I Have Table Called 'Sales' and 'Voucher',I Need To Show Each Customer ""Dueamount"" Details Based Upon Customer Paid in 'Voucher' Table But One thing I have Not Maintained Transaction History For Customer in 'Sales' Table Means I Have Column named "CreditAmount" in 'Sales' and Column Named "VoucherAmount" in 'Voucher' ,For every transaction I am updating Column named "CreditAmount" in 'Sales', So finally 'Dueamount' Must be calculated according to "VoucherAmount" of customer in 'Voucher' Table....
My Query:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar,BillDate,103) as BillDate,isnull(NetAmount,0) as BillAmount, case when VoucherAmount != 0 then sum(VoucherAmount)else 0 end as'AmountReceived',case when CreditAmount !=0 then CreditAmount else 0 end as 'DueAmount' from Voucher INNER join Sales on CustomerId=CustomerID and BillMasterID=BillMasterID WHERE CONVERT(varchar,BillDate,103)='03/03/2014' AND CustomerId=101
I am writing a stored procedure that takes in a customer number, a current (most recent) sales order quote, a prior (to most current) sales order quote, a current item 1, and a prior item 1, all of these parameters are required.Then I have current item 2, prior item 2, current item 3, prior item 3, which are optional.
I added an IF to check for the value of current item 2, prior item 2, current item 3, prior item 3, if there are values, then variable tables are created and filled with data, then are retrieved. As it is, my stored procedure returns 3 sets of data when current item 1, prior item 1, current item 2, prior item 2, current item 3, prior item 3 are passed to it, and only one if 2, and 3 are omitted.I would like to learn how can I return this as a one data set, either using a full outer join, or a union all?I am including a copy of my stored procedure as it is.
I have a matrix report with 2 column SaleAmount and ProfitAmounts by Month like
Sale Profit Dealer 5/1/2007 6/1/2007 7/1/2007 5/1/2007 6/1/2007 7/1/2007 A 100 200 300 20 25 15 B 200 250 50 30 45 19
how can i do following 3 things
1)Add Total column for Sale and Average column for Profit 2)Sort report by lastMonth of Sale (here 7/1/2007) High to low 3)if last month of sale(here 7/1/2007) is less than second last month here (6/1/2007) whole row should be red
We have a table with a couple of computed columns. The value of the computed column represents a foreign key reference into another table. We're seeing a major performance problem doing a query joining between the two tables with one of the columns, but not the other. In other words, this kind of query is very fast:
select * from TheTable A, FKeyTable B where A.ComputedColumn1 = B.KeyColumn
but this one sends the CPU usage of SQL Server to 99% for a very long time:
select * from TheTable A, FKeyTable B where A.ComputedColumn2 = B.KeyColumn
The main difference we can see that the computed column that causes problems is based on a UDF, and the other one isn't (but again, both are computed). When I look at the execution plan, the slow query shows a Nested Loop (Inner Join) with a "No Join Predicate" warning, with the estimated # of rows being 70 million (which correponds to the product of 1016 rows in TheTable and 69K rows in FKeyTable). The fast query doesn't have that warning, and shows 1016 rows (the # of rows in TheTable).
Does anyone know why the usage of a UDF would induce this horribly inefficient join behavior? Anything we can do to fix it?
I am new to MSSQL and am trying to write a complicated SQL statement that I'm having trouble with. Any help that anyone can offer is much appreciated!
Here is the problem I am tackling:
I have a list of about 5,000 members of our organization stored in the MemberList MSSQL table. I have a separate MSSQL table (CityList) that has approximately 500,000 resident of a city.
I am trying to find matches between MemberList and CityList for the purposes of figuring out which of our members are registered voters.
The tricky part of this problem, is that there is no unique ID (such as a social security number) that is present in each list. Accordingly, I have decided to created several types of matches:
1. NameDOBMatch: Where the FirstName, LastName & DOB fields in MemberList table match the same fields in CityList table.
2. NameAddressMatch: Where the LastName, FirstName & Address fields in the MemberList table match the same fields in the CityList table.
3. DoubleMatch: A combination of the first two matches (i.e. where the LastName, FirstName, DOB, & Address fields in the MemberList table match the same fields in the CityList table).
My goal is to "loop" through the MemberList and CityList tables and to add a new row to a third MSSQL table (MemberMatch) each time one of the aforementioned matches is found. The MemberMatch table has the following fields: 1. MatchID (key) 2. MemberID (Unique ID of member from MemberList table) 3. ResidentID (Unqiue ID of matching member from CityList table). 4. MatchType (value of NameDOBMatch, NameAddressMatch or DoubleMatch, depending on match type).
If anyone could help me create an SQL statement that would accomplish that, I would very much appreciate it!
In the database, there is Date, Store#, Item#, and %Total Sales. In some cases, the same item# for the same date may be given more than one value for '% of Total Sales'. (For some reason this is a valid business scenario that happens rarely, but it happens.)
In that situation only, the requirement is to sum the two values together into one line. So if Item# 123 has a line with a value of .05%, and another line with a value of .08%, I need to sum those two values into one line for Item #123 that has a %Total of .13%. ONLY when an item has more than one percentage assigned, those percentages should be summed. Otherwise, if an item# has only one percentage value assigned, we just want to see that value.
Basically, I would like to implement logic that would work like this:
SELECT Date, Store#, Item#, CASE WHEN Count(%Total Sales) >1 THEN Sum(%Total Sales) ELSE %Total Sales END
FROM (some tables and joins) GROUP BY Date, Store#, Item#
However, I'm not sure how to craft it so that I don't get a syntax error (this query produces errors).
empStatus char(1) - can be N,D or S - New, Deleted or Shifted
and the following in Sql2005
Id smallint,
Name varchar(60),
Age int,
Status char(1) - Bydefault 'N'
I have written a Foreach File package that populates the sql server tables (EmployeesB) from Access(EmployeesA). However i want to check for a condition now.
If empStatus = N in EmployeesA, then insert a new record in EmployeesB
If empStatus = D in EmployeesA, then search for that field in the EmployeesB by passing empname and age and if found, mark the Status field in EmployeesB as 'D'
If empStatus = S in EmployeesA, then search for that field in the EmployeesB by passing empname and age and if found, mark the Status as 'S' in EmployeesB and insert a new row.
How do I do it for each table each row in EmployeesA using a foreach file loop?
Im faced with the following design issue.. on my site there are different profiles: a city profile, a restaurant profile and a user profile. in my DB:City profiles are stored in tbCities cityID int PK shortname nvarchar(50) forumID int FK (...) Restaurant profiles are stored in tbRests restID int PK shortname nvarchar(50) forumID int FK (...) User profiles are stored in tbUsers userID int PK shortname nvarchar(50) forumID int FK (...) as you can see a single ID value (for CityID,restID or userid) might occur in multiple tables (e.g. ID 12 may exist in tbRests and in tbUsers)Each of these profile owners can start a forum on their profile. forumID in each of the above tables is a FK to the PK in tbForums:forumID intforumname nvarchar(50) (...) Now imagine the following: a site visitor searches ALL forums...say he finds the following forums:ForumID Forumname1 you opinion on politics2 is there life in space?3 who should be the next president of the USA? a user may want to click on the forum name to go to the profile the forum belongs to.And then there's a problem, because I dont know in which table I should look for the forum ID...OR I would have to scan all tables (tbCities,tbRests and tbUsers) for that specific forumid,which is time-consuming and I dont want that! so if a user would click on forumID 2 (is there life in space?) I want to do a conditional inner join for the tablecontainingforumID (which may be tbCities,tbRests or tbUsers) select tablecontainingforumID.shortname FROM tablecontainingforumID tINNER JOIN tbForums f ON t.ForumID=f.ForumIDwhere f.ForumID=2 I hope my problem is clear..any suggestions are welcome (im even willing to change my DB design if that would increase effectivity)
tblWine tblSpecialOfferWine tblSpecialOffer ID Name ID WineID SpecialOfferID ID Name IsLive ===================== ============================ ========================== 1 Mouton Rothschild 1 1 1 1 February Offer 0 2 Lafite Rothschild 2 1 2 2 March Offer 1 3 Chateau Teyssier 3 2 1
... and the current query I am using is the following along with it's result set ...
SELECT tblWine.ID AS WineID, tblWine.Name AS WineName, tblSpecialOffer.ID AS SpecialOfferID, tblSpecialOffer.Name AS SpecialOfferName
FROM tblWine LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSpecialOfferWine ON tblSpecialOfferWine.WineID = tblWine.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSpecialOffer ON tblSpecialOfferWine.SpecialOfferID = tblSpecialOffer.ID
Results WineID WineName SpecialOfferID SpecialOfferName ================================================== ========= 1 Mouton Rothschild 1 February Offer 1 Mouton Rothschild 2 March Offer 2 Lafite Rothschild 1 February Offer 3 Chateau Teyssier NULL NULL
... but the result set I want is All wines and their associated specials offers but only show details of the offer if the offer is live like so ...
I am trying to join Table A to Table B using the below log . Table A should have one unique mathincg record from Table B
option 1. Using registration_key and discharge_dt , looking for exact matching date( end_dt) in table B , if there is more than one record that matches then select lowest ID
option 2.if there is no record that matches option1 then, serch for the previous record with end_dt in table A less than end_dt table B. if there is more than one record then select lowest ID
option 3. if there is no record option 2 then search the next record that matches .. discharge_dt greater than end_Dt , if there is more than one record then select lowest Id
so basically, I am looking for an exact matching date in the same registration_key .. if the exact dt doesn't exist looking for the previous record and get the most closer dt and if there is no prvious record than look for next record,.
so the output should look like
output Registration_key ID end_dt discharge_dt value
Hi,I am trying to change an SP from dynamic SQL to proper SQL but I can'tfigure a way to conditionally add extra parts to the statement. Howcan I do the equivalent of the following?DECLARE @arg NVARCHAR(10)SELECT a.i, a.xFROM aTable aIF LEN(@arg)BEGININNER JOIN bTable b ON a.[id] = b.[id]ENDConditionally adding the INNER JOIN is very easy when building up a SQLstring but I can't see how to do it in pure SQL?Thanks.
I have these two tables => Table a Name CEN VID 1. AA 01 11 2. BB 01 11 3. CC 02 12
Table b CEN VID CName 01 11 ZZZZ NULL 12 YYY 02 PR XXX
I want to join either on CEN or VID.
1. Join with CEN but If CEN is NULL in table b than the inner join will be VID (automatically in single query) 2. Join with VID but if VID in table b = 'PR' than the inner join will switch to CEN (automatically)
MID, IIN and NUM_EVENTS are composite keys. and only NUM_EVENTS get incremented. All records start with NUM_EVENTS = 1.How can I create a query that only displays those records that only NUM_EVENTS = 1 meaning their still on the first stage of processing?
MID, IIN and NUM_EVENTS are composite keys. and only NUM_EVENTS get incremented. All records start with NUM_EVENTS = 1.How can I create a query that only displays those records that only NUM_EVENTS = 1 meaning their still on the first stage of processing?
I need to be able to suppress the printing of a particular value when exporting, but not when displaying on a web viewer on-line. I can place an IIF() condition around the field to do this, but do not know how to obtain a parameter/value/function which would recognize that the viewer has selected an export (To .PDF for example). I would prefer there be a direct parameter I can read from the RDL language, however recognizing the selection while setting up the viewer to be displayed in the code-behind and setting an external parameter is also an option.
My source table has two columns... Policynum and PolicyStartdate and data looks like.. . Policynum PolicyStartdate 123G 01/01/2012 456D 02/16/2012 789A 01/21/2012 163J 05/25/2012
Now my output should return based on 3 parameters..
First two parameters are date range... let say @fromdt and @todt
Third parameter is @policynum
Scenario-1: Enter dates in date range param and leave policynum param blank Ex: policystartdate between '01/01/2012 and '01/31/2012'.... It returns 1st and 3rd rows from above in the output
Scenario-2: enter policy num in policynum param and don't select any dates Ex: policynum ='456D' It returns 2nd row in the output
Scenario-3: Select dates in date range param and enter policynum in param Ex: policystartdate between '01/01/2012 and '01/31/2012' and policynum ='163J'. it should return only 4th row even though dates were selected(Override date range when policynum is entered in param and just return specified policynum row in the output)
I want to filter some search results using an inner join.The criteria are passed as a parameter.If the parameter has value, I want to inner join with it. If there is a NULL value, I just want to ignore the inner join. I don't want to:1) Build a string and do an exec() - too slow and hard to maintain2) use a (@parm IS NULL) OR ('inner join') AGAIN, too slow Suggestions appreciated
I want to write a query that joins data in a different table based on a column value. The table is for a "Playlist" and holds play list items. The items can be video, audio, images, etc. The playlist table looks like this:
Table_Playlist ----------------- ID (int) MediaType (char) MediaId (int)
Table_Audio ----------------- MediaId (int)
Table_Video -------------- MediaId (int)
If the Table_Playlist.[MediaType] column value = "Audio" then I want to join to the Table_Audio table. If the value = "Video" then I need the video table.
I am trying to join Table A to Table B using the below log . Table A should have one unique mathincg record from Table B
option 1. Using registration_key and discharge_dt , looking for exact matching date( end_dt) in table B , if there is more than one record that matches then select lowest ID
option 2.if there is no record that matches option1 then, serch for the previous record with end_dt in table A less than end_dt table B. if there is more than one record then select lowest ID
option 3. if there is no record option 2 then search the next record that matches .. discharge_dt greater than end_Dt , if there is more than one record then select lowest Id
so basically, I am looking for an exact matching date in the same registration_key .. if the exact dt doesn't exist looking for the previous record and get the most closer dt and if there is no prvious record than look for next record,.
so the output should look like
Table B Registration_key ID end_dt discharge_dt value
This is probably an easy question, and I just can't find the solution. I've searched extensively, but I am probably just not searching for exactly what I need.
Basically, I have a Conditional Split. What I need to do is for each row coming out of my split, I need to SELECT some data from another database based on one of the fields and then place the data from the DB into a file for later processing.
Seems pretty simple, considering the power of SSIS. Using tools such as OLE DB Command didn't help - the data that comes out of the OLE DB Command is the input data, not the data returned by the command.
- Sales Volume: Information about sold articles to a customer incl. Selling date - Survey: irregular answered survey questions about customers incl. date of answer and three Dimensions: - Customer - Date - Survey Answer: Information about possible Answer values (e.g. Yes / No)
We would like to be able to determine the aggregated sales volume (sum) of a customer for a specific period depending on the latest survey answer within this period.
For example: Selected Time period: Jan - Jul 2015 Sales Volume Customer X - Jan - Jul 2015: 1000 Litres Sales Volume Customer Y - Jan - Jul 2015: 500 Litres
Surveys answered:
15th Jan 15: Customer X, Survey Question A: Yes 2nd Mar 15: Customer X, Survey Question A: No 20th Apr 15: Customer X, Survey Question A: Yes
10th Feb 15: Customer Y, Survey Question A: Yes 20th Jul 15: Customer Y, Survey Question A: No
Latest survey answer (Jan-Jul) Customer X, Question A: Yes Latest survey answer (Jan-Jul) Customer Y, Question A: No
Excel Pivot should show something like this:
Question | Latest Answer: Yes | No |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A | 1000 Litres | 500 Litres |
I need to add a join in my select query depending upon a variable @LoggedUser. the Join is to be there if @loggedUser is 1 else i do not need it. Currently I am using two different queries one with join and one without it under If (@LoggedUser check).
the join is like - JOIN (SELECT CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),Analyst_Effective_date , 1) AS DATETIME) Analyst_Effective_date FROM Users us (NOLOCK) JOIN Primary_Analysts (NOLOCK) ON User_Count_Id = Analyst_Id_fk WHERE User_Count_Id in ((SELECT VALUE FROM dbo.fParseString(@Analyst, ',')) )) Ana ON dep.Departure_Code = Ana.Primary_Analyst_Departure_Code_fk )
Any way that the join can be added conditionally in the query so i do not have to write the whole code again for one join.
I have two tables tabA (cola1, cola2, cola3) and tabB(colb1, colb2, colb3, colb4) which I need to join on all 3 columns of table A.
Of the 3 columns in tabA, few can be NULL, in that case I want to check the joining condition for the rest of the columns, so its conditional joining. Let me rephrase what I am trying to acheive - I need to check if the columns in joining condition is NULL in my 1st table (tabA), If so I need to check the joining condition for the rest of the two columns, if 2nd column is again NULL, I need to check the joining condition on the third column.
What I am trying to do is as below. Its working, but is very slow when one of the tables is huge. Can I optimize it or rewrite in a better way ?
--- First Create two tables Create table tabA (cola1 nvarchar(100), cola2 nvarchar(100), cola3 nvarchar(100)) Insert into tabA values (NULL,'A1','A2') Select * from tabA create table tabB
I have a merge join that does a full outer join. I then have a conditional split that will breakout by unchanged, insert and update. The update is what I am having a problem with. The conditional split for the update is a follows:
Now I believe the problem is related to spaces in the key field let me explain.
The join field is defined as [char](14) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
There was an original mismatch between the two tables of VARCHAR(14) & Char(14) but now there both Char(14).
What's interesting is that the few records with Alpha characters correctly does the update but the records with starting numeric data all go down the insert path.
The data of the join columns look like
'308811151 ' - 5 Spaces This Data incorrectly goes to insert path
'TSTRWR02 ' 6 Space This Data correctly goes to update
The data is grouped and sorted by the Key field and the historical and transform column contain a 1 for all records. while the Doc_nbr which is the key
I tested the join in SQL server and it works with and without the spaces.
From SSIS I also tried RTRIM in the SQL command of the source in addition to substring the first 9 with the right trim and I always received the same results.
I am guessing there is something going on with the not isnull in the conditional split but I can't figure it out if I am missing something or if this is a BUG.
Three paths of data after the merge join and the conditional split
I am designing a dimension table which will include a short name column based on the (full) name column. For example say Product dimension where I will have ProductName and ProductShortName. ProductShortName will be the first 6 characters of ProductName. I could populate ProductShortName using:
Substring in the select when I select from the original system, e.g. SUBSTR(PRODUCT_NAME, 1, 6) AS ProductShortName
Create a derived column in the SSIS flow which does the same thing
Create the ProductShortName column as a computed column which uses substring on ProductName
Create a trigger that populates ProductShortName based on ProductName when a row is inserted or updated
Create a named calculation in the table in the Analysis Services project's data source view
Create a named query in the Analysis Services project's data source view
I usually use 1, and 5 or 6 would only be used if I only will create reports against the cubes. 3 seems easiest to maintain, so I am thinking about using that one, but maybe it is slow for the data flow as I imagine it must be something like using 4, or when is the column "created" at runtime, i.e. when the table is queried? Which approach(es) do or would you use? Pros and cons?
We are building a dataload application where parameters are store in a table. And there are multiple packages for each load.There is a column IsChecked column if it is 1 then only the child package should execute.Created a master package. In which i have taken execute SQL task in that storing a results in variable and based on the result the child package should execute. But In executesql task i selected result set as full result set. I am getting the below error.
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "SELECT isnull(ID ,0) AS ID FROM DataLoadParameter..." failed with the following error: "The type of the value (DBNull) being assigned to variable "User::LoadValue" differs from the current variable type (Int32). Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
I have a excel file which has a column called "Code" and their values are A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. I want to create a new column called "status" based on the values of "Code".
If A,C,E,G then "status" = "Active" else if B,D,F,H then "Status" = "Inactive". I like to do it using "Derived Column".
I have a quizzing application where users log in, answer questions, and are ranked relative to each other. For this final ranking, I calculate their score using this formula -
SELECT TOP 50 username, (sum(correct) * 150 / count(1) + count(1)) AS score, count(1) as totalq FROM questionsstats GROUP BY username ORDER BY score DESC
This works just fine.
However, on top of this I need to put an additional restriction that only users who have at least answered 20 questions be counted in. How can I do this? Adding a simple 'WHERE totalq > 20' does not work. I get the error "Invalid column name 'totalq'.".