I would like to know if there is any sort of improvement when using Inline SQL vs Stored Procedures as far as the execution plans are concerned when they are used in SSIS packages. I happened to create a SSIS package which calls Stored Procedures but internally they are using Linked Servers to get the data required. At this point they want to know what will be benefit that can be achieved when Inline SQL is used.
I would appreciate if anybody can give their thoughts or provide some informative articles like pros and cons.
I want to execute something likeselect iif(type='credit',amount*-1,amount) from tablehow can i do that? help file says iif is used in MultidimensionalExpressions but that seems overly complicated for this task.any ideas?
For a reporting product I created a sp which created a temp table and then using my function below built. problem is the product won't allow me to create a temp table. With what I have below anyone have any creative ideas I could use. In-line sql, subquery views?
select enc_id,labcnt,order_name,date_due
Hi, I'm trying to get MSSQL to choose which row to display from a result from a query, but it seems to need an 'IF' or something similar.
My query asks the database to pick out all rows that meet critera X, but sometimes (quite correctly) some of the rows created by query X are duplicates. (A data overlap nothing wrong with the query)
I want to be able to get the query to decide which one of these duplicates to display. There is a unique element.
In my example I want to remove ID 1 from the result, I can't use the 'active' column as this will remove ID3 fro the result. I want the query to recognise the duplicate based on the sysname, then choose to display the result with 0 in it.
Does anyone have a clue what I'm talking about? I'm loosing the plot.
I have to write a query for printing multiple barcodes, depending on the quantity of items that came in the store, based on the order number.
DECLARE @num INT SELECT BarCodes.BarCode, BarCodes.ArticleID, ArticlesTrafic.DocumentID, ArticlesTrafic.TrafficQuantity FROM BarCodes INNER JOIN Articles ON BarCodes.ArticleID = Articles.ArticleID INNER JOIN getAutoNumberTable(@num) ON @num=ArticlesTrafic.TrafficQuantity WHERE (ArticlesTrafic.DocumentID = @Param2)
The thing i would like to do, is somehow assign a value to @num and pass it to the getAutoNumberTable stored procedure, which generates a table of consequtive numbers, so that each record is displayed multiple times. Is it even possible to do it without using temp tables and loops?
i am not sure if this forum is right place to ask this question.. i am trying right a dos batch file to do setup of sql commands run by sqlcmd , run some dos commands etc
net start mssql$server sqlcmd -E .....
net stop mssql$server...
sqlcmd -E ....
in unix you can run isql with the sql commands place inside..
isql -Uuser -S server <<EOF select 1 select 2 go EOF
you can put above in a shell and it will run.
i am trying to do similar stuff in windows for sqlcmd.. how can i do it
only option i have is to create lot of .sql files and run with -i option on sqlcmd..
can some body let me know how to do a inline commands in dos? thx AK
I have a serialized XML that I got from a dataset. In my 'Data Flow Task', I bind the 'XML Source' source to this XML file. Since the XML file is having the schema along with it, I check the 'Use Inline schema' option. However, when I put a dataviewer to see the rows getting sent to the destination, I see that no rows are getting transfered. As you will see from the XML file I am trying to use, I do have one row to transfer.
I tried kepping the schema file and the content file separate and that worked. I am not sure if there are any inherent issues I need to take care of, when using inline schemas to transfer data. I have the SP2 for SQL 2005 installed.
I have two questions regarding in-line bar charts...
First, I put the text as data labels and check 'Auto' for positioning, most of the time the text is written to the right of the bar (which is what I want). However, there is one case that if the space to the right of the bar is not enough for the text, it starts writting on the bar itself.... is there a way I could set it so that the text only appears when there is enough space to the right, so that text never appears on any bars?
Secondly, is there a way I could put hyperlinks on the text?
I am developing ASP.NET 2.0 website. I need to know some about using stored procedure. I searched through google. But could now find a favourable repLy. Here is ..
Which way is efficient, using SQL inside the code or as SRORED PROCEDRE, which one to use with ASP.NET? Is the Stored procedure must be created withing the server or from my application?Can anyone please give some practicle explaination about this? My advance thanks for all...
Hi i have the following stored procedure, i am trying to convert it to inline sql, however i got stuck, because how would i output a value e.g "@Access_Right_ID", this is the stored procedure below CREATE PROCEDURE dhoc_AccessRight_Insert @AccessLevel char(50), @Access_Right_ID int OUT, @Tstamp timestamp out ASSELECT * FROM tblAccess_Right WHERE AccessLevel = @AccessLevel IF @@ROWCOUNT <>0 BEGIN RAISERROR('This record is already in the database',16,1) RETURN 14 END ELSE BEGIN SET NOCOUNT OFF; INSERT INTO tblAccess_Right ( AccessLevel ) VALUES (@AccessLevel); SET @Access_Right_ID = @@Identity SET @Tstamp = (SELECT Tstamp FROM tblAccess_Right WHERE Access_Right_ID=@Access_Right_ID) --Make sure this has saved, if not return 10 as this is unexpected error IF @@rowcount = 0 BEGIN RAISERROR('This record has not been inserted at this time, it might have been inserted by another user, please try again',16,1) RETURN 10 END ELSE BEGIN IF @@error <>0 BEGIN RETURN @@error END ENDEND GO
Hi i have the following method in my page, it works fine and everything, but i am trying to modify it so that it can take a stored procedure; protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["streamConnectionString"].ConnectionString);String sql = "SELECT userID, userName FROM users WHERE userName LIKE " + "'" + userName.Text + "%' OR organisation= " + "'" + OrganisationList.SelectedValue + "'"; conn.Open(); SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); DataList1.DataSource = reader; DataList1.DataBind(); conn.Close(); }
My question is what should my stored procedure be, and also how will i now structure the above method.
I regularly create stored procedures and use them like functions within other stored procedures.
I've never had any difficulty but then I never ran any metrics on it.
Does anyone know if there is an efficiency difference between that approach and just doing an inline query? How much of a difference is it? minimal? impractically large?
For example, if I define an sp like:
create proc isValidUser @userID int , @result int OUTPUT as
if exists(select * from user where userid = @userID) set @result = 1
I am working a DTS package and I need to Join to completely differnet tables in such a way that I need to do an inline view and an Outer Join. In this current form, it drops all columns for a day if one of the inline views returns null.
(SELECT COUNT(SDD_Status) AS On_Time , SDD_Date as On_Time_Date FROM SDD_Store_Delivery_Data_Table WHERE SDD_Route LIKE '01%' AND SDD_Status = 'On Time' AND SDD_Date < '12/19/2004' AND SDD_Date > '12/10/2004' GROUP BY SDD_Date) a,
(SELECT COUNT(SDD_Status) AS Early ,SDD_DATE As Early_Date FROM SDD_Store_Delivery_Data_Table WHERE SDD_Route LIKE '01%' AND SDD_Status = 'Early' And SDD_Date < '12/19/2004' AND SDD_Date > '12/10/2004' GROUP BY SDD_Date) b,
(SELECT COUNT(SDD_Status) AS Late , SDD_Date As Late_Date FROM SDD_Store_Delivery_Data_Table WHERE SDD_Route LIKE '01%' AND SDD_Status = 'Late' AND SDD_Date < '12/19/2004' AND SDD_Date > '12/10/2004' GROUP BY SDD_Date) c,
(SELECT SUM(CAST(SDD_Stay AS NUMERIC)) AS AVG_Duration , SDD_Date As Stay_Date FROM SDD_Store_Delivery_Data_Table WHERE SDD_Route LIKE '01%' AND SDD_Date < '12/19/2004' AND SDD_Date > '12/10/2004' GROUP BY SDD_Date) d,
(SELECT DISTINCT(SDD_Date) AS DelDate FROM SDD_Store_Delivery_Data_Table WHERE SDD_Date < '12/19/2004' AND SDD_Date > '12/10/2004' GROUP BY SDD_Date)e,
Help! Been doing the box step with BOL for several hours , Using tables in Adventureworks to create inline-table-valued function to provide a parameterized view of three JOINS - Have sucessfully created the function but can't figure out where to 'Declare' my variable "@SalesAgentID" need to be able to invoke the function with a particular ID - If you can help me cut this dance short I would REALLY Appreciate it.
Hi! I have some stored procedures returning resultsets.
You can store this resultset in an table (table variable, permanent table or temp. table), but this would require additional code, which has to be maintaned when called code is changed (typical added columns in resultset).
I would like to avoid this, if it can be done with minimal overhead.
I looked at openrowset/openquery (I looked for something similar to the "THE"-operator), but couldn't find an solution.
Hello. I'm a real newbie - using Access 2003 front end and connecting to SQL Server 2005 ODBC. I'm having trouble accessing functions through access. I've built the following function:
SELECT dbo.tblTRACT.STR, dbo.tblTRACT.[TRACT_#], dbo.tblMIN_OWNERS.Min_Owner_Name AS [OWNER OF RECORD], dbo.tblLEASE_TRACTS.LOC_ID, dbo.tblLOCATION.LPR_No, dbo.tblLOCATION.Lease_ID, dbo.tblLEASE_LOG.Date_Mailed, dbo.tblLEASE_LOG.Scan_Lease_Received, dbo.tblLEASE_LOG.Orig_Lease_Recd, dbo.tblLPR_INVOICES.Invoice_No, dbo.tblLPR_PAY.CHECK_DRAFT_No, dbo.tblLESSORS.Name AS [Lease Name]
FROM dbo.tblTRACT LEFT JOIN ((dbo.tblMIN_OWNERS RIGHT JOIN dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER ON dbo.tblMIN_OWNERS.Min_Owner_ID = dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER.Owner_Lease) LEFT JOIN ((((((dbo.tblLPR RIGHT JOIN dbo.tblLOCATION ON dbo.tblLPR.LPR_No = dbo.tblLOCATION.LPR_No) LEFT JOIN dbo.tblLESSORS ON dbo.tblLPR.Lessor_Number = dbo.tblLESSORS.Lessor_Number) RIGHT JOIN dbo.tblLEASE_TRACTS ON dbo.tblLOCATION.LOC_ID = dbo.tblLEASE_TRACTS.LOC_ID) LEFT JOIN dbo.tblLEASE_LOG ON dbo.tblLPR.LPR_No = dbo.tblLEASE_LOG.LPR_No) LEFT JOIN dbo.tblLPR_INVOICES ON dbo.tblLPR.LPR_No = dbo.tblLPR_INVOICES.LPR_No) LEFT JOIN dbo.tblLPR_PAY ON dbo.tblLPR.LPR_No = dbo.tblLPR_PAY.LPR_No) ON dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER.TRACT__Owner_ID = dbo.tblLEASE_TRACTS.Tract_Owner_Id) ON (dbo.tblTRACT.[TRACT_#] = dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER.[TRACT_#]) AND (dbo.tblTRACT.STR = dbo.tblTRACT_OWNER.STR)
WHERE (((dbo.tblTRACT.STR)=@TRS))
I understand now I can create a view of the function Simply by using the function name in my FROM statement. However I get an error that arguments provided do not match parameters required. However, I'm not getting the prompt to enter my criterion. Is my error in my function statement? I can't save the view. I also understand I could use a pass-through query. Is there some sort of guidance or tutorial on that to which you could point me? Thanks for your time.
We have our DWH built in SQL Server 2005. We are doing reporting against the DWH and most of query logic is complex. For this purpose we have proposed to write SPs to encapsulate the logic and which in turn can be called from the Report Data Tab. But our IT Architect suggest us to have inline queries instead of SPs as that will reduce the overhead of going to the DBAs everytime the logic changes. As I am new to DWH+Reporting, I was really pondering over which way to go. Can anyone suggest a way out on this. Thanks, S Suresh
So we have a field called forenames, and it needs to be split into fields forename_1, forename_2, forename_3, forename_4 (don't ask).
Ok, I've come up with this so far, which works, but is pretty nacky in my opinion. Has any one got a better way of achieving this?
SELECT forenames , Replace(forenames, ' ', '.') , Reverse(ParseName(Replace(Reverse(forenames), ' ', '.'), 1)) As [f1] , Reverse(ParseName(Replace(Reverse(forenames), ' ', '.'), 2)) As [f2] , Reverse(ParseName(Replace(Reverse(forenames), ' ', '.'), 3)) As [f3] , Reverse(ParseName(Replace(Reverse(forenames), ' ', '.'), 4)) As [f4] FROM ( SELECT 'John' As [forenames] UNION SELECT 'John Paul' UNION SELECT 'John Paul George' UNION SELECT 'John Paul George Ringo' ) As [x]
forenames (no column name) f1 f2 f3 f4 ---------------------- ---------------------- ---- ---- ------ ----- John John John NULLNULL NULL John Paul John.Paul John PaulNULL NULL John Paul George John.Paul.George John PaulGeorgeNULL John Paul George Ringo John.Paul.George.Ringo John PaulGeorgeRingo
I have some SQL code as inline SQL (bad habit, I know). Now I want to convert this to an sproc, but I'm pretty much out of ideas here. The code looks like this: string SQL = "SELECT * FROM MyDBTable WHERE 1=1"; if (txtMyField1.Text != "") { SQL = SQL + " AND MyField1 = @MyField"; } if (txtMyField2.Text != "") { SQL = SQL + " AND MyField2 LIKE '%'+ @MyField2 + '%'"; } if (txtMyField3.Text != "") { SQL = SQL + " AND MyField3 LIKE '%' + @MyField3 + '%'"; } I have an search page built on ASP.NET 2.0. Based on what the user has entered to the form fields, the SQL in constructed on the fly. Since this is now inside codebehind file (aspx.cs), I want to get rid of it and move it to an sproc. But the question is how ? Some simple SQL clauses are easy to convert to an sproc but this is causing me lots of issues.
I have query that doesn't even register a time when running it. But when I add the lines that are commented out in the code below, it takes between 20 and 30 seconds! When I run the code for functions directly,I know when I include it like this, it loses the Indexing capabilities?
SELECT ----, ISNULL(CAST(NULLIF(dbo.ufnGetRetail(I.ISBN13),0.00) AS VARCHAR(20)), 'N/A') RetailPrice ----, ISNULL(CAST(NULLIF(SP.LocalPrice,0.00) AS VARCHAR(20)),'on request') LocalPrice
How to have the functions included but have the query response time come down?
I have an inline query that I am trying to convert it into JOIN, results are not coming out the same:
Original query:
SELECT distinct (select count (distinct LoanID) FROM Q_C_Main_Sub1 WHERE DAY(LastWorked) = DAY(GETDATE()) and MONTH(LastWorked) = MONTH(GETDATE()) and YEAR(LastWorked) = YEAR(GETDATE()) and PrimStat = '1' and Collector = '3') As DcountMy query:
SELECT a.* FROM Unscheduled_Arrival a INNER JOIN (SELECT Person_ID ,[arrival date] ,[leaving date] ,[unique stay id] ,[area code] FROM Unscheduled_Arrival
[Code] ....
And what I am trying to do is find instances where a person has arrived back at a different area within 7 days of leaving from a planned visit to any other area different from the last. so lets say we had person ID = 1 and they had had 3 planned visits to one area (not equal to area_gh) in the last 4 months but after the 2nd planned trip to the other area, and before the commencement of the 3rd planned trip to any area not equal to area_gh, they had arrived unscheduled to area_gh, and this unplanned visit was within 7 days of leaving the 2nd last planned visit to any area not equal to area_gh.
The query I have shows data from unscheduled arrivals to the area_gh for a person who has also had visits to any area other than area_gh, but each record for unscheduled visits to area_gh duplicates for the amount of times the person has had scheduled visits to any area not equal to area_gh. This is the first problem but is as a result of not having the correct SQL for the refinement of the data.
This refinement requires that I return only the data that relates to the unscheduled arrival that is within 7 days of the last scheduled arrival, not duplicate rows of area_gh visits for all the scheduled arrivals.
Because my data is showing the data I want but the count is related to the scheduled arrivals I think I need to rewrite the query or alter it.
The data is already restricted to a year's worth of data.
I just need to find any instances of unscheduled arrivals (for arrival at area_gh) within 7 days of the end of any scheduled arrival (determined using leaving date) to area equal to area_gh.
There can be any number of scheduled arrivals and any number of unscheduled arrivals for each person. The [unique stay id] is distinct for each visit so person 1 can have 3 stays, all with a different [unique stay id].
I need to create a function which takes a multi-value parameter. When I select more than one item, I get the error that I have too many arguments. Does anybody have a solution?
Or can I create a view and then do a "SELECT * FROM viewName WHERE columnName IN (@param)"?
The code block is embedded into a grid view item template. <ItemTemplate> <% if ((bool)Eval("isNew")) { %> New Post <% } %></ItemTemplate> but as per rule Eval and Bind can be only use bind the data. How would i pull the information from sqldatasource in the template like this?
Hi, Here's the code I've used to try and update a new user's IP Address to a Table called Customer who's key field in the UserId: Getting the Exception Error "Incorrect Syntax near'('. " Any ideas? protected void ContinueButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Get the ip address and put it into the customer table - (the instance of this user now exists)
MembershipUser _membershipUser = Membership.GetUser(); //This gets the active user if there is someone logged in... Guid UserId = (Guid)_membershipUser.ProviderUserKey; //This gets the userId for the currently logged in user string IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress.ToString();//This gets the IPAddress of the currently logged in user string cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ToString(); using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection con =new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(cs)) { con.Open(); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
I want to retrieve data from SQL containing non English character but fail, can anyone shed me some light?
What I use currently:
Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "SELECT ArticleID, " strSQL &= "ISNULL(Body, '') AS Body, " strSQL &= "ISNULL(Subject, '') AS Subject " strSQL &= "FROM Articles " strSQL &= "WHERE (Subject LIKE N'%' + @Keyword + '%' OR [Body] LIKE N'%' + @Keyword + '%') " Dim con As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")) Dim cmd As New SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, con) cmd.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Keyword", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = keyword ...
I'm not so sure where should I place the letter "N", I use :
SELECT ArticleID, ISNULL(Body, '') AS Body, ISNULL(Subject, '') AS Subject, FROM Articles WHERE (Subject LIKE N'%SomeNonEnglishString%' OR [Body] LIKE N'%SomeNonEnglishString%')
in Query Analzyer, it works! But it failed in my program... oh my god...
I have a recursive CTE on an inline table valued function. I need to set the MAXRECURSION option on the CTE, but SQL Server is complaining with "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'OPTION'".
It works fine on non-inline function. I couldn't find any documentation indicating this wasn't possible.
I can use the MAXRECURSION option in call to the function
but that means that the user needs to know the "MyFunction" uses recursive CTE, which defeats the purpose of the abstraction.
I have a stored proc that is being executed from an OLE DB Source component in my Data Flow. Takes one input parm, has several variables declared within, a derived table which is used in a join and all within a try catch block with transaction handling. No updates, just returning data, works great, except now I have been asked to replace these stored procs with inline queries.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Get_Test] ( @numberOfMonthsint ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON set transaction isolation level read uncommitted
[Code] ....
The problems I have run into so far are...
SQL command text in OLE DB Source Editor does not like: - TRY/CATCH block - Will not let me use my input parm (@numberOfMonths int) - When I hard code in my input parm (select @BeginDate = dateadd(MONTH, -1, GETDATE())) I can parse query and run the step but no results are returned. So I am let to assume that it does not like the @TESTY derived table.
The query here as a sample has had pivots removed as well, but research suggests this should be an issue in the SQL command text.
Also, I know not even to try the Build Query... cause it will complain about any variable declarations (i.e., declare @BeginDate datetime).
For instance, can I pull this off with an Execute SQL Task? The problem is I don't see this available in the toolbox for the Data Flow.
Also, would my error handling be done in the Event Handlers tab now and if so, is there a good example of this?
I'm trying to call a Stored Procedure from a Inline Table-Valued Function. Is it possible? If so can someone please tell me how? And also I would like to call this function from a view. Can it be possible? Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks