Insert CSV File Data To MS Sql

Sep 8, 2005

How to upload file data into ms sql server?


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How To Insert Data From A File Into Table Having Two Columns-BULK INSERT

Oct 12, 2007

i have a file which consists data as below,


Iam reading file using bulk insert and iam inserting these phone numbers into table having one column as below.


but i want to insert the data into table having two columns. if iam trying to insert the data into table having two columns its not inserting.

can anyone help me how to do this?


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SSIS - Data Flow To Flat File - Insert At Start Of File

Oct 24, 2007

Hi all,

In a foreachloop, I am inserting records into a flat file which is working fine. But the thing is that as the file grows, it takes longer for it to locate the EOF(End of File) of the flat file so as to insert the records.

I have around 70-100 lines written to the file at each loop and there are more than 20k records to be looped. wihich means that at the end I should be having 1400k - 20000k line in the text file.

One solution would be to insert the records at the start of the file itself so that it does not has to lookup the EOF each time before writting.

Another would be to generate separate files and then merge it.

Any idea how can this can be done?

Beside this I have to zip the file and then SFTP to a given address.

Any suggestion or help would be welcome.



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How Do I Insert Data From A Flat File Or .csv File Into An Existing SQL Database???

Mar 29, 2006

How do I insert data from a flat file or .csv file into an existing SQL database???

Here what I've come up with thus far and I but it doesn't work. Can someone please help? Let me know if there is a better way to do this... Idealy I'd like to write straight to the sql database and skip the datset all together...

strSvr = "vkrerftg"

StrDb = "Test_DB"

'connection String

strCon = "Server=" & strSvr & ";database=" & StrDb & "; integrated security=SSPI;"

Dim dbconn As New SqlConnection(strCon)

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter()

Dim insertComm As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [Test_DB_RMS].[dbo].[AIR_Ouput] ([Event], [Year], [Contract Loss],[Company Loss], " & _

"[IndInsured Loss Prop],[IndInsured Loss WC],[Event Info]) " & _

"VALUES (@Event, @Year, @ConLoss, @CompLoss, @IndLossProp, @IndLossWC, @eventsInfo)", dbconn)

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@Event", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "Event")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@Year", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Year")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@ConLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Contract Loss")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@CompLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Company Loss")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossProp", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss Prop")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossWC", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss WC")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@eventsInfo", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255, "Event Info")

da.InsertCommand = insertComm

Dim upComm As New SqlCommand("UPDATE [Test_DB_RMS].[dbo].[AIR_Ouput] " & _

"SET [Event] = @Event " & _

",[Year] = @Year " & _

",[Contract Loss] = @ConLoss " & _

",[Company Loss] = @CompLoss " & _

",[IndInsured Loss Prop] = @IndLossProp " & _

",[IndInsured Loss WC] = @IndLossWC " & _

",[Event Info] = @EventInfo", dbconn)

upComm.Parameters.Add("@Event", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "Event")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@Year", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Year")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@ConLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Contract Loss")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@CompLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Company Loss")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossProp", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss Prop")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossWC", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss WC")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@EventsInfo", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255, "Event Info")

da.UpdateCommand = upComm

da.Update(dsAIR, "TextDB")



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How Do I Insert Data From A Flat File Or .csv File Into An Existing SQL Database???

Mar 29, 2006

How do I insert data from a flat file or .csv file into an existing SQL database???

Here what I've come up with thus far and I but it doesn't work. Can someone please help? Let me know if there is a better wway to do this... Idealy I'd like to write straight to the sql database and skip the datset all together...

strSvr = "vkrerftg"

StrDb = "Test_DB"

'connection String

strCon = "Server=" & strSvr & ";database=" & StrDb & "; integrated security=SSPI;"

Dim dbconn As New SqlConnection(strCon)

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter()

Dim insertComm As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [Test_DB_RMS].[dbo].[AIR_Ouput] ([Event], [Year], [Contract Loss],[Company Loss], " & _

"[IndInsured Loss Prop],[IndInsured Loss WC],[Event Info]) " & _

"VALUES (@Event, @Year, @ConLoss, @CompLoss, @IndLossProp, @IndLossWC, @eventsInfo)", dbconn)

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@Event", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "Event")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@Year", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Year")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@ConLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Contract Loss")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@CompLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Company Loss")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossProp", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss Prop")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossWC", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss WC")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@eventsInfo", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255, "Event Info")

da.InsertCommand = insertComm

Dim upComm As New SqlCommand("UPDATE [Test_DB_RMS].[dbo].[AIR_Ouput] " & _

"SET [Event] = @Event " & _

",[Year] = @Year " & _

",[Contract Loss] = @ConLoss " & _

",[Company Loss] = @CompLoss " & _

",[IndInsured Loss Prop] = @IndLossProp " & _

",[IndInsured Loss WC] = @IndLossWC " & _

",[Event Info] = @EventInfo", dbconn)

upComm.Parameters.Add("@Event", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "Event")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@Year", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Year")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@ConLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Contract Loss")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@CompLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Company Loss")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossProp", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss Prop")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossWC", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss WC")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@EventsInfo", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255, "Event Info")

da.UpdateCommand = upComm

da.Update(dsAIR, "TextDB")



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Insert Data File In SQLMail

Oct 19, 2001

Is it possible to actually insert a file into the email sent via sqlmail/
I ask cos when I try to send the results of a query via SQLMail, the formatting is shot.
I want to automate a job to actually run a query, capture data to a file
and then email the results to my users. I can get to the stage where the file is available, but then I'm stumped.
Any Ideas please.

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How To Insert And Retrieve Data From MDF File

Dec 10, 2011

I want to use sql server as a back end for my shopping cart using have created an "news.mdf" under app_data folder of my website in visual studio2010...but i tried to connect it to database using below command...but showing error...

sqlconnectionstring = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;attachdbfilename=App_Datamyd atabase_data.mdf;Integrated Security=true;User Instance=true"
myconnection.ConnectionString = sqlconnectionstring
insertstring = "insert into News_table values(@N_head,@n_contents); "
mycommand = New SqlCommand(insertstring, myconnection)

[Code] ....

How to fix this error..and how to display this data in my site also

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Insert Data In DataBase From Txt File

May 5, 2008

My application reads one file with more or less than 80 000 rows(like 09905003101399800464520220080408710200070050000020 90604500012000 )
Based on the index of each character the row is splited in 8 columns and then i must verify that 5 of this columns are not allready in the database... if they are the row is a duplicate and will not be inserted.

Wich is the best way to do that?
To make 80000 cals to the database or to send the file as xml to the database and after that to parse it .......
or if you know any other way it would help me very much.

In this moment i m using the 80000 calls method and it takes ~20 hours.
Please advice.... any advice will be highly apreciated.
Thank you.

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Export Data And Insert Into Text File

Apr 29, 2015

I have the data of ACTTAB, APTTAB and etc, how to i export this data from SQL and insert into a text file??? this is the first time i need to do. as for the 2nd thing is that after export the data from SQL into text file, i need to import this data into mongoDB. So basically how to export this following data (ACTTAB, APTTAB and etc) into text file?

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Insert Data From A Text File Into The Table

Apr 15, 2006

Hi. my websever mysql manager allows to Insert data from a text file into the table.
currently i have a table with the following fields.

email name country

so i wanto insers data from a text file into this table.
so my question is : how the text file format should be prepared.

i.e. the first record would be > john us

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Bulk Insert From Txt File Less Data Than Columns

May 23, 2007

Hi, I´m trying to bulk insert files that looks like this:


each file can have up to 10 data fileds per line, and each file will have same number of data fileds in particular file, let´s say 3 like above. Second file could have let´s say 10 and that is maximum.

I read the file and insert data with fieldterminator in temp table from witch I insert data to other tables regarding some parameters inside.

Now problem is:
Msg 4832, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Bulk load: An unexpected end of file was encountered in the data file.
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".

That is because I´m trying to insert 3 fields of data in temporary table which is made of 10 columns (It have to be 10 because next file could have 10 fileds of data). If the temp table has same number of columns like text file has data fields than it works.

What is solution for this problem?
Can I bulk insert NULL in columns for which I don't have data?

I can also import each line of text file to one column (with delimiter inside) but than I don´t know how to insert that data to correct tables or even to one table but to seperate data fields to columns with fieldterminator which is , in this case.

I'm new to SQL and I would apriciate any help.
Thank you

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Which Is The Best Way To Read From A Txt File And Insert Data Into Sql Server?

Mar 21, 2008

Hi, I was wondering which is the best way to read data from a txt file and insert each row into sql.
OLE DB Command could be? It will be necesary to work with variables?
My txt file will have a defined width (if it is necessary to know). I will have many rows with many columns. I have to map eah column from the txt file to it's corresponding column in sql server and insert data into it for each row.
Thanks for your help!

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Bulk Insert Into Table With More Columns Than Data Within File

Jun 17, 2007

Hey all

I have a bulk insert situation that would be nice to be able to pull off. I have a flat file with 46 columns that are to go into a table. The table, I want to have a 47th column to be updated later on by means of a stored proc saying if the import into the system was sucessful or not. I have the rowterminator set as '"' thinking that would tell SQL to begin on the next row, leaving the importstatus column null but i still receive an error.

First of all, is this idea possible within this insert statement. Secondly, if so, what would be the syntax to tell the insert statement to skip that particular column. It is the last column listed in the table so it just needs to start on the next row after it inserts the last bit of data in the flatfile.

If this is not possible, is it possible to bulk insert into a temp table?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Ignore First Row In Data File In Bulk Insert?

Feb 17, 2015

I use bulk insert to fill a table

I use code bellow

bulk insert dbo.test
from 'c: est.txt'
with(FIRSTROW=2,FORMATFILE='c: est.xml'

but data inserted to table start from 3throw.

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Bulk Insert - Flat File Data Into Table

Mar 12, 2015

I am running a set of SQL statements on a SQL server, to insert flat file data into a SQL table. The flat file is already FTP'ed to the SQL server. I seem to be getting an error, which is possibly pointing to a permissions issue

The statements:

BULK INSERT [Jedox_prod].[dbo].[B_BP_Customer]
FROM 'c:jedox_dailyjdcom4401.txt'

The error is :
Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot bulk load because the file "c:jedox_dailyjdcom4401.txt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 3(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 1815)

If it is permissions issue, how do I overcome this?

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Read Data From Text File And Insert To Sql Table

Mar 28, 2008

hi my friends
i want read data from text file,and write to my table in sql,
please help me


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Bulk Insert - Inserting Only One Column From Data File

Sep 29, 2007


I have a data file in the folloing format


I just wanted to insert only SubjectIds into my table 'Subjects' which has the follwing schama ignoring the classes
The row delimeter is "
" and the column delimeter is ' | '

Table Subjects

ID (Autoincrement)
SubjectId varchar(20)

Can any one provide the format file for doing this or suggest anyway to do this?
Please do note that the file may contain millions of records

Thank u

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Transact SQL :: Bulk Insert Arabic Data From CSV File To DB

Aug 5, 2015

/****** BULK INSERT  ******/
INSERT [Table01]
FROM 'C:empdata.csv'


I am using above code to insert csv file data which consist of arabic data as well.  Upload is successful however Arabic field data is uploaded with invalid characters and getting the following error Msg 4864, Level 16, State 1, Line 3...Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage)

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Bulk Insert From Native Format Data File.

Dec 5, 2006

With "bcp MyDatabase.dbo.MyTable out C:MyFile.Dat -n -T" command line, I could get an exported data file. And I can also import this file  into MyTable using 'BULK INSERT MyDatabase.dbo.MyTable FROM 'C:MyFile.dat' WITH (DATAFILETYPE='native');' query statement.

Now, I want to make my own data file just like made by bcp above. Although I could make file of 'char' type, 'native' type file is needed for performance and other reasons. And the format file should not be used.

 Any one help?

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Skip The First Line Of The Data File - Bulk Insert

Oct 1, 2007

I have a data file and the contents of it are as follows

2 -- This is the header indicating the no of records in my files

The content of format file is as follows. This is to skip first column of the all the rows and get only Subs (i.e s1 and s2 )


1 SQLCHAR 0 100 "|" 0 ID ""

2 SQLCHAR 0 100 "
" 1 Subs ""

Here is my query to get all the Subs from my data file


FORMATFILE = 'FormatFile.fmt',


But this query retuns only s2 where i was expeting s1 and s2. The reason being is that the firts row i.e header doesn't follow the format
Can any one please let me know how to skip the first line in the data file and get the result as required


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Read Data From A Csv File And Insert It In A Sql Server Databse Table

May 25, 2007

Hai Everbody,
           for me in my project i want to read data from a csv file and insert it in a sql server databse table.The csv file may contain n number of columns,but i want only certain columns from that, and insert it in the database table.How to achieve this. Plz help me it is urgent. Thanks in advance.
        Thanks and regards

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BULK INSERT, Setting Static Data Using The Format File

Mar 2, 2004

Hello dbforums,

I are using a BULK INSERT to insert the data from a ascii file to a sql table. The table has a ProductInstanceId column that exists in the tables but does not exist in the ascii DICast data. I am setting the ProductInstanceId to a Guid that will be used for Metrics. I would like to create the Guid in C++ and then set it somehow during the BULK INSERT DICastRaw1hr and DICastRaw6hr. I am calling the BULK INSERT from C++/ADO. I do not see how you can set a static data in the BULK INSERT for a column that exists in the table but does not the source data ... seems there should be a way to do this with the format file?

The other way to do this is with a TRIGGER. I have the TRIGGER below. Prior to the calling the BULK INSERT using ADO I will use ADO to ALTER the TRIGGER with the new Guid. When the BULK INSERT runs the ProductInstanceId will be populated with the new Guid.

ALTER TRIGGER DICastRaw1hrInsertGuid
ON Alphanumericdata.dbo.DICastRaw1hr
FOR INSERT AS UPDATE dbo.DICastRaw1hr SET ProductInstanceId = '4f9a44eb-092b-445b-a224-cc7cdd207092'
WHERE modelrundatetime = (select max(modelrundatetime) from Alphanumericdata.dbo.DICastraw1hr(NOLOCK))

More Questions:

- The Trigger is slow. The Bulk Insert without the Trigger runs in about 10 sec ... with the Trigger in about 40 sec. I tried to use the sql code below in the TRigger but it was only doing the UPDATE on the last row. The TRIGGER must run after the BULK INSERT is complete. Now I am using the select (bad). Any comments ...

ALTER TRIGGER DICastRaw1hrInsertDate
ON Alphanumericdata.dbo.DICastRaw1hr
DECLARE @ID as integer
SELECT @ID = i.recordid from inserted i
UPDATE dbo.DICastRaw1hr SET ProductInstanceId = '4f9a44eb-092b-445b-a224-cc7cdd207092'
WHERE recordid = @ID

- I understand that I could set the Guid in the Default Value part of the table definition using the NEWID() function. I need the Guid to be the same for all the rows that are inserted during the BULK INSERT (all have the same modelrundatetime) ... how would I do this?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Open EDI File And Insert Data Into Tables

Sep 27, 2012

Is there a way to open EDI file in SQL Server and insert the data into tables?

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Insert Data From Flat File Into Serveral DB Tables Having Many-to-many Relations

Nov 4, 2007

Hi everyone,

I am new to SSIS and I thought maybe someone would give me tips for solving the problem I am facing.

I want to insert data contained in a flat file into several DB tables, which have N-M relations.

For illustration, I would explain the problem on a very simple DB:
1. The database contains the following 3 tables:
EMP_PROJ (EMP_ID, PROJ_ID) , where EMP_ID and PROJ_ID are foreign keys referencing records in the EMPLOYEE and PROJECT tables respectively.

2. Each entry in the falt file contains the following data:

3. In SSIS, I have created a Data Flow Task containing:
- a path from a Falt File Source to an SQL Server Destination (Table: Employee)
- a path from a Falt File Source to an SQL Server Destination (Table: Project)
- a path from a Falt File Source to an SQL Server Destination (Table: Emp_proj)

Note: I used SQL Server Destination, because I need to import a huge amount of data and I read that this component performs better than the OLE DB Destination!

1. I would like to eliminate EMP_ID and PROJ_ID from the Flat File Source. Instead, I would like these fields to be generated automatically upon insertion.
a. How can I do this and propagate the generated key among the different paths, which I have explained previously?
b. Can I first generate the two keys somehow then the parallel insertions into the different tables should start using the generated keys?

2. Is my solution correct in the first place? Or is there another better way for inserting data which belong to N-N relations?

Thanks in adavance,

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Bulk Insert Fails. Column Is Too Long In The Data File

Jun 27, 2006


for testing purposes I'm inserting a flat file into a sql-server table using BULK INSERT unsig the following code:

BULK INSERT rsk_staging
FROM 'c: empulk
  WITH (
    DATAFILETYPE  = 'char',
    BATCHSIZE = 100000,
    ROWS_PER_BATCH = 1925604,

I have two versions of "rsk.txt" one with 1.9mill rows and one with the first 2000 rows only. The files have one column only with 115 characters that I'll split in to several columns later using SUBSTRING. The one with 2000 rows fires in to the database with no problems whatsoever using this exact code, the other one throws the following error:

Server: Msg 4866, Level 17, State 66, Line 1
Bulk Insert fails. Column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 1. Make sure the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.

How can I resolve this problem?

EDIT: I tried several different row- and fieldterminators but this exact one works for the small data-file so I assume it should also work for the large one...the large one is however copyed directly using binary ftp from a unix-filesystem and the small one is manually copied into a new txt-file using UltraEdit.

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DB Engine :: How To Insert Excel File Data Into Temp Table

Jul 9, 2015

I have an Excel file with .csv extension . it has on sheet with name Sheet1.

Now, I'm trying to insert this Excel data into one #temp table. I tried with syntax:

Exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
Exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1;
EXEC master.dbo.sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' , N'AllowInProcess' , 1; 

[Code] ...

But, I'm getting error:

The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)".

If I'm executing for .xls file this statement is working finr and rows are inserted into #temp table. How to take excel file of .csv extension??

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Transact SQL :: Bulk Insert When Data File Is On Network Share

Dec 3, 2015

I am running Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1 box. The SQL Server service is running as a simple windows domain user (nothing special, no admin rights, etc.) I am having some issues with using Bulk Insert when the data file is on a network share when using Windows Authentication. What is known is that the SQL Server service account has access to the network resource, which is shown by logging into SQL Server with a SQL account and doing the Bulk Insert. I also have rights to the files on the share, as shown by the fact that I put the files there. My SQL is in the form of:

Bulk Insert [table name] From '[server][share][filename]' With (FirstRow = 2, FormatFile='FormatFile.xml')

Now, when connecting to SQL Server with Windows Authentication and running the Bulk Insert I get the following error:

Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Cannot bulk load because the file "[server][share][filename]" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).

I found this snip at

BULK INSERT (Transact-SQL)Security Account Delegation (Impersonation), which says, in part (emphasis mine):

To resolve this error [4861], use SQL Server Authentication and specify a SQL Server login that uses the security profile of the SQL Server process account, or configure Windows to enable security account delegation. For information about how to enable a user account to be trusted for delegation.

How to Configure the Server to be Trusted for Delegation, and we tried the unconstrained delegation and I rebooted the SQL server, but it still does not work. Later we tried constrained delegation and it still does not work.

I have verified the SPNs:

C:>setspn adsvc_sqlRegistered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=SVC_SQL,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=ad domain,DC=ad,DC=local:        MSSQLSvc/        MSSQLSvc/        MSSQLSvc/        MSSQLSvc/
I have verified that my SQL connection is TCP and I am getting/using a Kerberos security token.
C:>sqlcmd -S,1433 -E1> Select dec.net_transport, dec.auth_scheme From sys.dm_exec_connections As dec Where session_id = @@Spid;2>
gonet_transport auth_scheme------------- -----------TCP KERBEROS(1 rows affected)1>

If I move the source file to a local drive (on the SQL server), all works fine, but I must be able to read from a file share?

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How Do I Export Data From MS SQL Server Tables To Text File With 'insert' Statements

Jan 3, 2005

I am trying to take an entire MS SQL database and put it in an sql file. I have succesfully copied the tables into an sql file by highlighting the tables in enterprise manager and choosing 'generate sql script'.

That gives me the structure, but now I would like the data (in insert statements). I have looked in enterprise manager's export wizard and sql analyzer to no avail. There seem to be a lot of options for exporting data except this one! Please point me in the right direction.

At the end of the day, I would like to be able to put everything in a text file. Then, should I have problems, I can just copy my text into query analyzer and have a brand new database.

Thank you in advance.

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Copy Raw Data From A Flat File To A Database Table, BUT Do Not Insert Duplicates

Aug 2, 2007


I'm new to SQL Server 2005 SSIS. I'm trying to do something very simple, but I cannot figure it out, PLEASE HELP!

I have a flat file, which I read and then insert the data in a database table, that works fine. The problem is that I don't want to insert duplicate records. For example; if I run the package again, it will appent to the table. What I need to do is that if the package runs again, check if the record already exist, based one two columns, date and hour, and do not insert the record.

Thank you,


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Csv File Import: Bulk Insert Data Conversion Error (type Mismatch)

Sep 27, 2004


Iam trying to import data from a csv file into my table in SQL Server 2000. My table is called as temp_table and consists of 3 fields.

column datatype
-------- -----------
program nvarchar(20)
description nvarchar(50)
pId int

pId has been set to primary key with auto_increment.

My csv file has 2 columns of data and it looks like follows:

program, description
"prog1", "this is program1"
"prog2", "this is program2"
"prog3", "this is program3"

Now i use BULK INSERT like this


to import data into my table in SQL server and it gives me this error

"Bulk insert data conversion error (type mismatch) for row 2, column 3 (pId)"

I guess i have to use fileformat or something since i dont have anything for pId field in the csv file to make it work...

Please help me out guys and please post a snippet of code if you have.

Thank You.

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Integration Services :: Dataflow Task Read CSV File And Insert Data To Table

Apr 29, 2015

I've a dataflow task on For Each Loop container at control flow of SSIS package. This For Each Loop container reads the CSV files from the specified location one by one, and populates a variable with current file name. Note, the tables where I would like to push the data from each CSV file are also having the same names as CSV file names.On the dataflow task, I've Flat File component as a source, this component uses the above variable to read the data of a particular file.

Now, here my question comes, how can I move the data to destination, SQL table, using the same variable name?I've tried to setup the OLE DB destination component dynamically but it executes well only for first time. It does not change the mappings as per the columns of the second CSV file. There're around 50 CSV files, each has different set off columns in it. These files needs to be migrated to SQL tables using the optimum way.

Which is the best way to setup the Dataflow task for this requirement?Also, I cannot use Bulk insert task here as we would like to keep a log of corrupted rows.

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1 Log File Can Contain More Records After Performing Backup Database Statement, 2 Why Can't Insert Data When Is Log Is Not Full

Feb 14, 2008

question 1:

i found that database log file can contain more records after performing backup database statement.

for example:

i create a database and limit the log file to 2mb. then i create a table and insert data.

If i backup the database before i insert data , the database file can contain 192 records unitl the log file is full.

If i don't perform the 'backup database' statement.
The 'dbcc sqlperf(logspace)' indicate the utilization ratio is less than 40% after inserting 192 records


I list my code:

Code Snippet
create database db_test
on primary
filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test.mdf'
log on
filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test_log.ldf',
backup database db_test to disk='db_test.bak' --- if i don't execute this line, log file can contain a lot of record
create table db_test..table1(col char(8000))
--insert data to fill up the database log
declare @n int
set @n=0
while @n<192
insert into db_test..table1 values(replicate('a',8000))
set @n=@n+1

question 2:
i create a database and limit the log file to 2mb. Then i create a table and insert data in an endless loop.

After the inserting operation executing for a while, the 9002 error occurs, indicate the log file for the database is full.
But the 'dbcc sqlperf(logspace)' command indicate the unilization ratio is low, and log_reuse_wait_desc in sys.database is 'CHECKPOINT'
And I can insert data , and i'm sure the state of log_use_wait_desc is 'CHECKPOINT'.

As i known, the checkpoint can't truncate log under full recovery model. Only the back log operation can truncate the transaction log.
So log is not full, why 9002 error is encounterd. and why the log_reuse_wait_desc return 'CHECKPOINT'?

I list my code:

Code Snippet
create database db_test
on primary
filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test.mdf'
log on
filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test_log.ldf',
create table db_test..table1(col char(8000))

--insert data to fill up the database log
declare @n int
set @n=0
while @n<>-1
insert into db_test..table1 values(replicate('a',8000))

any suggestions?

thanks in advance.

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Bulk Insert Vs. Data Flow Task (different Row Results Using Flat File Source)

Nov 2, 2006

I'm importing a large csv file two different ways - one with Bulk Import Task and the other way with the Data Flow Task (flat file source -> OLE DB destination).

With the Bulk Import Task I'm putting all the csv rows in one column. With the Data Flow Task I'm mapping each csv value to it's own column in the SQL table.

I used two different flat file sources and got the following:

Flat file 1: Bulk Import Task = 12,649,499 rows; Data Flow Task = 4,215,817 rows
Flat file 2: Bulk Import Task = 3,403,254 rows; Data Flow Task = 1,134,359 rows

Anyone have any guess as to why this is happening?

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