

Feb 9, 2004

I wantked know the best tool or way for Replication between SQL server and DB2/IBM(MVS).

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Replication Between SQL Server 2000 And SQL 7.0

Aug 15, 2001


I am in between of analysis for Upgradation of SQL server 7.0 to SQL server 2000.

I have few server on SQl server 7.0

I wanted to know , is the replication supported between SQL server 7.0 and SQL server 2000.

a ) from SQl server 2000 to SQL server 7.0
b ) from SQL server 7.0 to SQL server 2000.

Both this scenarios will exist.

Thanks in advance

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SQL SERVER 2000 Replication

May 31, 2006


I am using MSDE 2000 for replication of my Data. I have one publisher and two subscribers. but i need t filter rows for publications. Problem is that for filtering, i need host_name and in push replication host_name is name of system in which Agents are running but in MSDE all agents are running in publisher system ( distributor System). so everytime for any publication i get only id of server.
i am facing same problem in pull replication also.


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AS/400 To SQL Server 2000 Replication

Mar 23, 2006

Any suggestions on how to replicate from AS/400 to SQL Server 2000?

Data is stored on a AS/400, but applications use a SQL Server 2000 DB. Currently, DTS packages drop the SQL DB, rebuild the tables from a script, copy the data, and then rebuild the indexes as a nightly batch job. Is there a better way to do this? Also is there a clean way to replicate daily transactions as well?

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Many To Many Replication In Sql Server 2000

Jul 3, 2007


I'm trying to determine if it is possible to do many to many replication in sql server 2000.

What i basically want is to have n databases share the same basedate (share a common database) and allow updates in any database to be replicated to all the other databases (with a simple conflict resolution, like last update wins).

My goal is total autonomy, without a single point of failure. If any node goes down, the other nodes will continue to work and continue to replicate their data to the remaining nodes. When a node comes back up it will catch up with the over nodes (or get reinitialized if it was a serious crash).

The amount of data i want to replicate is not that big (less than 100MB) and does not change that often. All servers are sql server 2000 instances connected by a gigabit network and the number of nodes involved is less than 10. Some latency is also acceptable.

the question is: is this at all possible? I have read i bit in 'SQL Server High Availability By Paul Bertucci' and some other resources and it looks like a multiple publishers or multiple subscribers with merge replication setup should work, but i'm not too sure if it will work for n > 2 nodes (where all nodes publish and subscribe to each other) and it also mentions constraints on which data a given node is allowed to update (i hope this could be handled by simple conflict resolution).

And if it is not possible in 2000, could it be accomplished en 2005?

TIA Jens

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How To: SQL Server 2000 Replication?

Feb 8, 2006


Can anyone help me?

How do I implement SQL Server Replication?

Where, and how? Do I have to download specific software to do this, or how?

What would be the right option?



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Replication From Oracle To Sql Server 2000

Mar 3, 2003

Is it possible to replicate from Oracle to SQL Server.



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Replication(Preparation) In Sql Server 2000

Aug 20, 2007

Morning Guys,
If one was preparing to Replicate a database and need to know how much more size would be needed to accomadate the distribution database and its transaction logs etc... what performance counters would you set to gather this information and or tools...?

How to go about finding the average tranaction size.... number of transactions per day.... via profiler.... perfmon....
any suggestions or good sites for replication would be greatly appreciated...

Jonathan Marshall

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Replication Between Access And SQL Server 2000

Jan 16, 2002

I have to replicate(bidirectional) data from Access(.mdb) to SQL Server .What are the possible ways of doing it? Are there any known issues?

Thanks in advance.

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Problems In SQL Server 2000 Replication

Apr 19, 2002

I am facing a very severe problem in SQL Server 2000 replication and here's the description :
I had setup a replication having Publisher and distribution on the same server. Later I found out that the Subscriber database was incorrect and so I dropped the replication and then disabled it so as to start from fresh.
Now as soon as I start to configure the Publisher/Distributor I get the following error message :
"Error 18483 Could not Connect to ABC Server because distributor_admin is not defined as a remote login at the Server "
Please let me know what can be done to resolve this issue

Please help me to resolve this issue as we need to have the replication latest by Sunday 4/21/2002

Thanks again

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SQL Server 2000 & Sybase Replication

May 20, 2002

Hi all,

I'm trying to configure replication between a Sybase ASE Database Server and SQL Server 2000. Sybase ASE Database will be the Publisher and SQL Server will be the Subscriber. Can anyone advise me on how I can go about setting up the replication for this?


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SQL Server 2000 Replication Problem

Nov 17, 2006


I have set up transactional replication on two servers. The productionserver (PSERV) and a backup server (BSERV).

On PSERV I have started the agents Snapshot (running with status Succeeded) and Log Reader.(running with status Idle and the message "No replicated transactions are available").

On BSERV I choose start syncronization on my subscription. When I go into Job history I can find the following information on four lines:
The job failed. The Job was invoked by User SERVAdministrator. The last step to run was step 1 (Run agent.).
The subscription to publication '(null)' has expired and does not exist. The step failed.
Connecting to Distributor 'SERVP'
Connecting to Subscriber 'SERVB'

Anyone that have any ideas on how I can fix this problem?


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SQL Server 2000 Merge Replication

May 15, 2007

I am using SQL Server 2000 SP4 running on a MS Server 2003 with SP2. I am preforming Merge Replication on a continouas basis and the Merge Agent keeps stopping with the error 203 The process could not enumerate changes at the 'Publisher'. There is no additional information available with this error. Does anyone have any sugestions as to why this is happening. I can manually re-start the agent but it will fail again for particular reason.

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Sql Server 2000 Replication Problem

Jun 18, 2007


we are trying to replicate an sql server 2000 database to another sql server 2000 database.

We are having problems because at some point we deleted the column showacc from one of the tables. When we try and replicate the database we get a complaint about an invalid column showacc.

I have tried doing a select into a blank table and setting the defaults and renaming the table, but even that didn't work.

Any ideas what I can do on SQL server 2000 to get replication working properly?



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Replication Using SQL Server 2000 (SP4) .. Urgent...

Mar 1, 2007


We have few branches with individual dbs are sitting in the branches itself. Periodically all the data need to be updated to a single HQ database. At the moment, all the tables's primary key are unique and each branch will have branch ID's in the transaction tables.

e.g. Branch1 data need to be updated to HQ db. However, HQ db records which are related to Branch 1 data only need to be updated back to Branch 1. other branch records should not goto Branch1.

Similaryly other branch records need to be updated/replicated back to HQ database. And only records related to the particular branch need to be updated from HQ (if any changes made)..

At the moment, i can do simple replication from one db to another db only... Can anyone guide/give suggestions on how to go about doing this?? If possible, please give steps involved...


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Subscriber To A SQL Server 2000 Replication

Oct 31, 2006

Hi ..

I know that SQL Server Express 2005 can subscribet to SQL Server 2000 publications. However, it seems that SQL server 2000 cannot perform a push to SQL Express.

Can anyone refer me to any online help or documentation on how a proper replication can be done between SQL 2005 Exress and SQL 2000??


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Replication Reliability In SQL Server 2000

Apr 11, 2007

Any idea as to how SQL Server ensures that no data is lost during replication. In my project we have some across several instances where the SQL server indicates that the data has been replicated but it is not recieved at the other end. The network is not very reliable, in case the network link is lost during replication how does SQL ensure no data is lost. If you know the answers or have any documents please share the same.


Shalin Parmar

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Replication Problem In SQL Server 2000

Dec 7, 2006

Hi all SQL Server experts!

I have created replication on my two servers (production and backup servers). I used wizards to create it and then generated SQL script for deleting and creating replication. For another task I came across the command sp_removedbreplication 'dbname' and I tried to use that for removing replication more easily on the servers. It seemed to not remove everything on the production server and whenever I install replication now, either by using wizards or my generated SQL scripts I get an error icon (red circle with a black X in it) on my Replication Monitor all the way down to Publisher and the publication named with the computer name. Also this icon is on Agents and Log Reader Agents but not on the actual agent.

Something must have happened when using sp_removedbreplication 'dbname' and I can't fix it. The replication works properly but i wish to not have the error icons.

Does anyone know how the error icons can be removed?


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NEED HELP - Merge Replication With SQL Server 2000

Sep 20, 2005

Hi, I posted about this before, and set out on my own to get this working, and haven't been able to.  I'm trying to get merge replication working with my SQL server 2000, and after 2 weeks I still have nothing.  I've gone through multiple 'walkthroughs' which all brought me to the same point.  I'm getting down to crunch time, and I'm either going to use this or implement my own merge algorigthm (I'd much rather use this).  So here's where I've gotten to:

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Setting Up Replication On SQL Server 2000 Using Distributor Running On SQL Server 2005

Jul 6, 2006


I have a setup where I need to replicate the database which is actually subscribing from another database. The current setup is all in SQL Server 2000. I need to now setup a Distrbutor on a SQL server 2005 and publish the database using this distributor to another server on SQL server 2000.

Has anybody done this before. If yes what will I need to check. Can you please let me know :-

1) SQL Server 2000 which SP should be installed to support this enviroment.

2) SQL Server 2005 which SP should be installed to support this environment.

3) Any thing that I need to look out for.

Thanks for any inputs on this.


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Move Instance Off A Server With Hardware Problems SQL Server 2000 Sp4 ENT With Replication

Apr 2, 2008

We have a SQL Server 2000 ent edition sp4 with 3 small databases and one 4 GB database which is REPLICATED
The Server has been bouncing like a yoyo today because of a disk controller problem and I am preparing to move the Instance to a whole new server this afternoon. The new Server will have the same IP and name as the original server.

Any suggestions for the easiest or most seamless way to make this happen? preferably using Backup and Restore since they plan on taking the old server down completely and then building a new server with the same name and IP ... any suggestions would be appreciated.

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SQL Server 2000 Merge Replication Process

Jun 22, 2004

I am trying to replicate a production database server,on sql server 2000 at a particular geographic location to a new failover database server on sql server 2000 in a different geographic location via internet. The intention here is to use the failover database during times when the production server is down or busy and the synchronization needs to be sceduled for every 10 min.
It will be of huge help if any expert could give the detailed process involved and any precautions that need to be taken. I also need to keep inmind to use the ever/odd sequence number generator during the replication implementation.
Also, Whether to use row-level or column-level tracking?


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Federation/replication - DB2 && Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Dec 17, 2005

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum, though not new to sql server am new to DB2.

We are running Microsoft SQL Server 2000 but we have recently acquired similar business in another country which runs IBM DB2 database system. We are interested in incorporating the data from DB2 in our system. The tables are slightly different in DB2.
Q. what is the best way to integrate the two systems? Should we take the route of a federated system or replication of data?
We are interested in knowing what is happening in the other business (DB2) but we what the two systems to operate in parallel for about a year, before we come up with the best solution.

The company is after a short term and long term solution.

Can any one please help or point me to the right place?


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