Hi, I pass a paramter of text data type in sql server (which crosspnds Memo data type n Access) to a stored procedure but the problem is that I do not know the crossponding DataTypeEnum to Text data type in SQL Server.
The exact error message that occurs is:
ADODB.Parameters (0x800A0E7C) Parameter object is improperly defined. Inconsistent or incomplete information was provided.
The error occurs in the following code line: .parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter ("@EMedical", advarwchar, adParamInput)
I need to know what to write instead of advarwchar? Thanks in advance
How can I make a stored procedure which has a output parameter withtext data type? My procedure is:CREATE PROCEDURE try@outPrm text OutputASselect @outPrm =(select field1 from databaseName Wherefield2='12345')GOHere field1 is text data type.Thanks
How Can I Control the data type for each parameter ?? Or How Can I Change the data type of the parameter for the Deployed Stored Procedure ?? Or How Can I defined the new Data type ??
What's the solution to this problem ??
Note : I get Error when I try to use Alert Statement to change the parameter Data type for the SP
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AddImage] @ImageID [uniqueidentifier], @ImageFileName nText, @Image Image WITH EXECUTE AS CALLER AS EXTERNAL NAME [DatabaseAndImages].[StoredProcedures].[sp_AddImage] GO
Hi,I have a .NET application that I want to save the Config.EXE contentsto my SQL database for remote review/testing. This config file is3700+ bytes long. I created a field in one of my tables with a VARCHAR4800 and then created a stored procedure that receives a parameter(also VARCHAR(4800).However it fails to write anything if the length of the value that Ipass is anything greater than 900. If I pass exactly 900 characters orless - the data is written to the field. If I pass 901 characters Iget nothing.I'm suspicious since it is exactly 900. I seriously doubt it's somelimitation of MS-SQL so I need a nudge in the right direction.Thanks
This should be relatively easy but for some reason it isn't. I'm trying to simply add parameters to a stored procedure that performs a simple input and I can't do it... I keep getting an error that the parameters are not found when I am explicitly stating them. I could do this with VB ASP.NET 1.x but with all these radical changes with 2.0, I'm pulling my hair out.... I can get to work if I declare a sqlStatement in the code but don't want to go that route (but will if there is no other choice) Any help would be great: Code: Dim cmd As New SqlDataSource cmd.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@firstName", txtFirstName.Text) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@lastName", txtLastName.Text) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@address1", txtAddress1.Text) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@address2", txtaddress2.Text) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@city", txtCity.Text) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@state", ddlState.SelectedItem.Value) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@zipCode", txtZipCode.Text) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@telephone", txtTelephone.Text) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@email", txtEmail.Text) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@agegroup", ddlAgeGroup.SelectedItem.Value) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@birthday", txtBirthday.Text) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@emailnotification", rbEmail.SelectedItem.Value) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@magazine", rbEmail.SelectedItem.Value) cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@question", txtquestion.Text) cmd.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" cmd.InsertCommand = "sp_insertCustomer"
ERROR: Procedure or Function 'sp_insertCustomer' expects parameter '@firstName', which was not supplied. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure or Function 'sp_insertCustomer' expects parameter '@firstName', which was not supplied. Source Error: Line 24: cmd.InsertCommand = "sp_insertCustomer"Line 25: Line 26: cmd.Insert()Line 27: Line 28:
I am trying to send XML as an input parameter for a stored procedure. I have seen many articles that do a good job of describing different variations but all the examples show the stored procedure only pulling one value (field) per record from the XML input. I need to pull 3 fields for each record.
Here is an example of the XML being passed: <object> <property @propID="14" @propType="4" @propValue="Blah blah text" /> <property @propID="217" @propType="2" @propValue="Some other text" /> </object>
I have a table like this in my database: CREATE TABLE SCENE_PROPERTY_LINK (ID INT, OBJ_ID INT, PROPERTY_ID INT, PROPERTY_VALUE NTEXT) and I want a stored procedure that will accept XML and update this table. Here is what I am trying: CREATE PROCEDURE sp_UpdateObject @inValues XML AS BEGIN --create a temporary table DECLARE @props TABLE(PROPID INT, PROPTYPE INT, PROPVALUE NTEXT)
--And then insert the values from the @inValues XML argument into the temporary table --I am sure the SELECT statement is VERY wrong
INSERT INTO @props(PROPID, PROPTYPE, PROPVALUE) SELECT @inValues('@propID', INT), @inValues('@propType', INT), @inValues('@propValue', NTEXT) FROM @inValues.nodes('/object/property')
--...and then I will use the temp table to update the DB table (SCENE_PROPERTY_LINK) for each record where SCENE_PROPERTY_LINK.PROPERTY_ID = @props.PROPID AND @props.PROPTYPE != 6
I am sure it would be more efficient to update the DB table directly from the XML argument, without using the temporary table. But, I will settle for this solution using the temp table. I have done some work creating XML output from several stored procedures but, this is the first time I have been faced with consuming XML input in SQL.
I apologize for the long post. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
I have a project which will be a tools to edit different tables.
Now I need a stored_procedure to select data from different table.
For example I have a table name "TableFields" which have "tableID","FieldName", "DataType"and so on columns. It has the following records. "1","EmployeeID","Varchar" "1","FirstName","varchar" "1","LastName","varchar" "1", "EmployedDate","date"
It has the following records. "2","AddressID","int" "2","ApartNo","varchar" "2", "Address","varchar"
Then I have table named "Employee" has columns "employeeID","FirstName","LastName","EmployedDate" which have the following data, "001","Susan","Daka","1999-09-09", "002","Lisa","Marzs","1999-08-08", "003","David","Smith","2000-01-01",
I also have address table has columns "AddressID","ApartNo","Address" and has the following data "1","1101","1208 Mornelle Crt, Toronto", "2","1209","1940 Garden Drive, Toronto"
I need to create a stored procedure to select data from table "employee " or table "address" or even other tables according to information from "TableFields." So the table's name can be know as a input parameter, but the fields name will be a list of values and it all depends on tables.
I want to use fields name as a long string separated by",", like I have input "EmployeeID, FirstName,LastName" as an input parameter. But I don't know how to split the string.
Second, I need to create a stored procedure to insert or update data into these dynamically table.
I have a stored procedure that takes an input string parameter defined as @name nvarchar(24). The stored procedure takes this string and insert it into a table with the column also defined as nvarchar(24). When I execute this stored procedure with a string of more than 24 characters, the input string somehow get truncated and inserted successfully into the table without giving an error. Why is this the case?
If I simply execute an insert statement with a string longer than 24 characters, it will give me an error message. I tried enclosing the insert statement with a try-catch block in the stored procedure but I still can't trap any error.
could someone please let me know if i am declaring the parameter wrong or have the wrong VB CODE. I receive my 3 column headers in my datagrid but the parameter isn't doing anything STORED PROCEDURE CREATE PROCEDURE USP_Machcusidsearch @Machcusid nvarchar OUTPUTAS SELECT dbo.Machine.machcustomID, dbo.Problem.ProblemDesc, dbo.Request.ReqDateFROM dbo.Machine INNER JOIN dbo.Request ON dbo.Machine.machID = dbo.Request.MachID INNER JOIN dbo.Problem ON dbo.Request.ProblemID = dbo.Problem.ProblemIDwhere machcustomID = @MachcusidGO VB.NET CODE Private Sub LSBmachcusid_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LSBmachcusid.SelectedIndexChanged SqlDataAdapter2.Fill(DsMachcusidsearch1) SqlSelectCommand2.Parameters("@Machcusid").Value = LSBmachcusid.SelectedItem.Value DGstatussearch.DataBind() End Sub End Class
is there any way or a tool to identify if in procedure the Parameter length was declarated less than table Column length ..
I have a table
CREATE TABLE TEST001 (KeyName Varchar(100) ) a procedure CREATE PROCEDURE SpFindNames ( @KeyName VARCHAR(40) ) AS BEGIN SELECT KeyName FROM TEST001 WHERE KeyName = @KeyName END KeyName = @KeyName
Here table Column with 100 char length "KeyName" was compared with SP parameter "@KeyName" with length 40 char ..
IS there any way to find out all such usage on the ALL Procedures in the Database ?
Hi All,I have created a table in sql server 2000 where at the time of creatingit, the row size excced 8K. I understand why I get the warning below:The table 'tbl_detail' has been created but its maximum row size(12367) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (8060). INSERT orUPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row lengthexceeds 8060 bytes.However, when I call a stored procedure from my ASP Code, which returnsme this warning, my ASP page displays the warning and does not move tothe next line.What can I do not to get this warning? How do I turn off warningmessages? I tried to wrap my stored procedure call code within SETNOCOUNT ON and SET NOCOUNT OFF but that didn't help.Any help would be really appreciated,Thanks,Boris
I'm seeing this error in my application log. Not quite sure how it started happening all of a sudden. I'm not quite sure where to start on this one.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Mike123
Exception information: Exception type: SqlException Exception message: Operation failed. The index entry of length 1007 bytes for the index 'tblMessage25' exceeds the maximum length of 900 bytes.
When a stored PL/SQL procedure in my Oracle database is called from ASP.NET, is it possible to retrieve the OUT parameter from the PL/SQL procedure? For example, if I have a simple procedure as below to insert a row into the database. Ideally I would like it to return back the parameter named NewId to my ASP.NET server. I'd like to capture this in the VB.NET code. 1 create or replace procedure WriteName(FirstName in varchar2, LastName in varchar2, NewId out pls_integer) is2 3 NameId pls_integer;4 5 begin6 7 select name_seq.nextval into NameId from dual;8 9 insert into all_names(id, first_name, last_name)10 values(NameId, FirstName, LastName);11 12 NewId := NameId;13 14 end WriteName; 1 <asp:SqlDataSource 2 ID="SqlDataSaveName" 3 runat="server" 4 ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"5 ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>" 6 SelectCommand="WRITENAME"7 SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">8 <SelectParameters>9 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBoxFirstName" Name="FIRSTNAME" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />10 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBoxLastName" Name="LASTNAME" PropertyName="text" Type="String" />11 </SelectParameters>12 </asp:SqlDataSource>This is then called in the VB.NET code as below. It is in this section that I would like to capture the PL/SQL OUT parameter NewId returned from Oracle. 1 SqlDataSaveName.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty) If anybody can help me with the code I need to add to the VB.NET section to capture and then use the returned OUT parameter then I'd be very grateful.
I have a stored procedure that contains a paramteter of type nvarchar(max). What is the syntax to pass this parameter to the sp from a VB.Net application. Specifically, I need to know what to put in the 3rd parameter below:
I'm trying to do something that should be fairly straightforward, but SSIS seems to be getting confused. I have a stored procedure which takes a timestamp as an input parameter. (NOTE: It's not a DateTime that's being stored as a DBTIMESTAMP, it really is a timestamp in the SQL sense.)
The command should be something like this:
Code Block
EXEC dbo.UpdateSynchTimestamp ? I tried to use my variable to pass the value through Parameter Mapping, but I got an unusual error:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "EXEC dbo.UpdateSynchTimestamp ?" failed with the following error: "An error occurred while extracting the result into a variable of type (DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP)". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
This is strange for a number of reasons:
1) The DBTIMESTAMP parameter has the Direction set to "Input", so it should not be interpreted as an Output or ReturnValue. 2) The Execute SQL Task has Result Set = "None", so it should not be trying to return anything.
If I change the code to include a value hard-coded it works:
Code Block
EXEC dbo.UpdateSynchTimestamp 0x00000000000013BD It is only when a variable is involved that it breaks.
Finally, here's the Stored Procedure itself:
Code Block
UPDATE ServerSettings SET [Value] = @NewValue WHERE [Key] = 'SynchTimestamp' END Doe anyone have any suggestions as to why this isn't working for me? For the time being, I have a Script Task which constructs the command text and stores it in a variable. I can't even use an Expression because the DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.
Hello, since a couple of days I'm fighting with RS 2005 and the Stored Procedure.
I have to display the result of a parameterized query and I created a SP that based in the parameter does something:
SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON CREATE PROCEDURE [schema].[spCreateReportTest] @Name nvarchar(20)= ''
declare @slqSelectQuery nvarchar(MAX);
SET NOCOUNT ON set @slqSelectQuery = N'SELECT field1,field2,field3 from table' if (@Name <> '') begin set @slqSelectQuery = @slqSelectQuery + ' where field2=''' + @Name + '''' end EXEC sp_executesql @slqSelectQuery end
Inside my business Intelligence Project I created: -the shared data source with the connection String - a data set : CommandType = Stored Procedure Query String = schema.spCreateReportTest When I run the Query by mean of the "!" icon, the parameter is Prompted and based on the value I provide the proper result set is displayed.
Now I move to "Layout" and my undertanding is that I have to create a report Paramater which values is passed to the SP's parameter... So inside"Layout" tab, I added the parameter: Name allow blank value is checked and is non-queried
the problem is that when I move to Preview -> I set the value into the parameter field automatically created but when I click on "View Report" nothing has been generated!!
I'm modifying a report that uses a date parameter as a report filter. The original report had no restrictions on what dates may be entered, so it displayed a neat Calendar picker tool for use in selecting the date for the parameter.
Thing is, this new version needs to have the dates limited to only those available in the source data. So, when I provide a query to describe the available values in the parameter properties window, instead of the nifty Calendar picker, I get a texbox dropdown list. [insert sad sound here]
I was hoping that it would still provide the Calendar picker, but with available dates highlighted in bold or some color or the unavailable dates greyed out, something along those lines; not an unimaginative dropdown list. To define the available values, I use a very simple query;
Is there a way to get it to display a Calendar tool rather than the dropdown list, if the parameter is given a list of available dates?
I'm using Cube.My DimDate tables Datekey is integer .But client wants a calendar to set date as you see in picture .how can I change calendar value  which will be input by user.
I like to define my procedure parameter type to match a referenced table colum type, similar to PL/SQL "table.column%type" notation. That way, when the table column is changes, I would not have to change my stored proc. Any suggestion?
I have a stored procedure a portion of which looks like this:
IF (CAST (@intMyDate AS datetime)) IN ( SELECT DISTINCT SHOW_END_DATE FROM PayPerView PP WHERE PP_Pay_Indicator = 'N' ) BEGIN --ToDo Here END
where: @intMyDate is of type int and is of the form 19991013 SHOW_END_DATE is of type datetime and is of the form 13/10/1999
however when I run the procedure in sql query analyzer as:
EXEC sp_mystoredproc param1, param2
i get the error:
Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Procedure usp_Summary_Incap, Line 106 The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
what is the proper way of doing the conversion from int to datetime in stored procedure?
Hi, I am using a ListBox where a user can choose multiple lines. The index of the selected items are then used in a stored procedure.
I wan´t to use the ID´s in this statement: SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyID IN (1,2,4,9)
But how can I do this? If I pass them as a string, then I can´t use them as above. Can I separate the string '1,2,4,9' so I can use them in the statement above? Or can I send the values as a array to the stored procedure?
Hi I have this procedure it is creating the proc but when I execute it gives error Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Must declare the scalar variable "@ID". Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Must declare the scalar variable "@nextCode".
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetNextAction]
( @Code char(10), @Track varchar(30)
SET NOCOUNT ON; Declare @ID int; DECLARE @SQL1 VARCHAR(2000) SET @SQL1='Select @ID = Sequence from'+' '+ @Track+ ' where Code=@Code' EXEC(@SQL1); Declare @nextCode varchar; DECLARE @SQL2 VARCHAR(2000) SET @SQL2 ='Select @nextCode= Code from '+' '+ @Track+ ' where sequence =(@ID+1)' EXEC(@SQL2); Declare @NextAction varchar(30); Select @NextAction= nextAction from [dbo].[CaseStage] where Code=@nextCode; Select @NextAction;
I have written a stored proc that selects data from this table: A1 AA A2 BB B1 AAA B2 BBB
and puts it another table in this manner: A1 AA BB A2 AA BB B1 AAA BBB B2 AAA BBB
In short, I wanted to concatenate data in the second column.
My question is for some reason, SQL Server is limiting the length of the string to only 256 characters, even though I have defined the local variables in the storeds proc as varchar(1000) and the table has that field defined as text.
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Procedure sp_CalendarCreate, Line 45 The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
Can any one tell me the solution of that problem (at ur earliest)
i need to store quite along description in the database, which in anyother database i would choose the data type 'text', however, can someone tell me why the length is set to just 16 in sql server..... i have seen a text field with far greater than 16 chars, set at length 16, so what does this length of 16 mean????? also what is the max length of the text field?
I would like to know the total length of data type in a table. I ran the following query. Will this give me the correct information? I also ran sp_columns <table name> and it too give the length. But There is a difference in the numbers. Am I doing something wrong and which is the correct the query or sp_column.
select sum(length) from syscolumns where id in (select id from sysobjects where name = 'XYZABC')
Hi, I have a script written in ASP to load data file (.csv) to ms sql. In the script, I have a portion of script looks like taht : ..... Do While NOT oInFile.AtEndOfStream oOutFile.WriteLine Replace(oInFile.Readline, chr(13), vbcrlf)Loop ..... After that, I will use a BULK INSERT to input data to ms sql. I am wondering how do I convert each row (data) to vbcrlf in Stored Procedure? Coz' I did not compose the convertion part, and I got no error when running BULK INSERT, but no rows are inserted :( HELP!!!! I guess it's because the file is not being converted into a correct format??